We must have the wisdom to understand that we have to ascend

We must have the wisdom to understand that we have to ascend 1994-09-12

Talk duration
Public Program
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Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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12 September 1994

We Must Have The Wisdom To Understand That We Have To Ascend

Public Program

Moscow (Russia)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Draft

Public Program

I bow to all the seekers of truth. I have been speaking every night that’s why my throat is so bad I hope you will excuse me. At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is ...

We cannot change it. It cannot be forced on you ...You have to ask for it ...If you do not want it ...It cannot be forced. But these are the times what we call as the last judgement...If you want to go to hell you can go, and if you want to go to heaven you can go ...It is all your desire. Is a pure desire. As you see here in the triangular bone of Sacrum you have the power to ascend...All of you have this. It's all your own. But this is the power of pure desire...I see many people who think they are doing very well, they are very satisfied, they are very happy people and they are not worried about others. So we have to take to understanding...We must have the wisdom to understand that we have to ascend. All the religion were there to create balance in you but they became money-oriented and also power-oriented. This is the problem that when we go to religion we are disappointed...They had to be spirit oriented. They have to seek their enlightenment. But they did not. So people take to something what we call that they have no faith. But this is unscientific. You must keep your mind open to see for yourself. If there is God or not ...

Only through enlightenment, you will know there is. There is this all-pervading divine which you have to feel on your central nervous system... The time has come for you to become enlightened... It is through your own power you will become the enlightened soul. As Christ has said that you have to be born again. But people did not pay attention to that. Thus we find that though they were following the religion they were fighting among each other. They do not respect each other. They have no understanding that this is an anti-god activity, to indulge in power and money ...So those who are seeking the truth, have to understand that by paying money you cannot achieve it. God does not understand money. He doesn't care for money. And to ascend is your right. To feel this all-pervading power is your right. And the time has come for you to get that. By doing that you will achieve the state of your being which will be very powerful...It would be dynamic, at the same time very compassionate. If you are truly seeking the truth then you will get it. But supposing you are a hypocrite or arrogant and it is also not meant for idiots.

Now we are on the crossroads. There are so many problems in every country. Even in your own country. To overcome these problems you have to transform human beings. Unless and until they transform they cannot change the problem they are having. This transformation has to take place. This will definitely change the whole world...It will solve on an individual basis all physical, mental, emotional problems. And it will be benevolent for you. Benevolent to your country. And benevolent for the whole world. The time has come one has to realize ...And if it works, you yourself will feel this all-pervading power of divine love in your fingertip...For the first time, you will feel it and then you have to believe that there is this power.

If you are honest you have to believe. What happens to you is more interesting.

First of all, you become peaceful. You see everything as the drama that you are witnessing. You get out of your problems... And you can see your problems. And then only you can solve it. Most of the world problems are because of these chakras are in trouble. Because these problems come from a human being. If somehow you know how to solve the problem of these centres you can solve these problems. And solve the problems of the others ...When you get your enlightenment your attention becomes enlightened & you become the person without the lust and greed in your mind. You really become righteous. Automatically! Nobody has to tell you! In the light of your spirit, you know what is wrong. And then you just give up whatever is destructive ...You can help others ...Because you have the power to raise the kundalini. You can know about yourself and you can know about the others. But the highest thing that you can jump into the ocean of joy. That means you are in a state of [unclear]. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness ...When your ego is pampered you think that you are very happy ...But when it is punctured then we fell we are unhappy. These are two sides of one coin. But Joy is singular. Of all the things you know the absolute truth on the fingertips. If you know this truth, all of you ....the same ...how can there be any arguments, any discussions ... then there is no quarrels no wars nothing. So the time has come to enter into the kingdom of god and god looks after you. You have to have a connection. This connection is the yoga which is very spontaneous. It's all built-in you, all the mechanism. You have to just open your heart and you can get it. This takes hardly 10 minutes ...But one thing I cannot force it on you because I respect your freedom. You have to ask for it. It's very simple, especially in Russia. Those who don't want should please leave the hall.

How many of you have come for the first time?

Please raise your hand.

Alright! There are 3 conditions:

The first one is that you have to forgive every one ...You may say that it is difficult ... But logically when you forgive or don’t forgive what do you do?

But if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. So you have to forgive also because at this moment the centre ... of this Agnya is being constricted ...And it won't open unless and until you forgive everyone. You don't have to think about that. That is also a headache.

The second condition is this that you have to forgive yourself...

You are not to feel guilty at all...

It’s too much of conditioning that I am a sinner, I have done this thing I have done that wrong ...Its all conditioning. It is a myth ...Because it happened in the past, is all finished now. When you commit mistake then only you should face them at that time...But if you feel guilty than you catch on this left Vishuddhi which gives you spondylitis, which gives you enzyme also lethargic organ ...So why to judge yourself. Your Kundalini knows everything about you. She is your individual mother and let her judge. She wants to give you, your second birth. So please don't feel guilty at all.

