Aim of Seeking 1981-04-02
Aim of Seeking 1981-04-02
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
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2 April 1981
Aim Of Seeking
Public Program
Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – VERIFIED
It is really gratifying to come to Melbourne. I came here because somebody who had come to Sydney said, “Mother, You must come to Melbourne. We need You.” When I came here for some other purpose, I felt the vibrations of Melbourne are really very good and here it is quite possible that there may be many seekers.
It is really gratifying, as I said, to be here among you. It’s a fact that the time has come for thousands and thousands and thousands and millions of people who are born as seekers on this earth to get their realization. They have to know their meaning. They have to know why the nature has made human beings out of amoeba. What is the purpose of their life? Unless and until you find the purpose of your life you are not going to be happy, you are not going to be satisfied. You may try anything else. You may go on ego trips, or other trips like seeking money. You may try other ways like taking drugs, alcoholism, levitation, all kinds of things. But these things have not given anyone satisfaction. You have to find out that absolute without which we are in confusion.
That absolute is within you. That’s why Sahaja Yoga is a spontaneous thing, a living thing. “Saha” means with, “ja” means born. It is born with you, as in a seed. All the maps of the seed that is going to manifest are built-in. In the same way, your spirit and your kundalini are already within you and they are just waiting for a chance to give you your Self-realization. Before telling you about the benefits of Self-realization, I have to tell you that you must keep your minds open as you would for any science lecture or any other lecture. There’s no jugglery, there is no shopping, guru shopping in Sahaja Yoga. It is a happening, it’s an actualization, it is within you. It’s a living force, like a flower becomes a fruit or an egg becomes a chick, you get your realization and you become a different personality. A new dimension of awareness grows in you and this new dimension of awareness is an actualization, it’s not just a mere word or any kind of brainwashing. It is an actualization which happens within, by which you start feeling the collective consciousness. You are a part and parcel of the whole, as many others have said . We also believe that we are part and parcel of the whole but so far in our awareness, in our central nervous system, we have not felt that. So this should actually happen to you. For this to happen, we have to accept whatever is nourishing for our growth after realization. Gradually you start accepting and I’ll tell you why it happens. But the thing is, in Sydney I found that people are extremely honest about their seeking and they really appreciated My honesty.
This is a process which was built-in within us long ago. Here that you see different chakras. These centres are placed within human beings and they exist as subtle centres in the spinal cord and in the brain. These are called in Sanskrit language as chakras. These centres exist within us as milestones of our evolution. For example, the lowest chakra, called as the Mooladhara chakra : is the center – has existed since we were carbon atoms, we were matter. At that time we were innocent, for matter is innocent. So the first thing that was created within us was innocence. This whole universe was created after the creation of innocence . This chakra is placed below the kundalini which is the pure power of desire. Whatever is pure, we call holy. Is the holy power of desire, which remains dormant. This power is the desire to be one with the Spirit. Without knowing the Spirit, you cannot know God.
You have to be input to the mains, you are not yet connected to the mains. For example, if this instrument [microphone] that we have made, is not put to the mains it has no meaning. So that has to happen. It’s like the primule in the seed, a germinating power in the seed; that you have got this power, residual power sleeping, waiting for somebody who is authorized by the Divine and not by any organization or certificate that human beings give you, somebody who himself is a realized soul, an enlightened person who knows what this power is. It waits for such a person to come and then it awakens itself and you get your Self-realization. It has to be spontaneous; everything vital in life has to be spontaneous. Our breathing is so spontaneous that we take it for granted till it stops, or till we feel that we cannot breathe. If you have to go and read books or put in some effort to breathe, then how many of us could even exist for more than five minutes? It is so vital, it is the culmination of our evolution and as the whole creation was created by the Divine and you are also created by the Divine, this great happening is to be done by the Divine.
Now some people have asked Me “Can it not happen by itself to us?” We do not know that at every stage of our evolution some aspect of God had to incarnate or some guidance had to come from the Divine to give us a higher awareness. But especially at this time it is very important that somebody has to do it because you have reached a stage where you have to know it in words, and the Divine has to speak. I think people are ego-orientated, they ask, “Why You, Mother?”, it’s a very common question.
“You better be there. I would be very happy if you could do it because I am a happily married woman, I don’t need anything from anyone, I have to just give. But if you can do My work, I will be very happy to retire.
It’s very easy to say, “Why You?” I mean, you should ask God why He gave Me these powers. But they are there, but you need not feel so hurt about it . After all you have so many powers which I don’t have. For example, I don’t know how to drive, really I don’t know. I don’t know many things, I don’t even know how to open ordinary cans. But if I know how to open the kundalini, why should it hurt your ego? And why should you feel bad because I have to really work day in and day out to do this work ? For you it’s something just a free gift, there is no shopping to be done, you can’t pay for it, it is beyond your control. To conceive God, you have to see, as reality is. You have to give up your misconceptions.
Supposing I had conceived this hall before seeing it, I would have had funny ideas, but I really know what it is like after seeing it only. In the same way people have written books, thousands or even millions of books they have written, so what to do? They have written books, but have they given you Self-realization? Have they given you that experience of the absolute by which you know yourself, you know your centers and the center of others and you start manifesting your own powers? You become the master of your powers. This is what should be the criteria of your seeking. Why should you be identified with anything else but yourself? Because I get people belonging to this cult, or this group, or this religion. But you must understand that you are not here to plead for any one of them. I mean you pay them to be their pleader or to be their lawyers or solicitors, whatever you may call it. But you should really try honestly to seek the truth and ask for this truth. Then only you will get the truth.
