Reality has to be known by ascending to another state of Spirit

Reality has to be known by ascending to another state of Spirit 1992-07-27

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi
Text Status
Transcript English – Draft
Live Translation

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27 July 1992

Reality Has To Be Known By Ascending To Another State Of Spirit

Public Program

Hofburg Palace, Vienna (Austria)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot imagine about it, think about it or conceptualize it. Also unfortunately, at this human level we cannot feel it. We have to become a subtler being to feel our subtle being. We have to be the Spirit. Otherwise whatever we think about it is not reality. Reality has to be known by ascending to another state of Spirit.

Now, let us know what is the truth. The truth is you are not this body, this mind - this is not your conditionings, nor your ego, emotions, but it is pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is an all-pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers - it's a miracle, but we take it for granted. Look at our eyes, which is a miracle itself - it's a camera. Look at our brain, which is such a computer. But we take it for granted and do not think about it. Who does this work? Who runs our heart? We call it in medical terminology that autonomous nervous system runs the heart. But who is this auto? All this living work is done by this all-pervading Power of Divine Love. Whatever I'm telling you, you need not take it blindfolded. But you have to keep your mind open like a scientist and treat it as a hypothesis. And if you find that it is true then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world.

So now, within us is based this mechanism, which has been shown to you and about which they have told you. And there is this power which is going to connect you to this all-pervading Power of Divine Love. We are all born with that Divinity within us in a potential state. And it is quite intact. Whatever you might have done, whatever so called mistakes you might have committed - this faith of Divinity is also within us. We had this faith from our childhood, but gradually we lost it. We had faith that there is something beyond and that's what we have lost it. All we are misled. We have to understand that this Divinity is absolutely there, untarnished, without any problem, because it is of eternal nature. Like clouds, maybe some of the actions in our life might have covered it. But you'll be amazed to see that it is there - alive.

Now, the second problem we have to understand that all world problems come from human beings. And all human problems come from these fundamental centers within us. When these fundamental centers go into problems we get all kinds of physical, mental, emotional, social, political and also spiritual problems. And economical and social. So, if these centers could be corrected, nourished, made healthy all the problems will be solved. The time has come for us to achieve that state of Spirit. Is a special time - I call it the Blossomtime. In the Bible they called it the Last Judgment. In the ''Puranas'' also it is described as ''Satya Yuga''. And in the Koran it is described as ''Kiyama'', meaning Resurrection time. It is fortunate that at this time you are all born and that you are seekers of truth. Sahaja Yoga - ''Saha'' means 'with you' is born the right to achieve the state of Spirit. '''Ja''' is born. So, this right you have - all of you have got that right. And you have to achieve that state of Spirit.

In short I'll tell you what is the nature of the Spirit. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty. So, it is a universal being. It exists as a witness in our heart. It watches whatever we are doing. But when it manifests in our attention then we can feel our centers and the centers of others. Thus we get self knowledge - selfhood. And also we develop a new dimension in our awareness called as Collective Consciousness. When you can feel the centers of others. If you can understand and master the art of Divine working you can cure your centers and you can cure the centers of others.

When this Kundalini pierces through your fontanel bone area it connects you to this all-pervading Power of Divine Love. Just like this instrument (''Ed: microphone'') has got this connection with the mains - in the same way you get connected with that power. Once this connection is fully established all the time this dynamic energy starts flowing through you. You become dynamic - at the same time extremely compassionate. You become very wise with Divine discretion. On your fingertips you can feel your centers and the centers of others. Everybody feels the same. If you want to know this is wrong or right you can feel it on your fingertips. Thus you know the absolute Truth. If everyone feels the same way, then how can there be quarrels? How can there be wars also?

So, this is a new awareness, a new dimension, which manifests within us. And it takes us much beyond mental activity, where your thoughts cannot overpower you. Thoughts come from the future or from the past and we are dancing on the cusp of the thoughts. But with this happening we enter into our present. In between these thoughts there is a space where there is peace and we enter into our peace. In this state you become thoughtlessly aware. When you start growing in your spiritual being then the second thing that happens to you is that you become one with reality. All kinds of falsehood start dropping out. And you know that you have become a saint. And you become extremely confident with your knowledge.

The Spirit is the source of joy. And you'll jump into the ocean of joy. Joy has no duality. It does not have happiness and unhappiness. It is absolute. All this is your own. You have to just get it. It's a very easy thing, it's very spontaneous, it's a living process. For this process you don't have to pay. You don't have to put in any efforts, it's spontaneous. It spontaneously sprouts, you have to only look after it like a gardener.

