When the spirit manifest within us, what should happen?

When the spirit manifest within us, what should happen? 1983-09-26

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Public Program
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26 September 1983

When The Spirit Manifest Within Us, What Should Happen?

Public Program

Hollywood United Methodist Church, Los Angeles (United States)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed

Public Program Day 2,Hollywood United Methodist Church, Los Angeles, (USA), September, 26th,1983

I bow all the seekers of the Spirit.

The seeking of Spirit has been described by so many people from ancient times. It is nothing new that I’m telling you, that a human awareness reaches a point where it starts seeing that there has to be something beyond. And at that time the seeking starts. And the person starts looking forward to something that will make that person the Spirit, as all the scriptures have described and talked about it.

There is no amount of talking is going to improve on that because Spirit is within us it resides within us in our heart. Now as it is, you must have heard many people talking about it that, “You have to be Spirit that you have to get your Self-Realisation, you have to have self-knowledge, you have to know yourself”. But in Sahaja Yoga, today, what one has to do is to establish that to actualize that, make it an experience of your own. And this is a very big gift I think a very unique discovery that has come to us that we can actualize it.

Now we have to understand one simple think that when this Spirit manifest within us, what should happen on the very gross level, what should happen? Firstly, it must be invigorated, means you must get more energy in the body, you must feel physically better.

By going to any process or any method or any experience, if, health-wise, if you cannot improve, then must know that it is not the Spirit. Because Spirit is complete health or it never get sick, that is what Spirit is. So first thing that should happen to you, is that it should be an invigorating life, a very dynamic life. Second thing that should happen to you is, that you become a very peaceful and a relax personality. Not like the ones who were agitated and very angry and shouting. There is nothing to shout and get angry. It’s a kind of a fear this people have perhaps, that if the truth they face, or the reality that comes they will have no place in this world. That may be one of the reasons which make them agitated.

A person like Christ, about whom people talk and think that Christ is in their pocket, must know that first and foremost thing the greatness of Christ was that He used a weapon of forgiveness. He was such a peaceful person. On the cross also that He said that, “Forgive those who are doing this, oh Father, because they don’t know what they are doing”. That kind of a personality, you can say, is a spiritual personality. And not a person who gets agitated and hot tempered and start shouting at people. The time today is extremely precarious, which we do not realize. For example, if you ask these people if Christ comes and stands here, how will they recognize Christ? Is there any way of recognizing Christ? They might be the ones who crucified Christ once, because they did not recognize at that time.

How will they recognize Christ? It’s a very simple question which we never try to answer. There’s no way to understand how we are going to recognize Christ. A very, very simple question has no answer because you cannot. You cannot recognize Him. Because your awareness cannot make you understand.

Like somebody told me that there’s somebody who claims that he is Christ. I said, “All right; ask him to walk on the water. If he can walk on the water, then think that he is Christ. That’s one of the qualities of Christ”.

Now, whatever is the quality of a particular advent is to be seen in that advent. Every advent has a particular quality which is being already described in the ancient books. You should not accept anybody because he says that, “I’m this and I’m that”. This is the problem with us that we get ourselves vulnerable to some sort of mental conception live with it, our forefathers lived with it, their forefathers have lived with it and ultimately, we find there is nothing left. So, one has to know that when you, at least when you say that you believe in Christ, how will you recognize if Christ comes in? Is there any method? Is there any sure method that will tell you that He is Christ? There is: if you become the Spirit, you have vibrations. You feel the cool breeze. You have a new awareness, a vibratory awareness, the fifth dimension within you rises into that point by which, when you ask, “Is this Christ?” the vibrations will flow, tremendously within you. You will know this is Christ. If he’s a fake person, you might even get blisters in your hand [unclear], you might even get terrible heat from such a person. But if it is Christ, you’ll get tremendous breeze in your hand. This is the sign how to make out whether he’s Christ or not.

That’s why he said that, “You will be calling me ‘Christ, Christ’, I won’t recognize you”. Neither you will recognize Him. That’s a fact. You live with an idea, with mental projection, and then you kill all your possibilities, chances of your ascent. You must keep yourself open like a scientist does. Keep yourself open. Your mind should be open. You should not close down by any dogma, or any kind of such a theory that makes you completely excluded from the rest of the thing; or which makes you non-reflecting, which makes you a person who cannot reflect, cannot think any more about it. Such a personality if you develop, it is going to be very, very dangerous for you. So, the personality should be open, should be receptive to understand.

Now, as I told you yesterday that it is a spontaneous happening, it’s the happening of the living process within you. It is nothing to do with artificial things. Of course, when the churches were established, they tried to be good to the people in the sense, they told them that, “You be in the balance. You keep to the balance and all that’. But it went too far with certain things like baptism, I think that where everybody started putting their hands on top of anyone and said that, “You are baptized”. That’s not proper, what we call ‘anadhikaar cheshta’, means it is unauthorized. To baptize someone is not the authority that you can get from any school, colleges, but you have to get it from God. If you are a Realized soul then you can baptize others. Everybody cannot baptize everyone. Even, I don’t think Christ disciples baptize anyone. They did not. It is later on, I don’t know how it crawl into the organization, that you could ask somebody to go and baptize someone.

William Blake has clearly said that, “The priest cursed me on my head and cried and wept”. Actually, that person who has to baptize, has to be a Realized soul, because baptism means awakening of the Kundalini and breaking up this fontanel bone area, open to the subtle. And that you cannot do it, so you’d better not do it. You are unauthorized. In all humbleness and humility, one must understand that that is not your job.

Say, for example, I do not know anything about the machinery or about the car, I start driving, what will happen? That same thing happens with people who do not have the authority to do God’s work, start doing God’s work. They plunge everybody into difficulties and ultimately, they neutralize themselves. It is high time for all of them now to see, that what they have to do through all these institutions, is no dogma nothing like that, but what you have to do is to transform people through their Kundalini awakening, through their real baptism.

