Finding Your Roots: A New Awareness

Finding Your Roots: A New Awareness 1993-09-04

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Public Program
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Live Translation

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

4 September 1993

Finding Your Roots: A New Awareness

Public Program

Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw (Poland)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed

I bow to all the seekers of Truth.

At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. It is, it has been and it will be. Whatever I’m going to tell you, you have to have a scientific mind towards it. Keep your mind open. And whatever I say to you, if it is proved, then you have to believe in it as honest people. The truth is, that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings and this ego. But you are the pure Spirit. This is said by all the great prophets, by incarnations, by Muhammad Sahib as well as by our Christ, as well as by Moses also all Indian scriptures say the same thing.

The second truth is that there is an All-pervading divine Power and this divine Power does all the living work. You see all the beautiful flowers here: it’s a miracle. They have come out of one seed. Our heart, who runs our heart? We don’t even bother to know who runs our heart. This All-pervading Power of divine love, runs our heart. It’s like the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost or it is the Paramchaitanya or it is the ‘Ruh’.

Translator: It’s what?

Shri Mataji: ‘Ruh’, in Quran.

It is described by many names. Those who are seekers of truth, are actually seeking the connection with this All-pervading Power. This connection is called as yoga, the real spiritual Yoga. It is not standing on your head or stretching your legs that it is a yoga. Even the taking the name of God, of praying to God, is not manifested unless and until you have the connection with this All-pervading Power of divine Love. As this instrument [the mike] if it is not connected with the mains, it has no meaning, it has no identity. In the same way, we the human beings, if we are not connected, to the All-pervading divine Power, we have no meaning. We cannot have Self-knowledge; we cannot have enlightenment and we cannot know the absolute truth.

Most of the human problems are creating problems to the world. And most of the human problems come to us from these centres when they go into jeopardy. All these subtle centres are within us. In the Bible, it is mentioned that, “I’ll appear before you like tongues of flames.” In every scripture, they described the life, the tree of life. But nobody has tried to find out what is this.

The civilization, in the West, has grown very well. But it has to find out its roots, roots of spirituality. Otherwise, this whole big civilization will be completely dissolved. As it is, you can see what’s happening in the most developed countries like America. Thousands and thousands of people are suffering from AIDS. They are suffering from schizophrenia and the violence is at its worst. You can’t even wear a wedding ring and walk in the streets of New York. Such greed and such lust! No morality of any kind. It’s not only there but you see it all over Europe. And all developing countries who have taken to this modern life, like Argentina, also are in the same fate [unsure].

But once we find our roots, once we find our identity, you understand how great you are. You understand why you were created, what is the purpose of your life, what is the goal of your life. It’s only possible when you have your second birth. Many people brand them as twice-born.

Translator: Sorry, once more.

Shri Mataji: As twice born, born twice.

Translator: Yes.

Shri Mataji: But they are not. [To the translator] But they are not at all.

Those who call themselves as Muslims and Christians and Hindus, are not! If they were real Christians, they would not have taken to this immoral life. How could such immoral life exist here in the name of Christ, who said, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes!” What subtle morality, what deep morality! That’s only possible if you are enlightened. When the light comes within you, immediately you give up whatever is destructive, whatever is destructive within you and also you see what is outside is destructive.:

Once you get your enlightenment, you can feel this All-pervading Power, for the first time, on your fingertips. You see also the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone. It’s the actualization of your baptism. Then you start using this power and you can give Realizations to others.

As a result of this, you get physical, mental, emotional, spiritual problems solved. I don’t have to tell you, “Don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t do that”. With the light of the Spirit, you yourself become your own guide, your own master, your own guru. You become extremely dynamic but extremely compassionate. You can feel your own centres on your fingertips. Then you see all religions belong to the same tree of life, all beautiful flowers of Divinity. But people have taken out these flowers and are now fighting with the dead flowers. And all these religions are one; they have the same business.

There is no need at all to fight in the name of God. This, you can know as a scientific proof after Realization. You can feel on your fingertips the centres of others. Now if you know how to correct them, you can correct your centres as well as the of others. You develop a peaceful heart and tremendous compassion. You realize then how great you are. All your virtues start manifesting. It is your own power it’s your own. You all have it within you and you don’t have to pay for it. God doesn’t understand banks. He doesn’t understand money. It’s a human nature. By reading about it, you do not get to that point. You have to seek and you will find.

I call it a blossom time. Time when there are so many great souls are born. This is the fulfilment of the Last Judgment. The dead bodies are not going to come to life. I mean to say, all the prehistoric people and the dinosaurs all of them are going to come to life? But all those, who were dead, their souls will take birth as human beings. That’s why we have a population problem. So many great souls, we have seen, born as children.

I’ve seen children at the age of 6 and 10, can play on violin or on piano like a master. In India, I’ve seen children below 10 years, singing the Indian music, which is very difficult, like great masters of old times. Today only, I saw in the television, in France, there were children very small children playing on the violin in such a- with such a mastery! So, these are the times when all these great people are going to be born. There are some people who are frightening to say that this world is going to come to an end. Don’t believe that. The One who is our Creator, is our Father, is the Supreme Being of compassion. He has not created this world to be destroyed. But he has made places for all of you in the Kingdom of God. Don’t be eluded by people, some of them are coming even from India and trying to put conditionings in your heads.

The other day, I met somebody from this Hare Rama business. They are absolutely stupid, idiotic people. If you have to call the name of your Prime Minister here, near his house, you’ll be arrested. And you are calling the name of God without any protocol, without any permission, without any connection. You might only get a cancer of throat. I don’t know what other punishments.

