
怎样让自觉得到成长 1979-10-15

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怎 样 让 自 觉 得 到 成 长

1979年10月15日 英国伦敦


就像导师那纳克(Guru Nanaka)所说:它是不可见的(alakh),他们没有见过,也不了解,并不知道有一种神的力量存在,这种力量能理解、协调、并配合你们,它在集体存有中运作,让你们感知到集体存有和其它存有。我们称之为不可见的(alakh)或者无形的(paroksha),意思是没有人看见过,也没有人了解。他们谈论这种力量,谈论神的国度,谈论神的力量,上天的力量。所有的都是谈论、谈论、再谈论。但一旦你们受触发而进入了那个力量之中,你们必须有所成长。除非你们成长进入那个神的力量,否则你们会被淘汰掉,特别是那些来自假导师和追随过虚假事物的人。










但如果你们说:母亲,我们对您有完全的信心。那是不够的,你们有什么信心?你们所说的信心是什么?它是一个如此模糊的术语。信心究竟是什么?你们分析过“信心”这个词吗?有些人认为假如我们唱母亲的赞歌便是对母亲有完全的信心,这样就行了。为此,一个人必须达到像商羯罗(Adi Shankaracharya)大师那样的境界。重点是你们对自己是否有信心,对我有信心的人怎会对自己没有信心。你们必须对自己有信心,对你们的同伴有信心,对其他霎哈嘉瑜伽士有信心。我已经告诉过你们,霎哈嘉瑜伽不是靠个体来成就的。认为自己比别人更伟大的人是不可救药的。任何人都不应该为了显得自己更伟大而去做霎哈嘉瑜伽的工作,你们必须共同努力,为每个人做事情。你们当中的任何人认为自己比其他人更高,那么他就大错特错了。





纠正他人不容易,你们可能会伤害他们。你们甚至并不知道纠正他人的方法。除非你们拥有那些从你们自身的存有,即从你们的爱中散发的强大生命能量,你们才可以纠正他人。因为这是一个自我导向的社会,我们非常擅长伤害他人。 你们控制他人,甚至不知道自己是在控制他人。我已经了解到在这个国家有如此多的控制方式,我们以一种非常精微的方式进行控制。我们以控制的方式对他人说话。我们是否曾经坐下来想过:我们要如何和别人交谈,向他们表达我们的爱呢?

我会反复地告诉你们——霎哈嘉瑜伽只是爱,爱,爱。你们有多爱别人才是关键点。轻视、批评是不好的。昨天你们还是照旧,今天你们会好些,你们还会变得更好。当然对于有些很难相处,或者诸多麻烦的人,你们应当清楚地告诉他们:对不起,先生,你们很负面,我们不能忍受你们。或许也有某些狡猾的人进来找你们麻烦,一定程度上还可以(容忍),然后你们必须告诉他们:我们很抱歉(你们得离开)。但是,就连判断一个人是否负面,他正在做什么样的事情,你们也只是通过思考,通过理性化的思考来进行。不要通过理性,而是要通过生命能量来判断。 因为通过理性看,一个可能表现很好的人,也许(是个负面的人),一位女士来到这里,她可能是一个可怕的人。所以,你们入静的程度意味着你们爱的程度。当你们想起别人,想想你们有多么爱他们,只是试着去想一想这是多么美好!如果那不是爱,是仇恨,这就像一股灼人的热浪,你们知道,那将会彻底带走你们心中所有的美丽和平静。








我曾经告诉你们,你们是照着格涅沙的样子被创造出来的,这也是你们要去做的。你们知道,生命能量从你们身上发出来。你们在发送生命能量,这是你们知道的。这意味着你们就像从大地之母的子宫抛出的神祇那样,一座大的寺庙平地而起,成千上万的人前去敬拜。他们说,这是一个Jagrut Devata的寺庙,“Jagrut”意思是开悟的,觉醒的,其实那只是一块石头,一块拔地而起的石头,人们在它上面建起一座寺庙,然后去那里敬拜它。现在,很多很多的觉醒的(Jagrut),自觉的灵,已经坐在这里了,都是活生生的,可移动的,他们有理解力,能娴熟操控。




I would like to have some questions from you, Sahaj Yogis, if possible. But somebody should try to give him, he can get it in no time, Realisation.