So first thing you should understand that you cannot purchase Divine. You cannot pay for it, that is an insult. And secondly you cannot put in any effort for that. When you have to sprout a seed what do you do? You put it in Mother Earth, and she sprouts by itself spontaneously. It has got that force in it, only have to put it in Mother Earth. And Mother Earth by her warmth germinates the seed. Do you get angry with Mother Earth for that If she has to do it, she has to do it. Whatever the sun has to do, has to do, and whatever you have to do, you can do and whatever the animals have to do, they do. If we understand that we have not yet achieved what we wanted to, then you will realize that there is a very little gap. undalini awakening takes split of a second, but it may take more time to rise in some people because of blockages in a center or maybe some imbalances within us.
In short I will try to tell you what is the kundalini and what is this picture about. I hope you have got some books with you so that you can see for yourself. Those who haven’t got a book can also get one from them. It will be easier to understand. At the back of the book you will find a nice chart.
Firstly you have to be honest about your seeking, absolutely honest about it, then everything will work out. Now here you see this chart is the first center called as the Mooladhara Chakra, as I said, and the sacrum. The word sacrum means sacred. The sacrum is the bone in which the Kundalini is coiled, there. This blue- colo,r balloon-like structure comes down from the top up to the first chakra. Now this represents a subtle force within us, which is the power of desire. It manifests outside the left sympathetic nervous system. This is the emotional side of a human being, but it is not only emotional. This is the one that accumulates conditionings within itself when we say, “Don’t do that, don’t do that, don’t do that,” thus creating a balloon-like structure called superego, which in Sanskrit is called mana. So this is the power of mana, of mana shakti.
The English language is a little confused. When you say “mental cases” you do not mean the mental cases that has something to do with the mind which thinks. But when you say mental cases, you mean to say that they are the people who suffer from emotional problems. It’s a little confusing thing, but in psychology it is very nicely described by Jung, who was a realized soul . The superego and the id part is this power by which we get all our conditionings within us and pass it to our past. Beyond this area on the left-hand side lies, beyond the subconscious, the collective subconscious. All that is dead since creation lies this side on the left-hand side. This as I told you,is the left sympathetic nervous system. Now in the medical science there is no difference between the left and right. But you will find out that they have two entirely different functions. The left sympathetic nervous caters to our emotional side, which can be proved in Sahaja Yoga practice.
On the right-hand side there is another power, which is the power of action. When we desire, the desire has to be put into action. And this power of desire is called the prana shakti or the power of action, the kriya shakti some people call it, and it looks after our intellectual side, our intelligence, the mind with which we think about the mental side and our physical side, through which we go into action. This activity creates another balloon , you can see it there, a yellow color balloon which we call as ego. E G O, ego. And this two powers meet at a point. When a child is about twelve years of age, he is completely calcified here.. But in childhood, at the age of, say, one year or one and a half year, you start feeling the calcification of this soft bone called as fontanel bone.
In the center is the third power called the power of evolution, the power of sustenance, the power of religion, which is innate within us. Now “religo” means a capacity, or you can say a quality. Gold is untarnishable; that is the quality of gold. Carbon has four valences; that’s the quality of carbon. In the same way, human beings have also got ten sustenances and these ten sustenances are the dharma or the religion of a human being. It has nothing to do with outside religions, what you believe in or what you have fallen into or what you are born into, but there are ten sustenances within us, which are in this area call as, we call it Void but it’s not the same void as in Zen . In Sahaja Yoga the Void is the visceral cavity. In this area we develop our sustenance. We can only evolve by developing our sustenance.
For example, first a fish came out of the water and developed a sustenance by which it started crawling, and became a reptile. First only one fish came, and then shoals and shoals of fishes started coming out of the water. So evolution went on like this till we became human beings. In this process, as you know very well, there are left-sided and right-sided animals – the right-sided are the more ambitious, the dominating type, the left-sided are the sly. There are many nocturnal animals that are left-sided, they are frightened and live on the left : those who are aggressive are on the right-hand side. They were discarded, even some vegetables and what you call plants were discarded in the process of evolution. They were thrown on the right or the left-hand side. And God created man in His own image. That means man has everything that God has. If He is the primordial being, He is the macrocosm, then you are the microcosm, you are a cell in His body, although you are not aware of that. There’s a difference between awareness and just consciousness. Awareness is an actualization, while just to be conscious means you believe something mentally, rationally you are conscious, “I know that. We think we are brothers and sisters.”
Now the centres that are placed within. The first one, as I told you, is the Mooladhara Chakra. You will be happy to know that in the universe Australia is the Mooladhara Chakra. It’s a fact, you will know that on vibrations, if you ask the question you will know. Basically you are innocent people. You don’t know when you commit sins that this is sin, you just do it very innocently. You don’t do it knowingly, innocently you do it. And the second centre is the centre called Swadishthana Chakra.