Whatever I am telling you is not a sermon or a lecture, it's the actualization of the experience. And actualization of your baptism. Because you feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head. Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. And Kundalini is the Primordial Mother. This is what is reflected in you as your own individual mother. And she gives you your second birth.

Christ has said, "Humble in heart will inherit the Earth." So one has to be humble. If you are arrogant about it your own Kundalini won't rise. Moreover this Kundalini knows all about you. She does not give you any trouble. And just spontaneously She manages to connect you to that all-pervading Divine Power. And for the first time you start feeling on your fingertips this all-pervading Power as Cool Breeze.

I respect your freedom, and your Self Realization cannot be forced on you. Those who really want it in a humble way can have it. Those who do not want are not forced - cannot be forced. All such people should please leave the hall. It will take about ten or 15 minutes to get your Realization. In this short time you should appreciate I cannot tell you everything about his vast knowledge, but if you get your enlightenment you'll understand this subtle knowledge very easily.

So, those who do not want can leave the hall. It will hardly take ten to 15 minutes.

''Aside'': The lights are very dim, I can't see the people.

I know, some of you have questions - just now keep them away from yourself. And you can write them down and we'll try to answer them later on.

''Aside'': Can't see them.

There are three conditions which are very simple. The first condition is that you all have to have full confidence that you will all get your Self Realization tonight.

Second is you are not to feel guilty about anything whatsoever. This idea of sin - please take it out of your mind. This gives you a guilt, which makes your left Vishuddhi here - this chakra - very weak. And this causes a disease called angina, spondylitis and a lethargy of the organs. If you have done mistakes it's all right, after all you are human beings, you are not God. And if you have done mistakes you should face them. Instead of putting them as guilt here (''Ed: left Vishuddhi'') and torture yourself. In short: forgive yourself and be very pleasantly placed towards yourself, because you are going to enter into the Kingdom of God. This Divine Power is the Ocean of Forgiveness. And you cannot commit any mistake that cannot be dissolved by this Ocean of Forgiveness.

The third condition is also very simple. Third ccondition is that you have to forgive everyone. You have to forgive in general, you don't have to think about each one of them. Logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Those who have tortured you, or troubled you are happy and you are torturing yourself on their behalf. So, what's the use of not forgiving? Moreover, the chakra which we call as the Agnya chakra in the optic chiasma is closed like this - constricted like this. It won't open unless and until you forgive. But once you forgive it opens like this. You have to just say, "I forgive everyone of them." Don't even think of them, because it's a headache.

These are the only three conditions. If you really accept them it will work out very fast. You have to cooperate with Me.

Now we have to take out our shoes. That will help us a lot, because this Mother Earth sucks in our problems.

Now, they have already told you about the left and right side. And as they are two powers we have to put both the feet a little away from each other. You don't have to stay in yourself, you have to be comfortable - only thing, don't bend yourself too much or don't stretch yourself too much till I tell you. You have to be very comfortable. You don't have to go to Himalayas for that. And you don't have to suffer. Christ has suffered for us already. Just have faith in yourself. Don't be doubts about yourself. I assure you, you all can get your Self Realization tonight.

So, now we'll show you how we'll nourish our own centers, you will nourish your own centers. Please put your left hand towards Me like this. This is symbolic that you want your Self Realization, because left side is the power of ordinary desire. All of you have to do it. Those who don't want to do should go away. Then we have the second power, the power of action on the right hand side, with which we'll be nourishing our centers. Third is the power of Kundalini which is the power of Pure Desire. So, all of you should have Pure Desire in your heart that you should all get your Self Realization.

So, just put your left hand towards Me like this, very comfortably on your lap or on your legs, resting like this. Now, with the right hand we'll be nourishing our centers on the left hand side. First we'll show you and then we close our eyes and the process will start. Please put your right hand on your heart. This is the center where the Spirit resides. If you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your guide, your master. Then you put your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. This is being created by great prophets. We have to just enlighten it. Now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Lower, lower, lower here. This is the center for Pure Divine Knowledge.

Again we raise our hand in the upper portion of our abdomen. Then we raise our right hand on our heart. Now we raise our right hand in the corner of our neck and our shoulder and turn our head to our right. This is the center as I told you - I told you this center gets in trouble when you feel guilty.

