Public Program

Public Program 1980-12-13

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Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi

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The post is also available in: Hindi.

13 December 1980

Public Program

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai (India)

Talk Language: Hindi | Translation (Hindi to English) - Draft

Vinugopalan sir has explained very nicely to you that the Kundalini within us is the power without awakening of which one can't even get anything, can't get anything and there's no way because to attain God, to know God, it is necessary to know the Soul. Unless the Soul is known, one cannot know God. Because the Soul is the power to know God; like without opening our eyes we can't see the world, the same way everything is useless until our soul awakens. God cannot be known through useless talk, it's true, there is no doubt about it. Even if people get angry or feel bad too, even then whatever is right, we have to say the same thing and in that there is nothing to feel bad about because if you have set out in search of God, if you are searching only for Him, what is said that you are a true seeker, in your heart you have only the thought of meeting God, then only we can talk to you and the rest cannot be talked about, the reason is this that man does not know that he is not yet connected to his soul.

The soul knows you; you know not the soul. It's not connected with you. Your consciousness is not yet enlightened, not even the slightest. When our inner self gets enlightened, then the power itself starts flowing from within you; this is a fact. And it's a living process. A living process, the way you evolved from amoeba to human, the same way you can become higher than even a human being, but you will become the same way; man finds new ways for anything. God has his own way of doing it. He has already set everything inside you; it is just a matter of connecting yourself. Unless there is a connection with God, there is no connection with the soul, then what is the benefit of doing the rest of all these things?

Understand, if it's not having any connection with the Main, what is the use of me talking over it? He just came, that Pai Sahab, and said, "Come on, I'll just go and make the connection right now." A very practical, logical thing required to be said is that right now you do not have any connection with the soul; your soul within is not yet enlightened. Now many people will say that mother should first clean the candle. Even if you keep the candle clean, whether you rub it or clean it, if there is no light inside then what’s the candle going to mean? What for to work hard, but it doesn't seem interesting. If it is said that not with any hard work, because what we understand, we say ‘I like it'; in Marathi it is said 'mala thara - unclear.' Who is this, who says that I like? This is your ego; it is ego that says, I like this, I got this benefit from it, I got that benefit from it, what a benefit, just your ego is ego. That's something. ‘That’ is something! When the ego swells, when we feed the ego, it becomes happy. It happens. And which is the superego, the superego. Because of that, you get sorrow. By conditioning, you get hurt and when you do deconditioning then your ego gets inflated. Beyond these, there is God; beyond these, there is the soul. God, who is the controller of the Universe, has well-arranged it inside you. You may believe it or not, but it’s there. Why don't you agree? Because you didn't see him, you don't know him, you don't recognize him. But at least in our own India great people have been there, like Adi Shankaracharya. They told that inside you exist Kundalini Shakti; Kabir was there. In its entirety, Kabir, Nanak, Gyaneshwar, everyone has said that awakening of Kundalini Shakti is needed. That’s the only one task. Finally, everyone talks about the Kundalini, they talk about the chakra, everyone talks the same thing. But Kundalini is not awakened, what is the use of doing such talk, even if we talk to you about the whole world, what benefit is going to happen; talking will remain a matter of discussion. What benefit did you get from the talk? You look for self; look at the meaning of 'self'; 'self' is your spirit. Did you get its meaning? It means that is your ‘self’ activated—what for it is meant. Is it acting somehow? Or is it lying aside and you are as you were?

This should be thought of first: if we are really seeking God, we are honest in this matter, and we are searching for God only. We are not looking for our ego. If you put forth such a thought in front and then think, what do we need to do for this? Because whatever action we do, will our ego be bound or not? Whether you will be bound by karma or not, some event has to happen inside and that is a living event, spontaneous. You can't get it done; standing on your head, can you grow seeds? Can you grow seeds by reading Geeta? Can you grow seeds by chanting mantras? Can you grow seeds by jumping? By reading books, giving money to gurus? From shaving all that head and wearing saintly apparels, can you do by wearing it? Kabir has hit everyone hard. You can't do it by doing all this. There should be inner awareness. Samadhi is spontaneous! It should be comfortable inside.

