Tattwa Ki Baat Day 2

Tattwa Ki Baat Day 2 1981-02-16

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Public Program
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16 February 1981

Tattwa Ki Baat Day 2

Public Program

University of Delhi, New Delhi (India)

Talk Language: Hindi | Translation (Hindi to English) - Draft

Twatta ki baat Day 2, New Delhi, India 16-02-1981

[English translation from Hindi]

I have praised about you. But the truth is that we need to know what is a fact. We also have not less ego. We get ego for useless things, though you say that mother being with you also we have done much foolishness. Ego is much now we have your shelter we had accepted truth was there, and will remain in truth. We accepted highest philosophy of truth and will accept also. You cannot compromise in it that if you say mother you could have said this thing in this way or that way so that our small things will be better. Why don't you say in a way that our work will be done? This is not true. Whatever is true will remain true. You only left the shelter of Sahaj yoga. Those who came in Sahaja yoga got success. Those who came in Sahaja Yoga got it. They also helped others to get through it. You got many things and blessings of Shri Lakshmi also and left afterwards and became sick. And started blaming Sahaja Yoga. I told in naval plexus resides Shri Lakshmi and if you do not accept this fact that her strength remains there. You need to have yoga with Lakshmiji then you get many things. You get blessings of Shri Lakshmi.

There is a vast difference between Shri Lakshmi and money. This also I told if you do not accept this you will be in loss. This also I told you though she has more water she has to run many chakra. Lakshmi is standing on a lotus flower, one hand is giving another is a blessing. She is born in water so has more water in her body. She is trained to maintain health. She is in balance. There is not much weight in her body.

People come to Delhi and complain many things. This is not good, food is not good, management is not good etc. And others go to Bombay do the same thing. So you behave like a thorne to others. If a person is poor he does not show off much.So better to be poor. But as the person is more wealthy, he shows off more and is much artificial.

Lakshmi is standing long in lotus she never says she is tired. Lakshmi does not show off. She does not have artificiality in her. She is balancing her body and is light all the time and she is not weighty. The person with lakshmiji is similarly balanced. Such person lives very easily.No body knows when he came and what is he doing and went as it is. A person having Lakshmi twatta is giving to others and protecting the sheltered ones. Never says does not have this or that.

Lakshmi has pink colour lotus. Pink colour signifies love.

But wealthy show too much artificiality. You can not have any adjustment with twatta. It does not change. If you want to be in twatta you should note it, it will remain as is it, does not change. You need to show honesty. Any one with Lakshmi twatta gives shelter for any person at any time.

The rich man will keep 4 or 5 gate keepers and no one is allowed inside.

Many say we made big big houses for the poor, we donated money to make temple. We made a temple. To make temple for poor is the work of God. What is the use of temple. Four or five person are kept there. They will collect all money offered eat and go away. There should be Brahmins in temple. Brahmins are not there. To me all seems like thieves and devils, create all dirty bad environment. Brahmins should be Self-realized person, they should be able to go to such Brahmins what are you doing is not right ,doing all necessary things.Otherwise all caste system start here. Brahmin should be one with Brahma twatta flowing from him. Brahmin is borne twice and who has got brahma twatta.

For this there should be knowledge of Lakshmi twatta. All religion is flowing from Lakshmi twatta.

Mainly there are ten spiritual masters. It is not that there were no other more spiritual masters. But in Sahaja Yoga, we accept ten spiritual masters starting from Adinath, Mahavir, Mohammad, Socrates, Laotse, Gurunanak etc, Whom we accept as partly incarnated.

Other who announce themselves as spiritual masters are false ones are devil's, they say, "A child of Brahmin is Brahmin" and create caste systems they spoil lakshmi twatta. People say Ramachandr left his wife the reasons are many. The Lakshmi twatta is spoiled specially by tantric karma. When you use tantric-vidya, bhoota-vidya, preta-vidya. Any tantra-vidya, smasana-vidya, is used. Then the power of Lakshmi goes away. One person came saying his business is not running well, those who used to come also stopped coming in his shop etc. His wife does not work. Then his wife was called. His wife was having a very dirty spirit bhoot in her. Then I asked do you go to Tantrik? She said not to Tantrik but we have one spiritual master. Then I asked what do you do there. The thing she said was horrible. She was told to offer black cloth in pipal tree. Then the business of that man again started flourishing. People started coming in his shop to buy the things. Those who did not come before also started to come.

Such person is giving to others and protecting the sheltered ones. Never says does not have this or that.

