News item on Turkish Star TV

News item on Turkish Star TV 1998-04-18

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Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

The post is also available in: Turkish.

18 April 1998


Swiss Hotel, Istanbul (Turkey)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Draft

An Indian Guru who came to Istanbul to teach Yoga is in the focus of attention of the high society. See who kneeled before the Indian Guru wanting to find solutions for their problems. It is sufficient to spectacular welcome ceremony in Istanbul with flowers and songs to understand how popular the Indian Guru Shri Mataji is. The 75-year-old Indian guru came on a wheelchair to avoid getting tired. Devotees welcomed their Guru kneeling down before Her. Some had tears in their eyes. Not only Turks came to Sahaja Yoga conference in Istanbul. Guru’s disciples came by busses even from Malaysia and Russia. Shri Mataji continuous to receive the high society in Her hotel room in Istanbul. A concrete example of the interest shown to Her are the shoes letf in front of the door. The devotees, knowing that Shri mataji likes flowers, they decorated the hotel room with flowers. There is a strong smell of flowers and incence in the room. One of the Shri Mataji’s visitors today is from an old Turkish family of Eczacıbaşı. Nükhet Eczacıbaşı expressed her respect by offering flowers to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji had a conversation with Nükhet Eczacıbaşı who was sitting on her knees before Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji asked her if she fulfills her family duties.

Shri Mataji: but you were a daughter, you looked after the parents,

Nükhet Eczacıbaşı: I tried my best and Yoga helped me very much

Just by looking into the young ladies face Shri Mataji said that, she had a kidney problem. Indian Guru who is said that She is able to cure AIDS and cancer took some sugar in Her hand and put a healing power into the sugar.

Shri Mataji: But be carefull about your health now. It is important. Take this and this will cooldown you.

Nükhet Eczacıbaşı: I will.

Shri Mataji: And you will feel better.

Nükhet Eczacıbaşı took the sugar and when she was leaving the room Shri Mataji again explained to her how to use sugar.

Shri Mataji: Take it with a spoon and put more water.

Like other guests who are impressed in this way by the Indian Guru, we kneel down before Her hoping to learn Her secret. The first assesment is positive and Guru feels the energy. Then together with Her assistant, She makes a check up. Indian Guru does not find a physical ailment but She draws out attention to a mental problem.

Yogi Mahajan : Do you have feelings in your hands?

Shri Mataji: Now, you have to forgive, allright?

Yogi Mahajan : You don’t forgive. You have to forgive. It is a mental problem.

Shri Mataji: Now, better?

Negative enegy is taken from the body and now the mind is brought to state where it is ready to forgive.

Swiss Hotel, Istanbul (Turkey)

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