Public Program

Public Program 1986-12-29

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Public Program
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Current language: English, list all talks in: English

The post is also available in: Marathi.

29 December 1986

Public Program

Satara (India)

Talk Language: Marathi | Translation (Marathi to English) - Draft

Public Program, translation from Marathi

Seeing the work of Sahaja Yoga in Satara district, I am feeling extremely joyous. It has also been a very great work of establishing 15 centres in Satara district. This is the land of Shri Ramdas, who was the incarnation of Shri Hanuman. The fruits of his flower-like work are seen now in the fact that there are 15 centres over here.

There were many saints in this Maharashtra and all the things they said can be seen by us in Sahaja Yoga. First of all they had said that a Sadguru is one who gives you the connection with God. Not the person who takes money from you and who cheats you.

Man should have only one aim - Self-Realization. Unless and until you get your Self-Realization, I cannot say anything to you. It will be better to remain silent. This is what Gyaneshwara told finally.

That's because without Realization, your eyes are closed and if your eyes are closed then whatever faith you have becomes blind faith. There is no meaning to this blind faith. Now I am told that there is an organization trying to remove superstitions (blind faith). That's a good thing as I had been talking about this for some time but we have to see whether the people who are trying to remove these superstitions have lost their blindness or not. In order to even see who has blind faith and who hasn't, one needs to have the sight. How can a group of people which itself is unable to 'see' tell someone else that he is blind?

This sight is nothing but the Realization of the Atma (Self). So, the Self-Realization should take place, you all should get this and it is very easy and simple to get it. This too has been told by the saints.

Now the question that comes up is "If it is so easy and simple, why didn't we get it?" The reason is that the proper time has to come . When the time comes then that work will take place automatically. This is a living work. It is not an artificial one. Suppose you want to make some plastic flowers then you can do it any time. But if you want to see the flowers which have the essence of the Divine then you have to wait for the proper time. These flowers blossom at their own specific time.

In the same way, the time has now come for Sahaja Yoga through which thousands and crores of people should be saved. This should happen. Otherwise, there will be no other route for our emancipation (kalyan).

We get rid of our economic and social problems through Sahaja Yoga, but most importantly, peace, contentment and well-being flourish in our mind. A person becomes loving by nature and when he realizes that he has so many powers, instead of becoming proud, he becomes humble and in that humility he helps and serves others. This is the Ramrajya that we are all hoping for.

What is described in Pasaydaan (a poem composed by Gyaneshwara) is this. Whatever was said earlier that such and such things will take place is about this. This you should achieve and become Sahaja Yogis. I can feel that many Sahaja Yogis are also sitting here. So, let us develop Sahaja Yoga further and bring many more people to this.

Now, here there are many who have bad habits and addictions. You must not become angry with such people. Those who are addicted have become slaves. We must not get angry with them. We should explain to them that 'you don't have the power, you are powerless and that's why you are unable to get rid of this habit. You know that you are doing wrong but you are incapable of getting rid of it. In the morning you say that you will stop but you are unable to do so in the evening.' So to give him the power, he needs the strength of the Spirit. So tell him 'your Spirit is there in you, so take your Realization to get rid of these habits. We must explain to him like this instead of getting angry and talking harshly to him.

Now the other kind of people is that which makes money in the name of God. They don't understand how Shri Mataji raises the Kundalini without taking any money. But a living process does not understand money. How much money do you give to grow flowers and trees? Just as this earth does not understand money, I too don't understand money. All that money is just like dirt to me. The Kundalini does not understand money. If you show Her money, is She going to rise? The one to whom you say 'Ude ude ambe' (Rise, rise o Mother!), is She going to rise with the help of money?

But this practice of giving money has become natural for us. In every temple of the Devi, you can see how people are making money in strange ways. That is a very bad thing and they will incur a great sin because of it. Even inside a temple, they put bhoots in the bodies of women and make them dance and shout. But we are so innocent that we think 'Oh, Devi has come into her' and rush to apply kumkum on her. You should not even touch such people! If such a woman comes in your house from one door, then Lakshmi will leave from another door. Lakshmi won't stay there. Such a tremendous sin it is to make bhoots dance in the Devi's temple! During Navaratri, to make bhoots dance, is such an enormous sin! The sin is so tremendous that even seven generations of such a person cannot nullify its effects! But these people are going on with it in every temple and others have to bear the problems of these people.

I had heard that there was a drought in Satara. But day before yesterday, rain fell after the Puja. May there be a lot of rain over here. If there are so many Sahaja Yogis, then the rain is ready to come whenever you want it to. But in the villages, there is a kind of nonsense that people have taken to like consuming tobacoo, growing tobacco, alcohol and such dirty habits because of which some people say that there is no God. So, there are droughts over here. If you say that there is no God, then God says, 'Alright, I am not there.' Then you suffer in His absence.

