Nabhi Chakra 1981-03-27
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27 March 1981
Nabhi Chakra
Public Program
Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
Nabhi Chakra, Third Public Program. Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia), 27 March 1981.
If you don't hear Me this time please tell Me. I am sorry for being late for this lecture, but Dr. Warren had time to explain to you about this experience. Sometimes it is easier to understand this from a person who has achieved it, than to understand from a person who is talking from some tenth storey.
That's what My father told me, that if somebody's born on the tenth storey, and the rest of them are on the first floor, if you start telling them from there they will first of all not listen, nor will they understand what you see.
It's not proper, that we should try to tell them something from a level, to a level, which is still there static, in their mind. So one has to, raise their, consciousness, two three storeys so they start seeing that there's something beyond.
But, in doing so, so many mistakes, have been there, before, and some people have done it deliberately, some are misguided and some are doing it deliberately.
Net result is just the same. Even if you give poison to someone by mistake, or in a misguided way, the result is the same.
In the same way, whether you are misguided, or whether you do it deliberately, whatever is wrong has an effect on the kundalini.
Now the Aquarian Age, is the word I picked up from Dr. Warren, which is so true today. Aquarian means the water carrier, and in Sanskrit language it is called as kumbha. Kumbha is the one what we call the kundalini, the mooladhara is the kumbha, where the kundalini is there, the power of kundalini is there. So to call it an Aquarian age was to be some work of some realized soul who could see that, in this age the Kundalini is going to be awakened, and that, an age will start of people getting their Kundalini awakened.
Now I have already talked to you the other day about this second center, which is called as Swadishthana, which gives us our sustenance and also our power to create.
The sustenance is created inside, that green part, which is, represented by main ten Primordial Masters, and these ten Primordial Masters had another series of masters who were called as, Disciple Principles.
Now about these people I have talked to you last time, but today I would like to speak to you about other centers, specially this nabhi, which is the navel centre which is very important in human beings. This is the centre by which we seek. When in amoeba stage we seek food, at a higher level we start seeking heights, like when they became mammoth and all these animals they wanted to have a height, to go over the trees to be able to master them and to eat the leaves, but they became so much outsized with their height, that they had to become smaller animals, like say intelligent animals, and, like say cats and things like that, cat family.
And this is how the evolution has been brought forth through our seeking as amoeba, then as animals and now as human beings. As we have evolved higher and higher, we have become subtler and subtler in our seeking.
For example the people who are seeking say power, are not so evolved as people who are seeking their spirit, no doubt about it. Because you have gone through that, you have had enough of it. Maybe last lives you might have been kings and queens and you must have seen all the jokes of it, so you said now, had enough of it, this power business, we don't want to have anymore, such a headache we don't want to have.
The people who are seeking money also, are the people who have had enough of it and they were fed up of it so they said now we have had it.
So now you are seekers of something beyond. It has been always so, something beyond we seek, but this seeking beyond is not described to so many people and they are not able to understand what is the beyond, that's why this center is very important, of your evolutionary process.
Now, first of all as I have told you that we have to be in balance, that's one thing we must have is the balance in life. I mean in commonsense also we can see - supposing there's a car going only on one wheel, how many would like to travel by that.
Anything that you do in life has to have a balance, otherwise, anything, even catching something, holding something or small, small things, even riding a bicycle you know that you have to have a balance. So, if the Kundalini has to move, you have to be a balanced personality, a personality with a temperate nature and must have a balanced attitude towards life. That is very important, but in case it is (...)
...it is not, you can be sucked into the central path of the Sushumna, in the central path of your evolution.
Now the evolution takes place by remaining in the central path. Those who go to the extremes fall out of this. Now the virus that we suffer from very commonly, is nothing but a kind of a vegetable which is fallen out of evolution. Now the vegetable that we call as tobacco, is going to fall out of complete evolution and you'll be surprised after some years you will not find any tobacco growing anywhere because it will go out of evolution, thanks to human beings that they misunderstood the role of tobacco. Tobacco is an insecticide, is to be used for killing the insects and not to kill yourself. But, we sometimes forget, that whatever God has created for the good, sometimes we can use it for our destruction.
Same is alcohol. Alcohol was created for polishing, it's very good - for example if you have to polish your crystal, you should use gin is very good, for diamonds or anything. Is just a polish, it's a polish for the, for anything, it gives a polish. You see alcohol is a polish and its composition is such that it gives a polish to a thing.
Now God wanted you to have polished surfaces and polished things and all the clean look of it so He gave you this polish. Now you started drinking it, now what to do. He never asked you to drink, but if you drink that, then it polishes your intestines also.
But it has its own nature. It doesn't have any idea of morality, poor thing what, we can't blame the alcohol, because it is supposed to polish, wherever you put it, it polishes, all right? So it polishes your liver also nicely.
And when the liver is nicely polished then what happens that the heat from the liver, which is for the expulsion from the body, it has to pass into the bloodstream, cannot because there's a, barrier and because of that barrier poor liver does not know what to do.
It just goes on accumulating all the heat within it and that's how your liver goes out of circulation of anything, and you have liver problems and you feel very giddy, nauseated, and liver is the one which really cleanses your attention. Whatever you gather from your attention it cleanses. So, you become horrid I mean you are all the time angry, hot-tempered, you bark at people all the time, all that thing is typically liverish you see.
We grow tall, like that absolutely straight line, and you become very hot-tempered. Sometimes you could be hawk-like you know, people will be afraid of going nearer such a person, because such a person can be very dry personality and that's why you'll find, drunkard people if you they're over-drunk you go near them they'll just beat you for nothing at all.
I mean it sometimes happens that by chance if you go and ask some drunkard that: 'What's the time?' in the night you will have it.
So, because it spoils your awareness and in that awareness a nice man also could be like that, but of course there could be a case where a person might become better.
That is also another thing that can happen when you get possessed by this left-side movement because alcohol reduces your awareness and you go to the left-side, movement to the left side, may give you, a feeling 'Oh I'm very much better now' and sort of you get happy because your ego is subsided and everything is alright and 'I'm really morbid now, I cannot hit anyone and let me have little bit and sleep off'.
But next day there's a hangover and you feel so horrible with it, that you don't know what to do, I mean it's something, then again you want to have it in the night because you want to again go to the same realm into the left side.
Now this left side realm, apparently shows that there is reduction in the weight of the ego, but it does not, it wobbles. What happens that you go to the superego on the left hand side you see there, and the ego then thinks that it has gone down because the superego increases in size. But when superego increases, the ego is pushed down and then when you come to your ego condition, then it pushes down so there's a big wobbling going on, and such people get ultimately very much confused.
