An Ancient Knowledge

An Ancient Knowledge 1994-04-06

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi
Text Status
Transcript English - Reviewed

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

6 April 1994

An Ancient Knowledge

Public Program

Sydney Town Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed

I bow to all the Seekers of Truth

I am very thankful to Mr Henry Tsang, for addressing you and introducing me to you, that’s very

kind of him. It is the one the very rare occasions, where I have seen people in authority have

understood my work and have tried to help me.

Whatever he said is really very remarkable, that all these greater people like Lao-Tse, who started

Taoism, Buddha, who was teaching Buddhism, all of them talked about the oneness of Human

Being with the nature. And if you cannot combine nature with yourself, then you cannot be called

as an evolved soul.

In that thing I was telling him about Yangtze river where he comes from same state Yangtze. That

Yangtze river I travelled through with my husband and it’s the one Lao-Tse has used for describing

a human ascent. It’s a river which goes in different angles and makes lots of currents and it’s very

dangerous to ply through that, but they are having an... now a tourist arrangement to go through

that and my husband as he was in marine time, they invited us to see them.

So in that the message was that, you see, you are passing through a very beautiful land. You see

across the banks, beautiful trees and very beautiful mountains, which you see in the paintings of

Chinese. They are really like that, but you should not get lost. You have to go further, you can watch

these.. all these beautiful scenes, sit down there, enjoy yourself, but still you have to go with the


Then you go further and further, it’s described it very well in his Tao. Tao means, ‘that it is’ and it

started showing such beautiful scenes sometimes that I really felt that I should get out of the boat

and sit down there. But he was meaning that in your meditation when you are moving, you should

not get tempted by this outward fascination of nature also, but you enjoy, be one with it, you just see

it, enjoy it and then he says that the river flows closer to the sea, that is the ultimate aim of the river,

then she becomes absolutely silent and she spreads out and then gradually she moves towards the

sea. It’s such a beautiful description and I have seen it myself and I can understand the poet how he

wanted to communicate, that how the nature should teach us, how to be meditative within ourselves.

Buddha always talked about the Central Path and also he always said that our character is the

mainstay. If you don’t have good character, then it is very difficult to ascend. These were the days

when really this was the position. In India there were horrible, cruel kings and then they were

killing people just for land or something. This was so much in India that Buddha, if he had not

come it would have not stopped and gradually when the awakening came within them,, that this is

something wrong they are doing. They should not kill human beings for just getting some land.

What is the use of this thing? Ultimately one king, saw the blood flowing through one river and he

got such a repentance about what he had done, that he went to Buddha and told him that, “Sir please

save me and I am very guilty about what I have been doing and I don’t think I can live any longer

with this guilt.” So Buddha pacified him and he became a Buddhist.

Now in Sahaja Yoga we have a way by which we become one with reality, one with this AllPervading Power. So the first point, if is the truth, is this, that you are not this body, this mind, or

this ego or your conditionings, but what you are, you are a pure Spirit, which is said by Christ, said

by all these great prophets. Everybody has said that and then second truth is that there is an AllPervading Power of Divine Love. You see the flowers of Sydney is so beautiful, one better than the

other. See how they have grown. We never think that there is something miracle about them. It is a

miracle, the way they have grown out of the Mother Earth with such a beauty. After all we cannot

do that. Mother Earth has done it and we take all those living works for granted. We don’t even

think who runs our heart. We don’t even think who digests our food. What is that energy which does

all these things, which controls our heights and everything else that is living?

So there is a power of All-Pervading Love and that is the one, which really has created us and that

is the one which is going to give us our Realisation. This energy that is within us is what we call as

the Kundalini. He must have told you about it, is the reflection of this all pervading power which is

settled in our sacrum bone. Sacrum as you know is called ‘Sacred’ by the people who were Greeks.

They were not Indians and they called this ‘Sacred Bone’. I asked the curator, “Why you call it as

sacrum?” He said “We were told, it’s a sacred bone and there is energy of the Mother inside it.” I

was amazed that these Greeks knew about it. And it’s so surprising, that for ancient times we knew

about in India, about this energy that is within us .. but somehow or other it was tradition, not to not

to talk about it or give Self-Realisation to people en masse.