Recently a Saheb also invented Sahaja Yoga. That means the height—how many ways to earn money, people come up with? And there is no limit to befooling because people are idiots. One who is a real man, few people will come to him. The first identity is this. Very few people will come near the one who is real because there happen to be very few who value the real one. People die for copied things. If you ask for making flowers out of plastic, thousands will be made. Come on brother, make me a member; he also becomes one. You are adorned with a gown; now you are a member. Come, now you become his disciple. Neither do we have any disciples nor do we have any sect. If you want to transcend, then you come and get transcended. Nor can you give money in this. A thing that should be thought about is, the thing for which you give money, how can that be God? In temples, money is taken; the Pope takes money, and all around the world the Acharyas take money. So all people think if Mata ji does not take money, then what use will it be? I ask how much money do you have? What can you give me? What at all do you have to give? What kind of thing do you have that can pay for it? These stones and pieces, will you price it for? And with any kind of feeling, will you attain God? How did I abandon my home? All this is mental hoarding. Which is called Bodhi Acro Bats; that I left the house, I left the door, gave up the whole world. Why did God create the world? It was to be renounced? This exodus, what is the need for it? This is needed as the humans quickly fall into this trap.

When someone is asked to see that while living in your own world, living in the household, this happens within you, he thinks what is there in that then? Where did I show off, where did I show off myself, and if you are really willing to attain, then you will say let’s go. In these external things, in external ostentation, there is nothing! And these people will also tell you that there is nothing outside; everything is inside and will get done. Minding everything outside, and you will be lost in it. It’s a pity that you are the seeker; you are the infinite. You have been searching for God since time immemorial, and the bigger sorrow is that in this abundance you too will perish.

What is a living action being the power, ability, and God has created its entire creation within you? Just think about what you have done. Now that we have built massive buildings, then thinking that Sahab! We have constructed massive buildings; these stones have been laid one upon the other. Which living process has been performed here? What else have you done except to make the dead out of dead? Is there even a single living act that the man has done? So tell me; living work is performed only by the man who gets the soul. This is the key to finding your soul: your hands will do living acts. Kundalini awakening is a living act. This can be seen by your eyes; its pulsation, its dancing, its rise and fall you can see with your own eyes. The act that you can do very well, like someone says to sit in meditation, sit with your fingers like this, sit with your nose like this, then you can very well do. There is nothing special. If someone says that you should raise one leg and sit; with a little practice, you can do that too. If someone says, jump on a horse and sit, as far as you can, jump a little higher, and that can also happen.

There is a sir; these days he is teaching someone to fly. Hey brother, do you want to become a bird? There is one sahib who started jumping like a frog. I said, why jump like a frog? He said, my guru said that if your Kundalini awakens, you will jump like a frog. I said tomorrow you will climb a snake and crawl. What are you going to be now? What! Are you going to be a snake, going to be frogs, or going to be a bird? Why do you need to jump? What is the need to shout and scream, what for? If that power resides within you, then respect yourself. Understand about yourself that God has crafted so beautifully your human body. His artwork is very delicate, and in that artwork, He has so beautifully placed the Kundalini that no one can touch it. Placed in the triangular bone. Triangular bone, to your surprise, you can't burn. Even the bone cannot be burnt; no matter how Kundalini leaves it, you cannot turn it to ashes. It is incinerated with great difficulty through electrolysis, etc. It turns to ashes; even then its atoms are of a different kind. Its name itself is Sacrum; look at that time, people in Latin language, in such ancient times, they called it sacrum. The Greeks called it sacrum. It means that it is the most pious thing. People did its calculation, its imagination even at that time, in a country like Greece. In this, God created a place for this Kundalini. What a beautiful creation! Why after all? You also say, “Mother! What is important just as we were made an amoeba? We also could have been made God too! Make us a soul too. But in the transformation from amoeba to human being, your consciousness has kept growing. This has matured; you became human.