The first centre manifests your pelvic plexus. The right side, as I told you, manifests the right sympathetic nervous system. The centre one manifests your parasympathetic which is broken, which is not yet complete. Whatever you have achieved in your awareness as a human being is there, and there is a little gap that you just have to bridge to become united with that force.
Now this second chakra is the chakra called Swadishthana Chakra. You need not worry about the names, but it’s the centre for action by which you think, think for the future. And this centre looks after many other visceras or you can say organs, within us. It looks after your liver. Our attention is looked after by this centre. Then it looks after your pancreas, your spleen, your kidneys and the uterus in women. The most important function of this centre is to manifest the aortic plexus in the gross and to convert the fat cells of the stomach to replace the fat cells of the brain. because, after all, The fat cells of the brain are to be replaced because you think, think, think, think and go mad with thinking. You think so much that as if two horns are coming out of your thinking. You may say “ Mother,the mind is very important”, but in fact the mind is a problem.” Don’t you know that this mind is limited? This rationality is limited. You have to go to unlimited. When I came to this hall, we had to leave the car outside. This mind can go up to a point and if you try to go beyond that, then you really go crazy. We don’t bring the cars inside, in the same way this mind cannot take you to the unlimited. It’s a limited thing, you have to go beyond the mind.
This centre is doing its job of supplying the fat cells and when you think too much all other viscera, all other organs are not looked after,they are neglected. by which the person who thinks too much, who lives in the future, who plans too much, also then drinks in addition to that and in addition to that does other things like taking drugs and eating lots of greasy food and so on, so he really finishes that poor liver. And that liver is the organ that sorts out all the poisons in your body, all kinds of poison. The liver gets out of order, and you don’t feel it. Only the heat starts accumulating, you always feel nauseated and you feel so unhappy you don’t want to face the present, you want to run away. You feel terrible, you don’t know what to do with yourself. All that comes from a bad liver. Then not only your liver but your pancreas goes out of order and you develop a disease called diabetes. With that you also drink coffee and other things, which all add up. The amount of coffee that people consume, sometimes I can’t understand. And that coffee can really spoil the pancreas to such an extent that you can develop even more serious diseases of the pancreas than diabetes.
Beyond the pancreas lies the spleen. The spleen is the real victim in modern times. The spleen is the speedometer within us, it regulates your speed. When you are eating your food, you turn on the news on the TV or something, suddenly horrible things happen. You get a shock. Emergencies built-in: the spleen is already busy producing RBCs, red blood corpuscles, for the digestion of the food, and suddenly it has another emergency and a third emergency. The way you have your breakfast, half a sandwich in your mouth, half outside while stepping into the car, telling your wife “ Do this, do that “and then rushing through the rat race, ending up yourself into a very crazy spleen. The spleen does not know how to cope with such telescopic behaviour, it goes so very crazy that it starts producing crazy cells, and these crazy cells ultimately create a very serious disease called blood cancer.
The other day somebody asked Me a question, “Mother, is it that children get blood cancer?” I said, “If I tell you, you shouldn’t be angry with Me, but it happens when we are always getting at our children. Poor things, they are small children. We are trying to make them good citizens.
So this crazy spleen becomes absolutely uncontrollable, it starts producing blood cells which become malignant. They are produced randomly, at any time, and the malignancy starts. One cell becomes very big and overbearing. We are also malignant people sometimes, we want to be important in society, dominating everybody, encroaching on other people. In this competition we want to have everything for ourselves, and by the time we are old, we find our hands and feet are shaking, we can’t walk properly or we develop diseases such as a heart attack or a stroke. This rat race is very competitive. Competition for what? Everybody should be able to grow in relation to others. For example, if only your nose starts growing like that, not in relation to your body or face, what is going to happen to the rest of you ? On your own, you start growing without any relationship or coordination with other people in society,or other parts of the world, then you become malignant. You lose all balance; you don’t know what you are doing.
This is the tragedy that when this happens to us we are so ego-orientated that we are not aware of it till we reach a stage that suddenly a person goes what you call in American English “gaga”(crazy). You find people like this, they can’t talk, I have seen in Paris. Some people, not very old, younger to Me in age, got on the bus and they were talking loudly, all sorts of French words, and I asked,” What are they doing?” They said, “Mother, they are talking about the last war.” I said, “Why?” They said, “They just go on talking like this, they are crazy”. This happens because you are having such a running jump towards the hell that the progress, so-called will make our society into very funny, jittery people with twitching heads, necks and everything, while their children are so aggressive that it is impossible to understand why they’re behaving like this. We have to understand that we are part and parcel of the whole. And anything that is done without relationships with others can create tremendous problems for the whole world. already happening. and it is creating
The second centre is very important for modern people, as I told you, because when you start thinking too much also, what you do, you use your right side, and the left side gets frozen. By improving all your thinking processes, thinking too much of the future and planning, and of course most of the plans go waste. We waste such a lot of energy in thinking, only to find that if we had not thought so much, we would not have been so frustrated. The planning also to such an extent doesn’t help in any way. Supposing I have to come to this hall and I do not know the way. What use is planning ? I have just to ask somebody which way to go and follow directions. Supposing a seed has to grow into a root, does it do any planning beforehand? It does not. What it does is that it faces. It’s a little cell but it is so wise. It knows that there is some obstruction, that it is no use fighting with this rock so it goes round it, finds all the soft places it can pierce through and gets itself embedded sensibly and wisely ; it even uses that rock, uses that rock to strengthen the tree.
