Seven Chakras and their Deities, Paane ke baad

Seven Chakras and their Deities, Paane ke baad 1973-11-25

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Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi

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25 November 1973

Seven Chakras And Their Deities, Paane Ke Baad

Public Program

New Delhi (India)

Talk Language: Hindi | Translation (Hindi to English) - Reviewed

Public program, talk after Self-realization, “Seven Chakras and their Deities” (Paane ke baad), translated from Hindi, November 25th,1973, Delhi, India

That you have to do nothing at all. It happens in “Sahaj” (Hindi word सहज) .In day-to-day language, the meaning of word Sahaj (सहज) is ‘easy’. The origin of this word is from ‘Saha’ (सह) and ‘Ja’ (ज). These two words make the word ‘Sahaj’, meaning ‘easy’. Means that is ‘born with you.’ , like the eyes born with us, the nose born with us, we don’t have to look after their functioning. Because of this no complete reflection falls on this. If there is a lake which has no ripples the beauty surrounding the lake completely reflects on it. Not only this, but also becomes one with it. . Similarly, when you look at some beautiful sight, look at Divine creation, you will become thoughtless. On becoming thoughtless the power of joy that lies in that (Divine creation), it gets fully reflected in you.You get fully identified with it (become one with it).

In the same way, [Unclear] God Almighty has adorned the creation in many ways for you. Extreme beauty is spread spread all over. Just by getting into the source of that beauty that joy is created in you. You were born only to see that joy and not to make yourself miserable unnecessarily.

[Unclear] Many people have also asked what we have to do going forward? Now what is to be done? Just have to witness. When you go to see a movie as an audience then you do not think what do we have to do.

Everything has to be witnessed. Have to keep witnessing.. Have to witness the coming and going (refering to coming and going of life on earth), have to witness the growing of trees, have to witness the chirping of the sparrows. Everything’s auspicious sacred sweet smile, voice of God’s blessings filled with joy (referring to grains swaying in the field) in everything, has to be listened to, nothing else is to be done. Just by witnessing this you will become Only by seeing it you will be absorbed in yourself .

Now there is joy in witnessing. There is no question of doing anything.. Now you will not have to do much for the health of your body.As you would be doing many yoga asanas etc. then there is no need to do many yoga asanas etc.There is no harm if you do a light yoga asana, but take much care of your body. God resides in this body, it is to be respected, there is no need to do any injustice to it.

If you want to get rid of alcohol etc, it’s very easy. Now whatever you decide to do, it will be done.. You will not get conditioned. If you have decided to get rid of alcohol you will be relieved of it. Human beings consume liquor because they do not want to face themselves. I am not asking to give up anything else but liquor because it damages your consciousness. When you look at alcohol, you stop drinking alcohol because you have started loving yourself so much.

There will be so much joy. If by chance someone of you is imprisoned, you will say. ‘Oh’! how nice! I will sit there and meditate.

One is in one’s own glory. There remains no urge for liquor or smoking cigarette. Nothing remains to be said, all the vices go away by themselves.

In Bombay, condition is such that one match box has to be taken from home to burn incense and to light a candle.f No one smokes. The chain smokers, I don’t know, how they have stopped smoking! Some people used to play rummy (game of cards), they say, we have given up playing cards. Because they are enjoying. Life will become enjoyable.

There will be enjoyment in human beings, there will be fun in their problems, there will be fun in solving (struggling) them.Now we should also keep this in mind that we do not have to struggle anymore.

You are not your old self; you are a changed personality. Now you have to see whether the other people are changing with us or not. You have to witness them. There is nothing to be afraid of because you were also like them.

Some people think they are in very high position. They think no end of themselves. Some think themselves to be very rich and others very religious. Let them think. They are all mad. Do not look to them. All the mad people in a lunatic asylum think themselves to be very wise. When you were in that mad house, you used to think similarly. All these stupidities will go away slowly. You will know the truth.

