Interview 3 2000-09-11
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
11 September 2000
Villa Sassi, Turin (Italy)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
Press conference with a female journalist and two male journalists.
Guido to one journalist: Cosa vorrebbe sapere su Sahaja Yoga?
Shri Mataji: My family...
Guido: Your history...
Shri Mataji: I was born in India, at the time when the British were ruling us, and My father and mother both were very patriotic people, very well-educated, and I was born in a Protestant Christian family.
Then in My childhood what happened was that because of this patriotic feeling within Me also, in the college I studied there, and then there was, we had a called “Quit India Movement”, that My father was arrested, mother was arrested, and I took part in the youth of those people.
Q.: Le tecniche dello Yoga, invece, per quanto concerne questa tecnica...
Shri Mataji: That was much later. Because I did My medicine, studied medicine, and then when you see, I felt always from My very childhood, that I have got Myself self-realisation, what you can call enlightenment, so everybody should get it. And because of that happening, the whole world will change.
Other journalist: Qual è il messaggio del Sahaja Yoga e quali sono i benefici di questo...
Shri Mataji: The message of Sahaja Yoga is that human beings have to jump one more step, to become a realised soul, an enlightened personality, by which you solve all the world’s problems. Because all the problems that we have in this world, most of them, apart from the calamities, they come from human beings. But if they are enlightened, in the light of their Spirit, they’ll understand their value, they’ll understand the value of others, and the whole change will be there, lot of change will take place.
All the scriptures have said that you have to know yourself. But how do you know yourself is the problem, because you have to go inside. And for that there is already a power placed in our triangular bone. Now this power, which is called as Kundalini, is placed in the triangular bone called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew it’s a sacred bone. And this power, when it rises within us, is awakened, and passes through six centres, subtle centres, and pierces through the last centre, what we call as the fontanel bone area. That’s how you get the actualisation of your baptism. So, as a result of that, we do not react, because we become thoughtlessly aware. We become a witness of everything. And secondly we become collectively conscious.
J. : Thank you very much.
Shri Mataji: May God bless you. (They shake hands)
(The journalists receive their realisation)
Shri Mataji: You’ll start feeling the cool breeze on your fingertips, in your hands. This is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. All right? Are you feeling?
Female Interviewer: Yes.
Shri Mataji: It’s spontaneous, that is spontaneous, Sahaj. Now see on top of your head, yes. Here, here. Fontanel bone (She touches Her fontanel bone) which was a soft bone in your childhood. Ah. Little higher. Get it? Little higher, take your hand little higher, above. Higher.
They’ve got it. Now, put your right hand towards Me like that.
Got it! Alright? You too. It’s worked out. So spontaneous. Now you have to just know the centres that you have. They are, you can feel them on your fingertips, your centres. And you will know what’s wrong with you on the centres (She touches the fingers of Her hand).
It could be the left, on the left side are these five (fingers – centres), six (base of palm), and seven (centre of palm) centres. The right side are these five, six and seven. Seventh (centre of palm). (Shows base of palm of right hand) This is the first one.
Altogether there are seven, but this seventh (shows base of palm of right hand) is not above Kundalini, is below. This one, the first one.
Now. So you start seeing what’s wrong with you on your fingertips. Also you can give realisations to others. And you can also feel their problems on what centres they have. And these centres look after physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. Spiritual being. So physically you feel alright, your health is alright, it can cure cancer and many other such diseases, for no money at all.
Mentally – many people are psychologically upset, they can get the balance, they’re alright. They become very strong within.
And intelligence, which is running all over, stops, and you start seeing the truth. And the reality. If it happens to many people, then global problems are solved.
And media is very important. You perhaps don’t realise how great you are. What you can do to transform this world, to bring peace, and joy, and togetherness.
So enjoy your peace now, enjoy yourself. And we have a centre here, you can know everything. Is the absolute knowledge, absolute.
Interviewer: Chiunque può fare Sahaja Yoga?
Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, is for everyone! Everybody is in problem, everybody needs it! There are no boundaries. We have in South Africa, we have in Benin, where all the people are black, you know? We have seven thousand people in Benin. And Ivory Coast: the President of Ivory Coast is a sahaja yogi. In Eritrea also. So we have Sahaja Yoga everywhere now spreading, because everybody wants peace. Russia is the best. Thousands and thousands are there. Because of communism, they were thinking inside, they were going inside, they became very deep. While in democratic countries, see, they offer so many chances for us to get lost. We are free, but no real freedom. This is what is the problem of modern times.
