The Joy of Collective Consciousness 1994-07-14
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
14 July 1994
The Joy Of Collective Consciousness
Public Program
Cologne (Germany)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very out said I have to tell you that Truth is what it is. You cannot change it; you cannot describe it and you cannot compromise with it. Whatever it is, it has been and it will be. Whatever I have to tell you tonight, you need take me blindfolded. We have had lots of problems with these blind faiths. But whatever I say is proved that as honest people you have to accept it. Because it is for your benevolence. It is for the benevolence of your city, your country and the whole world at large. The first truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, emotions. But you are the pure Spirt. We say, it is my house, it is my car, it is my ego, everything is mine. But who is this mind? This is what we have to find out. The second truth is that you see these flowers, so beautiful. They are all miracles. We take them for granted. Who runs your heart? If you ask the doctor, they will say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? They have no answer. So, the second truth is that there is a very subtle, powerful all-pervading power of Divine Love. Which does all the living work. Our evolution has been also achieved through that power. So, I am here to tell you that you all have a right to achieve the union with this all-pervading power. This union is the real yoga. When it happens, then you get so many miraculous things that you are surprise at yourself. Firstly, this Kundalini is your own power. She knows everything about you. She knows what mistakes you have committed and what are your aspirations. We have come to this state of human awareness. But it is not perfect. And we don’t know the absolute truth. If we had known the absolute truth, then there would have been no problem. No quarreling, no arguments, no war. Because everybody will know the same Truth. Is a slight, very slight moment. The breakthrough of your awareness into a new awareness. This moment is absolutely spontaneous. You cannot pay for it. God doesn’t understand money. Its human headache. He doesn’t know banks. So, you cannot pay for this living process. How much did we pay to this Mother Earth when She gave us these flowers? The seed that you put into the Mother Earth has the power to germinate. And the Mother Earth has the power to germinate the seed. It is all built-in. It is all built-in like this within you during the evolutionary process. It is not through mental achievement. Mind, human mind is limited. Somebody’s mind moves this way, another mind moves this way and everybody thinks they are right. So, we have to achieve a state where we go beyond physical, emotional, and mental level. That is what Christ has said – ‘you have to be born again’. In every religion, even in Quran it is written that you have to have self-knowledge. But the problem is that people just brand themselves like born again. But branding yourself, you don’t achieve anything. So, when this Kundalini, the power raises within you, it passes through six centers only. The seventh one is below the Kundalini. That is the power of innocence. Innocence is never lost. It cannot be destroyed. Only like some clouds it has been covered by some mistakes. It is still there as it was in your childhood. If you see, most of the problems of this world are because of human beings and all human problems come from these chakras when they are in jeopardy. They look after our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual being. So, once this Kundalini starts moving, She nourishes those centers. First on the physical level She cures. There are three doctors in Delhi who had got their M.D. with Sahaja Yoga. The fourth one is now doing the work on cancer. I must tell you that I have seen many cancer patients being cured easily with Sahaja Yoga. Many diseases have been cured. So, this is the meta science. You don’t need science any more. You go to the hospital, they finish you half way for even diagnosis. But on the finger-tips you can feel your centers and the centers of others. Now, if you know how to cure these centers, you are alright. You don’t have to take medicines like anti-biotics which have a reaction. As it is once you are in this yoga, you don’t fall sick Unclear (again).
[Shri Mataji was saying about the translator]
She herself was suffering and now she is alright absolutely.