Now you are blessed with that power-such a power because of which you will not be affected by your thoughts. For example, if one says to oneself. “I do not have to be angry, then ask yourself to be angry, stand before a mirror and ask yourself to be angry. You will start laughing. In the state of anger keep laughing from within. All the time you keep laughing, you will not get caught up with anger All vices such as lust, anger, ego, envy etc have their own way. You have to look at it. It is a play. You stay away andwitness them from far. B you were outside earlier, now you are not the same, now you are inside.. That is what you have to do in Sahaj, you have to be within not without.

While talking to others also stay within, that is,talk in thoughtlessness. Whenever you have to talk to someone, get thoughtless first. You will penetrate in them as soon as you getinto thoughtlessness. Their outlook will be changed and you are already a changed being. If you are not in thoughtlessness (within), then, maybe, that they pull you back. You could be move in and out because you have just come within. For example, you are passing through traffic and are made to sit on the mountain. But you have got used to the traffic, so mentally you think yourself to be still in the traffic. You have to see, “Where am I standing?” This is Self Realization

The first thing is that you are in oneness with the beauty of the whole world.

Please know, this is something new. But very unique and unbelievable. No one believes it but it’s a fact. You yourself will realise that you are a witness. At home if someone falls ilI then everyone starts running, fussing around.

Something true something false, nothing, absolutely no need to do anything. You witness yourself and it will dawn upon you as to what action you have to take. Whatever you feel you should do. If you feel like putting your hand on the head, do it and if you feel like touching the foot, touch it. Whatever is coming to your mind, is the truth, you do that.

Second aspect is the truth – that what should you tell, truth or lies? What is truth and what is untruth? Most of the truth is manmade and man-made truth is not truth at all. Many-a-times something that appears untruth happens to be great truth. So, you do not have to decide about it. You just tell, tell in your thoughtlessness, talk to people about your state. Boldly you have to declare that this is alright, this the truth and it should be done. There is nothing to be afraid of.

May be, that people take it for untruth and they laugh at you. We went to Poona, there were some stupid people who published in the newspapers that “Shri Mataji was moving her hands like this like this. She was mesmerising them.” One gentleman asked a question that, “Why should She mesmerise people? Has She nothing else to do?” They told that, “We cannot be mesmerised”. He said you can not be mesmerized. It is difficult to mesmerize (referring to Self Realization here) such people. Different type of people are there in the world, who do not have descretion.

Because you have got chaitanaya in you, it is flowing in you, you have seen it, you do not need evidence for it. But you have not attained magnificence and this is the difference between you and the great saints. You haven't got that brilliance yet which is intense.

It stands firmly and is not afraid to say that, that is the only truth, everything else is untruth and a myth.’ This quality could be found in great people like Christ, Shri Krishna and other great saints. It could be found in Adi Shankaracharya. You read his books and you will get confirmation.

Now you read the scriptures afresh, read the Gita and Bible afresh and you will find that confirming truths are there in them. But you yourself are powerful enough, you do not need support and help from anyone else. The moment you start standing by your-self, in your glory, there is no need to feel shy about it or be afraid of anything.

But I have seen people who are single realized person in the family but he doesn’t tell anyone, keeps it to himself. It is said in the Bible that the lamp is not to be kept under the table. It is to be placed on a higher place. If you have really become lamps (the enlightened beings) then sit on a high pedestal and enlighten all others. You may belong to any religion. If you are a Sikh then see in their scriptures, everywhere, it is written. It’s a truth which can be confirmed.

For your satisfaction the great saints have written it in all the scriptures. Shlokas after shlokas, could be said about it and lines of Quran could also be quoted. They all confirm it. We may call it spiritual in English language, in Hindi it is called Adhyatmika and in Urdu, Roohani [spiritual connection]. There are different names but ‘Truth is the One’.