How much difference is there between you and the animal, you don’t know? Sometimes you can act like animals. If you want, you can become a scorpion, and if you want, you can become a lion. That's for another thing, but even then between you and the animal, the difference remains. You take a horse from some dirty drainage; this does not matter to him. You take any human, and he will close his nose; he can’t go. The beauty about which I have said, animals do not have thoughts; it is present in humans, although sometimes it is quite external, and above all, the biggest thing is that the human must have an attraction towards the soul. Only humans can have a pull for the soul, not animals. When your consciousness becomes so intense, when your special consciousness Nurtures you or adores you, that consciousness itself should know what is God. If an animal knows what God is, what would be the benefit? The consciousness of man, when it's in full freedom out to God and invokes Him, only then the bliss of the soul illuminates its consciousness, its mind. It illuminates it. To understand that light, man's consciousness was increased from one side. Now this is, we are speaking through this. This is connected; everything is fine, but does this thing know what we are, what is this we are saying? Understand, by continually increasing this thing, a human came into being, and then the thing that is a human being, if it becomes connected to God, he will know what God is.

So inside you, inside the human being, in his full freedom, completely in your freedom, only this event takes place. By mesmerising or by useless talks, this does not happen. Understand, whatsoever speeches I might have given, what is the use? What benefit do you get from reading a book, unless you have transcended? You shouldn’t believe me either. In our Sahaja Yoga, to come on my feet until you transcend, it’s not permitted. Why should you bow your head before me? Until you get realised; without transcending, you won’t have any faith in anything. There will be no benefit in coming forward without inner faith. The faith that is completely enlightened—that is real faith. So there are two words: faith and blind faith. Otherwise, thousands of people are going like sheep and goats, and so we are.

Once a father told his children that where everyone else goes, it is better to go there. So when the boys grew up, short of intelligence, they saw that many people were going to one side, so they thought let's go and followed them. Those people were going to the cemetery. Similarly, man should understand that there should be some abstract intelligence within us; there should be discretion. A person who has no discretion, tell me what Sahaja Yoga will do for him? He should understand what is real and what is imitation. Do you want imitation or the original? The first thing. Because imitation is not going to make any sense; you will throw that away in a few days. You see all the imitations are getting exposed; one after the other, they are getting to know. So, they murdered him; they were killed there; they ran away from there; ten families got ruined; this has gone bad, that has gone bad, because whatever imitation will get created in His name is going to be destructive. That will destroy you, and that will be original in the name of God; it will be constructive. That will make you flourish, raise you.

Therefore, man should first decide whether he wants real or imitation. Gold, we want real. Then you go to Calcutta. So there is a shop for real gold and silver. In the matters of gold, we are very particular; in real ‘Marathi-Cholas’, [Marathi- चौविशिस का असल पाइज, मराठी तक दू, पतलिया, -unclear] and about God, I say all those who have such misconceptions, Sahaja Yoga is not for them. ‘Sahaja Yoga’, this is the work of real heroes. For wasteful, useless people, Sahaja Yoga is not meant. May you be a minister, or else be a President somewhere, else be something; it’s the work of real heroes. Those who are truly brave may come forward, and Sahaja Yoga is not for the useless people. You only tell me, if in front of you many broken lamps, chips are lying, do you repair them? Only that lamp is repaired, and that lamp is made well, in which the lamp can be well lit. Because money doesn't work here, nothing works; what works? Sustenance, stability, it is called in Marathi ‘Baithak’. Many people transcended in Sahaja Yoga; here in Bombay at least fifteen thousand people are realised, fifteen thousand. But how many are there who settle down, grow like a tree? At the most a thousand, who have settled down and become trees, those who have mastered it. There are not more than a thousand such people; the rest will become waste. What is going to happen to them?

