Public Program: Getting Self-Realization 1978-05-12
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
12 May 1978
Public Program: Getting Self-realization
Public Program
Caxton Hall, London (England)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – VERIFIED
[1978-0512 Public Program Caxton Hall 01 HD]
I mean 50% of people are understanding that holiness [unclear] They don’t have [unclear]about it. But those who have come for the first time, today, shouldn’t think they have been here for the first time. Perhaps, we do not know how many lives we have been seeking . If we were not seeking before we would not have been seeking in this life so desperately. And many a time, in India, I told people that so many saints who were in India once upon a time seeking , in the valleys and in the mountains, even in the Himalayas, are now born in the West. Thank God [unclear] It’s a fact.
But a new problem is that when we are seeking in the dark, when there is no hand to guide us, on the contrary, there are many more to misguide us, those who have an interest in our faults, in our disturbance, or we can say in our destruction, all such people now come to misguide and to take advantage of us. At such a point and under these circumstances, the saints, the real seekers, the people who are genuine are attacked first.
Because the satanic is all the time, on one side it is destroyed and on the other side, it’s trying to found out who are the seekers. It is not today but since the times of Rama, you can say, even earlier. Even much earlier, we can say, eight thousand years was Rama’s time, even much earlier, everywhere a seeker was tortured. But now in these modern times, they have become very subtle, they have developed methods of subtle [unclear]. And before we realize where we are, they attack, they found out. At the time of Rama the saints, as there are angels guiding the saints, the satanic forces also gather together and try to exploit the situation.
Thus, in these modern times what we call as Kali Yuga, we assist [unclear] today with an atmosphere of complete confusion even a true seeker doesn’t know who is the real person whom to go, whom to approach and where to get. What should we do? We are frantic and that [unclear]a tremendous amount of damage has been done to your own being inside. But, I would say about my compassion, I would say, it is fulfilled of confused anguish when you see the real seekers, the genuine people, the people who are simple-hearted, innocent, who are my own, dragged into [unclear].
Your compassion gets into anguish. The more of your compassion becomes anguish. So instead of getting angry with you or getting in any way upset with you, I try to find out how I can really smooth [unclear], how I can really cure that part which is destroyed in this genuine.
But you have to be genuine to face the reality. If you are not genuine, you cannot face it. You cannot face it neither you can accept it because it is too much for you. But if you are genuine, the genuineness gives you the strength to [unclear]the reality. But reality is not a heavy stuff. It’s the lighter stuff, it makes you very light. At the edge it’s just like beautiful showers – in Sanskrit there’s a word « Tushar – तुषार » and you’re not going to find that in English language- it’s a beautiful word which means that when you are, say, standing near the sea, the waves come and throw all that little, little drops on you, that’s what is « Tushar – तुषार ». And that is what it is, the ocean of love just breaks near the heart in totally small little drops of its love on your being. And the whole thing is beautifully worked out. It has to be that way for people who are so much injured and also wounded.