How to enter into another realm of awareness, which is spirituality?

How to enter into another realm of awareness, which is spirituality? 1992-07-28

Talk duration
Public Program
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Text Status
Transcript English – Draft
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28 July 1992

How To Enter Into Another Realm Of Awareness, Which Is Spirituality?

Public Program

Városháza, Budapest (Hungary)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Public Program. Budapest (Hungary), 28 July 1992.

I bow to all the seekers of truth.

At the very outset you have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot think about it, you cannot imagine about it, also at human awareness you cannot conceptualize it. Also you cannot understand it through books, because it's all mental. For that you have to enter into another realm of awareness, which is spirituality. That means you have to become the Spirit.

You have been already told about this mechanism that's within you. But you should not blindfolded believe in it, but keep your mind open like a scientist and treat it like a hypothesis. If it is true, as honest people, you must accept it, because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world.

The truth is that you are not this body, mind, this ego or conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is an All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers, we take them for granted. It's a miracle. We see our eyes, which is a wonderful camera, a miracle, this brain, which is a computer. We take everything for granted. Who has created them? Who runs our heart? They say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So far we had no self-knowledge. All world problems are because of human beings and all the human problems are because of their chakras, centers. It means that these centers can be put right then there should be no problems. Moreover at this human awareness we do not know the absolute truth. That it is why we are fighting with each other. Some people believe that this kind of government is good, some believe that kind of government is good, because we do not know the unity that exists within us.

Now the greatest problem which we face, it is fundamentalism, because fundamentalists want to say their religion is the best. And they want to keep many religions, they want to keep many religions. And when we say that all religions were got on one tree of spirituality and there should be only one universal religion they don't like it. As long as there will become fundamentalism, there will be wars, there will be violence, there will be [CLAIM]. We have to find within ourselves what are we. The nature of the Spirit is that it's an universal being. As it is, outside, we laugh the same way, we cry the same way, we feel the same way. We are feeling from inside the same, all of us. We are not different people, only outwardly we may look different. So unless until we understand that we are universally born, we cannot get over wars. For that you have to become the Spirit.

First thing that happens to you when this Kundalini rises that your physical, mental, emotional problems will solve. It is a fact that there are three doctors who have got their M.D. in curing incurable diseases, by this Kundalini awakening. This power is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother. Those who do not believe in Primordial Mother are not understanding that She is the One who has created all these universes. In the Greek mythology She is called as Athena. I also saw a statue of Athena here, in Budapest, and as Adi Shakti in Sanskrit language. Even Mohamed Saab has said that paradise lies at the feet of the Mother.

In the Gospel of Thomas he writes authentically Christ said, "This is the Mother who has bore Me in Her womb but I have another One with a great M capital." So this is the reflection of the Primordial Mother in your triangular bone, as you see there. She is your individual Mother and She knows all about you. And She is the One who gives you your second birth. As your Mother took all the problems when you were born, She looks after you. And we do not get any trouble whatsoever.

On the contrary you can correct it with this All Pervading Power. As this instrument is connected to the mains you also get connected and then you have a meaning to your life, an identity to yourself. But it's a living process, an actualization; it is not just putting hand on your head and saying that actualization or baptism has taken place. It's actualization. And you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head, your head. Also for the first time you see, feel this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost or the All Pervading Power of God's Love on your fingertips. This actually happens to you. It is an experience. As soon as this happens to you, you develop a new personality, which we call as collective consciousness. You become collective. It is not just saying you have to be collective, but you just become. And you can feel the centers of others also on your fingers tips. You can feel your own centers, you can feel the centers of others.

Now if you know how to correct these centers then you solve the problems for yourselves and for others. But you take the power to raise the Kundalini. It's you, your own. You always have this power potentially within you and whatever you might have done, whatever mistakes you might have committed it is all there. This Divinity is of eternal value. It's all the time there, existing. And only thing It has to be awaken to manifest Itself. Another thing that happens to you that you become thoughtlessly aware, means you become thoughtless, but you are aware. That means you become one with the present and in that state you grow spiritually. Whenever you want to think, you can think, whenever you don't want to think you can switch off your mind.

Thus you jump into your own peace. It's not just artificial. I've known many people who have got Peace prizes, International Peace prizes, but there is no peace within. Is just they are certified, without any peace within. Thus for the first time we know the reality and we enter into the Kingdom of God. Of course we become extremely dynamic and the same time very compassionate. In Austria they have found out that ninety five per cent people who came to Sahaja Yoga gave up drugs completely without any difficulty, spontaneously. There are so many advantages of becoming the Spirit because that's the last breakthrough of your evolution. But one thing is there one cannot force you. Your freedom is respected, because you have to get your ultimate freedom. Nor can you pay for it. What do we pay to Mother Earth for creating these flowers? Nor do you have to put in any effort like standing on your head. Christ has said: "Humble in heart will own this Earth." So we have to be humble about it. Is not meant for people who are stupid or arrogant. For people who are seeking the truth, it is their right to have it.

In this short time as you know it's very difficult to talk about this ocean of knowledge. But that is what you are. It's just take ten minutes, fifteen minutes to jump into the Kingdom of God. But as I said I cannot force on you. Those who do not want to have, I cannot force. Such people should leave the hall. But those who want to have it, will have it. I know some of you have lots of questions in your head. I'm quite clever; I can answer all your questions. But just now if you can keep your questions on one side and I came down send it over, we'll try to answer them nicely. Better to get your Enlightenment.