If you all know that aspect, then you also know that there could be no description of truth. What could be the description of an ocean? But every moment you will see,this is truth, this is untruth, ,this is the truth, this is untruth. With your vibrations you will know of it. With the vibrations you will gauge it, you will know where vibrations are coming is the truth. Then you will see vibrations everywhere-in stones, in earth, in every-thing.

If four-five chakras of a person are caught then there is no need to argue with him Such persons are very difficult, beyond you. Immediately you will have hot vibrations in your hands. Run from there. A few days later, such a person will run away. He will burn himself. From whomever you get hot vibrations, leave themHave no connections with the persons who have hot vibrations. It is not for us t, it’s not mething spiritual. Here there is complete darkness.

The fight between the light and darkness is going on forever. Now, so many lamps have been lit, the whole atmosphere could change if a few more lamps are lighted. So, always keep your lamp lit, always weigh your vibrations, vibrations always flow from my photograph, they never stop. Stretch your hands towards my photograph.

Whenever you feel burning sensations on any of your fingers. Everything has got a meaning You know this is Manipura Chakra, this is Vishuddhi, this is Agnya. This is Swadhisthana and this one is Mooladhara. And in the centre of your palm is the Sahasrara. It is round.

If someone comes to you and tells that such and such person is unwell, please pray for him. You have nothing to do, you do like this and wash it.That person will be benefitted. Sitting here, with the movement of your fingers everything is going to work out

Your attention has become Divine. You could check it yourself. Even on your feet there, all the chakras are made. Man is a great creation of the Almighty. No instrument is as beautiful. The God Almighty has made this instrument extremely beautiful. What is needed is its enlightenment. That part is also done, now what remains? What is remaining is that there is a lot.Now, you have to work it out sincerely and see, what it is. Because a small lamp has been lit, you are sitting with it. There is no need to sit. When you look within other people, then you will come to know what it is.

We have thought of an organisation. In Bombay, there is an institution with the name of “Anant Jeevan”. There is no membership of it, all the realised people are its members. Many people get Realisation but then they go away. They come again and get it. There might be half-baked people amongst you also.

Earlier we had requested Mr. Bose, you make him chairman or do as you like to. I will stay with him. His address . is 10, King George Avenue. You could take his telephone number also.We will send photograph etc. to him. However, he is very busy person, so reach on time. Friday is appropriate. Fix that day for your weekly meditation. With attention, I will see all of you.

You might have heard about the symbol of God like Shri Ganesha. His carriage is mouse.And you know about everyone’s vehicles. Now your attention is your carriage. YOu ride on your attention.Your power resides in your attention, where ever your attention goes it works out. It is so wonderful. Sitting here you can exercise your power and improve everything. Everyone, you see, is torturing someone or the other. Bring them on Sahasrara and set them right. On Brahmarandhra, you will be amazed, their condition has improved.

There are wicked people, Dushasanas, there are saints and above all of them, we, Sahaja Yogis, are here. In early morning we do this business only that they get discretion. With the power of love people get changed because love is more powerful than hatred. Like ocean, the power of love is fathomless. As there is no end to the expanse of the sea, there is no end of the ocean of love, it rises more than hatred. If its power is lesser than the power of hatred then this world will be destroyed.

You have not still understood your responsibilities that it's time to create a new era, new people, new dimension. A new dimension that you can understand with your vibrations. No one else can understand.The singer Siddheswari Bai who was just singing here; yesterday her condition was very bad. With great reluctance she came to me and said, “I have to undergo such and such operation, this that.” I just put my hand on her head and today she has started singing! You all could do this work, there is nothing which I have not told you.

Now only a curtain remains within us. If you learn to tear out this curtain, then everything could be done. But to tear out this curtain becomes difficult. However, you are realised now so the curtain between yourself has been removed. Now, the sooner the difference between you and me is removed, the better it is.

