You all have to become Sufis

You all have to become Sufis 2002-04-23

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Public Program
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Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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23 April 2002

You All Have To Become Sufis

Public Program

Lütfi Kirdar Congress Palace, Istanbul (Turkey)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Public Program Lütfi Kırdar Congress Palace, Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2002,

I bow to all the seekers of Truth. I’m very happy to see you all here to know about the Truth. Whatever is told about your subtle being is not yet known, because [UNCLEAR] in your awareness you don’t have yet that subtleness. That’s the last, the jump into your awareness of collectivity. I must tell you... I must tell you that in this country, that is Turkey, you had so many Sufis. They called themselves Sufis because they were cleaned and they were spiritually endowed. They talked of Ruh (spirit) but nobody knew about Ruh and when they talked of Ruh they did not know how to explain – they talked of Ruhani life, but they could not explain what is Ruhani (spiritual) life. Ruhani is the life when you are connected with the all-pervading power of Divine love. It is a different area into which you enter. Because they could not explain, they wrote everything beautifully, describing it. But now the time has come for you to get your Ruhani life. Which is a very important thing, because if you are not connected to the divine power, whatever you may try, whatever how so ever you will pray, how much you will read Kuran, it won’t help. Human life is governed with jealousy, with temper, with all kinds of malignant things. And we can see all over the world the problems are just spreading. Once they will get into Ruhani life, they will realize that the whole world is one, there is a global existence. What happens that you jump into the sea, ocean of Love, of pure Love, no lust, no greed, nothing. That’s has to happen because if we are born as human beings, we must get Ruhani life, for which you cannot pay, you cannot read it, you cannot understand it with your human awareness. So, you have to enter into a new dimension of your awareness. Nobody understood the Sufis and they just tortured them, because they were so different, so much higher. Others could not bear it. And today, that is going on, people are fighting all over the world. So this is the life of pure Love; but not forced, not taught is just within you, already existing. You do not know your worth, you do not know what you have. All the saints came here, incarnations came here, prophets came here, nobody understood them. They only killed them because majority of the people were not Ruhani. So, all such ignorant people could not bear the knowledge, the divine knowledge of these great people. Now the time has come for the whole world to become one and to jump into the sea of Love. Which is very, very simple, it is very easy. As I told you, we have already that power, placed in the triangular bone of sacrum within us by our Creator, which is to be awakened. And once it is awakened, it passes through your centers and cleanses them, enlightens them, and integrates them. And ultimately, this Kundalini connects you to the divine power. This is what is Miraj (ascension) as described in the Qur’an. And all of you can get this Miraj (ascension) and once you get it you can experiment and get it on your finger tips the cool breeze all the surrounding the whole this aura you can call power of Love. You can feel it on the fingertips. That is the proof. There is no false certificate about it. And ultimately, you can also get it coming out of your fontanel bone area. This is the last bone which was pulsating as a child, and then it closed. But when the Kundalini pierces through that, then only you can feel the connection as cool breeze coming out of your own being. You have shown so much faith in God, so much faith in Kuran, so much faith in Islam, but you have to surrender, Islam means to surrender, and then you can achieve this awareness, this higher awareness of divinity within you. After getting these vibrations also, you can develop a power to know what is wrong within you, within your chakras. and also you can make out what is wrong with others. That is how your awareness expands, expands to the new dimension of Ruhani. You all have to become Sufis. But now do not write poetry, because people do not understand poetry. They misinterpret. I can also write poetry, but I don`t want because I want you to know directly what is the Truth. Now I must tell you one thing: you have a well-named country called France; among all the European countries, they are the most idiotic people I’ve seen. Extremely dirty, they like to have smelling food smelling everything and drink all the time. And they eat such varied cheese, I mean I don’t know how they could eat, even dogs do not. And they talk about culture. And they are so immoral. There are eleven countries in South Africa. Benin is one of them and they all have become Muslims. I asked them: “why did you become Muslims and not Christians like these?”. They said our rulers, they are horrible people who were so dirty, so filthy and smelled. So many people tried to... There is a writer called Molière who told them, made fun of them. And there is a beautiful booklet, [UNCLEAR] written by another writer, who has shown how stupid they are. They have to learn [UNCLEAR] from you. You are so different, you are so capable. I mean I must say you are such a sensible, lovely people; but keep to your sense, keep to your intelligence. I am telling you about French because nowadays they are trying to influence you, also your television. Be careful. They do not know what Ruh is. God knows what sort of Christianity is that, just the opposite of Christ. So please try to keep to your own culture and to your understanding. And you can get your Realization in no time. I came to Turkey, because if you remember Christ’s Mother also came here. And I know why she came here; because the people are extremely good and so many Sufis. It is such a joyful place. I think you all will get your Realization, no doubt. Those of course who do not want can go. It's a very very simple thing. In the meanwhile, I would like you to ask me some questions.

