Interview 1 2000-09-11
11 September 2000
Villa Sassi, Turin (Italy)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
(Conversations with sahaja yogis in a hotel)
Shri Mataji to a child: I’m talking about you! Ah! One child is enough!
Guido : To change the atmosphere.
Shri Mataji: Absolutely. They try to please you all the time. You should take to small children, then you won’t age much. I think one of the things.
Guido: Vibrations.
Shri Mataji: Vibrations, and also you become like a child, with them, that enjoyment of the children. You cannot get old. Very difficult. They do not have reactions. Singing now.
This gentleman, how did he know Me?
Guido : He (indicates Aldo) contacted him.
Shri Mataji: So what did you tell him?
Aldo: I told him all about Sahaja Yoga, but he...
Guido : He gave him a leaflet about Sahaja Yoga, so he invited you to come.
Interview to Shri Mataji to an interviewer in the hotel.
Question : What is love for you?
Shri Mataji: Love? Love is the power of divinity. It’s the Divine. And that’s why this whole world was created out of love.
Q.: So everybody has an inner instrument, but mostly they don’t use it. Why?
Shri Mataji: Because of ignorance. Ignorance, you see, every human being is not equally aware.
Q. : Is it possible to change this condition?
Shri Mataji: Yes, it has to.
Q.: In which way?
Shri Mataji: By feeling the vibrations of that person on your fingertips. From the level of spirituality.
Q.: Which is your mission in Italy?
Shri Mataji: Everywhere, it is not only here. Because Sahaja Yoga is now in 86 countries, alright? And My mission is to create a global unity.
Q.: To improve the life? To make life better?
Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, what we have to do is to understand that most of the problems that we have are coming from human beings, because they are imperfect. There are problems with them. But if they are transformed, and if they become saintly, beautiful, spiritual, all our problems will be solved.
Q.: The Yoga is one way to change this situation?
Shri Mataji: The only way, this Sahaja Yoga, is the only way so far I know, which has changed people, which has transformed. Because is based on the actually, on the Kundalini which is the power in every man’s triangular bone.
Q. : And you think that is possible to move the Kundalini?
Shri Mataji: If that is awakened, if that power is awakened, it passes through six centres – ultimately the last here, and by which you become connected to the all-pervading power, which is very subtle. And you become the owner of that power, which flows – that’s love, that’s compassion.
Q.: When you practice the meditation, where you go with your heart, with your mind?
Shri Mataji: I go nowhere, I go inside. I know about My centres. I don’t go anywhere out, I’m inside. Inside Myself, and I know Myself. First we must know our self, otherwise we cannot know God, we cannot know anything.
Q.: And what is it in your heart?
Shri Mataji: What is it in your...?
Q: ... in your heart.
Guido: What is residing in your heart.
Shri Mataji: In My heart resides God Almighty.
Q.: OK. The last question for you: where the world goes?
Guido: Where is this humanity going?
Shri Mataji: It is going into the Last Judgement. Whether they take to higher life or to baser life. This is the Last Judgement.
Q.: There is one thing that you want to say for the people, for the...
Shri Mataji: Yes, of course! The message is that within you is this power, and this power is your own Mother, your individual Mother, and She knows everything about you. And She is anxious to give you your second birth. She takes up all responsibility, only thing you should want it, it cannot be forced. That’s it.
Int.: Thank you.
Shri Mataji: And you can’t pay for it. It’s the evolutionary process now. Is the end of the evolutionary process, that you jump into new realm, and that by that you develop a new awareness of collective consciousness and thoughtless awareness, to begin with.
Q.: What is for you the wellness?
Guido: Awareness.
Shri Mataji: Awareness is to be conscious that something has to be done, there’s a seeking, that’s awareness. According to Me, the real wealth is your Spirit, that you are the Spirit. That’s your real wealth.
Q.: We are only Spirit?
Shri Mataji: Of course. You are not this body, this mind, and you are not this intellect. You are the Spirit.
Int. Thank you.
Shri Mataji: That should happen.
Int. Thank you.
Shri Mataji: May God bless you. He’s very subtle.
Int: Thank you.
Shri Mataji: That’s all (She smiles).
Guido all’intervistatore: Vuol provare l’esperienza?
Int. : Di che genere?
Guido: Il risveglio della Kundalini.
Int.: Si può?
Shri Mataji: You are a very subtle person, I must say. You asked Me very subtle questions.
Int.: Va bene. Come si deve fare?
Shri Mataji: Alright.
(After Kundalini awakening)
Shri Mataji: You are already a realised soul. Got it. Are you feeling the cool breeze?
Int .: I feel, yes.
Shri Mataji : That’s it! Now you have become. Very good. What I must say that journalists are the most powerful people in modern times. And it really depends on you how you are going to lead or mislead this world.
Int. : For me is very important to show the real nature of the man.
Guido: He says it’s very important for him to show the reality, the inner reality of man.
Shri Mataji: Of course. But the reality is that you are the Spirit.
Int.: Is little difficult for people understand...
Shri Mataji: No, that’s all, what you call, a camouflage. It’s not real. The real is that you are the Spirit. That’s real.
Guido: He says it’s little difficult to make people understand this.
Shri Mataji: No, they will. See now, I’ve been doing that, and I’ve seen people understand. Is the best way to tell them...You have to tell them everything frankly, because they are misled. They’re on the wrong track. So we have to save them.
Guido: Very strong vibrations.
Shri Mataji: He’s very good, he’s very good. Very good, excellent.
Int.: I hope that tomorrow evening I go to you to Teatro Regio.
Guido: He would like to come tomorrow evening to meet You...
Shri Mataji: Please, do, and bring all your friends! And all your family!
