Public Program 1976-12-21
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
21 December 1976
Public Program
Mumbai (India)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – NEEDED
There are so many new faces today. That I would like to Give you some idea about what is Sahajay. Sermons with. Anja means born. Sahaja That means it is born. It is a property or it is a right of every human being to be united with God Almighty. Now when I take the name of God Almighty, all the scientists will immediately say that Mataji you have already a conception in your mind that there is God. How are we to believe that there is God? Surge is the method. Is the style is a process.
By which You become connected with the divine powers which we call as unconscious mind in the psychological terminology. They believe in the unconscious mind but not in the in God. All right, let us forget God. So this is a method by which you jump into your ache. We have to think As all scientists Have to keep their minds open. To understand why from amoeba stage to this human stage we have arrived, how is it no scientist has ever bothered to know why. How is different? They might decide how it happened, but why? What is the reason? Have we reached the ultimate, the destination, or we are still in the transition stage?
Definitely in knowledge we have not reached the ultimate. This all the scientists have to accept. If you are a doctor, you will know that we do not know anything about parasympathetic nervous system. You call it sympathetic, supposing I say that is the system which is worked by God, you get a shot. But you do not know anything about parasympathetic. You do not know many things. You cannot explain many things. Perhaps we are in the transition in such a stage that the knowledge is not complete with us. I mean, at least this much of hypothesis, every scientist must accept. Rule out God.
But you cannot rule out unconscious minds about which all the scientists, all the psychologists are talking. That there is an unconscious mind, which is universally conscious, which acts universally in our dreams. And gives us symbols which are universally the same. They cannot explain. Some introspection is needed. Some introspection is needed. To find out why. Human beings are really very busy with something very unimportant according to me. But if we are in transition. If there is a goal where we have to reach.
Then whatever is our knowledge is not complete is partial, and we have not to accept it as the complete and ultimate. And absolutely So we Accept that it's not yet completely known. In the countries which are called as developed countries, so called. Where our fear has come so much. Where people are materially well off, we find there are more suicides. More unhappiness than among people who are stuck. The starving people want to exist and the overfed want to kill them. That means they have not yet achieved the satisfaction of living. That Clear. So is there something that is beyond It's such a contradiction with which human beings live all the time.
For example, in the house of every Indian, you will find a Ganesha's murti there. If he's a Christian, Christ Murti there, if he's a Muslim, he'll have Kuran Sharif, or he'll do Namas. On one side they believe that there is God. They read scriptures. They read Gita. On the other side, they do not want to believe also that there is God when it comes to science. Now, is there God or not? Is it a You should not accept me because I say so. No. But you should not also deny me.
If you deny me, that means you're not a scientist. If you are a scientist, then keep yourself open. And listen to me and experience the actualization of what I'm saying. Actualization is the word. Sock shop got. Actualization. It's not only preaching. But the actualization. Now you may say, what is actualization? Actualization is an experience by which alseajo logi calgary.
So. Obakilojola what disturb the tasaa. The actualization is an experience. Of knowing what you are here for. Why you have become a human being. What is the purpose? Of knowing whether there is God or not, all the absolute questions can be answered through actualization only. If I want to put a simile, if you could understand it without getting too much involved into it. I would say you all are like computers. I think the most modern instrument is a computer.
You are all made very beautifully, delicately with great pain. You are made a complicated computer. All of you But you don't get any information. You don't give any information. Only thing you have to be put to the means. If you do not put this instruments. To the main means if you do not connect it to the electricity to the power. It cannot work. In the same way, the computer cannot give the information unless and until it is put to the main. What is a joke is that you are a computer and you are put to the main.
Then you see the information. But unless and until you are put to bed, how am I to prove everything? So a vicious circle of the mind playing works out. You must prove it, prove it to us. Can you discuss about? Supposing there is a computer which is not put to the main, while discussing about it, let me put to the mail and then I'll show you how it works. This is a very simple thing which a scientist has to accept. For one reason That scientists among themselves. I'm not Dealing with one person. A medical scientist is dealing with the body.
Curing the body. While another scientist is dealing with the psyche. Another one is dealing with Say we can say that one has one eye to be dealt with, another has another eye to be dealt with. It's, it's analytical process. How do you explain love? From where does it come? How do you explain so many things? If you start analysing love, then love dies. If you start analysing a man, he dies. How to deal with it is the problem.
