Sahaja Yoga Corrects Whatever Is Missing in You

Sahaja Yoga Corrects Whatever Is Missing in You 1978-09-18

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Public Program
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Transcript (English) – Draft

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18 September 1978

Sahaja Yoga Corrects Whatever Is Missing In You

Public Program

Caxton Hall, London (England)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Born realised ... this is catching up from other people, they have to suffer a lot.

Please come in front.

Let all these people come forward.

Rustom, just see the vishuddhi, just take a little.... on the vishuddhi. Born realised ...just on the vishuddhi, at the back ....jut put it, give a bandhan, born realised.


Born realised, .....what’s your name?

Ah ha, that’s it? Very good name you have got, a sweet name.

Give a bandhan,.... vibrations are coming. Cool.

Everytime we have some people who are new, for the first time, I have to, i have to restart the whole thing again and give a sort of an introduction to you about Kundalini.

As a scientist or as a scientific mind or as a modern personality, I would request you to have an open mind, to begin with. You may have here, come with your conditionings, your brainwashing, all sorts of things, but have an open mind. First of all it is essential. If you do not have an open mind, nobody can help you, first thing.

Secondly, whatever I am telling you, you don't have to believe me.There is no need at all to believe me blindly. Of course, blind faith is against Sahaja Yoga, absolutely against. Without experiencing it, you are not to believe me, that is second condition.

And the third one is that it is just a hypothesis for you people who have not seen Sahaja Yoga as an experience. It is just a hypothesis as you have in the science of say hypothesis. Or some hypothesis of that kind. And then the hypothesis is to be established, is to be experimented, is to be felt, and then to be believed in. Then it becomes a law for you.

Sahaja yoga is not like a toothpaste I give you, just advertising, and all sort of rigmaroles. There is no advertisement needed for this, of showing off and doing all kinds of nonsensical things. It’s absolutely complete sense and wisdom. It has to happen to you,it has to work out in you, it has to transform you, it has to give you the power that you have.

The key is your own, the power is your own. Only thing is, what I do is to just pour a little water of my love on your seed, of germination. The germinating power is within you. It is like just one, enlightened candle, which enlightens other candles. But if you are not a candle, if you are just a superficial person or somebody the other day said,” I have come as an observer.” I had asked him who has appointed you as an observer here, self appointed?

With all these funny ideas if you are here I would request you to go away. This is the place for seekers only. Because I do not want any money, I do not want anything from you, you can not give me anything, take it from me. I am here to tell you the truth. If you are willing to accept it, please come, otherwise there is no place for such people, don't feel bad. If you think you have found out something, you better be satisfied with it. If you think you have not, if you are honest about it, then I am here to help you day and night, but as a mother I have to tell you the truth, I cannot tell you falsehood because I am not to gain anything out of you. I want you to gain, for a change.

So many people have gained out of religion, out of their disciples, out of this, out of that. Now the time has come for you, the real, true seekers, to find it and taste it. Are you real seekers or not, the first question you ask yourself. Or are you a satisfied ,with small little nonsensical ideas of ego pampering, or subconscious bindings on you of some spirits that is going to help you.

You have to be absolutely free to come here. In all your freedom you should choose to come here and secondly you should achieve your complete freedom within yourself. This is what I have to do. If you want that, if you want to know your own self and to know your blissful state and if you want to achieve what you have been asking for and your own fulfillment of your own being, then I would request all of you to be, because I really love you all. But in my love I do not want to tell you that is whatever is not true, because my own self cannot compromise with falsehood. I am sorry I cannot, I can not allow my children to suffer any more. They have suffered quite a lot .

So those who have come here, I have to make a very humble request, that keep your mind absolutely open, treat it as a hypothesis. Now, whatever I am saying has been proved to at least 50% people who are here and so many others in various places, wherever we have our programs. But to you it has not been proved alright, if not today, it may be proved tomorrow.

You have to have patience with yourself. Nothing wrong with Sahaja yoga. It works instantaneously, just like this. It has worked with many, I can give you names of very, many respectable people in India. It has worked just like that. But with some people it does not, it takes time.The mistake may not be yours, may be your parents, may be your conditionings, may be your society, may be wrong gurus, may be anything. But it does not work with some people. It does not mean something wrong with Sahaja yoga. No, the receptacle has to be corrected. That also is done through Sahaja yoga. Sahaja yoga corrects, it corrects you, it corrects whatever is missing in you, it works out every way that is needed to fulfill itself into you..... I would say even if there is a stone, it makes it into a pitcher and the Ganges flows into it. The Ganges itself flows into the stone.The hard stone makes it into a pitcher and face it, it works day and night, all the time 24 hours, which is ....but you have to be very open minded. Don't jump into any conclusions.

You have already done mistakes by jumping into conclusions and do not judge anybody by superficial things, by superficial appearances. Never judge anybody by their superficial things, but get it deeply into yourself and last of all respect yourself. You have to respect yourself.and know that you are not meant for superficial things.but you are meant for a very deep, loving, eternal life. that you have to have it.

Do not sell yourself for cheap things and do not think that you can purchase spirituality and God in the market. Those who take even a single pie from you, throw them away, whatever they may call themselves, throw them away. You cannot sell God. This is the biggest sin that people have been committing, living on other people's money.

This is a business proposition.They think they can move God into something that they have. They cannot. Only one thing, that is love. Love for God, desire for him, earnest desire to receive him can grant you this.

I know there are problems. There are problems, I understand. Do not denounce yourself for that, you are not to feel guilty about it. You are not to feel unhappy about it. No, sometimes it happens that when I say all these things, you should not jump into any guilt. It is very common in this western style of life to build up some guilt. There is no sin above God. God can forgive all your sins. Only you have to desire it. There is no sin that cannot be engulfed into the compassion of love of God.

Take it from me, everything can be finished off, but remember that you have to ask for it. You have to desire it, you have to just ask for it. Because it has its own protocol, it is not seeking election. It is not running after you, asking for votes. But it is you who has to seek it, and then it works. It works.

