The Nature of the Spirit

The Nature of the Spirit 1992-07-04

The Nature of the Spirit

The Nature of the Spirit 1992-07-04

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Public Program
Public Program
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English, Hindi, Marathi, English
Text Status
Transcript English - Reviewed
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Dutch, French, Dutch, French

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

4 July 1992

The Nature Of The Spirit

Public Program

Hotel Metropole, Brussels (Belgium)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed

Public Program: Day 2

I bow to all the seekers of truth. [aside: Why don't you sit here, it'll be better, they are all trying to see your faces, sit here.] All right, you all can see him now? Yesterday I told you at the very outset that, truth is where it is, we cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it. Also, we cannot pay for it and we cannot put in any human effort to achieve it. Unfortunately also, we cannot know or feel the truth at human awareness with this human awareness. Yesterday I had told you that I will tell you the nature of the Spirit. But today I find lots of new faces also, so I would like to say that we have to become the Spirit, a stage, a state by which we can know the truth. And this is what has been said in all the scriptures. And yesterday I told you how your faith is challenged by the science, discoveries and also by the so-called religions, which are money-oriented or power-oriented.

So today we have to know what is the state in which we have to rise. Yesterday I told you that, when this power of Kundalini rises, then you achieve a state of thoughtless awareness, where you are in the present. In that state you can feel your own self, your own centres, thus you get self-knowledge. And the second manifestation is that, on your central nervous system, you develop a new awareness, which is called as collective consciousness. Then only you have to know how to correct your centres and the centres of others.

So Sahaja Yoga is the knowledge of the roots, and the science of the roots. It is a complete science, conclusive. It makes you your own guide, and you become the master of this science. It's a very subtle knowledge, but as soon as you become the Spirit, you become subtle. The Spirit is the universal being within us. It is the reflection of God Almighty on your heart. When the light of the Spirit comes into your attention, automatically you start losing all the barriers of human mind, because it is the universal being within us. You lose all the identity with a particular group you belong to, the particular religion you belong to, the particular nation you belong to, but you see the unity of all those. That means your problems of fundamentalism, your problems of national struggle and all these things which create differences and distances among human beings just disappear.

[re translation into French and Flemish - which was a lot shorter] Sometimes the French is so long and this is so small, and sometimes the Flemish is so long and the Dutch so small. [laughter] And then you start speaking the language of love. [applause] And this compassion is love, that is the main nectar of the Spirit, overpowering your temperament and flows all over. When it happens, you just understand another human being as he is and without any reservation, without any lust or greed or any hope of any return, you just feel another personality.

It is said that God is love and God is truth. That means that, if you love then you know all the truth about that person. So this love which is so pure, which is divine love, penetrates into personality, towards yourself and towards others. Inside it gives you peace, relief and complete satisfaction. Outside, to others it gives comfort, counsels and it redeems. So this love is within us, we are the storehouse of that love. And we have no awareness of it. We do not want, we do not know how to manifest it.

As I told you yesterday that, your divinity is intact there. With the ascent of the Kundalini, not only that your physical, mental emotional and other problems are solved, but you can solve the problem of others because you get the power. You get the power to awaken the Kundalini. And also you get complete knowledge about the divine forces and divine laws which are perfect. Your attention becomes so enlightened and so powerful that, anybody who puts attention on another person, if he is a realised soul, it has an effect of benevolence. Your eyes become clean; what Christ has said, ‘Thou shall not have adulterous eyes,’ this happens to you. And innocence from your eyes is so powerful that it creates innocence in another person.

The second very important thing is to understand that, once you become the Spirit, you know the absolute truth. There are so many theories, so many nonsensical things are coming out of the brains of the people, and we don't know which is true, which is not. So also, we see so many fake people coming and talking of big things, and promising so much, claiming so much and doing nothing about it. Because we become subtle, you can see the subtleties of all the religions also, which are so great. You find out that all the religions are flowers born on the same Tree of Life of spirituality. Out of ignorance and out of misleading people they have spoiled the name of religions. Your attention starts flowing through your fingertips.

As I told you yesterday that, in the Quran it is written that when the Qiyamah, the resurrection, will take place, your hands will speak and give witness against you. So, in every scripture, this Last Judgement has been described. And that's how we have to judge what is the truth and what is not the truth. So, we have to have our self-knowledge, our Self-Realisation so that we can know what is the truth and what is not the truth. There is no need for us to use bombs, and use weapons and things to transform people, even one glance can transform them. So, this transformation makes you a saint, or as we call in our Sanskrit language as a sadhu or a yogi. Also, he's called as wali, a – by Sufi people they call it wali, or else in other scriptures, you’ll find them described as enlightened people, or buddhas.

