The Spiritual Evolution of Man 1980-04-19
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
19 April 1980
The Spiritual Evolution Of Man
Public Program
Paris (France)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed
The Spiritual Evolution of Man, Paris, France 19-04-1980
[Today, the subject] is spiritual evolution of man. In my last three lectures, I’ve already explained about the residual force called as Kundalini that resides in the triangular bone here. This residual force gives us the second birth.
But how did we become human beings? Though known to us, we do not know why we became human beings. All the scientists must ask this question, “Why did we become human beings? Is there any meaning to this human life? Or are we born just to eat our food, produce children, keep money for them, and then die?”
If you make any instrument – for example, this instrument [mike] – you always have a purpose behind it. I’ve read a very good book by a gentleman, who was a French gentleman, whose name was Du Noüy – maybe I am not good at pronunciation – who wrote that, “It is impossible to produce a human being in this short time since the Earth seceded from the Sun.” That means, if you use the law of chance, you cannot explain this fast movement of development of a small carbon atom into a human being in such a short time. According to him, there must be a juggler behind it to do this.
As I’ve told you before that this I put forward before you as a hypothesis and you must keep your mind open as any scientific personality does. If it comes true, then you have to believe into it. Yesterday I talked about the all-pervading power which is the Truth. Yesterday those who were here got their realization and they felt the power flowing from their hands, clearly. And they felt absolutely blissful. They also saw small children checking them, their vibrations. So, it is true that man has not yet discovered his meaning, so he has to become connected with the mains as any instrument has to.
This is what is the spiritual evolution of man. When a human consciousness gets enlightened or there is a breakthrough into the unconscious then only, we can say that we have evolved fully or it is only then that you have achieved your full meaning.
We can understand human evolution on the same way as we have the instruments set for spacecrafts. (6.27) In one spacecraft, an instrument is placed first, the lowest capsule, which explodes and accelerates the rate of the second capsule. One lower end capsule, and then there’s another one, and there’s another one and this one has the spacecraft in it. So, if this moves with the velocity of three, the explosion in this one (lower capsule) makes it three raises to the power, say, ten and this one makes it three raises to power, say, 20. It goes on like that. So, the acceleration is very fast. So ultimately this is thrown and triggered into the space.
This all comes as a bundle, to begin with. In the same way, a human being is, first of all, exploded into his physical. Then the physical expresses into his mental being, then into his emotional being, then into his spiritual being. And then he should stop into his Spirit. That is the space of the all-pervading power. In us exist all the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual beings. Today, as the time is, man is so matured that he is more spiritual than physical. But the matter is so much attached to the Spirit, that it is very difficult for him to understand that the gap between the matter, the spiritual and the physical and other things is not so much binding.
For example, all the affluent countries have a problem of suicide and the suicide is much more, the more you are affluent. I had some young girls from Sweden who came from Cambridge University, hardly about 20 years of age. And when I saw their vibrations, I was amazed; they were numb, just like a dead person’s vibrations. Otherwise, they were alright, they were children of rich people educating themselves.
So, I asked them what do you think all the time? What do you plan? They told me, to my amazement, that they are planning how to commit suicide. I was so surprised and so hurt and unhappy and pained. With what care God has created them from amoeba to this stage and they are here to destroy themselves? I asked them what do you want? Do you want money? Do you want love? What do you want? And I called them to my house and made them sit down and I talked to them. I felt that they didn’t know what they wanted. But they said that we are very unhappy in life, as if there is some gap between us and ourselves. Perhaps we do not know what is our significance in this life. Then I told them that you can find your significance and why should you be that desperate? The God Almighty who has made you with this care, with this consistently working on you for ages, has made you a human being. He must have made some arrangement for you to find your own significance. And He has made all the arrangements, as we make for an instrument to have a cord to be attached to the mains. That is this Kundalini which is placed here.
