Awakening of Kundalini just takes split of a second 1983-10-05
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
5 October 1983
Awakening Of Kundalini Just Takes Split Of A Second
Public Program
Vancouver, Robson Square Media Centre (Canada)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
[Sahaja Yogi gives an introduction of Shri Mataji]
I bow to all the seekers of Truth. I knew that in Vancouver there are many real seekers, seeking the Truth. But the time is so short and the world is so large. I have been traveling and traveling and am here only for tomorrow. Doesn’t matter, whatever may be the span of time, awakening of the Kundalini just takes a split of a second, if you are ready to get it. If there are obstructions, if there are barriers, if there are already preconceptions about things, then your mind sticks to them and the ascent does not take place. Because reality is what it is, it will be what it is. You cannot conceive it, you cannot change it and you cannot conceptualize it, that this is the reality, this should be such and this should be such.
As a scientist, we have to keep a very open mind as to know what reality is. There may be many questions in your mind as I can see them clearly and they have to be there, but by questioning also it doesn’t work out. Only the question like this, the way the girl asked me today on the television, it answered; she got the cool breeze in her hand immediately as soon as she asked me. I do not want to avoid the answer but people have to be prepared because the answer has no meaning for people who are not prepared. Christ said that he was the path, he was the gate and people crucified him. When what he said was absolute Truth. But they crucified him for that.
So one has to be cautious with human beings. They can be very funny. I don’t know if he has told you or not but people tried to beat me with the Bible in the church. What an absurd scene. I could never have imagined, but it’s alright. That’s all due to ignorance. If you are wedded to some idea or if you just believe into something, that is also blindness; or you do not believe into anything, that there can be a God, also it is too much of abandonment. So you have to keep yourself open-hearted, open-minded, because it is your own that you have to get, this is within. The Kundalini power is within you and the Spirit is within you. What I have to do is just to kindle it, awaken it. Once you are awakened, you can do the same. Dr. Warren, who talked to you just now, I don’t know how many thousands he himself has given realization to and surprisingly Australia, the country which perhaps people said that they were people who went there as convicts, but they are doing the best among all the western, eastern countries in the sense that we have the maximum number of centers and maximum number of Sahaja Yogis, great experts in Australia. Not only that but for my traveling they said, ”Mother, we’ll pay for you but you’d better travel all the way around. Of course I didn’t have much problem on traveling but they said, ”No, Mother, we would like to pay for their salvation.” A day must come when you Canadians should go to Australia to give them realization. That would be the best return for them.
Today, as the time is very short, I thought I better tell you about what happens as a result of self-realization and how you go to wrong conclusions because of the confusions created by thinking about your perfection. The first and foremost thing that should happen to you is that your attention becomes enlightened, meaning you become collectively conscious. That means your conscious mind gets another dimension in which you start feeling others.
A gentlemen in London, ten years back, got realization. He was a scientist so he was a little bit doubtful about the whole thing. He told me, ”Mother, how do you say that we can find out, through telecommunication with God, what’s wrong with others? I said, “About whom do you want to find out?” He said, ”About my father; he’s not written to me and he’s not spoken to me all these days. He was in Scotland." I said,”Alright, you put your hands like this and just think of your father.” And then he said, ”Oh, Mother, I am getting a burning sensation here.” “Of course, I have to decode for you,” I said. ”That means this center here. This is the center of Vishuddhi and this side is the father’s centers and if you are getting burning there that means he must be down with very bad bronchitis.”
He telephoned to his father but the father was not there. The mother said, “Your father is down with very bad bronchitis.” He said, ”Mother, how to cure it?” So I told him the method by which he can put around him this power of love. After three, four hours, the father rang up and said, “I don’t know what happened – a miracle. I got alright, my temperature has gone down. I don’t know what happened.”
Now it’s so fantastic that people can’t believe it. It’s too fantastic but do you know you have been made from amoeba to this stage with what care and love. You have been created for some purpose and when it works out you are surprised at yourself. Now see this little instrument that is made. If you show to someone in the village they won’t understand that a little pipe like that can carry the sound. Or if you show them a television, they won’t believe it. But when you plug it to the mains they may be amazed how that little box reacts. In the same way, I have to tell you that you are created in such a beautiful way. It’s a perfect machinery within. It’s so scientific, it’s so perfect that all these machineries will fail but that machinery cannot fail. You are that beautifully made within yourselves. Of course you have made some mistakes, no doubt, spoiled a little bit here and there, little connections are sometime loose. It doesn’t matter, it can be fixed up but you are all due for it and you all have to get it.
Now what should you do about it is you don’t have to do anything because to become a human being you did not do anything. What did you do to become human being? Even to breathe, you don’t do anything. If you read books or have a guru and go to him and ask him how are we to breathe? He would never exist. So you don’t need anything; just the Kundalini is there and an enlightened person can enlighten you.
I would say that your attention becomes enlightened. That means if this room is enlightened you can see what’s wrong with this room. What’s the color of this room? In the same way you start feeling your own chakras. You start feeling your own centers and then you don’t feel bad because you are out of yourself, you can see yourself, you see the whole drama of yourself. And then you say, ”Oh, I see now, Mr. ego is coming up on you, alright, go ahead.” You just address yourself in quite a humorous manner that you have been doing all this. Go ahead for a while and then you will know.
Like one gentleman asked me very seriously, ”Mother, if I was Napoleon in last life don’t tell me.” I said, ”But what makes you think that you were Napoleon? He said, ”Because my ego is too big. I can see it and I can draw very well. I have a very good hand for drawing. He too had it.” I said, ”Now let’s assure you that you were not Napoleon.” He said, ”Thank God, otherwise I would have thought how much I’d have to fight with my ego if I was Napoleon in last life.” If I tell somebody you have ego then you will be punched. You cannot get out of it. But when you start seeing your own problems, then you know you’d better get rid of it.
For example, if I have some black spot on my shawl. If you tell me, I would like to take it out. But if I am identified with that one, I will not like it and I will never take it out. So the identification with, or we can call the misidentification with yourself, your name, your all that it is artificial drops out and you become an independent, free personality to judge yourself. That’s how the last judgement is going to work out that you will judge yourself. You don’t need anybody else to judge you. And people come and tell me that, ”Mother, my Agnya chakra is catching.” means my ego has gone up. Who will say like that? Have you heard anybody in normal conditions saying like that, that my ego has gone up? But you start seeing it so clearly and you laugh at yourself, ”Oh, this Mister Ego was with me and now he is showing his results.”