There is a very, very Extremely simple way of looking at it all. From amoeba to human beings you have become is an accepted fact by all the scientists, all right. But who has done this job? Have you done it? Have you done it? You are just human beings without doing any job about it. Maybe somebody has done it for you. Maybe. You're not aware of it. How did you become a human being from amoeba?
Without your knowledge, without any effort being put in, you just became human beings. So maybe there is a chance that you will become that human being, that computer which is working. By some method which you cannot do yourself. What man can do is to rationalise everything. Rationality he can think about it. But by thinking, Through this rational mind, which is limited, you cannot jump into something that is unlimited. So you cannot work out that process. But it's too much for human ego to accept that how is it we cannot do anything about God. We'll stand on our heads. We'll do everything.
We'll take Sanaa, we'll do this, we'll do that. Even we'll become naked. They think by becoming naked they'll get gone. All this is a mental process going on around. He's not going to achieve that. It is a hard job. It is spontaneous It is a spontaneous happening. Which is going to happen to many of you, not to all of you. Because some fishes came to the shore, not all of it. It's not needed.
Out of all the seeds, everybody is not going to germinate. And all those who germinate, all of them are not going to bear fruits. And all of the foods that they create, they are not all of them are not going to be ripened. Some of them and some of them and some of them, and ultimately you have the chosen ones who get it. So when we talk of spontaneity, still we should not talk of God because I do not want to bring in God unnecessarily. But this is happening. And We are very lucky people to be born in this great country. Already a lot of research has been done through meditation. And people have written about the mechanism that exists within us. The code that exists within us, which is applied to the maids and they call it asundalin.
Saha yoga is nothing but is a sahaja kundalini yo. There is no other way kundaliniyo. Kundalini yoke is always Saha. All the horrible things you hear about Kundalini is not kundalini yoke, is the anger of Sri Ganesha, or you can say the anger of Kundalini for doing all kinds of nonsensical things. Kundalini is your mother. He's with you every life you come. She knows all about. She is a residual power in the coccyx, in the triangular bone. She's waiting there for a moment when somebody who is authorised to do the job comes in. She raises herself, and you get the realisation.
You get that connection with the other. It is spontaneous. You cannot do it. First of all, you must know it acts. You can feel it. People like Shankara Cha have described. Of course, nobody reads these days, he really read Freud. That suits us better. We are modern people. We don't reach Ankara, but he has described the Chaitan.
This is what you must see. In the Kali there's one thing very great is that everything is already. Nobody has to write anything anymore about it. Already written what to expect. What is a holy person, how to recognise the person who is going to give you a realisation? What are the symbols. It's already written. But nobody reads. People have no time to read. Back it is the Saha yoga if you read Nanna, you read Kabi.
Uri Shankara Only Indians, so many, even if you go in the western side, you can see Christ. All of them have been saying the same thing. That you are to be born again. And that you have to be that personality in which you become one with kingdom of God. Even if you discard the whole lot of that. Still, I would say, what about parasympathetic nervous? The doctors cannot explain. Why in the human body? Acetylcholine and adrenaline, two chemicals, act differently. It's more surprising They cannot explain the mode of action.
The reason is there are some d sitting who decide. Another simple thing they cannot explain. That anything that foreign goes in the body. He's thrown out. is thrown away as a nature. wants everything to be thrown out of body, but when the foetus fixes, I mean enters or we can say the foetus when it is formed. Not only it is kept there, but it is also nurtured and looked after. And all the protection is rendered to that foetus who decides about it in the stamp. It is a lady sitting down there. There is a.
Otherwise it's not possible. Somebody sitting down there who is doing the job. But to believe into these things is very difficult. It is better to say that we don't know the mode of action. We don't know why we don't know this. But now it is for the scientists to open their heads now. And see that sign. Has not reached you to the completion or to the absolute knowledge. But Sajo can Because you become knowledge. The kundalini rises.
It comes up through different chakras. It doesn't give you any trouble. Don't read these horrid horror books on Kundalini. They're all horrid people. They're not authorised. To dust them Kundalini can only be reasoned by the holiest of holy personality. The ones who respect The womanhood, the motherhood, because she is the mother, those who insult the kundalini. Those who try to excite. Sex in the name of Kundalini. They are the greatest sinners, and they will be going to hell and no other.