They might end up in a lunatic asylum I don't know what they do, but, when they are even sane you can find they lose the grip over life, for example such people can become very frivolous, and cannot feel the joy of life without drinking. It's most amazing that people can't enjoy each other unless and until there's a glass in between.
I mean human beings are so beautiful, and they have the capacity to enjoy each other, so much, they are the only ones who are blessed more than anybody else. But if there's a glass all the time in between then they can just bark at each other, they cannot enjoy each other. The enjoyment should be complete when there's nothing in between.
Now this is what I was telling you, this Nabhi chakra. This Nabhi chakra gets ruined also when we take to alcohols or serious things like that, drugs and, even I've seen certain medicines can spoil this. Then you get a problem with the other things like digestion, you get constipation, all sorts of things take place, by which you develop gas troubles and other troubles and then your heart troubles and it goes on one after another. I do not say that it's only alcohol that will cause. There are other causes also, but alcohol can never be helpful, in giving you good health.
Some people have a feeling that if you take alcohol then only you will keep good health. Is a wrong thing. Because health is not only physical health. It's also mental health. People think that physical health is the end of everything, is absolutely wrong because we are not only the physical being. We are also the mental being and the emotional being. And when you play too much with your Nabhi chakra you have the biggest problem and that is that you can never be successful in life as far as enjoyment is concerned, of your achievements.
For example a person becomes rich, unduly rich he becomes, is a blessing I should say of Nabhi chakra on the right-hand side. Right-hand side Nabhi chakra can give you a lot of wealth, a lot of money and you'll have ten cars and fifteen people attending to you, everything you may have but, it cannot, it cannot give you the satisfaction of life. You will go on accumulating and end up with a suicide or something like that and you would not know why you are bent upon committing suicide.
That's why in all affluent countries you find people are planning to commit suicide and the more affluent they are the worse it is. But the left side gets completely dried.
Now the left side is the centre of the family life, the Gruhalakshmi, the Goddess of the family, the household you see. A person who runs after money too much, forgets his family. He has no time for his family. The husband and wife may meet somewhere on the airport or may just wave at each other sometimes you see, crossing each other, or the children suffer the most.
And in that case the women also then take up with the men, they compete what's wrong, they start copying men, and in so doing so, when they compete with each other, then what happens, that this family life gets disturbed. The woman of the household is dissatisfied, her ego is not satisfied. In olden times the man used to go in the jungle, and get all the wood cut, bring it home, and give it to the wife and wife used to cook. There was no problem because there was barter system. He could see her working in the household.
Now the husband earns the money and the woman spends. I mean that also requires some work, isn't it to spend the money. But to man it looks like, that I'm the earning member and she's the spender. So she said all right, I will also earn. But in this too much of competition, too much of competition like this, between the two, what happens, the family suffers, the children suffer and such a person will have problem with the wife, the wife will have problem with the husband and you can always feel that center on this finger, if that finger is catching, that means there's something wrong with your family relationship, that you have to adjust yourself, or he has to adjust. It's an important thing. Because you are like the flowers which have to produce a fruit. That's what nature wants. Nature wants that you are there to produce the fruit, that is your children. That's why you are men and women. That's the basics.
Now, if you think that with that responsibility if you can do something else you should do. But the main thing is that, and if you don't do that, is to look after your children, to give them joy, have a beautiful nest for them, then I must say that you are neglecting your basic duty and your attention is on something else.
That's why so many divorces are taking place and problems are there, the women ask for their rights, they go beyond their limits, they became dominating here, the men become dominating. That's not the way we are going to solve it.
We have to know that we are two wheels, two wheels of one chariot, one on the left, another in the right. Now they are not similar, they're not similar they are two types one left side one right side. But they are equal. In their, whatever they do it's equal, they are to be respected equally in the same manner. And it is always so for example, I had a girl who came to Me and she was a private secretary, and she told Me: 'Mother you say this, but I've seen that all these men come and flirt with their private secretaries.' So I said: 'All right, maybe so, but what does that matter.'
You see that shows that's something wrong with the man, he doesn't understand, he's off his head, he cannot enjoy his wife and he's running after other things. It's like having something in your house and you are looking at other things you see. Like in India if you go to some, somebody comes to your house be careful about your things, but in England I tell them, if somebody comes to your house be careful about your wife, see. Is just a little difference between, but the second one is a dangerous thing because fundamental, the wife is the fundamental thing, because you do not know what she will do, how she will react and you do not know how the guests because that is regarded as their freedom.
But if you take away something from somebody's house that's not freedom, because: “We can take away anything from somebody's house, why should anybody arrest us?”. Because there is a free will for you to do what you like, is allowed to do what you like, but in that free will you are harming so many people and ultimately your society.
Now these two wheels, as I said, are very important to God, because so many great people want to take birth on this earth.
So many great souls want to take birth on this earth, and if we behave in such a manner, that all the time this chariot is this way going up and that way going up, I can tell you no child would be willing to be born in this place who are great people. Only the people who are of the worst type will be born, they'll be hooligans, they'll be horrible people with a horrid nature and they'll spoil the whole atmosphere of the countries where husband wife have, do not have good relationship. The children will be such hooligans and such horrible things that you'll be surprised that at the age of eight years and five years they'll be committing murders and doing all kinds of such thing that you'll be shocked.
Now between you and Me, because you are also husbands and wife and, one thing it should be there that we should not quarrel before our children. We should have all decency of husband and wife, there are so many things we do not do in the presence of our children. In the same way we need not sit down and quarrel and say: 'I hate you and I hate you'. I tell you this is something you have to change little bit in our language. In India if somebody says: 'I hate you' it's regarded, that man regarded as a most unmannerly person. I mean its very bad manners to say 'I hate you' how, I mean it shows that you are very low type of person to say like that. But 'I hate you' so what. If you hate so what, you are not God. If you hate Me what does it matter, actually, if somebody hates someone, so what. That shows that person is not a good person, just to hate someone.
'I hate you' is a way of expressing something that is I feel, is very wrong for the family system. It shocks children. Children look upon you as ideals. When they are born you should see them, most of the children nowadays in Australia are born Realized, I see them around when I went to the airport and I see they're born realized. And they watch you, and they're surprised and they sulk and they feel very sad. They don't like, they don't take sides, they don't like the father to fight the mother, the mother to fight.
And one other thing which you must understand, that a certain gradation has to be there. A woman is the strongest point of the household. Like this Mother Earth is. She takes all the problems upon Herself. She, because She's the strongest. Who else can withstand this kind of weight on Her. It's the Mother only can do that. In the same way a woman in the house is the mother, and she has to bear up. You see it's nice to have a husband who comes home and says whatever he likes and takes out all the filth on you, than to have a husband who is very sweet, hello, hello and outside he goes like a bumptious tiger on everyone.