Now the time has come for many many people to become that. Thus, you find that a new blossoming time has come by which we can prove all the great scriptures, what they have said. As it is, Sahaja Yoga is now working in fifty-five countries. We have no organisation, we have no membership, but it's working. It is spreading everywhere, like one enlightened light can enlighten another. But the greatest thing that you get when you get your Self-Realisation is that, you enter into the Kingdom of God. And His administration and His government is absolutely perfect and extremely efficient. But you have to enter into the kingdom, you have to become the citizen of that kingdom, which you are not. And once you experience that, you start developing a real faith of enlightenment into the Kingdom of God. You automatically, spontaneously become righteous, because the innate religion within you are awakened. And the blessings are that you experience the divine joy. This joy is indescribable. This joy is beyond happiness and unhappiness. You enjoy your virtues, you enjoy other Yogis, you enjoy every leaf that is being created.

It is so practical also, somehow that now, a country like England where there are so many people unemployed, but not one single Sahaja Yogi you can find without a job; it's very difficult. It's amazing that we were not aware of the powers of divinity within us. And that is how we have lost faith in ourselves.

But it is not just talking, it is not just saying something, but it's a happening, it's an actualisation that has to take place. It is becoming which is important. Now, the becoming means becoming the Yogi, means the connection with the Divine, plus Sahaja Yogi means the one who knows everything about divine life. You do not have to suffer, you do not have to fast or starve anymore. You'll feel that the journey of seeking is over.

So now we'll have the experience of Self-Realisation, which is very simple. It will hardly take ten, fifteen minutes. But later on, you have to come to the collective. We have very good Sahaja Yogis even in Belgium and Holland and you have to just come to the collective and try to fix your connection with the Divine. For your Self-Realisation or for all this divine knowledge, you cannot pay because it is invaluable. So I think we should have now the realisation or there are some questions asked, or no? Now one thing is there that I cannot force Self-Realisation on you because I respect your freedom. [Yogi is handed a note: Shri Mataji, should I read the question?] No, no what is it, you tell Me? If it is worth it, otherwise forget it. It’s personal? All right, personal questions we can deal, later on, but it's not a general question.

So as I told you, I cannot force Self-Realisation on you because I respect your freedom, because you have to ultimately get your complete freedom and complete mastery. So your freedom is first absolutely respected. Now those who do not want to have Self-Realisation are welcome to leave the hall. So first, as I told you yesterday, again I'll repeat the three conditions. The first condition is that you all should be self-confident that you will receive your Self-Realisation. Don't doubt yourself. You are all seekers of truth, that's why you are here.

The second very important thing is, whatever you might have done your lifetime makes no difference, you are not to feel guilty about it. I told you yesterday that if you feel guilty the left side of this chakra catches and gets very much in trouble. As a result, you may develop a disease of spondylitis, maybe angina, maybe lethargy of all the organs. So, guilt is a myth and you should not feel guilty at all, because God Almighty is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed, after all, you are human beings, you are not gods, everything can be dissolved in the power of that ocean of forgiveness. In short, you forget the past and know that you are here to enter into the Kingdom of God. That means you must be pleasantly placed towards yourself.

Now, the third condition, as I said is extremely simple but you can make it difficult, is to forgive each and every person, even without thinking about them. Because logically whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Moreover, the Kundalini has to pass through this Agnya Chakra, which is placed in the optic chiasma and is a very constricted cross thing. And if you do not really forgive from your heart – I mean, don’t have to do anything, just have to say, ‘I forgive everyone from my heart’ – if you do not do that, then this centre doesn't open and the Kundalini doesn't rise. As it is, you have tortured yourself all your life and now you want to miss out on your Self-Realisation; this is no wisdom. These are the only three simple conditions. Now, can I request you to take out your shoes, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Those who are standing can come and sit here, it would be helpful. Yes just sit down, it's all right, it can work anywhere you are.

I told you yesterday that there are two powers, sympathetic powers, within us; one is the left, another is the right. So the left one is the power of ordinary desire and the right one is the power of action. So those who are sitting on the ground are all right, but those who are sitting on the chair have to put their both the feet apart from each other. Now, you have to put your left hand on your lap very comfortably – everything is very comfortable. This represents that you desire to have your Self-Realisation. And the right hand we are going to use ourselves to nourish our own centres.