We have had people of all kinds, in this London specially, because it is a very cosmopolitan place, and it is one of the God’s chosen places. I must say it’s a very wonderful place, no doubt. But also wherever I find there is good, there is divine, also the satanic also come with a complete force to attack. This has happened in all the good places.

Say Banaras,, one of the worst possible, unholiest people gathered there. All of them chosen ones, all the thugs, and all the prisoners, and all those who are released from their societies and the worst possible people who have settled in Banaras. Go to Haridwar, go to Mathura. In Mathura you will find all the satanics have taken the form of those pandas. If I look at them, you people will run away. They will shun God, they will shun all religious things, the way people are, the way sometimes the priests are, people can not have faith in God. I can quite understand.

I know these are the problems created by human beings who have used religion and God for their own purpose. They have insulted God, they have insulted the truth, they have misused it. But should you deny it for that or you should be denied for that? Forget it, forget it. Remembering that is very unhappy episode. Forget all that.

Now at the present moment you are here, you are seeking.That's the point. And at this time I have to tell you about Sahaja yoga. Sahaja yoga is a simple method by which you just become the subject. Like, as I have many a times told you, that subjectivity is the knowledge which is just like when you come inside the room and I put on the light, you know the whole place. While in darkness. if you walk in, you start groping, one by one, different things that are placed in the room. So when you enter you think that the table is the room, then you think the flower pot is the room, then you think, then you think the flower is the room. But if I put on the light, you see the whole thing, that is enlightenment. You should be able to see within yourself. You should know what you are. You should feel all your chakras. You should feel the chakras of everybody else, you should be able to correct and you have to use the collective consciousness which becomes one with it, with the light.

Another simile I can explain to you what is collective consciousness. As in a necklace there is a movement of one string, but it has many pearls. Or you can say many beads. In the same way you are many beads. Inside you there is one string. When your attention is outside you think you are all different. But once you jump your attention onto that string, you can move into everyone.

Another practical example this could be, supposing you are going on a very busy road and there is darkness everywhere, there is no light, you cannot see any light. So you are bumping into this car, you are bumping into that car. You cannot see the collective problems there at all. But you have your eyes now. Supposing they are like torch light, you can see them. So you can see. Not only you can see how to go but you can tell others how to move.and also in Sahaja Yoga you can also give them that light by which they see and do not bump into others. It is very important to realize that you are not a low but a part and parcel of a very big primordial being. This is very important to understand.

And once yourself, you as a cell, a small being, you become one with the whole, then you become that dynamic personality. It is very important. Absolutely, it is so vital for human life,.that we all should realize that position where we become one with the whole.

But we are developed otherwise, we do not reconcile to anything. We think our society is hopeless. Alright, then what are you doing? Get out of that society. What do I care? Let the society go to hell, let the family go to hell. Let father-mother go to hell. Let the children go to hell. I am on my own. What's wrong?

You are not on your own, you are not. You are sadly mistaken. Your parents are within you.Your society is within you. All your past is within you. All your future is within you.You are a part and parcel of all that is around. But when you become on your own, you start behaving like a cancer cell, a cancerous cell, which you call as a malignant cell, acts on its own. It becomes malignant, acting on its own. It touches any cell that also becomes. one arrogant man says what is wrong in this? I’ll kick out this, I’ill kick out that. What's wrong? I'm on my own. So another becomes “on my own” and on my own the whole society becomes malignant. Nobody knows where you stand, you are so insecure about it.

But it can be changed. The same, same cell when it discovers- no I'm a part of the whole and i play a very dynamic role as a whole. When i become alerted and when I become awakened and I become a part of that big being, that primordial being. I may become a cell of the brain.or may be a cell in the heart which are awakened parts of the body and then he feels the dynamic flowing through him and he enjoys the flow of that divine love. And he sees how it works.

Can you think of any energy that not only loves but coordinates, operates and every minutest particle, everywhere it enters. The whole thing sounds very fantastic but should not. In all the scriptures it is being described. Only I'm here to convince you of that.

Of course, all these people didn't have such nice halls where they could address, but nobody understood them. They thought that these people are talking from somewhere, where they do not know what sort of a people they are addressing to, or they do not know where they stand. There was no record, there was no understanding, there was no communication between all these creative incarnations who have come, all these great people have come and the real gurus who have come, real. I am again saying, a hundred times real.

Most of them disappeared in the jungles.

So we misunderstood. That time when they lived and talked, we crucified them. We crucified all of them. But one by one, whether we killed them by poisoning, Mohammad sahab was poisoned. Christ was crucified, there was no incarnation who could live without battling with the people. I have to also battle, people don't like the truth. I have to tell them - oh you are really good, go ahead. Bass, the only thing is you give me your money. I am only interested in your purse, that's it.

Go ahead with whatever you are doing perfectly alright, suits me alright. Give me your money. Or secondly, the satanic words that you destroy yourself completely. It is not the way of God.

God's ways are fulfilling. Whatever is said has to be proved. Now is to be also shown what is the relationship of all these incarnations. Nobody can just come up and say, “I am such and such big man and I'm this.” What is your relationship with others? Where do they stand? Where are they? And this all to be proved within ourselves.

It can be proved through Sahaja, which i will tell you gradually as how we see it. But you cannot get in one sitting, Sahaja yoga. I must tell you it is, it is, it happens instantly, for many people. You get it, it is like instant coffee. When the kundalini rises it touches the Sahastrara because it sees me. All right? She works it out. But again you go down. It has to be steadied and settled down. It has to repair, it repairs. But gradually you do it, two, three sittings, some people only one is sufficient. It's a living process.

Living process,.one must understand. It is not a process of some sort of a mechanical stuff. It is living and living processes as you have seen, takes its own time. Can you say when will the flowers, this particular flower will become, at what exactly, at what time, will it become a fruit.

You don't even see the flowers coming up, you don't even see it’s blooming. You don't even see how it becomes a fruit and it does.It's a living process, and living process does not show.

Have you seen the trees dancing suddenly because the flowers are going to come, except for the poets who just think like that.They do not know. It is an inert thing that happens, nothing outside. Outside is superficial. It is inside, the happening is inside.