Now, in Maharashtra, in many places, people have concluded that there is no God. If you have not found God that does not mean He does not exist. God exists. You can prove through Sahaja Yoga that God exists. Today, there was a Muslim gentleman and he told me that I can feel the vibrations in my right hand and not in the left. So I told him "now ask 'Shri Mataji, are You sakshat Prophet Mohammed?'" As soon as he asked, he could feel the vibrations strongly on his left hand also.

So now you go beyond this Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and through the religion of humanity become Yogis. In that state you are Ateeta (beyond), this is a very beautiful word. You become Gunateet, Dharmateet. You go on the other side of it. The road to attain that religion is that of the raising of the Kundalini. Now you have to give up the false ideas that 'we have to pay money', 'it is too difficult', 'it causes a lot of trouble' etc. You have to explain this fact properly to the people.

If you just take the example of Tukaram, you see in how many ways he has described this. In Amritanubhav, Gyaneshwara has described these things so beautifully. If you read the shlokas of Namadeva, you will be surprised that how he has described such great things with the simplest of words. Once he went to meet Gora Kumbhar (Kumbhar means potter) and the way he describes how two Sahja yogis meet, whatever be their country, caste etc., is very beautiful. So, when Namadeva saw Gora Kumbhar, he was so joyous that he says 'Nirgunachi bheti aalo sagunashi' means I came to meet the Nirguna (formless) - the chaitanya and here I find it in the Saguna (with form) as Gora Kumbhar. In this way he expresses his joy.

Also, all the saints have talked against the people who take money from you and misguide you in the name of God. They have even used abuses at times to describe what exactly these people are. Saint Ramdas says 'Mahisha mardila chandane tyala pujite.' This means that some people brought a buffalo, rubbed chandan (sandalwood powder) over it and started doing puja to it as it was covered with chandan. He has said so clearly about the level of blind faith in our country and how we fall prey to it. If one person goes then another is ready to take his place. Without Sahaja Yoga, you won't recognize who is true and who is false.

Nevertheless, you should see clearly, how can we give money to God? How can we purchase God? How can we rule over Him? He rules over you and to make you your own ruler, God has given this to you. He wants to give you the complete authority over yourself. You should not go into someone else's rule but you must stand up in your own rule over yourself. Not only should you know yourself through your strength but also you should become completely capable of bearing that power (Samarth).

This is the desire of God that you in His kingdom, should drown yourself in the ocean of joy. He desires that you should come to His kingdom and take your seats there. That's because God is the most forgiving and compassionate and He is the greatest Father. So, He knows what to give to His children and what not to give. But there is a small obstacle in the end that we have not taken to our Self-Realization.

This thing that everyone has talked about, I am telling you in simple words. For thousands of years, in this Maharashtra and the whole of India, a lot has been said on this matter. Kabir has talked about it; Guru Nanak has talked about it. Now the Sikhs are behaving funnily or the Hindus are behaving funnily or the Muslims are behaving funnily and by seeing this behaviour, people feel that there is no God.

What is God's fault in this? You did not search for God. If God is awakened within a person then for him, all the religions are the same and everyone is like his child. Even King Shivaji has said that you have to get your Self-Realization by telling 'Swadharma Olakhawa' (Know the religion of the Self). He said it because he himself was a Realized Soul. It is the good fortune of the Maharashtrian people that we got such a great king who was a realized soul.

(Mother coughs a lot)

I have been talking too much and sometimes it goes on for hours. So, after you become Sahaja yogis, then it should make you subtle, loving. It should change your character. Something special should come out of it. Also, you must meditate. Unless you do this, you won't be steady and God's gifts won't come to you.

For example, if this mike's connection is broken or goes on and off, then you will hear My sound but you won't hear My speech. So, we must always maintain our connection with God. This connection should be totally firm and steady. For this, we need to do some hard work. But this is the work to be done after taking to Sahaja Yoga, after your Realization.

By seeing that you have got Realization and are enjoying yourselves, a mother just wants to give all Her powers to Her children. But to attain those powers, we need to do some tapasya. But in that tapasya you don't need to give any money. What is there within you, you should raise it again and again and make it sit in its place again and again. You must look at yourself with faith and love and make it such that you become absolutely one with it.

You should not feel that Sahaja Yoga is something different. If you understand that you are Sahaja Yoga and you are Sahaja Yogis and the responsibility of Sahaja Yoga is on you then God will bless you.

As a mother I must say that today I am leaving Satara district, I will come again, no doubt, but some children I am leaving here while others are waiting somewhere else- this matter touches my heart. There is a worry whether My children will become steady or not, whether they will sit on their places or not and whether they will further the work of Sahaja Yoga or not. All your worries, the worries of your emancipation are facing Me at this time.

Sahaja Yoga is the road to our betterment (Hita). We become better due to Sahaja Yoga, this many people will tell you. It is my request to all of you that you take to this betterment.

Satara (India)

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