Interview about Sickness 1990-06-30
30 June 1990
Meli Ashram, Vienna (Austria)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
Interviewer: And one question still please, is sickness. For me, it is very difficult to understand, what is the sense of sickness for one who.. I don't know, what's the reason, that... and how it can be healed with Kundalini.
Shri Mataji: You see, sickness comes to you as I told you, through our centers getting exhausted. As this is one center, all right, on the left side, left sympathetic, and right sympathetic, and they join together, this is the center. So, we are using the energy of this center, that is limited, for our purpose, anything. Supposing, I’ll give you an example of - a very good example - of one's Swadishthan chakra. It’s the second center, which looks after the aortic plexus - in the medical terminology. But it’s not complete, I mean it’s one of the parts.
Now the work of the Swadishthan chakra, according to Sahaja Yoga, which has worked of course wonders with this theory, that it gives energy for the replacement of the brain cells. Because we never think about it. We are using the brain all the time we don’t think, how it is replaced, even within the medical science, they don’t think about it. So one of the work it has got, it moves here. And also it has to look after your liver, it has to look after your pancreas, it has to look after spleen, it has to look after your kidneys, it has to also look after the lower part of your large intestines. All right? Now.
But all the time a person is thinking. These days every body thinks too much and very futuristic. As a result, it cannot pay attention to all other things. So, what happens, the first thing is affected, is the liver. Now, liver gets all the heat from the whole body, and eliminates it – it’s poison for the body you can say - eliminates it into the blood circulation, it goes into the blood. Now when, you see, liver is not attended to, or doesn’t get sufficient energy, starts working very hard, so it becomes overactive liver, and this heat cannot be removed, so the heat starts rising upward and downwards. As a result, your - these, what you call – the lungs are made as you know, they are made like a sponge. So it becomes coagulated and you develop asthma. We cure asthma through liver. Incurable. Then it descends down. When it descends down, it affects your kidneys. By that you get high blood pressure. Also, the another thing you get is constipation.
Then your pancreas is neglected. When pancreas is neglected, you get diabetes. Only the people who are thinking, sitting, planning for future get diabetes, never a villager. In India, if you go to a village, they’ll say, "You have to put sugar as much, that the spoon must stand at right angles." They take so much sugar. Nobody gets diabetes, because they earn in the morning, nicely go home and sleep off. When we think and think and think of the future. So, the neglect of the pancreas gives you diabetes. Now we have many people who have cured of diabetes also.
Then the third one is the worst, is the spleen, that the spleen is like a - you say rhythm, gives the rhythm. It’s a speedometer in us. And supposing you are eating the food and suddenly you have to run, then you get a pain, because it has to produce red blood corpuscles. But if you are always in an emergency in modern times, as you are, first of all you read the newspaper, you are under shock. Because newspaper must shock you, you see. So, then another shock, then another shock. Then in the traffic, you get a shock. So, this poor spleen doesn’t know, how to behave in this crazy world. And it becomes very crazy and vulnerable. And with the slightest shock, it can get blood cancer. I must tell you, that we have cured really blood cancer patients. Absolutely cured, completely cured, without any medicine or anything, absolutely cured. We have certificates and everything about them, and surprisingly, all of them were architects. This is one.
Then, another thing as I told you, it affects the kidneys and it affects also the lower intestines. So, only one center, if you use it too much for one purpose, can give you all these troubles. And ultimately the heat might rise to your heart and you may have a massive heart attack. Specially, if young people, if they are drinking too much, if they are playing tennis or of a very - I mean, any game which is like football or tennis, drinking too much and thinking too much, they might get a massive heart attack. And die very young, at a very young age. And it’s absolutely fatal. If you get this attack at a young age, it’s fatal. You cannot save them. The other way round, if you are - if you have inactive organs also, you can have inactive, also due to that, also you get troubles. So, when you treat somebody on its roots, it’s very easy to solve the problem. See, supposing you have to treat a tree and you start treating all the leaves, it’s very difficult. But if you can go to the roots, it’s so easy, it’s simple.
Seeker: My friend [...] since half a year
Shri Mataji: Come here, I’ll just cure it, just now.
