Difference between Indian and Foreign system

Difference between Indian and Foreign system 1998-12-17

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17 December 1998

Difference Between Indian And Foreign System

Public Program

New Delhi (India)

Talk Language: Hindi | Translation (Hindi to English) - Draft

1998 -1217 or 18 —Public Program DELHI INDIA

Sahaji brother : On behalf of all the Sahaja yogi brothers and sisters, who have come to Sahaja Yoga Kendra, Delhi, we welcome Her Honorable Shri Adi Shakti Mataji. For your information, Shri Mataji's schedule is busy, 12 months and 24 hours. Not only India, but in over 75 countries Shri Mataji's work keeps happening continuously. From this busy schedule, Shri Mataji has taken out time for us Delhi people. So, I request all of you to take advantage of the golden opportunity. I request Honorable Shri Mataji to give all of us who are present here the precious knowledge of Sahaja Yoga.

1-st translation of Shri Mataji's speech:

Shri Mataji : My salutations to all the seekers of truth. We are searching the truth but we should understand first where this truth is hiding and where exactly we should search for it. You must have noticed that thousands of foreigners from all over the world come here, and when asked the reason for their visit, they say that they have come here in search of truth. “There is no truth in our country, but thinking that there is truth in India, we have come here.”

And in search of this truth thousands of people have been coming here for several thousand years. You must have heard in history that several people from China and many other countries came here. And somehow, they knew that the truth is hidden only in this country. And in search of this they used to wander in caves, in the Himalayas, and used to try every possible way to discover this truth, because whatever religion they followed, they knew that just by following the religion they could achieve the truth. This religion is just a guideline, like a sign post, written on the road, showing the way. This cannot lead them to truth. So, to get rid of this incompleteness, they used to come to India in search of truth, and this truth has been in our country and is still here. And it is most necessary to achieve this truth.

There is a lot of difference between our system and foreign systems. There, the system of knowledge is such that, if anything is said about knowledge, then immediately they start analysing it and researching it. How correct is it to do such a thing? If Jesus Christ said something, for that also the analysis will start. By this analysis the truth can never be found. Instead, this may lead to the finding of many distorted forms of the knowledge.

Now we should think about the system in our country. There is definitely some speciality and sacredness in this country, that so many great personalities, sages and seers have been born here over several thousand years. And this extended up to the 16 century, when great personalities like Guru Nanak were born, and they wrote volumes on truth. Many things were told and explained. But our system is such that we don't negate or discuss the writings of the great personalities and don't try to look at them from the classical point of view because these have been told by people who are at great heights, and if they have written something from that level, we respect and accept it, and follow their footsteps. This is the speciality of our system that with reverence and trust we accept that whatever is written by great spiritual masters is the absolute truth. There is no lie in it. We don't have the right to analyse or crosscheck this, as we are not that wise. We are not that great. Neither do we have much understanding of scriptures, nor we know them in depth. Once we understand this fact, we easily accept the truth with reverence, which has been given to us by the great personalities.

In foreign countries also I found that there were great sufis who spoke about Sahaj, nothing but Sahaj. But no one accepts anything told by these sufis in those countries. Very few people respect them, but they also read their poems and entertain themselves; that is all. Like this many sufis were born in great countries. In a place like England also a great saint like William Blake* was born. No one understands him. I had not heard his name even in my college days, but I knew he existed. When I went to London for the first time I bought his book. The reason for negating these people is, according to the foreigners, sufis are mad, William Blake is mad, and all the saints and sages also are mad. This kind of egoism which prevails in foreign countries is not seen in our country. Rather, we should say that it was not there before, because now we also are becoming foreigners. We do not know anything about our country. Children in our schools hardly know anything about our country. I asked one of the children, “Do you know anything about Ajanta?" He asked if Ajanta is in India or abroad. The resources of our country are so great, so strong and unshakable, but we do not consider it our prime duty to know about them. We can never discuss the culture of this place. Many people, particularly our foreign Sahaja yogis, requested me to write a book on the strong points of our country. I asked them, “Which strong points are you talking about?” They replied, “About Indian culture. Please write a book on Indian culture." I said, “Our culture is like an ocean. What can I give you from this ocean? I will have to write volumes and volumes on this subject.”

Let me tell you something which could be a funny incident for us. Once, a foreign lady came to Me who was the wife of an Ambassador. She was wearing a garland around her neck. She told Me, "I don't understand Indians.” I asked her, "Why? What happened?” She replied, "I went to a flower shop, and I found a beautiful garland in that shop. I bought it and wore it, and the girl who was selling the garland started laughing at me. And everyone I saw on the way also were laughing at me because I was wearing that garland." I did not know how to explain it to her. I told her, “Look, here in India a garland is worn only when someone honours us. You cannot honour your own self. So, if you are honouring yourself and wearing a garland, then it is definitely something very funny for Indian culture, and would make us laugh." She said, “Your Indian culture seems to be very deep."

Any Indian will understand that giving importance to your own self, and roaming around with a garland around your neck, is considered a despicable act, because there is no humility in this. We should understand who we are and what we think of ourselves. But I would say, whatever agitation Mahatma Gandhi carried out, regarding this matter, had an adverse effect. When I was with Gandhiji, I found that whatever he did was only to promote the Indian culture, in spite of the fact that he was educated in a foreign country. Without this culture the world cannot exist. If the world has to be saved, then Indian culture should be an excellent example so that others will understand that this is the true life and there is true joy in living like this.

And in his ashram, there was a tradition of getting up at 4 in the morning. It was a rule that after getting up at 4 in the morning, you finish with your bath and other things and proceed to the prayer hall. And during the prayer sessions sometimes we could see snakes dancing in front of us. But there is no history of snakes or scorpions biting anyone in the ashram. The environment was so pure there. And people of all castes, creeds and religions used to worship there, with humility. And along with the prayer, music sessions also used to take place. And it is not surprising for Me since I know him so well, that whatever hymns [bhajanavali] he wrote were based completely on the Kundalini and chakras, in order, that is, it was written on one chakra after the other. His first hymnal was on Ganeshaji, the next on Saraswatiji, and this continued with other chakras in ascending order, describing the deities of each particular chakra. And we were supposed to sing in the same order. After that the Lord's Prayer was recited from the Bible, and after that a few verses from the Koran also were included, and there used to be mention of Buddhism and Jainism as well. But the first part of the prayer always used to be about deities present in each and every chakra of ours.

He had such a spiritual outlook, and he knew everything about Kundalini and all the chakras. With the complete knowledge, he wrote these verses, in an organised form, and tried to bring this knowledge to the common man. And he used to ask me questions about spiritualism. I was a very young girl at that time but he used to say, “Tell me, which profoundness of Indian culture is special?" Now it is very important to talk about our culture, because people have forgotten Gandhiji. Gandhiji has become totally unimportant because his spiritual teachings are not seen anywhere in today's politics. No one talks about spiritualism. If Indians cannot understand spiritual matters, then who else can?

Today you can see that people from 75 countries have come here to attend this meeting, and our spiritual matters have spread in these 75 countries. And these people have got Self-realization, and they are following our culture. They are not following American culture, or English culture or French culture. On the contrary, they say that the culture of their respective countries will take them towards their downfall. This culture kills our spirit, and diverts us from morality. These people have understood this. Now shouldn't we understand?

We people give explanations and fight for things which completely lack even the thought of morality. And the greatest thing our culture teaches us is to be moral. There are certain rules in morality. In our country every person has full freedom to either be moral or immoral, because ultimately you have been given the complete freedom. Now you should understand "swa" [spirit] and "tantra" [mechanism]. To know the mechanism of your spirit is the actual freedom. "Swa" means your spirit. To know your own spirit is the freedom [swatantrata].

Shivaji said that in the future you will know your spirit. And that is what Sahaja Yoga is, where you will understand your spirit. And the easiest way to know your spirit is through our Indian culture. You can never get to the depth of this culture because you have been thrown out of it because we are being ruled by kinds of people who have no knowledge of Indian culture. These people have bundled up Gandhiji's teachings and thrown them in a corner, and whatever they are teaching is contrary to Indian culture.

For example, I belong to Chittorgarh. You must have heard about Rani Padmini, who jumped into the pyre. She jumped into it along with thousands of other women, to save their chastity, which is considered to be the greatest power of a woman, according to us. Wherever the chastity of a women is not respected, that place is dominated by demons, devils and ghosts of Brahmins [brahmarakshas]. And this truth can be witnessed in America. Many nasty incidents are happening in America, which I cannot describe. The mothers are killing their own children. There is so much of filth there, that people are not scared of doing anything wrong. Since you have not been there it may look like the grass is greener on the other side for you. They are not scared of God. We don't even know if they believe in the power of God. For them everything is money, which has to be achieved in any possible way.

