![Spirit is the only thing that is at the centre](images/Shri-Yantram-C96D51.webp)
Spirit is the only thing that is at the centre 1983-03-28
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
28 March 1983
Spirit Is The Only Thing That Is At The Centre
Public Program
New Delhi (India)
Talk Language: English, Hindi | Transcript (English) – VERIFIED | Translation (Hindi to English) - VERIFIED
Public Program, New Delhi, March 28th, 1983
English Transcript
[Talk on video starts at 56:47]
I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I would like to thank referred Dr Nagen Singh Ji, who has been so kind to grace this occasion. Actually, I have always treated him like my ‘jyeshtha’, my ‘jaith’ (older brother-in-law). I find it difficult even how to express my gratitude the way he has been kind to get this time, come over and talk to you about me whom he has known for so many years. The day I knew him, I knew that he was a very great soul but as in the bureaucracy he is, you are not supposed to discuss religion, neither you are supposed to discuss anything that lies beyond your job.
But when I was studying very minutely the various permutations and combinations of human problems, I was really always very much encouraged to know that there are people like him also. His greatness, you will know very soon and his sister, about whom he was saying, herself is a very great soul and the night I spent with her, I was really so much enamoured and encouraged to see such a learned personality. Like her brother, she knew so many beautiful things about God and beautiful things she said from Raghuvansha an Kalidasa.
I found myself very lonely always where I could not talk of God and His greatness and His kindness for human beings, in the company of people who were doing other work than the work of God. It was such a solace and such a hope that people who apparently appear to be in charge of helm of affairs, are also in charge of the helm of affairs, of God. A day will come when they will take up their new roles, when they will become aware that it is God who rules everything, it is He who does everything, it is He who has created everything and it is He who enjoys everything.
For this awareness, as you have very kindly said, Sir, is important that you have to be fortunate seekers. The seeking ultimately has to come to human beings, because all that is done through mental projections and conceptions, has one good point that it is always exposed and domes to an end. Every such enterprise of human beings only moves in a linear way and at a point, drops down. That’s why all our conceptions and all our ideas are challenged after some time.
In politics, when we talk of communism, or of democracy or of capitalism, we are talking of a concept and not of reality. For me, I am greatest capitalist, I think, because I know my powers and my properties and I own them. And I am the greatest communist that despite having everything in life, I cannot enjoy my life without sharing...every moment of it, every bit of it.
So the meeting point only comes when all these ideologies become one at the lotus feet of your spirit. Spirit is the only thing that is at the centre and at the periphery, if you look at things, they look as if they are separate and different. But if you can approach somehow, into that state where your spirit resides, you will be amazed to see that everything integrates, everything coordinates, and there is no difference in, say, Mohammed Sahab, Dattatreya, Raja Janaka or Shirdi Sai Nath. There is no difference in their principle if you can just get to your spirit. But this is a very major step for human beings. It’s a very major step for human beings because they want to live with concept and not with reality. This is a problem that we have faced throughout in Sahaja Yoga. All of us have faced it.
Even about compassion, we have a concept. For example, somebody has a hospital and goes to the hospital regularly and treats some patients and doesn’t take money, we think is a very compassionate person. This is also our concept about compassion.
Actually, when reality expresses itself as compassion, then you don’t do anything about it. For example, to say that I raise your kundalini, also I don’t know if I do that because you are all ready, you are all like candles, I am a candle which is enlightened and if this candle enlightens another one, I do not think I have done a great job. Because if I am enlightened and you are ready and if I enlighten your candle, then it’s just done. This is what reality is. There is no question of having any humility about it but that’s a fact. I really do not do anything and if you are ready for this purpose. God ahs prepared you like this, you just have to accept yourself and if this works out in a simple, straight-forward manner, you get your realisation.
Many people think that I have cured people, so I have done some sort of a good deed or some obligation but to be very frank, that it is also a concept because what do I do to a person, where I cure that person, I don’t do anything. The reason is that when I feel that I am yourself, you are a part and parcel of Me. It is not that I feel from my brain. Actually, it is in my central nervous system, actually I feel that you are a part and parcel of Me.