Question: Mevlana (Rumi) has a saying. Mevlana says, if I reveal the secret, either I will burn or people will burn, everyone will burn.

What he said is true. that was the time that because not aware. What he said is truth because people don’t understand what is reality, they can’t believe like that, they crucified Christ, they tortured Muhammed Sahab, they tortured everybody.

Interpreter: He's saying about the love,

Rumi has spoken and he was just thanking you. All right. Thank you, thank you very much. I am not afraid. They can burn me, I don`t care.

Interpreter: You said that French are not [UNCLEAR]

Does that mean the whole of the French people?

No, no, there are exceptions, of course, there are many exceptions, no doubt, that's how I came to normal.

Interpreter: She is doing Reiki and she doing together with Sahaja Yoga another Reiki.

Please, I would say, don’t do it.

Interpreter: Why it doesn't go, Reiki and Sahaja Yoga why it doesn't go together?

Because I have seen people who do that, get sick, There is no science behind it. You must know what for you understand, not blind for it.

Interpreter: What about there after death?

That's mean discuss that death, you're very young, goes in process.

Interpreter: Do you think about it.


Interpreter: What is the cause of lying, why do people lie?

Because they don't know the truth. What only the strength the power of truth.

Interpreter: Is this the basis of yoga, is the power of thoughts.

No, no, no. Beyond thinking you go, that will not be dangerous on you You go beyond thinking.

Interpreter:How, how we go beyond thinking?

With the Kundalini, it takes you there.

Interpreter: Is it the power which awakens, the Kundalini, is it the power of thinking

No, It is all pervading power, first you get your realization instead of talking this matter.

Interpreter: Could you explain the meaning of bindi?

It is in India, we put all married women, alright?

Interpreter: We heard that people wash your feet and drink the water from your feet and why the people bow in front of you? Is it true?

All false.

Interpreter: Is this a sect?

Sect for what?

Interpreter: People are bow front on you, is this a sect?

People wants to bow, what can I do?

Interpreter: How can people understand your value, your worth?

First you get your self realization, you will know yourself then, you don't know yourself, how can know me?

Interpreter: For what reason have you started that mission?

Don’t you think you need peace?

Interpreter: The question is, the sufi's don't have realization from the prophet, where did you get your realization from and do you see yourself as a prophet?

Don't worry about me.

Interpreter: I beleive in Yoga and I want to do know that, I beleive that in the country where the yoga is most needed right now is Israel. What do you think about this?

You can't help them, historically they are stupid.

Interpreter: She is inviting you to Ankara next year.

Very nice, thanks [UNCLEAR] thank you very much.

Interpreter: How does our past life affect the rise of the Kundalini?

There is an effects no doubt. but we can work it out, but you dont have to worry about past, we have to think about present.

Interpreter: we have some physical world problems and he is asking that it would be dangerous for his Kundalini to rise, why there is this physical health problems.

About cleaning the body, does he have to clean the body before the having the realization. Not necessarily, but people do it, good.

Interpreter: He is asking if we can have are self-realization?

Of course.

Interpreter: Just, there is one question,

Most of them [UNCLEAR] one has to have realization.

Interpreter: Every messenger has to face next goal what do you ... what is your next, next to goal, do you see yourself as a prophet?

You don't have to find out about me, you have to find out yourself

Interpreter: He is asking that do you think those sufis had their Kundalini awaken

Most of them had.

Interpreter: and he says that most of them is not succeeded in save the humans. They were tortured, how do you think [UNCLEAR] the humanity?

People are so bad and so cruelly, and they always torture the good people. What is humanity now.

Interpreter: What is the difference between Kundalini and Prana?

You get your realization you will know. Do you want your realization or not ?

Interpreter: Can we shut down these (air conditoners)

In Quran, Muhammed Sahap has said, at the time of resurrection, your hands will speak. This is the Ruh. If they don't speak, the something is wrong. Please close your eyes, there is no mesmering that is going on. Dont worry about me, worry about yourself. Put the hands to me like you do in Namaz. (Shri Mataji:blowing towards to microphone) Now see, there is cool breeze [UNCLEAR]. it could be also hot. Doesnt matter, it will cool down. Now put your right hand to top of your head, above the fontenella bone area, hot or cool breeze, see for yourself There is a cool breeze coming out of your head [UNCLEAR] If it is hot also, doesn’t matter, but it should be cool after sometime it will become cool. for which you have to meditate. They will teach you how to do it. There are many centers luckily here. Again put your hands towards me, like this, like this. like this. All those who have felt the cool breeze on the fingertips or on their palm or out of the head, can raise your hands. You don't have to pay as your not get anything for the realization You don't have to pay anything. Gradually you learn everything on your fingertips If you have any problems, let it down and lets [UNCLEAR]

Thank you very much, I love you very much.

Lütfi Kirdar Congress Palace, Istanbul (Türkiye)

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