I know a person whom an American asked, "If I give you a lot of money, will you kill that particular lady?" This person replied, “No, no, I cannot kill anyone. Why should I kill her?" The American replied, “For the sake of money." He said, "I can never kill anyone for money or any other reason." The American said, "I can kill her, because I will get money. Money is everything." Then, you wouldn't hesitate to kill your mother also. The other day a person came here who said, “Mother, I killed my own mother." I said, "OK, so tomorrow you will kill Me also." A person who can kill his own mother and show disrespect to her can never be an Indian.

There are plenty of descriptions of Indian mothers. We consider mothers as the form of Shakti, and we worship that Shakti. In all our scriptures there are descriptions of the mother. Everything starts with the mother, but in the foreign system a mother does not have a place at all.

Many of the foreign countries have been named after fathers. For example, we call our country Bharat Mata or motherland. But they claim that their country is masculine. Germany is one among them. You all know very well what Germany did, and now they are suffering for their deeds. Indians can never do such a thing.

But there is a lot of ignorance in India. Recently, I came across a book in Jaipur, which must have been written by a local person. In that book he has written that instead of going in the pyre, Rani Padmini could have surrendered herself to Alauddin Khilji and she could have become his slave. There would have been no war in that case. She burnt 32000 women along with her. Where is the wisdom in this? See where these people’s thoughts are going. Maybe we should compromise on everything. What was the necessity to fight with the British? We could have been their slaves as well. If we had compromised everywhere, many people would still have been alive. But what would they achieve by just being alive? Today so many Indians are living, but what good are they doing? What are they going to achieve? Money, money, money; this money has gotten into their brains also. And for the sake of money should we sell our values? Should we completely destroy them? These values are our support system, and you should know that the whole world is waiting to see which value of yours is going to lift you up, and which value of yours is going to awaken you. And you are becoming fools in the hands of everyone. The British tried to fool you and you acted stupid.

Whoever is trying to spread immorality in the country can definitely not be an Indian, because without morality you can never rise high. Only with the help of this morality can you achieve the All-pervading Power. If there is no morality in you, you can never become emancipated. You will go to hell, and your country will also go to hell. Like, I have observed that in foreign countries people are given complete freedom. Somehow or other their only intention is to earn money. It doesn't matter if women have to sell themselves or you have to open liquor stores. The only intention is to earn money. And after earning so much money, where does America stand today? Do you know that they are indebted to many countries? The country is sunken in debt.

Many of our educated Indians went to America. I asked them, “Why have you come here?" They replied, “There is a lot of money in this country. So we came to earn money." All right, then what happened to all the money? Why is everyone in debt? Every youth is paying off a loan. I said, “You are all Indians. Why are you sinking in debt? You should remember that you people are highly educated engineers, doctors, and chartered accountants, and still you are so deep in debt that you cannot even go back to your country.” They said, “To have a lifestyle of this kind we have to borrow money.” Like fools, they use their credit cards and order this and that and unnecessary things just to match the American lifestyle, and thus they are in debt. You went all the way there, and now you are in debt. What is the use of going there? You could not earn anything properly but you are paying off loans. Yes, you have huge houses, expensive sofas, carpets, this and that, but everything is paid for by loan money. And in that country taking a loan is not considered bad at all. So you also keep borrowing money. We should not be in a place like this where the culture is so unprincipled. I call this as wrath of "aLakshmi", where superficially everything looks beautiful but there is nothing inside except loan. What can we learn from these people? They come here to learn from us, and what can we learn from them? There is nothing to learn from them.

We should not be frightened to accept boldly that there is no greater country than ours, and in the whole world there is no better culture then ours. It is very difficult to get to the depth of this culture as we also have become very useless. In India people have become so worthless that they sell their vote just for some onions. Now, Sahaja yogis who came here from outside came with a bag full of onions. I should be ashamed of this. Many people know how to fool others but Indians are expert in being fooled by others.

All these foreigners brought along with them bags full of onions. I asked them, “Why have you brought onions with you?" They said, “Because we heard that there is such a shortage of onions in India, that the government is getting toppled because of that. So we brought onions with us.” I said, “That is true, but at least don't embarrass us so much.”

Those days are gone when people used to fight for their country and sacrifice everything. We ourselves were among them. Today people who are claiming all the rights in free India, did they or their ancestors ever do anything good for this country? When there was combat in the country, when people were fighting for freedom, getting hurt, going to jail, sacrificing their homes, were any of these people present there at that time? Now they are claiming rights and passing orders that this should not happen in the country, and things like that.

I am very astonished to see that to bring unethical things in the country there is so much fighting going on. Today the principle is to spoil the justice lovers by giving them liquor, teaching them ugly things, wrenching money from them and swallowing it yourself.

You have to remember one thing, that if you are coming to Sahaja Yoga you have to accept the Indian culture, in spite of your caste, creed, race and religion. Without that, it is not possible to be in Sahaja. And you need to understand what Sahaj Marg is. Consider that we follow a certain thing religiously but we have not achieved it yet. So many fraudulent people have come, giving wrong advice, because of which there is plenty of chaos. So that is why it is mentioned that you get Self-realization. There is no meaning in your religion or your talks unless and until you have achieved Self-realization. This cannot be achieved by your intelligence.

Einstein himself has said that this Self-realization is beyond our minds. He also was a Self-realized soul, who mentioned about “torsion area” but people negated him by asking, “Where is this torsion area?" How can you find this torsion area? You cannot find it until you attain Self-realization. So first of all, achieve your Self-realization. For that also many false people mushroomed in our country. Many tantrics grew, who started cheating people by giving them things like diamonds, and people started getting caught in their web.

Getting Self-realization has become very easy through Sahaja Marg. Everyone can achieve this very easily. Through this method you don't have to do anything like standing on your head, or leaving the society, your home, or your children. No need to do any such thing. This energy is present inside you. It is present in a triangular bone inside your body. I am not saying this but it has been told by several great personalities from the time of creation. I am very surprised that from India people like Machinder Nath, Gorakh Nath, who used to talk about Kundalini, travelled to places like Bolivia, several thousand years back, which is a very difficult place for us to reach. They went to Ukraine and also to some parts of Russia. And after going there they explained to people that this Kundalini Shakti is inside you and all the chakras are present inside your system. And we people who are their progeny do not know anything about Kundalini. The natives of Bolivia know everything about Kundalini but they say that they do not know how to awaken the Kundalini, though they are aware of the existence of Kundalini. I went to Bolivia only once, and many thousands of people got Self-realization instantly. But we people do not have any knowledge of this, and no one tells us about it, nor it is mentioned in any of our books. It is as if we have been completely severed from that great culture and the great knowledge, and we ourselves do not know what kind of peculiar human beings we have become. We are neither Indians nor English. We do not know to which country we belong to. People also do not know the meaning of Kundalini. Just imagine, people do not know what is this Kundalini which has an ocean like knowledge inside it.

Recently a person came here from Mexico, who is an Ambassador. I told him, “Your country is full of spirit science." He said, “Is that so?" I replied, “Yes, I have been to your country and I have noticed this spirit science there.” To that he replied that it can be removed by psychology. I said, “Your psychology or psychiatry is like a child science. There is absolutely nothing in it. If you want to know about psychology I will tell you. The spirit science, psychology, psychiatry, everything, is mentioned in depth in our books. And I will explain that to you." This Ambassador is a voracious learner. Whenever I have time I will explain everything to him.

But you people should understand that your country has a treasure of knowledge, and where are you running? What exactly are you doing? According to you, whichever country you think is very advanced and effluent, please go and have a look. I have seen those countries. Do you think they are all happy? If they were really happy why would they come here? Why would they come here in search of joy and happiness? This happiness is something like, you want a house today, then you want a car, then you want this and that. You are never satisfied with what you have. You want this after that, and a third thing next. What is the necessity to run after materialistic things?