This is what people have realized that there’s something wrong somewhere that we are not connected to the mains. When it happens, the first thing that happens to you that you become collectively conscious as Warren has told you. This collective consciousness is nothing but that your attention itself, your attention which is felt on the central nervous system gets enlightened. In the sense that as, like ether: when you touch ether, you can communicate anything from here to every place. In the same way, when you touch that All-pervading Power, you can communicate through that Power, anywhere sitting down here. It is collectively conscious.

Moreover collectively conscious means that, you can feel a person whether he is the person, he is all right or he has a problem or his Kundalini is in this part of the body or if he has got some disease. You can feel also about yourself. That’s the sign of light, that you automatically feel how the person is. You may not out of courtesy [unclear], say it loudly or may not try to inform the person.

The other day one lady came to me and she was, she was having cancer, no doubt. But I didn’t tell her. I tried and I think now she is cured. So, you don’t have to tell the person because you don’t have to achieve anything by telling, what you have to do is to achieve if she can be all right if you can give them Realisation. But your attitude is not to cure people. That’s not attitude of the Divine. Because it has got common sense. If you know that a certain car is going to be a junk forever, it is of no use, you don’t repair such cars. So, despite the affection and compassion you have for everyone, you want to see that by giving Realisation to this man, who is absolutely good for nothing and all that, you are just going to throw pearls before him. So you don’t even want to talk to such a man about Realisation, leave alone giving Realisation. It is such a headache to give Realisation to a man who is absolutely against God.

Like Hitler for example, if he said that, “Mother, give me Realisation.” What should I do? It is just like that. So you have to have basically a temperament of seeking. If you are a seeker, then you get your Realisation and you become collectively conscious. With collective consciousness, you can also raise the Kundalini of people. You can cure people. You can mentally improve them. You can settle them with peace. Then, sitting down here, you can tell about everyone, what’s wrong with that person, and sitting down here, you can try to help others. It is not a difficult thing at all, because you become that.

Like, you have seen a television. If it puts to the mains, it starts acting in such a fantastic manner, that nobody can believe that this little box can behave like this. In the same way, this little box starts behaving in that fantastic manner. This should happen to you; otherwise you should not believe that you have got Realisation. It is not a ‘make believe’ thing. It is not just a mental understanding, that you are twice born; it is none of these things. It is something that has sprouted within you, which has to grow. If you are lovers of truth and if you really respect yourself, as people seeking the truth and nothing else, it happens to you, and you grow completely in your glory.

Secondly, what happens to you is that, you start understanding that it is the truth. How? Because supposing there was, as I told you, that there was a gentleman whose father was sick. And he did not know about it. He wanted to know about his father. So, I said, “All right. You put your hands and ask how is your father”. He just asked [about] his father and he got a burning sensation on this finger here [base of the index finger]. So he asked me, I decoded it. I said, “This finger relates to this portion [Vishudhi on the neck], and these are the centres of your father [Ekadesha on the palm]. If it is so, then you’d better ask your father but I’m sure he must be down with very bad bronchitis. He telephoned to his mother in Scotland because she came on the phone and she said, “Your father is down with very bad bronchitis”. Sitting down there, I told him how you can cure him and after that, four – five hours he was out. It can be done: you are that fantastic, you are that glorious.

So your attention becomes enlightened. There is no question of you trying to put some spirits into things and do all these useless things. Only thing what you have to do is to awaken the Spirit in that person who sick and the Spirit takes over. Because it becomes also the truth. You start understanding that this truth, because you verify it. Every moment, you verify it. First, you think it’s a fluke. Sometimes, you think by chance. You think, “Oh maybe so”. Later on, you start seeing that it is true. It is so. You put ten children and if they are Realized souls and there are many these days, even in your country, I have seen lots of children who are born Realized. If you tie up their eyes and put one person before them and you asked them, “What’s the matter with this man?” you tell us what the thing is. They’ll raise one finger, this finger [little finger], supposing. You ask him, “Did you have a heart attack?” This shows the heart. “Yes, I had. How do you know?” I said, “All of them are showing one finger. This is the heart.” And then you start understanding that this is the truth. There is no argument; there is no other opinion about it, only one opinion, because truth is absolute!

Somebody says, “This is Christ”. Somebody says, “That is Christ”. Somebody says, “This is Krishna, that is Rama”. It is never like that! It is one. The truth is one, you cannot have two opinions. And it is absolutely your subject. Becomes enlightened and you can say, “This is the truth”. So, the second thing that happens to you, that you start knowing the truth which is absolute.

Now, if you put your hands say, like this. Now, as you have become and a computer, you are a computer, which has started now. Even all these instruments that have come are parallel to our evolution. Whatever is within us has come. But if you see a computer, it has to think. But without thinking, I mean, I look at you, I know you are there. I don’t have to think about it. This kind of computer, human beings will take thousands of years, even to make that just thinks and spontaneously knows. We are already such a big computer! But we have even become absolute computers. When we start asking a question, “Is there God?”, now those who are atheist, if they ask the question, they start getting cool breeze in the hands. You ask any absolute question, “Was Christ the son of God?” Why should people accept Bible? Why should they accept anything? They accept this because if you ask, you get the breeze, cool breeze in the hands as an answer. Then you know it as a truth. But could be, people should know that, how is it absolute?

I’ll tell you an example like us, we have some fanatics here. In India we also have lots of fanatics. And in Pune, they had arranged my program in a hall where, which was belonging to Brahmins, you see, they are another type of ‘twice born’ people: self-certified. So, they learned that I’m not a Brahmin. So they were very angry, they said, “We cannot have her program.” And our organizers did not tell me that, “Mother they don’t want to have your program, because you are not a Brahmin”. Nothing they told me. But they went and told that, “All right. If you don’t want to have, we will publish it in the newspaper, because Mataji is not a Brahmin, so they don’t want to have her program there.” And this was too much for them to take it upon themselves. So, they said, “No, no, no, no. If you have published it in the newspaper, let’s have the program.”