I must say, Russians were very clever. They said, “We had no food Mother, so we had nice food from them and now they have gone away permanently”. [Laughter]

Translator: I didn’t hear, Mother.

Shri Mataji: I said that Russians were very clever and they said that, “These people had brought food so we ate the food nicely and now they have gone away completely.” They have completely gone from Russia. Did you follow?

Translator: No.

Guido: The Russians were very clever because these Hare Krishna Hare Rama people -

Translator: Ah, these people!

Shri Mataji: I think, the IQ of Russian is very high.

Translator: Hum ...

Shri Mataji: IQ.

They said, “Mother, we could make out they are idiotic: stupid things they were telling us.” In you, Sahaja Yoga is not meant for stupid, idiotic people. So, one has to understand and think: we talk of God and why all these horrible things are happening in the name of God? What’s gone wrong? The mistake is that we are not yet connected.

Translator: We are not?

Guido: Not connected.

Shri Mataji: This is what we have to achieve the connection, which is ‘sahaja’ means spontaneous. Sahaja: ‘saha’ means ‘with’; ‘ja’ is ‘born’.

What’s the matter with this gentleman? You see, you are little bit disturbing because they all start watching him now. Please make yourself comfortable.

Translator: He is working, he said, Mother.

Shri Mataji: Oh, but he’s going round, putting up, everybody is looking at him; You see, the permeation [unsure] come to him.

All right.

I don’t know how to tell you how the time has come for you to, specially, to achieve this state through your evolutionary process, through this awakening of this Kundalini, the power in your triangular bone. This bone is called as sacrum that means the Greeks knew it is a sacred bone. Athena, itself, means ‘Primordial Mother’. So, Greeks believed in all that. And now there’s a big upsurge in Greece also to take to their ancient knowledge because they’re so restless, so frustrated.

So, time has come for you all also to have your Self-realisation. Of course, I cannot force it on you. I respect your freedom. Those, who want to have it, can have it but you must have a very ardent desire.

Those, who do not want to have it, please leave the hall, we’ll be very happy.

This person, Hare Rama fellow, at least sit down. It’s very difficult to make them understand. Such conditionings people have that it is impossible! Only people who are really introspective were Russians. We always have programs in a big- what you call- auditoriums or places where there were 16, 000 people. They are so well-read and they know w so much about it. And they are so introspective, it’s very surprising.

And now we have in thousands in Russia, also in Romania and Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia but Poland somehow is not - I don't know what is the conditioning, why.

So, I know you all have lots of questions. I would like you to write them down and send it over to Me and I'll try to answer them. But just now, I think, you all should get your Realization. You see, it is such an ocean of knowledge that in this short time, I cannot tell you everything.

You have to understand that these lights that are here, have been brought long time back. And to explain to you about all these lights and how electricity came, is such a headache. It's all built-in now. You have to just put one switch and they are on. You don't have to tell them all the history of electricity. So, it's a headache also. If you have your light because it is built-in within you - the system is built-in within you. It's all there. So, better to have your enlightenment and then talk about the rest of the things.

[To someone] You can come here, there's some room.

So, everybody should be seated down.

[To the translator] Now ask him to take away the film because we're going to meditate and it might disturb the people. Someone should go and tell him. Better to go there.

He won't disturb you. If he's seated, it's all right. But he'll be about disturbing people. Ask him to go out. I think, he's finished - if you don't mind.

Thank you. Very obedient!

It will hardly take 10 to 15 minutes just to enter into the Kingdom of God which is the ocean of joy. We come out of, like a pond into - blossoming into a beautiful lotus because you are that.

So, we have three conditions. Want to sit down ? Come along - don't stand in the door. There is room for you here, if you want.

Please be seated.

The first condition is that you should have full confidence in yourself. You must have full faith that today, tonight, you are going to get your Self-realization. In no way you should feel tempted.

The second condition is that you are not to feel guilty about anything. Like yesterday, somebody told Me that, "Mother, I have harmed somebody, so I'm feeling guilty". But what is the use? If you have harmed somebody, then go and tell that person. And tell it to yourself, face your mistakes. But if you feel guilty, then the guilt goes here, in the left side of your center. And you develop horrible diseases like angina, spondylitis, also lethargy problems So, no use feeling guilty, it's like avoiding the reality. At least, at this time, please, forget your past. Your past doesn't exist, it's finished and your future also doesn't exist. The reality is in the present.

That's what will happen to you that you will come into present. We are all the time thinking

about the past or the future. Jumping from past to future, future to past, these thoughts come in. But in between these thoughts, there's a little, little space for the present which increases in size and you become thoughtlessly aware. You are absolutely aware but there is no thought - complete peace.

The second I told you, that you become collectively conscious because you can feel the centres of others. So, the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. ‘Micra’ is better to tell them [Shri Mataji smiles].

All right.

You become part and parcel of the Whole. A drop becomes the ocean.

Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations and you will have brothers and sisters in all these 55 nations.

So please, don't feel guilty. Those who tell you, you are sinners and all that - forget them. Those who condemn you, forgive them. I tell you, you are not guilty, absolutely, no question.

And the third condition is, that you have to forgive, forgive everyone. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself while the person, who has harmed you, is first class. So, it's a myth not to forgive. But you don’t think about the people whom you have to forgive. Just, just forgive in general. Some people say, It is difficult. But it’s a myth! What is difficult? Just to say, I forgive everyone, finished! You don’t have to take out something from your heart. You just have to say it.

These are the three conditions. First is a complete confidence in yourself, second one is not to feel guilty and the third one is to forgive everyone in general.

[Realisation starts]

Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa (Poland)

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