Today only, there was a lady saying, “Mother, you made me transcend, now I am having pain here, and I am having this and that.” She was transcended some eleven years ago. So what's now? Now such a condition is happening; I have lost my vibrations, and now I can't do anything. What did she do after getting realised? When your sprout becomes live, then how much is needed to be flourished? You know how much to cherish, how much to care. With what effort it has to be raised. That effort, that love, that understanding, it is necessary to be in you. Today there are many Sahaja Yogis sitting; some of them came since long, some are from forever, and some like that.

To all of you I have only one thing to say: Sahaja Yoga takes you to the other end. You become someone else; you become your soul. You are no longer your ego; you become your soul, but your state which is there, it has to be made. On that thing, you need to establish.

In this case, I would say that the people of England, it’s surprising, very surprising that the people of England, who at one time showed so much power here, these people of England firmly settled down, did not only seek, but settled also. And we, for whom thousands of incarnations took birth here, especially made this holy land so pure that the vibrations of consciousness are flowing in its veins. In the people of that country, the depth and intensity isn’t existing. It is a great surprise; I am very surprised myself. I took birth in India, especially in Maharashtra; this is a sacred land. This is the land of saints. Now Maharashtrian people have also become ‘Sahib’. The day Maharashtrian people become ‘Sahib’, your country is finished. Take it. The day this happened, you were gone. All the ashes mean Ganpati is forgotten. All temples, get closed; all temples, as many Ganpati Ashtavinayaks that you have, lock them up.

And the intellectuals, with their minds, have come out with such things that you get enticed on that. Now the era of fear is about to come; that’s a great demon who destroyed those countries, but they recovered, and you people will not recover. Because the British have taken that, so we should take it; they did wrong, then we must be doing the wrong thing. With this in mind, we lost all that thing whatever we had. Then these days new Gurus also have emerged to cook up things, to refute everything. Some imitate Krishna, some become something else, some something else. Becoming something doesn’t help. Krishna was there; if someone shows His destructive power, we may recognize. A fellow came there, saying, “I am Krishna.” I said, “Alright, walk on water, show.” Krishna, the embodiment of Brahma, he imitated Him when he reached in front of me saying, “I am Krishna.” And ‘thr thr’ in front of me, like this his body was behaving. Whole body ‘lut lut lut,’ trembling. He came depicting like Krishna, and he has a large following; as is said, big beard, he has kept like Krishna, turned skeleton and roaming around.

I said that first Krishna was not a skeleton, you idiot. If Krishna is a skeleton, then why would he carry that large cross? You made Him a skeleton, because you couldn't appreciate His health, and you wanted to show Him such that Christ was weak, and the whole world would say that why to be Christ? We too shall become weak ‘Margilla’. Today they have said, but what is this about Christ? The one that is called Raj [Bindawi-unclear], what a physic, health, nice face, and a glow was always visible on His face. What, you just imagine, the man who shaped Himself in the shape and form of the world, He will be like this; like this He is depicted. Similarly, every kind of incarnation, every kind of high things, all that was nobler in life, were all put down. And we also, like idiots, follow these people.

Yesterday someone asked me, what are the symptoms, how to recognize? Which man is true and which is a liar? First of all, someone who takes money and organizes, he is a big liar, a villain. To such a man, to his door one should never go, be he calls himself a Brahmin, whether he calls himself a Pope, and whether someone sits as a Guru. The one who moves in cars on the cost of others, and eats food in big platters and drinks; such a man can never be an incarnation. All the incarnations have suffered for you. All the saints and sages have till date suffered hardships. Not only did you cause pain, you people caused great torture. Jesus said, "This I will forgive, whoever persecuted, those who have not recognized Me, I will forgive them; all that can be forgiven, but not against the Holy Spirit." If someone of you harasses Adi Shakti, beware. But to torture Adi Shakti, none is born yet; even to torture Jesus, no one was born. They played a drama because people were idiots. Now you need to open your eyes and what you need to understand is that the treasure you are looking for is within you. It is established inside you; find Him. The most important thing for you is to get this thing. If we are your real mother, then we would like to give you what is real. Will your mother ever give you an imitation? How will we give when your mother won't give? But if we want to call it your ego, you are a very accomplished man, you are such a wonderful man; such false ego will not be promoted that later you see a balloon is coming out of your head, and a horn comes out of it.

