Public Program

Public Program 1995-10-10

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Public Program
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Transcript (English) – Draft

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

10 October 1995

Public Program

Los Angeles (United States)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Draft

Public Programme,10 October 1995, Los Angeles, United States of America

Please be seated, all of you. Please be seated. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot describe it, and you cannot pay for it. The truth is that at this human awareness, we do not know the truth, the absolute truth, we only know the relative truth, because if you had known the absolute truth, there would have been no arguments, no fights and no wars. Because we don’t know that the truth has to be achieved. You have to feel it on your central nervous system, which we call in Sanskrit language, a “bodh”, from where the word “Buddha” has come, enlightenment. It means you should feel it on your central nervous system, that means in your evolutionary process, you have to rise to that state where you can feel the all-pervading Power of divine love. So the truth is that there is a power which is doing all the living work. We are not aware of it, we have never felt it. But we don’t think, see the beautiful flowers you have here, it’s a miracle how these beautiful flowers have come out of Mother Earth at different times, with different sizes, with different fragrance and shapes. Who has done this job? We never think. Now, if you ask a doctor, ‘who runs your heart’? He will say, it is ‘autonomous nervous system’. Now, who is this ‘auto’? If you have an automobile, there has to be a driver. Now, who is that? That is the Spirit within us, in our heart.

So there are two things we have to understand. First thing is that, you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. Because, we say ‘this is my hand, this is my body, these are my emotions, this is my intelligence’, but who is the owner of that mind? When we say ‘this is my house, means, I am the owner’. So who is the owner of that house? That is the Spirit, that is the Self. So whatever I am telling you today, you should not accept Me blind-folded, please, we have had lots of trouble with these blind faiths, you see. You have to know that whatever I am telling you today, if it proves and if you feel this all-pervading Power on your finger-tips, on your central nervous system, then you have to believe in it. Because that is the last breakthrough of your evolution, and through that you become an enlightened personality. That is an experience, as I said, you cannot pay for it. Now the trouble is, with America, I had little different experiences, I don’t know why. So when I came, the Boston people asked Me, I mean, the television, ‘have you got a Rolls-Royce?’ I said, ‘no, I have only one car which is owned by my husband’. ‘So you are not in the business?’ I said, ‘no, there is no business’, they said, ‘we are not interested’. You cannot market God, you cannot do marketing, and you cannot make money out of it. As soon as I said this, they said, ‘you’d better go back, you will have no response in this country’. I just couldn’t understand, what sort of a mentality is this, that we can sell God, that we can sell divine love. Can we sell love, by any chance?

For nine years I didn’t come to this country, I am sorry to say, I couldn’t understand this mentality, that there is something so noble that is brought down to this level, of marketing. As it is we have to understand that America is a very important country as far as spirituality is concerned, and there have been many seekers. When I came there were thousands and thousands of seekers in this country, but absolutely lost. There was one sixteen year-old gentleman who came as a guru here, he earned lot of money out of you, settled down very nicely and then he became a Yankee, as they say, and married an American lady. He was wise enough to give up all this nonsense in time, so that he could not be exposed. And so many like that came here, even now, we have so many people of that kind, I am amazed how you people accept all this nonsense, with all the intelligence you have. It is beyond Me. I am a Mother and I have to tell you the truth. All these gimmicks are of no use and are not going to take you anywhere as far as your evolution is concerned. The other day I went to Washington, a year back, and there were so many who came down to say, ‘my goodness, we lost all our money, sold our house, our children are out of schools’. I said ‘why, what happened, why this crisis?’ They said ‘there is one gentleman who said you can control the minds of the people’. I said ‘really, what did he do?’ They called somebody from the audience and he said, and see here, he has a pendulum in his hand and I can manage that he can start moving the pendulum. He really started moving the pendulum. He was so impressed by him, this that, so much impressed by him, that we surrendered to him, he says we don’t know what happened, he might have mesmerised us, we gave up all our belongings, everything and now we are just like ascetic sanyasis. My goodness. I asked them, ‘what is the valuation you have for your own life? Have you come on this earth to move pendulums? What is this? Is it American wisdom or what? To move pendulums you have sold out your houses, taken out your children from schools? I just can’t understand. And they said ‘yes of course, we were very wrong. But it’s like this now, they were wrong, all right, finished, then another people are coming, then they’ll be wrong, now they are finished, going on and on in this country. Another one I met who told me that he came to America without visa and told that he has come without visa in his meditation here. And they believed. How could they believe such a nonsense? He said, ‘they did, because I said I came here flying in the air’, and he was the principal of a flying academy in Scotland, of TM. So they used to say, that you can fly up to three feet and transcend the gravity. What is the need to do that? I don’t know! To be very frank, while I was coming there was such a jam on the road, I was delayed, and if these people start flying at three feet, what will happen to all of us? Such stupid things they told you, and you believed them? With all your perfection, with all your progress. All of them, all such stupid people came here and really I don’t know how they stupefied you. One after another. And they are called gurus, I don’t know what they are called. I don’t know how we have lost our wisdom. Of course, you have other types also, like Evangelists, once we saw. I don’t know if David has told you, we were in Hawaii, I don’t know, after the programme, I said ‘let’s see some television’, and there comes one Evangelist, with a hundred pound note he shows, and he says ‘if you give this hundred pound note to God’ ...means him, of course, ‘then all your problems will be solved’. Then he gives a story that there was a lady, she had collected a hundred dollars for, I am sorry, hundred dollars, not pounds, for her grocery, and she gave it to God. So the grocery came on her doorstep, without paying anything, and then it started pouring from the top of the house. Such a blatant nonsense, and everybody was listening to it. I said, ‘I can’t manage these Americans, really, it’s impossible’. How could they believe all this nonsense. How can you tell them the truth then?