So that is how you start seeing your own problems. You know how to cure your own problems; that’s how you cure your diseases, you cure your mental conditions; you come to a balanced part. I don’t tell you; All 10 commandments are after realization, not before that. I don’t tell you don’t do, nothing of the kind, because human beings are such that if you tell them don’t do it, they will do it. So best thing is not to tell them don’t do it. But when the light comes in, the Sahaja Yoga today is so wonderful that first the light comes in. There’s no question of cleansing, nothing. First the light comes into you and then you start seeing yourself in that light and correcting yourself. Sometimes a light can be very little. You might be surprised at yourself that, ”It’s very little with me. Why is it so?” But gradually you start understanding that, “I have problems on my centers. I have to clear my centers.”
We had a girl who came to see me many a times from Paris. So my husband asked her, “She has given you realization. Now, why are you again coming and coming in and bothering her?” He is dealing with shipping, so she said, “Supposing, sir, you have a fifth-hand ship. Then what do you do? It has to be repaired again and again.” He said, “No, we scrap it.” She said, “But Mother does not scrap, that’s the trouble, so I come to her for repairs.”
Even if there are problems you see them and you understand them and you quickly try to remove them. Some people are so great, I have seen, that they just jump out of it, jump out of it permanently; they never catch, they have no problems, nothing. I have seen such personalities, but some are just the light. You enlighten and then it moves a little bit this side, that side, you have to look after it, you have to just give it a little shade so that it doesn’t just blow off. But that’s how the first seeking is to be looked after to make it into a tree. So you have to be respectful towards yourself, first of all, and kind to yourself and not to be angry. I have seen many people after realization, they start getting angry with themselves. What is this? Why should I have got this thing? Why did I do this? Forget about the past, you have to forget about the past, whatever has happened has happened in the past, doesn’t matter. What has to happen is in the present.
The guilt business that many people have, “I am guilty,” that has to be given up. If you think you are guilty then it’s rather difficult because of the left hand side of this Vishuddhi chakra catches very badly in those people who think that they are guilty for something. I mean it’s a fashion in the West to feel guilty, is a very common fashion. In India I have not seen anybody who knows about it and when I tell them they are quite surprised. ”What is there to feel guilty? We are not in the jail. Why should we feel guilty?” This kind of feeling that we are nurturing also blocks your realization and always sucks in your energy there. As the Kundalini is your Mother and She is one like Mother Earth, like the Aquarius, like the Aquarian Age. This is the age of Kundalini. It’s called as Kumbha in Sanskrit language. She represents that and the Kundalini when She comes up, She nourishes you and in that nourishment, She looks after your attention. She fills up the attention with Her energy which gets ignited by the entry of the Spirit into your attention.
So far your attention is not in your central nervous system. It is there, it is the one who is the witness. He is looking at you all the time and he knows what you are doing but it doesn’t say, doesn’t interfere, it’s just there watching. But after realization this Spirit enters into your attention and starts guiding you. Only through vibrations this new dimension that you achieve of cool breeze, you understand what is right and what is wrong. So far you live in the relative world but after getting the realization the Spirit guides you clearly what is to be done, whether to do this or not and your priorities change so nicely that you know where to waste your energy, where not to waste your energy and where to use your energy. You just start understanding the complete picture of you being the part and parcel of the whole and that’s how you become collectively conscious.
For example, this finger of mine is paining so I rub with another hand. Now I am not obliging this finger by any chance. Neither this finger feels obliged. In the same way, in collective consciousness, when you do something for others, you don’t think it’s a social work or you have done some good to others. It just happens, because it just emits through you. You can’t help it. Wherever you are you bring auspiciousness. You bring goodness, you bring wealth, health and every sort of well being. Krishna has said, “Yogakshemam Vahamyaham.” First yoga, if you get the yoga, the union with the Divine, then you get the “Kshema,” means the well being and that’s how the kshema has been worked many a times.
We have had many experiences which can be called extremely fantastic for you and for your understanding but it works out. People get over their sickness so some of the doctors agree with me. They think that I am going to cancel them completely and the psychiatrists you don’t need anymore because you are no more in a state of confusion. You reach a state where you see things absolutely clearly and understand. Now one can say as a doubtful case, that how are we to know that what we know through the vibration is the correct thing? Because when it is yes, you get lots of vibrations coming into your hand and when it is no, your vibrations disappear. Sometimes if you ask about some gurus whether they are good or bad, if they are bad, you might even get blisters in your hands a little bit. They can be so horrid and devilish that they can give you blisters. So then you understand who is real and who is unreal. But how do you understand that whatever you know through your vibrations is the perfect thing, is the real thing, is the absolute?
For that I give an example. Once I was in Pune and they had arranged my program in a hall which was sort of belonging to some brahmins and the brahmins got very angry because I’m not a brahmin – according to them I am not a brahmin. So they said, “You can’t give this hall to Mataji. She is not a brahmin.” So the organizers never told me but they told them that, ”If you don’t give her, we have already published in the newspaper and we will also publish that you did not give her a hall because she is not a brahmin.” Of course this is too much for them because it’s a secular state; you are not supposed to do like that. So they said, “Alright, let’s have the program.” and I was having the program. So I asked among you, I said, ”They never told me.” But I knew the problem somehow and I asked them, “Among you, who thinks that they are the brahmins should come forward.” So three, four of them, like great warriors, walked in front and sat before me. As soon as they sat they started shaking everywhere. So I said, “What’s the matter with you?” They could not control themselves. I said, “Control yourselves.” They could not control themselves; they were shaking like this. I said, “What’s the matter?” They said, ”Mother, we accept that you are the shakti, now stop this, its too much. You are the shakti ,you are the power. That’s why we are shaking.” I said, “That’s not the thing. The others are not shaking, they are feeling the cool breeze. Why are you shaking?” He said, ”No, Mother, we are real brahmins, we assure you, but you are the Shakti. We are sensitive, that’s why we are shaking. Then they turned around and said, “See, there are three, four people here and they are also shaking.” ”Alright,” I said, ”Go and find out who are they?”
