A divine computer

A divine computer 1990-06-16

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

16 June 1990

A Divine Computer

Public Program

Barcelona (Spain)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. Yesterday so many of you have felt the cool breeze, on the fingertips around your yourself. So one has to know that your spirit has come with your attention & has enlightened your attention. They are placed in your central nervous system now, you can feel these cool breeze. This cool breeze is the all-pervading power. It is the subtle power and you can only feel it when you get your connection with it. That is your spirit has to be brought into your central nervous system. I mean ...your attention. Before realization, the spirit exists in the heart and watches every moment of your being. It allows you to do whatever you like. You want to do anything wrong also, you can do it and if you want to do anything good, you can do it. But once this light comes into you then you start seeing what is wrong and what is right. That is why the saints, they[ 10:53 unclear]were anything that was wrong. Now that, this light has come with your [unclear/attention ] and you can feel the all-pervading power, but this power [not so sure about this word/ thinks ]...It understands and it loves you! And When it starts going through you it becomes just like a divine computer. Now if you want to find out, What is the truth ...You have to just stretch your hand like this. Now we want to know about an [unclear /God]. For example - If you just judge your hands and ask the question: Is that God? You will feel immediately another blast of cool air flowing on your hands saying Yes! You want to Know if Christ was the son of God? In the same way, ask the question and again you will find cool breeze will start flowing more ...saying Yes It's the fact ...that's the truth ...Or supposing you want to find out about somebody who is a false guru or good guru. So you can put your hands and ask about him and if he is a bad man immediately you start feeling the terrible heat or maybe sometimes you might get a little blister for a while. So as it is said in Koran that your hands will speak. They start speaking. Now Christ will only actually stood ...We should say ...4 years then he cruised because of the rest of the man ...He had to run away and live in India ... And he preached only for 4 years. And 4 years is not any time to tell anything...Now I have been ...say ...coming to Spain for the last 15,16 years. But how many people have understood SahajaYoga...

So you can understand how difficult it was before he has to say everything about the truth. So Mohammad sahib said something and after that also many came like Guru Nanka and Shirdi Sainath ...They also explained lots of things. But despite all that there ...all their work still ...They could not put these ideas permanently into the heads of people because they were not realized, souls. They couldn't give them a realization. If they were realized souls, they were never [unclear/stood ]. Moreover whatever they told human beings to deviate from one extreme to another extreme... And so that they find the mess in the name of God. When God is, We have to find out with our open mind first of all.

We can not outright say that he doesn't exist when we had not made any efforts...You find if he exists or not. So as I told you before, you should keep your minds open like the scientists and what I say comes true then you have to believe in it in an honest manner. The spirit is the source of knowledge...as pure knowledge. If you put 10 children who are realized souls and then analyse and ask them what's wrong with the person sitting before you? Then they will show you one single finger...all of them will show one single finger ...Everybody will say the same. There won't be any difference of opinion ...Because that's pure knowledge. In the same way yesterday they were trying to give realization to someone & they all told me he had a problem on Vishuddhi Chakra. Everybody said the same. And they ask him Have you got any problems here? Yes, they say And they have caught the Spondylosis. So this is what to see that not only physically, mentally, emotionally, you can immediately find out What's the matter with another person and what's the matter with him on your fingertips. But as your using a very little part of your brain, we are limited, very limited. But, with the awakening of the Kundalini, the power which is surrounding us also starts pouring into us and uses that space at which our awareness expands. Thus you become a dynamic person. Extremely dynamic and at the same time you are very compassionate... We have people in Sahaja yoga who came to us brought their children,[ unclear /and children are not doing good in their schools, they can not do well, they are useless 19:54 ]. But when they came to Sahaja yoga after that they come to me and they got scholarships, and they are doing so well...Many businessmen also were doing very badly and suddenly become a very big businessman. But they are not aggressive ...Automatically it works for them. It was your understanding, your perception, everything becomes very real. And you understand how to work out everything. Then We have some musicians and some worried artists who overnight have become very great, very well known artist...They are mostly from India. I have yesterday told you that people have given up drugs, and alcohol overnight. So what happens is that spirit becomes a very powerful thing. And it gives you great power to overcome all your bad habits. You become very self-confident. Yes at the same time you are very humble. On ...here I will tell you how these things happen ...(Mother shows the chart at the back ). Already (some Sahaja yogi ) has told you that we have all these centres within us [unclear 22:17 ] And then this triangular bone has got the power within us ...So this is got within you. It is all set very nicely in your evolutionary process. All these things were placed nicely in your being. Now you are just ready. You get your realization. But sometimes you are diffident or sometimes you are arrogant...So sometimes you go to your left side too much and sometimes you go to your right side too much. So I will show how this left and right are the 2 sides and how the centres are inside like that