The greatest thing in it is love. With have to become one with love. While talking to someone we have to decide first that we only have to love. It is all love; you cannot make any mistake in this. As people tell me, you are giving Realisation to everyone. Specially in America, there is concern that they could misuse it. I said, “How could they misuse it? They could only give Realisation; they could cure someone with it”. With love you cannot harm anyone. Think yourself, if you love someone how could you harm him? The identity of love is that it can never think of harming anyone.

Whatever is benevolent will take place. The only thing you have to do is to respect yourself. When you begin to respect yourselves, you get established within because it is a temple: the more you respect il the more Divine Light is there in it. With love you could get identified with It, only with love you could be one with it, in complete harmony. Only pure love could emanate from you. The one which is Chaitanya is the truth and the beauty. You sit in thoughtless awareness and you will be one with it.

Thoughtlessness comes only when you cross this point (Agnya). You have crossed it and now you are in thoughtless awareness. Your brain used to think. Now your Sahasrara is pierced and you are above your brain. When this point is reached, you could check it with your hand. Those who are Realized, should check at this point

‘Ardha Bindu’ and they will feel it, but those who are not, will not feel. Are you feeling it? Slowly, feel it, take your hands slightly up-down. That is the place of the ‘Ardha Bindu’. And above it, is ’Bindu’ and ‘Valaya’ is above all.

All that was made to create this world, has also been within human beings. First ‘Valaya’, then ‘Bindu’, after that ‘Ardha Bindu’, and then this Sahasrara, then this whole kundalini was created. The Adi Kundalini itself penetrated in you and became your Kundalini. Some people (Deities) were placed to establish the Adi Kundalini. In the beginning, it was necessary to establish someone. Shri Ganesha was established first of all. Adi Shakti put Shri Ganesha only on one chakra. Only on one chakra.

What is Shri Ganesha? Only purity only purity. You think about this, if you have not bathed for a few days and there is dirt on our body. You think that there are vibrations here and there are also vibrations here, and if we collect it after extracting it, then the inert element which is there, there will be only vibrations inside it. That means they are just absolute bundles of purity.

Shri Ganesha is nothing but vibrations and purity because he is the Eternal Child. Eternal Child, and there can be no child like him.Only purity and purity itself. His whole love is purity and purity only and because of that purity he has been placed on your Mooladhara chakra. On Mooladhara is the Mother. Its clear meaning is that in sex matters, you have to be like little children. I mean [Unclear] that when the dharma is established in you. you become childlike, innocent in sex matters.

It is difficult to attain the heights of Shri Ganesha because he is a very pure soul. His radiance is spreading all around. To penetrate within, we have to be very pure otherwise no one else could be there except Shri Ganesha and His Mother.

In the process of creation, Brahmadeva was made the deity of the second chakra. But before Him, Shri Vishnu was created so that there is a Sustainer for this Divine creation. That is the reason that we take birth from the Nabhi chakra of our Mother. And then there is the creation of Father from the Nabhi, Brahmadeva was created. That’s how it was done, like pegs are placed There is no untruth in it. You yourself could verify it.

Now this Void was created. It was all created, Vagus nerve and Aortic plexus around the void . And in it was the emanating love for the creation. The whole creation got caught in this love. This love is the All-pervading Power, in it is the creation.

Now it is essential to cross this Void. But as I have told you earlier, the God and his Power is present in our heart as our soul. So, as the child is born- not born, when it is in the womb of the mother, the witness state God Almighty comes in his Heart and looks like a flame, the way this thumb is. This soul is in the left heart.

Many people get confused about it. They think soul is in the heart chakra, it is not in the heart chakra it is in the heart. Why does He not reside in the Heart Chakra? Because it is the path of Kundalini to ascend. Heart Chakra is in the centre and the soul resides in the left heart.

In the word ‘Rama’, ‘Ra‘means energy and ‘m’ means Mahesh, that is Shri Shiva. Mahesh is Shiva as the God who resides in our heart. When ‘Ra‘ is united with ‘m’ it becomes Ram. To make the people cross the Void (Bhavasagara) the arrangement was made. So, the great power like Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh was created and they were placed in the area of dharma. They have been Guru Swaroop. Dattatreya and the Adi Gurus incarnated in this world many a time. He incarnated as King Janaka who was like the father of the Adi Shakti.