At least in India we understand the value of motherhood. They are trying to put the sex. On the kundalini, which is your mother, would you like to do that? And then Sni Ganesha, who is looking after the protocol of the mother, gets annoyed and in that temper they develop those blisters and those horrible. Symptoms that they describe in their books and people are enamoured. Surprising. How can your mother be unkind to? How can she be? Troubling you, she is waiting for that moment. She doesn't require much.
Except that she wants you to be placed in the presence of a person who knows the job. Human beings are already sublimated people. You don't have to sublimate the sex. Actually, Kanini is placed much higher at the triangular boot. While the sex point is controlled by a centre which is much lower. I mean, any doctor can see this, that the residual consciousness is placed on the triangular bone. If it is, I can show you it's pulsating in your presence, I can show you, and thousands of them have seen here. There are many who have seen it pulsating. With your naked eyes, whether you are realised or not, you can see perfect. It pulsates.
You can see the rising. You can feel with the stethoscope of the rising of the kumali. And there is no symptom of any kind that is described in the horror books of Kundalini. They have no authority to talk on Kundalini. You have to be a holy personality. You cannot touch God. If you're drinking And using women And talking of God at the same breath, you are the greatest sinner. And such things will never be forgiven. Not by changing on your addresses. You have an authority to talk about God.
Everybody starts talking about God. What is their authority? They don't even have a grain of holiness in them. But at least they must have some wisdom to understand commit such sins. To go against the powers of God. To behave in this way. Nobody is going to forgive them. And those who follow such foolish people also must know that they are just following their own weaknesses. They are running after these people only because they have weaknesses for this kind of perversion in life. In the west, people have already done these things without having any gurus or leaders.
Here we have got very nice gurus who are also making money out of this. They are leaders in this, and today they are coming back to me that mother forgive us for what we have done. This is what A scientist has to understand. That holiness is a part of human beings. It is a part Because when we talk to our children, we do not like unholy things from our children. We will do ourselves secretly, but we don't want our children to be unholy. Why not? If you think unholiness is nothing wrong in it, why do you do that? For example, if we know something is poisonous, we tell our children not to take it. Even prostitutes want their children to lead a holy life.
Why? Because they understand from inside through their unconscious training that holiness is a part of human being. I don't say you have to be holiest of holy, but every human being has got a dharma. A sustaining. As you can see this gold, the gold has got a sustaining power. It will be called. Only when it is not tarnished. If it is, it is punishable, it is not bold anymore. In the same way, human being has got 10 dharmas, which he has to be there as a human being, otherwise he's a delinquent. Or he's a sick fellow.
On He's a That's the word. He's a devil He's not a human The human being must have those tests. Simple thing To be a human being. All these people have preached it. It's not that I'm preaching it for the first time, Mama. He taught not to drink. But in the Islamic I don't know what's wrong with them, but if you go to this Islamic country, they drink like fish. They make poetry or drinking. There's Umar Khayyam singing about. Drinking?
You just cannot imagine. Christ has said that don't go near the spirit. Don't worry about the past, about the dead. Don't use spirit for showing off your chamatkara. Don't use spirit. But in the west If you go, you'll be amazed in London where I live. I've seen every 3rd corner, you find the negative man being planted something and whatever remaining we exported from here. You are very good at exporting the greatest crooks of the world. It's a shameful thing, but we have done. And I say this They have cheated them, looted them.
And they say they know about God. They're going to give experiences. This is what it is. This is what Gore Kaliba. Where the ras are have taken birth today and are claiming And they are saying that we are the people in charge of religion. What religious thing they have done so far. How many people have got realisation from them? Only you go and see their powers, they have to give you powers. You are to be empowered. Your power, self must be manifested.
That is what it is written in all the scriptures Gita Bible. that There is nowhere written all these things that they will be doing. Your own power. Through the vibrations of Chaitanya. is not described only by Shankar. Everywhere, if you really go and search it out, this is being described. But people don't want reality. Perhaps they don't want the truth. They want some spectacular things. Is it Is it that you think that now in Kaga you can have a guru somewhere posted there and in charge of your all your sins and everything.