One teacher will have only one student. One guru will have one disciple, that’s all and he would just

select one out of thousands and give Realisation to one and tell him the secret of Kundalini. It was

going on for ages together till the 12th Century there was a big poet. We had a very great poet who

at the age of 31 years wrote tremendous secrets about spiritual life. I mean it’s unbelievable at this

young age, because he died after that and then he is one who wrote in his book, after taking

permission from his guru, that this Kundalini is one she does all the job. But people who were in

charge of Hindu religion at the time, were just like priest every where. They said this chapter is no

good this is ‘Nishidh’. We are not to deal with this. It is to be avoided. So no body paid attention to

that fact, but in the 16th century we had lots of poets in our country, who have sang the praise of

this Kundalini. Also in Bible, there is that, “I will appear before you like tongues of flames.” And

these chakras look like that. Inside, they are very mild tongues of flames.

So all these things though little bit described in the Bible, described in the Koran, everywhere, but

there was no proper, intelligible knowledge about Kundalini I would say, though in India they had.

There was a kind of a can call religious experiments, which were called as NathPanthis.

These people are the same, who had only one disciple, one guru sort of thing, but later on it just

spread out and we had lots of people in the 16th century who started talking about Kundalini and

saying about it. So that’s how we have this knowledge in that county since long. But after the

British came, it all became nonsense and nobody bothered for 300 hundred years and all this

knowledge has gone into kind of a cupboard from where it came out.

Now, I knew about it myself, but I wanted to find out a method by which we could give Realisation

en masse, not to one person. If you give to one person, everybody will get after him or crucify him,

or kill him, or give poison, or get out. Now the time also has also come, this is the time that we say

in the Bible is the judgement, the last judgement but in Koran it’s very clearly written. See how all

the truths are the same everywhere. The Koran it is written that at this time, which they call

Qiyamah, the resurrection time, “Your hands will speak and they will witness against you.” So

actually when you get your Realisation, you start feeling the energy in your hand and you can

verify, you can verify what centres are catching and it’s tangible.

As you know, that in Delhi there are three doctors who have already got MD for curing incurable

diseases, through Sahaja Yoga. Now for diagnosis you don’t have to go in to that horrible, gruelling

experience of diagnosis. Just you feel it on your fingertips. You can know what is wrong with you

and it’s absolutely curable. I tell you frankly, that definitely people have been cured of blood

cancers. They have been cured about 9-10 years back. They are still living and they are quite hale

and hearty. We have seen that people who are suffering from all kind of incurable diseases are

cured, but they have to enter into a new state of awareness that is what we call is the Sahaja Yoga

state, where you become one with this Divine Power. Then this power starts flowing through you.

Most of the world’s problems, if you see come from human beings not from nature, more from

human beings and the nature reacts to it. Now when you get these problems, you start running about

here and there and trying to find out solutions. The solution is within. Within our centres, when

these centres are in jeopardy, you get all these physical, mental, emotional problems for your self

and for the whole society for the whole world.

So now what should we do? Is to correct these centres by the awakening of this Kundalini which

passes through six centres. These centres get enlightened and that enlightenment cures them,

nourishes them and integrates them. Then you are completely one with this All-Pervading Power

and the correction becomes permanent. At that time they say that it starts flowing through you, you

can feel it on your fingertips and by that you develop all your potential powers which are so many,

so many that in this small lecture I may not be able to tell you the whole, but some of them I will be

able to tell you, that the first thing happens to you that you achieve a state of peace. You are

thinking of tomorrow, or of yesterday past and future, but present we not there. Present is not

known to us and reality is in the present. So when you are thinking of the past and future, you are

jumping on the cusp of those thoughts. In between these thoughts, there is space which we call as

Vilamb in Sanskrit is the pause and that is the time when you are in present, which is very short and

that’s why you can never be in the present.