So I said - I start the speaking and I just said spontaneously, I said, “Please come forward those who think they are real Brahmins”. Four, five of them, you see, walked. Of course, I mean, in India you don’t find people of this kind, normally, they don’t challenge a saint normally. So, they came forward and sat down. And their hands were shaking, like this, you see. So I said, “Now, if you are real Brahmins, why are you shaking? You should not shake before Me”. They said, “Mother we are shaking because you are Shakti. You are the power. That’s why we are shaking”. I said, “No, nobody is shaking here.” So they said, “No, but these three, four are shaking, aren’t they?” I said, “Go and ask them who are they”. So, they went and asked, “Who are you?” They said, “We are certified lunatics, coming from lunatic asylum, our doctor has brought us because one of us was cured by Mataji, so we are here.” I said, “See. There is no difference between those lunatics and you. You’re shaking the same way and they’re also shaking”. So, this fanaticism is making you shake.

And this is the main point is, that when you become the truth, you start understanding the absolute nature of truth. There is no another for truth. If this is so, this is so. If this is so, this is so. You cannot compromise, you cannot make it a little different; you cannot synthesize it, you cannot analyse it: it is so, it is so, it is so. And you get confirmed about it when you grow in your awareness, you start finding out that this is the truth. So, you understand the truth through your mental activity first, through your rationality, it goes into your logic and then you start accepting it.

But third thing that happens to you, is the best of all, is the third thing that you see the whole world as fun. You see the whole world as a big joke. You see the whole world as a witness. Like a thought rises within us and falls off and another thought rises and falls off. When we are on the waves of the thought, we are frightened, we have fear, we have worries, we have jealousies and all those things. But supposing you get into the boat, then you start watching the waves with fun. In the same way, you jump onto such awareness where you start watching the whole thing as a joke, as a fun, as a play. And the whole thing becomes a play to your mind, you start seeing. And then the joy starts pouring in you.

Like you all say that, Mona Lisa painting is very good. But how do you know? What is so great about Mona Lisa? She is not one of these modern women. She is a very old-fashioned woman, quite a plump and why do you say that, that painting is so beautiful? What is so great about it? Now, if you are a Realized soul, you can see it gives vibrations. It soothes your Spirit. That’s why, it is the best. If you go to the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican, what Michelangelo has done is nothing but he has created vibrations there, tremendous vibrations. And you see Christ, how they have shown Christ there? A robust, tall fellow standing there, throwing people here and there.

This is what is happening today! This is the time of Judgment and the whole thing is nothing but the Kundalini they shown and at Agnya chakra, Christ is standing there and throwing people this side and that side. This is what it is, he has depicted Him, through his own understanding, because he was a Realized soul. He showed it very clearly. But there, on the altar, you find a lanky, panky Christ, you see, absolutely like a ‘TB’ [tuberculosis] patient about to die. Only the bones, you see, covered with the- what you call- a skin. How can Christ be like that! It’s sadism towards Him. Let these people try once to carry the cross and they will know that He could not be like that. He could not be such a lanky panky. He is a person of joy, health, happiness and exuberance. How can be anyone who is a man of God be sickly, agitated, hot tempered and horrible looking? And he has to have that serene look on his face. He has to have that beautiful soothing, impression on others. How can it be that a person who is such a great incarnation came on this earth to be a bony structure like that? This is what it is! We have such misconceptions about all of them, such misconceptions. And we want to put all this conception on God. But you cannot conceptualize God.

The thing that stands between you and your Self is your ego and your conditioning. Both things stand against you. They are like barriers. When this Kundalini rises, as you see here – [aside] it’s not here. When she rises and crosses over this center [Agnya].

Gavin: I didn’t bring the chart today.

Shri Mataji: Then what happens to your ego and superego which represents your conditioning, is sucked in ! When it is sucked in, that is the, that is the center of Christ, when He is awaken within you, He is sucks in. That’s the place where He is at the cross. Tomorrow, I think they’ll bring the chart and I’ll be able to explain to you in more details. And that is the time when you are neither ego nor the superego and you become the Self. The joy starts tickling. The whole thing is joy. The joy starts coming in you.

The all-other pursuits are joyless. There is no joy in the whole things, and joy doesn’t have duality like happiness or unhappiness. Happiness comes to you when your ego is pampered. And unhappiness comes to you, when your conditioning troubles you. But joy has no duality. It’s just a feeling of complete elevated soul. You feel completely elevated about everything else, enjoying the bliss of God. Actually, if you see, I mean Mona Lisa’s painting even you’ll feel the joy is pouring, just like torrential rain. The person who did it, must have been the one who has felt that joy, has brought in. But, if there is a person who is always thinking, and trying to think it out, what should be done, then, he doesn’t get the joy at all. He looks at a thing, and there is a thought in between. It kills the joy completely.

I would like you to ask me questions. But not like the way yesterday it happened. People said that, “Mother don’t ask to him to ask questions, because as soon as they, you asked them to ask questions, they start behaving like devils.” There is no need to be aggressive with Me. What is the needed? I have come here to give, what is your own. Why should you be angry with me? I just don’t understand this psychology. I have not come to take away anything from you.

Now, as I told you, what I do is a simple thing that I enlighten a light which is ready, which is - which is again, in turn, becomes enlightened and can enlighten another light. Now, this Dr Warren who was here, you have seen. He came to me with his friend and he just telephoned to me. He had nothing, he had just a telephone number. And when he telephoned to me, he came to me, he got his Realisation and he must have given Realisation in thousands! In the same way, you can also give Realisation to people. That’s how we can spread the knowledge that is reality. Knowledge of God’s laws, of divine mechanism within us, how it works. It is not that everyone can get it. I must say that, I do not say that all off you will get it, but should get it. That’s my desire is, if you get it, you’re very fortunate you have found what you have been finding it. And if you don’t get it, I would say that I’ll try again. It has to happen to you, and that, it should happen in a way that it becomes part and parcel of your central nervous system that you can manoeuvre it.