He's looking after you there and you do whatever you please. It's a very common thing. I'm surprised. See, I went to Singapore and there were some people who came to see me and they said, Mataje, we are in a very great mess. You must take us out of it. I said, what happened in Jakarta? We lost all our In Jakartasida in Jakarta we lost all our. Money because we were smuggling things and all the money smuggled whatever the textile smuggle are taken away by the government. I said, now what can I do about your smuggling habits? I don't understand.
But what about your guru? He said, our guru never said anything to us. Whatever we did We had smuggling. We were having drinking. We were having 10 wives here, 10 wives there, 15 women there. He never said to us. Only thing he said, you give us the purse, that's all. You give us the You do whatever you feel. You come and touch my feet. Thousands of people were away.
They will all go. The guru will be sitting on 7 ft high, and he will be going just to touch his feet or falling, then licking that dust. Because What is the guru doing? He's allowing you to do whatever you like. He's not giving you realisation. He's not interested in anything like that, but he's only interested in you. Even if they were interested only in parts, I said, all right, forget them. You see there are another cheats and smugglers that thank God nowadays with emergency they're being taught, but this kind of people, they are all right, forget them. But it's not so. If it were only that much, I would have been very much satisfied.
All right, forget them. These fools are being be fooled. It's all right. But it's not only that. But they spoil your kundalini. They have spoiled the line of thousands of people, and the chances of your realisation are very zero. I must say absolutely nil with so many people, absolutely nil. That isn't This forehead Of man matter. Has been created. In so many yoni and so many.
Lives it has passed through to create this human matter. It's a very great thing that a human being has here. It is not to be put to a man. Who is even lesser than you as far as the humanity is concerned. He lives on your arms. Will you accept a single pie? From me, if I say, all right, I'll give you, you, you, you please have your food. Will you take this beggar's position? Will you live on other people's money? You have bowed to false.
And this is what is not easily forgiven. I'm sorry, but you just can't do it. It is like as if in the Kundalini there's a very big wound which has been created. It is a fact. I'm telling you. I've seen thousands and thousands of people. It's the fact that this thing, if it has bowed to the wrong type of people, somehow God doesn't. One has to work very hard, but with some people, the Fundalini riser is just like this. The other time we had a big programme downstairs if you remember. We had Justice speaking to you, and he told you about his realisation, how he got it.
He said that I was just sitting in front of Matajee and two balls of ice as it came onto my hand and they started melting. And the peace and the bliss started flowing into my be, and since that day I always have that flow into me and the vibrations are. It He never lost it. He was there. He's a beautiful personality. Because that is the justice of anything. Such a person can exist anywhere. God recognises them and he grants to the small children, it works just like this. They are innocent people. With some physical problems we have, we have some mental problems.
We have some emotional problems. All right. The Pundalini rises, she first of all. Nourishes these beings within us. For example, she gives. Physical comfort, and that's how we have been able to cure cancer. We have definitely cured cancer. This I claim today and always I'll claim that we have, we have got somebody here who has been fully cured. That's why in here. That that we have not come, but we have here, but we are not interested.
Because first we have to make some doctors or surgeons. Let us prepare some people to be the doctors of God. Because once you say I cure cancer. They'll say go to the cancer hospital and cure. Why should I? God can always cure. Then By giving them 2 bus. First of all, let us have some doctors of surgery. So ask me for the real. Not for only physical.
There are so many like that at the time of Christ cause the same problem. All his disciples started bringing all the sick people, and he got so fed up of them. That's just a byproduct emotionally. Perhaps You have come for the first time, but people have seen many mad people we have cured emotionally. Tomorrow we are going to have a programme for curatives also in the morning time. We have cured mentally upset people, disturbed people, and very, very sick people. Who Violent But that's not our job. It's a byproduct. We have Just to say But If you are seeking the truth. If you are Really, genuinely.
Want to become one with that universal power of God. Then please ask for that first of all. Get that become a sakshi, become a wit which Krishna has preached that become the wit. I'm here. As your mother. Very great difference it is. You see, mother will scold you. She'll be angry sometime. But you know in your heart of hearts that she loves you very much. And she has tremendous patience for it.