So, when the Kundalini rises, your attention is driven inside and these thoughts expand, in the sense

that they elongate and there is the space in between is quite big. Thus you establish yourself into a

new state and a new dimension of your awareness, which we call as Thoughtless Awareness. That is

the meditation. You cannot do meditation you have to be in meditation is a state then there is no

thought but you are fully aware. Whatever you see is recorded like a picture in your mind and such

tremendous changes take place in human beings they are surprised like very ordinary person, who

was playing once a instrument before me was very boring to begin with and suddenly I don’t know

what happened to him. His Kundalini was awakened and he was playing such beautiful music and

today he is a world famous man.

There are very powerful Sahaja Yogis in the world now and I am so very happy that this has

happened to people, that they have felt their own energy and they have felt their own peace. The

second state which you achieve, what we call, this is the Thoughtless Awareness and the second one

is called as the Doubtless Awareness. Patanjali in his yoga as said called them as Nirvichar Samadhi

and Nirvikalap Samadhi. Now these two states if you have achieved, then all your powers you know

what you have. You know all your inner being. You know your chakras and you know all three

autonomous nerves system like para-sympathetic, sympathetic systems everything you know, and

you know how to control them, how to improve them, how to work them. So you become your own

master. There are very powerful Sahaja Yogis in the world now and I am so very happy that this has

happened to people, that they have felt their own energy and they have felt their own peace.

The second state that you achieve, what we call, this is the thoughtless awareness and the second

one is called the doubtless awareness. Patanjali in his yoga as said called them as Nirvichar

Samadhi and Nirvikalap Samadhi. Now these two states if you have achieved, then all your powers

you know what you have. You know all your inner being. You know your chakras and you know all

the three... What should I say? The Autonomous Nervous System: like para-sympathetic,

sympathetic systems everything you know, and you know how to control them, how to improve

them, how to work them out. So you become your own master.

Firstly, when you are awakened firstly what you get is all your talents. For example: I see

Australians are great artists. I have seen people who have come to Sahaja Yoga become such deep

artist and such beautiful artist, aesthetically so rich. It is because whatever you know is very little

and the whole dynamism of your creativity just explodes and you start producing things which are

very soothing, which are very beautiful, which makes every one so happy. It’s not some sort of

nonsensical thing you do some queer thing just to please the people and show off that you are a

great designer and this and that. No! You do it natural, honest reproduction of what you feel and that

feeling is absolutely divine and thus you produce really classical, beautiful things, which is very

surprising how these modern children have taken to it. Normally the Modern Art, as you know is

mostly understood by the artist himself. Nobody else can understand it, because they just go mad

and do all kinds of things.

In this also you may do Modern Art means in the sense that you break all the lines and everything,

but, what you find that whatever you do is extremely soothing and natural, one with the nature and

anybody who sees that will say, “Who has made this sort of an expression of the true feeling from

within; nothing artificial, nothing vulgar, nothing nonsensical.”

In the same way musicians and other things in every art... I was, I have been really amazed how

Sahaja Yoga has helped. I have seen this Sydney Sahaja Yogis singing to you this Marathi and

Sanskrit songs and Hindi songs, which not even Indians can sing. They cannot sing so well, I mean

if you hear them from outside, nobody will know they are people from Australia. They are

Australians, as if some Indians are singing, it’s very difficult. Indian singing is extremely difficult,

people practice for years together to achieve this. Not only that they know it, but also so many of

them know it by heart and I don’t know how they have picked it up, this I just don’t understand.

Then they come and sing in India. Even so many artists have said, “Now we are ashamed the way

these people are doing. At such young age, how they have picked it so well. They sing in such

beautiful unison.” All these things happen to you.

Secondly it happens, that so-called religions that you have, you follow. Somebody will say, “I am a

Buddhist.” Somebody will say, “I am Christian, I am Hindu, Muslim,” anything. They can commit

any sins, it’s outward. It’s just a label. Like one girl met me and she was saying, “I am born again.”

I said, “You are not. You just label yourself as ‘Born Again’, you are not. Unless and until you get

your Realisation, you cannot be born again and once you are born again, you get the quality of a

personality, who is born again has so many powers, so compassionate, so peaceful. You are not.” I

said, “You are in a delusion,” She asked me, “Are you born again?” I said, “I am, of course I am

and you can be also if you want to, but if you want to carry on with artificial levels, what can you

do? What good have they done to anyone?” So the artificiality drops out and your real personality

starts expressing itself. As far as the religion is concerned, you become absolutely righteous.