Now the left side works out your emotions,& your desires and right side your actions. Now supposing you are working very hard and at the same time you are very unhappy so what happens that this starts getting exhausted ..This centre ...This energy gets exhausted ...And sometimes you will get shocked it just gets separated. So your connection with the centre is lost ...So this is left sympathetic, this is right sympathetic and in the centre is parasympathetic. In any emergencies, we use our sympathetic nervous system. And when ...Suppose you are running very fast your heart will start running very hard ...that means the action of this sympathetic. But it will be brought to a normal beat by parasympathetic. The heart is brought to normal. You can see ... But we can not control parasympathetic. You can not [unclear25:42 ]. But after realization when the Kundalini rises that means ...It passes through the centres and nourishes them so first of all you get the nourishment of the centres. Also it [26:13 unclear/ enlightens your brain]. Then, It also integrates properly and pushes them right in proper places ...all the centres. And by nourishment, your health improves ...and also your attention is brought to the centre and you become mentally very balanced. So also we have seen schizophrenia and other mental troubles are all also can be cured...[26:59 unclear] If the Kundalini rises and settles down properly. But once it is awakened then you have to see that it is awakened and is also properly fixed ...So all the time there is the flow of that energy in you And then you feel absolutely all the time nourished and you feel very dynamic. As a result of the Kundalini awakening, is thoughtlessly aware in the beginning ...The thoughts arise, the one, the second and you are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts, Which come from the past or the future...We have to be in the present. Because the past is finished and the future is not there. So when the kundalini rises the thoughts become linear, they become smaller, and the space between ...which is the present opens out. So you are in the state which is called as the thoughtless awareness where you feel extremely peaceful. You start seeing like a witness...Everything ...Like a drama. And don't feel type or any type of disturbances within you. Like a lake, which is ripple-less (there is no ripple in the lake ) All that is surrounding the lake is completely reflected in the lake. In the same way ...Anything you see for example I see a beautiful thing here, I just watch it ...there is no thought ...no reaction... Only the beauty of the creation, the joy of the artist starts pouring from my head, soothing me down. So, we become very sensitive to the joy that is created by nature, by beauty by everything ...

Now any realized soul who has created any piece of art emits vibrations. Now supposing you are realized souls and you will go to [unclear /chapel ] then you want to feel the vibrations, the cool breeze [31:27 unclear]. You see Monalisa picture is so much respected and loved because she emits vibrations ...So We have to, first of all, understand ourselves so well that we are sensitive to our vibrations... After that, you can not get diseases. You have a very long, happy, joyous life. And then you become like an instrument of God! Yesterday a lady came and ask to me that she wants to heal others and she wants to help others...I was very happy to hear that ...So I told her that first of all you must master Sahaja yoga, you must become an expert. And then you should know how to protect yourself and then you should start giving help to others... /so that you are not affected. While you don't have to do much. You just have to raise the Kundalini, of another person and you will be amazed he will start improving gradually... After realization

, you have prayers work wonders you will be amazed how your prayers are answered because you are in connection...