Guido : E porta anche i tuoi amici e la tua famiglia.
Shri Mataji: And all your family.
Shri Mataji : Excellent.
Guido : He’s feeling also.
Int.: I am in heaven now!
Shri Mataji (laughs): This is the paradise created by your Spirit, in the state of realisation. It makes you peaceful, joyful, wise, and enjoyable everything.
Int.: Without ego!
Shri Mataji: Without...?
Guido: Ego!
Shri Mataji: (laughing loudly) You don’t have.
Int.: No? Thank you!
Shri Mataji: You don’t have.
Int. : Finally one person that tells me I have not a ego.
Shri Mataji: Ah (laughs).
Guido: He says you are the first person who is telling him that he has no ego.
Shri Mataji: No, he hasn’t. He hasn’t got ego. You see, all those who have ego always think that (laughs) that others have ego. Do you understand? (laughs) ( Int .: Eh. Vero.)
If you had ego, you could not have got it so fast. But I think he has little sinus.
Int.: Yes.
Shri Mataji : He has.
Int. : Yes.
Shri Mataji : Alright? Now, for that a simple method is to take onion, two onions, and put it on the fire, it becomes black. Then cut it half straight, I mean, standing, and then foment it with that (lower part of forehead). Very simple. And here also (sinuses).
Int.: And don’t eat cheese.
Shri Mataji: No, no, cheese is alright.
Int.: Yes?
Shri Mataji : Yes, it’s nothing to do with cheese. It is because hot and cold, the difference between hot and cold – say, something you take hot and then you take cold, you see, like coffee and then ice-cream. Or you suddenly expose yourself from a hot place to the cold, or cold to the hot. It could be cured.
Int.: I feel my hands (laughs).
Shri Mataji: I know, I know (laughs). But this can be easily cured, you try that, maybe with two, first about, say, ten minutes. Then again if you get sick, then you should try after five minutes. It will go away.
Int.: Thank you.
Shri Mataji: May God bless you. What’s his name?
Int.: George.
Shri Mataji: George! Oh dear. George is the name of Mahavira, He’s an angel, on the left hand side. Left side, yes. There’s right side is Buddha, and the left side is Mahavira.
Int. Ah, the right is Buddha and the left is....
Shri Mataji: Yes. So He guards you from all the left side problems.
Int.: Emotions?
Shri Mataji: Yes. George. And Michael is the same. And the right side, and Hanumana and Gabriel the same. You’ll know everything – it’s all united, they’re all joined together. It’s not that this is Indian, it’s Italian – it’s wrong. Inside they’re all one.
Int.: Sarebbe bello riuscire ad integrare tutto.
Guido: Questo è quello che succede con Sahaja Yoga.
Shri Mataji: And that Christ is sitting here in the centre, on the optic chiasma. So, what you have to do is to forgive. Forgive everyone. Then it opens out petal (?).
Guido: L’importante è perdonare. Per aprire questo centro...
Int.: L’importante è perdonare. Certo.
Shri Mataji: Torino is good, that way. But I think in Torino there has been some black magic and things like that.
Int.: I feel this situation. There are many people that practise...
Shri Mataji: Must be from Egypt.
Int.: I don’t know why. (...)
Shri Mataji: That’s very dangerous. That causes cancer. In Sahaja Yoga you can cure them, because you come in the centre, nor on the left, neither on the right. You pass through that (run with the hand the central channel). And here is the place (She touches the fontanel bone area)...Yes, yes. Passes through this (She touches the ego and superego) ; through the limbic area (She makes the gesture of the Kundalini passing through the fontanel bone). And here is the place (She touches the fontanel bone) of God Almighty, which is reflected in your heart as the Spirit. You will know everything. You master it. Yes, of course. Within one month’s time you will be master. Very simple. Give him My book. He can read English. He’s very good.
Int.: Ok. Thank you.
Shri Mataji: All right. May God bless you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Very nice to have met you. Thank you.
Int.: Thank you.
Shri Mataji: Very nice.
Int. : Wonderful.
Shri Mataji: Alright. Thank you.
Int.: Thank you very much.
Guido: See you tomorrow night.
Shri Mataji: He’s coming, coming.
All this is very nice.
(More conversation with sahaja yogis in the hotel)
Shri Mataji: We have to revive our old classical music. We have to.
Guido: Western classical?
Shri Mataji : Yes. We have to revive, whether in Italy, wherever it is.
Guido: Maybe Austria.
Shri Mataji: Austria, Austria is, see, becomes localised. But in a place where they can all come, stay, work it out... We should have. Thank God in India it has revived. India it has revived, otherwise we were worried that Indian music would be finished. It’s come back. But still there are groups in India who take to Western pop music.
G.: Ah, pop music.
Shri Mataji: A nd then there’s jazz. That’s something like Indian style.
G.: In between.
Shri Mataji: In between (they laugh). There are many Indians who’d like to learn piano. Specially in Calcutta. All the rich people used to have a piano in the house. Very common. Because Indians have a special ear for the music. Also in our cinemas they use piano. For the music, for background music. They use. Babamama started with the clarinet. He made people play on clarinet Indian music.
G.: Yes, the first time he came to Ganapatipule he brought somebody with...
Shri Mataji: Also violin of course, but piano so far not. But we can have it, is like harmonium only, piano. Now this Dhumal is coming. And Ali’s coming. And Sandesh. Dhumal is another genius.
Jazz music is alright, but this another one is like a satanic stuff.
G.: Is techno, they call it techno.
Shri Mataji: Techlo?
G.: Techno, is technological music.
Shri Mataji: Techlo, yes. Is techlo or (something). But people are mad. Starts from America.