Such a man is, has to be, he has to, you see they're like children I would say, they are like children. They have to take out their tensions on their wives only, and you should be an absorber of that and that's the sign of a woman. A strong woman doesn't get easily disturbed by these things. She's not bothered. She says all right, you little baby come along, now I have had four babies, now this is the fifth one which is the smallest has come.
Let him shout and scream, even with the children, you have to be patient, they'll hit you, they'll do anything. I would say that way in India, children are treated very kindly and they are special things. They will do what they like when they are children, but when they grow up we do not have teenage problem, we do not have problem where the children don't respect.
In that, this is very important aspect of our modern life that we have to understand, what is the relationship of husband and wife is. Husband is like say, a gentleman who is definitely is to be respected by the wife. But if she does not respect the husband she cannot get respect from her children. But the husband has to be a respectable man, that's very important.
If the man is not respectable, he cannot be respected easily. But the more is the woman has to be very respectable, if she doesn't give her respect, you can handle any kind of man if you are clever enough, drunkards, all sorts, they come round.
Because after all they're human beings, they're not bad people. But because of mishandling they just get out and the domination of men is just a myth. See, they cannot dominate, they're incapable of domination. They just do it because they want to feel that they are superior, that's all. But they cannot dominate. Whatever domination, what is their domination? Is little little things here and there. Just like children, that's what it is.
If women understand their maturity and their responsibility as women, because they are the shakti, they are the power of the family, and they are the potent shakti for the husband as well as for the children, but if they get disturbed then the husband is disturbed and children are also disturbed. But they are potent, while the kinetics are these people. Like here is the electricity, all right, so we say very good, lamp and electricity and all that, but from where does it come. The source is somewhere quietly sending the source, and enjoying itself by giving that source.
In the same way this is a very important centre. Why I said it because today I went to Melbourne and all the time this finger was burning up to this point. So that means there's something wrong with men and women as far as their family life is concerned. They're all very upset I felt. The husband is upset and the women.
Maybe the laws maybe against men, maybe here I don't know. But in America I found a husband and wife relationship is very queer. For example I met a lady, very queer people they are. I went and stayed with a lady she had a luxurious house with a swimming pool and this, and a maid in coming to do everything up and five storeys and this, and she said: 'You see my, one of my former husbands will come and see you in Los Angeles.' I said: 'All right very good idea'. So he came, he was like a pauper you know walking like this, and he says: 'I have got a room on rents where I'm staying Mother, it's very difficult, I have to share it with someone'. I said: 'What? That lady who was there, she has a very big house, she's supposed to be your wife'. He said: 'That's mine, I tell you, I lost it to her in a case'. I said: 'How could you lose that in a case?' 'Because she asked for a divorce and because she found guilty out of me something some, so she got it'. And she married three husbands, all the three husbands are moving like paupers, and this lady's very rich.
If you marry seven husbands, seven husbands are finished forever but the lady is so rich, seven times more than any one of them. So this is kind of a law I don't understand. First of all why there should be a law, I don't understand, between husband and wife. I just don't understand. I mean we don't have such laws in India but everybody cares for the wife, because she is the nearest and the dearest person they have. Who else to depend? If the woman is dedicated and devoted to husband, do you think he'll run after any other woman, he has to come back to her. You see he'll be so fed up with these women who just live for money or anything and he has to come back.
So, you see one has to take a very wise decision, because you must understand you are born at a juncture, whether in, on which you will be destroyed completely, or you'll be saved completely. Is a very important thing. You have to save humanity. You are born at a time when you have to save humanity. It's not only Kundalini awakening that will help, because you might be saved, but you have to save the whole society, the whole family, the whole, I should say the whole universe or the whole creation will have no meaning if you people are destroyed.
Now you, this is one of the way of destruction, by destroying the family. The children become mad, the husband becomes mad, they all end up in orphanages, that's what I've seen, they are mostly in orphanages in their old age, there's nobody to bother about you. So it's a question of giving, and giving and giving.
Now this Gruhalakshmi's centre is on the left-hand side, and the another is Raja Lakshmi centre is on the right-hand side. Now this center gives us the power to rule over people and we become very, in extremes you see we can become very arrogant and we can become very very, sort of authoritative and we might, sort of end up with a funeral with ten thousand people behind us, all bought from market and put there behind you without any feelings, that's all, finished. With such a man finished they'll say, oh thank God he died, he was a horrible terror for us. So, that kind of a life can come with Raja Lakshmi.
But in the center is the Lakshmi. Lakshmi is the Goddess, is the power within us, by which we balance, lead a very balanced life, by which we are satisfied.
Now they have made a beautiful picture of this Lakshmi also one should understand this power - is a Lady, is a Mother and She stands on a lotus. Now these are all symbols which suggest that these symbols are carved out with such deep significance. She stands on a lotus. Means imagine, who can stand on a lotus? And She's a very healthy woman, very healthy woman and She stands on a lotus. It means that, that She is never putting pressure on anyone.
A rich man comes in, he must honk his car, loudly, because he's rich so he thinks he must honk it higher, and a rich man must go in a big limousine or some sort of a thing to show off that he's very rich. If he comes to any program, or any he must sit in front, he should have the front seat, and he makes him known everywhere everybody must feel the weight of the rich man.
He can run away with ten wives, of somebody and, he can have a big boat for himself, and he can get any number of women there and he can spoil any families he likes because he's rich. This kind of thing comes in in people, but Lakshmi the One who has, stands on the lotus, is the beauty and the glory of the riches that God has given that person.
Then, it has got two red, pink flowers in the hand, that are lotus flowers again. Now the lotus is regarded as a very holy flower in India, because it is so receptive to everything that is crude and funny. First of all it is born in the mud. Just think of it, in the mud, in the filth, where the horrible smell is coming out, the lotus is born. And the one lotus gives the fragrance, the beautiful fragrance to the whole atmosphere, and kills all that's filth and everything, and covers the whole pond with its big, big leaves so that it looks a beautiful pond. That's what is the lotus for. But this lotus is a pink lotus, means pink, you know is the sign of love. Pink is the sign of love. So such a person has to have tremendous love and that softness of the lotus.