So when you try to dominate others, I mean the sophisticated, the more sophisticated you get , the more sophisticated this ego gets and you are very pleased with that sophistication. You say “Sorry”, “yes”, and so on, but inside a big Mr. Ego is developing like a balloon. It presses down on your superego, which is squashed. There is no longer a gap between the two, there is no more room for the superego and the ego presses down on it till you become aware of how colossal your ego has become. And then such a person looks for ways to escape, it he takes to alcohol which gives rise to superego or it takes to drugs and all kinds of escapism in life to run away from his own ego because he can’t bear it. Now the wobbling starts, the ego and superego start wobbling, and that’s how you get people who are absolutely confused. Moreover, to add up to the whole problem, the modern times are the ones that in this confusion Last Judgment has already started. Through your Kundalini awakening only you will judge yourself and correct yourself and you will enter into the Kingdom of God. These confusions actually have led human beingsinto such frantic, precarious ages that Sahaja Yoga had to come on this earth to solve the problems once for all. After getting realization it’s so remarkable when you find your absolute through Kundalini awakening and see people they give up so many things overnight.
For instance an old man in Singapore who is very rich and a very well-known personality got his realization and he told Me that overnight he gave up gambling, drinking and racing. These are also types of escapism, ways of escaping from our lives because we are so bored with ourselves. Imagine a person is imprisoned. If he is imprisoned in a nice place, he should not feel upset, after all that is a very good way to face yourself and that’s the most beautiful thing we can do. But because we are so frightened of ourselves that we don’t want to be left alone, we think we are lonely. We want to run away from ourselves. We want to have somebody else, it’s better to have somebody else, and even if somebody else comes in, we do not want to face him squarely, but we want to have something in between, like a bottle of beer or something.
After realization you time start enjoying each other for the first time. You time start feeling the vibrations of another person and you really enjoy the beauty of that person through this cool breeze that is coming from his being . And this should happen to all of you. You all should achieve it, it’s very important because you are out and out seekers. But first you must have self-estimation. You must know that you are not here to play games with yourself. All kinds of games are available, provided by industries since the Industrial Revolution, by all modern thinkers and books, and to add to all that, gurus have come from India to supply this market demand. So the picture is complete. This should not upset you, because behind all the fake and falsehood there has to be reality. Among thousands of artificial flowers, you must know there has to be one real rose. And in the same way behind all this falsehood and confusion there is reality which is so beautiful within yourself and which you have to achieve through Kundalini awakening. In short now I will tell you about the other centres. If you go through this book, you will know about the names and things, but in short I can tell you.
The third center is the centre of our seeking, is the center by which w are seeking, is the navel centre, is by which amoeba, an amoeba felt hungry, he was seeking food. In We went on seeking only food until the stage of, say, mammoth and all these big animals. They were such unwieldy big things that they could not maintain themselves. So then the intelligent animals came in. In that also some of them were very horrid ones like foxes. Then very powerful animals came up who had more physical power and a smaller body. Like that we developed with this seeking up to a point when we became really human beings and when we became human beings we started seeking things like possessions or else like power in politics, economics, social work, social things and lastly the Spirit.
The Spirit is the solution for all seeking. Without the light you cannot see anything in this world. I cannot see you without any light in here. To me, in darkness you are nothing but darkness. I can’t see. I cannot relate one to another, I do not know who are sitting here and listening to me. Once there is light you can see everything clearly, and that’s what it is happens. When you get your enlightenment you become the master of yourself. This is the end of seeking . In this enlightened seeking only, around the seeking are, our sustenances are developed gradually, and ultimately we become human beings. And for human beings there are ten sustenances described in the Ten Commandments. When I talked about Ten Commandments, one gentleman got very angry and said, “You are a Christian, you are a Christian, you are a Christian!” But the Ten Commandments were written by Jews, they were not written ... Moses was not a Christian, he was a Jew and this Jew got angry with me because I was a Christian. Moses, Abraham, Confucius, Socrates, Mohammed, Nanak, Janak, Lao Tse, these are all primordial masters, the principle of primordial masters, the Adi Gurus, who incarnated on this earth to teach us how to keep our sustenance. They talked against all alcohol and strong drinks. Christ did not talk about it, but that does not mean that when He converted water into wine, He fermented the wine. You cannot ferment wine in a minute, you understand that. Wine is a very common word, even today you’ll find that wine means grapes, the grapevine is called a wine, even grape juice is called wine. Nowadays, to differentiate we have started to call it grape juice. But it is very, very [loose, but your will be very surprised it is a very confusing?]. People must have started doing that about fifty years back in India, or maybe abroad, I don’t know. Even today many people call a wine “raksasa”, even in Indian language it is called wine. Any grape juice is called wine. So there are many other things which these people told us that you should not do, to keep yourself in the centre.