There is no end to your needs. There is no contentment. But you get all these things in Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga you will be completely content and satisfied. But Sahaja Yoga is based on Indian culture. Foreign culture will not work in Sahaja Yoga. Whoever wants to follow Sahaja Yoga should understand this. Now look at these foreign women who have draped themselves in saris. But that doesn't mean that you should jump up and down like the members of Hare Rama Hare Krishna. If you want to get to the reality then you have to get deeper into it and fit into it, and understand it. There is nothing in this which you cannot do, because you are all born in this great country. It is mentioned in scriptures that to take birth in India, you should have done a thousand years of penance. After doing good deeds for thousands of years, this kind of people are there in front of Me. In our lifetime, we have come across people who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the country. And now, you people are behaving this way, just for some onions? You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Padmini jumped into the pyre along with 32000 other women. What is the importance of our country? It is our values. And these values will be awakened in you by Sahaj Yoga, because I have noticed that Sahaj has awakened these values in foreigners also. These values are seated inside us, are shining inside us, glowing and beaming like sunshine. All these values inside us and the greatness of this mother element, along with the values. But if we cover these values like the cloud covering the moon, then how can we see these values? Or how will you understand them when they are covered with so many layers? Kabir Das ji has explained very beautifully about Sahaja Yoga, but people don't understand it. For example, he wrote, "Ida, Pingala, Sukhamana Nadi re". But people started asking, “What are Ida and Pingala?” They know about the nervous system, they know about the autonomous nervous system, but they don't know that the autonomous nervous system is Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadis. They do not know anything about that. He [Kabir Das] wrote, “Saiyan nikas gaye, mai na ladi." I call my Lucknow people philanderers because they think the meaning of "sainya" is “Here is some lover, who has left her beloved and she did not cry”. I said, “What has Kabir Das got to do with lover? Was he so romantic?” What he meant in that particular line is that "My whole life went by, I became almost dead but still I didn't fight with death." Just imagine how we have converted this into a perverted meaning. For example, "Surati chadhe kamaan"; according to Kabir Das ji, “surati” means "Kundalini", but people in Bihar converted this to tobacco as surati means tobacco in Bihar. Now look at the condition of Bihar.

There were one after the other great people born in Bihar. One among them was Gautama Buddha; Mahavira in a way. I think Guru Nanak also had to do something with Bihar. Many of these kinds of seers were born there, like many lotuses are born in a pond. And people proudly announce that these lotuses were born in our country. But what right have you to say this, because you are still worms from the same place?

If you also want to become a lotus, then come to Sahaja Yoga. It is not difficult to come to Sahaja. It is very easy [sahaj], but it is difficult to establish in Sahaj. People who are used to eating their food the difficult way, cannot adopt any easy method to eat it. In Sahaj you will definitely get your Self-realization, without a doubt. Particularly if you are an Indian, you are sure to get it, irrespective of your being a Hindu or Muslim. But after you attain your spirit, you need to settle in Sahaj. Like, there is a seed, and even if it has germinated, it still has to grow into a tree. That is where we stumble, because the whole atmosphere around us is polluted. We think pollution means air pollution, but no, even impure thoughts can pollute the whole society. The process of this pollution is very bad. From all directions we get bombarded by innumerable thoughts and ideas. Newspaper people play an Important role in this. I don't know to which country they belong. They do not look like Indians to me. None of them has any idea about Indian culture.

Many people requested me to conduct a seminar where many press people would be invited. I said, "No, no, no, no, no." I will not talk to press people. It is beyond their capacity to handle this. The only thing which is within their capacity is to make one party fight with the other, day in and day out. They cannot do anything else. They cannot do anything else. People from 30 countries had come here. That is, journalists from 30 countries had visited India. And they wanted to have a meeting with Me. The most surprising thing is that all the people from 30 countries who had come here got their Self-realization. All of them felt the cool breeze from their palms. But people who have a cunning nature, who spread false gossip from one place to another, cannot benefit much from Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is neither for cunning people, nor for stupid people. Any person can get Self-realization, provided he desires it from the bottom of his heart. After that his life is transformed. He starts enjoying life. After that many blessings are showered on you, and you realise that God is watching you, and managing each and every movement of yours. He is with you in every place.

Many people say, “We used to go to temple every day and worshipped Shivaji so much, but still Shivaji was not happy with us. We didn't get this or that." This is a common complaint. But Your connection was not established with Shivaji. People say, “We hurt our knees by kneeling before Shivaji daily and going to temple but still we did not attain God, we did not get any blessings, nor were we peaceful.” How will you get it? Because you have no connection with God there. I think people have not read the Koran properly. If they read it they would understand that the whole of Sahaja Yoga is described in it. Everything is described about Khiyama, how he came on a white horse and crossed the seven stages. This is nothing but Sahaja Yoga. People who are truthful will write true things only, instead of writing absurd things. But later, to save the people, certain rules were changed, because the natives of Arbasthan did not know much about the culture. Our Indian people know what is right and what is wrong. We know everything.

A boy who went to Cambridge for higher education tells me that these people [British] consider everything to be a challenge. I asked him, “How?" He replied, “People asked me why I am not taking drugs. I said I don’t take drugs because it is not in our culture. They said, ‘Which culture are you talking about? We all are taking drugs. So you also should take them. This is a challenge for your culture.’ I replied, ‘I don't want to accept your stupid challenge’.” The boy said, “Mother, these people think that consuming liquor is a challenge. Taking drugs is a challenge. Getting AIDS is a challenge for them and maybe going to hell is also a challenge." What else is there to say except that their minds are completely corrupt. If someone thinks all these things are good, then what can be said about them? I tried to talk some sense to the patients with AIDS, but they replied to Me by saying, “We have sacrificed so much". I said, “What have you sacrificed?” They said, “We are great fighters," and so on. I said, “My namaskar to you. You people keep fighting like this and spoiling your lives. What else can I say? You people are not going to move forward. I can see that very clearly."

So, this is the kind of attitude people have there, that to do anything wrong is a challenge for them. And they think that Indians are useless and cowards. And after this incident of onions, I feel how these people have humiliated us so much. I feel as if we are very cheap and useless. And in Delhi there are several thousand Sahaja yogis, but still I don't understand how such an incident can happen here, as if they have become brainless; like Punjabis say, they have lost their minds. But I did not expect that this would happen so soon. I thought I would do some work outside Delhi for some time. When I came back I find the whole situation so bad here. I don't know what kind of people have mushroomed here. I should accept that this is the "prime era of downfall" [Ghor Kali Yuga]. Otherwise, it is not possible for human beings to change so fast. And In this Kali Yuga a kind of confusion plays tricks with the mind. When this confusion starts tricking the mind, then the discrimination between good and bad is lost. We don't realise what is proper and what is improper. It has been mentioned that Sahaja Yoga has to come in this era of downfall.

In the "Nal Damyanti Vyakhyan", once Nal caught hold of Kali and told her, "I am going to kill you, because you have troubled me a lot, and separated me from my wife. So I am going to kill you." To that Kali replied, “All right. First, you listen to my importance and then you can kill me." Nal said, “What can be your importance, as you are an evil person?” Kali said, “No, I have my own importance, that is, during Kali Yuga, people will become totally confused and exasperated, and at that time, thousands of people who are seeking God and the truth in mountains and caves will be blessed. They will experience their spirit. They will get their Self-realization. So Kali Yuga is very important, without which people cannot seek the truth, or they will not attain or search the truth.” When he heard this, Nal let go of Kali and said, “All right, let your Kali Yuga come.” Now this downfall [Ghor Kali Yuga] has come, and with that Sahaja Yoga also has come, attracting you and asking you to look towards it, without getting entangled in any other web.

To come to the Sahaja Marg you don't have to give anything, there is no need to sacrifice anything, and you don't have to pay anything. You only have to awaken the Kundalini which is situated inside you. And when it awakens, it sustains itself in the Sahasrar, and pierces and comes out of the fontanelle bone and unites with the All-pervading Power, which is spread all around. It is a very simple thing. Till now you have never been associated with this subtle energy. You have not experienced this subtle energy until now. You have not known it at all. And without knowing this, you are chanting the name of God, going around to all the temples, and doing all kinds of circus. What happens if you go to mosque? No one is becoming wise. Instead, they are fighting among themselves. And what is the use of going to temple where there is nothing but corruption? Is it not very clear that this is wrong, and there is no use in doing this? Instead, something better has to be done. It is so clearly visible in front of your eyes. We should recognise it when it is so clear. This path is not the right one, there is no use in it, and it is useless to follow this path. Unless we achieve our inner self and get to our spirit, we may get lost in the darkness of this life. So it is very essential for you to enlighten your spirit and recognise in that light, what is good and what is bad for you.