When Doctor Sahab’s sister was sitting next to me, I myself felt the pain within Myself; because her body is part of Me and I am part of her. And I asked her: “Have you got a pain in this portion?” She said: “Yes, how do you know?” I said: “I can’t tell you at this stage, but you will also know the same way.”
So when nobody is the other, then where is the compassion? Because supposing this finger is paining, and if I try to rub it, am I doing any compassion to this finger? Because it’s a part and parcel of Me. So, the difference between the reality and the concept is this: that with concept we develop egos, or we develop another system by which we feel obliged or anything. But with reality, you just do it. It just works. You start speaking in third person. Like you say: “It does not work out.” “It works out”. “It is rising.” What is this ‘it’ that is working it out? Then you realise that you are working for that great power of God, which is His Divine Love, which is All Pervading, which is doing all living work and you have become part and parcel of that.
Same thing I found about the concept of ego, which has gone to such an extent that in the West if you go, you will recognise it much more than you recognise in India. Because we are very good at hiding it. We may be very egoistical, but in our every day-to-day life we are extremely humble to express it.
If you go to a party—simple thing I will tell you,—and if you don’t drink, every body will say “why don’t you drink ? You must drink,” or they force you, go on forcing you. You say, “Baba, I don’t drink.” You have to tell ‘some’ lie. You have to tell for this, to hide this thing from others, to achieve a greater goal, you have to give up some lower goals of telling lies also. You have to say that: “Doctor has told me not to drink.” “Oh! forget the Doctor.” Then if you say that “Now you-see, the problem is I have allergies, I’ll get into trouble”. Somehow, you escape. But if you even once say that: “Why do you drink?” then: “You are a matron. You are very ego-oriented. You are very interfering. You are trying to show off.”
See the concept of ego is just [that] to be virtuous is a problem these days. If you are virtuous, everybody will attack you. But if you even mention about virtue, you are out for a crucifixion, or you are out for poisoning, or something people will do. Because of the concept of ego.
But in Sahaja Yoga, ego is not a concept but a reality. Because when a person becomes egoistical his Agnya chakra catches, so he comes to the Sahaja Yoga centre and says: “Now see, my Agnya has caught up.” He says: “I am suffering from ego disease.” Openly, without feeling shy about it. Because it is like a saree which is now become black, so I better get it cleaned. He is not identified. Concepts give you all misidentifications with everything. So whęn it comes to reality, all this misidentification just drop out and that is why I have seen people transform so fast. I mean, you can’t believe it, how people transform.
Now as Mister Dr. Warren has told you that in West, we have lots of seekers, but the Western civilization is the civilization of the tree. They are growing without their roots, while we Indians know about the roots, we are not bothered. They are not at all in the knowledge of their roots. The trouble is, they have become so ego-oriented that their concept of ego makes them forget that they have roots even. To even to accept that they have roots, they find it impossible. Under these circumstances what happens, that the ego itself reacts on them. And that is why all the Western societies today are collapsing under that pressure of ego. But if you have to talk to them, it is not possible to tell them.
For example, in Sahaja Yoga we believe in a very moral life. In a moral life, where you are married to a woman and lead a very moral life. But we don’t talk about it till you get your Realization. After Realisation, automatically they accept.
But by chance, if you say that “you have to be moral”, then they just get after you. They say: “We have achieved our freedom, and this Victorian Lady is telling us some out-of-date things, and why should we accept.” So the concept of ego itself is so funny that they do not know that they are catching on their Agnya Chakra.
In this great assembly of realized souls, which is a very, very great thing, to have so many saints sitting around, you know that the ego means the catch of the Agnya chakra and it’s a reality. Somebody may say: “I have no ego”. Alright you have none! Because better not say. But supposing he is a Realized soul, he will say: “Mother, I have got my Agnya chakra catching, you please take it out.” Because it becomes a reality to him. And when it becomes a reality, you must know you are enlightened.
If it is all darkness, you do not see anything. But when there is light you start seeing what’s wrong with you. You start seeing that we are sitting under one hall. Any problem to this hall is going to cause problem to all of us. And that is how you become collectively conscious within yourself.
This is also another concept people have. In the United Nations and everything I have seen that it is only they are working on the concept which they got it from their unconscious. But in reality, they haven’t got it on their central nervous system, as you all have got it. They will say: “All right, you are brothers and sisters, we must help the nations, we must do this,” and all that. But when it comes to reality, when it comes to the working of it, you find they do not do it, they just do the other way round.
