Truth is to be known as the evolutionary process on your central nervous system

Truth is to be known as the evolutionary process on your central nervous system 1992-07-31

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi
Text Status
Transcript English - Reviewed
Live Translation

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

31 July 1992

Truth Is To Be Known As The Evolutionary Process On Your Central Nervous System

Public Program

Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw (Poland)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed

Public Program, Warsaw, Poland, 31 July 1992

I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualise it and we cannot read about it. At this human awareness, unfortunately we cannot know it. You have to go to a subtler state of becoming a Spirit otherwise you will not know what is the truth. Truth is to be known as the evolutionary process on your central nervous system. It is not mental knowledge. Now, I will tell you what is the truth. You have to keep your mind open like scientists and treat whatever I am saying as a hypothesis and if it is proved, then you have to accept it as honest people, because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world.

Now, the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. Another truth is that there is an all-pervading Power of divine love which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. They are a miracle. We see with these eyes: it’s a miracle, it's a camera. Wonderful. What about this human brain? It's a computer. All these things we take for granted. Who runs your heart? The doctors say it’s an autonomous nervous system. But who is this ‘auto’? We have to find out now about our self and this all-pervading Power. Now, this instrument [microphone] is nice, but if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. [aside: There is room here this side, let these people come here. You can move a little that side.]

All the world's problems are because of human beings. And all the human problems are because of these centres when they are out of gear. So, if we can put these centres right and get connected to this all-pervading Power, which is union or we can say, the yoga, then all the problems can be solved. Everyone who is born wants to believe in something. There is some sort of a feeling of faith in something.

Especially for you people, who have gone through communism. Now, you believed in communism once upon a time. But now, once it is over what are you going to believe? Are we going to believe in fundamentalism? In the democratic countries, the fundamentalists have ruined them completely. Any religion is so-called. There is no truth about it because it is money-oriented or power-oriented. It is not spiritual, but all these religions were born on the same universal tree of spirituality. Now they have plucked the flowers – ‘this is mine, this is mine,’ – fighting with the dead flowers. So now the problem, world problem is fundamentalism. And these fundamentalists are not going to allow you to believe into an universal religion because they want to fight. They want to have wars.

But innately within us, there is a universal being which is the Spirit. Whether we are Polish, English or Indian, we laugh the same way, we cry the same way and all the children behave in the same manner. But when they are grown up, they are conditioned. Sometimes they are brainwashed. That is how these problems have arisen, that there are divisive ideas in the minds of the people.

So, I want to warn you, now be careful. Believe now in your Spirit. All these so-called leaders will be exposed very soon because this is the Last Judgment. This is the blossom time, that's what I say. But also this is a time, according to Indian scriptures is a special time, when this all-pervading Power will become active and it is exposing everything that is falsehood. One good thing happened to you through communism, I must say, that you didn’t fall into the trap of fundamentalism, and still your value system is not as much disturbed as far as the socialism is concerned.

But in the democratic countries, you do not [unclear] what demnocracy is. They are gone to another extreme of nonsense. For example, in France, it’s a conventional law that a housewife could be a prostitute and money has taken over. There is somebody taking photographs. Please, don't take photographs when I am talking. Please. Now, in the democratic countries, there are some horrible intellectuals who are born, like Freud. Recently I have read a book called Fraudulent Freud by a very, very learned doctor.

It has been found out by many eminent people – doctors, philosophers – that his theory of this psychoanlysis is absolutely hocus-pocus. It had no scientific basis but it had such a malignant effect on the culture and thought of America, that it is shocking sometimes to see how they are destroying their lives. They have got AIDS, they have got diseases, schizophrenia. You cannot think that, after ten years there will be even thirty percent white-skinned Americans still remaining. They are so much brainwashed with those advertisements that anybody starts some sort of a yarn [unclear/of his,] they just accept it, without even thinking. They have no wisdom. They have no discretion. It is a, it’s a very dangerous thing they are. They have churches of, so-called, of God, also of devils, also witches, openly. You don't have many here, I think. [Shri Mataji laughs]

Such absurd things they do. Some fashion starts, like in France, somebody says wear six inches of skirts, so in the whole of London, they are wearing six inches of skirts because, whatever comes from Paris is more than Bible. They have no brains of their own. Any stupid trend starts, it starts growing. Indians may be poor, compared to that, but they are very wise. If anybody suggests like that they will say, ‘Get lost.’