Sahaja Yogi: No, it’s a friend of him Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: Yes, come along. What’s the problem.
Wolfgang: The doctor said he has polyarthritis, but they are not sure.
Shri Mataji: You see, doctors are all right, but what I’m saying, what happens to your hand? Let Me see.
Seeker: It pains. My English is not so good, so I-
Shri Mataji: All the time?
Seeker: Some days better, some days not so good. I can’t close the finger but I could, I remember.
Shri Mataji: Both the hands? What work you do?
Wolfgang: He is creating plants and flowers out of silk.
Sahaja Yogi: He’s the best pianist teacher.
Shri Mataji: Of real silk or artificial silk? Real silk or artificial silk, it’s the point.
Seeker: Artificial.
Shri Mataji: That’s it. That’s it. Artificial silk acts against us, you see.
Seeker: Mother, I am not really working with that, so I don’t have it in the hand all the times.
Shri Mataji: But how do you make them?
Wolfgang: He is selling them.
Shri Mataji: He must be touching them also quite a lot. You don’t make them, you don’t make them? All right, let Me see.
How long you had this trouble?
Seeker: Since half a year or a year. Even on the feet.
Shri Mataji: Hum? Even on the feet.
It’s a kind of an allergy, you have, you see? All these artificial things give allergy also. You must know that. They give allergy, they are very- some people are allergic to everything. They are allergic to nylons, to anything. Why don’t you sell the real flowers?
Seeker: I also sell real flowers.
Shri Mataji: That will solve the problem.
Seeker: But I know another guy, he also has the same, and he is working in a factory for reactors.
Shri Mataji: No, but he may not be sensitive, you see. You might be more sensitive. Some people have some allergies, some people don’t have. Depends on the virus in your being, you see. So, it’s all right. Somebody is allergic to something, somebody is allergic to something. He may not be. But if you are allergic to something, better not do it. That’s the point.
How is his Vishuddhi? He’s all right? Put your hand on his Vishuddhi and see.
Sit comfortably, be comfortable.
You are better now, you will see. Are you not better? You improved now.
Can you put it under my feet cause they are stronger than my hands. Vishuddhi.
No, but he’ll have to give up this kind of a thing, you see. He should take to something natural, would be better. Is it Vishuddhi? It’s just Vishuddhi.
Wolfgang: It’s Vishuddhi.
Some people are allergic to something, some are allergic to something, it’s a fact. And one should just find out, what are you allergic to. But with Sahaja Yoga your allergies also disappear. Completely. Takes little time, but disappears. Now? Still there.
Wolfgang: [Nods to say yes.]
Shri Mataji: Vishuddhi is not [inaudible] Ah, quite a lot. His face is also red with Vishuddhi. It’s good.
Did he smoke also?
Seeker: No.
Shri Mataji: Nothing, never? Look at now his face also.
Now what is it?
Wolfgang: Right heart.
Shri Mataji: Right heart. Right heart? Sure? Hum, better? Vishuddhi is now better?
Wolfgang: Vishuddhi is better.
Shri Mataji: Right heart. Are you all feeling right heart?
Another Sahaja Yogi: No, back-Agnya Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: Hum?
Another Sahaja Yogi: Strong back-Agnya.
Shri Mataji: Left Agnya. Just put your hand on the Left Agnya.
Wolfgang: Back-Agnya?
[Shri Mataji nods to say yes.]
Shri Mataji: He’s been to some Guru or somebody? He has been?
[Nods to say yes.]
Wolfgang: No.
Shri Mataji: Never? The Left Agnya, how has he got this?
Better. Now, see your hands.
Are you feeling better now, see?
Seeker: That’s the same.
Shri Mataji: Same? Not changed? Sure?
Seeker: Yes.
Shri Mataji: Yes, it’s Vishuddhi, you see. Heart, just put in your hand on his heart.
The doctors are saying it is arthritis. No, it’s just allergy. It’s just allergy. It’s others. It’s allergic condition, that’s all.
Seeker: Coat. [Unsure]
Shri Mataji: Hum? No, no, no, no. Not coat [unsure]. In the coat, these things fell off, you see. The joints are paining? Vishuddhi.