When the spirit is enlightened, we develop the power to discriminate between right and the wrong [sat-asat-vivek buddhi], you will do only which is right for you, and you will never do anything which will lead you to self-destruction. Whatever you do will be done with plenty of love and affection. It is very difficult for Me also to speak harshly to you. Today, I had come prepared to tell you very strongly, “Stop being stupid. You have already done enough foolish things."

Now, when you follow Sahaj Marg, you attain plenty of inner peace. Our country is a peace-loving country. This country has never created problems for any country, never looted any other country, nor tried to possess the land of any country. How did we achieve this peace?

We have struggled for thousands of years, but still how did we get this peace? This is because of the greatness of our land. The land on which you all are sitting is the cause for why we all are peace-loving people. If someone tries to attack us, we definitely respond to them, but we never try to be mischievous to anyone. This kind of system is not there in our country. It is there in other countries but not in ours. We don't provoke any country to fight with others, and we don't bomb any country. We don't do such things. We are self-controlled in these matters.

Once the peace inside us is established, our families, which is our small world, also become peaceful, and our children become peaceful. Peace is very essential for our life. Even trees do not grow in places where there is no peace. That place can never advance, and in those places people will destroy themselves by fighting with one another.

The peace which you get from Sahaja Yoga makes you progress. There are many youth in Sahaja Yoga who have achieved great heights. They never even dreamt that they would get this kind of name and fame, prosperity and everything else. They are completely satisfied people. If I try to give them something they say, “Mother, You have already given us so much. Now what are You giving again?” This kind of mental satisfaction is established inside us. Contentment leads to mutual understanding, better relationships and love. Most importantly, Sahaja Yoga is a transaction of love. We get the love of the All-pervading Power around us, and there is nothing greater than love in this world. Everything is secondary to a person who understands the importance of love. He establishes all his values on the basis of love. Love is the kind of water because of which our country will grow like a lively and vivid tree.

If in the past we had the binding of togetherness and love among one another, then which country would have dared to rule over us? Through Sahaja Yoga we can achieve this togetherness, mutual love and affection, and collective consciousness will be established among us. We all will become one. Now, see that people have come here from different countries, who follow different religions, but the togetherness, unity and contentment which are among this people cannot be seen anywhere else. You will be surprised to see their oneness. If you go to some other guru, you will find that the disciples will always be fighting either among themselves or with the guru. But in Sahaja Yoga, when we become Self-realized, then we start understanding that we are drops in the same ocean in which all are united. We face the agitation of the sea, go up, and come down and again go up. This kind of beautiful society is being organised all by itself, and this will definitely happen in our country.

All the wrongdoers, who are claiming the authority of the country, have not done anything for the country, nor they have sacrificed anything. Just like that they are occupying the most responsible seats of the country. It is very essential to have genuine devotion towards our country. Not just because it is our country and we are born here, but also because it is a great country. I cannot describe the greatness of this country, but at some point, if I get time I want to write something about the greatness of this country. To know about this country, you also should have a nature which is related to Sahaja. Only then you can understand how many things have happened in depth in this country, and all that has happened in our history.

It is very essential to have patriotism for our country. If you are not devoted to your country you cannot come into Sahaja Yoga. Towards this country, only you people do not have any devotion, but these people [foreigners] have love for your country, and they have accepted Sahaja Yoga in 75 countries. These people love your country so much that whenever they come here, they bend down and pay their homage to this land.

Now, only these people have to teach you to recognize your own mother and pay respect to her. I can keep talking on this subject, but it is an honour for Me that today you people have come from such far-off places in this cold weather. If all my children are in front of Me, what more do I need? I can only bless you that today, in this place, and at this moment, all of you get your Self-realization. And for that you don't have to do anything. You will receive it wherever you are seated. And you yourself will feel the cool breeze coming out of your hands. This is a very subtle thing, and this is not the time to explain what this breeze is and how it comes, but definitely I will tell you about it some other time.

Because of the impact of the vibrations which are flowing from within us, you can not only correct your physical, mental, and material aspects, but correct others’ problems, too. You are so great, but if you want to get stuck in the mud, what can I do? I request you all to be patient for ten more minutes and get your Self-realization. Whatever I spoke to you till now was to make you ready for the Self-realization program. Without this preparation, you cannot get Self-realization, as this is not the work of a coward, or that of a stupid person. So, with proper understanding, accept the fact that you are a spirit, and the only aim of your life is to attain this spirit. You have no other aim.

Now, I just want to tell you that if you are wearing shoes or chappals, please remove them. Like I told you earlier, this land is a holy land where many sages and seers were born, and we have to see what you people can achieve out of this sacred land.

Now, please keep your both hands towards Me. Now, keep your left hand towards Me, and keep your right hand on your fontanelle bone, on top of your head, which was a soft bone in your infancy. And now, keep your right hand towards Me and with your left hand check on top of your head, above the fontanelle bone to see If you are feeling a cool breeze. Some people may get the cool breeze much above the head, while some may get it just above the head. So please move your hand a little up and down to feel the cool breeze. Now, keep the left hand towards Me. And again with your right hand check on top of your head whether you are getting a cool breeze. It is possible that you may be getting a warm breeze also, because you have to forgive everyone. Forgive everyone, because if you don't forgive you will get a warm breeze from your head. And if you don't forgive someone, what are you doing? You are doing nothing except troubling your own self. So, forgive everyone and you will get a cool breeze. Forgive your own self also. Don't think, “I did this thing wrong or that thing wrong.” Forgive yourself completely.

Now keep both your hands towards Me. Please put both your hands towards Me. And now whoever felt a cool breeze or a warm breeze from both your hands, please raise both your hands. From this side to that side? May God bless you. My blessings to you all. You have all achieved Self-realization. The seeds are germinated inside you. Now, you have to grow this into a big tree. And if as many trees as you people grow here, then how long can Kali Yuga continue? Satya Yuga [age of wisdom and truth] is coming, but it still has to shine its light. You will be the people who will spread the light of Satya Yuga. I have full faith that you people will promote Sahaja Yoga. Each man can be responsible to give Self-realization to 1000 men, and each woman can give Self-realization to 1000 women. And everyone should try to give realization to every other person and see to it that they all achieve their spirit. My blessings to you all.

At the end of this program we all will sing “Vande Mataram”. For that you all need to stand up. Who are we to deny this song, which helped us to fight the war of freedom?

All of you stand up, and now these foreigners will sing this song, and you will be surprised to see how far the glory of our India has reached. Children should come here who will be singing this song.

Sahaji brother: Please pay attention here. Now the seed has germinated, and to improve it and establish your Self-realization and to give you more knowledge about it, we have arranged a follow-up program. So, tomorrow, that is, Saturday the 19th, all the centres in Delhi will have this follow-up program. The addresses of all the centres are on the back of the pamphlet given to you. So whichever centre is near to you, please attend the follow-up program there. All of you are invited. Thank you.

2-nd translation of Shri Mataji's speech:

My greetings to all the seekers of truth.

We all are searching for truth, but where to search for it, what is the right place for it, where that truth is lying, you all should understand first. Thousands of people come to India, and if you ask them, “Why have you come to India?” they answer, “We are here to search for the truth. In our countries there is no truth, but In India the truth lies. So we are here.” And in search of this truth thousands of seekers come to India, and have been coming for thousands of years. You must have heard that in history, people from China and many more faraway countries used to come to India. I don’t know how, but they all knew that truth is present only in this country. Truth is hidden only in this land. They used to roam the streets and go to the Himalayas, to search for the truth. They made all efforts to find the truth, because people were following different religions, but they knew just by following any religion they would not be able to achieve the truth. Religion is just a path, like what you see on the streets. They are labeled by any name, but we do not get the truth with it. That is why due to this unfulfillment of the truth the seekers used to come over to India. This truth was prevalent in the past and still is prevalent in our country, and to attain this truth is very important.

There is a huge difference in the systems used to search for truth in India and the systems abroad. The method used abroad for finding true knowledge is that if someone says anything there, people start analyzing it, how true it is and what is being said to them. Even what Jesus Christ said is analyzed. With this analysis the truth doesn’t come out, but the scorcher side comes out.

Now think about the methodology of our country. There is some specialty and purity in this country that so many sages and saints and a considerable number of people have taken birth here for thousands of years, and with the increase of saints, by the 16 th century we had seen saints like Guru Nanak and many more who had taken their birth here, and all of them wrote a lot about truth. Many things were explained, but our methodology is such that all that is written by such great souls, we do not analyze what they said. We do not discuss it. We do not want to look at it from a classical angle. They are the people who have attained the Divine. They are placed much higher than others. Whatever they have said, we approve it and walk on the path shown by them. This is the most special methodology of our country, that with devotion and faith we agree that for people who have reached heights in spirituality, whatever they have written is truth and they never lie, and we do not analyze what they have written in books, as we are not experts in that knowledge. We have not attained those heights, we do not have such a great knowledge of our scriptures, and we are not that great. So we follow those scriptures written by these famous saints and sages.