So there was a doctor sitting and he said that these all are certified lunatics from the lunatic asylum and they are shaking. They got a fright of their lives. They said, ”Are we lunatic, Mother?” I said, ”No, but the way you think you are brahmins is not true. Unless and until you know the Brahma, the all- pervading power of God, you are not a brahmin. Unless and until you have felt that you are not a baptized person, it’s artificial, somebody puts something on your head and says that now you are baptized. So we believe, ”Oh, we are baptized now.”
That’s all artificial, understand it’s all artificial, it’s a drama playing. You must understand the joke behind it. The way we believe in, we have believed our parents, have believed their parents, have believed this has been going on and on and on. When I was born I saw it and I said what’s happening. The Kundalini is just there; there is nothing like a baptism. It’s a reality, It’s a real happening, the awakening of the Kundalini is a real happening. You can see with your naked eyes the rising of the Kundalini and the pulsation of the Kundalini. You can even say you feel the pulsation on your head, not in all places but some people have obstructions. We have got some photographs or I think we have taken some of the films where the Kundalini was just pulsating in that triangular bone like a heart. You can see these things on the back of the person when it is rising if there is an obstruction. But if its smooth movement you don’t see anything. So, this is what happens to your attention.
There is another misunderstanding among people that if you see the light, you have become the light or there is some sort of sensation, then it is the light. Now one must know that seeing the light means you are not the light. That’s why you can see. If you become the light you cannot see it. So it’s logical, you must understand everything is logical, so you cannot be the light. If you are the light you cannot see it. One thing should be cancelled from the mind that in Sahaja Yoga what happens to you is your own knowledge. You know each and everything what you are doing, how you are doing it, how you are getting into it, you become a master of that. It’s not just madness that suddenly people start jumping.
In one of the programs we had about about 10 people sitting in the front row just jumping. I said, “What has happened to you?” They said, “Our guru has awakened our Kundalini and that’s why we are jumping. I said, “For what, like a frog?” Yes, it is written. He showed me in the book. His guru had written that you will jump like a frog when you get your Kundalini awakened. I said, ”Now logically, are you going to become frogs? Or what are you going to become? You have to become a super human being and that super human being, as described in all the ancient scriptures, has to become collectively conscious. Now it’s an English word. I think Jung has used it but that doesn’t mean it belongs to Jung. Jung was a realized soul but it does not belong to him. In sanskrit it’s called as “Samuhik Chetana” This is the first thing that happens to you. You become collectively conscious.
This is the first thing that happens to you and it has already been mentioned, a description and everything, even in Patanjali yoga. A trouble is the books that are translated in English are all written by pseudo anglo-westernized Indians who have – I don’t know what they wanted to communicate to you. When I read some of the books I was shocked because they said Kundalini is in the Stomach, another said the Kundalini is in the head, but it takes nothing to write a book and everything that is written is not a scripture. But people really follow it so religiously. If it is written in black and white then they think that is the knowledge. Knowledge is not in the books; it is not in the books. Knowledge is in your central nervous system. The rest of it is all myth. Whatever you know through your central nervous system is the knowledge. People talk for days together and there are tapes and tapes and tapes and nothing but bubbles and bubbles and bubbles. Nothing comes out of it. Your attention becomes enlightened by which, first of all, you know about yourself and then when you take the light out, you know about others also. You start knowing what’s wrong with others. But you don’t tell them. You speak in the language of Sahaja Yoga. Like you will not say that this fellow has an ego because he will turn around and will give you a slap. So better to not say that. You have to be careful. Because those who are seeking can be very nervous, violent, all types of people.
We had one gentleman who came to my program who was an alcoholic and he started shouting at me at the top of his voice. I said, ”Today you go out and tomorrow you come and see me.” He got his realization and after that he is a beautiful sahaja yogi and a beautiful person. But sometimes he again feels shy that he shouted at me. But that’s gone, that’s finished. Where is he? He is no more, is the light and egg has become a bird. All that was an egg is finished. Now you are the bird. So you become a bird which has to fly out. Strengthen your wings and you have to fly out and know for yourself what is the sky, what is the kingdom of God and how you have to enjoy it.
Now when attention becomes very alert and you start feeling the sensitivity of the attention, in the West it happens more, that you start verifying it. You try to verify, ”Oh, let’s see the vibrations of this, let’s see the vibration of this lady.” Then they will ask “Are you suffering from this?” Then they will verify it. They go on verifying. They take time. So they go on verifying if this is correct or not. Dr. Warren himself gave me a very hard time and he was asking if he was not believing because it was too much for him. He has been to all the gurus, everyone, everywhere, a big list. So when he came to me, he was quite suspicious. He could not believe how it could happen. He tried to verify it here and there and there, and then he verified it. When you have verified it, then you accept it as Truth.
Only the Truth you accept through your vibratory awareness first and then you see it so clearly what is the Truth and what is the myth. It’s so obvious that you don’t have to ask me, ask anyone, and you know this is the Truth and this is the thing and Truth is one, Truth is absolutely one. There cannot be three points on Truth. I was in America and somebody came to see us and we were trying to tell that lady what Sahaja Yoga is. She was amazed at one thing. She said, ”How is it all of you are just supporting each other all the time. If one says one point, another supports that. How is it you are all working it together?” Because they are collectively conscious. You all work as a one personality, because Truth is one. If this is white color everybody sees this as a white color, nobody will say that this is black. In the same way when you see the same thing, if you are honest – If you are dishonest still in Sahaja Yoga, you have to become honest; you jolly well have to become honest, you can not help it – so you start saying the same thing.
The best thing that happens to your attention is because attention is your sustenance. People think the “religion” word is very dangerous because religion has been organized and it means some sort of a mythical stuff. But what happens to sustenance? We have got within us a sustenance, means you can see a spring has got its own sustenance to remain like a spring. But when it loses its biological qualities, then it becomes linear. In the same way we, because of mistakes, have become a little linear by temperament so our biological sustenance has gone down, that power has gone down. Like peptones, in the form that exists in the human beings, have this tremendous spiral sustenance within them. They can remain spiral but you put together all the amino acids of the world and try to create one like that, only 5% you can achieve. So you can imagine what a tremendous body is created.
Now you have the sustenance to be spirally sustaining your qualities and these are 10 sustenances within us and these sustenances are destroyed by fake gurus. First of all they destroy your sustenance and when they start destroying, you develop a problem on your head here. If it is destroyed by the other gurus then you develop these 5 chakras here (Shri Mataji shows Ekadesha Rudra chakras on the right hand side) which become prominent sometimes and you develop a destroying force here for yourself. That’s how all these diseases and all these things come in. Even cancer, epilepsy and all sorts of diseases can be caused by that.