Now, please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. This is the center where you have to ask forgiveness - where you have to forgive others, I am sorry. This is the center where you have to forgive others. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine Power.

Now, the last center which is important. Please stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, very important is to push back your fingers, that there is a good pressure - there should be a good pressure on your scalp. Now, please put down your head. Here now you have to move your scalp seven times clockwise.

That's all we have to do.

Now you have to close your eyes. And till I tell you please don't open your eyes. Put both the feet away from each other. Now please take out your spectacles.

Put your right hand on your heart.

''Aside'': It's terrible, such heat I'm absorbing from all of them. Terrible heat they have. All right, doesn't matter.

Please put your right hand on your heart. Here now you have to ask Me a very fundamental question - three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji.

I've already told you that if you become the Spirit you become your own master. So, now please take your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say again another question. Three times please ask, "Mother am I my own master?"

I've already told you that I respect your freedom. And I cannot force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to ask six times, because this center has got six petals. Please say, "Mother, give me pure knowledge. Please Mother, give me pure knowledge." Six times.

As soon as you ask for pure knowledge your Kundalini starts moving upward. So now, we have to nourish our higher centers so that Kundalini can pass easily through them. It has to be nourished with our self confidence. So, now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. And here you have to say in full confidence ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." Please say it ten times.

I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are pure Spirit. So, now please raise your right hand on your heart. And here with full confidence say twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit."

The all-pervading Divine Power is the Ocean of Divine Knowledge. It is the Ocean of Compassion and Bliss. But above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness. So whatever mistake you have committed can be easily dissolved by this Ocean of Forgiveness. So, now please raise your hand on to the corner of - between your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here now with full confidence please say 16 times, "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." Please turn your head to your right.

I've already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But you torture yourself and play into wrong hands. So. Please take your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. Here you have to forgive everyone in general, not how many times, but from your heart. If you do not forgive then you will also miss your Self Realization, because Kundalini cannot pass through the constricted Agnya chakra.

Now, please take back your hand on the back side of your head and put it up as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction you have to say, "Oh Divine Power, please forgive me, if I have done any mistakes."

Now, this has to be said from your heart, not how many times.

Now, please stretch your palm fully. And put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Push back your fingers.

Why are you not doing, madam? Why is she not doing it - this lady?

Yogini: She wants to listen only.

'''Shri Mataji:''' Then let her go away. She should go. She should not try to be arrogant like that, not proper.

All right. Now put your right hand on your fontanel bone area and please put down your head. Here now, you have to move your scalp seven times clockwise. But here again I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for your Self Realization. So while moving your scalp seven times you should just say, "Mother, please give me my Self Realization." Seven times please.

''(Shri Mataji is blowing into the microphone)''

Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands like this towards Me. Open your eyes. Watch Me. Watch Me without thinking, you can do it.

Now please put right hand towards Me. And put down your head and see with your left hand if there is a Cool or a warm Breeze coming out of your head. You shouldn't put your hand on top of your head, but away from it.

Now please put your left hand towards Me. And now bend your head and see with your right hand if there's a Cool or a hot Breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now please put your right hand towards Me again and with the left hand you can see it again.

Now raise both your hands towards the sky and ask a question - one of these three questions, anyone of them, three times. Push back your head and ask the question, "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Or ask the question three times, "Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of Divine Love?" Or ask the question three times, "Mother, is this the ''Paramachaitanya''?"

Please take down your hands.

Aside: It's hot.

All those who have felt Cool Breeze or hot Breeze from their fontanel bone area or on their fingertips or on their palms please raise both your hands.

The whole of Austria. May God bless you all! May God bless you! May God bless you!

Vienna! I bow to you all. You have now started your saintly life. Now respect your Self Realization. Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. You cannot do it individually. Of course, at home you can meditate, but you have to come to collective to grow. Like this finger, if it is sick, the whole body runs for the help of this. In the same way now you have become the whole. The microcosm has become the macrocosm. You'll have so many blessings and so many miracles that you may not believe them even.

And you'll be amazed how fantastically you are so glorious. But you must learn how to use this power. You'll hardly take a month to master it. You don't have to pay for this at all. No one is going to pay for it, only thing you have to give little time for your Self Realization.

May God bless you all!

Aside: Such beautiful people there!

Now, would like them to meet Me?

Hofburg Palace, Vienna (Austria)

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