Shri Mataji on Star TV

Shri Mataji on Star TV 2000-04-01

Talk duration
Spoken Language
Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

The post is also available in: Turkish.

1 April 2000


Swiss Hotel, Istanbul (Turkey)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 77 years old leader of an Indian teaching namely Sahaja Yoga came to Turkey to share the enlightenment and happiness within Her.

Shri Mataji used to lecture all over the world and and her disciples; she called them as my children, they are never leaving her even for a moment.

Shri Mataji has millions of disciples all over the world.

Disciples declaring that they found the love and happiness in her energy and they are not complainant for travelling with her from country to country.

While her name Shri Mataji connotes " Holy Mother ", her room in Swiss Hotel is flooded by the enthusiasts for enlightenment sessions.

Shri Mataji declares that the hurdle is to raise the Kundalini which is the light within us.

Shri Mataji: Now I am raising his Kundalini.

Shri Mataji while not debarring the Star TV correspondent from her light and stating that Her fundamental message is love.

Shri Mataji: I wouldn’t call them students, they are my children. There is no relationship as such, I just give them Love, that’s all, like a Mother.

Reporter: Love?

Shri Mataji: Love, compassion and love.

For reporter Shri Mataji : She thinks too much.

In the midst of Indian tunes the disciples who are relaxed with the hands and deep glance of Holy Mother left there in peace and gratitude.

Shri Mataji: ( Raise you hands ) Higher.

Swiss Hotel, Istanbul (Türkiye)

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