Now I divide our mistakes into two categories. The first mistake we have is not to believe that God Almighty is going to look after our well-being. Krishna has said very clearly that “Yoga kshema vahamyahamini ” Meaning “After yoga, after union with God, I will look after your well being.” That means you should get connected. Supposing I am not an Australian citizen why should the Australian government look after me? In the same way if you are not members of God’s community or if you are not entered the Kingdom of God or if you are not a citizen of His Kingdom, it is not His responsibility to look after your well being. I mean of course He has created you, so He looks after. But otherwise it’s not certain that He’ll look after you. People demand so much from God, they think they are already connected. They treat Him as if you can find Him anywhere under a stone. They go on demanding. “Please look after my son, please do this,” praying morning till evening, just pestering. When you are not connected with God, if you go on doing like this to any human being , you’ll get arrested. We live in a fantasy world, “Oh, I have been praying, and God has given me this, and I have been doing this.” But do we deserve it? Are we the Spirit? Have we tried to be the Spirit? We have done all kinds of things but we have yet to become the Spirit. When you are the Spirit then you are really blessed, not only by His powers but you become the master of your being and you start manifesting your own powers.
This seeking and the surrounding dharma which is looked after by the primordial masters is in this centre here and above that is the centre of the Mother of the Universe, who gives us security. This one when spoiled, the sense of security spoiled, especially among women, when they feel that their husbands are negligent or they are flirting with other women and so on, then this centre goes out of order. When this centre goes out of order, they develop diseases like breast cancer. Breast cancer is more common in societies where they have divorces. I have given a speech on this which you should get from Sydney and you will know all about it.
Now the right side Heart, which you see here, is the centre of the father and the left one is the centre of the mother. The right side Heart centre catches when you have not done your duty as a father, or if your father died very early and you were shocked it can also happen. Anorexia and all these diseases can also be caused by this kind of happening, or also asthma. Asthma is invariably caused by this centre going out of order. The left side is the centre of the Mother. We chose our father and mother before our birth, we chose them. If we were foolish enough to choose horrible parents we have to pay for that mistake. It is better to pay it in one lifetime so that next time you won’t have them again. But we are not to judge them. If they are not seekers, it’s very difficult to live with them, I know. It’s very difficult to live with parents who are morning till evening counting every penny, counting every tin which is emptied, every tube that is emptied. They store everything, they are so materialistic and you just can’t bear such people, I can quite understand. Even your wife or husband may be extremely materialistic and you will be fed up. They write down everything, count everything.
Today a lady who interviewed Me asked Me, “Mother, how many people have You given realization and how many people You have cured.” I said, “You’d better ask the sun first of all how many leaves it has made green, then talk to Me.”
I never write any accounts, let alone of human beings, not even of money. I never write, I have no time and I have no understanding as how to write accounts. Next life maybe I will be an accountant for you.
So this happens to us when we become against our parents. I don’t say that you should carry on with mad people, it’s no use asking the bull to come and hit you, is correct. But you need not judge them. You can leave them, stay away and do not have them in your life, it’s all right. But if you are taking interest in them as well as fighting with them morning till evening, then you catch on this Heart chakra. I would say that in this respect Indians are sensible people. They are very sensible , they keep their parents all right. And the parents are also very sensible people. They love their children; they give them everything that they have, and the children start really loving their parents. They look after them until they die. The result of that is of course very bad, because here in all the western countries the parents are still in a bridal mood, they are brides and bridegrooms, they never become old enough to be parents. Even an eighty- year-old man you’ll find marrying an eighteen-year-old girl. This is going on all the time. God knows what sort of intelligence is that. But with all that happening, poor children do not know which parents to choose. And the Last Judgment has started. Now, what to do? Putplace yourself in their place and think. What would you do if you know such crazy parents that today they are together, tomorrow they are divorced? On the streets they will be kissing, hugging each other, doing all kinds of nonsensical things. Very embarrassing too.Then if you ask them, “Where are you going?,” they will say they are on their way to the divorce case!
These kinds of absurdities are taking place and because of that children don’t want to get birth in all these places: England, Germany, Switzerland, everywhere, the birth rate is low. In Germany especially, West Germany and East Germany of all the things people are given so much money in family allowances that a woman if she produces three children she earns more money than their prime minister. But still women don’t want to produce. They want to be free and independent; they don’t want to be mothers. As a result poor India has to accommodate for all the children born today and we are blamed for overpopulation. What can we do? We have to bear the load. It is also your responsibility .to see If you do not have children at least those who are producing children have some compassion for them and have some understanding. Do not blame them. Everybody asks Me, “What about Your problem of population?”
I tell them, “Now, who is responsible for our population? Because in that country, even if they have fourteen children, they love every one of them. They are not so ego-orientated that their hearts are not closed, they are not so unemotional, anybody who has not got a child will go to all the holy places and ask for blessings that they can get children. To get a child is such a blessing in India and child is such an important thing. But the mistake they are committing is just the other than yours. The mistake in those developing countries is that they do not believe that God Almighty is the One who is going to look after your well being. They don’t believe in the power of their Father. By not believing in their Father’s capacity to look after them, they do the crime or a sin against the Father.. So there is bribery, corruption, all sorts of things going on, cutting corners, money and all those things. Still in India I wouldn’t say that ordinary people are dishonest. Maybe our bureaucrats, politicians and business people are. But ordinary people are very honest in India.