You may not even feel the slightest thing moving, even the slightest thing moving, if you are such a smooth personality. The smoother is the mechanism of an aircraft, the smoother is the landing and the take off. In the same way, in certain people, for children I have seen it, the kundalini rises just and they are just there. But you do feel the vibrations in your hand, the cool breeze. You do feel the thoughtless awareness. And later on when you start seeing it, the movement, in the movement, you see.

Now you move your hand like this, you can see that you are definitely doing something to the other person. Because the vibrations are flowing from you and you are giving a protection to his aura, just like this. By movement of your hand you can give them a balance. And like this we have definitely cured not only diabetes, but also cancer and we are the people who are going to cure the cancer. Try everything else, but you have to come to Sahaja. God is not free to treat people who just come to test us; he can create so many, he can recreate. He is not bothered. He is only bothered about people who really respect and honour and who are honest and who are not living with something cheap.

It's a play, it's a playful thing. It is not a serious thing for a person who has achieved it. It is just a play, it moves like a play only, it’s nothing serious. But for those who have not achieved, they should not think that it’s something light or something cheap. Now when some of the, now Sahaja yogis move their hands, I have seen people have an objection for that. I am quite surprised.

If the kundalini has to be risen you have to move the hand. You can see with your naked eyes. I can show you the movement of the kundalini. You can see with your naked eyes, the pulsation of the movement. And the pulsation and the movement in the kundalini, in the spinal cord. I can show you at the triangular bone, when it pulsates for the first time. Everything, whatever I am telling you, we can show you. How it moves, how it goes to a particular place, why does it treat. We have definitely cured. I have seen now here so many people are saying, uh.

The other day a lady came to me saying that certain, certain person is my guru .I said at least you should keep your heart alright. You have a heart attack, say ten times, you are getting a heart attack, why are you keeping that guru for? What is speciality about this gentleman? Why are you paying him? Like a sustaining some, somebody, uh in the west, you have in the farm houses. You see somebody is there now, an old man living there, we have to sustain him. So sending some money to him..Why are you sending every month some money to the fellow? He can't even look after your heart? What's the use of having such a guru? And what has he done to you, except for giving you a heart.

Not that you get cured, but you can cure others. Not that you feel blissful, but you can give others that bliss and that is what is needed today at this time.

At this precarious time you'll see is, transformation of man is needed. Nothing else but transformation is going to change. Everything that is so complicated you find which you human beings have done. God is not responsible. Transformation is needed and that’s only possible through inner awakening and the inner breaking through into that universal unconsciousness. Not by these patchworks here and there and all kinds of nonsensical things.

Definite transformation within yourself is going to work it out. And all of you have to transform .Every seed has to become the tree and ultimately the fruit, the blossom time has come. Good chance for everyone to be that. That is to be sought, that is to be asked for.

All your political problems. economic problems, all these family problems and society problems will be changed the moment you are transformed. It is you who are carrying the seed of the wrong. Once the whole thing changes within you, outside, everything changes.That transformation is to be asked for if you have to save this humanity. Do not divert your attention to something else. Like somebody suddenly got up and said what will we do now in Vietnam? Now are you incharge of Vietnam?

You are in charge of you, you are responsible for you. What have you done about yourself? Have you been able to find out what you are? You are so much worried about how to go to the moon and all those things. Have you found out what you are? What is your self? What is God's relationship with you? Is there any God or not? Have you been able to find out?

That’s only possible through meditation.

No scientific research or anything can take you there.Take it from me, because it is too subtle. It is a subtle energy, whole thing, very subtle and you have to also become subtle to achieve that. With your gross identifications you cannot achieve that. You have to be a subtle being, to be that subtle, to be one with that, you have to do. Otherwise you cannot be dissolved into it.

With science how far can you go? With rationality how far can you go? It’s all limited. I am talking about unlimited. Boundless. Even you cannot come inside this room in an aeroplane, can you? You have to keep your aeroplane at the airport. Then you have to take a car. Keep the car also there. Then you have to come inside here.and from here if you have to go to the subtler thing, you have to give up the idea of identification with rationality. It is beyond thoughts, it just happens to you. It will happen. By thinking you cannot achieve it, but only by happening, which is your own right, which is your birthright. You are given this birthright, the day you were born.

It is Sahaja.” Saha” means with, “ja” means born, it is born with you. It is described in all the scriptures. It is mentioned in every possible religious books. Not irreligious. There is a difference between that. The, uh hopes and the nonsensical things some people have developed by you see, reading some books here and there and talking of big things. Of course there are people like that .There are absolutely false people, they cannot show any results at all.

Sometimes when I read these libraries and all these things in the library I find, I'm shocked. They are talking of things, they do not know what they are talking. They talk of kundalini, they talk of mandala, they talk of this. Talk, talk, talk, talk,talk. They don't know anything about it. It is all rumble tumble, I tell you. I am amazed how people can put up such shows. They have no conscience, just to sell those books.

They ask me to write a book. Ha ha ha ha! It is a big joke for me, to write a book. It's an ocean! Where do I start, and where do I write, I don’t know and how to write it? It is better to do it in poetry, as Kabira has done, or Khalil Gibran has tried. But to give the whole thing is so difficult. I don't know how to start it and how to begin it and how to say it. Just to publicize yourself and have a big name and all that, write anything?

How many books did Christ write? How many did Krishna write? You may write about them. You may write about Krishna, you may write about Jesus. But how can these people write so many books? Nothing but blah, blah, as you call it. There are thugs and thugs and thugs.These are very clever thugs.They get some ideas from somewhere, some ideas from somewhere, make it something fantastic, get something mysterious and sell it in the market. Very good of, selling off things. So I do not want you to believe what I say.

First time in my, all my lives, I have learnt English. First time I was speaking in English, which is not, I mean, I am not very good at it. But I can tell you that in English language also I was amazed, such scholarly people live here, supposed to be very honest. I was surprised in Indian languages, if they had done this thuggery, I can understand but I cannot understand but I cannot understand English people also have done a lot of thuggery. There is a big competition on, on writing all kinds of books, all kinds of nonsensical things, misguiding people.