If you believe that, “There is no guru. I am the guru. I can do it.” That’s also wrong because you cannot do it. If a candle has to be enlightened by itself it does not get it. Some enlightened light has to enlighten it and once it is enlightened, it can enlighten other lights. This is very logical, you understand that. If you say, “I am my own guru and I don’t care for anybody, I am trying my own meditations.” So you have also spoiled your instrument by that way. When you have spoiled your instrument then you develop on this [left] side because they move across there. So on this left-hand side you develop again five destroying forces and in the center is the collective being so there are eleven forces called Ekadesha which are built in and these are the forces which ultimately are to be used for the complete sorting out by the advent of the Kalki, as you call it, – the last one who is going to come.
So we should not allow these forces to be built up. If somebody has cancer, the first thing that happens to a person we have seen is that either from this side or this side is developing these centers inside the brain. So these centers are very dangerous and one has to be careful. Now when you start understanding that your attention has enlightened, you can see within yourself what’s happening within your chakras. How are they, whether they have built up these centers or not, whether your Kundalini is up there or not, whether your chakras are alright or not, you can see for yourself. Then you can also help others. Once you get your vibrations absolutely established and you are established well, you can give realization to others. You can give them the awakening and the knowledge and everything about it.
But knowledge is what they feel. Once the energy starts flowing in then you have to tell now this is the energy flowing from your hand. Now see for yourself how to work it out and then once you work it out, you can do it, you can tell him, ask him to work it out. At first he may not believe possibly but because you have gone through it, you have patience and you understand because you are a seeker. So you understand that I have suffered it, so this person has also the same problem through which I have gone. You have tremendous patience and love for that person and you try to explain to him how it is to be done and that’s how you can create thousands of people who are realized souls.
In India it’s true what he says that thousand of people can get realization and they have got it. But I must say this one gentleman who is not an educated person very much, he is a farmer and he himself has given realization at least to 8000 people, at least. So it is quite possible for you to manifest your powers and your understanding through which you try to correct others, which just flows. Then the whole idea is that you see first time, you are manifesting the living power. Before this you could not – from dead to the dead. Some tree dies, then you make some building. You say now we have made the building. From dead to dead we create and we really become the slaves of the matter. Like you make a chair, then we can’t sit on the ground; you make a bed, we cannot sleep on the ground. Like that we start becoming slaves of the matter.
But after realization you are amazed that for the first time you are giving your living power to the Mother Earth also. If you give your vibrations to the Mother Earth, even in the water that is flowing to your feet. You will be surprised, the yield would be at least four, five times more, very tasty and it won’t have all the problems of the hybrid. Hybrid has a big problem. We have tried this in one of the very great agricultural universities in Maharashtra where so many professors now, even the dean of that place, is a realized soul and they say that when you give these vibrations even to Indian cows they start giving quite a lot of milk. But not like the Australian milk. They think that if you take Australian milk you get confused personality because they are hybrid cows and they don’t understand. They gave an example of how the egg and the hen are confused from the western side because in India if an Indian cow is there and the calf dies, then the Indian cow immediately stops giving milk. But if it’s an Australian cow, it forgets about it, just starts giving milk all the time. So they can’t understand that how is it that the emotional side is missing there in the Australian cows and like hen and everything they have studied and they have made a big research on this. So with your vibrations you do increase the productivity of the soil.
So you solve many problems that are facing human beings. Your sustenance is awakened. You give up all your habits, you’re no more a slave of any habit, just they drop out. So many people who have been tremendous alcoholics and all kinds of problems they had. They just dropped out all their habits. It’s amazing to see the people how they dropped out their habits overnight. But not always if the person doesn’t have so much will power. Young people do it much faster but I have seen even old people doing it. But in case the will power is less, then we know how to even enlighten your will power, how to bring your will power into play or your heart’s power into play.
These powers are within us which are to be given balance, Like today when I was talking to the lady, she didn’t feel at first any cool breeze. I said put your right hands towards me because you are working very hard, your right side is all exhausted and left side is sleepy. So she put her right hand towards me and she started feeling the cool breeze because she ventilated from this [left] side and she got nourishment on the right hand side and she started feeling the cool breeze.
So this is what happened today and it will happen always with you. You will find out that you have some imbalances which must be corrected. And once you know how to correct your imbalances, you then start correcting the imbalances of others without telling them. You don’t have to tell them that you are correcting but it just happens and when it happens they themselves are amazed, how is it this is working? This is minimum of minimum that happens to you that you feel absolutely healthy. Diseases like cancer, AIDS, all these things drop out because they arise out of the combinations of certain centers and those who are suffering will feel it on their fingertips and you will know these are the centers. If you know how to awaken this, you can cure yourself, then you don’t have to go to the doctor at all.
But you have to do the whole thing religiously, understandingly. At least for a month you must settle down with it and work it out religiously with it to become proficient and expert. Yoga also has another meaning. Yoga also means expertise or you can call it “kaushalam,” “yoga” “yukti.” “Kaushalam” is the trick or the expertise, the knowledge, the true knowledge as to how to manifest your manifestation of your Spirit and how to use it, the power of God and how to be alright yourself and keep others alright. This is the knowledge which is called as “Shuddha Vidhya” in Sanskrit language.
Now when the attention is enlightened you also know through your attention that all these people who are fighting differently, that Christ is ours, somebody says Mohammed is ours, and then another says this is ours and all that, are all stupid people. Because these are all the flowers born on a living tree and when people remove those flowers the flowers have died and the ugly flowers, they are sticking onto themselves and saying this is mine and this is mine. They all belong to the same tree of life that is here and all these chakras have these deities on them and as deities they are there and they are the milestones of our evolution and our consciousness.
Consciousness has been established as far as the father side is concerned and the sun side is concerned. Now the mother side has to be established which is the Kundalini which has to rise and has to nourish you. So in the new consciousness what is going to happen, you are going to move spirally up higher as a feminine personality in the sense you don’t become feminist or anything but you develop the compassion, the love, the affection, the forbearance, the soothing, the redeeming qualities. That’s what every human being must becomes whether he is a woman or a man and that is today the hero because they told me that the Gandhi film is very popular. But what was the greatness of Gandhiji is that he talked of love. He practiced his love to appeal to the nobler self within you. He didn’t go with his ego to fight, he went with a humility to appeal to the noble side of human beings. That worked and he achieved the Independence. So this is what it is. We become like that. We have had great people of that caliber since long and when you come to Sahaja Yoga you will know about them, how many people we have had and we never bothered to know about them.