After that, He incarnated in Iran as Zoroaster, then as Machindranath, then as Mohammad Saheb and Nanak Sahib. Who is fighting with whom, just think.. What type of darkness you are in? Fatima, the daughter of Mohammad Sahib was the same who became daughter of King Janaka. Whom are you fighting? Think over it. The Nanaki of Guru Nanaka was no one else but Janaki. Shirdi Sai Nath was also an Adi Guru. They are the masters of all. Also, they are my Gurus. These Adi Gurus taught me all this knowledge. In different incarnations, they kept teaching me.

Ultimately, I had to come and do this work. They could not do it and now they are placing me as a Guru so that I take up the job of a Guru. This is a strange situation. There was an age when no one was willing to accept a woman as a Guru. But in Kali Yuga, only a Mother could do this work; it is beyond the power of men. This work could not be done by force, only the love of a Mother could do it because already there is so much pressure, tension in this world. The day it is forced upon the human being, they will break down. So, love is the only way out.

Therefore, there was no way other than love.That's why I had to come as Guru.

Everything is acceptable to me. But I didn’t know the qualities of a Guru. Gurus maintain distance but Mother does not keep distance with the children. Children sit on her head. So, you people also could take liberty with me and I enjoy it. Be with me with full freedom, you will neither be afraid nor be nervous

. There is no problem, you could come and talk to me boldly about your problems. You could complain to me as you do to your mother. I am freely available to you, freedom was needed. Religion was required to be discussed openly, there is no secret, no secret about it.

Ultimately, everything has to be explained very clearly. All the secrets are to be told. Everything is not to be said naywhere. I am telling all this to you people who are Realised ones, because non-realised people will doubt it. It has some meaning only for the Realised ones. You could attain much higher state than this.

After that, a lot of work was done on the Bhavsagar. Guru was established so that the Guru would somehow make man cross this Bhavsagar.

Some were success some were not and few people could get it, they are helpful today. They become eternal (Chiranjeev), the founder of Jain Dhama. Shri Mahavira and Shri Buddha are amongst them. They were born of the same Mother, born of the womb of Adi Shakti. Try to know their first relation that where were they born and then how many times they were born. But it was experimental for all of them. All of them made experiments so that human beings could cross the Void. Very few, however, could cross the Void. But en-masse Realisation could be done only in Kali Yuga.

After that, Shri Rama incarnated in this world but he forgot that he was an incarnation. He remained in this world as a human being, not as an incarnation so that you could rise above the Bhavasagara. He was a perfect human being. During his incarnation a few seekers could get their Realisation, there is no doubt about it. But en-mass Realisation could not be given.

Six or seven thousand years ago, Shri Krishna incarnated on this earth. Shivji, you know that he is always there within.

Right from the beginning of this creation, all the seekers wished to cross the Bhavasagara. The poor seekers had to face lot of problems. While meditating, they were tortured. So, the Adi Shakti incarnated on this earth 108 times in her perfect form. You might have read about it. Read Devi Mahatmaya and you will know what I am saying. The Adi Shakti incarnated in the form of the Devi and recognized the seekers. At that time, She came in the form of the Devi. There was no Maya around Her. So, seekers could not get their Self-realisation from Her. The only thing they got was her protection. She killed Mahishasura, Shumbha and Nishumbha and many others. All the rakshasas and negative people who used to torture the saints were killed. But none of them got salvation because She was not completely human beings. They could see only four chakras, that is up to the heart plexus.

So, Shri Radha incarnated after Shri Sita. She was placed on the fifth chakra, that is the Vishuddhi. She is very human and She sang the song of love. It is said that at the time of killing the Kansa, the maternal uncle (Kamsa) of Shri Krishna. Shri Radha was called. Radha – ’Ra’ means energy and ‘dha’ means the sustainer. The stream of Shri Radha starts flowing in you as “Dhara”. Shaivite people are the followers of Shri Shiva. Shri Krishna and Shri Shiva are the same.

