QTV Interview

QTV Interview 1990-03-09

Talk duration
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi
Text Status
Transcript English – Draft

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

9 March 1990


Cairns (Australia)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Interview for QTV. Cairns, Queensland (Australia), 9 March 1990.

Part 1: QTV Program Behind the scene, Cairns

[ Preparation for the interview going on. Mataji talking to yogis, every body happy and enjoying. Some sections of part 2 is also included in this video.]

Part 2: 1990-0309 QTV Program On Shri Mataji, Cairns ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=86&v=dryz4Z_XbhU )

North Queensland today program.

Presenter: Hello! I am Mel O’Connor

Welcome North Queensland today where we look at who is doing what in North Queensland. There is yoga, the meditation way, wet weather driving tips, beach erosion and financial advice for women.

Her name is Shri Mataji. She came to Australia to explain her philosophy of self realization, a delightful lady who had worked with Mahatma Gandhi when she was very young and now she has a following in the [globe? UNCLEAR] . This is just a glimpse of this very unique lady.

[Shri Mataji’s voice in the background]

We cannot organise it. it is a living process, a living process of evolution. In the evolutionary process we have become human beings. Now, there is only one breakthrough left is that we have to become the spirit. Sahaja! “saha” means “with”, ja is “born”. So, with you is born the right for the yoga meaning to be united with the all pervading divine power. Once it happens to you then you become the spirit. Spirit is the source of joy, source of truth, source of love, so you become that just because your attention is enlightened by these qualities of the spirit. It works in so many ways that it cures people automatically by their own powers. It comforts them, releases their mental tensions and they become so dynamic; at the same time they are extremely compassionate. Then you develop a new awareness within you which is called as collective consciousness in which you start feeling another person on your finger tips. You can feel yourself on your fingertips. And if you know how to correct it, you have to transform all the problems that you have. Suddenly, you find you are a beautiful being, a very glorious thing that God has created.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Public Program Cairns Australia) 9th March 1990

[Sno Bonneau addressing the gathering]

Shri Mataji, the lady who has developed Sahaja yoga some twenty years ago and has been travelling world at the same time. She is coming to another wonderful event. She has brought into the traditions. She has actually come to Cains and she should be going to a couple of cities. She has actually come to Cairns and she is quite impressed not only with the actually beauty of Cairns itself but also with the quality people here; would like to comment you all on that.

[Stephen Taylor addressing the gathering]

You will be delighted to know really considering your population the response to message of Sahaja yoga, the message of Shri Mataji has been far greater here than anywhere else in Australia. There must be some reason. I think, it is partly due to the environment you live in, it probably is because of that environment.

[Shri Mataji arrives at the venue and is welcomed to the stage by the yogis]

Part 3: 1990-0309 QTV Interview, Version 1, Cairns, Australia ( https://youtu.be/WlclyvLxaIY )

Yogi: Mother is likely to talk about [Mahatma Gandhi ? not clear ]

Shri Mataji: Of course, would love to. I was with him when I was a child actually seven years old; Stayed on with him, I used to go back to school again go back to him. Very fond of me. He would consult me on certain points on spirituality sometimes. He recognised me alright. But, that was not the time to talk about spirituality when we were not free people.

[Yogis are setting up the room, mike / micro phone and getting ready for the interview. Mataji suggesting toped window, keeping plants, etc. Yogis talking about the weather; how warm it is during that time.]

Yogi: What you think of Cairns? Would you like to come and live here?

Shri Mataji: It is a paradise; It is a surprise to me. I never expected such a beautiful place existed.

Yogi: Have you come here before?

Shri Mataji: Never, never before.

Yogi: And you are here only till when.. tomorrow?

Shri Mataji: Yes

Yogi: Not long enough. You must come back. Even just have a look. Don’t talk to anybody

Shri Mataji laughs.

[Interview starts here]

Yogi: Could you tell us about Sahaja Yoga? What is it?

Shri Mataji: Sahaja! “Saha” means “with”, “ja” is “born”. So with you is born the right for the yoga meaning to be united with the all pervading divine power.

Yogi: How is this supplied?

Shri Mataji: Supplied.. because it is all innately built within you, the mechanism, the subtle mechanism is there. You got a residual energy in your triangular bone which is called as sacrum, sacrum means sacred and from this triangular bone it rises, emerges out and passes through six subtle centres, when it is awakened and pierces through your fontanelle bone area giving you the actualisation of baptism. It is actualisation. You can feel the cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area and also you feel this all pervading power on your central nervous system means on your finger tips; you can feel the cool breeze.

Yogi: How then do you people enjoy Sahaja yoga? Is it taught to them?

Shri Mataji: No; because once this happens to you then you become the spirit and the spirit is the source of joy, source of truth, source of love. So, you become that, just become, your attention is enlightened by these qualities of the spirit.