Now about attention, this is what happens because, in short, I have to tell you on attention. I don’t know how many lectures I have given which you can have my tapes later on from these people and know about it in details. Because as intellectuals you always want to know more; that experience is wrong. You should experience first and then you know, it’s better. Because sometimes listening too much to lectures and all that, one can get confused. So it’s better first to have the experience. Normally we don’t even give our books to people because I have seen that once they take the book, at one point they will say, ”Mother, what does this mean?” And they will stick on to that point. It’s impossible to tell them, ”Forget it, my child. First of all, receive the whole of it now, don’t stick to this point.” One point they will hold and getting on with that all your life. Are you going to be saved by that? So one has to know that if you have to get into the boat you must get out of the crocodile which is holding you. So best thing is to pull yourself out and get into the boat first and then we’ll talk about everything else.
Now the second thing that happens is that you know the Truth, you know the absolute, you become the Truth. Whatever you say is the Truth. Whatever you desire is the Truth. Whatever you ask for it works out, absolutely, no doubt because your desires change, your ideas change.
I received today at least 30 letters in the morning. Everybody was saying one thing, surprisingly. ”Mother, I hope you get lots of seekers in Canada and we hope they all get their realization and have the same joy as we are having. “Every letter, even a little girll of about 12 years old, her letter was this: ”Mother, the joy I have I want to share with Canadians.” Such a sweet thought in the morning. I read one by one and was so very happy – all the way from Australia, India, Europe – from everywhere these letters came and all of them were desiring one thing, that Canadians must get their joy, their right to have the joy.
So the third thing that happens to you that you become the joy. Now we always confuse between happiness, unhappiness and joy. Joy has no duality. Joy is singular and there you do not have happiness or unhappiness but you witness the whole thing as a play, as a drama. Now when you are happy actually what happens is your ego is pampered. If somebody says you are a fine person, you are a very nice person. I mean all the gimmicks, you know all these things. Then the second one is you are unhappy when somebody says hurting to you means when ego is there you are happy, when superego is there then you feel unhappy. So it is just a pendulum like one to another you are going. But here you move, not like a pendulum but in a spiral way. You come higher and where you become the joy. The joy is flowing.
The source of joy is everywhere but we miss it because we haven’t got that sensitivity to feel the joy and that’s why we miss it. Sometimes people say, “Yes, we are in joy.” but this is mythical. If people just believe, ”Oh, we are in joy,” is wrong because the second moment you see them they are very unhappy, so that cannot be joy. Now this joy gives you such nourishment and such strength that people immediately make you out to be different people.
Supposing if you see these people, Sahaja Yogis, photographs of their children and all that. They look like flowers, faces are so smooth, nice and so smiling and so happy. You see the joy bubbling out of them and you will say, ”What is it?” “No, we are just enjoying.” Because you come in the present, the past and the future ends and you are in the present and the dynamism of the present. The dynamics of the present are so great that every moment you are full of joy and all the useless things do not bother you. The thoughts you leave and you rise above that and you become thoughtlessly aware. A thought rises, falls off; another thought rises and falls off; In between there is a space, you come in that space and that’s the first thing that happens – you become thoughtlessly aware. There is no thought, you are silent, you are listening to me but there is no thought that’s coming in. You are listening to me and that’s the first thing that happens where you start feeling the joy.
For example, supposing if there is a beautiful thing I see and I just see it. The joy of the creation flows through me, like a lake which has no ripples in it. The whole creation around it reflects the complete joy of its creation. But supposing I start thinking how much it must have cost and if I buy it how much insurance I will have to pay – finished. Then there is no joy out of that creation. So the best thing is to see the thing without thinking which is a very difficult thing. We do it, but for a split of a second we do it and that is so remarkable that we see things, you see me, you know I am here. You don’t have to think that I am here.
So how much higher you are than all the computers put together because a computer can not see without thinking. It has to first of all think and then it sees. So your computer is such a great computer which has been created and this greatest computer has to become really the computer of the Divine and then your computer starts working. But that working is so joyful, so great, you cannot imagine. First time you start enjoying human beings.
Now the human beings are busy fighting; they find anything to fight with each other, they bark at each other sometimes. They do all kinds of things which they should not do, normally. You tell them you are brothers and sisters, we are United Nations and God knows what happens. Suddenly the whole united thing falls off because it’s just a mental projection, it’s not a reality. Whatever is a mental projection will fall off. It is linear, it doesn’t have that spiral sustenance within itself. But when it becomes a reality it never loses its sustenance. You are just there.
So that’s how you really become related to each other in a pure relationship. There is no lust and greed, nothing. Pure relationship between each other because you enjoy the vibrations of others. Like one gentleman was in Calcutta who came to me and I gave him realization and as an Indian, he touched my feet. There were two other sahaja yogis staying in another room in a hotel. They just rushed in and said, ”Who is on your feet, Mother?” I said, “Why?” He said, ”We felt such joy coming on our head.” I said,“Just see there.” They started feeling his vibrations. They have never seen his face. ”What a great person. Oh, what a nice thing to happen.” They were feeling so happy. Right then this fellow lifted his head and asked are you now fed up with it or not? I am tired now.” He said, ”Now we are enjoying. You’d better be there for a while.” Even a little child understands if he is a realized soul. Small little children understand it better than we do because they are realized souls. If they are realized souls, they are very sensitive
I was in San Francisco and one of the sahaja yogis said, “These Americans cannot understand unless and until you have a course.” I said, ”Course? Now, how can you have a course?” “You must make some sort of a semester or some sort of a class, otherwise it won’t work out.” I said, ”But how do you do it? It’s impossible because somebody will touch so fast, somebody will do so slow. So how can you do it?” I said that it is not possible to have a class and all that.