I noticed in foreign countries as well that that there have been many sufis abroad. They have all talked about Sahaja Yoga, but nobody follows sufis there. Their recognition in foreign lands is very negligible. Very few people follow them. They just read their poems and get entertained by them, but do not follow the path shown by the sufis. In every country there have been sufis who said great things about Divinity. Even in England we had a big saint by the name of William Blake, but no one recognizes his work. We did not hear of him even when we were studying in college, but we knew he was there. When we went to London for the first time, we bought his books there. The reason behind this is that people thought William Blake was mad. All the sufis are considered insane. For the foreigners all our saints and sages are also mad.

This kind of egoism that exists abroad is not found in our country. It was not there in the past, I should say. Now we are all turning into westerners. We have no knowledge about our own country. In our school curriculum students don’t know much. I asked one student, “Do you know about Ajanta caves?” He asked Me, “Are Ajanta caves in India or abroad?” The rich heritage of our country is so vast, so deep, so irreplaceable that we do not consider it our responsibility to learn about it. I cannot tell you about the rich culture of our country. So many people told Me, especially our western Sahaja Yogis, “Mother, please write a book about the specially deep matters about India.” I asked, “What deep matters about India?” They said, “Its culture. Please write a book on Indian culture.” I said, “This is a deep sea. What can I give you from this deep sea? I will have to write volumes of scriptures on that.”

I will tell you one very funny incident. There was a foreigner lady who was the wife of an ambassador. She came to meet Me. She was wearing a garland around her neck. She said to Me, “I don’t understand Indians.” I asked, “What happened?” She said, “I went to a flower shop. I saw a very nice garland. So I bought it and wore it. So the girl from whom I purchased the garland started to laugh at me, and on the way everyone who saw me was also laughing at me, just because I was wearing this garland.” I thought, now how do I explain this to her? So I said that it is only when someone is felicitating you, that you are given a garland. You cannot felicitate yourself and wear a garland by yourself. This is funny for our culture.” Then she told Me, “This has a very deep meaning,” to which I agreed. Any Indian would understand that it is not right to put oneself above others, roaming around with a garland around one’s neck. This is highly objectionable in India, because this kind of act doesn’t have humility.

It is very important to understand who we are and what wrong identifications we have for ourselves. I would say that the mass movement started by Mahatma Gandhi has reversed its direction and cause. When we were with Gandhiji and stayed with him, his ways and his way of talking were such that, though he studied abroad, he still firmly believed in highlighting Indian culture. Without that, this world won’t survive. If we have to save the world we should have a very strong example of Indian culture and heritage, from where people learn that this is a kind of life and it is so blissful. They had a discipline of waking up at 4 o’clock in the morning at his ashram. You were supposed to wake up, take your bath and go for morning prayers. When we used to sit for prayers there were lots of snakes there. Sometimes snakes would slither near you, but it never happened that even a scorpion bit anyone there, let alone the snakes. This was the extent of purity in the environment.

In their prayer sessions people humbly, from all castes and religions, used to sit together and pray, and in the prayer sessions, music was played, including hymns that he wrote. I know how spiritual he was because all the hymns he wrote were about Kundalini power, all of them. He first wrote praises to Shri Ganesha, then praises to Shri Saraswati. Like this, all the songs, devoted to deities established on all the chakras, were written and had to be sung in the same format, chakra-wise, deity-wise. Then from the Bible the Lord’s Prayer was sung, and also prayers from the Holy Koran were sung. Even prayers from Buddhism were sung. The prayer meetings also had hymns and prayers from the Jain religion. They recited prayers to each and every deity sitting on each chakra respectively. He knew about the Kundalini and chakras. He knew all about the Divine. He tried to explain to people about this divine knowledge through his hymns. He used to ask Me a lot about spirituality. Although I was very young then, still he used to ask Me about spirituality and what is so special about our culture.

Now it is very important to talk about the culture of our country, because people have now forgotten about Gandhiji. His preaching has been wasted, as his spiritual side is now neglected. In this political life, no one talks about his spirituality. If we Indians won’t take spirituality forward, then who else will? Who else will understand it? You can see that people from 75 nationalities have come and are sitting here. They have come from 75 different countries, spirituality has spread to 75 different nations, and they have all attained their Self-realization. They held very strongly to our culture, not English, or American or French culture, for they saw that the cultures of their own countries are taking them to destruction. This is destroying our spirithood. These cultures destroy our morality. If these foreigners have understood, we Indians should now understand. Instead, we discuss such petty issues where there is no morality in that issue. The biggest gift of our culture is that we should be people with high morals. Moral life has certain norms, but in our country everyone leads a free life. You have full freedom, whether you want to lead a moral life or not, because till the end of your life you have complete freedom to choose.

Now you have to understand the meaning of your true Self. To know your Self is the real freedom. “Swa” means your Self, meaning your spirit. To know your spirit is true freedom. Shivaji said about the future, “First know your Self.” You have to know your Self first. This is only Sahaja Yoga. Through Sahaja Yoga you understand your own Self, your own subtle system. To know your Self, the easiest path is our Indian culture. You cannot go to the depth of this culture, because you have been thrown out of it. The biggest mistake was that people who were above us, our leaders, did not have any idea about our rich culture. They placed Gandhiji at one corner and asked him to stay away, and all these leaders, whatever they preached was totally against Indian culture.

I am from Chittargarh. You must have heard here Queen Padmini did Jauhar (Rajput women sacrificed themselves in Jawahar Kund, setting fire to it). Padmini did Jauhar (mass suicide to protect chastity) to protect the chastity of women. This is what we believe, that chastity is the greatest power of women. We firmly believe in it in our culture. Any place where respect for and chastity of women is not there, only evil demons and confusing monsters reside.

You can witness this clearly happening in America. Such nasty things are happening in America that I cannot share them with you. Mothers even kill their own children. America is such a filthy place. As you have never been there, it seems rosy, but people in America have no fear at all. No fear of God is left in the people there. I am not sure if they are left with any belief in God’s powers. Everything there is all about money. By any method, they just earn money.

One fellow is there in America. So one of his followers asked him, “If I pay you so much, can you kill a lady for me?” He replied, “No, no, I cannot kill anyone. I don’t want to kill anyone. Why should I kill anyone?” He said, “For money you kill her, or for the world you kill her.” The fellow who proposed to kill said, “I can kill.” Another one asked, “Why?” “Because money is involved. Money is the biggest thing. So I can kill.” So you can kill your mother also for money. Once a man came here a long ago. He told Me, “Mother, I have killed my own mother.” I said, “Really? So tomorrow you can kill Me also.” A person who can kill his own mother and has no feelings towards his own mother cannot be an Indian, cannot be an Indian. There is a lot written about mothers. We consider mothers to be holy and powerful, and we worship them. In all the scriptures, the first thing stated is about the mother. Everything starts with the mother. In cultures abroad, there is no importance given to mothers. In a lot of countries the country is called by the name of the father. Like we say Mother India, many countries call their land male. One such country is Germany. You all know what Germans have done. They are crying and repenting about what they did, but they did it, after all. Indians can never do this, never.

But there is a lot of ignorance in India. I came across a book written about Jaipur. Someone from Jaipur must have written it. I was surprised to see that in the book the author says that regarding the Jauhar that Queen Padmini did in Mewar, it would have been better for her to surrender herself to Khilji (cruel Mughal emperor). She could have been his servant. So this entire war wouldn’t have happened. 32000 women were burnt alive because of what she did. Just see where the author’s sense goes. Maybe we should have compromised on everything. What was the need to fight the British? You could have compromised with them. If we had compromised with everyone, then so many lives wouldn’t have been lost. But what would they achieve just by being alive? Today so many Indians are alive, but what are they doing living like this? What are they going to attain by living like this? Money, money, money. Money has gone into their brains as well, and if we sell our values, we would destroy our entire value system, because of which we are living today, and you should know that the entire world is watching you to see what values you hold today. Anybody can fool you and you fall into their trap. Earlier, the British fooled you. Now again you are being fooled by westerners. People who spread immorality can never be Indians, because without morality you cannot rise. With morals intact you can attain the Divine. If you do not have a moral life you cannot rise to Divinity. You will go to hell. So will your country. In America they have all kinds of freedom. They have to earn money by any means: women may sell their bodies; they open shops to sell liquor; they want to earn money by any means. Today, after earning all that money where do they stand? They are all heavily in debt. The whole country is heavily in debt.