So, I have to tell you one thing. The One who has created us, is anxious that you enter into His Kingdom, and enjoy the bliss of his truth.

May God bless you.

I would like you to ask me questions. But not like the way yesterday it happened. People said that, “Mother don’t ask they to ask questions, because as soon as they, you asked them to ask questions, they start behaving like devils”. There is no need to be aggressive with me. What is the need? I have come here to give what is your own. Why should you be angry with me? I just don’t understand this psychology. I have not come to take away anything from you.

Gavin: I think they are outside. They are not in here

Shri Mataji: All right. Ask your questions please.

Seeker: Yes. You said that the truth was universal and the same for everyone. And I have the idea that for an individual, the reality is further influenced by their beliefs of what reality is.

Shri Mataji: What did he say?

Gavin: He said- just a moment - he said that, as you have said, truth is universal and that it is reality. But everybody’s concept of reality may be different.

Shri Mataji: Yes, it is so. I know that. It is true that the concept has to be different, isn’t it? Has to be different because everybody has their own brain, to understand, and thinking through their brain. But when you become the reality, then there is no more concept. It’s reality itself! Because you start working through your consciousness, through your central nervous system. It is no more a concept; it becomes the reality itself. That’s true that it has to be different, naturally, I understand that. I don’t mind having them different concepts. But, don’t believe in your concepts because it has given no results. It has shown no result so far, that’s all.

Gavin: The concept is dissolved.

Shri Mataji: Concept is dissolved. Yes, that is what happens. Concept is dissolved and you see the reality. For example, supposing I’m not seeing this church and some people say, “That’s in a church”. I may have some funny concept about this church. I have not seen it. All right? When I come in, I see it for myself, and I know this it is. So, I have no concept, I know what it is: it’s like that. Simple, very- it is common sense, I tell you, it is really common sense.

Actually, you’ll be shocked how people live in concepts. Sometimes, I’m really surprised how they have built up all their lives after lives on falsehood. It’s a really surprising, but they live because you see, ego likes the myth. It wants to live with myth. Like Hitler believing that they are superior race. Imagine! He killed millions and millions of people with that kind of a myth that he had in his head. Like Khomeini thinks is the greatest religious man and that God is going to put him in his throne. It’s true, you see. You see the effects of these concepts everywhere.

The problem is a concept only! That’s the main problem why we are fighting. [Laughter]

Now, see. Let one by one, all right? Please.

Now, who will? One this side, one this side.

Seeker: Madame, can you please talk about the love and compassion of the divine Mother? And of her qualities? What about that?

Gavin: He asks You to speak about the love and compassion of the divine Mother and her qualities.

Shri Mataji: [Laughter] Now, this is embarrassing, isn’t it?

How can Mother talk about her love? You can judge it by the Mother Earth. Mother Earth has a capacity to nourish us. She has a capacity to soothe us. She has a capacity to sustain all that we do to her. How cruel we have been with her! First of all, we commit all kinds of sins; we do all kind of wrong things on her back. Then we extract. For our stupid ideas of having all kinds of things, we extract [unclear]. Still, she doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t bother about those things. But sometimes, if you go too far with her, then she punishes also. She does punish. Like you have earthquakes, you have many things like that.

But she has a very special capacity, which in Sanskrit is described as “Ritambhara Pragnya”, means, by which she creates seasons to please us, to make us happy. The innocent creation of seasons that she has! You see the flowers, you see everything, how she makes the life so beautiful, humorous, so joyful. That thing is ‘Pragnya’ means the knowledge which is enlightened. When you get that knowledge, then you are amazed how kind she is. How she looks after you, little, little, and how she soothes you down. I’ll give you one of my examples, how I try to console people in my own simple way.

One day, there is a very big, great saint [Gagangarh Maharaj] living in a mountain. Poor thing, his legs and hands were broken and all that [inaudible] disappeared. He lives in a cave, somewhere in the mountain. And, he cannot move about. So, he has this tiger, so he moves on a tiger. And I told the people, “I must go and see him, he is my son”. They said, “Mother, you don’t like these gurus. Why do you want to go?” I said, “He is not that type, he is a real one”. So, they said, “How we could believe?” I said, “Feel his vibrations.” They said “Yes, lots of vibrations.”

I went to see this gentleman. Now, he is a very evolved personality and he can control the rain. So, when I was going up the hill, it started raining very heavily and he got very angry with the rain, you see. Naturally, he felt that, “What is happening? This rain is completely drenching my Mother! She is coming up and I can’t even control this rain. What will she think? As it is, she has to come up to see me.” Because, he has broken legs and broken hands.

And when I went there, he didn’t talk to me. He was sitting on a little stone and he was just doing like this [moving his head], with anger. So, I just smiled and I went and sat. Then he came and he said, “Is it to control my ego, You did all this? that you make this place rain like this. When You are coming to my house, I cannot even welcome you properly?”

I said, “No, it’s not so. Why are you angry? I know you have bought a sari for me, and I don’t take a sari from a sanyasi, because I’m a 'grhastha', I’m the one who is a householder. Then how will I take a sari unless and until this sari gets drenched?” The whole thing became such a sweet thing, really! He forgot his all temper, everything.

He said, “How do you know Mother, I have a sari for you?” “I know you bought a sari for Me, so I have to change it and how will I change?” So, the whole thing soothed down and he was normal. But I said, “You think of it. I’m coming to you and all the place must be drenched this day. It’s the joy of loving. So, why should you feel bad about it?” And that is how he soothed down completely. So, the Mother’s love is such, that she soothes you, she knows your problems, she knows that you make mistakes.