Truth has nothing to do with all these nonsensical things. Truth is your ascent into a higher state of awareness where you can feel this all-pervading Power and you get this yoga, called the union, with this all-pervading Power. ‘Saha‘ means ‘with’, ‘ja’ means born. Born with you is the right to get this union, this yoga. As human beings all of you have a right to get it. Especially the seekers of truth. So many seekers of truth. They took to drugs, I don’t know, all kinds of things poor things have done. And when I came here I found most of them are lost. It’s a very sad story of America, I cannot explain why it has happened.

So now today let us face the reality and let us know that it’s a happening within us which takes place. He has already told you about the triangular bone in which lies this Kundalini power. Of course, also there are people who have written books after books saying that it’s very dangerous to get the awakening of the Kundalini. This is another way to frighten people, because they don’t know how to do it, or maybe they don’t want that you should achieve your higher self. There is nothing like that, I assure you, She is your Mother, She is your individual Mother, she knows everything about you and she is anxious to give you your Second Birth. When you were born, your mother went through all the labour problem, she suffered, did she give you trouble? She is the Mother of all the Mothers, how can She give you trouble? How can She torture? This is what one has to understand that this Kundalini is our individual Mother, is the Power that is kept there for our ascent, just like, just like the primule of a seed which sprouts by itself because it is a living process. If you put a seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts, spontaneously it happens because the seed has a built-in capacity to sprout and the Mother Earth has a capacity to germinate. This is absolutely your own, no obligation, you can’t pay for it, I have told you. It’s your own which has to work out, just like a spontaneous, spontaneous awakening of a seed which sprouts, in the same way this Kundalini rises and gives you your Self-Realisation. Now there are many who say ‘we are twice-born’. I mean, just make a label on your head and ‘twice born’. They are just the same, there is no difference between a person who is twice-born and one who is not. What is the difference? But if you are twice-born in the real sense of the word, it is like an egg becoming the bird. In Sanskrit language we call it ‘vijaha’, born twice. Like the bird is called ‘vija’ and also an enlightened person is called as ‘vija’. So just by saying you are something, you don’t become. Becoming is different. So when this Kundalini rises, She does so many things, that in this lecture I may not be able to tell you all that. The first thing that happens to you is that you start feeling this all-pervading Power on your finger-tips. And these finger-tips are indicating your centres. All these centres you can feel it on your finger-tips. In English language, it is regarded as something very great, to know something on your finger-tips. Not only that you know your centres, but you know the centres of others. Because what happens to you is that your personality develops a dimension by which you become collectively conscious. It is not just talk, lectures, but it happens, that you become collectively conscious, you become. Becoming is the part. And once you are collectively conscious, then who is the other? It’s like a drop becomes the ocean. You can feel everyone on your finger-tips, even if he is dead. Even if he is far away. Anybody you want to feel, you can feel it on your finger-tips and know what centre is wrong. Then you change your language, you talk in the language of centres. If you have to describe somebody, you will say ‘that gentleman who had this centre, another gentleman who had this centre’.