A few of our Indian boys came to America. I asked them, “Why have you come here?” They said, “The jobs are good and highly paid. So we came to America.” I asked, “Where has the money gone? Why is everyone here indebted so much? Every child is in debt.” I asked them, “Being an Indian, why are you so much in debt? Think about it. You are highly qualified engineers, doctors and chartered accountants, and came to America with huge debts. Can’t you go back to India?” They replied, “The lifestyle here has a drawback. Everyone tends to get into debt.” Like fools they order everything and they use cards for shopping. Everyone is in debt. No one there has any money. You went there and got huge debts. What did you gain from going there? You haven’t learned anything there, and you are greatly in debt. You have exquisite sofas, carpets and so on, but all through borrowing money.”

Being in debt is not considered bad at all, and people are becoming heavily indebted. This kind of culture where immorality is so bad is the place where there is no harmony. Disharmony of this kind is such that people want to show something big, but they are hollow inside; only debts. What can we learn from them? They come here to learn. So what will we learn from them? There is nothing to learn from them. I have no hesitation in saying that there is no country like our India and the culture we have in the whole world. There is no such culture. It is very difficult to reach the depth of our culture as we all are so wasted.

People here have demeaned themselves so much that they vote over the issue of onions. The entire world is making a mockery of our country. All My Sahaja yogis who came from abroad brought one packet of onions each with them. You should be ashamed. You should be ashamed of this. People have art to fool others, but to become fools is the quality of Indians. All the foreigners brought huge amounts of onions with them. When I asked why they brought them they said, “In India there is a huge crisis of onions. We heard that people want to change the government over the issue of onions.” I said, “Yes, this is true, but now please don't embarrass us on this issue.”

Gone are those days when people used to fight for their country. They used to sacrifice everything for their country. I Myself sacrificed a lot. I was even beaten up for My country. Today, all those who claim the country, have ever their grandparents or their parents done anything for the country? Or have they done anything for the country when there was a struggle for freedom? When people fought for freedom, were brutally hurt, lost their homes, were any of them there then? Now they are claiming the country and saying, “This should not happen. That should not happen.”

I am surprised that people are fighting on moral grounds. All the people who were right became spoiled because of today's politicians. Snatch money from people, drink alcohol, take to wrong ways and digest people's money. One thing is there: you should think that if you are a Sahaja yogi then you have to imbibe Indian culture, irrespective of your caste, of your Dharma, or your thought patterns. Otherwise it will not happen. And what is this Sahaj path? You have to understand that we believe in something with full faith, but yet you have not achieved the truth. That is why many corrupt people have come up. Many wrong types of people have come up, done wrong things, messed up a lot of things.

It is said that you should attain your Self-realization. You attain your realization. There is no sense in your religion. What you say makes no sense till you have attained your Self-realization. You cannot attain this with intellect. This is beyond intellect. Even Einstein said so. What more proof do you want? This is absolutely beyond intellect, far ahead of mental knowledge. Even If you believe in the physical body, brain and heart, it is not eternal. The Divine is eternal. It is beyond mind. It is called Paramchaitanya. Einstein has called it the torsion area. He was also a Self-realized soul. People claim it is science. How will you attain torsion area? You cannot attain it. You can only get this after your Self-realization. So first attain your Self-realization.

To sabotage the Divine, many crooked people popped up in India. Many tantrikas have popped up and are fooling innocent people, living luxuriously and giving diamonds. Innocent people are getting trapped in their malicious games. To attain Self-realization through Sahaja Yoga has become very easy and you can attain the Divine very easily. There is no need for you to stand on your heads. You don't have leave your families, you don't have to sacrifice your children. There is no need to do all this. The power is within you. It is residing within you in a triangular bone in your backbone. I am not saying this Myself. It has been described by old sages for centuries. People used to talk about Self-realization a thousand years ago. People like Machinder Nath and Gorakh Nath reached countries like Bolivia at that time. Even today it is not easy to reach Bolivia. They went to Ukraine also, and some parts of Russia, and told people that they have this power within themselves. They gave the knowledge of the chakras. We are their descendants. What do we know? We know nothing. People in Bolivia know all about the subtle system but they did not know how to enlighten the power of Kundalini. We know all the rest. When I went there it was spreading like fire. They got their Self-realization in huge numbers.

Here in India we have no knowledge about our subtle system, nor it is written in our modern books. Nobody shares this knowledge. It is like we are disconnected, disassociated from this great knowledge, and after disassociation from this knowledge, we became mad people of a very different country. We are not westerners or Indians. We turned into something strange. We have no knowledge. People ask me whether Kundalini and Kundli are the same. Nobody has this knowledge. Imagine: this country is the real ocean of knowledge, an ocean full of knowledge.

I met a gentleman who came from Mexico who is the Ambassador in India. I told him, “In your country there is a lot of demonology.” He said, “Is there?” I said, “Yes, I went there and saw it Myself.” So he asked Me, “Will it go away with psychology?” I told him, “Psychology or psychiatry is a very basic science. It's a very, very basic science that has nothing in it. If you want to know I will tell you more. Demonology, psychology and psychiatry are mentioned in our books. And I will tell you about it.” He was very curious to know about this, but only if my schedule permits will I take time to tell him about this.

Will you people please give this a thought, that in your country this true knowledge is in abundance, and where are you running to? What are you people doing? All those countries, which according to you have risen higher and are very progressive, you should visit those countries. I have visited them. Are the people there happy? If they are happy there, why would they come to India? Why would they come to India to search for true happiness? Today you want a small house, then you want a car, then you need something new, and whatever you get you’re never happy with that. After one thing, you need a second and then a third thing. What is the need to run after mundane things? There is no solution and no satisfaction, but in Sahaja Yoga you attain all this. In Sahaja Yoga you attain complete solutions and satisfaction. The Sahaj path is based upon Indian culture. Western culture will not work in this system.

Those who want to come into Sahaja Yoga and attain Self-realization should now take a look at these foreigner ladies who are wearing saris. It does not mean that you should jump like Hare Rama people. It is absolutely not required to do that. You have to attain truth, attain reality. You have to go deep into truth. You have to understand the truth. There is nothing you cannot do, because you are born in this holy land of India. It is written by the sages that you have to do good deeds for thousands of years to take birth in India. Just see what kinds of people are born in India today. In My lifetime I have seen people who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of our country, and now for mundane things like onions. I don't know what to say. This is a matter of absolute shame.

Rani Padmini did Jauhar with 32,000 other ladies. The specialization of our country is our value system, our values which will be enlightened only by Sahaja Yoga, because I have seen the same value system being enlightened in western people. These are values which are already residing within us, shining with us, enlightened within us, shining like the sun within us. All these values are within us. Also the earth element has great importance, but if we cover our own qualities, hide our qualities, how will you see these values within yourself? How will you understand about these values? If there is only one kind of curtain over the value system then I should talk about it.

Saint Kabir has written very beautifully about Sahaja Yoga but people do not understand it. People don't understand about Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna nadis. People do not know what is Ida and what is Pingala. People know about the nervous system and the autonomous nervous system but these are only Ida, Pingala, Sushumna nadis. They know nothing about it. Kabir has written, “Saiyan nikas gaye the maii na lari thi.” People who live in Lucknow are very romantic. They think that saiyan means that when her lover left she did not cry. I said, “What does Saint Kabir have to do with all this romance? Was he romantic by any chance? He meant by this: ‘The whole of my life went away. I did not fight with death’.”

Now think how much we have indulged into illusion, and how much we have changed the real meaning and made it so perverted. He said, “Surati chare Kaman.” He mentioned Surati as Kundalini. Now if you see in Bihar tobacco is known as surati. Now you know what the condition of Bihar is. In Bihar so many great people have taken their birth, like Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira in one form, and also I think I have seen that Shri Guru Gobind Singh was also there. So many saints have been on that land of Bihar, just like many lotuses in the same pond, and people say these lotuses were born in our pond. But you are still like insects in the same pond. What are you saying? You have to become a lotus. If you want to be a lotus, then get into Sahaja Yoga. To establish in Sahaja Yoga is not difficult but to remain established in Sahaj Yoga is difficult. If a person has a habit of eating food in a particular way, he would not change his way of eating. In Sahaja Yoga you will all become divine. You will all get Self-realization, especially if you are an Indian. By all regards, whichever religion you may follow – Hinduism or Muslim, it doesn't matter – after attaining your spirit you have to establish yourself in it, just as a seed sprouts and grows into a tree. We are left behind, because the environment is so bad in all directions. We think that pollution is about air pollution, but the environment is polluted by our thought processes. The thinking process is also very bad. We get bombarded from all directions, especially from newspapers. The people who work for newspapers are unique. I don't know which country they belong to. I don't think they are Indians. There is nothing about the Indian traditions and value system.