Now the inside of the lotus is very soft and nice and a, I don't know what do you call that, the bee, the black bee, a very big one which has got horrible, no, the black bee, it's like that, which has got angular legs and things like that, horrible, you cannot touch it. That one can find its place in the lotus. When it goes to the lotus, the lotus opens its petals and takes it inside and makes it sleep on the corona that it has, very soft one on the bed, and covers it nicely and gives it a nice, you see, swinging feeling, that it feels it is in the lap of the mother and it sleeps off. Even such a animal, it gives a place to live. Now the man who is a lakshmipati the one who is blessed with Lakshmi, has to have a temperament like that. Anybody who comes to his house, anyone, should be very readily accepted. I've seen people like that, I've seen in my lifetime. Should be accepted and they should be very gratified to have such people in the house and should feel that oh God, what a blessing it is that we have a guest in the house. But in modern times, we find out devices and methods, how to avoid guests, guests are equal to pests.
I was in London, we were living on Surrey Hills and we had bungalows, separate bungalows, quite good bungalows I should say, there were seven bungalows. And poor husbands were taken to tasks for mowing the lawns and everything and the wife used to tell them now come along do it properly and the polishing of the brass, whatever was there, and everything was done very well. But I didn't see even a rat enter those houses, even a rat, I mean leave alone human beings. Nothing entered those houses, only these two persons used to come out and go in. And I don't know they might be having some yearly, some sort of a get-together, maybe. But nobody, while My house was naturally, I am like this, so it was open all the time, people would come in and go out and this and that and I was just enjoying their company. And one day they asked Me, what's the matter in Your house, all the time people are coming and going and used to wonder what is it going on inside. I said nothing, just they come, have tea and go, that's all, just some talk together, some rapport of love.
But what is this, all the doors are closed, that way I must say Sydney people are very open hearted, and they are, they like to be together, there is a togetherness in them. But with all this, if you cannot have togetherness, to enjoy your wealth with others, then what's the use of all the wealth. If you have wealth, you'll go for horse-racing, that's also your own enjoyment. If you have wealth you will do something else which is so individualistic.
You cannot enjoy your wealth unless and until you share it. As I told you the other day that I am a capitalist in the sense I have all the powers within Myself. But, I cannot live without sharing it, so I am the greatest communist, because I just cannot enjoy, that's why I had to come all the way to Australia and today My husband was so insistent that I should come back soon, I said: 'No, I have to meet all the Australians still, and then I'll come.' So unless and until you share this love after realization, you do not enjoy. All isms drop out, because you become combination of both extremes, and you just start enjoying yourself.
Now this lotus is in the hand and another hand that the Goddess has is like this. She has four hands, and one hand like this. Now this hand that is like this means, you see with this we must give, we must give, we must be generous.
Miserly people cannot be the blessed ones, they cannot be. Miserly rich is the horridest thing that you could think of. Mean, if you see a miserly person, I mean, I don't know, I get a headache with a man like that, you see, who goes on counting each and every pi and measuring everything, you see miserly horrible things and ultimately when they die, their children take out all their money and just spend it over.
They have, miserly people have another way of getting their money looted. For example a thief might come in, if not thief then, their children will become very wayward or something will happen, they will get sick and they'll have hand brokens and feet broken or something, and they will have to spend money. So the miserly people are such a nuisance to the society. They give nothing to the society they are there for themselves and they are just malignant personalities. The people who give, not of course I don't believe into giving into somebody freely because that also can spoil people. If you give something to someone very freely, they can be completely spoilt and, they would not know how to use that money.
This is the trouble with human beings is, that they cannot bear anything. If you give them money, either they become miserly or they become wayward. If you give them power either they become dictatorial or they become destroyers. I mean, you cannot give anything to human beings without Realization. Anything they get extremes, they become mad. That's one word can explain.
Now Krishna has said, "Yoga kshema vahamyam". He has said I give you Yoga, that is union with God, self-realization, and then I look after your kshema, and kshema means your well-being.
This well-being is brought forth with this Lakshmi, with one hand that is giving, the another is the protection. This hand which gives, should not, the other hand should not know. It should be so done so gracefully, graciously.
Today only I was telling the story to some people, about My Own father, who was a very generous man I've ever known. And he had a habit on a Sunday afternoon he used to go, he used to call all the people and say that I have to give away lots of things, I have too many things in the house. He'd take out all the blankets, sometimes all the utensils and sometimes food, anything that he felt like he used to give way.
So people would come and he would pass on and his head was bent like that, and some people told him, what's the use, some people are taking three blankets, some are taking two blankets, you don't even see what's happening, you are just giving away, please at least raise your head. So he said: 'The problem is like this, because I don't give, it's God Who is giving, I'm just standing in between. And they all are saying that you are giving, you are giving, thank you, thank you - so I feel very shy, first of all. And secondly it is the lookout of God who is giving these things to see whether one gets two or one. Why should I bother. I'm just standing in between, I'm not supposed to see who takes two or one.' Such generosity I've seen, in My Own lifetime. And I have seen, the more generous he was, the more generosity flew into Our house. I mean, that like if you open this door from the other side it starts flowing.
But some people have sixty shirts, but still they'll go to the market and buy shirts. And they'll say: 'Oh I have a weakness for shirts.' Now I don't understand this weakness of heaping up shirts after shirts. It is ridiculous, isn't it. Some of these things really are ridiculous, that I have a weakness for shoes, now you go and see the shoes are from top to bottom, you can open a shoe shop, or - it's like that, what's the use of getting so many shoes because your foot has got the same size for years now, it's not going to change, even after realization.
So there is no need to, I mean if your shoes give way is all right but, I too have the same problem. That I, My disciples know that they should give Me a shoe, I don't know why, they give me a shoe, all the time I go there they give me chappal or a shoe or something. I said now I've too many now what to do? They said: 'Mother return it to us we'll keep it for vibrations.' I said: 'That's a good idea,' because I have no place to keep all these shoes, I mean I am not a cobbler, I cannot do anything with it. So it is useless. Best thing is to give flowers so that I can again send them back to some ocean or to some river.
So even in there, when we go on accumulating, and I must have this, you go to the shop the people are like this like this, watching everything. What is there to watch. You see whatever you want to buy, you go in the shop, see what you like, you have it. But sort of I must have this, I must have that. I have known a person who had ten ironing boards and twenty iron in his house. All locked up. I said: 'For whom?' So she said: 'Maybe my children.' I said: 'You have only one child, God has been very miserly about you, you have only one child. And now what are you going to do with this? You'd better throw them away.' And with the electrical I mean appliances you know they go off and all that. But she would not. She could not, she used show everyone: 'See now I've got it.' Not antiques, all modern stuff, you see. And this is how the things go on accumulating which has no value aesthetically or in any way.