On the other side, if an Indian comes to your house, be careful, he may run away with anything that you have in the house ! But if an American comes to your house, keep an eye on your wife, he may run away with your wife or with your daughter. Or if an Englishman comes, he’ll do it in a subtler way because he’s a scholar. So he reads some poetry to your wife and during the night you’ll find she is missing. This is fundamental. The wife who runs away like this creates a fundamental problem for the household. Just imagine, the children and the husband, kitchen and all the places are sleeping peacefully and then early in the morning they find that the mainstay of their home is missing and the whole family circle is collapsed. What will happen to the children? Nobody thinks. Nobody understands.Or they think they are being in love so they must go? Men do the same. I mean there is no difference between men and women. But this is the sin against the Mother that the Women have to be both respectable and respected.
The housewife’s position is within us here on the left-hand side Nabhi, and if a housewife, the deity that is not just a woman but also a housewife, is not present in our house, not that the woman but the housewife, then our spleen goes out of order. We get, Children go crazy. Why is there indiscipline ? Somebody asked Me today, “What happens to people likeman who tried to kill Reagan?”
I said, “Ask his mother.” She must be getting at the child morning till evening, and that’s why he’s misbehaving, or else is a reaction of what has happened to him. These complications originate in the family, in the nest that is your home. You have to live in that nest as a father and a mother looking after your children. Children are the most important things in the whole world for human beings. Let politics go to hell, and let the economy take its own course, but children are to be looked after. That’s your primary duty. But in India we go to the other end: when we start looking after our children we don’t mind selling even our country in the name of our children.
But we live with two extremes, I feel that we sin against the Mother and against the Father. When we Australians sin against the Mother, let us face what happens to us. We get emotionally absolutely blackmailed, by ourselves. We torture ourselves, we live with artificial concepts. If a wife wants to run away with another man we will even go so far as to get a honeymoon ticket for her because we are very good, considerate husbands. Same thing with the wife, if she finds that the husband is interested in another woman, she should not be jealous. In Sahaja Yoga this is not very much appreciated. The husband has to behave like a husband. He should make his wife run the house. And the woman has to be a woman. She must see to it that the children are in no danger. We have no business to hurt anyone like this and we do not know how much we hurt our wives and husbands; they can even get cancer because of what we have done.We cause all kinds of horrible diseases and mental torture; we make them mad by our mad, capricious, very shallow understanding of our emotions. A man starts going to another woman, then he goes to yet another woman, then to ten women; then ten men go to ten women and end up in a lunatic asylum or in the orphanage. In England we had a neighbour who had a huge house. He was an old man, and when he died they did not discover his body for one month. Because there was no family feeling, nothing, even a rat didn’t enter that house. Can you imagine!
This is what has happened in thinking: “I am original, I am individualistic, I am exclusive.” If you are really individualistic, if individually you are really mature, then you are perfectly aware of the importance of unity . You understand that you are the support of the whole because you are so mature. No wonder our children are not maturing,that they are behaving in such a manner. We are responsible. In India we don’t have such ideas about compatibility and all that nonsense, so we are quite comfortable and we are producing children quite all right. We have no problems. Why do you run after these capricious, shallow ideas?
You will be held responsible for all these horrible diseases that men and women have got and for the children who are going to suffer. If you want charity, you’d better start it at home. Better be charitable to your own wife and to your own husband. Be charitable to your children. Don’t give in to the concept of falling in love, you’ll fall really and make others fall too. It’s a concept, just a concept. I think some of these horrible people must have given you this concept. If you really fall in love how do you get up and marry another person? You fall, marry another person, then again you are ready to marry another person. You are holding the hand of a person who is supposed to be your beloved and looking at someone else. This concept is absolutely wrong. You have to grow in love. Just as your own child is, in the same way, your companion. They are two parts of one chariot, one is the left and other is the right. They are not unequal, they are equal, but they are not similar, they have their own role. And women have to play their role courageously, to be the mother. As I always say, “Look at Me, I am a mother and in no way, in any way, I cannot think of anything better to be than this.”
Now if I start thinking, “Oh God, I am a mother all right, but I must know how to drive,” then I’m finished. “I must know how to drive a bus, I must know how to drive a train.” What is the need?
I saw one photographer who came to see Me. He was supposed to take My photograph and all hands were covered with blisters.
I said, “Let Me first cure your blisters. How you are going to take My photograph? What have you been doing with your photography?” He said, “No, this, I went to a forest and I cut down some trees.” I said, “For what? You are a photographer, your hands are soft and deft. Why do you want to kill the deftness of your fingers?” He said, “No, we must do other things too.” I said, “Why must you? The nose doesn’t do the work of the eyes and the eyes do not do the work of the ears. Why must you do, your hands are all ruined ! “
And this is what it is. To us We feel that men are great so we start wanting to do the same work as men. Men think, “Why should women be like this?” You are companions, you are eternal companions. You are two beautiful wheels of a chariot. This has to grow and to mature within you. And when this centre is out, you get the problems of this centre: by which asthma, tuberculosis and breast troubles. Men get asthma, very serious asthma and other problems of the lungs and ultimately lung cancer can also develop.