A lot of them said, “Mother, we would like to have a seminar of yours in which all our newspaper fraternity will come.” I said, “No, it is not required.” I don't wish to talk to them. It is not in their capacity to understand. Day and night, they only think about how to make people fight, how to create differences. They don't know anything beyond this.

Very recently, news reporters from 30 countries came here and said, “Mother, we want to have a meeting with you.” It was very surprising. All the people from 30 countries got their Self-realization. All of them got their Self-realization and felt coolness on their palms, but the people who are very clever and whose brains function in adverse ways spread rumors to all these clever people that Sahaja Yoga cannot benefit them. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for clever people, nor is it meant for idiots. Only those who have a pure desire for attaining Self-realization will get their Self-realization, and then their lives change. Then you start enjoying life, numerous kinds of blessings come your way, and you know that you are being taken care of by God himself and all your life aspects are taken care of by him. All your movements are taken care of by him, and he will stand by you every time.

People tell Me, “We used to go to temple every single day and pray really hard but even then Shivaji was not happy with us. This did not happen. That did not happen.” Everybody complained. I told them that they cannot get their connection with him until they are connected to the Divine. People complained that their knees were hurt while praying in mosque. “We did not get Shivaji or God there. We never got blessings anywhere. Nor did we get any peace.” How will you get it if you don’t have any connection there? I don't think so. Anybody who has ever read Koran carefully will understand that it describes all about Sahaja Yoga. How they have risen to seven chakras on a white horse is a description of Sahaja Yoga. All those who are truthful will write only about the truth. Why would they write about things that do not matter?

Later they made many rules of behavior to save people, because the people from Arabia did not have much knowledge of principles. Indians know the value of righteousness and the difference between right and wrong. We all know the difference. There was one boy, who went to study in Cambridge. He told Me something which surprised Me, that people in Cambridge think that everything is a challenge. He said, “People there challenged me to take drugs, and when I refused, saying that this is against my value system, the people from Cambridge said, ‘What kind of value system is this? We take drugs. So you should also take them. This is a challenge for you, and a challenge for your value system as well.’” The boy then said, “I don't need challenges.” He told Me, “Mother, westerners think that drinking alcohol is also a challenge. For them, taking drugs is a challenge, getting AIDS is also a challenge.” What kind of thinking is that? For when going to hell is also a challenge, their brains have become corrupted. What more can I say? If someone says, “It's a good thing,” what can you say about that kind of thinking? I tried hard to work on the brains of people suffering from AIDS, but instead they got on My own nerves. They said, “We have made a sacrifice.” Just imagine! I asked, “What kind of sacrifice is this?” “That we are great fighters, we are warriors,” and so on. With folded hands I told them, “You be a fighter and fight for your life.” I also told them, “You cannot go ahead with this kind of attitude.” I am very clear about this tendency of foreigners to do wrong things and see it as a challenge. And they think that Indians are fearful and useless.

About this whole episode of price increases for onions, I feel so ashamed what men in this country have done to us, that we have become totally useless. In the city of Delhi we have thousands of Sahaja yogis. Thousands of Sahaja yogis reside in Delhi. Despite that, I don't know how that happened in Delhi. People have lost their brains. In the Punjab they have become insane. I never knew that this would happen so soon. I never expected it. I thought that I should work in foreign countries and then come to India, but by the time I came back the entire Indian community had lost its sanity. I don't know what kind of people are born in India now.

You can say that this is the peak of Kali Yuga. I believe this totally as human beings could not have changed so much in these times of Kali Yuga. The minds of people are captured by misconceptions. Once people start believing in misconceptions you cannot see anything in the light of truth, nor can you differentiate between good and bad ,what is right and what is wrong; nor can you differentiate between truth and lies, between what is proper and improper. At the end of this time Sahaja Yoga will be established.

It is written in the old scriptures of Nal Damayanti that Nal got hold of Kali's neck and told him, “I will kill you as you have really troubled me, and because of you I got separated from my wife. So I will kill you.” Kali replied, “First listen to my importance, and then you can kill me.” To this Nal replied, “Why should I listen to you? You are such a wicked person.” Kali then replied, “I have a very great importance. During the times of Kali Yuga people will be very confused. Confusion will overtake the minds of people. They will get frightened, and at the same time thousands of people who are seeking the Divine in the center will be blessed. All the people in search of truth will get the experience of their Spirit. They will get their Self-realization. That is why Kali Yuga is so important. Without it this would have never happened. Without Kali Yuga at its peak, human beings will never come and search for their Spirit.” When Kali said this to Nal, Nal let go of him and said, “All right, let your Kali Yuga begin.”

So this time of Kali Yuga is directing your attention to your spirit. We should think about where we are going. To walk on the path of Sahaja Yoga you don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to donate money, you don’t have to make sacrifices; nothing like that. You have to awaken the power of Kundalini within you. When the power of Kundalini is awakened it pierces through your head and connects to the divine power spread across the universe. It is very simple that you have never been connected to the power of the Divine, nor have you ever felt the subtle power of the Divine. You have never known the power of the Divine. Without knowing about this divine power, you have been searching for God in temples and doing all kinds of disturbing things. You can see very well what you are doing by going to mosque. What have you got by going there, killing each other? And what are you doing by going to temple, eating away people's money? This is the peak of corruption. Isn't it true that this is all wrong and you’re not going to gain anything out of it? You should do something else. You can see clearly with your eyes. Whatever you see clearly with your naked eyes you should believe. This is not the right path. There is no benefit from it. It's of no use. Whatever you want to learn, you attain oneness with your Spirit. Until then I don't know how far we will go ahead in this darkness.

So the first most important thing is to come out of this darkness and get enlightened to what is right and what is wrong. When you get your enlightenment, you get the wisdom to choose between right and wrong. You also establish the power of discretion strongly within yourself to choose what is right for you, and you will never do anything which is self-destructive. Everything you do, you will do with great love and with extreme care.

It is very difficult for Me to use harsh words. Today I came prepared to tell you that you have done enough silly things and it’s high time to stop it. Now the first thing you get while walking on the Sahaj path is peace in your heart. Our country is a peace-loving country. We have never looted another country, we have never created problems for another country, we have never tried to capture the land of other countries. Where does this peace come from? For thousands of years we endured so much pain but still we are peaceful. We should know from where this peace-loving quality has come. This is the quality of this Motherland, the quality of the land you are sitting on, that we are peace-loving people. Only if someone attacks us, then we will fight that person. We don’t initiate fights. We don't do this. We don’t follow this kind of system. It is prevalent in other countries but not in our country. To argue with other countries, make statements, drop bombs, we don't do this. This kind of control is natural for us. Once peace is established within us, then this peace is reflected in our houses. Our children become peaceful. It is very important to be peaceful. If there is no peace even the trees do not grow there. There can be no progress there. Everything finishes in killing each other.

The peace you get in Sahaja Yoga makes you progress. In Sahaja Yoga so many children have grown so much higher that they never believed they could ever reach those heights. They are completely satisfied people. If I try to give them something, they reply, “Mother, you have given us so much already.” This kind of a state gets established within, and this kind of problem-solving gets established within relations with loved ones (unclear).

The biggest thing is that Sahaja Yoga is the gift of divine love. The love which God feels for you, you start feeling that love. There is nothing more powerful than loving this world. The one who understands the value of love knows that there is nothing more important in life. lf the value system gets established, love is that nourishment which enriches the beautiful tree of our country. Mutual love, mutual friendship, become alive. If we had mutual understanding and unity, no one would have ever ruled over us. To attain mutual love, friendship and understanding we need Sahaja Yoga. We need collective consciousness. We need to establish collective consciousness. Who is the other in this relationship? You all become one being. So many people have come from different countries who follow different religions, but you can see the oneness in them, the contentment they have, the thoughtlessness they have. You will not find it anywhere else. You will be surprised how they have all become so united. If you go to any other guru you will see people fighting among themselves or fighting with the guru. All the time there will be fights.

