Public Program

Public Program 1994-07-15

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15 July 1994

Public Program

Hamburg (Germany)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed

Public Program, Hamburg, Germany, 15/07/1994

I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot describe it and you cannot make it compromise. Truth is what it is, what it has been, what it will do. Unfortunately, as human awareness you cannot know the truth. One has to rise to higher awareness to know the truth. In Sanskrit, we use a word called [UNCLEAR Bode?]. [UNCLEAR Bode?] means what you know on your central nervous system. So you have to know it on your central nervous system. Also they use another word, Veda, from where the word Veeda has come. So you have to know it on your central nervous system is the first verse of Vedas. It is not the mental knowledge because human mind is limited. Every mind thinks of its own and everybody creates their own cocoon. And that is how we have all the problems of human beings. Everyone feels that he is right. And thus all the quarrels, the fights, the arguments and God comes in. Truth has to be known on your central nervous system means you have to evolve more. That means your evolution as a human being is not complete.

Now whatever I am telling you today, you need not take it blindly. We have had too much problems, in the blind fates. But if it is true, then as honest people you have to accept it.

These are times, very special times. When there are so many seekers of truth are born. Famous English poet, William Blake has said that men of God will be born at that time - at this time. And they will then seek divinity within themselves and make others divine. Most of the scriptures have talked about a special time either of last judgement or Yama or resurrection. In the Quran there is a clear description, what we have. You change, your hands will speak and they will give witness against. So clearly it is said in the Quran. At this time we have such a problematic modern design, that people are absolutely frustrated. And they are seeking something beyond.

At this time also markets are full with people who want to give something by selling it. We have had so many upsets, horrible false masters all over. Telling you stories that they can give you the truth. I better tell you about someone, because you all look so serious, there is nothing to be so serious. Say for example, we have one thing called TM. The director of the flying academy got epilepsy, his wife got epilepsy, his daughter got epilepsy and director got epilepsy. And they came to Me for getting cured. I was surprised how people are befooled. In the West they are so intelligent. They were told that you can fly about three feet high by paying six thousand pounds. And they were taken to some remote place and were given water which had food, potatoes. And then the rind of them. And on the ninth day, they gave them the potatoes. Saying that you have to be tough, a little light [UNCLEAR]. So many broken bottoms, apart the human and file suits against them and they got money.

Now a new marketing has started. In America there is a gentleman who invites somebody from the audience and asks him to stand with the pendulum. And he says that I can make this pendulum move. And the man starts moving with the pendulum. This time when I went to America, many came to tell me that we have lost so much money. I said, why can't you use your intelligence and budget? Why have you come on this earth just to move a pendulum? Such stupid things are going on everywhere. They know there is a market that people want to know the truth. So there are so many of them. Learning new, new methods, how to be fooled. I feel so sad about it. What you have to see is the truth. And what is it?

The truth is you are not this body, this mind. These emotions, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. You see, is what you have to become is to become the Spirit. All kinds of other things are nothing but to mislead innocent seekers. Then the first thing is that you cannot pay for it. It's a living process, living process of evolution. The second truth is, as you see these flowers here, which is a miracle. Who does this miracle? Who does this? Who is behind this miracle? If you ask the doctor who runs your heart? He will say it's an autonomous nervous system. But if you ask who is this author? They can't answer. All these living processes which are so miraculous and spontaneous are done by all pervading Divine power.

You have never felt it before. But the time has come for you to feel it. When you feel this all-pervading power as cool breeze on your fingertips. Then you should know that real union has taken place, the real yoga. You can also feel the cool breeze out of your fontanelle bone area. But that's not the only thing. You feel on your fingertips your own centres. So you have self-knowledge. Also you can feel on your fingertips the centre of others. So who is the other? That means you develop a new dimension in your awareness which we call as collective consciousness. That's not everything. All the problems of the world, most of them are because of human beings. And most of human problems come from these centres. When these centres are in jeopardy, you get physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. But if you know how to correct your own centres and the correct centres of others, you solve all your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. You can see yourself that after this yoga takes place, you become a very healthy person. Also your attention becomes very alert and very innocent. We have seen so many people have been cured by kundalini awakening. Also we have seen people becoming extremely dynamic with kundalini awakening. At the same time they become extremely compassionate. It's a new type of a human race is created. The brain which is partly enlightened becomes much more enlightened. The person becomes very intelligent and alert.