Now how? You cannot explain. You may write books after it and you may write dogmas and you may write many articles about it. But actually, they just cannot do it by temperament, because they are not Spirits. But when you become the Spirit, the Spirit being the Collective Consciousness itself, is the reality, the concept becomes your awareness. In your chetana [consciousness], you start feeling others within yourself.
So, what is there from Canada or from Australia? I feel when these people meet, the way they love each other, the way they enjoy each other, when these Westerners go to the small villages in India, the way these villagers just embrace them, and the way they become one with each other, we have never seen people going to politics, fighting with each other or saying lies about each other – but just a meeting of these people like a huge family. The whole system of joy giving and enjoying is so beautiful that even to watch that itself is like watching a very beautiful drama of Krishna’s Lila.
I’ve seen this happening in all the parts of the country. When the people come from across, they may be Muslims, Hindus, whatever they are, the friendship and the love and the fondness to do for others is so great that people are surprised that: “How can it be that these people, who are living together like this, are so much helpful to each other, so much loving to each other?” They never fight, they never quarrel, they never talk against each other. There is no question of people who will try to cut each other’s throat, because the competition is in loving more. The competition is: “giving more”. The competition is: “understanding more”. There is no problem in the society of Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yogis will be happy to know, though our society is not so large compared to this universe, I mean ours is a very small society. But you’ll be amazed we never have problems which normal people have. We are really abnormally normal. Because we have- [laughter; applause] We have no angularities. We have no problems. People have become so honest, so courageous, so good, so loving, so giving. And myself sometimes, I feel so enamoured by this expression of love and it’s the waves of this ocean of love that spreads all over the world.
Even if you meet one single Sahaja Yogi somewhere, you’ll be amazed the way he leads his life and the way he is so beautiful that he impresses people immediately. Though some people do try to be troubling, but God looks after Sahaja Yogis. It’s a fact. And Sahaja Yogis all of you know how He looks after and how He just tries to protect you in a very simple and beautiful way.
To know God itself is such a great blessing. Because He is the God Almighty, the God who has all the powers and all the love for us. He is our Father who is waiting for us to enter into his kingdom, to enjoy that peace and beauty of his Being because He has created us, and He wants his creation to come up to that.
Today is the great day of Holika Dahana [first day of Holi], where the symbolism of this occasion is that the satanic forces were burnt by the innocence of Prahlāda. And that is what we have to remember that when the Sahaja Yogis take to innocence and complete dependence onto their vibratory awareness which is the indication of God’s manifestation through them, they are completely protected and even a satanic person like Holika could not burnt him. And this is the day, today we have to recognize that as Sahaja Yogis we stand no dangers in life. We are fearless people but we are humble people, loving people and anxious to save as many as possible, to raise the whole humanity into another awareness. In the process of your evolution, you have to achieve that for which you have to work hard.
As Tukarama [unsure] has said very clearly “???”. It’s the work of the great Viras [brave]. Only the courageous can do it because you know how, sometimes, one has to face this world with difficulties and criticism and how people try to insult you and trouble you when you have to keep your peace.
As Realized souls, I congratulate you very much. So many Realized souls are sitting here today it’s the greatest honour for any mother to see. My age is now quite a lot, as you know, and I never felt ten years back, that within ten years I will see so many people being Realized. My father, as I told you, was a very great soul and he himself had told Me that unless and until you find out a en-masse method of Realization, you should not talk about it. Because unless and until it is en-masse, people are not going to recognize God, nor they are going to recognize any saints. But today, when it has become the reality, when it is no more a concept, God is no more a concept: He’s the reality, the joy and happiness of your Spirit. The “Sat chit ananda” sthiti is just manifesting and I am enjoying all that.
I do not know how to thank you for organizing the birthday of your Mother. Normally people don’t think of the Mother in Kali Yuga, they say. [Laughter]
But I must tell you, there is one person sitting before you, Dr. Nagendra Singh, who was a great devotee of his mother, and his mother was a Realized soul, a great Realised soul. I met her many a times and I always made it a point to see her. And her children have got that from her. And this is what one has to recognize, that in this world, there are many people who are basically very great spirits. Only thing you have to approach them, find them out, understand them, and discover them.
