Satya Yuga has come

Satya Yuga has come 1987-12-13

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi
Text Status
Transcript English – Draft

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

The post is also available in: Marathi.

13 December 1987

Satya Yuga Has Come

Public Program

Rahuri (India)

Talk Language: English, Marathi | Transcript (English) – Draft | Translation (Marathi to English) - NEEDED

1987-12-13 Public Program, Rahur School, Rahuri, India, English, Marathi, DP-RAW,

[English Transcript]

Shri Mataji: Turn your cameras to them also. I would like to ...

Sahaja yogi: Now welcome song would be there [children sang the song]

Shri Mataji: Respected chairman Mr Maitrey of the Shivaji Education Society, respected headmaster of the school and of the public school, all the students, and all the teachers who have gathered here to respect the saint...Today my heart is filled with tremendous satisfaction that I feel now that the Satya Yuga has come! Before this, the saints were never respected...Even respected by few were tortured by many...

Today to see these young students with such discipline, respecting a saint, I am not a politician, I am not a business lady....neither I am a learned lady of some university ...I am a simple saint of this country.

And that I should be respected by you all shows the recognition of the divine today.

This is the basis of Sahaja Yoga ...

The basis of Sahaja Yoga is this that whatever this great saint like Shri Gyneshwara, Nama deva, Sant Tukaram, Ram Das Swami, Eknath and so many others like NanakSahib, Kabir Das, and so many Muslims also like Nizamuddin, ...Khwaja Nizamuddin and Chisti ...All these great people have been warning this country, have been talking about the divine They are been saying there is the divine surrounding us but nobody could recognize them ...Because they were not realised souls And this is the reason why Sahaja Yoga had to come to make people self-realized and they can feel the divine all around...

That you can see today on behalf of all the western Sahaja yogis, all foreigners were here. I thank you, sir, very much ...For showing them how in this country we are the

first to recognise ...On such a large number of people by a recognised institution which is a very rare site ...Was before in this country also and is a rare site also in the western countries...

Its such a remarkable thing and I hope this will open the eyes of other people also to see how a divine personality is to be recognised. Superficially, the divine personality has nothing to offer but in the depth of heart, it can introduce you to the divine which is surrounding us and blessing us. We all have had experiences of the blessings of Sahaja Yoga ...And there are so many o you from western countries can tell these young people about their experiences -What they have achieved through Sahaja Yoga But today to hear from the headmaster about the divine blessings working in the school is very gratifying. May God bless them and give them a hand ...

[In Marathi, then Self-realisation in Marathi and then the description of some extracts in some book ]

On the shores of Bharat,

Where men of all races have come together,

Awake, O my Mind!

Standing here with outstretched arms,

I send my salutations to the God of Humanity,

And in solemn chant sing His praises.

At whose call no one knows,

Came floating streams of men

And merged into the sea of Bharat.

The Aryan, the Non-Aryan, the Dravidian,

The Huns, the Pathans and the Moghuls—

They have all merged here into one body.

Today the West has opened its doors,

And from thence come gifts.

Giving and taking,

And will be welcome on the shores of Bharat.

Where men of all races have come together.

(This is the description.)

In mad exultation, singing songs of victory,

Have they come, crossing deserts and mountains;

They all dwell within me

And in my blood echo their varied melodies.

O Terrible one!

Let the heavens resound with your music;

Even those, whom in disdain we kept apart,

Will gather round thee, O Bharat,

When men of all races have come together.

Here one day in the hearts of men

The message of the One resounded.

In the fire of Tapasya all differences were forgotten,

And they may forged into one.

Round that fire of sacrifice,

We all have to meet with bowed heads

And unite—

On the shores of Bharat,

Where men of all races have come together.

In that fire,

The blood-shot flame of suffering is aglow.

O mind, bear this suffering

And hear the call of the one.

Conquer all shame, all fear,

And let vanish all humiliations.

What great life will emerge

At the end of the days of suffering!

The night ends,

The great Mother is awake

The great Mother is awake

On the shores of Bharat,

Where men of all races have come together.

Come, O Aryan and Non-Aryan,

Hindu and Moslem,

Come, O English and you Christian,

Come, O Brahmins,

Purify your mind and clasp the hands of all;

Come, O downtrodden,

And let vanish all burdens of your humiliation.

Tarry not, but come you all

To anoint the Mother,

On the shores of Bharat,

Where men of all races have come together.

[Then Mother gave blessings in Marathi ]

Rahuri (India)

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