Another Sahaja Yogi: Left Vishuddhi also.
Shri Mataji: Left Vishuddhi also. Turn right to the left he will be all tight.
You didn’t go to any Guru or anyone like that?
Seeker: No, never.
Shri Mataji: Never. Because with them also you develop allergies. But you never had them in childhood these allergies, never had?
Seeker: Never. I did a lot of sports since two or three years ago.
Shri Mataji: Sports?
Seeker: Yes.
Shri Mataji: What sports?
Seeker: Even tennis [inaudible].
Shri Mataji: Over, too much. He did too much of it.
Even the tennis, you see, if you see the racket, its grip, there is a - sometimes it’s not leather.
Seeker: It seems that as long as I played, I had no problems. When I stopped, yes.
Shri Mataji: Then it started growing.
Seeker: Yes.
Shri Mataji: Hum. How is he?
Sahaja Yogi: All left side.
Shri Mataji: Then, put him right to the left. He says he has not been to any Guru, to anyone like that. We have to find out the reason for this problem.
Whole left side is [inaudible]
You’re sure, you’ve not been to anyone like that?
Seeker: No.
Shri Mataji: One minute. It should work out.
Wolfgang: Left side comes out.
Shri Mataji: All right. [Shri Mataji is giving vibrations to his left palm.] Are you feeling the cool breeze now?
You see, the Kundalini has to rise, to get you all right. If it doesn’t rise, it won’t work out, so we have to rise the Kundalini, that’s important.
Wolfgang: He’s feeling the cool now.
Feeling the cool now? Are you feeling the cool? You are. Then it’s all right. Now see on his head.
Sahaja Yogi: It’s done.
Shri Mataji: Good.
Right to the left you put it, he’ll be all right.
I’s better now? You see, touching now.
Seeker: But it pains.
Shri Mataji: Hum? It pains, bit it’s there.
Wolfgang: I feel Left Swadishthan is cooling down.
Shri Mataji: Left Swadishthan. That’s the thing, you see, he is saying "no " while he went, so what to do?
Was there any emotional shock to you sometimes?
Seeker: No.
Wolfgang: Not consciously.
Shri Mataji: The left side is quite a lot, I must say.
Wolfgang: He had a divorce which was quite a shock.
Shri Mataji: When?
Wolfgang: Six years ago.
Shri Mataji: Vishuddhi is such a lot here, you see? You can see, it’s pulsating here.
You can see it pulsating there. Let him come and have a look.
[To the seeker] Just stay calm like that.
You see the pulsation? That’s the Kundalini pulsating there. She’s trying to show the problem is there. It’s so clear-cut. Anybody can, you can come and have a look.
She shows, you see, that this is the problem.
It has to rise, you just put it on his neck, you see. Can you put his neck right? That’s the point. Let him let see. He’s straight, all right let’s just have a look. I’ll see now his Kundalini.
It’s better now, it’s better. Just feel.
Wolfgang: It’s much better.
Shri Mataji: You just go on putting the right to the left and he’ll be all right.
Hum, all right. Still, pulsation is there still. It has to go.
Some sort of a virus it is, a kind of a virus.
Put your hand on the Agnya, then it might rise this pulsation. On the Agnya, on the back-Agnya. You should sit comfortably, you sit like that [crossed legs], it’s better for us. If you put your hand there [on the ground] it’s better.
[Shri Mataji has a candle in front of the seeker’s hand side] Are you feeling the heat of the thing?
Seeker: No.
Shri Mataji: No, that’s it.
Another Sahaja Yogi: Completely different, the left side is almost cool.
Shri Mataji: Left Swadishthan? You put something there, a candle or something, small candle.
Keep it comfortable, you should be comfortable. Keep it like that. Still there. Vishuddhi, if you can clear out, this will clear but he has Swadishthana, it can’t go.
You’ve not been to anyone like that? You been to catholic church?
Seeker: I don’t know, no.
Shri Mataji: Just try to remember.
This is Vishuddhi.
Wolfgang: Mooladhara, I feel very strong.