You can not have any adjustment with twatta. It does not change. If you want to be in twatta you should note it, it will remain as is it, does not change. You need to show honesty. Any one any time gets shelter from person any time.

Many say we made big big houses for the poor, we donated money to make temple.we made temple.To make temple for poor is the work of God.what is the use of temple. Four or five person are kept there.They will collect all money offered eat and go away.There should be Brahmins in the temple. Brahmins are not there.To Me all seems like Devils, create all dirty bad environment. Brahmins should be self realized person, they should be able to go to such Brahmins what are you doing is not right ,doing all necessary things. Otherwise all caste system starts here. Brahmin should be one with Brahma twatta flowing from him. Brahmin is borne twice and who has got brahma twatta.

For this there should be knowledge of Lakshmi twatta. All religion is flowing from Lakshmi twatta.

Mainly there are ten spiritual masters. It is not that there were no other more spiritual masters. But in Sahaj yoga we accept ten . Starting from Aadinath,Mahabir, Mohammad, Socrates, Laotse et Gurunanak etc., Whom we accept as partly incarnated.

other who announce the self as spiritual masters are devil's, they spoil Lakshmi twatta .People say Ramachandr left his wife the reasons are many. The Lakshmi twatta is spoiled specially by tantric karma. When you use tantric vidya, bhuta vidya, preta vidya. Any tantra vidya masana vidya is used then power of Lakshmi goes away.

One person used to come saying my business is not running well, those who used to come also stopped coming etc. His wife does not work. Then his wife was called. His wife was having a very dirty bhut in her. Then I asked do you go to tantrik?She said not to Tantrik but we have one spiritual master.Then I asked what do you do there. The thing she said was horrible, the mastered her to do many things. She was told to offer black things to Pipal tree. Then his business flourished . People started coming to his shop again to buy things.

In our country where is more poverty we have to see. I went to Kerala once , people kept dead body where they die. Field was digged just in the surrounding home , they said why to go far? There is difference in their Preta Vidya and masana vidya. Only saints should be digged but not those who wear different clothes and roam around and keeps fasting. Only those who got self realization and got success should be digged and kept in soil. They should never be burned. But the one who has not got success in self realization should be burned.During Burning all their obstacles goes away and environment gets purified.But here anyone is digged. Instead of burning people dig and keep in the home itself. When I went to the village. I saw all smasana. I asked do you all keep corpse in house they said yes it is like this here since two years. Once these people did not allow Aadisankaracharya to burn his mother. Sankaracharya burned his mother with the leaf of banana trees no one gave wood to burn. So Sankaracharya cursed them you will have this. I worked hard and tried to tell them to burn far away and your poverty will go away. Another point is where people are lazy , turn into laziness the poverty comes.The most lazy ones are in Bihar. I used to think the most lazy ones are in lucknow where there is home of my husband. People got up at ten or eleven am . I used to get up at four am . So people in U.P.are also very lazy. Similarly in Bengal. And then now the laziest people are in London.

You will not believe that people wash the Jumma to Jumma but these people are more lazy than that. If you wake up them at ten or eleven there is no sin greater than that. They did not wake up before twelve noon. Those who work in office get up and go their office and there only they to the toilet , there is no question of washing face brushing teeth etc. There is no question of taking bath. I told them brush teeth and take bath in the morning . They said mataji you do like this. i said yes i do the same.take bath with cold water you will not get cold and running nose

After taking bath with hot water also take bath with cold water.In bengal people sleep again in afternoon from twelve to three. So If you have to buy something you need to buy before noon. They do not open shop till three pm, they eat and sleep the whole day and say they are tired.They do not know that there is another world also. For them, there is only they. So much work was done in Bengal. Deviji did so much . But now a days so much tantrism is there. The lazy people have no work so they go to show their hands to trantrics. Ask for their fate. So tantrism is flourished there.The trantrics tell them your father is going to die and you will get so much money, your such and such person is going to have an accident so you will get such and such money. In such place there is no wealth and prosperity. One should work honestly hard and earn money. When lakshmiji came both sur Devata and asur Devil came and both worked hard and got Lakshmiji. Those who do not work even if Lakshmiji comes there is no use of it. Some people have so much money,they will not give money for work but for their children bye this thing buy that thing, such as clothes ornaments and all.After father dies they take money and start planning in what way the funeral will be done in less money and throw father in sea and do all kinds of entertainment, because they got money without hard work.So they do not honour the money.For outside people much hard work is done.