Actually, you should buy something only to give it to someone. That's the best way of enjoying it to the maximum, you see. And anybody likes it - have it. You see, that's the best way. It's a great thing, I mean I tell you it's rather difficult for you people to understand but I am One of them Who does that very often, and My children and My husband are rather worried you know, God knows next time what She'll give away. But you'll be amazed I've so many things, so many things, despite all this, I mean the whole time thinking what to give to whom, still it's so many things in the house, now that we have to take a bigger house.
I don't know what to do with so many things and I try to thrust things on the people, Baba you take this you have liked it. But they say: 'No no no how can you give me.' But really that gives Me such a pleasure, and one must learn how to do it. But I've have seen human beings are different. For themselves they'll buy diamonds, and for others they'll buy artificial things. It's very common you know. They will buy for, they are wearing diamonds and when it is coming to giving to others they'll give artificial. At least don't wear at that time the diamond, at least that much decency should be there.
So, you see, when it comes to giving, give it with your full heart. You just feel that love of giving and you feel so happy, because you feel so big about yourself, like an ocean that's giving so much of clouds and again it is receiving these rivers into it, and again making it into clouds, a sort of a circle of beautiful conversion into beauty after beauty starts, it's so beautiful. And that's what we should try to become, a part of that circle, which is so beautiful and which is so joy giving, to yourself also. And this is what it is, and this hand is for ashraya, means for the protection. You must protect the people who are your subordinates, who are dependent on you, your children. Like, it's a very common thing to insult your children from their childhood. Why did you spoil that carpet? Why did you do that? You should not have said this, why did you? This is a very wrong thing of discipline. Best discipline is to put dignity into children.
You see, a good home in India we'll say, is known by the way children are addressed in the family. Like, in a good family we address the children like sir. Little bit like that, ap, means sir. We never address the children with indignity, and we put them on a dignified level. And it's a very nice thing.
I'll tell you about my own granddaughter, that, somebody was telling her one day that, there's a very, this boy and why don't you marry him. She said: 'Why do you want to talk about marriage? I'm not yet grown at all to think about marriage, and we have to be dignified about things, how can we think of marriage when we are not to think, and my grandmother will marry me and I want to live, a dignified person.'
A little girl of seven years said this to this woman who was very, sort of pseudo-intellectual type and she tried to tease my granddaughter. She said: 'It's not dignified'. Just think of that. At the age of seven years they have their sense of dignity. If you tell them, you see they, you need not tell them don't spoil the carpet, but give them dignity they will never spoil it. You'll be surprised. Because we all the time cut them short, they become so bad. They want to, they think we are good for nothing, we don't know what to do, all the time they're telling us like this.
Or even if you have to tell them, tell about somebody else, like that boy, you know, he was absolutely useless, he didn't know what to do, he spoiled the whole carpet, I went to his house and slipped down. The child immediately gets the thing.
But directly all the time hitting the child, you see gives him a personality which does not hold anything substantial within.
He might later on became a very arrogant person taking a cue from his parents, and he may behave the same manner, but he would not be that dignity which just is silent and is expressing and manifesting. It should be a silent dignity which just manifests, and when people see such a person, it happens, people see and say 'Oh what a man, what a dignity'. You see that's what, and they become sort of ideals for society. I think this correcting the children is not the way, it is not disciplining, but it is making them grow.
What we have to give to our children is the joy, is happiness of the family, is the complete security, a sense of complete security and you will see you'll never have teenage problems, never have teenage problem. You'll be surprised you put them anywhere, they'll be so dignified and so mature, that people will be amazed. You won't have to tell them. Even small little children I've seen, if you keep your house very clean, and also always look after it, children themselves will keep it clean. They would like to do. Because children are really the budding beauties.
When we cut them we cut them at the root. They expect so much from us you see, they lose all their dignity and I'll tell you try this with your children, give them dignity, you will be amazed how they behave. We say they are spoilt, I've never see children being spoilt when they are dignified.
Like my own grandson is a Realized soul who's a very great person and all his friends are above twenty-five years, you see he's just a five-six year old boy and he doesn't like to wear any dress which has got funny faces and all that He says: 'This is like a clown, I'm not a clown, I don't want to wear'. I found it very difficult in Singapore to buy a pant for him which didn't have any funny faces, because all of them had Mickey Mouse, this, that. And I've seen My grandchildren also, daughters, there these dolls with, you see this ducky what you call the duck sort of a face you see. They said: 'What's wrong with these dolls, they should know how to put their lips. This is not good.'
I mean you see, they themselves know, that this is wrong. 'She's going to go into tantrums.' That's what they say. This duck is going to go into tantrums that's why she is behaving like this, oh ho like that, you see they are great-grandmothers sometimes the way they do some things and the way they behave.
But we must give them real love and joy and happiness, that's the thing we can give to our children and you'll be amazed that this Australia is going to be blessed with children who are very great saints, very very great saints. I know that, and you have to look after them with dignity. Very great saints are going to be born in this country, so I have to request to you, that forget your problems, husband-wife problem, is nothing. Look after your children, give them dignity, give them a nest where they could live, forget because I've seen in England I've seen in England even an eighty-year old woman behaves like a bride I mean she doesn't get over her feeling that she was a bride.
Like one of the 'Great Expectations' you must have read of Charles Dickens, where there was a bride who was sitting all the time thinking she was a bride. I see that picture even today, all the time they are in bridal mood. You are a mother and you have to treat your children with that dignity and with that love that a mother should give. It is very difficult for some people to accept the position of a mother, they think, "Why women should be the mothers? I said, "This is the greatest thing. Look at Me. Look at Me. This is the greatest thing to be the mother, to love everyone, that they depend on you for love and guidance, just for love". Such a great thing to feel, "Oh God see how much I can give, how many cups I can fill?" It's such a great feeling, I wish you would know what a mother is. And the motherhood you have to learn from your children and grandchildren and expand it to the whole universe. It's such a great thing a woman has. In the same way, the father has to do a lot of things about which I will tell you, when we go to the other center.
I think I've talked at length on this center because all the time what I find these two centers are catching very much in Australia.
So we have to talk about the things that are catching on this and this. And today I saw there five six children with their both the fingers in, all realized children with those fingers they were sucking, and they were showing Me again sucking like that.
So you can imagine how much it is, and otherwise this one and this means that you have been going to some unauthorized personality. If you are going to some unauthorized personality this thumb will be caught up, that's why children put their things in their mouths and Freud has his own nonsensical theory, but actually it is the center that is catching with these born-realized children are showing you.
Now for today, I may not be able to cover other centers so much, but later on, what is the date we are having the program now?