The other day, I was reading about the genes and I was amazed to hear that the Asians have two

genes to protect them, but the western people have none. Now the two genes are that within us, one

is, I would say, comes from the mother, may be with the father, or the society, or whatever it is, but

one we call in Sahaja Yoga, ‘sin against the Mother’ and ‘sin against the Father,’ out of which the

left side, when we are there, we are sinning against the Mother, means we become immoral. We

don’t know what is morality. We start playing with things, which we should not. Then we get into

trouble, we get diseases, this, that, all sorts of problems, because there is no protection. So we are

very vulnerable. All kinds of indulgences and all kinds of habits, that we form, which are selfdestructive, is sin against the Mother.

The another gene is the one that protects you against the sin against the father and sin against the

father is to be dishonest, to be corrupt, not to believe that God is your Father. Why should we do all

this thing? So this kind of a sin, also we start doing. Both these genes that are protective are created

after Sahaja Yoga within you and you just don’t do wrong things. I have seen people from West,

how they were. They give up all kinds of nonsense. We never have the problems of somebody’s

wife running away with somebody and somebody’s daughter running away with somebody. Some

rape and all that, it’s out of question. We have thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis and they

come together many a times. I have never seen them quarrelling, fighting have any violence or


So this, the sin against the Father and sin against the Mother, just is sort of established, that they just

don’t do. it. They dress up properly. They live properly. They don’t take to drugs. They don’t take

all these things. Now you know the progeny, how it is facing the effects of this modern life. Like

you see, the children are left to dogs, they become so horrible. I have seen in Miami with my own

eyes, children who were only 12 years of age, were carrying revolvers and were selling drugs,

because the law is such, that they do not punish 12 years old children in the jail, so people are

taking advantage of these children and they are behaving like this. There are children who are

killing their parents. There are parents who are killing their children. This kind of a violence is the

sin against the Father.

So both ways you see, if there is sort of an attack. What will happen to such a society? Is important

one has to take to spiritual life and the spiritual life of not outside, that you just go to church, sing

some hymn numbers, this and that and come home. This is not that, it has to be innate, within

yourself. You have to be honest. You have to be integrated with yourself and then this innate

religion will tell you, that you belong to the religion, which is a universal religion, which

encompasses all the religions, which respects all the great incarnations, all the prophets, every one.

Every religion is a flower on the tree of life of spirituality, but you have taken away that flower and

you are fighting with the dead flower. “This is mine.” “This mine.” You have no claims and is the

dead flower which is now petrified and that’s how you see in every religion what problems are

coming. How people are suffering. How they are fighting. All kinds of things happen. So people

become... they say, “We don’t believe in God.” They become atheist. When they become atheist

also, they are doing the wrong thing and those who believe in God, in such a way, are also wrong.

It’s a blind faith.

With Sahaja Yoga, I must tell you one thing, you shouldn’t have blind faith. If you feel the

experience of Realisation, then of course as honest people, you must accept, respect it and go-ahead

with it and grow. But if you don’t feel the experience, you shouldn’t tell lies. You should come

again and again. See that you get your Realisation.

There are so many things, as I told you, I could tell you, but only the attention part I have told you,

that attention gets enlightened and wherever you put your attention it works. It helps. So in a way

you start living collectively. You start feeling that you are part and parcel of one whole being. The

microcosm becomes the macrocosm, a drops becomes the ocean and that’s how the whole world

can become one, one day and all these problems and things will go away, because through Sahaja

Yoga you know absolute truth. Everybody knows the same truth, no quarrel, as you are watching

me, I am sitting down here. All of you feel the same about everything. So there are no discussions,

no arguments, no fightings nothing and you really become a peaceful personality. You emit peace,

as I told you.