People do not respect Sahaja yoga. You are borne in pious place so your mother gave it easily. In this Bharat bhumi mother is so generous she gives you everything very easily.So you do not respect.

In UP the land is in between Ganga and Yamuna and is very fertile.Even if seed is just put the growth is so much so they do not work. So they just come in land and sit whole day. If someone ask they say we just came what to work. Once to a person it was told you will be given a ticket so travel to Luchnow in train, he said who will do hard work to go there. Then I asked what work you need . He says when there will be night one has to spread bed take out quilt who will do all this. Once they were said who is the most laziest come in front, all came except one. Then he was asked why are you sitting in back he replied who will get up and labour and come in front. So they they do Gossiping just talking from here and there. They say such and such person said so for you and domestic quarrel start . This laziness is the main reason for quarrel. Whose mother gives to eat has no work except this.The people of U.P. has so much pride they do not bother about their poverty. There were servant from U.P in our home who were very dirty and some people from Madras came who were neat and clean. I told the servant, now people from Madras will work here and you will be out , otherwise you have to work hard.They told ok let them work hard we will be enjoying.we will be doing . Gossiping is there where you get things easily. But where you need to work hard.

They do not bother for that they have fallen down due to laziness. Once you are lazy the Navi stops working. So you should wake up early and start working. After working in house you should work for Sahaja yoga also. Till we have smartness in people the poverty is not going to finish. It will not go away by shouting and crying.

To beg is the worst thing . It is better to die with hunger than to beg from other country.. Let every one die with hunger and naked in the country.To beg is the worst thing.In other country what is there except plastics. People ask money from Devi.One person came and called us saying he will show something in his house. Drove a lot more than fifty miles and took us in home, he had a surahi water pot from Muradabad. He said it is very old.In their place brass is sold as gold price, to have cotton was more prestigious.

They bought stainless pot to eat. We eat in brass pots.Come in Hindusthan people will feed you so much.

We took them to home, they told not to use cement in Ashram.

They like wooden homemade by hand..They go on Watching and admiring thatched house the house with roof of hay.

What will you learn from them . They have 10 glass made of glass one for wine another for whisky another for water etc.

In our house, one glass is used for every thing .

Lakshmi pati is one who gives other to eat.

If one steals, cheats, kills etc that is not Lakshmi pati.

Have satisfaction in that what you have.

Who are well.

If there is no solution, whatever wealth you have that is of no use. In Punjab if a person is asked how are you they say we are fine but saying it only is of no use. It should come from heart. Giving is the nature of Lakshmi and that is her blessing. Do not be major. If you are a giver no one can steal from you.

To have transformation kundalini should be awakened. In Sahaja yoga after Lakshmi is awakened in Nabhi Chakra you feel satisfied and find solutions. Those who get through the spiritual masters the incarnated ones of Bhavasagar and get Guru mantra one gets rid of drugs and alcohols. In higher chakra above this the Shakti resides. People ask money and different kind of worldly things reaching her also. They should ask to be atma the soul, once you become soul everything you get. So you should stand in Sahaja yoga all people to be similar standing with power.

When we raised our head in the course of evolution the man was developed. In human-only there is Vishuddhi chakra.

Vishuddhi Chakra is of Sri Krishna. Shri Krishna is Purna avatar, full incarnation with full power, the Yogeshwar. one who gets over the Vishuddhi chakra is always in pleasure. He sees everything as a witness as if it is the play or drama.

Those who smoke gets cancer.

When they came in Sahaja yoga they left smoking and drugs. There were no sahayogi with Shri Krishna.So he thought let me take these Shakti with me and brought in earth.

Krishna has sixteenth kala and sixteenth thousand sub plexus.

Whose Vishuddhi chakra is good, their face will be very beautiful. Bright shining eyes and good nose. Even angry in one second keeps smiling in another moment.

So keep Vishuddhi clear ok.

Whose Vishuddhi is bad, the voice is very harse , very slow and no sweetness .On left side of visdusdhi , Vishnu maya the sister of krishna resides, when the relationship between brother and sister is bad or a brother does not care the sister his Vishuddhi chakra becomes bad.

Also when we have a bad feeling towards other women also our Vishuddhi gets bad.He

gets guilty feeling and due to guilt commits many sins. So the mantra for Vishudha is I am not guilty. We are in God's abode , in sahaja yoga with the God.

On right side of Vishuddhi there is kingdom of Shri Krishna with Rukmini.

Who asks money from people showing his condition with the hope to get pity, or bows in front of wrong person ,touches feet of people his right Vishuddhi is spoiled and gets cancer.