Now when this Kundalini rises, She passes through six centres, when She passes through six centres, She pierces through the last one which we call as ‘Brahmarandra’, which is actually the actualisation of baptism. You feel the cool breeze coming out of your own head. You feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on your finger-tips. Then what is the transformation? I am talking of global transformation. This is working out in now, 65 countries, least in America, I am sorry to say, least in America, while in 65 countries, in thousands it is working out because the time has come for global transformation. So what happens, that as this Kundalini rises, She passes through these centres which are responsible for our physical, mental and emotional and spiritual being. So physically, most of your incurable diseases get absolutely cured. In India, we have three doctors who have got, now, MD for doing research on incurable diseases. With the help of Sahaja Yoga, they have proved that it can cure all these diseases. So many diseases can be cured by your own power, you don’t have to go to the doctors. Diagnosis is done on your finger-tips. You don’t have to spend money, waste money and bother yourself. It is something that you won’t believe, because it is so fantastic. But you are fantastic. For example, this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning, it has no identity. Once you connect it to the mains only, it starts working. But with this Kundalini, because She connects to this all-pervading Power of Divine Love, which is the ocean of love, ocean of knowledge, absolute, is the ocean of bliss, and the ocean of peace, you get connected with that. It’s the most important thing today is to get connected to that Power. There is no chance of you getting any diseases after that.

I hope they have told you, I am seventy-three years of age and every day I am travelling. Seventy-three years. And I don’t feel tired, I have so much energy flowing into Me. [Shri Mataji coughs] Your pollution in this country is too much I think! And with all this, curing your diseases by yourselves. Now this country is so much in danger in getting all kinds of diseases, you know that. People are even afraid to take water, they will think twice. ‘What is it, what is it made of? From where it comes?’ It’s a panic condition here. Nobody feels safe. Now all this gets absolutely connected. If I tell you how you won’t believe Me, but it happens, that your genes have data, you know, a database. It changes completely. People who have been criminals have become saintly. People who have been on the verge of death have been cured. I am not just telling you a story, you don’t have to pay Me for anything. It’s a fact that it happens. Those people who have been really lunatic also have been cured, even those who have AIDS have been cured. But these AIDS people are so aggressive, it is difficult to handle them. There are six of them are all right. The rest of them are so aggressive they won’t listen to Me. Very difficult people, I don’t know what happens to them, some sort of a mind which thinks that the whole world is wrong with them. But otherwise all kinds of diseases have been cured with Sahaja Yoga without paying a single pi, without going into any tortures of your diagnosis. Now, what else happens to you, that you become absolutely peaceful. We talk of peace, people get awards, this, that, I have seen people who have got awards in peace. Some of them are so hot-tempered that if you have to approach them, you better take a barge-pole, otherwise I don’t know what they will do to you. There is one lady in India, I know her very well. Supposed to be a lady spreading peace. I don’t know how she could spread peace when she is so hot-tempered. Then another thing is that all the time we are thinking, thinking of the future or thinking of the past. And our mind is all the time jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. We are never in the present, never. When Kundalini rises, She elongates those thoughts and there is a space in between, that is the present, and you become thoughtlessly aware. Jung has talked about it. That you become thoughtlessly aware, means you do not reflect. You do not reflect. You do not reflect. You just absorb. Like I see a beautiful carpet here, and supposing I look at it from this angle, that I have to sell this carpet, so I must insure it, I must do this, I must do that. And all my mind is on it, in a way that just how to do that, where to get it. If it is mine I will have more headache, but supposing I am in thoughtless awareness, then I look at it without any reflection, and what happens, that I go beyond mind, and the artist who has put his love, his joy, starts pouring into Me, like soothing beautiful colour, it happens. That’s how you become peaceful. And once human beings become peaceful we can achieve global peace. After all, all the ideas of war and all that have come to our minds. If our mind gets absolutely peaceful then this peaceful mind also generates peace around. Those who are close to such a person also feel that peace, and with that peace, what happens, that a person is absolutely one with reality because he is in the present and all his integration of his mind, of his thoughts, of his attention absolutely achieve perfection. Because this attention also gets enlightened. The Spirit, the light of the Spirit comes into the attention. So this enlightened attention, it gives you a photogenic memory, to begin with.