So, you must know what are you now facing. The drugs are pouring in. This Mr. Columbus went to America and all the American Indians were killed nicely. They plundered the whole country and now it's their own country. Some of the older people ran up to Colombia and Bolivia.

Now, this is the time one has to also face the punishment of what you have done. In Sanskrit, we call it [कमफल] karmaphal. But also Tao has called it polarity. So now, can you imagine, that from Bolivia only we are getting all these horrible drugs coming down to Americans, nicely. And so-called, the elite societies of America are indulging into drugs very nicely, and to add to their stupidity, many false gurus have arrived from India and also from the other countries. If some guru says that, you can float in the air six feet high, they are willing to pay thousands and thousands of Pounds. All such stupid things they accept blindfolded.

So, I want you to be careful. We have to understand that within us is this power. The divinity within us is absolutely intact. It is not destroyed, whatever mistakes you might have committed, because the nature is eternal, it cannot be destroyed. Is all there, very well settled. This Kundalini is your individual Mother and She knows everything about you. Now, we have God the Father, God the Son and there is no Mother, just the Holy Ghost, who is a dove. This is all from Mr Paul, I think. Another nonsense they talk about is original sin. And Peter, who was the weakest disciple of Christ, whom Christ has said that: ‘Satan will follow you, will catch you,’ he got hold of Peter, and Paul edited the Bible, and he wrote there that: ‘I will make your church on top of a rock and give you the keys.’ Why did...why would Christ give it to Peter? That is how all these wrong ideas are put. That's why Christ has said: 'You’ll be calling Me Christ, Christ, I will not recognise you.’ He has said: ‘Those who are not against Me are with Me.’ Who are those? So, now it's better you know God or Christ after you have achieved your Self-Realisation. You cannot know Him through sermons, lectures, and also through books. He has said: 'You have to be born again.' So, there are some Americans who call themselves 'born again' as if they have some self-certificate. You cannot create a certificate like that. Whether you are Christian, Hindu, or Muslim, you can commit any sin because you haven't got innately.

So, now I will tell you in short what happens when you get selfhood. First of all, when this Kundalini rises, She passes through these centres and nourishes them and She integrates you. Ultimately, She breaks through your fontanel bone area and gives you the actualisation of baptism, actualisation. It is not just some sort of a certificate that you have become a Christian but actually, you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out.

So, who is the Holy Ghost? Is not a dove but is the Primordial Mother. Paul also [unclear] everywhere. He called Christ's Mother a human; he had no respect for Her. It is the people who called Her Madonna. For five generations, the popes were discussing whether this Mary was born under original sin or not, can you imagine? So, why did Christ go to attend the church, attend the wedding? Was He trying to encourage the original sin? That means all incarnations – like Shri Krishna, Shri Rama or say Mohammed Sahib or say Nanaka, anyone – they are all sinners. Only the Cardinals are not sinners because they are not married. What is the logic? So, now we have to see when this Kundalini rises, how She nourishes our centres and solves our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems.

Now in India, there are three doctors who have got their M.D. in Sahaja Yoga for curing incurable diseases. This relates to science also. But through science, you cannot reach reality. It is not conclusive. It doesn't solve the totality of issues. So, one has to understand that there is something else beyond all these things that we have to achieve.

So, when the Kundalini passes through this centre, [Agnya Chakra] the first thing that happens to you, that you become thoughtlessly aware. You live in the past or in the future but if I say live in the present, you cannot. So, when this Kundalini passes through this centre, from both the sides, these two institutions of ego and superego open out. And then you become absolutely thoughtless, but you are aware and you are in the present. If you want, if you want to think, you can think. If you don't want to think, you’ll not think. Then your inspiration, your creativity, your dynamism starts manifesting and your peace, you feel your peace. There are many people I have known who have got peace prizes. I have seen them, I have met them, but they have no peace within. They have got Nobel prizes; imagine, they have no peace within.

But when your attention is enlightened by your Spirit, then it becomes active. Your attention becomes innocent. The greed and lust drops out automatically. Wherever you pay attention, you can feel on your fingertips what the problem is. So, you develop a new dimension in your awareness which is called as collective consciousness. So that, you start feeling another person's centres also, not only yours. Now, if you know how to correct your centres and others’ centres, so there is no problem left: solved. This is the only way that you will know absolute truth.