So the highest thing is that you enter into to the Kingdom of the God. Somebody told me today,

“Mother, they... people don’t know what is Kingdom of God.” So I said, “They have to enter in to

see.” Unless and until I enter into this hall, how will I know what this hall is like.” So once they

enter into it, they write to me, that Mother we are now in the Kingdom of God, because you start

drowned into you feel you are drowned into the ocean of joy and joy is not double like happiness

and unhappiness.

Supposing you have your ego is pampered. You feel very happy, that I am such and such. I have got

this and if any is punctured you feel unhappy, but joy is singular, it’s in that state, from where you

witness your life.

In a one lecture, program, I don’t think I will able tell you all about it. I must have given at least

four thousand lectures in only English language. So I have to tell one thing, that today whatever is

happening in Sahaja Yoga is the culmination of your evolution, culmination of all spiritual work,

that people have done, all the saints, prophets and incarnations and is the last judgement for you, so

that you enter into the Kingdom of God.

Sahaja means ‘born with you’. ‘Saha’ is ‘with’. ‘Ja’ is’born.’ Born with you is the right to become

united, which means yoga, with this All-Pervading Power. It is your birth right, because you are

born at this time and this should happen, but after that please remember that you might feel very

great about it and you may just enjoy it individually, but it’s not an individual growth. You have to

come to our centres. You don’t have to pay for it.

Some people think that this is an introduction lecture so there’s no payment. You cannot pay for

living thing. How can you pay? How can pay for the seed which is planted in the Mother Earth?

How can you pay to the Mother Earth or to the seed? It’s all built in. In the same way, it’s built into

you. Of course for formally I use to come Australia with my own money and all that, but now we

have so many Sahaja Yogis, that they want pay for my travel, may be for this hall they might have

paid, but you don’t have to pay for your Self-Realisation and all the knowledge of your being, inner

being, your powers and everything, for that you don’t have to pay. All these little expenses, which is

very little, partly I should say, are taken over by so many Sahaja Yogis that you have.

In Sydney itself, you have lots of Sahaja Yogis they told me there are 22 centres in Sydney. So you

all can take full advantage of it, but you must respect yourself, you must respect your SelfRealisation. After all, you must be something special to get it. So please don’t neglect it. There is no

mesmerism to keep you attached to Sahaja Yoga. There is no other temptations, but one that you

have to be one with this All-Pervading Power and this Kundalini is the pure desire, the power of

pure desire. You are aware of if it, or you may not be aware of it, that you have only one pure desire

is to be one with all this All-Pervading Power, because all other desires if you see, once they are

fulfilled they are of no importance to you.

So it is said that, in general wants are not satiable. You never feel satisfied, but after this complete

satisfaction comes in to you and you start enjoying everything, enjoying other people, enjoying

your own relations, enjoying the whole world. This is such a blissful time, that you are born. Take

full advantage of it and pay full attention to yourself and understand that just by labelling yourself

as something, you do not become that. Do not fight for something that is artificial, but achieve

something that is real.

Thank you very much. I hope after one year again I will come back here and meet you. By that time

all of you will grow up like big trees of spirituality, giving such vibrations and realisation that

power you will have, that you can give Realisation, you can cure people, you can help people. Some

people, who have never been orators, have become great orators of Sahaja Yoga and all over the

world you have brothers and sisters who are sincerely yours.

May God Bless you. Thank you very much (Clapping from audience) Can you ask them to put off

the light so that I can see the people.

There is one thing more that I cannot force Self-Realization on you. All of you can get it. Must just

have confidence. All can get it, but if you don’t want to have it, I cannot force on you. I respect your

freedom and I have to request people, if they don’t want to have it, they should leave the hall. That’s

much better and otherwise I am sure it will work out for all of you.

Shri Mataji speaks to the Yogis: Can you ask them to reduce the light a little bit? Put the light, that

side. It’s too much. Also reduce this one, it’s too much light on me? Can’t see anyone.

Till I give Realisation please reduce this is too much. I never used to wear these glasses, but for

these kind of things.

Shri Mataji to Yogis: No, no, no these big things. I want to see them.

Yogi: We need to douse these overheads. Thank you.

Shri Mataji: Ah, that proves one thing, that if you are blinded by something like that, you can not

see anything else, you see, so one has to...

