Kundalini - The power of the saint is in every human being 1999-04-26
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26 April 1999
Kundalini – The Power Of The Saint Is In Every Human Being
Public Program
Levent Kırca - Oya Başar Theatre, Istanbul (Turkey)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
Public Program. Levent Kırca and Oya Başar Theather, Maçka, Istanbul (Turkey), 26 April 1999.
I bow to all the seekers of truth.
We are at the time bond, is very important. At this time there is so much of turmoils, so much of problems, so many wars, all kinds of interrogation has taken place in our value system. And we are quite shocked about that, very much shocked. What is the problem? Why this is happening? We should try to find out.
And if there is a solution we should try to achieve it. The problems are there because human beings do not know themselves. Either they think too much of themselves, they have too much of Ego or they are very much conditioned.
There is no condition that we can say is not troublesome, because they blindly accept all the nonsense. Now we see the problem, say we are born in particular religion and we just start following everything that is told to us.
I ask people if they have read Quran Sharif. Very few have really read it and is completely, sometimes, I find is represented. That brings bad name to Islam, also to Muhammad Sahab.
According to us prophet Mohamed was a very, very great soul. We call him as Adi Guru, means one of the primordial masters who got birth on this Earth.
Now such a great soul like him would not say he is divine. I can not believe that, but I think he did not say he is divine. Maybe because if somebody says he is Divine, then people get just after the life of the divine personality. And it is how much he was tortured, how much he was troubled, endless. No one might say why such a Divine person suffered, he did not suffered but he had sufferings even by people who were ignorant, because they were absolutely blind. They did not know what sort of great sort of person he was. All such great saints had suffer. All over the world the saints had suffered because the people do not know what saintliness is.
First of all they should know themselves. Once they know themselves, they will know what Muhammad Sahab was. They will also know about Quran-ı Sharif (Sharif -Holy, honorable). It is absolutely clear cut in the Qur’an, but people want to listen the pret, you can not help it. Christ also said that know thy self. All those, who were so great, had told to know ourselves.
Those who had not known themselves, have no right to talk about them or to condemn then or to say horrible things. After you have come to know yourself only, you will know how great they were and how Quran Sharif is such an important book. Even those who read such a great book are doing all kinds of nonsensical things . They have no control over their greed. They have no control over their lust, they can be very cruel also. How can that be? If you read such a great book like Quran Sharif, then how can you be like that? Because of all this reading does not go in the heart. He has talked about Rahmet ( mercy, clemency ), he called it Rahim ( compassionate , forgiving ) . Where is that Rahmet? If do you see it anywhere? They are all killing each other in the name of God. So this is the state of the truth, of reality, of divinity.
Now what is needed is first to know thy self. For that, it is placed within you, in the triangle bone, this special power called as Kundalini, whether you are a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, anything.
As they have a heart, they also have this power. Then how can we say we are different? We are all human begins, no doubt. But the power of the saint is in every human being. So we have to accept that we all can ascent whether we follow this religion, or that religion, or this country, or that country, makes no difference. It's written in Quran Sharif also, it is not only my words, it is written everywhere that we all human beings are the same.
If so, if that is the situation, then why should we all not know ourselves. It is very easy to know yourself in these modern times, because it has been esteem that in these modern times we should know ourselves.
You have to have the Self knowledge. You have knowledge for everything outside but what about your Self? When you will know your Self you will be amazed that you all are part and parcel of one great personality, Upper.
When we say “Allah hu Akbar ( Lord, the Biggest )” what do we say is that we are one, in one personality that is Upper. Just by think “Allah hu Akbar”, you do not realized, you do not become part and parcel of great Upper. You go out shouting for ages, for centuries, you will not become part and parcel of Upper. For that you have to know your Self and that you have to get connect with this all pervading Power of Ruh.
You have some Sufis, but nobody believed them because they were realized souls.
Especially in your country, you had such a great people who came to tell you that you should know yourself ,but we got lost, in these modern times we got lost, completely.
Where are we? What are we fighting for? How can blind fight, we do not know anything, we do not know our meaning. How is possible? It is very much possible for you all to get your self realization, self knowledge, to know yourself..