Thousands of years back in India, people had discovered the existence of Kundalini. Search in the West started, after Rousseau, into outside. But they could not enter inside. They thought it is better to search outside. Because they could not enter inside, they thought it was better to search outside. But as you were searching outside, there was a search inside going on, too. In that search they discovered this Kundalini being the source of our breakthrough. We have evolved through a force that exists within us on this center called as the Nabhi center or the Navel center. By giving us sustenance, by giving us our quality, our nature, or our natural religion that we were made into a human being.
If you see in a chemical periodic law, you will be amazed how all these elements are arranged such a way, in a big beautiful chart, and how the carbon atom, when it came into existence, we started becoming alive. That carbon atom is placed within us here. Here is the innocence of the matter. Matter is innocent. Up to the animal stage we are absolutely innocent.
Even human children are innocent, mostly. But we lose our innocence when we start using these two powers, one of desiring and another of action. We create the ego and superego by which we’ve become a human being. That’s how you become your Self. That means you become independent. You have all freedom to behave as you like. In that freedom only, you grasp the idea of the beyond. These ideas come to you through your dreams. Most of the paintings and the great arts are produced through the understanding of the unconscious. Our unconscious guides it all the time to warn us about our evolution.
Jung has described it very clearly. He has experimented with thousands of people of different parts of the world. He says this unconscious gives the balance, the coordination, the future guidance through your dreams. That means our guidance has been there, we have a desire and we have an idea that there is something beyond. That means that we have a desire that we have to rise and that there is something beyond. And also, there is guidance coming from the unconscious.
But there is another guidance which has come to us from God. This is very much believed into in India. Even in the Western world, if they follow Christianity or Judaism, they believe in it. It is believed that at that spot resides the power of God which evolves. This area according to Indian mythology is governed by a power called Lakshmi, which on one side gives us our sustenance and on the other side guides us how to behave.
And from the same power, the male form of that power incarnates, again and again, to guide the people, in human form. This incarnation, in the beginning, was a fish when we were fishes; when we were tortoises, it was a tortoise; when we were reptiles, it was a tortoise; when we were quadrupeds, it was a boar. Then, later on, it became half man and half lion. Then it became a small man, a short man. Then it became the very strong man – Parasuraman. Then he came as Shri Rama. At his completion, he came as Shri Krishna.
Now this center which has got the innocence, the incarnation of the innocence, the embodiment of innocence, was Shri Ganesh. This Shri Ganesh incarnated on this Earth as the only Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. And He is going to reincarnate again with eleven powers to destroy. Apart from that, there is a third type of incarnation which works in this gap to sustain us. These are ten Primordial Masters, the Adi Gurus. These people incarnated on this Earth to give us our sustenance, our religion, as they call it. They gave us those ten religions, or sustenance, which is important for a human being. This principle of primordial masters incarnated as Abraham, as Moses, as Mohammad Sahab, as Janaka, as Nanaka, as Socrates and, till recently, the one who is no more now, is Shirdi Sainath.
Now, these people are incarnations of one principle, that is the Primordial Master. The energy, or the power with which they work, is either a sister or a daughter, is a very pure relationship. If you read their teachings, you will find they are saying the same things because they were worried about our sustenance. But Christ talked about our evolution, our resurrection. Krishna, in his incarnation, he said that divine life cannot be destroyed.
The life of Christ, or the body of Christ, was made of this divine power, absolute. In one of the very old scriptures, Devi Bhagawat from India, Christ is described as Mahavishnu. He is described as first being an egg; that’s why on an Easter we give eggs. But Christians can’t explain why they give eggs. They also cannot explain why he was called Christ and Jesus. When He talks of His father, it is Krishna He is talking about. It is said in the Devi Bhagawat, Krishna put His Son even above Him. And He gave Him such powers that He would be the support of the whole universe.