But I told him a story of my grandchild that once she got a paper in her class. She was of four or five years, kindergarten, and she brought it to me and said, “Grandma, what is in this paper?” I said, ”It is written here if you pay 100 rs in a particular hotel, if you go, you will get your transformation.” She said, ”How can it be? Without Kundalini how can you transform a person?” Little thing, she said. So the elder one said, ”They had a course for it. My father has done fourteen courses and his Kundalini is just there.” Even a little child understands if they are realized souls and they understand who is realized, who is not realized. In this little medium we have here it’s so wonderful, you don’t know. Little thing, he understands.
We have many beautiful realized souls and you must also be having children as realized souls. There are many children who are going to be born, many children want to be born and we have to have a sane life for that but I will not say anything before realization because half you may go away so I don’t want to say anything. Once you get your realization the sanity comes in and you start behaving in a very sane manner. You understand that sanity is the basis of our existence. If we are not saying about it, if you are not balanced people, we lead a life which can take us to the left or the right. I hope you have talked to them about that?
Sahaja yogi: Last [UNCLEAR].
He has talked to you about this which is a very dangerous thing from where you get all kinds of diseases. So I don’t want to frightened you about it. You can be all above it once you have your realization and once you learn how to do it.
Now I have to tell you one thing. Sahaja Yoga is not something like a guru shopping that people talk. “I went to this guru, I have paid so much; I went to that guru, I have paid so much.” Now there are some people who’ll stick on to one guru, they cannot leave. Even they will give up their realization but they will not give up the guru. This is the trouble with them. So with all these two types of people Sahaja Yoga doesn’t work out. If you are sticking on to any guru like that, it is better that you leave us in peace because there should not be any quarrel on that. You go to your guru and get it. But as far as we are concerned you have to give them up completely and have to be here.
Now you shouldn’t ask me personal questions about them because I know all of them to be horrible people who are taking money from you, buying Rolls Royces. One of the newspapers here said we would not like to publish anything about Mataji if she has no Rolls Royces. I was amazed. I said, ”What? Really, they said so, that we are not interested in a person who has no Rolls Royces?” I don’t know what they meant. They must be meaning that a controversial person they would like to have, not a person who is non controversial or the one who is bringing some good news, because good news is a bad news for newspaper people. They must have bad news. So that must be the reason. But I was amazed that from Canada, a very well known newspaperman said that if she has no Rolls Royces we are not interested. So that is what it is and one has to understand that Rolls Royce has nothing to do with God. Those people who live on your money and live on your earnings are parasites. Forget those people. Have no attention for them. They are not gurus, they are parasites. Some of them are even devils, absolute devils, no doubt about it.
10 years back I had come. I told everyone about them, by their name and everything. Nobody filed a suit against me. Nobody did anything against me but they are [UNCLEAR] strong, all the Americans went on guru shopping. They want to have a choice as they have a choice for a different handle, different locks, different everything. They must have also a choice for gurus so they have got all of these people to be chosen from. And in big elite parties I have seen, even in London where I have another kind of a life, I find they talk, ”Oh, which Guru have you been? Oh, that one. I have paid him quite a lot. Now I am going to try another one.” This is how people are and for those people, Sahaja Yoga is of no meaning. For them it’s just a fashion. But for those who are real seekers, Sahaja Yoga is the one who respects all the real people, the special category of the people. As William Blake has said, “The men of God, who will become prophets, and they will have powers to make others prophets.” All such people are dearest to my heart and I will go all out to see that you are established as the greatest gurus of the world.
May God Bless you all.
I was thinking that if I ask for you to ask questions we might spent too much time and I think if you can write your questions because some people who have questions too much in the mind they cannot get rid of them. So better write them down somewhere and you can give the questions to me and I will try to answer them and write to you or somebody will answer them to you. So please don’t worry just now about asking the questions because you will be wasting a lot of time and if you give somebody a chance somebody gets a chance it’s alright and if somebody doesn’t gets a chance then he may start quarreling. So I don’t want to have all that (laughs). I know, they are just like children.
So today you will get your realization. You may touch your reality. But as I told you, you have to face yourself which is very easy after realization. You should come to the center that we have. Even if you haven’t got the realization today you will get it. It doesn’t matter, all of you are seekers of ages. You all should get your realization. That’s your due, that’s your right, you have to have it. So you just write down the address. You go and see there and ask whatever you want to ask. If you have any troubles they’ll tell you how to get it cured. It’s very simple.
So we are going to go ahead with it and we are going to know everything about it fully. This is the best thing that one should ask for and one should get it. If you want to have it, it’s all free, you cannot pay for it. The whole thing is sorted down; there is no research needed, nothing. You have to just get your realization and you have to know that you are now on the path of knowledge and as you are moving, the light is taking you ahead for you to understand everything. Everything you will understand and everything you will know; there is no darkness about it, there is no private session or anything. It just works out so wonderfully because the blossom time has come and you are all like many flowers on the tree of life which have to become the fruit. So a little gentle breeze and it works out.
Sahaja yogi: Would everyone slip their shoes off, put your hands on your lap and Shri Mataji will endeavor to give you all the experience tonight.
Shri Mataji: And hands should be stretched properly, just like this, because these fingers have got the endings of the sympathetic nervous system. They receive the message and the Kundalini starts moving upwards. Another thing you have to see is that you do not have anything tied round your waist and anything in your neck, especially any guru mala and all that because you will say, “Mother, I did not get realization.” Better remove all the guru malas. I know some of you have got them because you should not be bound to anything There is nothing to wear. This is just a clubbing. You are not to club; you are independent. There is nothing to wear or have some sort of a brand. There is no need to have any brand at all. You are absolutely a free person. Look at him how he [UNCLEAR]. You should not brand yourself with anything. Only human beings brand themselves. There is nothing to brand yourselves; it’s not good. So take out everything and forget all these things. It’s a kind of a thing going on all over the world. They have clubbed you, they have used you for that. You should know that your self realization is important. No guru,nothing is important. You have to become your own guru. Just forget them. Get your realization; that is important. Once you decide that, nothing will stand in your way.
Now you put your left hand towards me because it’s the hand that expresses your desire. Put it like this, straight
There is nothing to be frightened of, first thing. You know they have said that Kundalini rising and all that is not there. It’s such a beautiful experience. Just forget about all those books. So not to be afraid of; Keep your shoes back and put your hands straight and sit straight. Sit straight, not the slouch back and don’t put your head back or forward but keep it in the center. Hands should be stretched properly just like this because these fingers have got the endings of the sympathetic nervous system; they receive the message and the Kundalini starts moving outward.