Even if you are fanatics, listen to me. Because this will save you, save your children, save everyone, save everyone, save Turkey and save the whole world.
You have to raise about this limited ideas,that you get from others. You have to have a feeling, the experience of this Ruh. Without that , you can not know anything about prophet Muhammed or Islam. Islam is to surrender, it doesn't mean aggression.Surrender to who? To God, to his power, which is the power of love. God loved us, so he created us. If we haven’t got that power of love, if we haven't just his power of love , no use during any Namaz or anything no use. The Namaz you do is nothing, but for your Kundalini awakening. You will realize that after your Self Knowledge, even if you do Namaz it has great meaning. Once you start feeling this cool breeze after, Holy Ghost they have called it, or you can say this Ruh, then when you do Namaz it goes on increasing, you go on becoming higher and higher. Otherwise, any number of Namaz can you do, rouse you do, you can not do it.
And a seed has to be sprout, otherwise it cannot grow. In the same way your Kundalini has to be awaken like a primula ( brightly coloured flowers in the spring ) of a seed. Without this sprouting, how can you grow, artificially?
So please understand that first let this sprouting things and then you do Namaz, and you will be amazed that the chaitanya, what they call it the vibrations that are flowing increase tremendously.
Also then you read Qur’an and these vibrations will increase tremendously! You will grow very fast. All the things that you do in the name of God, you will have the experience that are all true, there is truth in it.
But you have to allow the seed to be sprout. Without that you are just like any other material.. Something artificial living in the false world, doing all kinds of wrong things without bothering about God Almighty. Not only that you will know your Self, but you will know all the powers that get out of that knowledge.
The first power you get is of tremendously creativity. As it is Turkish are known for their creativity, they will create such a beautiful art that it will be appealing to the whole world on Global level. Now you become extremely moral by nature. You do not have to be very rigid about this, you just become you become very moral. Whatever is said “don’t do this, don’t do that!”, nothing is to be told; because your Spirit is now enlightened and with the light of that spirit you know what is good for you, what is distracting for you.
Now Muhammed said not to drink alcohol, we do not say do not drink , because if I say that half of the people will just go away. But after you get this knowledge which is constructive for yourself ,you yourself do not drink, you do not take any alcohol, you do not take any drug, you do not smoke, you do not take anything that can destroy your body.
You do not have to tell your children “do this, do that” , it works out automatically. It is very surprising how powerful you become, that you do not have to do anything to stop yourself of doing something wrong. Then you become very sensitive as to what is right and what is wrong and you just do not accept what is wrong. This discrimination is just within you, which is enlightened. Then for everything: for food, for taking out money, this -that, all this greed business just get controlled. Above all you become a very very loving person.
You have faith in your own love and you see that your love succeeds and you are amazed how it works.
Now the time has come what you call as a last judgment. Now if you get to the right religion, if you get to the right understanding of yourself, so you should know you have decided for the highest ascent.
This you will experience yourself that you have become extremely loving, kind, forgiving person. But by doing that you do not become weak, you become very strong. You didn't see despite all of position how your Sufis have stayed that's on their path of truth.. But now you are not alone, you are not aloe You have thousands of them all over the world. They are your brothers and sisters all over. You will be amazed how they look after you. How they are bothered about you, when you become one with the all pervading akbar, then who is the other?
For example, anything happens to this finger the whole body reacts. In the same way all the Sahaja yogis, all the people all over the world, who know themselves, will react together and their good wishes will act through the Divine Power. Gradually all this destructive nature and also the falsehood of people drops out.
Also you develop another dimension in your awareness which is called as collective consciousness. So what you do, you can feel another person on your fingertips. You can feel yourself also on your fingertips. That is what Mohamed Sahab has said, that at the time of resurrection Kıyama your hands will speak and will give şahadet (witness) against you. They will tell you what is wrong with you, your fingers will tell you what is wrong with you, with your body, with you mind, everything you can know on your fingertips.
Now if you know how to correct those defects in you, you can correct anybody’s problems, because you can also feel what is wrong with them on your fingertips.
Sitting down here you can feel for anybody in Ankara or maybe London or anywhere and if you know how to correct sitting down here, you can correct that person.