Shri Mataji: Hum, that’s a minimum.
Left Nabhi?
Wolfgang: Left Nabhi.
Shri Mataji: Left Swadishthana, you’re seeing that yourself.
You can raise his Kundalini by Mahakali ‘s mantra, it will all work out. It’s, badha it is. Now, it’s paining still? It pains? Equally the same or less?
Now less.
Better now? Sorry.
Wolfgang: It’s lighter.
Shri Mataji: His Agnya is releasing very much, I think. Yes, now. Left Nabhi.
Wolfgang: Yes.
Shri Mataji: Now, better? Yes, it’s better. You see, this is the one, which is also bad in you. It’s because of your wife, you see.
Seeker: I always when I feel warm, it becomes better. In the morning, if I put it under hot water-
Shri Mataji: It’s better. And that’s what you have to do, is to use the candle. Use the candle and they will tell you how to do it, how to use the candle. You see, you have to use the candle and it will be all right. Because whatever it is, you see, it’s a left side virus you have got, virus, infection. And for the virus you have to use the light. Light. Light is more than the heat. It’s not the heat, it’s the light that will help you a lot. They’ll tell you how to use it, it will go away.
Improving now very much. That’s why it helps you. In the medical science they never use light as such, you see. For all these troubles, left-sided problems, we even cured cancer with candle, and – but takes time, but we cured cancer, plus all these psychosomatic diseases. We have to use only candles. The light has to be used.
His left Nabhi is too much.
Wolfgang: He is married again now, Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: You see, now the candle also reacts. It reacts. You see how the candles is reacting. Better, yes.
Better than before, much better, much better. Much better now.
You see the thing is, that you have to work it out with the candle, they’ll tell you, it’s very simple. But you have to give little time to yourself, that’s all. Usual it’s the left-side, as we call it, is the virus, a kind of a virus in you, that has to go again away. Once the virus is cured, you are all right. But see, you are much better now. You see now. You see his hand has opened out.
Seeker: It’s very good.
Shri Mataji: Yes, it’s very good, there is no pain also. But what you have to do now, is to really work it out. It will hardly take two, three times and you can be cleared of it. Just two, three times. Two, three times will be all right. It’s just a virus infection of what you call the allergic. Allergic conditions are nothing but viruses, allergic. And these viruses are the plants and things, that have gone out of the circulation of evolution. So, they live on the left-side, in the collective subconscious, you see, the area which was built in. And they attack you. Once they attack you, then medical cannot cure it, you see. It’s a psychosomatic trouble. And now in his case also same thing. Only the candle can cure it. With candle, they will tell you how to use. You have to use my photograph. All right? You’ll be all right. It’s nothing special, great. This hand, is it better? See, the other hand also. You see, other hand.
Seeker: Here, I have only this one. [Right Agnya]
Shri Mataji: This one is yes, Agnya, this one is. That is better. So, your left-side is problematic. Now better.
But don’t sell these artificial things, because, you see, allergy could be from nylons, from anything, I mean people get with nylon – they get rushes [unsure], you know, so many allergies are there due to these artificial things. You ask any doctor, they’ll tell you, so many types of allergies are there. Endless, absolutely endless.
Now, this is all right.
Seeker: Yes. Thank you very much.
Shri Mataji: May God bless you.
It’s all right now. And his Vishuddhi has improved. That’s good. So, you please see them and they’ll cure you completely, your feet, everything will be cured completely. Completely cured, there’s no problem. And doctors also know, that they cannot cure virus trouble, they know that, isn’t it? Virus is incurable, they know it very well.
Do you know that cancer and all the psychosomatic troubles come from viruses. They are all viruses, different types, that’s all. And if you can just get your attention away from them, you are all right. Sahaja Yoga is that. If you move towards the left, you go to the collective subconscious and there are all those things, which have gone out of the circulation of evolution, out there. But if you can, some or other, pull out your attention, you get cured. Same on the right side also you can have problems. But for psychosomatic troubles only this candle treatment helps a lot. It’s a wonderful thing. Better now?
Give him a lemon in his hand. Yes Sir, hold it tight.
Sahaja Yogi: Like a tennis ball.