There is no difference between Shri Krishna and Shri Shiva. Except ShriShiva is placed in your heart as soul and Shri Krishna is on the Vishuddhi. Shri Krishna has sixteen powers. Similarly, you have got sixteen plexuses. It is surprising that Shri Krishna is the deity of Vishuddhi chakra which has sixteen petals. His power Radha was then divided into two. That is, Rukmini in Dwarika and Radha in Vrindavan; very humanly.

Shri Krishna had only one son who was Pranava (Divine power) incarnated. Think of it. He was ‘Om’ incarnated. He incarnated on this earth. His name was Jesus Christ. Mary was his mother. He was placed on the Agnya Chakra. On Agnya one has to face ego and superego. You see your Agnya Chakra controls your pineal and pituitary bodies; it is scientifically proved. So, he pushes away the evil spirits from your Agnya because these spirits sit on the superego. They could sit in ego also because Ida and Pingala nadis cross each other on Agnya Chakra. So, Shri Jesus put his hand on this plexus first of all. It was done at the time of Nanaka Sahib.

In all ages, these ghostly powers came to do encroachment. But Shri Krishna has such a destructive power that He cut their throats. So; on Agnya Chakra is the name of Shri Jesus. Shri Mahalakshmi, whose praise we sing so frequently, no one has described Her. Where is She placed? She is Mary Herself. Whenever She incarnates with her child and husband, She is very peaceful. But when she comes alone, then She is [unclear]. So, this plexus belongs to Bhagawati. The plexus of Sahasrara belongs to Bhagawati. She Herself pierces it, all the seven chakras are there in it. Therefore, the Maya (illusion) also has seven layers. It is very difficult to recognise Her. Seven human chakras get completed here.

In nut shell, I have told you what you have to do, how you have to complete your seeking. But if we talk about it methodically then we could say that there is no particular time for it. All the times we could be in the state of thoughtless awareness. For example, you are sitting in a thoughtless state, start thinking, then go into thoughtlessness.

After there is thoughtless awareness and then comes the doubtless awareness. You will have doubts but in the second stage you get the doubtless awareness. Doubts will be there: is right or not? What Shri Mataji has said is not right? How could it be? Has it happened or not? Have we got Realisation or not? This sort of doubts will come. How will these doubts be eradicated? When you have been given a seat, I mean when you are seated on the throne and you have doubts as to whether it is a throne where I am sitting? Is it all right or not? You could check it by your own hands, that now an unparalleled energy is flowing from your hands. When you will cure people by touching them with your hands, when you will have such experiences then slowly and slowly your doubts will vanish. I mean that I have prepared a boat for you, now you have to launch it in the water, fight with the waves, only then you will come to know whether it is a boat or not. Maybe it is some wood only. The boat has been built or not could be tested by launching it into water and by rowing it on the waves. If it withstands the pressure of the waves then you will be sure of it. Otherwise, doubts will the same way you have to test your Realisation because man thinks no end of himself.

One person out of our seekers went somewhere, a swamiji was sitting with a flag. Thousands people come there, have their food etc. This gentleman went to America with us.Just with the movement of his hand he used to do things. You can also do it. With the movement of your hands, you could raise the kundalini of someone. Sitting here you move your hands and see how nice it is that the kundalini of the other person will move with your fingers. The energy which is flowing from your hands will do it.