Whomsoever you see, he is struck with that. Whatever is truth is better to accept. It is difficult to believe truth; it is very easy to accept what is false. That’s why all the hypocrites and liars flourish, and it is so difficult for man to believe the truth. Nor is it that truth is not beautiful; truth is extremely beautiful. It is such a precious thing, so much joyous thing, but man does not accept this as in his ego he is enwrapped. He feels pleasure in his ego; two or four apparels he got to wear, he feels proud. If he sees to ride in a good car, his eyes change. If he becomes a minister, what to say, he has no time for anything. Something that strengthens his ego, man remains in lookout for that, but it's only momentary pleasure, momentary.

Real joy, in which sorrow and happiness is not there; there is only pleasure, just pleasure. As Venu Gopalan just told you, this is just what is called bliss, it is the soul’s happiness. Find the soul; don’t find your ego, and it will put you in confusion. ‘Gadhapanthi pana’, when compared to ego, is the biggest thing that is called stupidity. I have seen such arrogant people, and looking at them can’t understand whether to laugh or what to do; such stupid talk and in arrogance, they know that we are stupid. Kabir used to say, "Education makes scholars fools." All those demons were very egoistic. Now in Kaluga, they have worn robes. They do not show arrogance on the surface, but from within they are very egoistic and may eat you all up. You are similar to a newly grown up plant. Similarly, extremely [‘Navik’-Unclear] sober is the Nature; If a wind blows and you get carried away, it is not your fault, but one must keep in that God has given you intelligence. You should use it and recognize it that what is real and what is imitation. Now there is Kundalini within us, she is awake. She only gives you self-realization, by which you are reborn; about which many have written in all the books that search within yourself, find within yourself, It's inside yourself. But how, this is living process.

As how does a flower become a fruit? How does a seed grow? How a tree is formed, all are living activities; everything is done by God; in the same way you too attain your self-realization. Just as a gardener puts the seed in the mother's womb, sprouts It putting it in mother’s womb. Alike we too do something, that’s all, more than that we have nothing to do with you. It's yours own, you take it. But how to nurture it, take care of it, and raise it, definitely we do teach you. Now! Venu Gopalan Saheb said that love the mother; if you do it, better; if you don't, so mother is not going to leave, she definitely does love. But if you love, you can certainly enjoy it.

We will love you no matter how much you hit us, beat, shout, scream, we will definitely do it because you are our son, but what do you think about your case, you too love yourself, you too should think about yourself. You too know yourself and immerse in your joy. Every kind of extreme, that is there, should be discarded, any kind of extreme, that’s there, distracts you from the middle. Kundalini, there is, its ‘Madhyaga’. It has middle path; any extreme thing, like an extreme- ordinary people, they understand that if you become a nun, or a monk and going to the forests, standing on your head, you will get God, will never get Him or another man, he will think that there is nothing in it, leave everything and drink alcohol, or think do the filth of all kind; then such a person is never going to get God. Be in middle, like an ordinary person.