Another thing you have to see that you don’t have anything tied around your waist and nothing in the neck, especially any Guru mala and all that should be removed because then you will say, ”Mother, I never got realization.” Better remove all the Guru Malas. Please remove them. I know some of you have got it because you should not be bound to anything, there is nothing you need to wear. What is there to wear? This is just a clubbing. You are not to club. You are independent. There is no need to have any brand at all. You are absolutely a free person.
Look at him, how he is. That’s how. You should not brand yourself as anything. Only human beings brand themselves, there is nothing to brand yourself, it’s not good. So take out everything and forget all these things. Just it’s a kind of a thing going on all over the world. They have clubbed you, they have used you for that and you should know that your Self-realization is important. No guru, nothing is important. You have to become your own guru. Just forget them. Get your realization, that is important. Once you decide that, nothing will stand in your way.
Now you put your left hand towards me because this is the hand that expresses your desires. So put it like this straight, your palm upward, parallel to the ground and very comfortably on the lap. Now as I told you that in the West, little complications are there. We’ll have to use the right hand; that is for the action. Because in the villages, as he said, its correct, there six thousand people can get realization because they are very simple people, no complications. But we have to nourish ourselves a little bit more has to be done.
Now close your eyes. You can take out your spectacles if you want because you don’t have to see anything. On the contrary your eyesight might improve. Put your left hand towards me and right hand you can put it on your heart. Now one thing I have to tell you: don’t open your eyes till I tell you. It’s very important because if your eyes are open the Kundalini may not rise with that light. You will be surprised that the Kundalini knows everything about you. It’s like a tape that is taping everything that you have done, that you are doing and that you are up to. So you please do not open your eyes. It’s no mesmerism so you have to watch out only for the silence within you.
Now don’t fight your thoughts, nothing, it’ll just happen automatically. You don’t have to fight your thoughts, you don’t have to fight anything. Forget the past and just before starting, remember that you are not guilty. Tell yourself at least three times, “I am not guilty.” Tell yourself absolutely with full confidence that you are not guilty. How can Spirit be guilty? If you are the Spirit, how can you be guilty?
Now put your left hand towards me and right hand on the heart, to begin with. Now you know that in the heart resides the Spirit. Close your eyes now, please close your eyes. In the heart resides your Spirit. So now you have to ask a question to me. You can call me Mother if you like, you can call me Shri Mataji if it is easier for you. So say ”Mother, am I the Spirit?” Ask the question in your heart. Seriously ask the question thrice, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Which you are, but it’s an absolute question you are asking and by that asking only the Kundalini gets the news. “Mother, am I the Spirit?”
Now you put your right hand on the left-hand side of your stomach. Here is the center of the Primordial master. If there is anything gone wrong with that center we have to nourish it. So put your left hand towards me and right hand on the left-hand side of your stomach. As I told you, the Spirit is your guide. The Spirit is your guru and the Spirit is your master and he is the one who is going to guide you. So you have to ask me a question, “Mother, am I my own master?” Say it thrice.
Now take this hand a little lower little lower in the stomach on the left-hand side. Here is the center of true knowledge, of the “Shuddha Vidhya,” the technique, the true knowledge. Here you have to say, “Mother, please teach me the true knowledge. Give me the true knowledge, the true technique.” Keep your eyes shut. Don’t move your attention here and there, just keep your eyes straight. Don’t move them higher, lower, anywhere, just keep them absolutely, simply closed. Say at least six times, “Mother, please let me know the true technique of divine laws.”
Now take this right hand again back to the primordial master’s center which is the left side of your stomach and press it hard. At this point you have to say, with full assertion, “Mother, “I am my own master,” with full confidence. You don’t need any guru. “Mother, I am my own master.” Put your left hand on your lap, palm upward and say with full confidence, ten times, “Mother, I am my own Guru, I am my own master.” Please don’t feel guilty while saying that because, if you have accepted somebody as a Guru or anything, forget it, forget all that. Don’t feel guilty for anything, please. That’s how you have been put down. You are a special category of people and you have been put down by telling you that you have to feel guilty about something. Please don’t feel guilty.
After saying for ten times, “Mother, I am my own master,” raise your hand to your heart. Don’t say any Mantras or anything. Keep your mouth steady. Now just say at this stage with full confidence, twelve times, “Mother, I am the Spirit.” With full confidence you must say (you have to tell that gentleman, James, please tell the gentleman who has come now how to do it). Twelve times you have to say, with full confidence, “Mother, I am the Spirit.” You are the Spirit.
I would request you that none of you should get up and disturb others. It’s not fair because people are meditating just now, trying to raise their Kundalini. It is a very important time for them. The most important.
Now put your right hand on the base of your neck, on the shoulder, on the left-hand side, on the left-hand side from the front, and hold it tight. At this point, as I told you, you have to say, “Mother, I am not guilty” sixteen times, and if you still feel guilty you go on saying it for thirty two times or hundred and eight times as a punishment. You have to be cheerful about it. “Mother, I am not guilty.” It’s the biggest problem today. Try to take it out. It’s difficult. It’s too much, I can’t understand. Please don’t feel guilty. Whatever you have done, you have done, finished. Past is past. Put your hand from front so it won’t hurt you much. Don’t raise it but put it front side so it won’t trouble you too much. Please say it sincerely: “Mother, I am not guilty.”
Now put your right hand across your forehead. This is the center of Christ where you have to say that “I forgive everyone.” You really say that. Many people say, ”It is difficult, Mother, to forgive.” Actually whether you forgive or do not forgive is a myth. What you do, you are torturing yourself. Put your right hand across your forehead and left hand towards me, across, the full hand. At this point, forgive everyone, please forgive every one. “Mother, I forgive everyone.” Better forgive, you will feel so much lighter ,you don’t know. It is an unnecessary burden on the head. It’s a mythical burden. Don’t remember all those whom you have to forgive. Just say, “Mother, I forgive everyone.” – like an ocean of forgiveness, talking about an ocean of forgiveness. Just in the ocean you throw them all. Also forgive yourself, forgive yourself. After all you are saints.
Put your right hand on the backside of your head and hold it tight, back side. Now here without feeling guilty again, a hundred times I am saying, without feeling guilty, you have to say, “If I have done any mistakes my Lord, please forgive me.” But don’t feel guilty about it.