So, our health improves. Also, our attention becomes very sharp. Our brain which is slightly working, starts working full. You become extremely dynamic. At the same time, you become extremely compassionate. At least you drop out twenty years of your age. Because you forget to worry. You don’t worry. Worry is non-sense you all know that. But you worry. As a matter of habit to start worry. But once you have got this yoga, you just don’t worry. I always say there is a hole is main out of which your agonies go away. Mentally we have seen many people being cured with Sahaja Yoga. Many people suffer from depressions, epilepsy. One doctor got in epilepsy really. Many mental diseases which have no cure even lunacy can be cured through Sahaja Yoga. So, you don’t have to go to psychiatrist to waste your time and waste energy who blame your mother, father, somebody and never curing you. You understand yourself very well when this self-knowledge comes to you. Spiritually also we have done lots of mistakes. Because you are all seekers of Truth. And you are seeking here and there. There is a guru shopping going on I should say. Many people have lost their money, have their children on the street, they have sold their houses, and these gurus are now exposed. And you don’t know what to do. You start having sympathies with them because they know how to market their falsehood. So, many people have suffered, some have gone into recluses. There is not much time but I can tell you one of them. Because all of them who are completely ruined by them come to me. They have no money, they have no health, they are suffering from some diseases. So, I got a family from Scotland, this gentleman was in charge of the flying academy of TM. He, poor thing had become bankrupted. He, his wife, his child and a director all of them were suffering from Epilepsy. So, he told me that this gentleman used to say that you can fly up to three feet height. And you are supposed to pay six thousand pounds for that. And they went to Switzerland where they were given seven days the water that cooked the potatoes. And ate, they had to eat the rind of them and then the last day the potatoes were given. How they be fooled and they are still marketing in different ways. Now there is somebody in America who is saying that I can teach you how to control the minds of others. So, he gets somebody from the audience and gives him a pendulum. And that fellow starts moving the pendulum. Have we come on this Earth to move the pendulums? To move on the street at three feet already we have traffic jams. How do we get to these stupid liars? Its absolutely to be understood that any saint person should see that they are just be fooling you all. There are many like that. Most of them are now exposed luckily. So, this is how we develop spiritual problems and we can’t get out of it. Even if we want, we can’t. With Sahaja Yoga, it works. With Sahaja Yoga you drop all your destructive habits. I have never said don’t. These ten commandments I don’t tell you. But in the light of the Spirit you yourself give up. For example, supposing I am obstinate and I am snaking my hand and there is darkness and somebody says that there is a snake I will not give up till it bites me but if there is a little light, immediately I give it up, throw it away. This is how your spiritual problems are (paused) solved. But when this Spirit is enlightened in your attention then you become absolutely innocent. What Christ has said that ‘thou shalt not have adulterous eyes’, very subtle. Even ahead of these ten commandments. But if you see, that’s not the case with the Christians. They go to church alright. I was also born in a Christian religion. I was amazed. What are they doing? This is no Christianity. This attention becomes so powerful that you look at any person or you put even a glance that person feels the peace. Feels the satisfaction. The power that you have, you have no idea. Sitting down here, you can feel the vibrations on your finger-tips. You want to know about anyone, you will know on your finger-tips what’s wrong with that person. As you will know about yourself you will know about anybody you want to know. And if you know how to cure yourself, you will also know how to cure others. So, who is the other? You become the part and parcel of the whole. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. And that’s how you feel as if the drop has become the ocean. With this attention, what happens that you are filled with compassion. But this compassion is powerful. It is not just lip service. But it is a power that acts. All these powers are within you. Now the other side is very important to understand. Religion, we do not understand. We become. I am Christian, you are a Hindu, you are Muslim, you are this. Whatever may be your religion, you can commit any mistakes, any sins. Nothing can restrict you. You can take to anything, any kind of life. Because you don’t know what is constructive for you, what is destructive for you. But religion is a valency with human beings. Matter has eight, animals have nine, and human beings have ten. In this green part that you see, you get awakening of the powers of the religion. Of the innate religion. Then you become the righteous. Nobody has to tell you that you have to be righteous, you have to be moral. You just become. And becoming is important, not just talking about it, teaching. So, when these religions: ten religions within us are awakened, you understand that you are a universal being. Then you don’t feel you are German, English, Indian. No. You become the universal being. Now Sahaja yoga is working in sixty-five nations. They meet many a times four thousand, five thousand people from every country. I have never seen them quarreling, fighting. Such love, such pure love. I haven’t seen anybody running away with somebody’s wife, or somebody’s husband. Never happens. Your own chastity and self-respect gets awakened. And such a transformation in that society that there are no such stupid problems that I have to face. So, then we have this attention and our religion awakened within ourselves but above all we know the absolute truth. He told me that he didn’t tell you much about the finger-tips. But even in Quran it is written that when Qiyama will come, when resurrection will come which is now, your hands will speak. And they give witness against you. They will tell you what’s wrong with you. So, as it is on your finger-tips, you can feel this all-pervading power of divine love for the first time. It is not just believing into something but actualization. Even the breaking of this fontanelle bone area is actualization of your baptism. It is not some priest bring some water, puts there and says now you become Christian. Then you really become when it is opened out and you are one with this all-pervading power. So, on your finger-tips you feel, your chakras, chakras of others and you can feel the absolute truth. For example, there are many people who don’t even believe in God. Now, they can ask a question, is there a God? Three times they ask, they get