The third condition is this that please take out your shoes.

This mother earth helps us a lot ...

Now Please put your both feet’s apart of each other if you are sitting on the chair.

Those who are sitting on the ground are all right.

Now please put both the hands like this towards me...

First, we will show you how to nourish your centres yourself.

The left is representative of your desire so keep your left hand in your lap like this and we should use our right hand to nourish our centres. So please put your right hand to your heart. In the heart resides the spirit which is the reflection of god almighty...If you become the spirit, on the light of the spirit you can become your own master. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left side. We are working on the left side only. This is the centre of your mastery which is created by the great prophets. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen. This is the centre of pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand on the upper part of your abdomen, then on your heart and then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn it to the right ...This is the centre that I have told you already about. Now take your right hand at the top of your forehead. And bend your neck. This is the centre of forgiving others. Without feeling guilty, without founding the mistakes for your satisfaction you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading divine. So take this right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head ...Now stretch your arm for the last centre. Put the centre of your palm in the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please move your scalp...slowly ...Put down your head and move your scalp...Slowly ...You have to stretch back your fingers and please move the scalp seven times...Slowly.

Now, that’s all we have to do ...

Please close your eyes and don’t open them till I tell ...Now have your both the feet apart from each other.

Left hand on your left lap and now put your right hand on the heart ....Please don't open the eyes till I tell you. Here you have to ask me a very fundamental question.

You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji...

Please ask 3 times -Mother Am I the spirit?

I have already told you that when you become the spirit then you become your guide your own master.

So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen. And here you have to ask another fundamental question: - Mother Am I my own master?

Ask this question 3 times ...

I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge on you. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen ...

Here you have to ask six times ...Please ask 6 times - Mother please give me divine knowledge ...

As soon as you ask for the pure divine knowledge, the kundalini starts rising. So you have to nourish your higher centres with confidence.

So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left ...And Here you ask ...You have to ask 10 times that I am my own master ....Now I have already told you that you have to become the spirit...

You are not this body, this mind, thee emotions, this intellect, these conditionings, this ego. But you are the pure spirit...So now raise your right hand on the heart and now say 12 times – mother, I am my own spirit ...

This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge ...It is the ocean f bliss and above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you have been committed can be totally dissolved into this ocean of forgiveness... So please forgive yourself.

Raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head at the right. Here you have to say 16 times with full confidence Mother I am not guilty at all.

I have already told you that even if you don’t forgive you do not do anything ...But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands...And torture yourself ...Especially at this time it is very important to forgive so that this centre of Agnya opens otherwise the kundalini will not pass through. As if you have tortured yourself by not forgiving and at this great moment you will miss the point. So please forgive ...Raise your right hand to the top of the forehead across and put down your head. Here you have to say again with full confidence, not how many times but from your heart ...Mother, I forgive everyone. Now without feeling guilty, without founding any mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading power ...So now please Put your right hand on the top of your head at the backside and push back your head ...Here you have to say oh divine power! If I have done any mistakes please forgive me ...Say it from your heart! Not how many times. Now the last centre which is very important ...Stretch your palm fully ...Put the centre of your palm on the fontanel bone area and push back your fingers ...Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it ... So please put down your head and stretch your fingers ...And move your scalp slowly 7 times saying Mother Please give me self-realization ...

Now take down your hands ...

Please open your eyes ...Raise both your hands like this And watch me without thinking... Like this ....Now please put the right hand towards me and bed your head ...See with your left hand if a cool breeze or hot breeze is coming out of your head ...Please bend your head...See yourself

It may be hot ...It may be cold ...

Now please take left hand towards me ...

Bend your head ...See for yourself with your right hand ...If there is a hot or cold coming out of the fontanel bone area...If it is hot that means you have not forgiven So please forgive ... Forgive everyone!

Now put your right hand towards me and see it with your left hand ...if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area...Some people get it far away some people get it near. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this...

And push back your head. Ask 3 of the questions

First one –Is this the cool breeze of Holy Ghost ...Ask 3 times


Mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love.


Mother is this the PARAM Chaitanya.

Ask any one of these questions 3 times ...

Now take down your hands. Please put both the hands towards me and don't think ...If there is a cool or hot breeze coming from your fingertips or in the palm or the fontanel bone area please raise your hand ...I bow to you all. All the new people have also got their realization ....Your saintly life is started but it is not an individual process ...It is a collective process ...And you have to come to our centres to grow. To know everything about this. Within one month you will be masters. You have to respect your self-realization.

May God bless you!

Moscow (Russia)

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