But once you attain your spirit in Sahaja Yoga, you understand that we are all small drops in the same ocean. We move with the waves within the ocean, the rise and fall, the movement in the ocean. This beautiful pattern is being established in the society by itself and it will very much happen in Indian society as well. All the wrong kinds of people who have entered the system and think very highly of themselves have not sacrificed anything for the country. They have not struggled for the country. They have jumped on the high positions by doing nothing. That is why it is very important to have devotion towards your country, not merely because this is your country and you are born here, but because India is a very, very great country. I cannot describe the greatness of this country. If ever I have some time I would love to write about the greatness of this country. To know and understand the greatness of this country you have to imbibe Sahaja culture. Then you will be able to understand how deep things are in this country. Our history is so rich in many ways. Patriotism is such an important thing. If you do not have patriotism, then you cannot establish in Sahaja Yoga. Not only do you feel devoted towards your country; even the people sitting here from 75 countries also feel dedicated to your country. They feel so devoted to this country that when they touch the Motherland they bow down and kiss this holy land. Now only these people can teach you that you should understand the power of your country and sing praises to it. I start speaking about the greatness of this country, and I will keep on talking about it.

I have come from so far away in the chill of winter. It's a very big thing for a mother to see so many of her children together sitting in front of her. What more can she say? I just want to give you all this blessing that today at this place you get your Self-realization, And I have told you that you have to do nothing. Right now, sitting at the same place, all of you can explore the River Ganges (Purify). You can all feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost on your palms. What this breeze is all about is very subtle. Due to the shortage of time today, I will share with you in detail, some day when the time permits, what this is all about. This is the power of the Holy Ghost flowing through us, and you can do lot of things based on this, such as correcting your physical body, and your mental and intellectual wellbeing. You can correct these aspects in other people as well. This is your greatness, and if you still feel like being stuck in the malaise of the world then what can I do about it?

I have a humble request that for next 10 minutes you please be patient and try to attain your Self-realization. Whatever I have said, just understand it. It was about preparing you for your Self-realization. This cannot happen otherwise. This is not an award for cowards and this is not something meant for idiots. So kindly accept this, that you all are a Spirit, and to attain the connection with your Spirit is the only goal of your life. There is no other goal.

Now I request you to kindly remove your shoes, as this holy land of India is being purified by so many old sages and saints. You will find blessings of pure glory from this land. Now please open both your hand towards Me, your left hand towards Me and right hand towards the fontanel bone area. The fontanel bone was the softest bone in your head during childhood. Kindly place your right hand above it. Now put your right hand towards Me and your left hand above the head. Place your hand above your head. Move your hand, and see if you can feel a cool breeze coming out of your head. Some people feel it right above, some feel it a little towards the back of the head, and some people can feel a cool breeze flowing out very high above their heads.

Kindly put your left hand towards Me and your right hand above. Now see if you can feel the cool breeze. It is also possible that you can feel heat coming out of your head. You have to forgive people. Kindly forgive everyone. If you will not forgive you will keep feeling the heat. If you do not forgive what do you do? You are just troubling yourself. So please forgive everyone and you will start feeling the cool breeze. Forgive yourself also. Don't blame yourself that, “I did this, I did that, there are sins I have done.” Please do not think. Forgive yourself completely.

Now please put both your hands towards Me. Please put both your hand towards Me. All the people who are feeling coolness or heat on their palms, kindly raise your hands towards the sky. Wow! From the front to the back! My immense blessings to you all. My immense blessings to you all. You have all attained your Self-realization. Your seed has sprouted. Now make sure it gets converted into a tree. What will be more beautiful than this is that all of you become trees from the sprouted seeds here. With this awakening, how long will Kali Yuga stay? Satya Yuga is on its way. Satya Yuga please show its enlightenment. You all are its torches. I have full faith that you will all spread Sahaja Yoga. Each man can enlighten 1000 more men and one woman can enlighten 1,000 more women. You should all give realization to others and help them get realization. I give you all my immense blessings.

At the end of the program we all will singing "Vande Mataram". Kindly stand up. We fought for our freedom with the support of this song. Who are you today to deny singing that song? Kindly stand up. This song will be sung by the foreigners. You will be surprised to see to what heights the greatness of our country has reached. Where is the Vande Mataram? School children, please come forward. They will be singing the song. At 6:30, find the school children. I told them earlier.

Announcement: Dharamshala school students come forward to sing Vande Mataram.

Mother saying in Marathi:

Let them come on this stage. Let the students come on the stage. Children, come here on the stage. Call the students on the stage.

Announcement: Dharamshala school students, come here.

Who will play harmonium with them? Also bring tabla.

Mother to students: Now you all have to stand up.

Announcement by the leader at the back: Kindly pay attention. Just now you got your Self-realization. The seed has just sprouted. Help it grow and stabilize.

For more knowledge on Sahaja Yoga we are holding a follow-up program. So tomorrow, on Saturday 19th at 6:30 pm, we will have follow-up programs in all the centers across Delhi. The pamphlets distributed to you have the centers’ addresses on the back. You can go to your nearest center. So kindly tomorrow come to these centers for the follow-up programs. You all are cordially invited. Thank you.

Mother: Align all the young children in the front.

Vande Matram – National Song of India.

“Vande Mataram! Sujalam suphalam, malayajashitalam, hasyashyalam, Mataram!

Vande Mataram, Shubhra jyotsna, Pulakita yaminim, Phulla kusumita Drumadala shobhinim

Suhasinim, Sumadhura bhashinim, Sukhadam, varadam, Mataram!

by singers -“Vande Mataram! Sujalam suphalam, malayajashitalam, hasyashyalam, Mataram!

Vande Mataram, Shubhra jyotsna, Pulakita yaminim, Phulla kusumita Drumadala shobhinim

Suhasinim, Sumadhura bhashinim, Sukhadam, varadam, Mataram!

Saptakotikantha kalakala ninada karale, Dvisaptakoti bhujair dhrita-khara karavale

Abala kena ma eta bale, Bahubala dharinim, namami tarinim, Ripudalavarinim mataram

Tumi vidya, tumi dharma, Tumi hridi, tumi marma,

Tvam hi pranah sharire! Bahute tumi ma Shakti, Hridaye tumi ma bhakti,

Tomarayipratima gari mandire mandire! Tvam hi durga dashapraharana dharini,

Kamala, Kamaladalaviharini, Vani, vidyadayini namami tvam, Namami Kamalam, amalam, atulam,

Sujalam, suphalam, Mataram, Vande Mataram!

Shyamalam, saralam, susmitam, bhushitam, Dharanim, bharanim, Mataram!”

“Mother, I bow to thee!

Rich with thy hurrying streams,

Bright with orchard gleams,

Cool with thy winds of delight,

Dark fields waving Mother of Might,

Mother free.

Glory of moonlight dreams,

Over thy branches and lordly streams,

Clad in thy blossoming trees,

Mother, giver of ease

Laughing low and sweet!

Mother, I kiss thy feet,

Speaker sweet and low!

Mother, to thee I bow.

Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands

When the swords flash out in the seventy million hands

And seventy million voices roar

Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?

With many strengths who art mighty and stored,

To thee, I call mother and lord!

Though who saves, arise and save!

To her, I cry however her foeman drove

Back from plain and sea

And shook herself free.

Thou art wisdom, thou art law,

Thou art heart, our soul, our breath

Though art love divine, the awe

In our hearts that conquers death.

Thine the strength that nerves the arm,

Thine the beauty, thine the charm.

Every image made divine

In our temples is but thine.

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen.

With her hands that strike and her

Swords of sheen,

Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,

And the muse a hundred-toned,

Pure and perfect without peer,

Mother lend thine ear,

Rich with thy hurrying streams,

Bright with thy orchard gleams,

Dark of hue O candid-fair

In thy soul, with jewelled hair

And thy glorious smile divine,

Loveliest of all earthly lands,

Showering wealth from well-stored hands!

Mother, mother mine!

Mother sweet, I bow to thee,

Mother great and free!”

Bolo Adi shakti Mata ji Shri Nirmala Devi ji ki Jai ,Jai,ki Jai

Bolo Adi shakti Mata ji Shri Nirmala Devi ji ki Jai ,Jai,ki Jai

Bolo Adi shakti Mata ji Shri Nirmala Devi ji ki Jai ,Jai,ki Jai

Sound of conch in distance.

*(about William Blake)

New Delhi (India)

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