On spiritual life, only a realised soul can write. How many of them are realised? What authority they have got to write about God or about religion, about Christ or about anyone of them?

That is why Christ has said - you will be calling me, “Christ, Christ!” I wont recognize.

And the simple, the innocent, the seeking, my children, I call them, they are lost, they are confused, they are lost. I know they are, I know this is the biggest problem that they are lost. Like a market has come into being. It's a new market and marketing is going on in every country, in every language and all the children are being sucked into it, like a Bermuda triangle.

Now I have to tell you about the hypothesis, that is for you to see. It is the kundalini over here being shown. In the triangular bone, this subtle force of kundalini exists. Which is three and half triangle, sorry, or we can say a coil. But why I am saying? I have started it, because it is difficult to start from, what point? I have started it from this point as it is. How it came, from where it came and all those things if i tell you, it covers another big lecture. In short, I am going to tell you how it is. In the triangular bone where you see in the pink colour, is the three and half coiled kundalini rests. Now this kundalini .......

Shri mata ji ( telling new seekers)............sit down, sit at the back, not there.

Let him sit down near the ....Let him put his left hand

How are you feeling now, better? Come along now , put your left hand. I hope you didn’t go to fight with the doctor there.

David needs to come here to show you the Kundalini, or somebody should be here for....someone....

This three and half coiled kundalini is the residual force, you can call the germ within. Is the germ within us through which we get our rebirth. It is the germinating force or is you call it the primule in the seed, it is. It is three and half coiled which has the specific meaning. Why it is three and half? But just now I am not going to give you the details, which you can also learn from other people, they know. This germ is kept there. This force is kept there specially for your rebirth.

Below this, very important, is the last, seventh center. Seventh center, which is called as "mooladhara chakra”. Means, the center of mooladhara. But the triangular bone, that abode of the kundalini is called as “mooladhara”. Now this is a very important point which you must understand .

The triangular bone is the mooladhara and the chakra below it, below is, a very important point, is the mooladhara chakra. So the center is below and abode is higher. Now this kundalini is your mother who is going to give you rebirth. She is your mother and she is the mother who has only you as the child. Every individual has his mother and she is the one who has got like a tape recorder all your past in her. She knows how far you have been in your search, what mistakes you have committed, where you have been, that is the tape there. Now, why I am insisting that the lower it is, because the lower chakra, the lowest, the seventh chakra is not connected or not working in an upward, as center of the kundalini, because it is below.

And this is the center which is guarded by a deity which is the embodiment of innocence of child. And that is the center which controls the sex. So those who say that kundalini can be arisen through sex are suggesting, in clear words, remember, that you have sex with your mother.

This is the first sinister thing. First sinister, satanic thing against religion is to say to have sex with your mother. Religion is holiness. I know your guru very well, my children. I am telling you frankly, remember, you must remember religion is holiness. If you are religious you can get to God, not by doing these sinful things.This is sin and sin against the mother, take it from me and that's why all his disciples are jumping and he himself is today suffering from diabetes and horrible diseases.

Holiness is a sign of religion and of God.Those who think that by denying holiness you can reach God, remember, it is satan. It is the satan speaking. I give it to you as a thought which you must think over. I do not say you have to go against sex or anything, No, that is another extreme. Going to another extreme is to run away from sex. No, you must marry, you must have your wife, you must lead a nice sexual life. But will never, you take it from me, if you do like this. impotency will set into all of you, within you at 30 or 40 years of age.Take it from me, is the best way to make you impotent, is to suggest such sinister things. It is the most dangerous thing. You are made impotent and then complete slave of these satanic ideas and are used like this.

I have to tell you very frankly, remember those who think they can have sex with their mother have no place in the kingdom of God. But in the hell where they’ll have to live like worms. Whether you like it or not, mother is a holy thing. You cannot get over that feeling.

Let that Freud hang himself by the nearest tree. He is the one who gave you such ideas. He must be having bad relations with his mother, and a perverted fellow. What has helped you this way? You have lost all your feelings and all your subtleties and all the sweetness of your emotions, completely. You have become feelingless now. Take it from me.

All that beauty is lost. Once you have done this, the greatest sin is to challenge your mother. How could you do it ? Can there be more satanic than this?

I am talking about this here, in the.........with all his sisters. He has 11 brothers and sisters, I know him very well. I know him out and out. He may feel bad. I must tell you about this guru. You don't mind if I tell you. Alright? You shouldn't mind, this is for the good of everybody.

This horrible guru, I went to see him and I asked him, what are you doing? Why are you making people naked? By becoming naked if you become godly, where is he? Everyday in the bathroom, we must be doing the same. But he said that’s a fact of life. I said you don't become, bring your bathrooms into your, the WCs in the drawing room? Do you? It is a fact of life, alright. In the bathroom? It has its own place.

But he said, “I am Shri Krishna!. You see, that’s why I am trying to make them naked. Because Krishna was playing with Gopi”s once upon a time and he had taken away their clothes.”

I said what was his age? Three and half years. Three and half ! Even younger than, Aradhana here, half age as this.. ...three and half years, like a child he was playing near the place where the gopis were having bath. You see a little child and he collected in his innocence. It shows his innocence. He didn't know what was nudity. Children don't understand.

And I said if so then why when Draupadi's “vastra haran”, I don't know if you have heard about that. His sister was Draupadi, Krishna's sister was. He regarded her as a sister, not his own sister. But regarded as a sister. When her saree was pulled out by one satanic fellow, she was calling him, as described by Tulsidas. It is a wonderful thing that he has said, when she called for him - Krishna!

“Dwarka mein shor bhayo, shor bhayo, bhari, shankha, chakra, gada, padma garur layee sidharay”.

When she, she just called him there. In Dwarika he was there. Dwarika is so far away and there big noise came and a big rumbling noise. And what you find that Shri Krishna himself on his Garuda, on his condor. He came with all his four weapons to save the chastity of his sister. Absolutely with complete force, Shri Krishna himself, the incarnation, came down.