As an Indian, if you have read about Indian mythology, you will have much more respect for Christ and His Mother, who was nothing else but the Primordial Mother. Because India was a slave for 300 years and English became the main language, nobody tried to translate anything about Indian things. Moreover, the Western people were more interested in sexology and all dirty things of India. It is like entering into a house from the gutters of the backdoor. Even now the way they are interested in all these dirty things is most amazing for Indians.
We went to Nepal with my husband and children and we never noticed any erotic things. But I had a Swiss disciple in Nepal. When I went again to Nepal, he told me that it was full of erotics at the top of the temples. And all the Japanese and all such people were busy with zoom lenses watching all that with such minute details. I didn’t know what was there to watch. It is difficult to understand this mind which takes you to these nonsensical things. If you have to evaluate a person, you must know how far spiritually he has gone and not how much he has debased himself, not by that. How much he has mastered his lust and greed is to be seen and not how much he has enslaved himself of these things.
If a person wants comfort and cannot live without comfort, he is not a spiritual man. He can live in comfort or discomfort; it makes no difference to him because he lives with his Spirit. Such a person is a king; nothing can dominate such a person; nobody can capture such a person or can make a parasite out of him. If one understands that spiritual life gives you the mastery of your being, then you would understand that those people who roam about as gurus are just parasites. (35:05)
Now, these incarnations who came on this Earth were manifesting the different aspects of God. Because God is Compassion, He is Love, He is your Father and He is Almighty. He wants to bestow all His blessings upon you and He wants to enlighten your awareness. For that He sends His own emissaries to guide you, to rise above the shackles of matter, the mind, the emotions and spiritual mistakes. For that, God has already placed a power there.
Many people have talked about this and have written big books of this kind. By reading books you cannot get the awakening of this Kundalini. It is a germinating force within us. It is a living force. You cannot germinate a seed by reading books. You have to have the Mother Earth to germinate.
In the same way, to raise this Kundalini, you need a person who is the mother of this Kundalini, or who is the master of this art, who is compassion, who is Love, who is holy, who is righteous.
But not a person who leads a funny life, a guru having seven women around, cannot be a master of Kundalini. A man who takes money from you cannot raise your Kundalini. A man who takes money from you has no self-respect. He cannot even talk of Kundalini. Such a person has to be higher than you. In that, he is humbler than you. He is full of love and patience and understanding; not of your purse, but of your beauty; not of your bank balance and your position, but your position within. If you find somebody coming with a circus, why should you be impressed by such a man? All important things, all vital things are extremely simple.
For example, your own breathing. Supposing for your breathing if you have to read books and analyse it, will you breathe? For that, you don’t have to read any books. It is spontaneous. All your evolution has been spontaneous. You got your body, face, nose, eyes, this human being, all for nothing. What did you do to get that? It’s all given as a blessing to you because God wants his children to get all his blessings and all his powers. But in his freedom, man has become so egoistical that he is also denying God. It’s alright, it’s just the same as blind faith, just the same as denial of God. Even the people who believe in God, so-called, what have they achieved? That is the reason why people now are going to the other extreme of denying God.
For example, Algeria, where the people have been under French regime and who believed in God and everything, but the young people became communists. Because the young people do not believe in the old people who are blindly following some sort of an organization of God. Because they are so mythical; they have no proof of God and they are so fanatic. Fanaticism is a disease. It has nothing to do with God. That’s one extreme and another extreme is denial of God. When you are in the center you can find God.
A boy from Algeria came and he got his realization in London with me. He went and told the young people in Algeria that, “No, there is God, but we have to find him within ourselves.” He gave realization to five hundred young boys. With self-realization, your life is completely transformed. We have here about fifty-percent of people are realized souls. After realization, the power starts flowing from your hands. This is the power of your Spirit and you can use it and verify it.
The diseases like cancer cannot be cured without self-realization. We have cured many cancer patients. I have even cured the President of India of lung cancer. You may write to him and find out.