Yogi: You have lectures which explains this?

Shri Mataji: First I explained to them what it is. I tell them that they should keep an open eye, open mind like a scientist because this is a hypothesis and if it is proved then we must believe that there is this all pervading power. It works in so many ways that it cures people automatically by their own powers, it comforts them, releases their mental tensions and they become so dynamic and at the same time they are extremely compassionate and very beautiful. I went to Russia and you won’t believe that the Germans came to give them realisation. That was very touching for me to see that Germans felt such as need to come down to Russians and to help them out. So, this is how we are going to emancipate human beings by giving them this transformation because then you develop a new awareness within you which is called as collective consciousness in which you start feeling another person on your fingertips. You can feel yourself on your finger tips and if you know how to correct it, you have to transform all the problems that you have. Suddenly you find you are a very beautiful being, a very glorious thing that God has created.

Yogi: Is Sahaja Yoga a religion or an organisation?

Shri Mataji: You cannot organise it; it is a living process, the living process of evolution, in the evolutionary process we have become human being; now, there is only one breakthrough left that is we have to become the spirit. Once we become the spirit, we know the absolute truth; in that we do not then have to argue or to discuss about it. It just works out, it just works out and everybody knows that this is the truth. So, all these theories which are argumentative finish off. This cannot be a thing that can be organised; it is a living process. But, also it is not a religion as such because these outside religions have created lots of problems because they are man made. But, within us lies our valency which are ten valencies we have and when they are enlightened we absolutely become righteous. We don’t do wrong things, we become saints.

Yogi: Do you is a part of philosophy the physical yoga or more on meditation more meditation than physical yoga?

Shri Mataji: These physical thing is something has come; I don’t know from where because if you see the Patanjali yoga which was hatha yoga was not only concerned with just the exercises. Exercises have to be done even in Sahaja yoga when you get your realisation if there is any physical problem on any particular centre. But the way people are doing is kind of hatha yoga so called.. they are really taking all the medicines indiscriminately. There is a science about it. You can’t just do it that way.

Yogi: How did you become involved?

Shri Mataji: I was born like this. I knew I was something more on the divinity side and I have to work it out for others. The problem was that if I work on one person or only one or two persons will be self realised.. time had come that we should have amass realisation. So, I worked on all the permutations or combinations of human beings, what is the problem they have in a very subtle way and then I found out the method. And that is how the seventh chakra as they call it was opened out. I started this work of amass realisation.

Yogi: When you were young, you met and I believe worked with Mahatma Gandhi. Could you tell us about some images that you can remember of those days?

Shri Mataji: Ya.. Mahatma Gandhi, I met him when I was just seven years of age I think. We were 11 brothers and sisters. So he said what about the [ steve? UNCLEAR ], what are you going to do? Then my father said all for the country, nation’s work, that is why they are here. Then he said, alright, I will pick up this child. He just took me in and I was with him. He was a very strict disciplinarian about himself and about others. But, with children he was very sweet and very kind. Only children could manage him. When he was angry for something only children could see him and talk to him and he would be very sweet. He used to call me “Nepali” because according to him my face resemble more to Nepal. So, he used to call me “Nepali”. And also, he realised that I had spiritual powers or something. So, always used to consult me when he wrote down his bhajana or here as they call it the hymns. I told him to write it according to the centres and he did it so well. So, I mean in so many ways he was absolutely a spiritual personality, but he could not express it at that time to that extend because we were not free people. He said first we have to have our freedom. Unless and until we have our freedom we can’t talk about it. Always he tried to integrate all the religions and talk things about it. But he also didn’t believe in man made religions.

Yogi: If I could ask, do you see the world attaining that? Do you think the world will be at peace?

Shri Mataji: Yes, if they get their transformation. Then, you become the spirit. Spirit is your peace. You become a very peaceful personality. Only talking about peace you cannot achieve it. I have known people who talk of foundation of peace, but they are not in peace with themselves. Only by realisation you can achieve it. Once you are realised the peace can go. There is no need to have any violence at all. Because those people who are violent also are appeased by your temperament, by your kindness and by your love. You can manage it very well.

Yogi: Thank you very much indeed for your time.

Shri Mataji: Thank you.

Yogi: It is a whole spectrum isn’t it? It is beautiful indeed. Thank you very much indeed for your time. Really appreciate it.

[Interview ends here]

Shri Mataji: Thank you. See, if this happens this awareness expansion, we can solve most of our problems. Most of our problems are because of human beings. All these ethnic problems are there and then you have problems of this ecological problems .. all of them can be solved. It is very simple. See because you become very satisfied. Don’t produce so many things. You live very happily. Formerly, we never used to have so many things in the household also. Now, so much of plastic, so much of this.. It is not needed.

[Mataji being escorted to the another room to meet and talk with yogis]

Cairns (Australia)

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