She is Your individual Mother

She is Your individual Mother 1996-07-14

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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14 July 1996

She Is Your Individual Mother

Public Program

Teatr Komedia, Warsaw (Poland)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Public Program, Teatr Komedia 14.07.1996

I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot transform it.

The only thing is you have to experience it. Unfortunately at this human awareness, you cannot know the truth. You have to evolve into a higher state of awareness to know the truth. Without knowing the truth, if you follow something then it's a very wrong thing. Christ has said: -"you have to be born again".

That is not a false certificate that I'm born again but in the Sanskrit language, we call a Realised soul, a gnostic person, a vijaha, meaning "born again", "born twice". In the same way, they call a bird, that is supposed to be born twice because of its an egg and then it becomes a bird. [Shri Mataji repeats again for the translator] Now, So as human beings we are still at the stage where we do not know the absolute truth. Whatever someone tells us we believe in it. We start following it, accepting it. But you should not also accept whatever I'm saying. Till whatever I say is proved, you should not accept it.

So what is the truth? The truth is that we are not this body, this mind, this ego, this conditionings but you are the pure spirit. But it's happening, it is not just a lecture or a statement, but it is happening. It is the actualization of baptism.The second truth is that we are told but we don't know is that there is an All-pervading Power of Divine Love. Power of compassion which is very intelligent, alert, active. It has been told to us in all the scriptures. But we have never felt it before. This power does all the living work.

You see all these beautiful flowers, we take them for granted. It's a miracle. It is a miracle that the Mother Earth has produced different types of flowers, different shapes, colours and fragrance. Who does this work? This is done by this All-pervading Power. It is the power of God Almighty. Power of desire. We talk about the Father and about the mo.. about the Son God, and the Holy Ghost but what about the Mother? This Holy Ghost is the Mother. And She is reflected within you I described to you as Kundalini.

Three thousand years back or maybe more, people believed that there is Mother Goddess. But later on, they forgot about it. So this power is the Mother which is reflected within you as this Kundalini. You all have in your triangular bone, it's called as Sacrum. This triangular bone is called Sacrum because the Greeks knew it's a sacred bone. This is the reflection of the Holy Ghost within you, of primordial Mother within us. She is Your individual Mother. She knows everything about You. She knows your past and She knows your aspirations. And She is just waiting for this happening that you get your real second birth. When this Kundalini rises She passes through these six centres which are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. All of our problems come from these centres when they are in jeopardy.

When this Kundalini rises She nourishes all these centres, integrates them and fills it with this Divine Compassion because it is connected with this All-pervading Divine Power. Now, look at this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains, it won't work. In the same way, if you are not connected to that Divine Power which has created us, made us human beings, we will have no meaning, we will have no identity.

So you have to understand that this happening should take place within us if we want to have the resurrection. And this resurrection is possible only during this time. It is a special time and I call it as the Last Judgement. If you want to go to hell, you can go. But if you want to have your resurrection you have every right to have it. In every scripture it is described, even in Koran it is called Qiyaman. And even Muhammad Sahib has said, "Unless and until you know yourself you cannot know God". Christ has said again and again, "Know thyself, know thyself." But cruel people killed him in three and half years time when he was telling them the truth. But now the time has come for you all, to get your resurrection, to get your self-knowledge. This has to happen, otherwise, we cannot achieve any security, stability of peace and enjoyment. I'm talking about global peace.

People are killing each other in the name of religion, in the name of God, what sort of religions are these?

There is nothing wrong with the religion but those who are in charge of religion, there is something criminal about them. Because they are money-oriented and power-oriented but they are not Spirit oriented. One has to understand that whatever is written we don't follow that. Christ believed in absolute, absolute morality. Absolute. And he said that, "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes". I travel all over the Christian nations and I haven't seen many people who are like that. Either they have greed or they have lust. They do not have pure eyes. They haven't got pure eyes. They may be priests, the may be anything but they don't have the purity of Christ.

But when the Kundalini rises, She purifies you. She purifies you absolutely, by which you become righteous. You become so powerful in your compassion. You really become like a saint. Nobody has to certify you, you know that you have become a saint.

Today when we see what is happening in the world, the way our young people are getting lured by false ideas, we have to be careful. Most of them are really seeking the truth, but they are misled by false gurus or false leaders. This, hmm and false leaders also. So these are all there to make money. They want money. They don't want the blessings of God.