When you work too hard with the right-hand side, you are ego orientated, is that the ego develops too much. Then your left side is neglected, you become unemotional. In time, your heart gives a signal, you get a heart attack. When you do too much sometimes you may escape the heart attack, but you may get a brain paralysis. We are bent upon destroying ourselves. The destruction is going to come from within, not from without. Some people try to shock you by predicting that such and such will happen, that the sun is doing this and ...:This is nothing. It’s all within you the destruction has started. You are facing it because you cannot accept it. You have to accept that this is a challenge, “I am not going to allow myself to be destroyed by foolish and stupid ideas going around.” And then you will be surprised by your own glory and self-esteem. After realization you will be enriched, but without realization, I don’t know, it becomes just a lecture and yet another, just a brainwash. Have this beautiful experience of Self-realization and you will find the beauty within yourself. I have seen people change overnight. Overnight it happens and I hope that it will happen to you tonight.
Today I have talked to you about this centre and later on I will be talking to you about two other centres which are here and here. And the realization that takes place out of the limbic area, in the fontanel membrane, which is called the Brahmarandra in Sanskrit language. Thank you very much. May God bless you.
If you have any questions you please ask Me. But questions should be something which are helpful, something which are not some sort of quarrel. I am not here to quarrel with you. If you don’t want your realization I am not going to force you. Please do not plead for any other organization or any other guru, because I am not interested. I am only interested in you. I see that sparkle in you, that’s why I am only interested in you, I’m not bothered about others. So you do not try to bring other ideas that “This guru has said this,” or “This one has said that and this is in the book.” The proof of the pudding is that you haven’t got your realization. If you have got it, then you can go out. If you are sure you have got it, I don’t want to force it on you. There’s no quarrel about anything. There’s no election on, nothing. You cannot give Me anything. There’s no shopping. It’s a temple; you have come for a blessing. All right? Now you can ask the questions, all right. Thank you very much.
Dr. Warren: Any questions? What commonly happens at times like this when Mataji has been speaking, because of these vibrations which She is emitting, you enter the silence, you become thoughtless. You find that all the rational things that you want to ask, which really only come from our ego, just quietly sit down. The noisy radio gets switched off. And this in fact is what happens at the time of realization. You enter the silence.
Shri Mataji: You must realize there’s nothing to be frightened about. The kundalini crosses this point, (Shri Mataji places Her finger on Her forehead) and you feel thoughtlessly aware. This is the first step. You are aware, but you are thoughtless.
Dr.Warren (repeating question from the floor): Most people find it too time-consuming in this modern life to devote enough time to their Self-realization. What does Her Holiness suggest?
Shri Mataji: Firstly, are you realized or not? Have you got your realization ? You have got it. Now, if you have got your realization, actually you are in meditation, you are in meditation. Now for doing the meditation as they say, although there’s nothing like doing but cleansing is needed because you have to be on the watch in the beginning – how the vibrations are coming, if there is a proper flow or not, what chakras you are catching on. Moreover your life pattern also changes, because you do not enjoy the things that do not give you the real joy of the Spirit. And the greatest joy of the Spirit is that you give light to others. If you do not give light to others, you will never be satisfied. You may feel better because you are realized, but the completion of that or the development of your being doesn’t take place, unless and until you come into collective places.
The best thing will be wherever you are, you start a little group and meet there every weekend or some other time, and meditate. That would be a very good idea; then you start feeling the sweetness and the beauty of another person. You start seeing it clearly and enjoying it. You don’t spend so much time on other things when you take to it and you enjoy it; you also grow.
One lady who got her realization told Me that she had become very different, she didn’t remember the names of all the things that she had and the quality of this and that. She was a sales girl or something like that, she had her own business and she used to sell things. I said, “What has happened?”
“I do not remember all that and I am not that alert, but I am very happy and joyous and things are selling better: I am making a very big profit.”
It’s a fact, it has happened to so many of them. That’s the blessing of God. I am not telling you lies, you have to see for yourself how these blessings work out. And then you will just count your blessings one by one.
Dr. Warren: The meditation practice is very simple. We’ll tell you about it later. Very simple. The point is, as Mataji says, is to be in meditation – all the time. And that’s what we have to develop.
Shri Mataji: Is there any other question?
Dr. Warren: Any other questions ? Then Mataji can now give you all the experience. I suggest you slip your shoes off, just to get your feet first onto the floor and hold your hands out, resting them comfortably on your lap. But most of all, be in a receptive frame of mind in the sense that....
Shri Mataji: They are, they are very much so.
Warren: Just ask Mother for it. Just ask Mother for your realization. It’s a spontaneous thing so with humility, just ask Mother for it, nothing else. She is here as a Mother to give you the gift.
Shri Mataji: You just put your both the hands towards Me just like this and you will be asking for it just like that. Now close your eyes. You have to close your eyes because when the Kundalini rises above agnya dilatation of the pupils so you close your eyes, it’s better.
(to Warren) Can you put off that light ?
Dr.Warren (to yogi) Can you turn the light around ? But you can just turn it off.
Shri Mataji: This here. That’s better. Just put both the hands towards Me and close your eyes. (Mother works on seeker)
I don’t think he’s got it. (To seeker) Did you attend a programme before ?
Yogini: What’s the matter ?
Shri Mataji: He has a little liver. (To seeker) Put your left hand on the liver. You’ve got it. Are you feeling the cool breeze now? Or are you feeling the hot breeze ? If it is hot, then put your left hand towards Me like this and right hand on your liver. The liver is here.
Dr.Warren: Left hand on the liver.