Next Monday Wednesday Friday, three days are there out of which I will cover all these centers and specially that of Christ I would like to speak, because I met some people, when I went to America I was telling the people there that you are to be born again, you are to be born again and you must have your realization, so what I found whatever lecture I gave there were big big, much bigger than these you see, they had brought to tape all my speeches, and the people who organized My program told Me that: 'Mother you'd better get it patented or don't allow them to tape it.' I said: 'Why?' They said: 'They will be publishing, these are all writers and this I said: 'Very good let them write.' But some of them started an organization called 'born again', imagine.
Now if I said you have to be, then you start an organization that we are already self-certificated. You see it's a thing one should understand you are to be born again. Now Christ has said that you will be born through Me. Is a fact. Where is Christ, is here. This is the gate, see the narrow gate and your Kundalini has to pass through that.
Now in case it does not pass you have to say Lord's Prayer. You have to take the name of Christ and you have to adore Him, then only it passes through, shows that you have passed through Christ. You enter into the kingdom of God which is the, limbic area. So it's a fact; when He said you have to pass through Me, He didn't mean that people who are self-certificated can say that: 'All right this is Christ, this is Bible this is Christ,' as if Christ is somewhere lying there, you just have to turn a stone and you get Him there. Christ is here. How do you approach Him is only through the kundalini awakening and it passes through Christ. This is the door. Now say, you are all Christians or maybe you are Jews or whatever it is, but in India for example they have a very antagonistic feelings towards Christianity.
Now even a Hindu, or a Muslim, if he denies he says all right I don't believe in Christ. He has to. I have to tell him that: 'See, if you don't believe in Christ I cannot give you realization. You have to ask for forgiveness, and you have to request Christ, then only this will pass through.
Now there may be Jews or Christians, any type, they have to know that all of them are here. For example there was a doctor who came from, Tehran to see Me, he had cancer, and he came to see Me, he had this cancer of the stomach, so I told him that: 'Do you believe that Mohammed Sahib was the same as Dattatreya or Nanaka?' He said: 'No I don't even believe, when you say that He was Moses or Abraham. I said: 'He was Moses Abraham and they are very powerful personality. Unless and until you accept that He was Moses and Abraham, you are not going to get it.
He said: 'Ah, I cannot say that,' because Jews and Muslims are like this. I said they both are the same they are very great personalities, you are just fighting for nothing at all. I know Who is Moses and I know Who is, Abraham.
But he would not accept, for eight days, then his wife, you know she was wiser, she said you'd better get it, you are not well, you'll die, better get it, then they came. You see this is what happens, they are just compelled. He came: 'All right Mother whatever you say I will accept.' I said: 'Not that, from your heart you have to say,' and he was cured, for your information he was cured.
So do not have any extreme ideas, They are all in there, and They are all One. Only we are fighting saying this is mine, that is mine.
So this is I have just hinted at this center because I think that's a very important center as I have discussed with the void, about all these Abraham, Moses and all the Old Testament, which is so important. How, and how Christ is the One Who stays there, Who crucified Himself, to make a path for us to pass through, why His crucifixion was necessary.
So I'll spend more time on that later on. I hope you'll make it convenient to come again, and I hope you'll get a better hall, they are feeling very warm here.
May God bless you.
Now, again we can have some questions if you want, for two minutes only. Not much because it goes on. Now some questions if you have. Because you see the questions now you ask I'll tell you one thing. There are certain limitations because I have not talked about every chakra and the whole thing, all right? So I've talked very little about the whole subject. So you have to listen to the whole thing and then ask Me questions, is much better. But if you have any substantial thing you can ask Me and then I would like to give you realization. That's very important.
Q: Mother I just want to know why, if alcohol is so bad for you, did Christ turn the water into wine?
Shri Mataji: Oh you see that's another big mistake. That time wine was not this kind of a wine. You see people used to take wine which is grape juice. Even today if you go to Jerusalem, you get wine which is not fermented. It is prohibited, in the Bible if you read Moses or Abraham, to take these strong drinks, it is described very clearly but why Christ did not talk about alcohol, there's a difference between wine and alcohol, wine which is fermented and wine which is a real wine. You see otherwise He would have said fermented wine. And, that's a very common drink and I also enjoy it very much, grapes I love. So ordinary grape juice was the wine but, about this alcohol He didn't talk much because you see now I am with you, I have to give you realization so I'm talking about Kundalini and realization isn't it. Now Christ did not have to deal with Kundalini at that time but He had to talk of eternal life so He talked about that, and He showed with His Life that life is eternal by His Resurrection.
Now Abraham and Moses are, all these Primordial Masters are concerned with your attention and with your sustenance, so all of them, whether it was Mohammed or anyone, have talked against alcohol, you see. Whatever was their job was to look after the sustenance of the stomach and we can see clearly, that how can anybody who is of Christ's quality, give you wine to drink, which goes against your awareness.
Is impossible. But that's how it is. We do not, you see we mould everything according to our ideas but wine means ordinary wine. You go today even, if you ask for wine, even in Switzerland, you'll be surprised that ordinary grape juice is called as wine. Even the grape, that creeper is called as wine. The whole thing is called as wine here. Now there is no fermentation as far as wine is concerned, but this is what it was. All right?
Q: ...in the Adi Guru Principle, before Moses, before Abraham, what was there before?
Shri Mataji: Very good question. Now you see, yes, yes, I would say..
Q: cont...and are there more to come, he said.
Shri Mataji: No that you forget, but about the past I will tell you something because, you see future you just open it because I want to put your attention to present. But still if you have asked the question is very good. That, you see, there are five dimensions in which this area remains within us also.
So the first is the Vaikunta area, is the stage where God just incarnated, that aspect of God just incarnated as, we can say the Vishnu or that represents the sustenance. That Deity was. And that is at a, for example we know Christ's Birth on this Earth but how He was created in the Heavens we do not know. So at this level also there are five dimensions into which these things happen and then ultimately He came to Earth.
All right? In the same way these things are projected, in the subtler level, at the Vaikunta stage and all that. So all this is there, and I think in one of My lectures on Creation I have described all these things. I hope you'll get those lectures from England, and you'll be able to listen to them, in which all these things I have described, quite a lot.
What question, is there?
Person: You are... behind them, Mother.
Thank you. You are such a nice, loving son of Mine.
What question is there?
Q: Do you have to give up your own religion if you become a Sahaja Yogi?
Shri Mataji: Now, this is a question which is your own. Wherever you are born becomes your own religion. It's a misidentification. Supposing you are born a Hindu you become a Hindu. If you are born a Christian you become a Christian. If you are born a Muslim you become a Muslim. Now what is your religion? Say you are a Christian, Christ is very much there but in all His dimensions and you see all His relations with others. You cannot have just Christ isolated as: 'My own.' Is wrong. This is a myth. You get over this.