In a marital way, using your body in a respectful way which is said to be auspicious, should be done; as much it is inauspicious, if human lives renouncing it; His transcending is not at all difficult. One thing, there should be inner desire and secondly he must not go to any extreme. If a person goes to any extreme, then you know physically what can happen from; now even doctors have said that cancer the disease occurs because of this that in some areas in our body there are some parts in which Proteins. They named them Protein 58 and it is named like this; ever since the creation, from the time of creation, such proteins in those parts are still live. When these present proteins attack inside us then, then only cancer occurs; whatever cancer is, it erupts, gets triggered; now even the doctors have undisputedly said. this and we have been saying here for ten years that if on the extremes you tried anything, take it if it is Mesmerism only, or following of any Guru; this you have gone to extremes. And you will get an attack of leukaemia and cancer; and all sort of diseases, mostly, are caused by extremes. It's a petty matter. Humans are quite sensitive; people torture him for some reason or the other; if someone is a very decent person then people give him pain and he continues to bear that pain, this can also cause illness to him. What is there to tolerate? If someone should say something, you should ask him to keep quiet, there is no need to speak to him, because you yourself are the real soul, there is no need to tolerate any insulting. And also there is no need to insult someone; there is no need to fight with anyone and no need to take any attack on one's own. Both things will be the same, you stand firmly in the middle; neither you be aggressive on anyone, nor let there be aggression on you. But the Kundalini Yoga, when it occurs then it happens by itself, nothing needs to be said. Like I don't ask anyone this that you don't drink alcohol or do nothing because today's Kundalini Yoga has taken the form of Mahayoga. This is great love and compassion that any man of any kind may come, transcends; I myself get into surprise.

People in London, you see, they drink alcohol, their Ganpati is bad, they have no idea of sex; nothing, came and got realized. They got rid of alcohol; their drugs, they got rid of, have become absolutely beautiful, look at their faces; absolutely sober. Because it seemed like where did they come from or what their condition is, who couldn’t see me. They had come with eyes open under coma conditions, transcended. Cirrhosis liver is cured, leukaemia is cured, so dynamic it is called; intense love, strong love, but to doubt and splint. And, while coming, to think himself great; Sahaja Yoga will pick you up and throw you away. Such an ocean will pick one after another and throw away. Then you will come after months, this is another thing that you consider yourself very great; the go, you will be thrown away; I wonder, even if I try, that man will not transcend. He will run away in such a situation that he will go. There is no place for the ego in Sahaja Yoga; if you are very learned then sit in your home. If you have known then sit at home, and if you intend to know then find the soul first.

As for us, we are Mother, now we will always remain engaged in service and will try to impart wisdom within you; you love yourself and understand what you are, that you are the one seeker for eternity. You should recognize that category among your categories what is a my special form. Just now someone gave me a book to read which William Blake wrote; the title is Milton. In which William Blake has symbolized Milton, the poet, as a seeker. And entire Sahaja Yoga is explained in it and has said that this London is going to be Jerusalem; this is a place.

We have a Muslim disciple; he lives in Algeria. His mother expressed desire to visit Macca for Haj, give me money. said today's Mecca which is London, it's London, go to London; two hundred and fifty Muslims there were given realization. Whatever this religious strangulation is there; this is not a religion, these are in opposition religion, against love, those are standing demons. What we call sinetisysm; those who say my religion, my religion, ask them what is religion, no one knows anything. All their walls will collapse, ‘Dhud, Dhud, Dhud’. In Algeria he told us that on the day of ‘Roja’, fasting everyone remains hungry there and will do all sort of things.