Is there any question? Ask me – anything practical. Because we have very few new people today, we can just have a very nice chat.

Lady: Would you explain to me about sometimes, when people say if you put your legs out like that it’s just not good and you should have them underneath– what’s wrong? I mean if it’s not a sexual tantalisation or something, what’s wrong with having your legs just stretching out in front of you?

Shri Mataji: In front of me? Will you do to the Queen?

Lady: No, no, I’m sorry.

Shri Mataji: No, no, what I am saying, will you do to the Queen of England?

Lady: No, no. If you are alone, now what happens?

Shri Mataji: Hum?

Lady: I don’t mean if somebody’s there.

Shri Mataji: Before my photograph? Will you spit at?

Lady: When you sit to meditate.

Shri Mataji: No, no, what I’m saying if your Queen’s photograph is there, will you spit at her?

Lady: Is that a spit?

Shri Mataji: Yes, it is! It is an insult. Putting your feet towards somebody is an insult. Is a common thing!

Lady: Is it only a custom in India?

Shri Mataji: No, no, it is a custom everywhere in the whole world. You have lost all your traditions, doesn’t mean that there were no such traditions of putting away feet on somebody. Imagine, somebody coming down to see you, somebody whom you have to respect, you put your feet up? I mean, anybody can understand, even a child understands this.

You see the sense of our respect has come to us from inside, not from outside. It’s not rationality. It has come to us from our unconscious. We know how we respect.

Say somebody would say that, “What’s wrong in talking like this to someone?” You see, supposing somebody says, now you know that, even a child knows, if he is talking to elders, he’ll put down his head.

But here, you see everybody is so abnormal. You don’t know how to do everything because everything is rationalised, you see. Tomorrow, you might say, “What’s wrong if I stand on my head?” I mean, “Do it”, but that’s not the way. There are certain normal ways of protocol, of praying. How do you pray in the church? Imagine, in the church you go and sit with both your feet towards the priest. What will he say? “Put down your feet!”

These things are innate within us. Human beings know already lots of things.

They are not animals. They know lots of things already. You don’t know how many things are built in you. In a very beautiful way in your understanding, as a human being, you know so many things. Nowhere in the world you’ll find anybody putting up their feet before anyone whom you respect. It’s not a sign of respect.

There’s no question of India or anything. Only thing in India, people have yet preserved all their sense of respect. In other places, they have so rationalised and so ego-oriented that they have no respect for anyone whatsoever.

Lady: You take it only as a sign of respect. Supposing that somebody is sitting alone and they don’t have Your picture or they don’t have anything, is it all right to stretch their legs?

Shri Mataji: Then it’s all right. I mean, you see it is.

Lady: Somebody said that if you put your legs out it’s creating some bad energy or something. That’s why I wanted to check.

Shri Mataji: No, no not that way, not losing energy. I was just thinking about stretching the feet before somebody whom you respect.

Say, my Photograph is there or I am there. Now, you respect me. Isn’t it? Then you will not like to sit with the feet. That’s what I’m trying to say.

But, you see, losing energy and all that is not there at all. Who told you that? That’s not. You sleep like that. You don’t sleep with the feet on the ground. How can it be? If anybody says that, you should not take it for granted. You see I think all this is not so important also. Even you sleep, how do you sleep? I mean, it is so simple and natural.

You know this is what’s happening with rationality. See, very simple things become so funny that you, I don’t know what to say. That’s why I said a horn will be growing from here, all of you intellectuals. You’ll be having a big horn coming out so people will know, “All right, all right, we know these people.” Nobody will face them.

You see, this so simple. Because you are so complicated, all simple things look so horrid. Is a question of respect and is a question of – if you are sleeping, of course you stretch your feet like that, straight. It’s all right. While you sit down, you can sit like that, there’s no harm. You need not be cross-legged all the time. It’s not necessary. If you are doing some sort of a exercise or something, you can be like that.

But everything, now say, for example, you have got hands. Now this is for many purposes, all right? It is for taking vibrations, it is for eating, it is for scratching.