So, this way that person used to raise kundalini of 300-300 people. Since many people were going to him the Sahaja Yogi also went to him. I come to know of everything as to who is hanging about and where. When he returned, I asked, “Why did you touch his feet?” He said that, “Since everyone was touching his feet, I also touched”. I said, “You have to touch the feet of only those who are older to you”. I asked him what was his condition, what was the condition of his kundalini, is he Realised? He replied, “No, he is not Realised.” His kundalini is overturned. I asked him, “You raise the kundalini of thousands of seekers with the movements of your fingers. Why could you not think that you should not have touched his feet?” His kundalini is overturned; at least he should have been a Realised person to touch his feet. One should touch the feet of one who is higher than yourself. Otherwise, why to touch the feet at all? You know everything. You know the reason of it. You have the complete knowledge of it. You are so expert in it. why did you touch his feet?

You become egoless. You all live in such an unassuming way that no one could believe that you are Realized. One becomes egoless. Completely egoless. He feels, how it has happened, how that has happened? But it has happened. If this transformation has taken place in you. Then you should think, “Why has this transformation taken place in you only?” Many people live in Delhi. Why we have specially been given Realization? There might be some reason. You might have been seeking for many lives. It is your right. You are saints, saints of high orders. You are not aware of this fact. If you were not saints, how could I give Realization to you? Can I give Realization to stones? Thousands of people come but I cannot give Realization to all of them. Only a few of you have got it. Definitely, there is some reason for it.

But you cannot believe it. You think, how could it be? This problem comes because of you are egoless. In a very ordinary way; you neither change the style of your clothes nor any other showing-off. But you will see that you have become peaceful within. You are now an altogether different being. The style of your talking and doing things is of a Realized one. And you will become expert. You know about others that such and such chakra of this person is catching, that is why he is behaving abnormally. Let me set it right. And within a little time, that person is cooled down. Some people come to quarrel with me, but Sahaja Yogis calm them down by moving their Kundalini. They play many tricks and within a little time, such people sit quietly.

One fellow came and started quarrelling. It was the time for him to take some pills. They put the pills on their hand and vibrated them. As soon as he ate those pills, immediately he went into meditation.

If someone is disturbing you too much then put your finger in the water and make him drink that vibrated water. The work will be done. Chaitanya will awaken within that person. But still, you are newly born children. Small child gets ill very soon, similarly you also catch very soon. You have to stick to your position otherwise you will descend very soon. Don’t leave your position, do not be shaken. Stick to your place because the boon given to you is such that one could be unsteady. I am telling it to you. Therefore, power of collectivity should be there.

There are people amongst you who come and tell, “Shri Mataji my head is catching”. Collectively you could clear the catches, whether it is in your waist, Agnya Chakra or anywhere else, you could clear it yourself. Now these Sahaja Yogis are your brothers and sisters. This is the new world of love. These are your relatives. You know them. At the time of difficulty, you will be surprised that they will run to help you. Because Deities are there with you for your protection. Suddenly if you think about someone, immediately you find him before you and saying, “I don’t know how I came here! I was going this way, I thought to come up to you”. All your works are done, you will not meet with accidents. Deities are hovering over you.

If one Sahaja Yogi is there at the place of accident, then all others are also saved because of him. Many things will happen. You keep on witnessing and write your experiences. Watch the awakening and movements of your Kundalini. There is going to be no problem in it. Sometimes it will tickle here and move there; sometimes it will enlighten here and sometimes there. Your consciousness, which is connected to all these things, will get enlightened and it will enlighten the whole world.

Now you are sitting here, but you are not aware that thousands and millions of rays of Divine love are flowing. You will see that the whole atmosphere of Delhi will change; you will see it. I went to Calcutta only once. Have you seen the atmosphere there? I said it there itself that the atmosphere of Calcutta will change. I stayed there for eight days and the whole atmosphere changed, the minds of people were calmed down.

Today, in Maharashtra it is going on very well. The reason is that many people have got their Realisation. Now it is the turn of Delhi State. The Kundalini of the whole world is situated in India. How tremendous! The seat of Kundalini of the whole world is in India. If our India improves, then the whole world will improve. The Sahasrara of the whole world is here. So, I need thousand Indians who could give Realisation.

May God Bless you.

New Delhi (India)

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