I tell you it’s a very strenuous game, isn’t it?
Tennis is horrible- it’s a very strenuous game, isn’t it? It’s a very strenuous game. You must give up at a point like Borgen has done. Borgen is a very sensible fellow, he gave it up at the right time, you see. Otherwise, it goes on and on like mad. But now only sixteen years old people are playing tennis, so nobody can stand that.
Shri Mataji: All right.
Sahaja Yogi: Jai Shri Mataji. The thing is-
Shri Mataji: Any more question? Only thing, I hope you’ll give a good exposition to the whole thing so that people will be helped. We have to help them, you see. This is needed, that reality must be brought to them. That is the greatest work today, that they should know the reality, they should know that they all can be saved and things can work out, you can enjoy everything. And should be given a proper publicity. I think, the newspapers are the ones, who have the responsibility, very great responsibility. If they fail now, they’ll be blamed for it. Because that’s the communication, you see, that’s the only communication we have. Another is television. That’s another thing.
In Russia they made a film out of Me, they made this, that, everything is so much, the communication is so much that even the villagers know Me, everybody knows Me. I’ll tell you a miracle. I had their visa and the visa is just a paper, you see? And it was lost, because I was travelling from places to places. When I went there, I had no visa with Me. The gentleman - I have a diplomatic passport. So, I started looking at it and there’s no visa, what to do? So, I gave it to the gentleman. I said, "Please, I have lost my visa somewhere, I don’t know when". Just smiled at Me. He opened it, he saw my photograph and all, and I don’t know what he did. He, some he telephoned somewhere. He smiled and he wrote a visa there only and gave it to Me. Can you believe it, such a thing?
Sahaja Yogi: In Russia, Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: Russia!
He himself wrote it, smiled at Me, he wrote it down my visa and gave it to Me. And Guido was so worried, because Guido there went first. He said, "I am her secretary ", he went inside, he was all right because it was a diplomatic passport. He said, "All right, secretary can go in". But he asked Me to stop. I said, "I’ve lost my visa and gave him the passport". And he wrote it down himself.
Sahaja Yogi: It’s incredible for Russia.
Shri Mataji: That’s why, there is a lot of freedom there. If you don’t do with the politics, it’s a lot of freedom. Lot of freedom, that way. Oh, but they are so kind, you have no idea.
And they sent- the government sent Me a limousine.
Sahaja Yogi: The government?
Shri Mataji: Ah! And arranged my stay in a hotel, then in a boat. And they got 800 doctors, this you don’t know? There was a conference of 800 doctors from all over Russia. And I addressed to them for one and a half hour, then they said, “Now, give us Realization.” They all got Realization. They wanted the photographs. I said, I have no photograph of mine. So, they made Me stand, got a photographer, got my photograph.
Really, I mean you won’t believe, it’s another world. They are all already Sahaja Yogis like that, the way they understand. It’s remarkable, I tell you.
No doubting people, I said, “Who will translate Me?” There were ten people who got up. It’s like that. It’s tremendous, it is tremendous. Any number of you people can come, they’ll give you visas, they’ll look after you, you can stay, it’s absolutely in the best places. Whatever, any number of Sahaja Yogis. As long as you have the badge. [Laughter]
Badge you have to have.
Can you imagine such a country, the whole country? With what understanding! Tremendous.
Newspapers, televisions, every village, everywhere they know Me. Some people had gone to purchase something, and they were wearing my badge. So, some villagers said – they got after them, "Give us the badges" you see. "We want Mother’s badge". So, they said, "We haven’t got it". They said, "No, you have to give it". So, they came back, took some badges and gave it to them, otherwise they would not spare them. Such love, I tell you. Such love.
Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, we can just pray, that this happens once also in Austria.
Shri Mataji: If it will happen anywhere in Europe, it will be in Austria. That I know.
Sahaja Yogi: Thank you Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: Very much because Austrians are, you see, something quite in a balance, between Germany and other European countries, they are quite in balance. If it ever happens in that big way, it will be in Austria, I know that. All right, thank you very much.
Please have something to drink or eat or something, please.
You give him the treatment, before he goes, all right?