Suppose one is Sadhu saint then also do not bow as he is just human being, not God or Incarnation. Bow your head and touch feet only in front of incarnation. It is different thing to bow in front of parents and in marriage you touch elder's feet and bow down on them once and leave as rituals of day. Some people sees Minister and and four or five person following him and go behind flattering spoil their vishuddhi and become so miserable and come to me. I am tired of treating these people.

When God has made you so great from Omeba to man you should honour your self and live honoured life.Many people gets afraid.When you are afraid then also left vishuddhi is caught.

Even if you are realized, you loose vibration especially in hands. The main thing is that those who chant different mantras they also get cancer, if wrong mantra is taken from wrong spiritual master then also Vishuddhi is caught. You should awakened that mantra and only chant.

In Sahaja yoga, mantra are awakened, if a sahayogi examines you and gives right mantra that corrects your chakra you can chant. Many people have done mantra siddhi. To have mantra siddhi, one should sit , chant and meditate on chakra. I am surprised to see many people have done siddhi in mantra in a very short time in Sahaja yoga . There are very few in Delhi.They do wonder even by getting siddhi of one mantra. And I wonder seeing them. If someone does siddhi in mantra of Ganesh he can do miracle.

Krishna is Virata. All the evolutionary work is done by strength of Vishnu. Krishna the incarnation of Vishnu becomes Virat in the end. If right Vishuddhi is spoiled one gets cancer

If you are in middle in sushma, there will be no disease.You should bow down only in front of Virata. The main point of getting vishuddhi spoiled is bowing and touching feet of others. Mohammad Saheb told Allah ho Akbar to Virata. Mohammad Saheb is sakcchyat incarnation of Adi Guru Dattatreya. Best thing is to chant Allah ho Akbar sixteen times closing both the earholes with the index fingers of both hands turning head back and the face up to sky.

Another thing is do not use any bad words to others neither do flattering to others. If some one does not like Sahaja yoga tell it is ok you can leave it. There is no need t odo flattering to them and going behind to be in sahaja yoga.

krishna gave birth to sixteen thousand ( kala) virtues, who became his strength ,to them he brought in the world, they were stolen by a devil he fought with devil, won and brought back them and married them.

Isha Masiha has two aspects.When Isha Masiha talked about his father he was Sri Krishna. Isha showed two fingers, the index finger of Vishuddhi and middle finger of Navi indicating his father Sri Krishna the incarnation of Vishnu. During Krishna Incarnation his wife Rukmini gave birth to first son who became Isha this time and his mother Mary was Radha before.

Isha Masiha was Ganesh himself. Shri Krishna afterwards became Ekadash Rudra. Isha is only Pranaba the Omkar it self. He was put to cross because he had to open agnya chakra that is between pituatory and pineal gland.Because of the power of Pranab only Isha did not die in cross but resurrected .The main teaching of Isha is resurrection . He was forgiving all the time.

When you come in heart of mother, she gives you birth from Sahashar. In Sahajayoga God's prayer opens agnya chakra. In the back agnya there is Maha ganesha. Shri Krishna kept his son in between the vishuddhi chakra and Virat. Because of ego only they tortured Isha.

Isha told I forgive those who tortured me but now on wards no one can talk against mother. I will not leave them who goes against the mother. He also said clearly the punishment will be great. The Aadi shakti who will be born as holi ghost. In Foreign country, people respect me as holy ghost because no one got cool breeze before but in front of me which was written even in Bible Holi ghost

William Blake a writer of hundred years ago forecasted my birth, he names the place in London the Sere hill where I was residing. He also wrote the name of Lambethvalle where our ashram will be built.

He also wrote in Adi Shakti will be coming and there will be a prophet and they will also make others prophet.

In Bible also it is written in John revelation the shakti will be coming and Cool breeze will flow from her.Those who get through Sahajayoga will understand and feel it otherwise difficult to feel. So all of you get through it. So you also get through in Sahaja yoga.

Which day is your centre here?

Those who don't come center in Sunday are not my people.All are like brothers.

Meet each other talk nice things, the older one will tell which of your Chakra is cought and it's treatment also.

One person Pradhanji is here, he is very good a man of more than sixtyfive years old.

His grandson died and people started telling him what your mother did? She did nothing for your grandson.She did not save your grand son. Then re replied his father never used to come centre so he also did not come centre.If he dies though he is very loved one of me, mother has not taken guaranty of giving life to him.

New Delhi (India)

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