Have you ever heard in the life of Christ that he tried to play about with the chastity of women? How can you, the people who know about Christ can believe into such nonsensical things?

Where the women are not chaste, Gods are not going to remain. “Yatra nariya pujyante, tatra ramante devta”. Where the women are respectable and are respected, there only the deities are going to remain. Not this liberty business. Women have lost their moorings completely by the domination of men. Understand, both of you, you have to put your women in their proper dignity and in their glory as women, as mothers, But here in the young, what a poison, what a poison is coming. And I have invariably, people coming to tell me that, “Mother, we feel infatuation for our mother.” In your young people. Take it, publish it everywhere.

This is what you have achieved through your advancements? And this is spiritual? Is it God that is telling you such horrid things? Will he give you such ideas, my children? Just think about it. Oh! mothers love is all finished in this country .

In this country, two children are killed in every week by parents. How can you do it, how can you do it? How can you do it? I have no time to love my children, I'm so busy. I haven't got enough time to love them. I am asking for time and time, more so that I should give all my, every part and every single cell of my body, and every bit of my blood for my children. And here, what do I find, that a mother cannot love a child?

What have you done? So remember, that's the child sitting down there, guarding the protocol of his mother, the chastity of his mother. So those who try to go that way, he gets into a temper and that's why these things happen, like people become furious, they start throwing out their clothes because the heat.Tremendous heat comes into their body and you jump into hell and you see a bottomless pit. It's hell.

It has no relationship with Christ’s life, it has no relationship with Shri Krishna's life. It has no relationship with Rama’s life, it has no relationship with Buddha's life. It has no relationship with Mohammad’s life. Mohhamad was one of the most chaste personality you can think of. It has no relationship with anyone whatsoever and from where these new people have come up and showing off.

So this is the first center you have to remember and to respect yourself as a child of your mother who is going to give you realisation. She is going to give you realisation. And you have to respect, not to be disrespectful. How do you think if your own child behaves like that towards your wife? Think it that way, if you cannot think like a mother. Would you like that? If it were so good, we should like it.

So the first center is very important in this country. And that is why I gave little time to it. And tell you that this is the first center which is to be respected within us. Our innocence, we have lost it. I know we have lost it. We’ll get it back, through Sahaja Yoga, we can.

Because Sahaja yoga being a living force, goes into all your foundations and clears it and brings it back. Many people who had lost it, have got it back. Innocence is to be asked for and you can get it.

Above that is the centre, we can see the centre, the yellow coloured centre. This centre actually arises from the, this green coloured centre, which is known as the nabhi chakra, is the centre which controls the solar plexus in our stomach. But in the subtle, this centre is in the spinal cord and the solar plexus is outside. Medically, people see the solar plexus but not the centre, which is at the back. Now this is the centre of our evolutionary force, from this arises our evolutionary force and this central point has got this circular around it, is the, what you can call the Bhavasagara, is the place this world is, or where we are and through it, that is created by this, yellow centre, which is called as the Swadhisthana chakra.

This is the centre for our creative power. Through it the whole universe is created and through that centre point which we call the nabhi chakra, the evolutionary force acts.The evolutionary force is in our solar plexus, we can say, is manifested in a gross way in ourselves. Through, of course, through this manipur chakra, it is manifested in through our solar plexus, which is outside, which we can see with our gross eyes. But the subtle centre you can see even when the kundalini rises. This centre is very important because that is the evolutionary force. Because this evolutionary force existed, we have become from amoeba to human beings.

Why did we become human beings? What was the need for God to make us human beings? There must be some fulfillment. What is the fulfillment?

Now, around it, is the bhavasagara, as they call it, the complete universe that is there and there, in this are created many real gurus through a special power, known as Dattatreya. These are real gurus who come on this earth, i would say, Mohammed Sahib was one of them. Nanaka Sahib, Moses and the Ten Commandments that we have are the real sustaining force, so this is the complete sustaining force which sustains us and also gives us evolutionary power. This is the sustaining force, they have given us Ten Commandments, are the sustaining force.

For example, a, say a gold has it’s own sustaining force, when you call something a gold, it has a particular value about it, that gold is like this, it is untarnishable and all that. In the same way, a human being also has got a sustaining force and if this sustaining force is broken or finished, then a person cannot evolve.

So this has to be sustained, and that is done through these gurus who teach you all the dharma, all the religious things. I am not saying the religions that people have made, organised. But what these great gurus, like Guru Nanak, you can say was the same force, you can say that Nanaka was the same force, in the same way Janaka was the same force, you can say Moses was the same and there were so many gurus like these who came on this earth to sustain, give us our sustenance and this is the force that exists in that green area.

Now above that is the chakra which we call as the Hridaya chakra, Hridaya, means heart. “Hridaya” is heart. This is in the center which is, which manifests the cardiac plexus. Now because you see we are going in the West from outside, inside, you see, we first see the cardiac plexus, so we know the cardiac plexus. But in the east, I would say in India, when some of the seers who have been meditating have gone from inside out. So you can see that this is the chakra, which is called as Hridaya chakra, is actually manifesting the cardiac plexus outside. And this is the one which controls our breathing and also, it also controls a part of our hearts, uh, we can say heart’s organs as such. But, in the heart itself resides the spirit. Heart is separate, the spirit which is the witness, which remains as the witness but there is no connection still established between our attention and the spirit. Through Sahaja yoga only when the kundalini rises, your attention becomes one with the spirit.

Above that is the center here, called as the Vishudhi chakra, which manifests cervical plexus, is the most important chakra and has got sixteen sub plexuses which controls all your ear, nose, throat, all these problems. So it is the vishuddhi chakra which also gives human being, the difference between an animal and a human being. Because at this point only when this was established, the human head was raised. And this was established in the human being when he raised himself. By raising himself also, he also raised the angle of his brain.

You can say, the brain is conical in a human being, while in an animal it is flat. By raising his head, he gradually started working out and he developed in his brain, ego and superego on both the sides and a conical side and then when these two chakras, in these two ego and super ego met, he became an entity by himself. You developed that “I-ness” within yourself.