And secondly, in every way you achieve perfection. I can tell you so many scientists, so many artists, so many poets have achieved fame through Sahaja Yoga. Is a fact. Because the creativity also becomes so great, of another world, not ordinary, like selling some chocolates, but of another world, and very beautiful. All these things are within you and it starts expressing through the light of the spirit. You give up all that is destructive. Another idea Americans have, not only Americans I think, most of the Europeans also have the same idea, that every moment must be enjoyment and fun, for fun they might do anything. I heard recently they are cutting their eyebrows in between, I don’t know what’s the fun one can get out of it! And all these enjoyments if you see, are self-destructive. They are not constructive, they are self-destructive. When they get to this kind of enjoyment they don’t know where they are going, what they are up to. But as soon as you have the light of the Spirit you see what is destructive and what is constructive. What is detrimental and what is going to save you. And you take to that very clearly and you have the power to take to it. So I have seen people overnight, I promise you I am not telling you lies! I don’t want to tell any lies to you. Overnight people have given up drugs. Overnight! There is no need to have military or anything, only the Kundalini awakening. They have given up alcoholism, so many things like that they have given up. Surprising how it has happened that once they have achieved their self-hood, how they know their self-knowledge and how they know what is good for them. It is very important at this juncture that we should be aware about it, that these things are not going to give us any joy. But you jump in the ocean of joy. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness. It is singular, it is just joy. You become joyous. It’s like, I think, when you are in the water there are waves which you see and you are frightened. But if you get into a boat you like to see those waves, you enjoy them. But supposing you know how to swim you can jump back and save so many people.

This is the purpose and identity of your life that you become the citizens of the Kingdom of God and become joyous people forming a new race of people who are beyond worries, who are beyond torturing others, who are so kind and nice and so compassionate. We, as I told you, we have 65 nations, from where people come to India, when we have a seminar there. I have never seen them quarrelling, fighting, nothing, just they enjoy each other’s company. Pure enjoyment without lust and greed. Can you imagine, such a beautiful race is being formed. I don’t know how far Americans will come into it. I have been coming every year now, but see now, so many are dropping off. I have never seen this happening in Russia or anywhere. So callous, so indifferent to oneself. All is happening, everything they see, they don’t want to have a solution. It’s like some people who are uprooted, that they do not feel that they must grow and they must get out of all these problems that they have been facing. The enlightened person gets the power to raise the Kundalini of others, give them realisation. Like one candle which is enlightened can enlighten many lights, that’s how Sahaja Yoga has spread, but there should be people also, the candles which are willing to be enlightened. If there are people who are not bothered about it and run after stupid things, how can you manage? But it’s very much there in these modern times, it’s already described as the Last Judgement. You judge yourself. By going to wrong people, or to right people, wrong path or right path. Mohammed Sahib even has said that at the time of Kyama [check], means resurrection time which is today, ‘your hands will speak’ and give witness against you, because they will tell you what chakras you are catching, just imagine, he said that very clearly. I don’t know what Muslims are doing. There’s not one better than the other. These religions are not at all spirit-orientated, they have no soul, they are money-oriented or power-oriented. And fighting with each other in the name of God. But by this happening, you innately become righteous, innately. I don’t have to tell you ‘don’t do this and don’t do that’, you innately become that, you become virtuous and you enjoy your virtues. As far as the innocence is concerned, innocence is never lost. You will be amazed, it’s such an eternal quality. Only sometimes by our mistakes, we cover it up, like we cover the sun with some clouds but actually innocence is always there and when you get your realisation you become very innocent. So innocent and so beautiful. On your face it shows. You drop your age very much. Start looking much younger. Nowadays I am told that in America there is a big craze that one should look younger. But thinking like that you will become older, definitely! By worrying about it, it will be much worse. But by this happening you will look much younger, not look, but you feel, you feel much younger, you enjoy your life. It’s a thing that is meant for all of us. You have been seekers in your last lives. You have already said that these people who will be seekers in the Himalayas or in some hills and dales will be born at this time as householders, ordinary people and they will get their realisation. It is already predicted by Brouboumouni [unclear] in India. He said it and it is happening, it is working out.

For us now it is important to know what is the value of our life. Why are we on this earth? Science cannot answer, science cannot answer why are you on this earth. But Sahaja Yoga can. And once you become that, then it’s a very, very different personality you develop. You have confidence, you become dynamic, at the same time you are full of compassion and love. There is nothing that you can pay for it, no, no, it is invaluable. Moreover it is your own right to have it because you are seekers of truth. Once you get this others will see you, your life, your whole achievements and will take to it.