So, in short, is the scientific language we will say that you enter into the subtler side, the subtle of subtlest of Ether. As your chakras get enlightened, you enter into the subtler side of all the five elements. Ultimately the sixth center, as they call it Agnya, is once it is enlightened, then you become extremely forgiving. You do not react, you watch everything like a witness. Certainly now I see this carpet is very well made, so normally I should react. How much it was have cost from where did you that buy who has made it, all these questions will come. But after the Self Realization you just watch and enjoy the creativity of the artist who has made this.
Your quarreling nature also subsides, because you do not react. To the last of is this limbic area where Kundalini arise by which you get your peace and joy. Now Joy is a singular thing, it is not happiness and unhappiness. It is just joy that means you
For example if you are standing in the water and the waves are there, you are afraid of it..But in case, in case you get into a water, then you can watch the waves and enjoy them. But supposing you know swimming ,you can jump and save many others. So now Sahaja yoga is working in eighty countries in the whole world. And in a very big way some people who got their self realisation went around and give realization at to others.
For that you do not have to pay, It's a natural process, living process. How much would you pay for that? So it was without any payment, that's how the falsehood can be exposed because you pay for all kinds of falsehood. .Now you can say who has pay for this all . I must say the Sahaja yogis have paid.Formally I used to pay,because I have money from my family and also from my husband.Now they want to pay. They think for our self realization , you are taking this hall ,Mother why you should pay?
They can pay for the hall but not for self realisation.When the last center is broken,the seventh One by which we get connected with this all pervading power. Which we have not felt so far the presence of this all pervading power. But after self realization you feel it,this cool breeze , the Ruh (spirit). In the beginning if very hot,, for that you have to forgive everyone, not to have anger for anyone and it works very easily.
I know there are people here who want to ask me questions also. Just now make your questioning mind quite.First get your self realisation and then you can ask.
You have to feel this cool breeze on your fingertips.So have faith in yourself. And you all can feel this ruh (spirit). I assure you ,you can. [UNCLEAR] hardly five to ten minutes, I will work it out Iwill request who want to go away ,can go away, don't disturb others.
I can not force it only. You have to ask for it. If you want to have it, you can get it. You must have the desire to have it , because is pure desire that works.There is no competition,no trouble ,nothing at all.Only you have to take out your shoes. Because this ,Mother Earth is very pure and she is very helpful. Can you wait, Can you wait for a while? You can do it little later. Don't disturb this attention.
I am not going to tell you to do anything whatsoever I will not even say do not think but automatically you go beyond your mind and see then said this torsion area, is called it torsion area.
Now we have to do like this,like we do for Namaz that's all. .Be comfortable.Take off your shoes and put both of feet away to each other.
Now put your right hand on your heart and ask for forgiveness from God almighty if we have done anything wrong, just to ask forgive from heart.
But do not feel guilty. Mistake can be done so now you can ask for forgivness,so do not feel guilty at all. If you feel guilty then this center on the left hand gets bothered. And who it is just like and we are not then coming. Now please put your right hand towards me and put down your head and see for yourself, is there any cool or hot breeze coming out your head.
Now If it is hot ,you have to forgive,forgive everyone. Now please down put your left hand towards me, put down your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now please put both your hands towards me.. Please ,see now if there is a your feeling the cool breeze on your fingertips or on your palm or out of your fontanel area. Just see it.This is the ruh. You can ask a question in your heart ,is this the ruh the Divine power? By asking this ,you will get more coming cool breeze, so you can say also yes this is the ruh. We have never tried this before ,this is the ruh. so you can feel it warm.
Although who have felt this cool breeze on their fingertips,or on their palm or out fontanel bone area, please raise their hands. That is what Turkish people are wonderful. May God Bless you.
You are specially best people I must say , so easy to give realisation too.. There is something special. With the Europeans have to break my hands , not with you people.
You are very kind and sensible,so may God bless you all.
They want to sing a song for you and you just clap,all right? So and you will be amazed ,will increase.
Those who have not felt anything can come here and we work it out on them.
Performance of Mahamaya Mahakali.