But it is very easy to approach a President in India if you’re a saint. They respect you as a saint. For example, the President of India would stand up for me, though I am an Indian citizen. And he would not sit down till I have sat down. But in the West, people do not stand even for their own father. The ego makes a person so naive about spirituality and anybody who comes to pamper your ego, you accept it.
[Shri Mataji speaks to a seeker]: Are you taping my lecture? That’s not allowed? It’s alright? ... The organization, they say it should not be taped, but it’s alright, because it has a little problem. There is a protocol about this. Only thing is for realized souls we allow, but not to non-realized souls because if you insult it, it will have an effect on you. Otherwise, there is no harm in recording me. There is no enterprise going on here, but there is a protocol. It’s alright, you can tape it because, for example, my photograph has vibrations. If you put my photograph somewhere else it is not alright, then you fall from the grace. It should not be done. You understand my point? Because it is a holy thing. You can tape it.
The cancer and other such diseases can be cured through Self-realization as a by-product but it is not the main job of Sahaja Yoga. It is just a by-product. Like when God has to be realized within you, is to be established in your temple. Your temple has to be cleansed. If you do not get your realization, then there is no need to worry about it. You will get it, eventually and you must get it. This is your right to have it and you must assert your right. You cannot live without it. If you won’t take in this life, you will be born again and ask for the same. Why not short-circuit it?
I said it is the easiest thing to do but very difficult for human beings to be easy. They can eat their food like this, but they want to eat the other way round. It is like a second birth of a bird. You become like an egg by that covering and when Kundalini pierces through, She breaks the shell here and you become a new person with a new awareness of collective consciousness. You become; you actualize. It is not just brainwashing. You just can feel it.
But even if you are born as a human being and again you will live with wolves, you may behave like wolves. Because you must mature like human beings to begin with. In the same way, you have to mature like a self-realized person. Like a seed can germinate but it has to be looked after till it completely becomes an independent tree. This is your own power within you. She is your mother and she has no other child; she knows everything about you; she loves you and she wants you to have your self-realization. She is not going to give you any trouble. At the time of your birth, she takes all the troubles herself. It is a very smooth affair. At the first outset, it rushes very fast up there and you become one with the all-pervading power. You start feeling your own centres and the centres of others. I have shown here. All your centres are enlightened – seven of them.
For example, this is the center of Heart. If you place your hands towards me like this and if you find this one burning (pointing to her little finger), that means there is some pressure on your heart. Like that, one can diagnose any disease that you are suffering from. All these decodings could be done through Sahaja Yoga. All this knowledge is available free. So that you enjoy yourself thoroughly and you feel yourself and others, give realization to others and enjoy the being. First time the human beings enjoy other human beings as if the fragrance from the flower is enjoying the flower.
First time after Realization, you can repay back the nature which you have used. For example, if you give your vibrations to a tree, which is sick, it will improve, it will give more fruits, much more fruits. If you give vibrations to your wheat fields and paddy fields, you will have plenty of foods. You can even vibrate this water and give it to somebody and the person will feel perfectly alright in his stomach. When you become subtle, you can enter into the subtle of the elements. By entering into the subtle you can use them for your own purpose. Moreover, when you are in connection with the all-pervading power, there is a complete telecommunication working.
Sitting here, you can know what is the matter with another person who is thousands of miles away from you. You can also cure that person. These children can find out if a particular person, who is dead or living, is realized or not? For example, in England, there is a place called Stonehenge and the people have different theories about it. Like blind finding something and they are quarrelling about it.
Stonehenge is a miracle of the Mother Earth; it is Mother Earth who has created those stones. They have a particular pattern by which they emit vibrations. These vibrations are there to save London from getting drowned into materialism. The poor Mother Earth has to do all these things. (58:30)
In the Ten Commandments, it is said that you shall not reproduce anything that is created by the Mother Earth or by the sky and worship it. What is produced by the Mother Earth? These things which give you vibrations. In India, we have many places like this. And we have so many saints who have found them out. The province from where I come there are eight which represent the innocence. The stones that have come up are not touched by human beings but they look exactly like Shri Ganesha. There are 12 'Jyotirlingas' which represent the heart, the Spirit.