I am happy today to see so many of you in Los Angeles and I am sure you will also not neglect your Self-Realisation. You will also grow into big trees and will enlighten many people. It’s what you have to do. That’s why you are on this Earth. That is the identity you have. Not by cutting your hair or standing on your heads, no, you are glorious, you don’t know your glory. You don’t know how you are made, you have no idea at all, you are fantastic. Like I would say, a television, if you take in a remote corner of a place where there is no electricity, nothing, they have never seen a television, and tell, ‘but see this one, will show you some films or something.’ They said, ‘Ah, now, this is too much, how can this box do that? You also think we are boxes, no respect for ourselves?’ We are not. Once you put this television to the mains then you will know what fantastic thing it is, but what fantastic thing you are you don’t know! Once you know your powers and once you know your glory you respect yourself, you grow into it and such a race is growing all over the world, all over the world it is growing and I wish it also grows in Los Angeles. New York is better, I must say. Maybe Hollywood, I don’t know why, I don’t know why, maybe Los Angeles means it’s the angels, looking out for the angels here, because the name is very beautiful. This is the country of angels, and there must be, I am sure about it. I hope you achieve that state of enlightenment, that is what you are seeking, but for that, I must say you have to be serious, idiots cannot get realisation, stupid people cannot get realisation, also the people who are arrogant, they cannot. You have to be humble and you must have pure desire, because this Kundalini is the power of pure desire. You will be so relaxed all your life and you will see things so clearly. Above all you will see so many miraculous things happening to you and later on you will realise it is all planned, it’s all working out. First you will think it is coincidence but then you will see how these things are working out and how we are helped all the time because you become angels. May God bless you.

It will take hardly ten minutes for you to get your realisation, but I would request please, at that time, please don’t disturb the audience and don’t try to get out and get up. If you want to go, please go. Because one thing I must confess, that I respect your freedom, and I cannot force Self-Realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So please, those who want to leave can leave the hall, but those who want should just feel that they want to have Self-Realisation. Moreover, you should have full confidence, full confidence, don’t think that ‘how can I get it?’ Moreover, the idea of, ‘I have committed so many sins’, nonsensical ideas like that, are there. At this moment, you are not a sinner. At this moment you are a seeker of truth. You are no more guilty of anything. Don’t feel guilty, I request you don’t feel guilty because whatever mistakes you might have committed you should have faced them that time. What’s the use of carrying it with you? And do you know what happens when you feel guilty? This centre on the left catches, here. And when this centre catches you might get spondylitis, or you might get angina which is a heart trouble, you might get all your organs very lethargic as well. So not to feel guilty. See this idea of feeling guilty is a very common thing in the West, I don’t know, it’s a fashion and they say, ‘I am guilty of this, I am guilty of that’. If you are guilty, you would be in jail! Then how are you sitting here?! So, don’t think that you have to feel guilty about anything, nothing. No confessions in Sahaja Yoga, no confessions, nothing, past is past, is finished.

So you have to forgive yourself. In the same way you have to forgive others. Many people tell Me, ‘it is very difficult to forgive’. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive what do you do? What do you do? Nothing. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything, both ways. But when you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. So, what you have to do is to forgive everyone in general. Don’t even think about them, it’s a headache. Just you have to say ‘I forgive everyone’, just like that. I tell you it works, it works. Try just to say ‘I forgive everyone’ in your heart. Everyone, in general. First of all I have told you that I respect your freedom and that you should have full confidence that you will get realisation tonight. That is very important. You should not be diffident about it, please. You all are seekers and you have a right to get your enlightenment, I assure you that. Third condition is even easier, that you have to take out your shoes. While I am telling you, because in England that first time I told them ‘please take out your shoes’ half of them walked out! Can you explain this? I don’t know, why they walked out, after all no one was going to steal their shoes! All right, so just take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi]

She has already told you about the two Nadis, the left and right. Now the left one is responsible for our desire, mundane desire. The mundane desire is such that it is never fulfilled. As you know, the law of economics is such that wants in general are not satiable, today we want a house and a car and this and that. But there is one desire which is pure desire within us, that is this Kundalini. Once this Kundalini awakens She gives us complete satisfaction, you see a flower, you feel satisfied. You see anything, you feel satisfied. You become a great admirer of all that is joyous, even if you see a ridiculous thing, you see a ridiculous thing, enjoy it as ridiculous, sense of humour, everything, just flowers. So, what we have to do is to have the left hand like this, towards Me, which is suggesting that you want to have your Self-Realisation, just like that, simple, we will show you. Very simple, nothing to be done, extraordinary. You don’t have to go to Himalayas, you don’t have to stand on your heads, relax. And sit comfortably, only your feet should be away from each other because they represent your two powers, one is the desire, another is the action. So with our left hand we express our desire to have our Self-Realisation. With the right hand we have to nourish our centres, but I will try a quick one today, let’s have instant Sahaja Yoga.