So far we live in relative life, relative understanding, but then you absolutely know the same thing. Now, supposing you take ten children, tie up their eyes, and ask them a question: ‘What's wrong with this man? [Shri Mataji pointing towards someone in audience: Let her be seated. Let her sit. Is she all right? All right, you sit comfortably. It’s all right. ] So, thus you can help others and you can help yourself. So you get your health and you can help others to get cured also.

The first thing that happens to you, that you develop a divine discretion. All these ten children will say that this is the finger [Shri Mataji shows right Vishuddhi finger] that’s catching, means they have got trouble with the throat on the right-hand side. Once you know the absolute truth, there is no question of quarrelling, fighting, discussions – nothing.

We are working in fifty-five nations. For example in Russia, in one place, Togliatti, we have twenty-two thousand Sahaj Yogis. Also, I think about sixteen thousand in Leningrad. Many scientists, many doctors are going to have a medical seminar but the thing is, first you must know that you have to find the truth. And you should not be satisfied with all that is yet not the truth. The most beautiful thing that happens that, you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness. It is absolute. It is a state to be experienced. It cannot be described. So, you become extremely dynamic and you become extremely compassionate: loving. [Sahaja Yogi translating Shri Mataji’s speech explains to Her something about the word 'compassionate' in Polish. Laughter and applause]

See I am seventy years of age and every day, I am travelling, having program, every day. And I’m quite all right. Now, I have a family, very good husband, very good children, grandchildren, but in a way, I am really a communist because I can't live without giving it to others, sharing with others and I am the greatest capitalist because I have the powers. You also get the spiritual powers. You get spiritual powers, by which you can awaken the Kundalini of others, give them realisation. You can transform people. And you'll be surprised at yourself that, you become like an angel yourself. That's what is there potentially within you. Only thing you have to get your realisation. It will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes for you to enter into the Kingdom of God. It's only about three to four feet you have to travel. That's all. [Shri Mataji laughs]

Now one thing for sure, that I cannot force on you your Self-Realisation. As Christ has said: 'Humble in heart will inherit the earth,' but if you are arrogant, it won't work. Those who do not want to have Self-Realisation should leave the hall.

Now, there are three conditions. The first one is that, you all have to be absolutely confident that you will all get your realisation now. That's very important. Also, you should have a pure desire to get your Self-Realisation, because this Kundalini is the power of pure desire.

Now, the second condition is very simple that, you should not feel guilty about anything. You are all human beings; if you have done mistakes, nothing wrong with you. After all, you are not God, and this all-pervading Power is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you might commit, the Power of this ocean can completely dissolve it. But if you feel guilty, then you catch on this centre here on the left-hand side [left Vishuddhi] by which you develop, can develop, diseases called angina, of the heart. You might develop also spondylitis or lethargic organs. If you have done mistakes, all right, face it and don't put it as guilt and forget it.

Now, the third condition is even easier, that you have to forgive everyone without even thinking about them. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, logically you don't do anything but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are happy, while you are now torturing yourself [unclear] So, you have to forgive all of them. Even don't think of them, it's a headache. These are the only three conditions.

Now before starting, I would request you if you can take out your shoes. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right but those on... everybody is to take out their shoes, that’s fine. Because this Mother Earth sucks in all the problems. I must say, first time when I came to Poland, it was a sad day. [to Yogi translating] Can you remember? [unclear reply] I know, and I should come again. [Yogi: Exactly. [unclear]] I should come here, and when I saw the way they have built up the whole place I said, ‘This is a resurrection.’

So, we'll tell you now, we'll explain to you. Be comfortable. Be comfortable, all of you be comfortable. You don't have to go to Himalayas, don't have to fast and you don't have to stand on your head. That means you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself.

Now, please put your left hand towards Me, which is symbolic that you are desiring your Self-Realisation because the left side is the power of desire. You can put it on your lap also or you can keep it on the table. On the table, it will be all right. I mean comfortable like this. Like this. All right. So the right hand is the power of action. [Translator says the word ‘siła’ in Polish which sounds like Shiva and Shri Mataji asks what it means. Translator explains that ‘siła’ means ‘power’. She smiles at the coincidence.] So, the right hand is the power of action, so we nourish our centres on the left-hand side with the right hand.

First, we put our right hand on our heart. Please put both your feet away from each other. In the heart is the reflection of God Almighty as Spirit, and Kundalini is the reflection of the Primordial Mother, the Holy Ghost. Now, if you become the Spirit then you become your own guide, your own master. So, now you take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side: we are working on the left-hand side. Here, please put it here. This is the centre of your mastery. Now I tell you, I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you.