Like that, I’ll tell you about Mr. Warren only, one of his stories. Many stories that he can tell you, one after another. But one day, I was in Singapore and we were going to go to [unclear] program. So, I said, “We’ll go there about six o clocks. It’s all right. I have to see somebody. We’ll all go together. Why are you in a hurry to go?” they said, “No, no, we must go, make announcements”. Another lady who was organizing, was even much more worried. So, they decided that, “We must go to the hall earlier”. I said, “All right. I’m going out. You wait for me, I’ll come”. But they just thought, “We’d better go”.

So, they took a plane two hours earlier and went to the place of organizing. Now when I went there, I saw that when my car reached there, their car also reached and they were just getting down at that time. And I knew what had happened. So, I said, “All right, come”. [Unclear]. But they felt very embarrassed. Because they came with such a determination to reach earlier and they were reaching at the same time when I arrived. So, I went, I drove on. When I came back, they said, “Mother we are sorry.” I said, “What happened? They said, “We reached there early, all right, but from the airport to this place, there was such a bad jam, we had never seen. So, we thought, we’d better drive through the side roads. So we got stuck into the mud. Then we start pulling the car out and all our clothes got dirty, then we had a very bad time. And we arrived, after You have arrived. I said, “It’s all right.” “So, now, we’ll never do such a thing Mother. We should have come with you. It was a mistake”.

So, like that it’s in little, little things, Mother teaches you how to be all right, how to be on the right path. But it is never a big pinch, never a big punishment because you are children. So, here is this love by which you should advance, you should go further, you should be encouraged. But if your ego gets pampered, and you think, “Oh, I am a great Sahaja Yogini”. There are many Sahaja Yoginis like that and then they have too these correction points. That’s how it works out. And gradually I find, people come up very sweetly understanding that we should not try to do things which are not all right. And we should try to do something that is helpful, which is very collective. And that’s what it is, and it works out in such a beautiful manner, that you don’t have to should at anyone, or do anything. The whole thing works out in a beautiful way.

But the blessings are so great as Krishna has said, "Yoga Kshema Vahamyaham". He says, when you get Yoga takes place, then, ‘kshema’, that means the well-being of a person [unclear]. Even materially you are helped in so many ways. It’s very suprising. It’s also true: you are helped materially in so many ways. There was a girl, a little girl of ten years. She wrote to Me, “Mother, I am dying to see you. How can I come to India? I have no money to travel”. And she wrote a letter to me. I just got the letter; I never answered her. And eight days later, she had a fete in her school. So, she took a trinket from her house, just to sell it in the fete. So, the teacher said, “This is real gold, how you can sell this here?” She couldn’t believe. She went to mother, she said, “This trinket of our house has got real gold”. She couldn’t believe it either. So they went to the goldsmith, and goldsmith said, “Yes, it is.” It is gold. And he valued with the price at which he wanted to buy: it was exactly the same as they would have to pay for their travel, both of them.

So, it is in such a sweet manner. You see, you must know, a loving mother when you are asleep, she looks after you. When you are awake, she looks after you. But she doesn’t show that you are something more than others, better than others. She doesn’t like you to have your ego. But she wants that you should share, share your love with everyone. That’s the greatest joy for me to see when the Sahaja Yogis meet each other. When they go to India, you should see how they meet and they, really, how they hold each other to themselves in such pure love and pure understanding. It’s the greatest thing to see. I’m happy you asked such a nice question. But I feel rather embarrassed, because it is really so great to enjoy your love for everyone.

May God bless you.

Gavin: It has been described by Adi Shankaracharya.

Shri Mataji: Ah! You must read Adi Shankaracharya to know the love of God, the love of the Mother. I mean, he was a real child, a real beautiful child who described all. Even Christ on the cross said, “Behold the mother”. Behold the mother. It’s very significant.

[Aside] Is there water in this?

Shri Mataji: Now should we have the Realisation?

Gavin: Ok. So, we have it now?

Shri Mataji: Have I answered all your quesions here, this side ?

Just one is needed, two persons. Go ahead.

Seeker lady: Oh, yes. I was quite [unclear].

Shri Mataji: Loudly please.

Gavin: Loudly.

Seeker lady: [Unclear. About the return of Christ on earth with his physical form]

Shri Mataji: I can’t hear.

Gavin: She’s referring to the - how you said, how you would you recognize Christ? You referred to that. So she raises the question, ‘What is your idea, your theory your concept of Christ? Will he be coming on a white horse? Is he going to come? Is this going to happen as well?

Shri Mataji: Yes, yes. All this is going to happen. No doubt. I’ve no concept about it, that’s a fact. Yes, but that doesn’t mean He is now going to give any lectures. He’s not going to have you to ask him questions. He’s not to going to give any answer. No Realisation, nothing. Just sort it out, now a sorting out will take place.

He has got eleven powers of destruction. He is called as Ekadesha Rudra. Once he arrives, you will have no place to hide your faces if you are not with him. It’s time now that you join him, just now, at this moment. Otherwise, there is no salvation for you. It’s a fact, no doubt, what you say is absolutely true.

But I don’t want to frighten you. Because that’s how people are trying to frighten others. I don’t want to frighten you. It’s a fact.

That will be last sorting. Already, his sorting has started working within us. All these incurable diseases are also expression of the same. According to Sahaja Yoga, there are eleven destroying powers. They are here, [on the forehead] which we call as Ekadesha Rudra. And when people get any of these diseases, all these centres go out of order. So, the destruction now is going to come from within, not from without so much. We did not get rid of the shell within us, we are [inaudible] ourselves.

Shri Mataji: Now one more.

Gavin: One more and this is the last. Yes.