Now there are three conditions. The first one is that you have to be absolutely confident about yourself that you all will get your Self Realization tonight. This is one condition. Secondly not to feel guilty at all. You are all human beings and if you have committed mistakes it's all right. You are not Gods. So the most important thing is to understand that if you feel guilty, it's an artificial idea. If you have a mistake better face it. But if you feel guilty then the center on the left hand side this Vishuddhi gets caught. And as a result you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs. So why to feel guilty? That means you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God.

The third condition is very simple. The third condition is that you have to forgive everyone. So many say it is very difficult. That's the most easy thing if you understand that logically whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. Those who have troubled you are quite happy and you are torturing yourself on their behalf. So best is to forgive and don't even think about it because it's a headache. That it really make you feel very much lighter. Also the center here, in the brain as you see there, in the optic chiasm, crosses over like this, and is such a constricted one. Now if you do not forgive, it will not open. So you have to forgive to open it like this. That's all. It's very simple. So I said it will take hardly ten minutes more. You should not see the watches and nobody should get up to disturb others. So now we'll tell you how we are going ourselves to nourish our own centers.

Firstly it would be better to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. You have been told that there are two powers within us of sympathetic nervous system: one is the left, another is the right. The left side is the power of desire, of common desire. So you put your left hand on your lap comfortably symbolizing that you want your Self Realization. This you have to do only today. You need not remember also. Then your right hand is the power of action with which we will nourish our centers on the left hand side. Kundalini is the power of pure desire. So you must have pure desire that you want to have your Self Realization.

So now we put our hand on our heart, right hand on your heart and both the feet are kept apart from each other. In the heart is the reflection of God Almighty as Spirit. If you become the Spirit, in the enlightenment of the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side, which is the center of pure mastery. This is the center created by great prophets. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, please. And now raise your right hand on your heart again.

Take your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your face to your right. I've already told you that when you feel guilty this center gets spoilt. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now take back your right hand, back side of your head and push back your head. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now last center, very important. Stretch your palm [UNCLEAR] Stretch your palm. Put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please bend your head. Now very important is to press back your fingers so that is a good pressure on your scalp. Here, you have to press the scalp and move it slowly, seven times, clock-wise. Don't move your hand, move your scalp by pressing out your fingers.

Now please take down your hands and now you have to close your eyes. Please see that both your feet are apart from each other and there's nothing very, very tied on your waist or on your neck. Now please put your left hand on your lap. Now you have to close your eyes. Please don't open them till I tell you. You can take out your spectacles. Please now put left hand towards Me, on your lap and right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. The question can be asked, you can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like.

So please ask a question in your heart, three times:" Mother, am I the Spirit?" If you are the Spirit, you become your guide, your master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here you have to ask another question, three times:" Mother, am I my own Master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you. So you have to ask for it. Please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you press it and ask Me six times because this center has got six petals:" Mother please give me Pure, Divine Knowledge."

As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini starts rising. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here now you have to nourish this upper center with your self-confidence. So you have to say with full confidence, ten times: " Mother, I am my own master". Ten times. "Mother, I am my own master." I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your hand, right hand on your heart and ask here with full confidence, or say it that "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Please say it ten times.

I've told you that this Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, bliss and compassion. But above all It is the ocean of compassion. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right and know that whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So now here you say sixteen times: "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." Now raise your right hand, sixteen times you have to say, put it on your, in the corner of your neck and shoulder, turn to your right properly. I've already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive, logically you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Here you have to say with full confidence, not how many times, from your heart "Mother, I forgive everyone." You put your right hand on your head, on your forehead across and put down your head. Put down your head. Here you have to say: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Say it from your heart.

Now take this hand, right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say again from your heart, not how many times, without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, for your own satisfaction, please say: "Oh, Divine Power please forgive me if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly." Now the most important, last center. Please stretch your palm fully, please stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Press back with your fingers. Please put down your head. Here again I cannot cross over your freedom, I respect it. You have to ask for Self Realization. I cannot force it.

So now please put down your head and move your scalp slowly, seven times, clock-wise saying: "Mother, please give me Self Realization." Now please take down your hands and open your eyes. Put both the hands like this towards Me, like this. Now, please put your right hand towards Me like this and with the left hand see if there is a cool or a hot breeze like waves coming out of your fontanel bone area, see with the left hand. Don't put your hand on the top of your head. Please bend your head you'll see better. Now please put your left hand towards Me and put down your head and see with right hand if there's a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people get it close some far away. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven. Please forgive. All right.

Now, put your right hand towards Me and put down your head and see with your left hand if there's a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, or above this. Now, please put your hands like this and watch Me without thinking. Now raise both your hands towards the sky like this and look up. Here you have to ask anyone of these three questions, three times. Please ask three times "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?", or "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?", or "Is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times, anyone. Now please bring down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands.

I bow to you all saints. Now you have started your saintly life. Please look after it. We have very good center here where you all can meet and we have to grow into spirituality. Within a month you can become masters. Sahaja Yoga is not an individual movement, but a collective movement. You cannot just practice it at home, alone. You have to please come to the collective. All the subtle knowledge of the Divine you can master. But you must give little time. I hope you'll respect your Self Realization and grow. Now Sahaja Yoga is working in fifty-five nations and people have become masters. Spirit is the source of joy, so just enjoy yourself.

May God bless you all!

Városháza, Budapest (Hungary)

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