So now you have to achieve this resurrection and you have to feel this All-pervading Power. As a result, you absolutely change and evolve into a new personality. I always give an example of a person who is blind or he may be standing in the darkness and he is really obstinate holding a snake in their hand. And also you may tell that person he will have the snake in the hand, because he is obstinate. But if there is a little light, immediately he will throw away that snake. In the same way, all our destructive habits just drop. I have seen this blossoming beautifully happening in 65 nations, it's same.

Poland I'm happy to see has now so many Sahaja Yogis, so many people are so beautiful. I actually was not coming here they had not puting Me on to this stop. They didn't give me the name of Poland to be visited. But I decided to come. I said, "There are beautiful people in Poland also".

Now, we have to know what happens to us when we get Self-realization. Firstly, our physical being improves. We believe that Christ cured people, but in Sahaja Yoga, you all can get cured, can get cured of all the diseases. Can also cure others. These powers are within you. Then your attention becomes enlightened and just by putting attention you will know what's wrong with another person. If you can correct your centres you can correct the centres of others.

Thirdly, it happens that you become an absolutely peaceful personality. Your thoughts start from past or future, right and forth, right and forth. You live in the past and you live in the future but not in the present. When the Kundalini rises she elongates. And you have no thoughts, you are thoughtlessly aware. You become extremely peaceful. And you become the witness and see everything that is around. It is like this when you are standing in the water then you are afraid of the waves but if you jump in a boat, you can enjoy the waves and you are not worried, you are not worried at all. But, if you know how to swim, you can swim to save the people. And save other people, and this is the second state where you become absolutely secure about yourself and self-confident

This is known as the state where you have no doubts about yourself and about the power, that is the Divine Love. Once this happens you start spreading the seed of truth all over. We have to change this world. By this happening, you transcend all barriers of ignorance and you become knowledgeable about yourself and knowledgeable about others. You become a living [cut in the video] This is all, it is very easy now because it's a special time and I call it the blossom time has come. Many people have to get it. In so many countries it's working out in a very big way, also, I'm sure in Poland it will work out.

It will take hardly ten minutes, hardly. Because the force has.., it is love. But I must tell you that I cannot force it on you. If you don't want to have it, then I cannot force it. So those who don't want to have it should leave the hall. It will not harm you, it will not give you any, any horrible experience but you will get your Self-realisation. But you have to know that there are two simple conditions that you have to fulfil.

One is that you are not to feel guilty. Those who tell you you are sinners are the greatest sinners. They have no business to say that. So please you have to, first of all, know that at this moment you have to forgive yourself fully. If you have done any mistakes in the past it's finished now. If you were guilty you would have been in jail. I'm here to say you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself.

In the same way, the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone. They say it is very difficult to forgive, but whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything, it's a myth. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. At this moment you must know this centre here, on the optic chiasma is constructed like this absolutely, and if you do not forgive it won't open. And at this very important moment of your life, you will miss the opportunity because the Kundalini won't rise. You will be amazed, how many things you get as blessings! So, please, forgive everyone from your heart. You don't have to think about them precisely [unsure]. What you have to do is to just to say in your heart, "Mother, I forgive everyone".

Now, those who want to go should leave. One should not disturb when we are about to get Realisation.

You keep your attention here, not to where he goes.

The third thing I have to just request you, is to take off your shoes.

Not now. You can write it later on. Let people have the Realization. That is the way we work. What is important is to get your Realisation. I can answer all your questions another time.

[Some lady is speaking aloud and Sahaja Yogis try to answer to her.]

Shri Mataji: Hello now, listen, lady, I tell you one thing. You are responsible, absolutely, you are responsible. This lady, this girl came to - hello! Listen! You tell her. Keep quiet, keep quiet, don't disturb everyone. You are not a mother, you are a bad mother. You are not a good mother. You forced that girl, who was an adult girl to go to some priest.

All right, ask her to get out.

I must tell you now, sit down, sit down, sit down.

All right, let her talk that, it is she who killed her daughter. I tell you, really. Because this girl has written a letter, before she committing suicide, which we gave to the police in the Polish language. She is responsible.

You see, this lady, forced this girl to go to some priest who was such a bad man, a very bad man. Now, This girl runs away, she came to Rome and [indistinct] anyone.

[Conversation between the lady and the Sahaja Yogis]

Ah. You just tell her to get out. All of you should [unclear]. Please take her out. Nonsense, absolute nonsense. You see it was a police case, and [indistinct]. And she wrote a letter condemning her mother.