When there is no [unclear 33:52/connection ]what's the use of telephonic God that do this for me, do that for me. So many miracles have happened, yes ! after Sahaja Yoga that I wanted them to write so they have written so many from there to there file and I don't know what to do? How will I read them ...They are so many ...Then I told you 3 doctors in India got their M.D in Sahaja Yoga. They proved it that it cures cancer, it cures epilepsy, it cures asthma some diseases. Also in London, we have a doctor who is a psychiatrist who himself was in a way ...a drug addict...& now he becomes in charge of seven hospitals. And he is curing many people. There are 7 doctors in London who, are trying to [unclear/35:42 calculate ] how many people have cured of Sahaja yoga...Bu Sahaja yoga is not for curing ...It is for making you spiritual, divine ...Because you have to transform the whole world. When people will get transformed, they will become beautiful people, collectively conscious and very aware. And all the differences which are built in our selves by our conditioning's will disappear ...Even the U.N has also now registered us as an authentic organisation. And in America, they have accepted Sahaja yoga as the Universal pure religion. And it encompasses all other religions. And beautifully explains all the great incarnations, prophets and saints. And it integrates all of them. So If you have to have one word then we have first of all become collectively conscious through self-realization. As this is the last breakthrough of our evolution, everybody should try to get in and establish themselves in the kingdom of God...And for these [unclear38:23 ] people who are serious, Who are wise, who are thinking of the whole world...I have met people who have foundations, Who have got noble prizes, this and all that, and they have no peace within. Extremely hot-tempered people ...How can they be people who establish peace on this Earth? You can't even stand near them. They are so hot. Just can't bear them...And they treat that they will establish peace! Impossible! So we have to create this new awareness within us and a new race of human beings who will be within themselves will be peaceful and will be having the light of the universal being in their spirit.

Now you have seen these people singing Marathi song, which is such a difficult language. Nobody can learn it but Marathi [unclear 40:00 ]. It's very difficult ...It's next to Sanskrit ...English use to come to India they spent 20 years to learn one sentence in Marathi. [ unclear /Help ! when they spoke nobody understood 40:32 ] what language they are saying. Not only this, but they also sing Sanskrit songs Which is difficult for the Indians ...You see ...Indian's can sing Spanish, English all kinds of the song but I think Spanish English is easier than these tongues- twisters. And they understand the meaning, they understand everything. They will surprise you...I myself surprised, first of all, to sing Indians song itself, Indian music itself, is so difficult. And they have composed, Swiss people have composed one song, in Hindi language and also have given a tune to it. Even with 15 years of the penance, no Swiss can be [unclear 42:04 ]. We are surprised that, really...because they do come to India to learn Indian Music and they are working hard. They don't know anything and its very difficult for them to do anything... Even the Indians start their music from the age of 3 years. So you can imagine how much It has helped people to understand each other ...to learn thing so fat ...

Above all everything, it's the source of joy...Normally you find all the religious people...means they are ...They look like somebody has died in their family. They are very serious and they talk very much. And if you have to talk some priest ...you have to prepare yourself. While Sahaja Yoga brings you so normal, very normal ...You become like children In Sahaja yoga we have got very highly placed people, we have the general of the [unclear /high court 44:05 ]. And some best of the [unclear 44:10 ]news agencies[unclear 44:19 ] and also we have the doctors, the artists, all kinds of people and also villagers. But all of them mix up with each other so easily, there is no class consciousness nothing...Because who is the other? We become part and parcel of one great god! We become, It is not just as a mental understanding We really become from inside It's not just oh We are brothers, We are brothers...No, We are really brothers! Happens from within ...

There is no asceticism. We don't have to leave your family, We don't have to run away from your houses, We don't have to give money anything...