And Sahaja Yoga was the need, need of the hour. Is predicted by many saints that this time will come, when so many people will get their self-realisation. That’s the solution for all our violence, for all our problems.
If they have to ask any questions...
Female journalist: Prima avete parlato del fatto che, con questa tecnica, si riesce a risolvere problemi di salute di un certo tipo, quindi anche malattie che per ora sono mortali. Ma siete riusciti a risolvere casi del genere... Dato che comunque la nostra televisione interessa soprattutto il Piemonte, siete riusciti a fare cose simili anche nella nostra regione?
Guido: Non so, Aldo, c’è stata qualche guarigione clamorosa?
Female journalist: Può parlare magari di un caso?
Guido: In Italia moltissimi. Tantissimi, sì. Casi di leucemia, problemi coronarici, linfatici... Una persona aveva un cancro al cervello, ecc. ecc.
Sahaja yogi: A Milano.
Aldo: Qua più che altro problema di dipendenze tipo alcool, droghe. Sahaja Yoga è proprio l’eliminazione di queste dipendenze.
(Guido tells Shri Mataji that the journalist asked about the diseases cured by Sahaja Yoga).
Shri Mataji: Many, many, thousands and thousands. I have one hospital in India, very big hospital, where we are getting people from all over the world for getting cured. So I mean, I cannot give you the list of things (we have cured).
Female journalist: Addirittura un ospedale?
Guido : Sì, sì”.
Shri Mataji: And you cannot pay for it.
Female journalist: Ah no?
Guido: Questo non si può comprare, perché non ha prezzo.
Shri Mataji: Only for their stay and food, that’s all. We have qualified doctors who have taken to Sahaja Yoga. Also in America, the National Institute of Health, N.I.H., has now accepted Sahaja Yoga. Even a person, a lay person, can know what’s wrong with another person.
In N.I.H. there was one doctor who wanted to test the sahaja yogis. He asked: “What’s wrong with me?”. He said: “Heart”. And he had a by-pass about a month back. On the fingertips. On fingertips (...) feel on the fingertips. Don’t have to go for the rigmarole (...).
We are having now in India in jail people are getting transformed, in the military, administrative system, in (senior?) administrative service, and bureaucrats – most difficult! And we also have with the people who are doing (...) units, taxation and all that, finance. Big use (...).
Q.: Fuori dall’India ha invece incontrato diffidenza?
Shri Mataji: Not Italians. Because they have a large heart. But Germans are dry, English are getting no end of themselves, so rather good but not much. So they are difficult.
Q.: Grazie.
Shri Mataji: Also about drug addiction, alcoholism, gets cured. Completely. And I bought a place for that in Italy. But so far we haven’t got the permissions.
Sahaja Yoga can definitely cure drug addiction and alcoholism. Can definitely cure. That is one of your great problems. Also cancer. Cancer is a very big problem. You have AIDS, but AIDS patients are very arrogant, and they won’t listen to anyone. And they think they are going for martyrdom. So impossible, you can’t manage them. Same with Alzheimer’s: they are very hot-tempered, they abuse you. Otherwise everything is alright.
Other interviewer: Che tipo di relazioni ci sono con le religioni?
Shri Mataji: You see, religions are just the same, every religions is the same. But people who have taken it over either they become money-oriented, power-oriented, they want land...and all kinds of problems. That’s not religion.
But religion gives you balance, the chakra here (touches Nabhi). Not to fight, not to have greed, lust – all that’s out of question. That’s why all religions have failed.
They have to take to reality, to the Absolute. Then it will work out. The problem in all these religions is that there’s a book for each, and the way they, the way they sort of interpret the books is difficult. And you cannot correct them also. So all kinds of complications are there. For example, in the Bible ...
(End of videotape)
Int.: I am in heaven now!
Shri Mataji (laughs): This is the paradise created by your Spirit, in the state of realisation. It makes you peaceful, joyful, wise, and enjoyable everything.
Int.: Without ego!
Shri Mataji: Without...?
Guido: Ego!
Shri Mataji: (laughing loudly)You don’t have.
Int.: No? Thank you!
Shri Mataji: You don’t have.
Int. : Finally one person that tells me I have not a ego.
Shri Mataji: Ah (laughs).