He will now show you, you should all watch carefully and then we have to close our eyes. First, you watch it's very simple, put your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. Now in the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So you take your right hand now on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side, where it is the centre of your mastery, which is created and looked after by the great prophets. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge, which is pure knowledge, on you; you have to ask for it. So now you have to put your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. You'll be amazed to know that for the pure knowledge, this is the centre. Now, raise your right hand now on the upper portion of your abdomen, now raise your right hand again on your heart. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you about this centre. Put your head to your right. Now please take your right hand and put it on your forehead across, and put down your head; this is the centre to forgive everyone.

Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power at this centre. [aside to a Yogi: ‘Take out My socks, would be better idea, it’s very hot for everyone.’ Shri Mataji raises Her left side and brings down energy to Her right.]

Now, the last centre which is very important; stretch your palm fully, put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, now push back your fingers as far as possible. Push back your fingers so that there is good pressure on your scalp. Now, move your scalp seven times clockwise with pressure by bending your head, first is bend your head. Seven times clockwise, push back your fingers, otherwise there is no pressure. Don't hold your head, and bend your head.

Now, now please see that your feet are away from each other and that you’ve got your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. You have to sit comfortably but erect, not bending too much or bending backwards. If you have anything tight on your waist or your neck, please try to remove the tightness. Now, in this centre of your heart, you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself – you can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother, whichever way you like. Close your eyes. Better close your eyes all of you. Now, here you have to ask a question three times: ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ Ask this question three times in your heart. Now if you are the Spirit, you are your guide, your master. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side, and press it. Here you have to again ask another fundamental question about yourself, three times, please ask: ‘Mother, am I my own master?’

I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you, so now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and here you ask six times, because this centre has got six petals: ‘Mother, please give me pure knowledge.’ As soon as you ask this question, your Kundalini starts rising so you have to nourish the above centres with your self-confidence. So now raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to say with full self-confidence: ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ Please say it ten times. Now, I have already told you that you are the pure Spirit and not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart. And here you have to say again with self-confidence: ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ Say it twelve times, please.

I have already told you that the divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, bliss, peace and joy, but above all, it is the power of forgiveness. So you cannot commit any mistake that cannot be dissolved by this power of forgiveness, so you have to forgive yourself, and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder. So turn your head to your right and say sixteen times, with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’

I have already told you, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands, so it is important that you have to forgive everyone, in general. You don't have to think about them, because it's a headache, so just say: ‘Mother, I forgive all of them in general,’ by putting your right on top of your forehead and bend your head. It is not how many times but from your heart. Now, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power. So now, please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head on it as far as possible and look upwards. Here you have to say, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction: ‘Oh divine Power, if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me,’ say it from your heart, not how many times.

Now the last chakra, please stretch your palm fully, push your... put your hand or your palm, on the centre of your fontanel area, the centre of your palm on the centre of fontanel bone area. And now push back your fingers as far as possible and bend your head. Here again... Here again, I respect your freedom and I cannot force Self-Realisation on you. So now please, move your scalp with pressure saying: ‘Mother, please give me Self-Realisation,’ seven times: move it seven times. Bend your head, please bend your head, push back your fingers, put a nice pressure, don't hold your head. Seven times.

Now that's all you have to do. Open your eyes, please. Put both your hand towards Me like this. I hope you have forgiven, and that you are not feeling guilty at all – I can feel you are feeling still guilty for nothing at all. All right now, put your right hand towards Me and bend your head and see for yourself with the left hand, if there's a cool or hot breeze-like waves coming out of your fontanel bone area. Keep your hand away from the head, not on top. You move your hand – sometimes you have to move the hand little further, also some people get it little away from the head. Now please put your left hand towards Me, and now put down your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head or hot breeze is coming out of your head, with your right hand. Now please again put your right hand and see with your left hand – bend your head, see carefully if there is a hot or cool breeze. Now if it is not cool enough, that means you have not forgiven, so forgive, the time has come to forgive. It's good.

Now, please put both your hand towards the sky and push back your head like this. Now you have to ask one of these questions three times: ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ Ask this question three times or: ‘Is this the all-pervading Power of God’s love?’ or ‘Is this the Paramchaitanya?’ Ask any one of these questions three times. Now take down your hands, please. You put your hands like this and watch Me without thinking. You are aware, but you are not thinking.

All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their hands, on their fingers or on their fontanel bone area, please raise your hands. Imagine this Belgium, all of you have become saints now, I bow to you. See that, they all have become now saints, the saintly life has started. You can also feel in each other’s heads also; you can feel it's there. Now don't doubt it. And you have to grow, you have to come to the collective to grow, to be able to help the rest of the humanity. Such an experience for Me also. [aside to Yogis: Today was puja, no? That’s why.]

Hotel Metropole, Brussels (Belgium)

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Hotel Metropole, Bruxelles (Belgium)

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