Shri Mataji: I’m sorry, left hand on the liver. Right hand towards Me and left hand on the liver. iver is where he is showing you. and should be like this, towards Me, like this. A little lower, it is under the rib. You can move the hand and see. Maybe you’ll find it.
dr.Warren (to Shri Mataji): Left heart and right Swadishthan. A little right nabhi.
Shri Mataji: I would request you not to disturb people in meditation. If you want to go, you should have gone earlier. This is another kind of aggression, you see. I mean, nobody was torturing these women, but this is just to disturb the whole people here. There’s no need to leave the hall during the meditation, so you have to leave earlier. Be considerate isn’t it.
(to seeker) Now you can put your left hand towards Me and right hand on the heart. No, it’s the other way round. Left hand towards Me and right hand on the heart. Now close your eyes please. You can ask the question in your heart: “Mother, am I the Spirit.” Ask this question in your heart. Go on asking this question. Now say “Mother, please give me my self-realization. Please give me my self-realization” you have to ask.”I am a seeker, Mother. Please give me my self-realization.”
(Shri Mataji blows into the microphone)
Dr.Warren: It’s good. A little bit of left heart still.
Shri Mataji: You must say that”If I have done any mistakes in my seeking or anything else that I have done, please forgive me.” You have to ask for forgiveness from God. “Please forgive me, because you are the ocean of love, compassion and forgiveness. So, oh Lord, please forgive me if I have made any mistakes.” Now, while you are saying this do not pick up any guilt within you, because that’s very common. Just to say that I do not develop any guilt because once you say “Please forgive me”, you are forgiven.So you should not have any guilt saying that “I have done this wrong, that wrong”. Say it right, very humbly you must say that “If I have done any mistakes or if I have tried to destroy myself, oh Lord, please forgive me.” Now, have no guilt. Actually ,you have to say “I am not guilty”. You have to say it at least thrice (= three times), clearly, that “I am not guilty”, because Christ has crucified himself for your sins and for your karmas, about which I will tell you tomorrow. So you just say “I am not guilty”. Say it thrice, it will really help you very much.You are unnecessarily analyzing yourself, criticizing yourself and calling yourself guilty. If you are really shaking please open your eyes. You should not shake. If you are shaking that means there is a problem. Now put both hands towards Me. Start feeling the cool breeze ? That’s it then. It’s a very subtle thing, very subtle. Our attention is on the gross and the feeling of the cool breeze that is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost you have to feel it in your hands.
(Shri Mataji blows into the microphone again and again)
(to seeker) Again say “I am not guilty”. Are you getting the cool breeze now, in the hands ? Try to concentrate, closing your eyes, concentrating on your fingers. See if there is any cool breeze coming in. If not, you forgive others. First of all , you forgive others, go on forgiving and then say “Mother, give me my realization”. You must forgive, you must forgive others, that’s very important. By not forgiving you are really harming yourself and destroying yourself. Nothing is happening to the person you are not forgiving. So just say “I forgive, I forgive, I forgive.” Now ask for your realization. “Mother, please give me my self-realization.” Alright. It’s good.
Dr.Warren: Very cool.
Shri Mataji: Just enjoy yourself. Enjoy. Enjoy yourself. Keep your eyes shut. Come here. Do not think, please do not think. Relax and enjoy. Put your hands on your legs and enjoy, on your lap you can put your hands. Alright ?
Dr. Warren: Quite good. Good balance.
Shri Mataji: All of you who are feeling the cool breeze raise your hands. Both the hands. Please raise them higher. Both the hands, those who are feeling the cool breeze.Great ! what a response ! Those who are not feeling the cool breeze can take help from the Sahaja yogis who are here. Please put your hands down. Thank you very much. We wanted to see how Melbourne will work out and I would like to come back here again on Monday evening. I’m going to Sydney and we’ll be back again on Monday evening, same time, same place, definitely, to tell you about the other two chakras. Those who have not got realization should talk to the other Sahaja yogis. Please come and stand here, all the Sahaja yogis. Talk to them and take help from them. They can come a little bit later. Come along. They look just like you, but they are collectively conscious and they know about Kundalini. These are the people who are here and you can talk to them, converse with them and ask them if you haven’t got the cool breeze. If you have got it, don’t think about it and tonight you work it out. Please, you come along and talk to these people and you will be able to understand Kundalini better. They are Australians, they know the problems of Australians and they have given realization in my absence. Only Warren and Terence,both of them, came from India and they gave them realization. So just talk to them, tell them your difficulties if you have any, give them your addresses and Monday I will be here so bring more friends, more relatives and more people and get them their realization. Thank you very much, all of you. Thank you. I hope to see you on Monday when I am going to tell you about two more centres, that is those of Shri Krishna and Christ. May God bless you.
Go through the book and find out what is to be done.
Dr. Warren: At the door is a large book. We’d really consider it a privilege if you’d just sign that book with your own name and address because this is really your birthday for those people who got it - your second birthday. There is a contact address here in Melbourne which we’ll give you for those people who want to actively develop it and find out more about it but for the time being, just settle in, read at the back of the book where it explains how to meditate - it’s very simple. But more than anything, establish your vibrations, establish your realization and come along on Monday night, Mataji will take you that extra step further but also these centres here, here and here will become more firmly established. Hope to see you then. For those that didn’t feel the cool breeze or who have any particular problem, just stay behind here and we can at least help you.