Now, if you are eating at that time if you want to scratch, now what to do? It’s a question like that. See whatever you have to do, you do at that right time, with the way you want to do. If you need your feet for something – running, you should run. When you have to sit down, you should sit down. When you have to sleep you must sleep. I mean this is normal.

Sahaj Yogis does not mean that you should cut your noses. No, it doesn’t mean that. It means you have to be more beautiful. It doesn’t matter, you see even if you bend ten times, but it does matter if you pull back yourself, even once. Doesn’t matter, to be humble, to be more humble and more humble, is so sweet and good. You see, makes you more cultured, more harmonious and beautiful.

Man: I have a problem.

Shri Mataji: What’s it?

Man: I’ve been, in my humble way, devoted myself, to the spiritual realisation of myself, I adopted meditation, I completely lost number of years. I realised that state in subtle awareness and I feel myself highly elevated from this material world, the feeling of bliss, absolute peace, happiness and joy. And, I see the Spirit which I construct upon in a very glorious, boarded way, in a boarded, shut boarded way.

That state continues for some time, but doesn’t stay for a long time, for a long number of days. After a short time again I find I come down. And this goes like a curve, and when I find that from the height I have come down, I feel a little disturbed, why it is happening.

And, I have found that the more I detach myself from my family, from my work, from my friends, from other things, the lighter I feel and the greater number of peace I get from meditation.

Now, the trouble is this. About one year ago, when I would see a beautiful girl, a beautiful lady, I would remain restless perhaps for two days, three days or something like that. When I learnt about Patanjali’s yoga –

Shri Mataji: What yoga is this?

Man: Beg Your pardon?

Shri Mataji: What yoga are you doing?

Man: Now, I’m just saying that now, I’m perfectly all right.

Shri Mataji: What was that you did? What yoga did you do?

Man: Well, as a matter of fact, I’m not following any yoga as such but I have studied Patanjali.

Shri Mataji: Patanjali, all right.

Man: And, then when I met ... Now the concern is this: that attraction which I used to have some time back is eliminated. But still, I do find a stern will within myself, to maintain that state of mind which gives me lot of bliss, for that moment it disappears, and then again I revert to that. That is my personal problem. I think I’ve tried to be very open.

Shri Mataji: Yes, yes, that’s correct. All right. Now, the first thing is what chakras are catching?

Man: Left Swadishthana.

Shri Mataji: That’s it.

Now see, to do Patanjali was a mistake in the very beginning. As a Mother, I must tell you frankly, all right? Because Patanjali cannot be done unless and until you have some realised guru behind it. If you start doing it, it is unauthorised, you see. It is an unauthorised thing to do.

Like, supposing I am not a policeman and I start behaving like a policeman, I’ll be arrested. In the same way, you did it in an unauthorised way. By doing in an unauthorised way you have started in the wrong direction altogether. The direction was wrong. And the bliss and all that you get it, is not the bliss that we are talking about.

That’s a bliss one gets when you shirk responsibility, you can get it. You see, if you can get out of your family and children and all that, one can feel blissful if he thinks that it is having a sort of a pressure on you or a kind of attachment or something.

But in Sahaj Yoga what happens is that you become a personality when you are in the drama but you are just seeing it. You become a sakshi (witness). That should happen. That’s the reality. That’s how it should happen. Once it happens to you, then you will just start seeing the whole thing as a drama.

Man: Yes.

Shri Mataji: You understand?

Shri Mataji: What is he saying?

Sahaja Yogi: He feels a slight cool breeze.

Shri Mataji: He is getting. Yes, he is a realised-soul. Yes, he got Realisation. He got it.

What about this gentleman here, in front of you Marcus?

Question: (inaudible)

Shri Mataji: So, it should happen in the most natural way, in a spontaneous way. And, God has given you that ankura which is called as Kundalini, which of course you know. Kabira and all these people have talked about.

But it is a Sahaj method, it just happens to you, with a realised-soul only. You cannot do it yourself. If you try to do it, you will be making a mistake. And that’s what has happened in you.

So now we have to completely sort of neutralise the effects of that. And then we’ll raise your Kundalini by which you’ll get your Realisation, by which, gradually you will get your vibrations, and you’ll start understanding. All right?

So, you just now forget about what you have done, and it’s going to work out. Then it’s a permanent thing.

What about his vibration Marcus?