You will be amazed, in New York I just felt I thought we could try what we have done in Russia and it worked, you know. So maybe let’s try that first, I am sure it will work. Now, put your left hand towards Me, right hand on the heart. Now in the heart resides the Spirit, now put both the hands towards Me, just like that. Now, put down your head little bit and put your right hand on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Just when you are ready. And now try to feel if there is any cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. If you have not forgiven yourself or if you have not forgiven others, then it would be hot, so try to forgive. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Now just see for yourself. There is a hot or a cool breeze-like thing, what we call vibrations, are coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Now don’t doubt it, some people get it very close and some people get it very far. You can move your hand and see for yourself. Now just bend your head, bend your head and don’t touch it, just keep it away. All right, now please put your right hand towards Me. Now again bend your head and see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations, coming from your fontanel bone area. Now once more, please put your left hand towards Me and see for yourself if there is again, with the right hand you can see if there is cool or hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now try to move your hand and see for yourself, clearly. Please bend your head. Please see it clearly, so now don’t doubt, please don’t doubt yourself. It is coming out of your head, see for yourself. Now, please put both your hands towards the sky, like this and ask one of these three questions, one only, three times. First is, you can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ First question. Ask three times, or you can ask, ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of Divine Love? Ask three times. Or you can ask ‘Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?’ Ask any one of these questions three times. If you are a Muslim you can say ‘Is this the Ruh?’ Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now put down your hands. Please put your hands again towards Me and don’t think. Just don’t think. Keep your eyes open. There is no mesmerism, just see that you are feeling a cool or a hot breeze on your finger-tips or on your palm or maybe out of your fontanel bone area. All those who are feeling please raise both your hands. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi]

I bow to you. Now I know where the angels are! All of you practically, you have felt it, I am surprised. It will work out, it is very surprising, isn’t it! Now, for the first time you are feeling this cool breeze, feel it. Now put your hands like that, straight. Don’t doubt, you shouldn’t doubt. Watch Me without thinking. Let’s see. Keep your eyes open. Watch Me without thinking. May God bless you! You got it! May God bless you. May God bless you. May God bless you.

Now the mantra is, you enjoy yourself! It’s going to be there, you have to remember the parable of Christ, that some seeds got sprouted and fell in the marsh. You have been sprouted, you have to grow into it, and you have to become enlightened personalities, you have to grow. For that we have very good centres here. It’s not like mine is an introductory lecture and then you carry your purses there, nothing of the kind. You don’t have to pay anything, only little time you have to give. They will also tell you if there is a little problem, you have to clear it out. They have very good Sahaja Yogis here, I tell you, wonderful people. Very wonderful people who are concerned about Americans, who want that they should spread very fast here. So to solve the problem, we can say for the benevolence of yourself, of your family, of your city, and for the benevolence of the whole world, is important that you should grow into Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you.

See, I tell you! In five minutes they got it. If you want to contact Me, if you have any questions, you can write and they will send it over to Me. They will also answer your questions, there is no hard and fast rule, no disciplining, nothing. And they will tell you what you have to do, every evening about five minutes of meditation, that’s all. It is very simple and you yourself will know how you are growing. You will know everything. You will know everything, because it is your knowledge, it is your Self.

[Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi] They can sing one song if they want. I have not heard them singing yet.

It is very simple. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi]

[Yogi gives information about follow-up programmes]

Eyes are sparkling.

You felt it? All right. You will know everything about it. You have got, what problem? Oh my goodness, it can be cured in no time. Can you come and stand here? Here is a candle. Now put both the hands towards Me, like this. How old are they? How many years you have had? Nearer the light. All right.

[Some yogis sing a song while other yogis work on new people]

Centres are opening out? It’s quite old, that’s why it’s calcified. Cold water you should not use, warm water. So you come along, it’s all right, we will have a look. We will see that, see his hands are opening out.

[Yogis sing a bhajan]

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