What is to be gained by remaining hungry during ‘Roja’, fasting? Do all kinds of liquor business drinking, all sort of Women's troubles everything has started there, just ‘Roza’, fasting will definitely observe. On the first day of fasting, we laugh or cry, we don't understand. When they reached the mosque and were about to enter, the entire mosque went inside completely. See, how did this mosque go inside? Hey, what is a mosque? And what is a temple? Only it is a stone, isn’t it? The one that doesn’t have God inside that temple and mosque nothing will survive and even that human being too will not survive whose soul is not awakened. Those days are also coming, therefore awaken your soul. I am your mother, I beg you that identify yourself, understand yourself, don't get into your ego; attaining awakening of your soul. Set goal for your ultimate welfare, meditate for the ultimate element. All useless talk, we are this and we are that; we belong to this cult, and sect and religion, all this is a false, you are only from the Kingdom of God. And these whose names you are taking ‘Buddha, Mahavir, etc., whoever you name, be it Mohammad Sahib, all are our allies, not of these hypocrites; not of these thieves who in their name establishing big organizations and are making money; they are with us, they are our relatives. So you come to that way, where these real people are standing. Plucking their flowers, you have designated yourself and say that we belong to this religion, we belong to that religion and Righteousness is as far away from them as fragrance is from filth. Get your own fragrance, go to your own joy; dive down in your sea and all its arrangements are well built inside you, just let your ego go, lower it a little, a little; there is no need to fight that too for Kundalini by itself does it. But some preparation is required. Now I see some scholars, educated scholars; books, just throw out in the sea, they are completely useless. Nothing will happen by reading the book; all the ordinary people who live in the rural there is our real work. In Bombay this situation exists; our real work is done in the villages; just thousands of people coming from a village are getting realization here.

People in cities will be left destitute because they don't understand themselves, what they are. Because gurus are ready for cities to empty out your pockets. For us, God is in the village, in the village itself. You people should also leave some of your ego and understand that until we don't find God then of what good we are? What do we mean? Unnecessarily why should understand something yourself, brother! However, there is one thing that should ensure that the ego does not become strong: you people, who are seekers of God, are great saints and there had been prophecy about it saying that only in the terrible Kaluga, this event will happen, Maha Yoga will get established. And Maha Yoga is yours, this is called Last Judgment, that is the awakening of Kundalini that determines your judgment. And there is no other way for it. Today's program though this is the last one, I am coming again. In Sahaja Yoga get well established. Only then you get its complete bliss. Krishna has also said, “Yoga Kshem Vhamyaham.” First there will be yoga and then there will be peace. There will be no well-being without yoga. As soon as yoga is established, the concept of well-being also changes and also well-being occurs; first you attain your yoga, well-being will automatically occur.

There are many people here who will tell how happiness got achieved from Sahaja Yoga. Everyone benefits and you will also benefit; this God has opened his own door for you. Will he not give you these petty things? But all your priorities, that is called, all-together valuations change and you become other person; you become that person, settle in that and enjoy and in this Bombay do some special work, that's what I desire. There are centres at every place in Bombay and also they run a centre in Bharati Vidya Bhawan. Who do not find easy here come here but you will have to come, collectivism is its essence. Sahaja Yoga means collectivism, awakening of collectivism is the main characteristic of Sahaja yoga. There is community within you, you can find on your fingers that how your Chakra is behaving and where is catch on other’s Chakra. You become collective. Not through lectures, 'You are brothers and sisters', not this 'You become, become’, you feel yourself, you feel others within you. This is a part of the ‘Virat’ and in yours being you get awakened. And you start feeling it inside. Within it has to happen. Until or unless this incident doesn’t happens, just by giving lectures you cannot be anyone's brother or sister. You may not have that feel. This is an event; it has to happen. And this is not for frivolous people. Again I am saying, people who are frivolous, those who just went to four Places, now there is time in the lecture, listened to mother also and then they left. This is no shop and no market, one has to settle down in it and only the one who settles, he only will achieve it completely.

May God keep you happy!

If you have one or two questions then ask, no harm, but useless nonsense questions if you ask, I am very smart.

No, no Is there any possession? So you leave it to me. Didn't come from far off. People come from even further away. Did you not understand, but leave it on to me! Yes! Just leave it!