Now Sahaja Yogis are not so much upset as they were about 10 years back. Now they know that there are many people in this world who understand Sahaja Yoga. But that is not sufficient. We have to give many realizations, thousands and thousands of people have to get realization.
This is to prove, when you celebrate my Birthday, that this is not any more a Kali Yuga but a Krita Yuga has started, and that Krita yuga has to be finished now to bring the Satya Yuga on this earth.
To my great country India, I bow, because She is a Yoga Bhoomi. And as Indians, you have a special advantage, because as I told you that Vinayakas, all are here, all the Jyotirlingas are here, all the Adi Shakti Peethas are here, all the three and a half Peethas of the Kundalini are in Maharashtra. All of you know all about it. But there is something more we have to get from the West, and that is the great Saints that are born in the West. It is most surprising that they are very saintly people, and once they take to Sahaja Yoga, they really dedicate themselves and they think there is nothing more needed to be done. This is what their life is.
The way they have worked in Australia, I was amazed! There are five centres, they have started, and every centre, is doing so well, that it is amazing to see how these people—Warren got his Realization only two years back, can you believe it? And he took Sahaja Yoga to Australia, and today you find so many people in a hall. Every hall I spoke there were about four to six hundred people. Not only but all of them who got Realization settled down into Sahaja Yoga, absolutely settled down.
So the same way one has to feel. Though you being Indians get Realization very fast, no doubt, much faster than them. You have much greater facility, because of your “punyas” you are born in this Punya Bhoomi. But still, one has to know that in Sahaja Yoga you have to work out in such a way that this Sahaja Yoga becomes a Maha Yoga as predicted by Gyaneshwara.
I am sure with all your love and affection for each other, for Me, and for the whole humanity, in my lifetime I will be able to see that you have achieved that great state within yourself and without, that people would say: “The Maha Yoga has really been accomplished by Sahaja Yogis.”
May God bless you.
Please don’t open your eyes.
[Hindi to English translation]
Please don’t open your eyes. Sahaja yoga is the inner knowledge. Knowledge of inside. This is the knowledge of roots. That is why no need to open the eyes. Keep your eyes closed. Everything will happen inside; nothing happens from outside. Now keep this hand on your heart and say “I am the Spirit”. You are a part of God Almighty. His Spirit is enlightened inside you. That is why say “I am the Spirit”. Say it twelve times because there are twelve petals in Heart chakra. Whoever gets heart attack etc, for them, this is the only mantra, that “I am the Spirit”.
Spirit is innocent. Spirit cannot have any guilt. Hence, it is not guilty. Most of the people just to win over other people say “you are bad like this, you are like this, you are not fit for anything and God will never be able to forgive you and you are very guilty. You realise that you are guilty’.
But I say “You are not guilty at all. You are the creation of God. In front of God, in His compassion, you have no guilt. He is an ocean of forgiveness and in front of Him, no one is guilty. That is why, raise this hand again on the left side of your Vishuddhi and say ‘Mother I am not guilty. I am innocent. I am the Spirit. Hence, I am not guilty’. Say it with full confidence. You are innocent. That is a reality. If you were guilty, you would never have been created as human beings. Human beings are very special. He is very special whom God has given total freedom, complete independence that he should decide which is the good or bad path. If he was not special, he would not have been given so much freedom. That is why say “Mother I am innocent; because God is the ocean of love, compassion and forgiveness;.
We call Him God Almighty; we call Him Rahim but we only say. We do not have faith. Say with full confidence “You are really an ocean of forgiveness, of compassion’. Say it sixteen times. People living in cities have the habit of rebuking themselves. You yourself are God’s temple, mosque etc. And when God’s light is going to be enlightened, it cannot be termed as guilt. In what way can you be guilty? You are not guilty. There is darkness. Ignorance is there. If in ignorance, any mistake is committed, it cannot be guilt. If in childhood, a man does any mistakes, it is not considered as guilt. Say it sixteen times. Please say sixteen times “Mother I am not guilty because you are the Spirit and spirit cannot commit anything so called guilt.