I can tell you one case in India. One gentleman was suffering from arthritis, he came to see Me, he got cured. And his son he told Me he is no good for schools. He went and told his son about his cure. So the son said, I'll also do Sahaja Yoga. Surprisingly this dull boy stood first class first in the matriculation examination in UP, which is Uttar Pradesh in India. Where thousands and thousands of students appear for example. We do not know what we are. We do not know how glorious we are and how powerful. We don't feel we have identity many times. But after this realisation you know why you are on this earth. This question cannot be answered by science. Sahaja Yoga is a meta science. You don't need science. Science we need for medicines, there is no need to have medicines. There is communication, every kind of communication you want to have, you can do it because it is the subtlest of this ether which acts. Thus you become the Spirit and enter into the kingdom of God. There were so many getters sent to Me about the miracles that have happened. But there is no miracle because it is your right. I sent to somebody all these letters to compile. And in one month he said it has reached over my head. How am I? I have no time I said forget it.

So all this happening takes place spontaneously, Sahaja. The attention becomes very concentrated. It becomes avoid of lust and greed. Christ had said, thou shalt not have adulterous eyes. Now you just think of that about the Christian nations where you find people who don't have lust or greed in their eyes. But it happens, you just become so innocent and so pure inside that your attention itself becomes active. Wherever you put attention, you can bring peace. You become tremendously powerful. I have seen people who have got peace awards and things like that, peace organisations, but they have no peace within. You have to reach them with the bargepole. I don't know how they got peace award. Peace is within ourselves. The thought rises and falls, another thought rises and falls. It comes from the past or from the future. But if I say you stand in your present, you cannot. And the present is the reality.

When Kundalini rises, she elongates these thoughts and in between is the place, which we call as Vilamba, where there is peace. Thus you become thoughtlessly aware. There is no thought, but you are aware. And if you get a thought, it's a divine inspiration. It's a revelation, which is absolute truth. We don't know the absolute truth. You can find on your hands, on your fingers, the absolute truth. If you don't believe in God, you ask a question, is there God? On your fingertips you will know. Because tremendous truth will start coming. If you find any false guru coming in, you can feel it on the hand. And some fingers will start burning, short, very short. Thus you can find out, even children can find out, what is the truth. All these things happen to you. Because all these centres are enlightened and nourished and integrated. But above all what happens to you, that you jump into the ocean of joy. That means that you enjoy everything. If something is absurd, you enjoy. Somebody is angry with you also, you enjoy.

Once I was actually in Calvinistic church, in Switzerland. And one lady fundamentalist Christian brought a Bible to hit Me. So I just started laughing and said, look at this, hitting Me with the Bible is a really unique way. And she got so nervous, she ran away. That's how the whole scene becomes like a drama. You become a witness and you watch it. I'll give you a proof that we have Sahaja Yoga now in 65 nations. Especially, surprisingly, Russians are very good at it. In one village, we have 21,000 Sahaja Yogis. I don't know what communism has done to them, but they are very sensitive to spirituality. And there's a joke, once a Russian and an American met in India. And the Russian Sahaja yogi asked the American Sahaja yogi, how many Sahaja yogis you have in America? So he said to the exact 56. So this fellow from Tolyatti, he said, oh my God, we have only 21,000 and you are 56. The Americans who are supposed to be very alert and great seekers take the falsehood much faster. I think Germany is in between. I think Germans, if they take to reality, they'll do very well. Because whatever they take, they are very good. So this movement of joyousness is ever -lasting. People from all these countries meet and see many a times, sometimes four thousand, sometimes five thousand. I have never seen them quarrel, fighting, talking ill of each other. They are absolutely pure love. I haven't seen anybody's wife running away with somebody or somebody's husband running away with someone else, nothing [UNCLEAR]. All such chaotic things never happen. Can you believe I am no secretary? I am no secretary. Nothing, no organisation as such. If you ask me how many Sahaja Yogis there are, I don't know. I don't keep count. There is no membership, there is no organisation as such. It is just a spontaneous organisation. All this happens because within ourselves you become one with reality. We know the absolute. All human beings are made to get to this stage. What is the question of choices? And you feel that after all it is the question of judgement. One fellow just to tease Me said, how do we go to hell? I said, take two running jumps and you be there. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for stupidity. No, and not for ego. And not for people who are arrogant. It is a supplying elevated state. And it cannot be forced on you. I respect your freedom. If you want to have, you can have. If you don't want to have, you can go away. Complete freedom. Because if you have to achieve absolute freedom, I must respect your freedom. It will take hardly ten minutes to get your realisation. But we have three conditions, each are very simple.