Second question is good! What are the symptoms, how recognize whether awakening occurred or not? The symptom is such that when Kundalini is awakened, so in accordance with your middle path your symptoms will be visible in the beginning; for example, if someone's navel chakra is caught, it means that the real thing must be seen. Not that whatever we say will happen only; if you have catch on your navel chakra, understand that neither your Kundalini will remain vibrating in the triangular bone only, won't rise for a long time but will vibrate. You can see with your eyes. If your navel chakra etc. are in order, Okay, you are a man of the middle path, some Guru has still not blessed you; mean you haven’t received any blessings. Kundalini can rise spontaneously if you are very rationalistic and think a lot on Agnya Chakra. On stopping on Agnya your eyes may, will get dilated. Your eyes will dilate, so you are asked to close your eyes; in mesmerism ‘keep eyes open,’ it is asked. Sit with your eyes closed. If your Sahastrar is much better, then spontaneously you start getting cold air from here; you will feel as if a cooler is put on, coolness will start flowing from inside you. If there is something in your body like liver, that is, it is called liver. If it is bad or something, then from your within hot air will start coming. If there is some illness first hot air will start to come from your within here, then by and by it will cool down and many people will already be able to feel the cool air in their hand. This is the best symptom that cold breeze has started blowing on your hand. When I sat down, it will come from my side, else it will flow like this; this cool breeze is only the wave of consciousness, which is very clearly called the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost in the Bible. Holy Ghost means Adishakti. You will start feeling that and instantly thoughtless will occur. With the crossing over the Agnya Chakra the thoughtlessness establishes and on piercing the ‘Brahamrandra’ if your Vishuddhi Chakra is in order, it starts flowing profusely in your hand, but due to anomaly in Vishuddhi sometimes it happens that you don’t feel so much on the fingers but it will start happening here. And you will also know that Kundalini is rising. As Venu Gopalan's Vishuddhi is bad, he too, poor fellow has been after many gurus. Earlier he did not feel it on hand but felt the movement of Kundalini inside. Its light was also visible to him. With practicing now he can now feel it on hand too. So its biggest symptom is that the person becomes completely relaxed and the witness nature starts coming and cold waves start flowing from the hand; this is a sign of awakening.

Now when this situation arises, you should put it to use. Needed now if you become a king and you do not establish any right of your kingship, then who will believe that you are a king; then you should see others, you should see raising their Kundalini; see the vibrations of others, then you will be surprised that what power you have within. Then the complete knowledge will be imparted. And you can test and see whether it is true or not. But do not be suspicious, look at it humbly, yes brother!

Like in the beginning in London there was a gentleman, transcended him; he said Mother! will we be able to find out everything from here, I said yes, why not? Said ‘Haven't received a call from father for a long time, lives in Scotland.’

I said ok! With both hands like this keep in his name, immediately he got a catch here. Burning set in and started saying, 'What is this?' I said all this for Father, and this depicts Vishuddhi Chakra. 'He must be down with bronchitis,' I said these words in English. He called his father, his mother came on phone, asked how are you, how is father, she said, 'Father is badly down with bronchitis,' these were the words she said. Later he also thought that maybe Mother has known this from her inner powers, but not from my strength, I said ok! Not in front of me, try otherwise, then became indisputable because your connection with God gets established. On your hand, everything, you can know. Your fingertips till now. So far there is no such thing like an absolute knowledge.

So you know, this man is true or false; this Guru is true or false, how to know. Keeping hands towards him, thinking about him, you will know how the man is? One gets knowledge of Brahma. It is this Brahma which is ‘Vairagya’ asceticism. Therefore, without using it, you cannot understand what you are? What is your condition; so first told you the symptoms and then it was told how you consider it inside you as if it is a medicine, when you take it, it benefits you. That's why you don't believe that this medicine is good. If it is said by some doctor you are not going to believe, similarly you yourself start giving its certificate. Now, all these people who are sitting here know Sahaja Yoga, learn Sahaja Yoga from them; younger than them, our granddaughter who is just four years of age you can learn from her too.

[Marathi- Achha ekaraan ki vichaaya hai aap viya dhyanala to paani jaane aala kalenka ugar, Kalenka vicha loga, it is good to wish, Ekaran ki vichaala is not everything, so badala loga, wish is there]

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai (India)

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