Put the hand now on top of your head, on the fontanel bone area. Press it hard, with your palm, you press it hard. Put on top of your head. Press it in such a way that you can move it clockwise. Before doing that, I have to tell you that I cannot cross your freedom because your freedom has to be there to enjoy the highest [UNCLEAR]. So I have to tell you that you have to ask for your realization. I cannot force you. So you have to just say, “Mother, I want my realization, please give me my realization.” Now press the thing hard and move it clockwise seven times and say that, “Mother, I want my realization.” Just press the head with your hand.
Now you can lift your hand and see if there is a cool breeze coming on your head. See if there is a cool breeze coming. You can change over your hand. Put your right hand towards me and left hand there. Just see if there is a cool breeze coming. little high, about six inches high. See if there is a cool breeze coming or not. Some people feel it in the hand but not in the head as it happened a day before so I just told them that say, “Mother, be in my head.” seven times and it starts working. “Mother, be in my head.” It worked out. You can change hand and again see, change your hand and see for yourself. Again go on changing your hand and see for yourself.
(Shri Mataji blows her vibrations into the microphone)
Now put both the hands on your lap and sit for a while with eyes closed. Now don’t think; that’s one thing you are not to do. Just for a minute keep your eyes shut. You have to open your eyes very slowly. Now open your eyes very slowly, very slowly. Now watch me without thinking.
Now how to raise your Kundalini I will teach you. Your own Kundalini you have to raise. This hand, the left hand, you have to put it in front of your Kundalini while sitting down just like this and with this hand you have to move it up, forward, down, backward; like that and you have to raise it higher like that. So now let’s start. Put your left hand in front of your Kundalini and the right hand is to be moved and the left hand has to be taken up like this. Now the Kundalini is coming up. It’s very light, within you, very light. It’s coming up. Take it up. Now make your arms loose, put your head up and give a twist and now tie it up. That’s it. Now again, do the same; you have to do three times. Do it slowly, seeing the hand but it’s so light now, it’s moving very fast. Now, just give it a twist, tie it up. Once again, three times now... one, two, three. Now just see in your hands.
You can put up your hands like this and ask a question in your heart, “Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Feel the cool breeze? Good, now bring it down. Those who have not felt it, or feeling hot, should put only the right hand towards me like this and left hand like this. Just put right hand, all of you. Right hand like this and left hand – this is the ventilation. You start feeling it in the right hand like this. Start feeling on the right hand. Hot. Just say, “I am the Spirit,” and forgive, forgive, forgive. It’ll work out; like this, at the back. Hot. You must say, “I am the Spirit.” Believe that you are the Spirit. Catching on the heart. Now turn the other hand. Just keep the hands steady here.
Now put both the hands. Let’s see how many have felt the cool breeze either on the head or on the hands. Raise your hands, all the people. Either on the head or in the hands. I think raise both the hands will be better idea, so I can see. It’s quite a lot. Good, it’s a good thing. Now you have felt it but now don’t think about it. By thinking you haven’t got it. It’s the Kundalini that has risen and has given you this baptism. Now you have become a bird but the bird is still inside the shell. It has to break completely out of it for which you have to work it out and those who haven’t got it also should not feel bad about it. Everyone is going to get it. Everybody has to have it and you all are going to get it. But when the people tell you about Sahaja Yoga don’t start arguing with them because they have gone further with it they have also argued with me. Now they have gone further with it. Best thing is to take full advantage of it, full advantage of God’s love which is so anxious that you should enter into the Kingdom of God. May God bless you all.
If you have any questions you can give the questions here. Tell them how to give them a bandhan. Also one minute more. You must learn how to protect yourself before going out.
Sahaja yogi: There is one further technique to give your aura a protection, put your left hand to Shri Mataji and your right hand goes in this fashion.
I will show you. This right hand you put like this on one side and should be taken as “One.” This is to your aura. Even if you have got realization or not, it’s good for you. “Two” – “Three” – “Four” – “Five” – “Six” – “Seven.” Seven for seven centers. Now you can raise your Kundalini up like this and tie it up. The Kundalini is tied. Now see it is better alright? There is no air conditioner because some people will start thinking about air conditioner. Your head has become the air conditioner now. You know how hard it was, now it’s better. May God bless you all.
Sahaja Yogi: As Shri Mataji is here in Canada for a very short time, tomorrow morning at the address that was given, we, the sahaja yogis, are having what we call a very short worship of Mother. This is an opportunity in which our centers can be purified very rapidly because at that time
Shri Mataji: but it’s a blast, I must tell you, for those who can bear it.
Sahaja Yogi: At that time, when she is sitting in puja and you are sitting in puja and you are receiving her vibrations, your chakras will, as she said, get a blast. It stirs up the rubbish and throws it out and allows the beautiful energy to rise and establish itself in the centers.
Shri Mataji: Normally we never do like this; this is not the way we do it because it is rather too much sometimes. They start thinking about it also, sometimes. So it’s a blast, it will clear you out. There won’t be any harm as such, but it will clear you out and it’s a very great thing and we tried this in the Santa Cruz seminar. A hundred and fifty people and they were really, absolutely new people just like you and it worked out so I want to try it because once I go away, I will come after one year. So it will be very late if you can bear it up. It’s not so difficult as you think but may be a little bit of maybe pain in the stomach, some people might get, something at the most. But it will clear out in no time. So if you are willing for that just to come for a puja which is a very simple thing. You don’t have to do anything but it clears out all your problems and settles your chakras in proper places. It’s a wonderful thing and I have agreed with them because they said that Mother, because you have come here only for three days you have to allow people to come down so I’m quite willing for it. So may God bless you
Sahaja Yogi: So in stead of questions tomorrow morning in a workshop, she is giving you the ultimate: the chance to take it a lot deeper and let the experience grow. You are all invited and if you’[d like to come, take the address from the front door if you haven’t already got it. You are very welcome to come tomorrow morning at 10:00. Maybe even earlier.
Shri Mataji: By 9 o’clock you should be there. We’ll start at 9:30.
Sahaja yogi: It will last for a couple of hours.
Shri Mataji: And we can have lunch also. We’ll give them lunch.
Sahaja Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji always cooks for everybody. I don’t know if there will be a chance tomorrow. She sometimes does, so we’ll see.
Shri Mataji: We’ll try to give you lunch. Mother must give lunch to children, isn’t it. That’s the only chance I have. I will be coming after one year. Then when will I meet you?