In Amarnath, in the Himalayas, there is a place in a cave where the water falls down and at a particular time, lunar date, the thing becomes a complete linga. In the Himalayas, one of the ranges of Himalayas, beyond the Kulu Valley, in the temple of Amarnath, there is a drop coming from the ceiling of a cave. It forms a complete Linga. At that date, it is completed and it gives vibrations.
We have a center in a place known as Musselwadi in India. They told me a story about a bund that was built across a lake. Bund should be straight, but at a point, it went like that and again like that with a circular movement. I asked them what is the reason? So, they told me, about a hundred years back, an English engineer had come to build this barrage. This, he wrote, was a very unique phenomenon. He said that he tried to build a wall on that part but he could not raise it. Every night it used to fall back. Even the horses would refuse to go near that to put the mud over that. And he could not understand it, so he had to cross that point in a circular way. I went and saw that place. It was all vibrating and giving the vibrations as they would come from this center called as Sahasrara. The whole atmosphere was filled with that.
Once I went to Kashmir with my husband and I had gone just for a drive with him a little further away from the city. And I felt tremendous vibrations in that area and I asked the driver if there was any temple or anything here? He said that it is all wilderness so I asked him to go in the direction from where the vibrations were coming. When we reached a particular area, we found some Muslim houses were settled there. They told us that there is one hair of Mohammad Sahab kept in that mosque, known as Hazrat Ekbal. (Ekbal means one hair. Hazrat means respect.) But for that hair, these useless people there fought among themselves and killed each other. Such shameless people they are. They do not understand the protocol of that hair. They don’t understand the vibrations.
For example, in Paris, the statue of Mary in 'Notre Dame' is extremely vibrating. Imagine, a man committed suicide from such a beautiful holy place. What a shame. It is an insult of the deities. How will he understand? Because he is not a realized soul. That is why they crucified Christ. They could not understand him and they did not want to understand.
Today I am faced with intellectuals. Intellectuals move like this, come like this, go like this, come like this, go like this, come like this – finished. They are a little bit this way. The other day one man told me that Hitler was also God. I asked him,” Who told you that?” He said that I believe that way. I asked him,” Who is this I who believes and on what premises?” He could not answer that question. If you can feel the vibrations of that horrid Hitler, you would know who he was. He was a demon. He not only destroyed people but he destroyed all the values of sustenance. He disturbed the sense of security so much in human beings that today we find all these kinds of problems in the West.
How can you call a demon a God? From what intellectual angle? I do not know how one can see upside down things with your intellect? There is another guru in India who is teaching people how to use sex to go to God. Have you forgotten Christ? He said, “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” was the commandment, but I say, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes,” because the eyes are possessed when you do that. It’s a joyless effort, so tiring and so boring. It has no meaning. It fritters away your energy completely. When will you enjoy yourself with all the beauty of Paris? I find people just going like this. They have no time to enjoy beauty. They have no sensitivity to suck that beauty.
Beautiful within that I can see. But because of these atmospheres and these great people writing books, you are lost in the opinion of others. (1:10:07) You are not to be found. What you say is somebody else’s opinion. You have known your own experience. Why should you listen to anybody else? Form your own opinion. But where are you? You are lost in the crowd. That’s why get your realization. That is your absolute and by that absolute you will know that this is all relative. Then only you will get answers to all your absolute questions.
With this Yoga, with this communion, you become one with that Truth. It’s like a connection of a very beautifully built computer. Now this computer is very nicely made in thousands of years and a rapport is established that you can ask any question. You can ask the question, “Is there God?” And this question you will start getting lots of vibrations.