Seeker lady: Is it spiritually proper to [unclear; about healing procedure]

Gavin: I’m sorry, I can’t - would you stand again and say it again?

Shri Mataji: Make it short.

Gavin: Make it very briefly.

Seeker lady: [Inaudible]

Gavin: The idea of one soul greeting another soul,

Seeker lady: Pardon, well that’s it when you are curing at a higher level of awareness, the healing procedure that is great [unclear] will take place when there is inner accordance of one soul [unclear].

Gavin: I think you have another concept about healing. But let’s finalise it.

Shri Mataji: No.

Gavin: She is talking about one soul to another in the healing process, and is there any particular way that we should do this?

Shri Mataji: No, no, no. You should never bother about the souls that are there. Leave them alone. Christ has said that, “Leave the dead alone”. You have nothing to do with the dead. Living souls you would say or dead souls?

Gavin: She means her own soul.

Shri Mataji: Living souls you mean to say? Or dead souls?

Gavin: Living

Shri Mataji: Living. Now the living soul cannot talk to another soul unless and until he becomes a [dead] spirit. At that level only, you speak to each other on a very different language. The language is different, the style is different and the communication is different. The whole priority changes. You become a different person. All right? Like an egg becomes a bird, and then the birds have a different language among themselves.

Seeker lady: Thank you.

Gavin: That’s fine she’s happy.

Shri Mataji: She’s happy about it? All right.


Shri Mataji: All right,

Gavin: Ok, that’s it, Mother.

Shri Mataji: All right, are you all satisfied? Now, just one or two more. All right. Four now that’s going to be.

Gavin: One of the men.

Shri Mataji: [Inaudible]

Seeker: What is a dead soul? I just ask whether a dead soul is as a living soul?

Shri Mataji: What did he say?

Gavin: What is a dead soul, does it act as a living soul?

Shri Mataji: Oh, what a very big question my child. I’ll tell you later on if you don’t mind, all right? It requires a whole lecture. Doesn’t matter. But we are made of five elements, all right? And then there is Kundalini within us and also there is the Spirit. Now, if a dead soul- when one dies, it never dies fully. What happens is that the earth element comes out and the water element also comes out. The rest of the three elements remain and the Spirit and the Kundalini remain on top of that. And that is the dead soul. And a living soul is a person, which has got the Spirit, and thinks also that it means his soul - I don’t know, these English words are quite confusing – but a ‘jivatma’, as they call it, is a person who is living, has got a Spirit, has got a Kundalini and has got a-

Gavin: Five elements.

Shri Mataji: Also all five elements, represented in those centres. But when he becomes a Realized soul, then he is not called as a living soul, but he is called as an enlightened soul.

Shri Mataji: All right, have it.

Seeker lady: Thank you. I am a disciple of [unclear.]

Gavin: Ok. She’s met a guru in South India. She had a lot of good experiences but she also got a lot of pain. Is it a necessary experience that she should have the pain?

Shri Mataji: No, not necessary at all. Actually, what is a good experience? Let us decide on that. The good experience, it should not be ego-pampered but should be the Self. Now, what is the experience you get first of all? You get the cool breeze coming out of your - on the very gross level - and out of you head. And there should be cool breeze you should feel around. Then the second experience we should have, is that you should be completely peaceful with yourself. Absolutely silent, and there is no problem of any kind. And, if you get any pain: supposing after Realization also, you might get some sort of a pain, you are hot and all that. As soon as put your hand there, you can get rid of that pain. So, it is the experience that you have had, should be the experience of the Spirit. And, if he is a person who has given you Realisation, he would have told you how to be an expert in that. You see, this is a trouble. The gurus, if they give you Realisation, they make you an expert.

Seeker lady: [Unclear] I was referring to the pain as we deal with our life experiences.

Gavin: So, I’ll show it to Shri Mataji. She was speaking this side.

Shri Mataji: Now what did she say?

Gavin: She wasn’t referring to just physical pain; she was referring to pain in facing up to life and so on.

Shri Mataji: Pain in what?

Gavin: Pain in facing up to life’s problems and wider meaning of the word pain.

Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. No, that must stop, that must stop completely. Because you start seeing the whole thing as a drama. You are so detached. You see the whole thing. You see so well that you can solve the problem. You see the things. If you become the spectator of the whole drama, and you know that you can cure it, you don’t feel the pain. On the contrary, you take responsibility All right?

May God bless you.

Gavin: Ok, let’s have it.

Shri Mataji: All right. Now, how many more? Now we have had already here [unclear] Let’s have it. What is it?

Seeker: I wonder, I have two questions, actually. One, what is your feeling is of basic cause of disease?

Gavin: What is the basic of cause of disease?

Shri Mataji: It’s imbalance. Tomorrow, I’m going to tell you all about it. It is imbalances within.

Gavin: Second?

Shri Mataji: Second one?

Seeker: Also, I was wondering what are your feelings about Shri Sai Baba.

Shri Mataji: I’m not knowing these people. If that is Saith Nath, he is perfectly all right. He is an incarnation of the Primordial master. All the rest of them, I do not know.

Now, who is there?

Sahaja Yogi: Can you speak about karma?

Shri Mataji: Hum?

Seeker: Karma.

Shri Mataji: Gavin?

Gavin: Can you speak about Karma?

Shri Mataji: Ah. The karma is another thing. But actually, what you do, the [unclear] of your act is accumulated in your ego. And when the Kundalini rises, when she passes through this center that is sucked in. That’s why it has said that, “Christ forgive us our sins”. He is taking over. He died for our sins. In the sense that karma is sucked by him. And we are left without an ego, and it is only the ego that has the karma. Once the ego is sucked in, there is no karma left.

Shri Mataji: Can we take one of those? All right [unclear].

Now, just ask one more question, all right? Now they are anxious to have the experience. Please ask one more.