Now put this hand on your forehead across and say “Mother I forgive everyone”. Because with whom can you be angry? When you come to know that you are a part of living spirit of the Whole, of Akbar, then how can you be angry with any part of the body? That is why say “Mother I forgive every one”. Say it with pure heart and with full confidence because if we cannot forgive, God also will not forgive us. When He forgives thousands of our mistakes, it is imperative that we also forgive others for their mistakes. If you do not forgive, what do you do. You are only creating problem for yourself. So, forgive everyone. Say it again and again. “Mother I forgive everyone”. Now keep this hand on your head, on your Sahasrar, in the centre and rotate and say keeping your hand on your sahasrar “Mother please give me my self realization. We want to become realised. We want to become children of God. We want to get realization. We want to become Saints’. Because I have to respect your independence, your freedom and cannot go ahead. That is why, you have to ask, to say. You will realise this in your freedom only.
Now, raise your hand a little and see if you feel any cool breeze. It will come first from the head only. If you are wearing cap or hat, please remove them because I am your Mother. You don’t have to wear a cap in front of Me. If you are in front of a Guru, it is different. Now try with your other hand. Put your right hand towards me and feel with your left hand. Feel alternately with both hands.
Now raise both your hand towards the sky and ask “Is this the all-pervading power of ‘Brahma’? Is this the living power of God Almighty? Is this the Holy Spirit?” Now feel the cool breeze. Close your eyes and feel. In your hand, cool vibrations are coming. In every religion, it is mentioned differently about this. Its understanding is different so that from every angle, it can be described. But you cannot understand this only by feeling but by its working. What work it can do? You feel it, see its miracle. Then you will understand.
Now put your hands towards me and feel, because of which, all the living process of this universe works, like fruits from flowers, one mango from another, children born just like parents etc., all such type of surprising living process works through this energy only. Same energy is flowing through you, know the energy, feel it. You should feel it. When you feel it, then only you can be like Buddha. Until you feel it, you cannot be Buddha. Just like you cannot become ‘sujaan’ (enlightened), what a beautiful word- ‘sujaan’. unless you acquire knowledge, to understand something from your mind is not knowledge, but you should know from your heart and Spirit, which you will know in your central nervous system and your institutions. After this you can research what is what. Cool breeze is flowing in hands.
When my birthday was celebrated on 21 st March, when the photo was taken, in that my hands and my legs were so white as if they were made of ice. The reason for this is when there is too much vibration, the whole body becomes as if ice is melting. If someone is like Himalaya and if heat is passed to it and if you can feel it, you will see that its energy is flowing through, but only Himalaya will know it. How can someone from outside know it? Like this when energy starts flowing from each other, you will understand that it is flowing.
Look towards Me. You are thoughtless. No thoughts are coming. The first state is when you become thoughtless. But you are totally enlightened and you are thoughtless. There is no aggression in mind. Total silence. This is the first state. When Kundalini will come out fully, you will feel as if something is coming out and along with it, all your physical, mental and other diseases will go away. You will feel as if everything is being washed away. To know and understand these vibrations, to understand its working, is very beautiful.
I have told you earlier also. While going through in Kashmir, suddenly I felt ‘where I have reached’. I asked the driver “where are we?’. He said, ‘this is totally deserted’. I told him to find out if there is any temple or something. We went a little further. I told him to ask ahead. He said ‘but here are only Muslims. I told him “so what if they are Muslims. Please go and ask’. They said. ‘Here there is one thing which is called Hazrat Iqbal’. Feel the vibrations the moment you take the name Hazrat Iqbal. One hair. In one hair so much vibration is there. But if you do not have the sensitivity, then Hazrat Iqbal, Mohammad Saheb, Buddha, Christ and Myself, all are same. You have to increase the sensitivity first. Then you should go forward.
Today, Mr Venugopal and Mr Warren have said lot of great things. You should not get scared of it. Everything is true but you have to get into this slowly. Humility... you cannot understand it with your brain. You will understand it with your Spirit only. Now you all don’t think about it. Sleep peacefully. Nothing will happen by thinking. This action which is started, which we call as ‘awakening of Kundalini’, which was inside you as a seed, is awakened. Now, let it grow and become a tree. Then you see what you are. How great you are. Lot of thought has gone into you by He, who has created you. Very beautifully created. Now see, understand and immerse yourself in its bliss.
May God bless you.