tremendous cooling vibrations. About everything, they will know the absolute. If you have, say ten children who are realized souls tie their eyes and ask them what’s wrong with this gentleman? They will raise their one finger like this (Shri Mataji shows little finger) supposing. That means that person is suffering from heart trouble. Now, you ask that fellow, are you suffering from heart trouble? So, you will say, how do you know? The children can be. It is so perfect. This all-pervading power is so efficient. More than Germans. And the perfection worked out through love with such kindness and delicacy. And so fast that you are surprised. The mechanism that you see here is the divine mechanism with-in us. Above all, you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is singular. When your ego is pampered, you feel very happy, when it is punctured, you feel un-happy. But joy is a state which makes you to see the whole world like a witness like a drama. As you see a tragedy or a comedy makes no difference. Actually, you are removed from yourself. This I-ness goes away. My-ness goes away. And you are surprised at yourself that you have so many powers that you can raise the Kundalini of the people, that you can give them realization, that you can cure them. You can give them peace. So, today we are going to feel this all-pervading power for the first time. Before I started, I will tell you, the first state you achieve where you are in thoughtless awareness. Thoughts raise and fall and again they start raising and again falling. These thoughts come to us from the past or from the future. But if I have to say that you be in present, you cannot do. In the present, there is not thought. There is peace. So, when this Kundalini raises, She separates the thoughts and establishes that area in the center where there is no thought, complete peace. People have got lots of awards, peace awards, peace organizations I met them. Most of them. But they have no peace within. They are so hot tempered that you better take Unclear () approach in them. I can tell you with Unclear (), do you know I got peace award Unclear (). I don’t know why they give them peace awards. So, the peace has to be within. When there is peace within, then the peace spreads to others. Such a person enters into any area, he creates peace automatically. So, he becomes the source of peace and he becomes the source of joy. In Sahaja yoga, you don’t have to give up anything. You don’t have to shave your head nor you have to grow your hair. You don’t have to cut your nose. All kinds of stupid things they do to achieve the state of realization. The happening is within. It is not outside. You don’t have to give-up your families nothing of that kind. So now, I think all intelligent people should understand that something has to happened in the evolutionary process, so that you reach that state of self-realization. Nothing outside tantrums are going to help. It will hardly take about ten minutes for your self-realization. Hardly. But there are three conditions. First is, you should be very confident that you will get self-realization. You shall not have any diffidence about it. I assure you that you will get realization. But please don’t doubt yourself. You are seekers and you have every right to get this. As a result, I would request you not to feel guilty for anything at this moment. I mean, If you are done some mistakes after all you are not Gods, you are human beings. And also, whatever has happened has happened. Past is past. No use carrying the load. When you do that, you get problem on this center here on the left side. You get diseases like Anjina, Spondylitis and also lethargic Unclear (). More over at this time, if you feel guilty, this center will close out. And how will the Kundalini pass through? Second condition is even simpler: is to forgive everyone. Even without thinking about them. See now, logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. What do you do? But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. And you torture yourself. By not forgiving this center here (Shri Mataji shows agnya chakra) inside on the optic chiasma is like this constricted. Now, all your life, you have tortured yourself. At this moment at least forgive. So that you get your self-realization. Is the easiest thing to say I forgive everyone. Don’t think about them. I don’t know why the west people find it difficult to forgive. But it’s a myth. We are living with myth. The third condition is extremely simple that you will have to take out your shoes. In England first time when I said please take out your shoes, half of them walked out. They felt very insulted. Unclear() how you will nourish your centers.
We have two channels. As you have seen, sympathetic two channels. So, the left-side is for the power of desire and the right-side is for the power of action. So, first we put both the feet apart from each other. Now, we put the left-hand on our lap where ever you are sitting. Comfortably, be comfortable. You don’t have to sit on your heads. You don’t have to go to Himalayas. Nothing of that kind. Alright, now please put your left-hand on your lap comfortably. Alright, now this is symbolic that you desired to have your self-realization. Now, Kundalini is the desire which is a pure desire. This is the mundane desire and as you know in economics that desires/wants are not satiable in general. Today you want to buy a house, then you want to buy a car, then you want to buy a Helicopter and it will go on buy and buy and buy. And you are not satisfied. The only thing that satisfies you is the pure desire-be one with the divine power. You should know that you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now, please put your right-hand (now we are doing the action) on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. Now, if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, you become your own master. We are working only on the left-hand side. So now please put your right-hand the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center of your mastery, which is created by great prophets. Which is to be awaken. Now, take down your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. You will be surprised to know that this is the center of pure divine knowledge. Now, raise your right-hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen then on your heart. Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to right. I have already told you about this center. Now, you have to take your right-hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. This is the center where you have to forgive every one in general. Now, please take this right-hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading power of love. Now the last center. Please stretch your palm and put the center of the palm on the top of the fontanelle bone area. Now please put down your head. Push back your fingers as far as possible. Press it hard your scalp. Here you have to move your scalp seven times slowly clock-wise. Push back your fingers. Push back. That’s all we have to do.