Supposing you have a stomach trouble, you'll have to go to Moses, you have to become a Jew, or you have to become a Muslim. Now supposing you have a problem, you have a headache, you think too much, you have to become a Christian. Now, if you have a problem with your neck, which most of you have here, especially here, is to feeling guilty business, there's a Deity for that is called as Vishnumaya, you have to ask Her to help you.
Then if you haven't got the witness power properly exhibited then you have become Shri Krishna, you have to go to Him.
And if your father has died or something is possessed you, you have to go to Rama. It's like that. So how can you, they are all within you, so how can you become only one. You have so many things within you, in the same way the Primordial Being is not just Rock of Gibraltar. These are different aspects of God which are expressed in One Personality. There's only One God but Who manifests, through many aspects this must be understood. About this also if I have time I will tell you how the God and His Power separated, and how His Power created those manifestations of His aspect. Like we are a human being but we have a nose, we have eyes, we have a head, we have everything. Are we just like a rock? Even a rock is not the rock because it has divisions. Even this staircase if you see it has it's fibers and things, you can see. So nothing is like a solid stuff. You see our idea about God is a solid stuff – He’s Christ, and He is our own. No. He is the aspect that is the Son. He is the Son of God. And there is God. And there is the Holy Ghost.
Already as Christians also you know, as Jews also you know, that Jehovah is there, Moses is there, Abraham is there. But the problem with all these is this, that all those people who were born in these Arabic countries had no chance to express themselves so clearly. Nobody was there willing to listen. Now see Mohammed Sahib, or say Abraham and Moses, they were all the time running away, running away, they are on the run, all the time on the run. There was no time like a Maccabean Hall where one could talk. Imagine what a life poor Moses had to face, Abraham had to face, just think of that. How could they tell all these things about. So the knowledge that what, just see now the run. You are just telling people: 'Now don't do this and don't do that,' that's all.
But today the time is such that you can see the whole, the whole picture, because the whole picture is there, you can see. So you should not have a narrow vision, but see them in a bigger vision. You make them narrower by your own narrow vision.
There's nothing like your religion. There's only one religion, and that is God's religion which is within you, which you transcend. When this religion gets enlightened you transcend. For example I have no temptations at all. I don't know what is a temptation. I don't know what is vanity. I try, you know sometimes to put up a show: 'Now let Me be vain now how do I become. What muscles should I teach.
But I cannot do it. I haven't got that kind of a machinery inside, you see, you just become beyond this. Then you don't need religion because you become religion. Don't have to tell you anything. It just happens. It just happens, you become that.
And “my religion”, whatever we think of, if you really believe in it then try to bring as many as possible who belong to that.
There are so many mistakes people are doing in the name of religion. So many mistakes. One small mistake I have told you, put all the dead bodies in the churchyard. The Christians do. So many mistakes the Jews do, you know that. We are making mistakes after mistakes, and we should see what have we achieved? Our forefathers were going to church, they were going to synagogue and they were going to synagogue, and they were going to - what have they achieved? Nothing. So let us see the complete universal thing that is within us where all of Them are there, and we have to understand that we do not exist alone. All of us are there as cells in the whole Primordial Being, the microcosm and the macrocosm.
We have to just be aware of that wholesomeness within us.
Anything that prohibits that, that makes you smaller and narrower, you must give it up, and become the Whole. That's a living thing. If it narrows you, that religion is deadening. That's not the one that's allowing you to grow.
So there is no religion to be given up. On the contrary you have to enlighten the religion and enlighten others. All of you could be Sahaja Yogis and could be anything, because there's nothing like Christ hanging there somewhere and Mary hanging there. No, they are part and parcel of the Whole. They are there. You cannot just take them out. And there cannot be many religions, there can be only one religion, that's a human religion which makes you higher personalities, makes you grow. So you don't have to give up anything, but you yourself won't do many things, yourself won't do many things because you'll understand whatever is living is living, that's what you'll start following.
We have in our prayers all the prayers, Jew prayers and Christian prayers and Hindu prayers and all the prayers of all the religions because they are all mantras, they are all the chantings, and they are so important for different chakras. So you see your universality also gets aware of your own being, expressed in different, these great Deities.
They are within us and They are awakened and you are surprised. The Kundalini won't rise unless and until you break.
Some Christians catch on the Agnya. Imagine. They mostly catch on the Agnya. Agnya chakra is the chakra of Christ. Why? Because they have not understood Him.
So He Himself is angry. So you have to ask a question that is Christ the Son of God? Yes. And then you have to ask My Relationship with Him and then you'll get your Kundalini rising. I'm here to represent All of Them, to explain, to prove all the Scriptures of the world. That nothing was wrong, nobody was false, and I'm here to prove All of Them to you, by not denouncing anybody or not possessing anything, in the same way you are going to become great people. All right?
Thank you very much.
That's the proof of the pudding. There you will discover, there you will discover that your own powers are manifesting, which have not manifested so far. This is the thing. We have done everything under the sun, in the name of God and seeking but now for the first time you'll find your own powers manifesting. If your Mother has Powers what does it matter? Anybody has powers what does it matter. You have not manifested your own powers so far. If you have the spirit then you must manifest your powers isn't it. That's most important. And this is the religion of the spirit. Spirit is beyond any conformity or any sort of a narrowness. It is universal. So this is the religion of spirit and in the realm of spirit you'll be amazed, the working of this power of all-pervading Love. You will find out that whatever you have been struggling with is nothing but a myth and everything will drop out and you'll be amazed at your own powers. Do come all of you. I'll be there waiting for you.
Could we have your hands towards Me. And close your eyes. I hope you are taking vibrations from the photograph and using it in the night. Please do it because that will really give you advancement. Some of you will find from the photograph when you place your hands there will be a flickering in the flame. Just now also there's a flickering going on. So do not get disturbed with that. If there is flickering, that means there's something wrong somewhere which is being corrected by the photograph's vibrations. Do not be upset if there is any flickering because it, you'll understand later on what it means and how to look at it. So don't worry on that part.
Now put your hands towards Me just like this. Both the hands. He's putting the hands like this. On your lap. On your lap.
Please put your both the hands on your lap. And close your eyes. Just close your eyes. It works. It works. It is kept there for that. It manifests. It just manifests. It is very difficult as described in many books. It is a difficult thing. But maybe that I have something about Me that it happens.
It was to happen in My Presence so it is happening. So please have it and get it properly established within yourselves. You are the seekers and I have to give your own rights.
So just have it. No obligations on Me or on you. Just have it because it's your own. I'm duty bound to give you that.
Close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Keep your eyes shut because if you do not close your eyes the Kundalini doesn't rise above Agnya chakra. So please keep your eyes shut, absolutely shut.