Now just below that you find another important chakra which is called as agnya chakra between this, my mark and here in the center, in the optic thalamus, in the crossing point of optic thalamus. In the center of it is the agnya chakra. And this agnya chakra is again, has a deity who we know, is Christ himself. He is the same who was there at the lowest chakra, where he was formed and here he comes to manifest himself and there are to me, the two sides of one coin, of innocence. He is here and his power is forgiveness.

We have to discuss this later on in details, how we work it out.

On top there between the two, is the limbic area in the brain. Limbic area in the brain, and in the limbic area is the Kingdom of God where you know is Christ. The kundalini takes you up to the limbic area first, where you reach thoughtless awareness. As soon as you reach there, you feel thoughtlessly aware.Then it pierces through your Bhramarandra, it’s the place here, the fontanel bone, and you become absolutely tranquil and peaceful and from you a cool breeze, from me it starts, you can start feeling the cool breeze. First you might feel a little heat, does not matter. Or you can feel a little tingling or something which, it is corrected and later on you start getting the cool breeze on your hands. And this starts moving and you become absolutely a foreign person? Then you become collectively conscious, you can raise the kundalini of others, you can give them realisation.

And you become absolutely a different personality. You become a witness, the whole thing becomes like a drama and you rise up to that where you become absolutely one with the all pervading power. And then you rise.

This is called as ”Antar yoga”, means, the inner yoga. It’s the inner yoga, you can work it out, your own Kundalini. In so many cases it just settles down there, once it has reached. But in so many cases it comes back. Supposing you have a liver trouble, the Kundalini comes and treats your liver, again it goes, it comes up, it sometimes goes down. It sometimes comes to the liver, it comes to your, supposing you are a diabetic patient, it goes to your pancreas. Or something like that. It cures you completely, and it works out and it again goes up and settles down.

But one has to be patient with oneself because maybe you have committed some mistakes, doesn’t matter. Makes no difference, everything will be corrected and it works out very well.

So these are the seven centres I have discussed in very, very short form, absolutely short. It is very wide. Because now I will tell you about the three channels we have got. The two channels, one is known as the Surya channel, is on the right hand side and the left hand side is known as the Chandra, which is on the left hand side. So Surya means the sun and the Chandra means the moon.

This left side’s, hand side channel is called as the Ida, Ida Nadi which is controlled by the moon side, is the emotional side of you. In the gross, it is the emotions but in the subtle form it is auspiciousness. Emotions are responsible for expressing our auspiciousness. People do not know why they have certain feelings about something. It comes from within, they just cannot explain. It has something to do with auspiciousness. And if your auspicious is not correct, your emotions can be quite confused. You would not be able to know whether it is right or wrong. Each state and all these things work out with this auspiciousness.

Right side is the physical and the mental side, which is the creative side. Left side is the existence, and the right side is the creative and the mental side. Now there could be an imbalance between these two. For example, in this country there is, you are using too much of our right side, and you are neglecting your left side. So we have to have our imbalances corrected.

For example, diabetes is not cured by doctors, they say it is incurable. We do cure it, it's very simple. What we have to do is to give them a balance. Those people who are thinking too much, planning too much, always get diabetes. You will find, never, never a person who is a hard labourer, will get it, or who is more emotional, will get it. Emotional people will get a brain trouble, like they can become mad, and the people who are working very hard will get heart.

It’s a controlling point.This is something so much in details, that I have to tell you again what is to be done when it is a heart trouble, when it is the brain trouble, how you have to control it.

Only by giving them a balance, you can cure the diabetes and we have done it. Not on people who have got it later in life, but who are born with it. Now there’s nothing, it's just a play, just a play, if you know the whole thing, it’s a play. It’s like, supposing you have to put on all the lights. What is there, just to put on the lights. It’s all built in, built in through your evolution, whole thing is built in. One by one, step by step, beautifully, the whole computer is built in, only you have to put to the mains and the record starts. It’s that simple.

It is simple, but if the machine is second hand or a fifth hand, these days there is a guru shopping going on. So I sometimes get ten guru businesses. See, not so easy, or say there is somebody who is a very cunning man or somebody who is very cruel or the one who is very oppressed or is afraid all the time, crying, weeping, all these people create problem. They have to be corrected. They are corrected, they feel better and they feel much happier once they are corrected and then they will get realisation and then only they get their fulfillment and they manifest themselves completely.

If you want to find out your own meaning, you be here. If you do not want to find out, I cannot promise you anything. The other day I had a, somebody from a very big, I should say, a bureaucrat from India, who came down to me and he was a disciple of a very big guru in India. And he told me, “You see the, now I understand how he manages.”

I said,”What?”

He said, he is an instant guru. You just say this and you get it. ...Secondly, what he does? He takes money, a lot of money from people ....because he takes money, people say we have paid for it. He said psychologically it works. Supposing you go and you see some picture and it is a bad picture, we paid for it, lets have it. It is like that and he goes on taking money. So he said,” If you start taking some money, then it'll work out.”

I said,”It will never work out, whatever it is.” For such superficial people, God is not there. It's alright, He can destroy the whole universe. In case there are not people who are capable of taking in him as dignified as he is, he is not bothered, he’s least bothered, “nish-prayojan”. It is you who have to bother about. It is not he who has to. We have to go, we have to ask for it

And not that he is going to ask for it. Because he is not to gain. It is we”re the people who are going to gain. It is your own power which is compelling you to be that. But if you do not listen to yourself you can be lost. You can be very much lost. If you are a superficial person, you'll be lost and you can never forgive yourself for this mistake.

So I would just say that do not accept my hypothesis as the last one. I do not expect that. Nor do I want any surrendering of yourself. Nothing, you first take your realisation and then surrender to your wisdom. But not to your ego or to your conditioning. Or to your payments that you have done to others. Forget it, doesn't matter, you have been befooled.

You can say that there are thugs here, they can cheat you, what to do? You are not such a big thug so, thank yourself and congratulate you are not doing that. At least you are not, done such a thing. And forget it. There is, there are some people here who have paid thousands of rupees like this. I know and they have suffered a lot. And they first felt very bad when I told them that they have been cheated .But it is better to be cheated than to cheat. To be cheated shows your simplicity, that you trust people, that you think others are also good. How could they tell you lies? See this is your simple nature.