Whatever power you have you may use [45:52 unclear/some way]. This is your own ...Actually, I have nothing to do with it..No obligations. Like one candle can enlighten another candle ...In the same way, if you can enlighten me you can enlighten others. So today I think We should not have a question because yesterday there were many of them. Better have your realization first ...But again I have to tell you one thing, that does not waste your realization. As Christ has said that - some sweet felt on the grass and some felt on the [unclear47:04 ] and some in the fertile lands... So Let us be spread in the fertile land...And Let it grows into big trees of Sahaja Yoga. You have no [unclear 47:39 /obligations/organisation ], you have no huge buildings or some people show off the ...We have very simple livelihood people. But you have to come yourself, and know everything yourself, It would be your own right ...When I come, you all come so many But then I think you do not think that you can become like me ...My husband uses to say that you are [unclear 48:45 ] but I don't think you can [unclear 48:47 /make] any one life like you. And now we see all of them so much changed and transformed ...He said in my honesty I must confess that really it has happened. So don't [unclear 49:13 ] youar personality please ...and I hope next time when they are fallen all of you would be there and you really understand your own value and your own glory. I hope so, I also have very much desire that you all should be very nicely settled in your own powers ...Your life is very important especially at this time. The purpose of life now ...at this time is to become the spirit...Otherwise, you have no identity...Life will become completely wasted...I hope all these saints... you will understand how I am concerned and how I worried that once I have gone then you will not know about yourself ...You all have become great people and that's what I want you to be...

Because I love you very much I will be again and again coming here but I hope you will also love yourself ...and know that you are really valuable in those days.

May God bless you!

Let us now have the self light!

It will hardly take about 10 minutes.

You can take out your shoes...

And another thing as you know very well that I can not force self-realisation on you!

I respect your freedom to choose.

So those who do not want to have self-realization can leave the hall ...

Now Please ...This is very simple as we have done yesterday ...

Put your left hand towards me like this...

This is suggestive that ...

So be comfortable ...

And We are using the right hand to nourish our centres on the left-hand side ...

Now at today outset, I have to tell you the 2 conditions:

The first condition is: very important that you will not feel guilty at all...Just forget the past ...

Whatever mistakes you have committed after all you are a human being you are not Gods. And this power, it is the ocean of forgiveness...and you can not commit any mistakes which can not be resolved by this power ...

So please believe me that you are not guilty ! not guilty at all. Those who have told you that you are guilty are the people who themselves are the sinners...

The second condition is: that you have to forgive everyone ...Forgive every one ...Even the false Gurus...Forgive everyone ...Not in a particular way ...But in general...

forgive everyone. Because whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything ...And if we don't forgive then you play in wrong hands and torture yourself ...Moreover, if the kundalini rises, through this Agnya of christ It is a cross. It's very constricted. So you have to open it out. You have to forgive... otherwise, it won't open and Kundalini won't pass. Because I cannot forgive for you You have to forgive yourself... These are only 2 conditions :

At least you should be very pleasantly [unclear] place yourself.

Now the left hand towards me and the right hand towards your heart...

We will show you how you have to do and then we will close the eyes...

In the heart resides the spirit...

Then you have to put your (You are working on the left-hand side ) hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. Press it hard.

this is the centre of your mastery. Now you put down your hand on the lower portion of the abdomen at the left hand This is the centre of the pure knowledge. Raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen again...Now raise it on your heart ...Now put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder... And then turn your neck to the right.

Now this centre catches when you are guilty and gives you enzyme and also Spondylitis.

Please see

Everybody must do. All right

Now put your right hand on your forehead across ...And press it hard on both the sides putting down your head ...

And press it from both sides. This is the centre of which you have to forgive everyone... Take right hand to the backside of your head ...And now push back your head. Here now, without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, you have to pray from the divine power for your own satisfaction.

Now stretch your hand ...and put the centre of your palm on the top of your head in the fontanel bone area It was the soft portion in your childhood. Now put down your head and press your scalp nicely ...Push back your fingers. So that you can press well ...Now move your scalp 7 times, slowly, move it 7 times, very slowly ...

Put the centre and stretch it nicely then press it hard ...

Now you can close your eyes ...You can take out your spectacles ...and ...

You have to put both feet apart from each other and sit comfortably ...

[Then Shri Mataji gave the realization to the seekers ]

Barcelona (Spain)

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