Again the left Nabhi is catching. As I told you. Now you forgive your wife and forgive your husband. Just imagine what a small thing is catching this evolutionary process. Just forgive your husband, forgive your wife, forgive your mother. Just forgive them.
Just forget them for the time being I would say, and forgive them. Better. Left. Now don't feel guilty. Please. Say Mother I am not guilty. Please. In your heart you should say, from your heart that: "I am not guilty Mother". Say it at least thrice. You have to forgive yourself. Please forgive yourself. That's the main point is you must learn to forgive yourself. When I say you have to forgive others then you start cursing yourself. I mean to say forgive everyone, inclusive of yourself also.
Ah, just think of it. Will you please say within your heart that: "Mother I am not guilty". Will you say that. Please say it again and again.
It is sometimes unbearable for Me to see how you people are angry with yourself. You should love yourself. After all you are the temple of God, isn't it. Isn't it your Kundalini going to rise, isn't it. Is nothing of My manifestation, is your manifestation, so you have to be some special people isn't it.
Then you must respect yourself, and do not feel guilty, I don't know from where does this come in. Better. All right, say it loud: "Mother I am not guilty". Let's see all of you saying that. Say it. Again. Everyone.
Even for taking alcohol don't be guilty. It's all past it's past. God is the Ocean of Love and Compassion, so much so that these pangs of your so-called little, little bit of guilts are of no value, have no significance in the flow of His Love, so please do not find guilty because I have said it that alcohol goes against awareness.
Not for me. Maybe for some people it does, but not for me. It's all finished and gone. Do not feel guilty for anything that you have done. Please. Just know that you are the one who is going to become a temple of God. You are the one who has to enter into the Kingdom of God. The criminals do not enter.
Like the great children of God you have to enter, not with any guilt, but like proud people.
Better. I think there's a possession that tells you that you have done this wrong or that wrong. Just don't listen to anyone. Now ask for your realization. It's your due. Just ask for it. In all dignity you ask for it.
Start feeling the cool breeze in the hand. Now see with your hands on your head if there's cool breeze coming in. Left hand. I think you'll feel there first in your hands, so many of you. Getting it? Yes, good. Now ask forgiveness from Christ. All right. You feel very relaxed. Those who are not getting cool breeze have to learn to forgive first of all. Then your thoughts will stop. You must forgive. If you get thoughts you just say: "I forgive". You watch Me and you can get thoughtless. Just say: 'I forgive'. Then you have to ask for forgiveness. So the heart opens out. Just forgiveness. Asking doesn't mean that I'm guilty. If you have asked for forgiveness it is given. So then you don't sit down and say: "I'm guilty". Once you are forgiven then why are you saying: "I am guilty"?
Good. Are you getting it or not? This gentleman. Tingle, on the right? Heat on the right? Now put your left hand on your liver. If you have heat on the right. Now let's work out all the permutations and combinations. If you have heat on the right hand, then put your left hand on the liver. Here. Liver. Liver is here, under your rib, on the right hand side. Just see if you have. Then put your left hand, left hand. Right hand towards Me and left hand here on the liver. Now if you have no breeze on the left, and more on the right, put your right on the heart and left towards Me. Left towards Me. Heart is here. Little lower. Little higher for you. Little lower for you. Little higher. For you little higher. Yes. Little higher. Little higher is the heart. Pushing. No, no, left. Right hand towards Me. Yes. Little higher. This side. Yes.
Left hand towards Me and right hand on the heart. Now, ask for forgiveness, at this point. That means your attention has not been towards your spirit, as it should have been so just for ask for forgiveness but then don't feel guilty because the next step is that, where we jump in. Just ask for forgiveness. Try it. Better. Are you getting on the left or not? Getting right? All right then, you got it. That's the thing. That is beyond reasoning, without any arguments. It's a happening. It's like a sprouting of the seed, which has taken place, which can be only achieved, because you have that within you. The seed which doesn't have the germinating power, cannot be germinated. But now you have to know how to use this power, this Divine power of Love for your betterment, for the betterment of others and for the betterment of the whole humanity, for the emancipation and evolution. Is it all right?
Q: What did the heat in the right hand mean?
Shri Mataji: Means your liver is little, out of gear. All right? Put here. Or maybe you think too much. If you are living in the future, also you can get right hand. Live in the future. Planning. Planning department is liver. Those who live in the past have a left side problem.
Q: I've got tingling in the left hand.
Shri Mataji: Left hand. And the right hand? Both combinations are there?
A: No the right hand's okay.
Shri Mataji: All right. Right is all right. Now you must have gone to some guru or somebody or to some person like that. That means tingling. All right. Doesn't matter. You put your hand down below here, right hand, right hand. Down below. This is the left Swadishthana and put down. And now ask for forgiveness that I'll never go to such unauthorized people. That's all.
You should say: "Mother are you my Guru?" now because you have been to guru. I'm not a Guru but you can say that. Or you can ask a question: "Mother am I my guru?" That will also help, because that Principle, the Principle of the Primordial Master within you is insulted. Because by mistake you went to other people. All right? Better now? Is improving, see. Just see that. Is so simple. It works. It's coming up.
Now don't think. If you start thinking it will again go down. Just don't think. You watch Me without thinking. Very good. You yourself can now turn your, tell them how to take bandhan. He'll show you how to do it and how to raise your Kundalini and fix it up, which will make it possible. Put left hand towards Me. Put it seven times. Seven times, with your hand. Because from your hand the power is flowing. This is the first training in the power. Just give yourself a bandhan. Means you protect your aura, you won't be attacked. Maybe you are going out and some spirits might catch hold of you, and now you will know, so before this you did not know till you ended up into lunatic asylum. But you'll know immediately you are caught up, because you'll lose your vibrations.
Now how to raise it, just see how to raise it, that's also important. With both the hands, push it up. Go up like that. Once. Again you can roll it like that is also good idea. Twice. Now, ask for fixing our realization. Just ask for fixing. Thrice. You move it and fix your realization. You can.
Hah. See now, it's better? Much cooler now. You have to ask for it. That: "Please Mother, fix our realization!" Then in the, then you'll grow. Then you are on your own and you become your own guru and you can have your own big big, crowds and crowds of people whom you can give realization.
I've one disciple who came to Me and got realization, he has given realization to ten thousand people. Ten thousand people. So, then you will know, what you have achieved, and how many people you'll be curing, automatically. You are not a healer or anything. Automatically you'll be curing. You are not going to heal anyone or anything. It will just happen spontaneously. There are so many people who are born these days, who are seeking God and you have to give them help.
Thank you very much. I hope to see you again