Now, you put your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. This is the centre of pure divine knowledge which manifests in your central nervous system. Then raise your left hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen, then again on your heart, then on your shoulder, the corner of your shoulder and neck and turn your head to your right. Turn your head to your right. I have already told you what happens when this centre is blocked. All of you should do it. This is to be done only for today: night.

Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead and put it down as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power. We'll do all these things later on.

Now, stretch your palm. Now, this is the last centre. This is the last centre. Put the centre of your palm on top of your head and push back your fingers and put down your head. Push back your fingers, to put pressure on your scalp. Push down your head, push back. Put down. Please put down your head, put down your head. Here you have to move your scalp, not your hand; your scalp, seven times clockwise. That's all you have to do. Now, you have to see that your feet are apart from each other – not [sounds like/sitting people, otherwise.]

Your left hand towards Me and your right hand on your heart. And now please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Till I tell you, don't open your eyes. You can take out your spectacles. Now, here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question, three times. You can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother. So now, please ask three times: ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ I've already told you that, when you are the Spirit, you become your guide, your master. So now, please take your right hand on the upper part of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. And here you ask another fundamental question: ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ Ask this question three times.

I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you. So now, please take your right hand in the lower part of your abdomen and press it. And here you ask six times, because this centre has got six petals: ‘Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge.’ [to translator: Loudly.] As soon as you start asking for divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So your Kundalini [unclear/ provides] your higher centres with self-confidence. So, now raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side, and here you have to say ten times with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ [to translator: You have to give the full instruction, then you translate.]

Now, I have told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. So, now you have to raise your right hand on your heart and you have to say with full confidence, twelve times: ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ [to translator: Again.] Now this divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion and bliss, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might commit, this ocean can dissolve all your mistakes. So, forgive yourself. So now, raise your hand into the corner of your neck and shoulder. Turn your head to your right and here, with full confidence, you have to say sixteen times: ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’

I have told you that logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you do not first forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Moreover, this centre at the optic chiasma is a very constricted one, and if you do not forgive, it will not open and you will not get your Self-Realisation. So you should not miss that as well. As it is, you are torturing yourself. Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead and please put down your head. Please put down. Now, and here, from your heart not how many times, you have to say: ‘Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’

Now, you have to take back your hand on the back side of your head and raise your head, as far back as possible. Here, without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, for your own satisfaction, you have to say: ‘Oh divine Power, if I have done some mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.’ This also you say from your heart, not how many times.

Now, the last centre is very important. You stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Stretch back your fingers and put down your head. Here again, I cannot cross over your freedom. You have to ask for your Self-Realisation. So, now you move your scalp, seven times clockwise, saying: ‘Mother, please give me my Self-Realisation,’ seven times. Put down the head. [Shri Mataji blows into the microphone seven times]

Now, please take down your hands. Please put both your hands like this towards Me and watch Me without thinking. You can do it. Raise them, raise your hands. Now, please put right hand like this, put down your head and with the left hand, you see above your head, through the fontanel, is there is a cool or warm breeze-like waves coming out. Some of you get it close some get it far. Now, put the left hand towards Me, again bend your head, and see with the right hand. Now, if you have not forgiven everyone, then you may feel hot still. So, please forgive everyone now. Now, again last time with the right hand. You see with the left hand if the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost is coming out. Now, please raise both your hands towards the sky and push back your head. Here you have to ask a question three times, any one of these three questions I tell you. ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ That’s the first question. Or: ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of divine love?’ Or: ‘Mother, is this the Paramchaitnya?’ Ask any one of these questions three times. Now, take down your hands.

All those – please take down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze in their hands, or hot breeze – hot or cool – in their hands, or in their fingers, or on their palm or on top of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Both the hands. Those who have felt the cool breeze. I bow to you all. Your saintly life has started. But some people were little arrogant and [unclear] they thought much about themselves so they didn't get it. But most of you have got it. From my heart, I bless you. You have to know one thing, that Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. Like one finger gets into trouble, the whole body runs for it. You'll be happy to know that we have people from England, and also from Switzerland, from Germany, from Austria. They all have come to help you. So, you have brothers and sisters all over the world.

Some of those who have not got it will ask questions, but asking questions you cannot. It is beyond the mind. You have to get it. Luckily we have a very good centre here and very good Sahaja Yogis who will give you all the knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. [workshop with seekers follows]

Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw (Poland)

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