So again, I would request those who want to go should leave, will be good idea. It takes 10-15

minutes, not more than that, but its... You go beyond your mind. You just go on thinking about it,

this, that, then it won’t work out ......................

So nice! Left Nabhi is there.

So, before we start I have to tell you there are three conditions, which are very simple conditions.

The first one is, that you have to be fully confident, that you all will get your Self-Realisation. So it

follows the second condition, that you should in no way feel guilty about anything. It’s a fashion

also, to feel guilty all the time, saying “Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.” Even on the phone we use to say,

“I beg your pardon,” but people say, “Sorry, sorry, sorry.” It’s a fashion. To feel guilty is really a

fashion. If you have done anything wrong just face it that moment and just leave it. But you carry

on with it and that works on left Vishuddhi here, which is a very...very, very important thing,

because if your left Vishuddhi is caught up, then you can get spondylitis, which is a very horrible

disease, or another one which is called, angina, or you may get very lethargic organs. So this is such

an important centre, which you are spoiling, just with your imaginary... imaginary style of thinking,

that you are guilty, that you have done this wrong. You should not have done that wrong and you

feel guilty.

Of course everybody has right to feel guilty. I cannot challenge that. They can feel. Everybody has

right, even to cut their throat. But as a mother, I am saying, “Better not.” Why to do something

which is injurious to us, good for nothing? And at this moment, when you are about to get your

Realisation, you miss the point.

This is the greatest thing that you are going to you have. All your powers are going to express

themselves. All your glory you are going to know. At this time what is the use of feel guilty and

condemning yourself? So just what you have to say in your heart is that, “Mother I am not guilty at

all.” That’s all. You don’t have to do anything, but in your heart ,please say, just now in your heart

that, “Mother I am not guilty at all.” Second point! So now two conditions I have told you.

The third condition is very simple. The third condition is that you have to forgive everyone.

According to some people it’s very difficult. They cannot forgive, but logically try to understand. If

you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? Nothing. Both ways you do nothing. You just think,

“I cannot forgive, I cannot forgive.” But if you don’t forgive, then you play in to wrong hands. If

you don’t forgive, then you play in to wrong hands definitely, because the person who has harmed

you, or troubled you, will always try to deviate the matter. He wouldn’t bother to see that I have

trouble that person or anything, but you are the one, who will be troubling yourself and all the time

torturing yourself. All the time saying that. “I cannot forgive this man. I cannot forgive man.” That

person might have even forgotten you all. So there is no logic in it, but more over, when you do not

forgive then, the centre, Agnya, which is on the optic chiasma, is like this, constructed like this,

absolutely like this and to open this you have to forgive, otherwise how will the kundalini pass. It

has to open, only by forgiving every one. You don’t have to think about whom you have to forgive,

what they have given, how to forgive, how to do it, just say that, “I forgive everyone in general.”

Don’t have to think about them. At this moment, if you say that, you’ll feel much lighter.

So these are the three conditions we have and I think it’s not difficult to do it if you see the logic

behind it...

Now as I told it takes about 10-15 minutes that’s all.... All those who want to do it can do it. Those

who don’t want it. I cannot force, so they should leave. There are very simple things, for which

people object. Now I don’t know if it’s too much to do, but if you can take out your shoes, it helps a

lot. This Mother Earth helps us. She is a living body and she sucks in our problems. She sucks in

our heat. So I will be thankful, if you could take out your shoes and keep them away. Even this

could be a too much condition for the Western people sometimes in England.

It’s not so cold also, you can keep your socks on. Now! You are quite comfortable and sit

comfortably. You don’t have to stand on your heads. You don’t have to go to Himalayas, nothing.

No starvation, no fasting, nothing, it’s something inside. It has nothing to do with your outside

behaviour and surprisingly it’s all there, intact. If of course if you are suffering from some disease,

may be you have been to some guru, who has harmed you, or something, then maybe it may not

work out, but that’s one percent. But even those, who do not get Realisation, can get it later on and

there are Sahaja Yogis who can give you Realisation. There is no problem on that. You are here

means, you have already entered in to the Kingdom of the God, that you desire to have your SelfRealisation is the biggest thing.