Now, you have to close your eyes. You can take out your spectacles. Till I tell you don’t open your eyes. Remember to keep your feet apart and the left-hand towards me and right-hand on the heart. Now please close your eyes. Here resides the spirit. So, you have to ask a fundamental question about yourself to me. You may call me Mother or Shri Mataji. So, please ask in your heart three times, ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’. As I have told you that if you become the spirit, you become the master. So, please take your right-hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side press it and ask a question again about yourself, ‘Mother, am I my own master?’. I must confess that I cannot force on you self-realization or the divine knowledge. Because I respect your freedom. You have to ask for it. So, please take your right-hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to say six times. Because this center has got six petals. Please say six times, ‘Mother please give me pure divine knowledge’. As soon as you ask for divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts raising. So, we have to now nourish our higher centers with our full self-confidence. So, please raise your right-hand on to the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. Here you have to say ten times with full self-confidence, ‘Mother, I am my own master’. I have already told you at the very outsaid that the truth is, you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, this intelligence and these emotions but you are a pure spirit. So, please raise your right-hand on your heart and say with full self-confidence twelve times, ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit’. This all-pervading power of divine love is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion and bliss. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might have committed they all get dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So, now raise your right-hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your head your right and forgive yourself. Here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence, ‘Mother I am not guilty at all’. I have already explained to you, whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive at this time, you will also miss the great moment of your self-realization. Because this center is very constricted. So please raise your right-hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. Here you have to say with full confidence from your heart, not how many times, ‘Mother, I forgive everyone’ in general. This is very important. If you don’t forgive, I can’t help you. Now without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power. So, take back your right-hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here again you have to say from your heart not how many times, without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to say, ‘O divine power please forgive me if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly’. Please say it from your heart. Now, please stretch your palm for the last center and push back your fingers. Now, put your hand center of you palm on top of the Fontenelle bone area and push back your fingers. There should be pressure on our scalp. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. Because I respect your freedom. If you want to have, you have to ask for it. So, now move your scalp seven times clock-wise saying, ‘Mother, please give me self-realization’.
Now take down your hands. Please open your eyes and put your hands like this. Now watch me without thinking. You can do it. There is no thought in the mind. So, this is the first state. Now, put your right-hand towards myself like this and put your head down and see for yourself with the left-hand if the cool breeze or a hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Bend your heads. Now, some people get it close and some people get it far. Now, with the left-hand. Please bend your head. Left-hand towards me and right-hand on your fontanelle bone area again to see if there is a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming out of you. If they are hot that means you are not forgiven. So please forgive. Now, put again the right-hand and bend your head and see for yourself with left-hand again. Nice. Now, put your both the hands towards the sky like this and see for yourself. There are three questions, out of which one you have to ask three times. First one is, ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’. The second one is, ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading power of Divine Love?’. Third one is, ‘Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya?’. Any one of these questions, you ask three times. Put up your head. Now, please bring down your heads. Now, you put your hands like this. All those who have felt cool breeze on the finger-tips or on the palm or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. Unclear (). Most of you, I bow to you for now your saintly life has started. Most of you have felt it. Some of you are not because they did not do anything. But all those who want to have their self-realization, they all can get it. Only thing I have to tell you that it’s a collective happening. One day you will feel extremely nice Unclear (for eight days) you will feel extremely nice and light. But you have to come to collective. Where you will grow within one month Unclear () you will be masters. I am so enamored to see so many people in cologne. It’s a very historical place and I think that there are so many seekers in this place. All of you should know that we don’t have any elaborate places because we don’t take money for It. So, in a very humble places we have the programs and you just mastered the whole thing. I must have given at least four thousand lectures only in English language. So, in this short lecture I could not tell you everything. You will know everything without any difficulties and you don’t have to pay for anything. I hope all of you respect your self-realization. With this now, my message is enjoy your Spirt, yourself. Just enjoy. Life will become a fun for you. May God bless you.