Interview 2

Interview 2 2000-09-11

Talk duration
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Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

11 September 2000


Villa Sassi, Turin (Italy)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

An interview made by a young journalist.

Question: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi è portatrice di un messaggio universale di profonda spiritualità. Negli anni ’70 Lei ha introdotto il Sahaja Yoga, oggi praticato in tutto il mondo. Di che cosa si tratta?

Shri Mataji: In English? Alright. Sahaja Yoga – Sahaja means ‘born with you’. Also it means ‘spontaneous’. And Yoga means the union with the Divine.

Q. : Qual è la differenza con lo Yoga tradizionale?

Shri Mataji: There is no difference. Because this traditional Yoga was done thousands of years back, when they first wanted to cleanse the body, then the mind, then the intellect, and ultimately they wanted to do Sahaja Yoga.

Q.: Sahaja Yoga, realizzazione del Sé, benessere ed equilibrio interiore.

Shri Mataji: Of course. It is so. It is for complete inner balance, for your peace of mind, also, the joy of your Spirit.

Q.: Qual è la missione di Shri Mataji?

Shri Mataji : To bring global peace by transforming human beings.

Q.: La Kundalini che cos’è?

Shri Mataji: It is a force within us, in the triangular bone, called as ‘sacrum’ – that means the Greeks knew it’s a sacred bone. And this energy is kept just like waiting for you to be awakened.

Q.: Perché è così importante?

Shri Mataji: Because you have to have your evolution. All our problems come from human beings, because they are not evolved, they are not enlightened. So, if they are enlightened, all these six enemies we have of anger, greed, all kinds of things that we do, violence and all that, will just drop out.

Moreover, moreover, in all the scriptures it is written “You know your Self, then you will know God”. So, how will you know your Self? You have to know your Spirit. Only through awakening you’ll know it.

Q.: Parlando ancora del Sahaja Yoga, è praticabile da tutti.

Shri Mataji:: Of course.

Q.: Ma come avviene, come viene praticato questo Yoga?

Shri Mataji: There is nothing to be practiced. It just happens in us (...). But only thing is people have problems on their centres through which it passes, so you have to just correct them, and you have to master the knowledge, which is absolute.

Q.: Come è nata la Sahaja Yoga?

Shri Mataji: See, when I was born, I knew I was enlightened, Myself. But I thought it should go to the collective. People should get it in a big way.

So I little bit, I should say, experimented with human beings, and I tried to find out what is the problem is. Then I worked out all the permutations and combinations of problems. And I found out a very easy method of giving self-realisation.

Q.: Shri Mataji è anche a Torino per portare un messaggio.

Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. Torino is a very artistic place and with people with very large heart, and I’m sure they’ll work out very well. All right?

Interviewer: Thank you very much.

Shri Mataji: May God bless you.

The young interviewer receives Realization.

Shri Mataji : (to Guido who raises the Kundalini of the girl and works on her) Put the left to the right.

Now. Very good. Are you feeling cool breeze? Ah. This is actualisation of baptism. Just happens. You yourself will become master. And you can create also. That’s how Sahaja Yoga is spreading in 86 countries.

Interviewer: Benissimo.

Shri Mataji: It’s your right to get it. It’s your evolutionary process, you see, last epitome of the evolutionary process. All right?

Interviewer: All right.

Shri Mataji: May God bless you.

Interviewer: Wonderful. Thank you very much.

Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. May God bless you (they shake their hands).

Villa Sassi, Torino (Italy)

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