Now, what we have to do, is to put both the hands like this towards me, comfortably, again very

comfortably, you can if you have the hand rest, you can put it on the hand rest, or like this both

hands towards me. Now, these are two powers, (Shri Mataji to Sahaja Yogi – alright now, will you

go ahead a little bit there and show them, because everybody should see. I think it’s better now.)

Can you see him all of you? Alright, (So ha better.)

Now you put both the hands like this, as these two powers are different, we have put both the feet

apart from each other. Now please put your right hand on your heart. And we will now show you,

what we will have to do.

In the heart resides the Spirit, that’s the reflection of God Almighty. If you become the Spirit you

become your own Master. So you take down your right hand on the lower portion of the abdomen,

on the left hand side. We are just working on the left hand side and here is the centre of your

Mastery, which is created by great masters and prophets, which you have to awaken.

Now please take your right hand, on the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left side again.

Surprisingly, this is the centre of Pure Divine Knowledge. You’ll later on know how it works. It’s

very interesting.

Now raise your hand again, in the upper portion of your abdomen. Please. And then, raise your right

hand on your heart again. Now put right your hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and

turn head to the your right. This is the centre, I have told you, when you are guilty it is caught and

how it is dangerous.

Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead, across and put down your head. This is the

centre for forgiving others. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head. Push

back your head. These are all the centres. Now this centre is very important, without feeling guilty,

without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you will have to ask for forgiveness from this

All-Pervading Power.

Then, please stretch your palm fully, stretch your palm. It’s the last centre, which is on the fontanel

bone area. So put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which may be hot, which

may be cool. Now push back your fingers. This is important. Please push back your fingers, so there

is good pressure on your scalp. Please bend your head as far as possible and now move your right

hand fully, moving the scalp with the pressure seven times. Please bend your head that’s important.

That’s all we have to do. Now again please close your eyes and you will have to open them till I tell

you. But before that, see that your both the legs or feet are apart from each other. Left hand is on

your lap or comfortably put toward me like this. And now put your right hand on your heart. You

can take out your spectacles. it will help you, moreover, till I tell you, please don’t open your eyes.

Now close your eyes, slowly, not with pressure, but slowly, delicately. Now, don’t worry about

where your thoughts are, what you have to do, concentrate, nothing. Kundalini will do all the job.

You just leave it alone.

Now here is the centre of your Spirit, so here you have to ask a fundamental question about yourself

to me. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji. So please ask a question, “Mother,

am I the Spirit?” Please ask the question in your heart “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Three times! I

have told you, that if you become the Spirit, you become your Master, because in the light of your

Spirit, you know what is to be done. Your Spirit guides you.

So now please take your right hand on the left-hand side of your abdomen in the upper part and

press it. Here you ask me another question about yourself, three times in your heart, “Mother, am I

my own Master?” “Mother, am I my own Master?”

I have already told you, that I respect your freedom and this Pure Knowledge cannot be given to

you, with force, so you have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your

abdomen on the left hand side and ask six times, because this centre has got six petals. “Mother,

please give me Pure Divine Knowledge.” You have to ask for it. I cannot force on you. Please ask

six times.

As soon as you ask for Pure Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising like a plumule in a seed and is

going upward now, so we have to help the higher chakras with our self confidence. So now please

put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here you have to

say with full confidence, because this is the centre of your Mastery. “Mother, I am my own Master.”

Please say it ten times, “Mother, I am my own Master.”

Now, please raise your right hand on the heart. I have already told you, that you are the Pure Spirit.

You are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, these emotions, but you are the Pure

Spirit. So now here you ask twelve times. You have to say with full confidence, twelve times

“Mother, I am the Pure Spirit” “Mother, I am the Pure Spirit.”

I have already told you, that if you feel guilty and you don’t forgive yourself, you develop a

problem for your left Vishuddhi, which is very dangerous for your health, as well as for your SelfRealisation. So at this moment, you have to forgive yourself fully. So now raise your right hand in

the left corner of your neck and shoulder and put your head to your right. Here you have to say

sixteen times, with full confidence in yourself. “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” Please say it sixteen

times. Have faith in yourself, just say I tell you are not guilty, you are human beings and human

beings can commit mistakes. You are not gods, so please say it with full confidence sixteen times.