But there is another type of things which are also called by negative people as vibrations. One should not confuse. If you get possessed, also, you start shaking. You’ll get convulsions. People pay thousands of pounds to get convulsions. We had here some people from TM, some from others, Rajneesh and this and that. They all have paid thousands of rupees just to get convulsions. Some of them were lunatics and some of them were epileptics. So many people like this are dying on the streets with epilepsy.
You must know if you have got your own powers. If you are manifesting your own power, if you can feel your own chakras (centres), that’s your Self, and you must feel the chakras of others. You must improve in your health, in your wealth and in your temperament. The complete priorities must change and you should be a transformed personality. Otherwise, people pay them for convulsions or for epilepsy, or for getting sick and headaches? Most of these people have a terrible headache here, ending up in lunatic asylum. But they’re not telling each other because some mafia is going on; nobody knows what is going wrong with the others. You are told to keep complete secret. So that you do not know how far you are rottened and a competition is set in secretly.
Some people are saying they are teaching flying. How can you believe with your intelligence such nonsense? With your evolution are you going to be become birds now and then frogs? You have to become something else which is described in all the scriptures, supported by all the incarnations and the prophets. Imagine, some people started flying. What would happen? God, will He make you such absurd things? Why do you want to fly? I just can’t understand?
Some scientists came from America to see me, specially, because they wanted to fly in the air. They wanted to leave their body and go somewhere else. I told them, you have already landed on the moon. Why do you want to fly?” They said,” Because Russia is doing that.” I said,” Which Russian is flying?” They said,” They are doing parapsychology and ESP.” I said,” That is all possession of the spirits. Do you want domination of the spirits?” They said,” We want to fly.” But I said,” You will be enslaved by those spirits.” They said,” Still we want to do it because Russia is doing it.” I said,” If Russia is going to hell, will you go to hell, also?” Surprisingly, they said,” Yes.” I said,” Then go faster there.”
I can’t understand these human beings, intelligent people. Intelligence is not wisdom. When wisdom is enlightened, then you become complete. Because this power controls the whole universe. It is the complete knowledge. It is the bliss. It is the attention of God which is completely enlightened. We have to enter into the kingdom of God and not to waste our life like this.
This is very fantastic. People cannot believe that you cannot pay for your realization. We can’t believe we can get anything without paying. But how can you pay for your realization? That is an insult, a debasement. It is a very different thing I am telling you about, which cannot be sold, which just permeates. It permeates everywhere. It wants to be shared by everyone. It wants to elevate everyone, to that height where you are suddenly shot off into the space, where you become the master of yourself and one with God.
I think for today I have spoken quite a lot and there are so many things to be said on this subject. We must first have the experience to understand what I am saying. Then use your vibrations on others to see how you work it out. If somebody gives me, say, French francs and I don’t use them, how will I know their value? And then establish it within yourself and enjoy your dignity. Till this light is not enlightened it is seeking. But once it is enlightened it is just giving light. The position changes from that to this. Then you become the giver. It is that simple and innate within you.
The time has come for this. En masse evolution has started in India. Even in England there are thousands who have got realization. I have to see now how far Paris is going to come up. This is the first time I am here. Only through your wisdom and understanding you can expedite this evolution and transform the whole world into a new age.
The time is short. As I told you Christ is going to come back with His eleven destructive forces. He is going to destroy all that is useless. This is your last judgement. Kundalini awakening is the way you are going to be judged. The last judgment has started; you just face it. All grace is with you. I’ll work very hard but you must also have determination. We all have to work hard and share the duty.
May God Bless you all.
[To a Sahaja Yogi] Can you ask them to take out the shoes and put both their feet on the ground?
Christ’s Mother was the embodiment of that incarnation. But She was kept completely in the dark because Christ did not want that Her protocol should be disturbed. If anybody had troubled Her, He would come down on this Earth with eleven destructive powers. But He wore his cross because He had to show that resurrection is the aim of life.
Put your hands like this. Straight like this.
Now ask them to close their eyes