And she thinks of only your Kaliana and of your mosa. For Sergio has to be at this time. Because yoga is already done. What is that? In the satega people start feeling God's divine love. They enter into the kingdom of God. How do you say that they have entered into the kingdom of God because their awareness has changed into love awareness in which they collectively can feel another person when the Kundalini rises, when you become realised, for example, this gentleman is sitting before me. I can feel what's wrong with him. Where is the problem? Even a child can see.
If he is a realised soul, now my grandchild, you won't believe. She's hardly I would say hardly born because she's not even one year old. But as soon as somebody comes with the problem, immediately she takes out the finger. Which is burning and people know that this is the thing and that is the thing. Supposing this finger is burning on the right hand side, if you ask that person, have you got stomach trouble? he says, yes, I have. Everybody will say this is the finger and this finger denotes on the right hand side is the solar test, the trouble in the solar test with little practise and you understand also where it is, then you know where it is on the liver. Of which If this finger is catchy, then you know in a woman, if it is, it's a uterus. Now what do you do in a now see here the. Question of God comes in.
Now you see this is catching. What do you do? You immediately know the uterus is something wrong. You ask the person, Is it wrong? Yes, you put your hand on the uterus. You give these vibrations. These vibrations are the synthesis of all the powers. The creative power. The existence power and evolutionary power. All these three powers combined together are in this.
So when they go to that part which is diseased, it gets cured. And the burning from the hand passes out. Immediately you feel all right. There's nothing wrong with the person. The person is all right, he's cut. Then people say, how can it be? It is. Now, how do you know that it's God? When you have vibrations. You put your hands and ask the question, Is there a God?
Immediately a flow of vibration starts. And You put the question. Just say what's wrong with these gentlemen. Immediately your fingers denote these fingers. I'm here to decode them. These fingers denote different sentences in your body. If you study them a little bit, you will know that this is the matter with this person. Now with a little bit like this, even you can cure that person. With the vibrations, if you put around the aura of the person like a paraboli, you can give protection to that. All absolute questions can be answered if you are a soul, otherwise you cannot answer.
But the basic problem was so far that all such realised souls were born at that height and the whole world was at that height. Yeah what are they talking they are turning their hands up. Because the vibrations are flowing and they are using manoeuvring their power. when he said anything, said anything. Nobody understood what he was talking about. Time has come for you to write. To a certain height to understand that beyond this there is awareness in which you start feeling him. That is how you enter into the kingdom of God. Where complete integration of your being takes place first. You get collectively conscious.
You get collectively conscious. Now I don't know how to put it in words that you understand the meaning. You become collectively conscious. You are not so far. For example, you can say, yes, yes, I know he's a nice man. How do you say? Oh yes, I know he he's all right. How do Supposing you go to a doctor, he said, All right, I'll have to do some pathological tests. I'll have to do this test, and then I'll find out. I'll take a, a surgery we can immediately say.
That this is the chakra which is called and this is the. You are on top of yourself. Which exist in your heart is first time. Now this is very important. The self which is manifesting its power without your consciousness comes into your consciousness. The vibrations are nothing but the manifestation of yourself, which is And self is the reflection of God. The whole complicated engineering, I've tried to make it simpler though whatever you may try, it doesn't become simpler because engineering of this day fan which is giving us comfort. Oh God, what a headache it is to explain. But to have the comfort. It's better Better to have it Then we'll talk about the engineering.
Complete. I'll teach you. Everything Uta ta ta ta ta. The last word on all the secrets I'm going to tell you. Nothing is going to get up, but first of all, you get your realisation. Be nice, children. As I always say, I've done the cooking for you. So if you are hungry, just have, but do not have academic interest. Academic interest will create all these books, good for nothing. Papa Pandura kaha.
No, no, no, no. If you have read too much also, it's a problem for Kundalini, you know, you have a conception of God also. You have conception of everything. It happened Once it happens to you. Then you see for yourself if it is so or not. Now the time has come. The blossom time has come. Many are going to get it, but many won't be coming to our joke I can tell. No, they won't. Because I'm ahasta.
They want a Babaji, a lady like a Babaji sitting here. She says you starve yourself for 10 days. Then you give all your money to me, of course that is 12, 2nd time you starve yourself, give your money to me. I'm a Babaji. I've given up my house, but I'm taking your money. I've given up my husband. All humble You are not to give up anything or to take anything. It's all myth. You have to be yourself. This is what Krishna tried to explain to us, but he didn't understand it.