First condition is that you should have full faith in yourself that you will get your self realisation. You should not doubt yourself. If you are doubting yourself, I can't manage it. That means you should not even feel guilty about it. If you feel guilty, the centre on the left hand side here gets into jeopardy.

When the centre is in your body, then you get a disease called angina. You get also spondylolysis, also lethargic organs. Whenever you have committed misdeed, it is over now. That's the past. Why do you carry it all your life? But it is a fashion. Some lady told me that she is feeling very guilty because people are suffering in Nagpur. I said, what's the use? Can you help that? You just want to find out some excuse to feel guilty. In the same manner, we feel guilty for nothing at all. Especially at this moment, if you feel guilty, the Kundalini will stop at this centre [Vishuddhi]. So how will you get your realisation? This is the most important thing for you to have. Second condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Logically, if you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. What do you do? But when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So why carry on this way? Moreover, the centre on the optic chiasm is constricted like this. So, if you don't forgive, it won't open like this and the kundalini won't rise. So at this moment, at least don't torture yourself. It's just you have to say, I forgive everyone, even without thinking about that. Just in general. Third condition is extremely simple that you have to take out your shoes.

[cut in the video]

So we take our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. It's very simple. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master.

So now you take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side, where there is the centre of your mastery. Now, you take our right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the centre of your body of pure divine knowledge.

[Shri Mataji talking to someone in the audience] Put left hand and right hand. Left hand towards Me [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: Now.

[Audience Member asking to hear it again.]

Shri Mataji: What she say?

Translator: She wants it to be repeated. She wants it to be repeated.

Shri Mataji: You come toward so she's [UNCLEAR]. Just do it. All right. Yeah, all right. You should be pleasantly placed on yourself, not to be nervous. I assure you, you're all doing get realisation. I tried to make you laugh, [UNCLEAR], but still you are quite panic for what? Take it easy. Relax.

Now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. It is not a military exercise. All right. You have to respect yourself, love yourself, because you are a human being. You have to love yourself as much as I love you.

Now take your right hand on your heart. Now in the corner of your right hand shoulder, as I told you, and turn your head to your right. I've already told you about this centre. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone.

Now take your right hand on the back side of your head. Move back your head. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading power.

Now the last centre, please stretch your palm like this, right hand. Put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers and now bend your head. Push back your fingers because you must put a pressure on your scalp. And now move the scalp slowly, clockwise, seven times. Bend your heads, bend your heads, bend your heads. Push back your fingers, push back your fingers. Now move your scalp seven times clockwise. That's all we have to do.

Now we have to close our eyes. Take out your spectacles and don't open your eyes to [UNCLEAR]. Keep the shoes down. Don't wear the shoes. Here begins our journey of hardly [UNCLEAR]. We close our eyes, put our feet apart from each other, put the left hand on your left lap and put the right hand on your heart. Please don't open your eyes, until I tell you. Now, you have to ask a very important question, fundamental question about yourself of the centre of heart. Please ask three times in your heart, you can call me mother or you can call me Shri Mataji.

Mother, am I the Spirit?

[end of the video]

Hamburg (Germany)

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