[Conversation between the lady and the Sahaja Yogis]

She is possessed. I tell you.

Because she forced her daughter to go to go to the priest who was a bad man. [Inaudible]

[The lady is shouting].

Let her go.

It's all right. It's all right, it's all right. You should not get upset, I'll remove the boot. Better to tell them what has happened. Please don't be disturbed.

She is a bad mother, very bad. Poor child, you know, she was forced to go to some priest who was a bad man. So, she came running to Rome and stayed in the ashram there, and she had no money, nothing. And then what happened, that one day, this lady again telephoned to her and she got a fright. And then she committed suicide. And she wrote a letter, which, in the Polish language, which we gave to the police. And the police took the body and told us that they will tell this lady about this letter. If she was in Rome thes days, if she was in Rome she would have been alive. Because she was trying to send her to some priest who was a bad man. This is not to be the mother, this is not the way to be the mother. She was an adult girl, and she never told us that her mother was doing like this to her.

Many people come to our ashrams, stay there, live there. They have no money, among all of them this one person who is asserted as a criminal. The police verified that there was a phone call from the mother and the girl has also written a letter and they sent a copy of the letter to this lady but still [indistinct]. There are thousands who have been saved and one person like this who does a criminal act and puts the blame on us.

But if she goes to Rome she will be arrested. And you know in Rome the police sided with us because that was the truth. And also I think they have done something with the priest, I'm not very sure but they were saying. This is not, please, how can it be a priest and a bad person and this mother is so blind that she sent her daughter to this man. And forced her then, poor thing she committed suicide.

And the police were also very much surprised that how could a mother do that. There are others who are very identified with wrong ideas and try to push their children into wrong hands and one, one might, the children know the truth, it is surprising and even when they are grown up, the mothers trying to control and put them into wrong things. There are very few but there are such mothers, I know, it is a shame, in the name of the mother to do like this. And now she has come to challenge Me.

There, we have thousands, nobody can say like this, even the girl if she had survived, she would have told her out, she had nowhere to go. There is no understanding between the parents and the children. They don't understand their children and the children don't understand their parents. But no mother would send like this to a bad man like that, force the daughter [indistinct]. Whatever possible we have done for her, and the police said that you don't interfere and something else [indistinct]

So now, come back to normal. You all will receive your Self-realisation. If somebody disturbs you, forget it. A mother has to love her children and to understand, otherwise who will understand the children it's only the relationship of the mother that one can explain some things the mother is a gift of God and she should not be cruel. If I [indistinct] I would have met her but she didn't want to listen to anyone and if she did come to Rome but she was afraid to get arrested. So sometimes it happens, doesn't matter now but I feel sorry for that girl, very nice sweet girl.

All right, so doesn't matter, what we have to do is to put your hands like this. These five, six, seven centres are shown here on the left-hand side is for your emotional being and the right-hand side is for your action.

Lets put both your hands towards me like this. Now put the left hand like this and push down your head

and see if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibrations.[indistinct]

Please bend your heads. Bend them as much as possible.

Some people get it nearer the head and some away but don't put your hand on the top of the head. Now, please put your right hand towards me, again put down your head and see.. [indistinct]

if there is cool or hot...

Please bend your head. Once more, please put left hand towards me, ...[indistinct] see for yourself if it's hot or cool. It is hot because you have not forgiven yourself or others. Now forgive.

Now, raise both of your hands and push backwards and ask one of these questions three times You can call me Mother, or Shri Mataji. Three times any question.

The first question is, "Mother is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?" The second question is, "Mother is this the Divine Power of Love?" And the third question is, "Is this the Paramchaitanya? Or Ruah?" Ask these questions, one of them, three times.

They've got it. Now, put your hands like this, have faith in yourself. Watch me without, watch me ...without thinking. Without thinking.

All those who have felt the cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their palms or out of their fontanel bone area please raise both hands. Very good. Everyone. ..practically everyone.

May God bless you

Despite the disturbance, you all have got it, you are real seekers. Maybe some of you are not there, maybe something [indistinct]. For the first time, you have felt this cool breeze.

This is the one I was talking about but you should know now what you can do now with what you have achieved you will feel very relaxed but you have to grow, that's very important [indistinct] (and on top of that )you don't have to pay. It's as simple as that

May God bless You all

And let us sing one song and you clap so you also get the vibrations and just enjoy.

Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji has promised that next year she will come again

Teatr Komedia, Warszawa (Poland)

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