At least you people understand. Wherever you are, you have to become yourself. That's all. You are not to give up anything or to take anything or to do anything absurd. I'm just like you because otherwise you would not listen to me. I'm a housewife. You know, I have a husband. I have children, I have grandchildren. So because you are my children too. And this is the thing men.
Ordinary normal married people or people who are householders, not for the Sanibaba, no. All this tomfoolery is not here. You are the greatest Because you have children, you have parents, you know how to balance life. You are very balanced people. And it is going to act only in you and not in these extremists. In India they call hago was run away from the societies. There are some big, big sayings, you see. They are claiming I'm this, I'm that about me. I said, What about you? Why don't you come?
Sitting in the Himala sitting somewhere in the south, one from the right to be, we know you have come and another one sitting down there in, he says the one sitting there all claiming about me, telling everybody who goes to that. Why don't you come down? They say, oh, we don't want to face them. They're not going to crucify you. They haven't got That kind of patience. Oh, they will take a chimpta and hit you hard. Cha chimp. He tells me also. They tell me also. It's a mother's job.
It's just a mother's job, and that's why it has to be a mother. As Indians, you're very lucky to have good mothers. And that's what a mother is. That she has to help you to get your realisation. It is like one light which is enlightened the deeper has to enlighten other deep, and then the another one that is enlightened has to enlighten another being. Let such Diwali be celebrated. It is your own power. It is your own thing. It is your own party. It is your own oil.
The only thing is that my light touches your light, you are enlightened, and then you enlighten us. And this light also connects the physical, the emotional, and the mental being within. All the conflicts are resolved and you become that. A detached so. Today has been an introductory. Lecture, I should say. I hope you have understood it. It's an invitation. You don't have to do anything. You don't have to worry.
There are some people who are writing articles after articles about all these horrid people, and they said we don't want to see Mataji because we are afraid of her. You're afraid of your mother. For a mother, nobody is a sinner. Is there any sin which is greater than my love? I don't think So please don't condemn your sources. Just with open mind, and it will work out. It has worked with many. It's going to work out with you. We'll have some meditation for a while. We'll see how much it works out.
There's nothing to be frightened of. It's a wonderful experience and but the only thing is after getting it, you must understand the mechanism behind it supposing today you don't get it, don't get worried. Maybe some physical problem is there. Maybe some emotional problem is there, maybe something. We'll work it out so far except for one person. He has been coming to me for the last 6 years. I have not been able to give him realisation, so he's a very large headed man. I'm sorry, but it is the only man exceptional I can tell. That I have not been able to give him realisation or he has not achieved, but he's the only exceptional case, otherwise everybody gets it. The only thing is that you have to.
stabilise. The stabilisation takes a little time, and that is what is important. It stabilises if you little bit practise the way of surgery. Faith is not needed, but also denial is not needed, so you just sit with an open mind. Just with an open mind, and it will work out. Now you should not worry what the Sahajoogis are going to do about it. They might touch your head because here it breaks out, you know that they may touch some of your chakras may, may not touch. They might give band to that. They will work it out. If something like this, those who do not know how to swim are getting drowned.
So those who know how to swim help the person to swim out. But the people who do not know how to swim. They have to keep quiet because they don't know, but once they're learning, they can teach others. It is like this. It is going to work out that way, and I hope all of you will have some experience tonight because I find the rate of realisation is going very fast. In the beginning, for 2 years, I worked very hard and only 12 people got realisation, and here I now find that just like this. While coming from Delhi, I met somebody from Madras, and he just came and touched my feet and he said, Matai, I'm so lucky. I'm on this plane. I was going to buy another plane. Can you give me your blessings?
I said, All right, come lock sit with me. And he got his relaxation within 5 minutes. 5 minutes. It can happen. If there are any questions, you better ask me because later on I don't want your Buddhi to trouble you. This is this, but don't ask foolish questions. You see this is a real thing. If you are genuinely interested, you have. Don't waste the time of others because there can be some negative people also just trying to waste our time. So don't waste it.
If there's a sensible question just because later on I don't want you people to feel that, oh, I didn't ask this question. I should have asked this question. There's no need to ask questions. The children don't ask any questions. They get it. But you, if you want, if I mean there's any problem, please ask, what are any problem that you have.