Seeker: Do You mean we create karma?

Gavin: Do You mean that, do we create karma?

Shri Mataji: Yes, we do. When we do action, you see, karma is only the myth that human beings have. Animals don’t have. They don’t have this problem. The trouble is when ego and superego, both of them go on our head, then we develop a personality which is ‘I’. “I’m Mr. So, I’m Mrs. So”. The ‘I`ness’ we develop. When we develop the ‘I’ness’, we think that we are unique. This is a myth with them.

Like I give an example of the villagers [unclear] will tell them that, "You don’t have to take too much luggage on an aeroplane". So, they sat in the aeroplane and they put all the luggage on their heads. And they said, “Now we should lessen the weight of the aeroplane”. It is something like that with our karmas, that we take the responsibility of doing the work, while we don’t do any work. For instance, if you see, what work we’ll do? It’s all dead. Now a tree is dead, so we’ll make the art. All right. Then from the dead to the dead, to the dead. That’s all we do. We make a chair, we make this, we make that. And then we start using the matter for our comfort. And then, matter sits on our head. We can’t get rid of it. Our Spirit is suppressed because of the matter. And then we have to use the matter, otherwise we just can’t exist!

So, what we are doing is, we are creating dead out of dead. But not a single living work we can do! We cannot transform one flower into fruit, can we? We cannot do it!

So, whatever is done, is done by God Almighty, by his living Powers. Whatever we do is all dead but we think we are doing it, that’s why you create karma.

[Realisation starts]

Gavin: Just, everyone slips their shoes off so as to make a better contact with the Earth.

Shri Mataji [aside]: What is? [Inaudible]

Gavin: And put your hands up.

It’s all right, it’s for their recording.

Be comfortable and sit with your hands on your lap. When Shri Mataji asks, just close the eyes.

Shri Mataji: Ah, speaking every day...

Gavin: All that you have to do at this stage, be hungry for it and to ask humbly for it in your heart, “Please Mother, give me my Realisation!” Because you have to desire it. And that’s where She cannot cross your freedom. If you don’t want it, then as She says you are free to go. But if you want it, put your hands up and ask humbly in your heart, “Please Mother, give me my Realisation”. We have to humble us all down.

Shri Mataji: Now, we have to just put our hands like this. Yesterday, I told you, the day before, that the left hand represents our desire and the right hand our action. So we have to use left hand for desiring. Put it in your lap, like this, with your finger stretched. And sit comfortably. That’s very important to sit comfortably so that there’s no problem in your eyes. Shoes, you can put back, under the chair, and put your feet straight like this, on the ground, not touching each other.

Put the left hand on your lap, and the right hand, I’ll tell you how to raise it, just now, you put both the hands on your lap. And now, close your eyes. Now, don’t open your eyes till I tell you. Because Kundalini won’t rise. It’s not hypnotism. Something has to happen within. So, just keep your eyes completely closed till I tell you.

Now, put your right hand on your heart. On the left-hand side and press it. Now, you are the Spirit, and the Spirit resides in your heart. So, you have to just ask questions three times. Mother, am I the Spirit? Just ask, in a humble way, and full confidence. Mother, am I the Spirit? Please don’t feel guilty. That is one thing I’m requesting, not to feel guilty at this moment. Forget the past, just forget the past.

Now, keeping the right and- left hand as it is, bring the left hand down on your stomach, on the left-hand side, to a center which is of the Primordial master.

Gavin: Right hand.

Shri Mataji: Right hand sorry - left hand towards me, left hand. I’m sorry, I made a mistake, put your left hand towards me. And right hand on the stomach and press it hard. Press it hard on your left-hand side of your stomach. Put the right hand on the left-hand side of your stomach. At this point, you have to say with full confidence "Mother, I’m my own guide. Mother, I’m my own guru. Mother, I’m my own master ". With full confidence.

Try to sit comfortably. Now, this has to be said ten times. Because we have ten ‘valencies’. Human beings have to ten valencies. So, we have to say it ten times.

Now, please put your right hand again to nourish, on your heart. Here you now assert by saying, “Mother, I am the Spirit.” Please say it twelve times. You assert it, without feeling guilty, without feeling guilty. Without feeling guilty, you must assert that, "Mother, I am the Spirit".

Twelve times you may say. Please, don’t feel guilty. The best thing would be to put your right hand on the base of your neck, on your shoulder on the left-hand side. Right hand. From front, yes, on the left-hand side. Here, you hold it tight from the front. You take your hand. Be comfortable and hold it tight. Here we say, "Mother, I’m not guilty". Please say sixteen times. Please, say it.

[To Gavin]: It’s too much. Gavin: It’s very bad.

Shri Mataji: What?

Gavin: It’s bad.

Shri Mataji: It’s bad. [Shri Mataji put the mike on her jeft shoulder.]

Please say it with all your understanding that, "Mother, I’m not guilty".

[To Gavin]: It’s too much. [Conversation inaudible. Shri Mataji put the mike on her left ear.]

Better, is it?

Gavin: Yes, it is. [Inaudible.]

Now, put your right hand across your forehead. Across your forehead, at this point, you have to say, "Mother, I forgive everyone". Please say, "Mother, I forgive everyone". [Shri Mataji put the mike on her forehead.]

It is very easy to say. Just say it and it will work out.

Now, put your right hand on the back of your head. Hold it tight. If the know the optic loop, where it is placed, on the back of your head. At this point, you have to now say, without feeling guilty, you have to say that, "If I have done any mistakes, oh Lord, please forgive me". That’s all. But don’t feel guilty. Please don’t feel guilty. Don’t count them, just say that, "Please, forgive me"

From your heart.

[Gavin put the mike on the Back Agnya of Shri Mataji.]

Shri Mataji: It’s [inaudible.]

Gavin: It’s better, better.