Most intricate part is that, you have to forgive every one without thinking about them, in general. If

you don’t forgive, then this chakra will be completely constricted and the Kundalini won’t rise. All

your life you have tortured yourself, by not forgiving others and now at this moment, if you don’t

forgive this centre won’t open at all, so you will miss again your Self-Realisation. You have to ask

forgiveness from this All-Pervading Power, just for your satisfaction. Don’t count your mistakes

please. Don’t feel guilty in any way.

Now put your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible

and here you have to say, “Oh Divine Power, if I have done anything knowingly or unknowingly,

something that is wrong, please forgive me.” This also you have to say from your heart, not how

many times counting or anything, but from your heart you have to say.

Some people find it difficult to forgive themselves and some people find it difficult to forgive others.

Now stretch your palm fully, put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area and push

back your fingers. Now, please bend your head. Again at this centre, I cannot force Self-Realisation

on you. You have ask for it. So, please move you hands seven times. Please put down your head.

Please put down your head. Please move your scalp with your hand, with pressure, because you

have pushed back your fingers, seven times, slowly, clock wise, saying, “Mother please give me

Self-Realisation.” You have to say it, unless or until you ask for it, I cannot force it on you, so

please say it.

(Shri Mataji blows into the microphone)

Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes, slowly. Put both the hands towards me,

like this.

Now put your right hand towards me like this and with the left hand, you bend your head and see

for yourself, if there is cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Could be hot if you have not

forgiven. Don’t put the hand on top of your head. So away from it and move your hand. Sometimes

it can be very close, or it can be far away. So please bend your head and see for yourself if there is a

cool, or a hot breeze like sensation coming from the fontanel bone area and don’t doubt. May be

you might think it’s air conditioning and all that, but there is no air conditioning in your head. So,

see it if for yourself, nicely.

Now, please put your left hand towards me and put the right hand... now you see if there is cool

breeze or a hot breeze like sensation, coming out of your head. Now, turn your hand on all the sides.

You can also see if some people get it very far. Some people get it like a jet out. Some it is closer to

the head. It depends on the personality of a person. Alright. Now have another one, right one, right

hand last lastly. Please put your left hand, now bend your head and see for yourself, there is a cool

or a hot breeze coming out of your head. It’s little further also you can see clearly, if there is.

Now please put both the hands towards the sky and push back your head and here you have to ask a

question. Any one of these questions, you can ask three times. The first question is, you can say is,

“Is this the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love?” “Mother is this is the All-Pervading Power of

Divine Love?” Second question could be, “Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Third

question could be, “Mother is this the Brahma Chaitanya?” Ask any one of these questions three

times. Now bring down the hands and put both hands towards me and watch me without thinking.

All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their palms, or out of their

fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in childhood, please raise both your hands.

Every one of you!

May God bless you Sydney people. I am so happy. May God bless you. Now keep it up. You have

to come to the collective and keep it up, and know the knowledge, all of it.

Can I see this side? All of you got it? Oh my God! It’s remarkable. This side also? (laughs) It’s

really remarkable.

May God bless you. It’s tremendous. Some didn’t get, very, very few. One here, one there, so they

can also come later on, on the stage and Sahaja yogis will give them Realisation. No problem, but

we will have one song just before I leave. I hope you will keep sitting till then and you can also

clap, so your hands become more active. Some song that will give you nice clapping rhythm, which


(Hindi & Marathi conversation with Sahaja Yogis)

You put your hand like this. It will increase with the song. You’ll feel the Cool Breeze increase with

the songs.You put your hand like this it will increase with the song it will definitely increase with

the songs.

(After the Song)

Now just feel your vibrations just feel with this clapping, how they have improved or not. Alright?

It’s much better, the flow. Also you can see on your head, you’re much better. As the lady had seen,

the one describe by Lord Mayor you can see on other’s head also, if it is there or not. With the

neighbours you can see. It’s there. Not on top, here little. It’s open now.

Sydney Town Hall, Sydney (Australia)

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