So, now we are at this juncture where I have explained to you something about kundalini, something, very little. It is ocean-like knowledge and you have to know. You yourself will gradually know, such a, when you will start moving into, you yourself will discover so many things. But as i have said it, you have to have patience and you have to come and see for yourself and seek for yourself. It is not just a temporary thing.

Of course, some people, you have seen they, here is, like last time who came, they got cured, so they sent me letters and they thanked me that they are cured and they are seeking, they are alright because they wanted some help like that, so. Does not matter, one day they will also come, because they were just seeking good health. What is the use of having good health also? There are so many wrestlers who come to me and say, “Mother, give us peace.”

So what is the use of having only the good health, have everything, why not? Only the good health, they are only interested in the good health part, and then they are not interested. Some of them are like that.

So, forget it, you should be of the highest caliber and ask for the highest and the highest you can have. Whatever you ask for, that you will get. But if you ask something lower also, God gives you, does not matter, you want good health, alright, you have it. But that is nothing so important.I am your mother and I am telling you, ask for the highest and the best and the super most of all, which will give you a place in the kingdom of God, to do the work of God.

May God bless you!

Should we have the session started?

Just, you don’t have to do anything, there is nothing to be frightened about, nothing happens, nothing goes wrong with you, nothing absurd happens, nobody starts jumping or dancing or anything. But if you have been to a wrong guru, little bit, you might little bit get a resistance in the hand.

Doesn't matter, we will work it out, put it right and things will go on. Now to you, two children, I would say, that you have to think about it and you just think that if you are really seeking the truth, then you have to deny this completely. I have to tell you very frankly my children.You know I have to tell you this. Because we have seen the people who come from him. Actually his sister was coughing because of, for your information, because all of them catch on the Vishuddhi, very badly. And she is a realised soul and she took it over herself. If you ask her she will also tell you immediately, because they are also born realised people.

There’s no place in this guru’s place where they talk of children who are realised. Nothing. Nobody knows what is what, what is what. Now these people will not, will not know. You will not know, you may go on wearing this dress or wearing this thing, nothing you will know.

While You can ask other people, they know about kundalini, even these children know, about Kundalini, they can work it out. They can cure.

So, I have to tell you, you think it over. You have to deny whatever is false otherwise it cannot work out. On the contrary, it makes us very less,really i tell you. It is very true, and I have seen that man through and through. India government does not know where to keep him, because they don’t want him there. Actually you see, he is teaching licentiousness and permissiveness... he is working as a pimp for people. He gets people.I never got, I have met some who came and told how they were used as pimps for the old women and men there. They have told me they have to obey this man, and he touches the private parts of men and women.

It’s a fact, so many people have told me that I can't tell you. But they feel shy that I should talk about it. And this is what is happening and it is absolutely sinful and is absolutely wrong. And there are so many people who have come from him and I have gone and talked to him and told him, but he would not listen, because what he wants is money.

He was a man with one rickety, uh, cycle and he wants to have a, say Impala or something like that. He wanted to have money, is a very good way of telling people to be licentious because here people are licentious already. I mean you have mastered it. There are so many people, if you go to them, they can, they can tell you such things. I mean, sometimes when I hear, I get a shock of my life.

You see, even your political leaders are experts in this nonsense. What is there to have a guru for? Just think of it, in this country people have mastered this art of perversion. Have they not? Are you? If you talk to Indians, they won't believe it but in this country somehow or other, on their own, they have mastered this art. They are great masters of perversions and self destruction.

Why do you need a guru for it? Now you might think, then why do we, are attracted to him, because we want somebody to give you a consolation, that it is also God's act. See, he is a satan and not a...

Why do you need a Guru to become licentious? You just go to Soho and you learn everything there. Why do you need a Guru and go and pay so much money? Go to India, go all the way to Pune and pay him money, so much for his fat body and also for his big car. Why do it?

You just go to Soho here, only they take a little ticket, you will know all the perversions. For that, why do you need a Guru? To become animal is very easy, to become God, is difficult.

To become God, one has to ask, to become animal, anybody can become. Is it difficult? We have come through that. This is even worse than animal, no doubt. But to become perverted, do all kinds of nonsensical, dirty, filthy things all the time. Morning till evening, I mean people have become nothing but bathrooms.They stink all the time of sex, I mean is there anything else left or not or are we only sex points? Just think about it.

Have some dignity about yourself.

We are something much more, we are! If we were not, we would have been satisfied, but we are not satisfied at all with all this thing, so called love!!

Every third day it is changing, what sort of a love it is? There is no joy. And he is taking advantage of that.

In India, also, now we are developing country. See, we are trying to develop ourselves. So, our developing young people, in our great country of yoga, the developing are looking at you.They think that you have got Playboy, you have got this, we haven't had all that. So why not have, let us have a guru, it is better,so that you can object, this is our fate.You just think if you go to Christ, what would he say?

I do not say that you are those nuns there, no. This is also, now see he has given you sannyasin robes, just think just think of it. How he is clever.

Sanyasa means what, a person who has a completely celibate personality. He has insulted the sanyasa by giving you complete perversions permission. And teaching you how to do it..This is an insult, absolute insult. It would be the same as saying that Christ can have sex with Christ, even worse than that is sanyasa, because you cannot have there...But here is the sanyasa, it is the great dress of a person who is absolutely celibate, lives in celibacy, absolutely above sex life.That is the dress here.....

You feel that gratified that he is such a great seer of God. But he never told you what is your dignity about?.

Supposing, I am the queen of England and I wear all the things and behave like a street woman. What will you say? Will I? I had hopes at least when you wear this, this might give you an idea as how, what, what are we doing, where are we going?

At least when you wear a dress, you feel that dignity within you. But no, I have seen mostly this dress is worn by people who are not inside. But there’s no need to wear a dress then. What is the need? ...

If it is inside, why should you wear the dress? You are that inside ...

But it is a deliberate stuff, it was not done at the time of certain people. For example, it facilitates some people by wearing that dress...