Now, put your hand on the top of your head. Put it just on top, your hand, your palm should touch the fontanel bone area, where you had a soft bone in your childhood. And press it, and try to move it clockwise. Now at this point, as a said, I cannot cross your freedom and you have to ask for your Realisation. Otherwise, I cannot force it. Then just say, seven times, "Mother, I want my Realisation. Please give me Realisation". Seven times.

[Shri Mataji blows in the mike.]

Now, raise your hand and see if there is a cool breeze coming in.

[Shri Mataji blows in the mike.]

Now, change your hand please: put your right hand down, and the left hand on top of your head. And now see. Raise it little higher for six inches hight. For six inches high.

[Shri Mataji blows in the mike.]

Gavin: It’s cool.

You got it, most of you.

All can raise both your hands on top of your head. Open your eyes. Raise them high. Higher.

And now ask a question, in your heart, "Is this the wind of the Holy Ghost?"

"Is this the Brahma Chaitanya?"

"Is this the All-pervading Power, the love of God that does all the living work?

Now feel it yourself.

Those who have come for the second time, must have definitely felt it. But I’ve told you today what is to done tonight. And work it out, it will be better after. You might get a photograph from these people tonight.

In the beginning, it’s better to use my photograph because it has got vibrations. Now what you can do, is the put a candle in front of the photograph, and you can see the vibrations are coming from the photograph. Now, put the left hand towards the photograph and the right hand like this [towards ether]. Just now you can do it. Put the left hand towards me at the right hand like this.

Now this is the balance. This is the balance we are giving.

Put left hand towards me, and right hand out; like this, at the back. You see, like this. So, we are going to light it. All right. Now see on the left hand if it is coming.

You are all thoughtless, if you see that. Now, you put your right hand towards me and left hand up. Heart.

You have to believe that you are the Spirit. That’s all you have to believe. You have to believe in your Self! That’s all I want you to believe in, that you are the Spirit.

Good? All right.

Then I’ll teach you how to raise your Kundalini tonight when you go home. So, this is what you can do on the photograph and you can see that it starts flowing from both your hands. At the most, if you are very much, sort of in tension, if you are very sick, then you can take a little bowl of water, with little salt in it, and put your feet in that bowl and take the vibrations from the photograph.

But if you feel cool breeze in your hand and cool breeze moving in this hand, then everything is perfect. Now you have to learn, tomorrow I’ll tell you what it means, how to use it, how to become a master. It’s a simple thing.

Now today, I’ll teach you how to raise your own your Kundalini, which is your own. Now put your left hand in front of the Kundalini, here. All of you sitting down. Can you see me? Put your left hand like this. Just like this in front. Like this in front. This hand like this.

The right hand has to be moved up, front, down, back. Like that, clockwise. You have to raise it.

Now, let us raise our Kundalini. Start it moving, slowly, like this, like this, like this. And throw your hands up, absolutely lose and then give it a twist.

Throw your head back, and now give it a knot.

That’s one, we have to do it thrice. Again let’s do it!

Hold the hand in front and start moving it. Take it up through your hands and just give it a twist and here it is.

Third time, we have to give three twists.

You can do it at home.

Throw back your head and hands loose, and give it one, then the second one, and then the third one, like this. Now see, it will improve.

Now, there is one thing more one must learn, how to give protection to your aura. That is very important! Protection to your aura - I wish people knew how to do it; they would have saved themselves in many troubles - is to put your left hand like this. And with the right hand, you move it like this, from here. Move it, one. Go back. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven.

This is how you give protection to yourself. Now, see your vibrations.

All right? It’s better.

Now, what happens that when you are judging other’s vibrations, you can just start judging like this, it’s all right. Or give him a bandage like this, it’s the bandage of love. Because it is flowing through your hands. When you move your hands, actually the power is flowing through your hands and fingers. So, what you are doing is manoeuvring it. So, you give it a bandhan. Like we have a good luck sign [unsure], like that, to him. And then see the vibrations.

Now, if you want to see your own vibrations, you give yourself a bandhan like this, and then see your own vibrations.

You try tonight. Don’t talk too much about it, don’t argue. You are beyond mind. And that’s why I don’t argue about it. The becoming is the most important part. Thus it is the difficult part of Sahaja Yoga. It is like no other thing that here, unless and until you become, it is of no use. You have to become. Then you have to grow, then you have to become the expert, ultimately the master. That’s what it is. And for which you cannot pay.

May God bless you.

Gavin: So that you can deepen still further. Tomorrow night’s program is here. There is a weekend seminar. All this information, you can get at the door as you go out. Please leave your address and telephone number. We’ll contact you to let you know the follow-up meetings if you are unable to come for the seminar, so that you can deepen in this process. We’ll see you tomorrow night. Good evening.

Those who want to meet Shri Mataji tomorrow evening; She will spare a few minutes to meet you all. Tonight She’s just come back from San Diego, and She’s rather tired. So, tomorrow evening it will be a good chance. She will spend some time with you all here after the program.

Sahaja Yogini: Mother, would you like a cup of tea?

Sahaja Yogi: No. She’s going now. No let’s go.

Shri Mataji: How are you? Looking fine, aren’t’ you? What’s that? [Unclear] You are already all right. Filling better?

Some Yogi, softly: You must realize. You must do something. It’s not a language barrier at all. It’s the acoustics. It’ shameful to miss it. She’s an angel.

Gavin: We will do something. Thank you very much.

Shri Mataji is working on someone: Again, again, again. You have not forgiven. From your heart, you forgive everyone.

Gavin: Anybody going to the seminar at the weekend? Would you be kind enough to just have a word with Brian Bell, who’s standing here with his hand up. Because you may be able to help with transport arrangements for other people. It’s a long way. Brian will deal with those people going to the seminar, who may be able to help with transport.

Hollywood United Methodist Church, Los Angeles (United States)

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