Marcus: Vishuddhi.

Shri Mataji: Left or right?

You’ve got your Realisation is it? I’m asking him.

Other man: Yes.

Shri Mataji: Is it all right? There’s a catch on the left is it? Are you feeling something? You get what?

Other man: I have a slight pain on my leg.

Shri Mataji: Hmm.

Anybody who has any problems about chakras, anyone of the Sahaj Yogis, anybody who has any problem about their own chakras, please ask me. Because next time we’ll be having lots of people here, then we won’t be able to talk, so better ask me about it.

Dinesh what is your problem?

Dinesh: My problem? Hmm.

Shri Mataji: Agnya. I can see that clearly, from here. You have to forgive people. Do you understand that? Forgive, and forgive.

What about her vibrations? Now just see.

(break in recording)

Shri Mataji: You have not been?

Seeker: I have not been here very much.

Shri Mataji: All right. But have you been practicing?

Seeker: I’ve practiced and I stopped practicing for a while.

Shri Mataji: Why?

Seeker: Hmm.

Shri Mataji: Now, what have you been practicing? Did you take vibrations and did you cleanse yourself?

Seeker: No (Inaudible) I didn’t take footsoaks.

Shri Mataji: Foot bath.

Seeker: I didn’t know when to use ...

Shri Mataji: Any time. Evening is better. So, what is it then?

Seeker: Sorry?

Shri Mataji: What? You are not feeling anything in your hand?

Seeker: No. (Inaudible.)

Shri Mataji: In which fingers are you feeling the tingling?

Seeker: In most of them.

Shri Mataji: Most of them? Oh, God! (laughing) So, where have you been before coming to me? To what group you have been?

Seeker: I go to Zen.

Shri Mataji: What does he do?

Seeker: He taught us seeing into your original face.

Shri Mataji: What does he say?

Seeker: Look to your original face. That’s Zen.

Shri Mataji: Zen.

Seeker: Yes.

Shri Mataji: But he is not a realised-soul. You see, this is Zen, what else I am teaching here? Do you realise? Sahaj Yoga is nothing else but Zen, simple Zen!

Unless and until you are realised, how are you going to see into the original? How are you going to penetrate into that? This is simple Zen I’m telling.

So, what is he doing here, your friend? He has got a class or something?

Seeker: No. He’s just a friend. He writes and teaches us things.

Shri Mataji: What’s the use of writing without understanding? You cannot copy Zen, you have to be there.

See, there were only twenty-six kashyapas in the sixth centuries there – ‘kashyapas’ means realised-souls – in the Zen system, so far. And now we have so many of them here. So, this is Zen, nothing else but Zen. You must understand.

You tell him to come and see me sometimes. You see, this is all artificial, you cannot copy people. You have to get it; you understand my point?

Seeker: But I’m not sure. (Inaudible) I have problems.

Shri Mataji: What is it?

Seeker: One time I was in hospital, for several times.

Shri Mataji: Yes. You have been.

Seeker: Yes.

Shri Mataji: No, that’s true, but what I’m saying is that, for that, you should take your treatment. All right? We have some treatments here. Do you know what we give for that?

Seeker: (Inaudible).

Shri Mataji: Yes, did you bring that?

Seeker: I did yes.

Shri Mataji: You did once.

Seeker: Yes. I just had it two times.

Shri Mataji: All right. Now both the hands you are getting the tingling or one hand?

(Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi to a Sahaj Yogi and asks where is the tingling.)

Shri Mataji: It will be, gradually, it will be settling down. You see, it has to settle down within you.

He’s come with you, is it?

Sahaja Yogi: Yes. ...

Shri Mataji: All right, just see his vibrations, you can see yourself. Left Side is very weak. All right.

Now what about you, both the hands or left hand?

Seeker: (Inaudible.)

Shri Mataji: Where?

Seeker: (Inaudible.)

Shri Mataji: Some are sitting here you see. (Shri Mataji is laughing.) Changing very fast.

Give a Realisation to the man who is in the corner there.

He is getting? He hasn’t got it yet?

Sahaja Yogini: No...

Shri Mataji: Ah? I never knew. Really? You’ve been to something, no? Come, let’s see! Come on my feet.

Caxton Hall, London (England)

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