Those who were realised soul, who wanted to do God’s work, they wore this dress just to facilitate themselves, that's all. Just to say that we are sanyasis, sanyasis have so many rules and regulations.

If you read even Ramayana, of Valmiki, Sita has given one complete chapter on a sanyasi, a sanyasi cannot stay in a city or in a village, he has to stay outside, only for one night and he has to just beg food and eat it once. Do you do all that? He is not to look at any woman. If he looks at, I mean, even if he looks at, he should look like a child, he cannot.

This is how he has insulted the Sanyasa itself ...this is absolutely tantric, absolutely Satanic. Actually, Tantrikas, our Sahaja yogis are, because they know the tantra, the mechanism. But the so called tantrikas are just the opposition, just. They do it by insulating all that is auspicious.

To a housewife he would suggest that he is her husband, just what you say. Actually the CBI, they brought a lady to me, you won’t believe, whose diamonds he had taken.

She said, he is my husband.

I said, how do you know he is your husband?

She said, I can feel it, he is my husband.

I said how can you feel it?

She said, no.

She is completely enticed and possessed. I said how can you feel that he is your husband, when your husband is dead, your children are living, you are a widow. Her own brother in law, others came in and they said that this lady has given all her ornaments to him.

I said the one who was your real husband, whom you were married, if marriage institution is such a big thing for you, why don’t you do something for him, than for this man who says that he is your husband? But nobody could do anything because she was so possessed.

And so many of them, I hear he has got as his own wives, so many women, have become his wives there! What is all this going on? One has to think about it.

I mean we are all intelligent people. Aren’t we? Are we not wise people, we can see through these things? And now it has become a fashion in India, to float a business like that . How many upagurus have come like this

You can all understand it through your brains, all the humbug we have there. You all should.

But Sahaja yoga is a happening, you can understand it, everything what I say. You can feel for it, that it’s a happening, it must happen. It cannot work out unless and until it happens to you.

This is what is Sahaja yoga, it is not any rational entry into anything but it is just a happening when the Kundalini rises and passes the seven chakras and pierces the Brahmarandra, which is the baptism as they call it. But these days you can buy, you can pay someone fifty pounds, you can get your child baptised. It is simple.You cannot, that’s not baptism.You cannot learn this in theological colleges,no.

You have to be realised, for example, this little girl here, Aradhana there, have realisation, which many, many cannot.

So many children in this country are born today as realised souls, so many of them. Because this has become hell now, only the top most people will be born in this country, top most or the worst of all, satanic, those who can bear this.The mediocres won't be born, the mediocres won’t be born in this country, no, only the top most, and you will have the highest and I have seen so many of these children coming to me who are realised, so many and it is a great news.

You cannot even make out who’s realised and who is not realised, what is the use of having such gurus?

If you have to know about it, in India, great authentic people. Authentic is Shankaracharya, Adi Shankaracharya, not this modern one.He is going after pope, now he is trying to collect gold, has to make an umbrella for himself, now this modern, Shringeri one, one bigger than the other, all of them are.

But Adi Shankaracharya if you really, will understand what I am saying, Vivekachudamani, even in Hatha yoga, if you read Patanjali.

These are now people who have nothing to do with it, if they were just thugs and taking money, I may not have minded, after all there are smugglers. After all they are thugs, but they are spoiling your Kundalini, is the point.

I don’t mind if they are taking money, doesn’t matter now you have money, so better do it! .If you are foolish about your money, better do it.

But why spoil your chances of rebirth? This is stupid, this is something unbearable, all right? That’s why I am telling you, All right, think it over. Think it over.

It’s not easy to give you realisation, I must tell you at the very outset, it”s is very difficult...and all my disciples are on the alert as soon as I solve it

....This gives us all a headache....its not easy, it is very difficult...

And we have to work very hard with you. And really, it's’ not very easy, the whole place, as soon as you leave, you will find every body will feel better I can assure you this.But not that something wrong with my children, I love you very much.

But, it’s like a disease, what to do? You understand. But what to do? But this is our problem. I would like to do everything possible, you can come to my house, I'll work on you. But this is a problem, if you don’t mind, you must come to my house, I will work on you. Think it over.

I don’t want anything from you, I live very near here, you can come down , and see me and I will work on you. And I have given realisation to people who have been his disciples ... not that but, not so easy...because he has really conditioned you really well, no doubt. That’s why I have to request you that you come and see me at home, All right? Don't it's all right. I will tell them how to manage it. I can manage it.

But you must come and see me later. All right?

Just tell them to put their hands now....maybe ...come...

Let’s take it ...right?

We’ll work it out.

Put them in the window. In this hall only problem is the windows are very few.

Just put your hands outside, like the gentleman who is doing the same way. It’s like a disease, only left hand towards me, right hand, outside....ego’s on the left hand side. Some of them spoil the right hand side, some of them spoil the left hand side. And if you don’t put your hand out, then ... how am i ...

We had one lady who came from America, and all the Indian Sahaja yogis, they said, “Mother, you do whatever you like, let her jump in the sea, but we are not going to treat this lady!” Because she was, like mosquitos, you know, it was so terrible, her vibrations were so terrible, just couldn’t bear.... Do what you can..they said ...Then I took her ..., I took her away from there but i couldn’t bear, she was so terrible, .....very bad vibrations. What can they do....

They are beautiful people,, they have to be saved ....going to be saved, they will be saved.

Just open these windows, ...

She’s realised, she’s taken up all the problems on herself, that’s why she she’s so..

Poor children, they suffer so much, they are great warriors...

Forget these two chairs, you can sit wherever you like, no no. Not on this chair, ...

It’s all right. I’m sorry, I would like you to sit there, not sit here. It is better...

Go to...put your hands like this, just put your hands....

What is the matter....

Yes, how are you, how is your husband?

You all have done a lot of work, very ...

Very good.

Shri Mataji : telling yogi, Douglas, to get chairs, arrange seating for people.

Not clear....

Talking in Hindi to seekers, regarding their family problems.

Caxton Hall, London (United Kingdom)

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