Public Program

Public Program 1993-08-01

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Public Program
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Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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1 August 1993

Public Program

Tolyatti (Russia)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

1993-0801 Public Program Togliatti Russia

I bow to all the seekers of Truth. We have to know that Truth is what it is. We cannot change it and also, we cannot think about it. Unfortunately, at this human awareness we cannot know it. Something has to happen that we have to go inward. And this happening is Sahaja. Sahaja means spontaneous. It means born with you. It is born with you is the right. Every human being has right.

(Shri Mataji to the translator: can they all hear you?

Shri Mataji to the audience: Can you hear me? there at the back? Who are say? No?

Shri Mataji to the translator: I think you have to be louder. You have to speak little louder. You should stand up. Is better I think.)

Translator: Yes Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: So, something has to happen by which we can turn our attention inside. Everyone of you has a right to become the Spirit by which we become the citizens of Gods Kingdom. Unless and until we become the Spirit, our attention is outside. We say our body, my body, my hands, my nose, my emotions, my intelligence, my ego, my conditionings. But who is this my? to whom do they belong? That is the Spirit. It owns all these things. It watches everything. Whatever we are doing, it is just a Spectator or that. But unless and until we have wisdom, we start doing things which are destructive to our lives. Thus, we harm ourselves. We suffer physically by getting into diseases, mentally by becoming disturbed or sometimes even mad and also spiritually we suffer when we go to wrong places. So, for this we have to become the Spirit. Because we are in the darkness, we are in ignorance. And we don’t know what is right and what is wrong. The other day somebody told me there is some false guru who is saying that this world is gong to come to end. Without even asking how do you know people just jump in it. They accept it and get so frightened that they become mad. We should find out how do you say? What is the way to know the Truth, the absolute Truth. For example, we say that Christ was the Son of God. He was no doubt. But there is no proof. So, all the churches are vacant, nobody goes to church. How to prove that Christ was the Son of God. Many people don’t even believe in God. Because it cannot be proved. We have to prove it. Now the time has come for us to prove everything. If Spirit is the source of absolute Truth, we should get to the Spirit. If in ignorance we remain, we cannot end the miseries of this world. We cannot avoid wars. We cannot avoid poverty, all kinds of diseases. Now this Unclear (is) power about which I am talking to you is within you. For example, this instrument if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. In the same way, unless and until we are connected to this all-pervading subtle power, we have no meaning. Now, what is this all-pervading Divine Power? You see so many beautiful flowers, who gives us these flowers? Who runs our heart? Who does all the living work. The science cannot answer these questions. The science cannot say why are we on this Earth? So, we have to find the answers. And for this answer we have to be connected to this all-pervading power of Divine Love. For that within us is placed,

Translator: what?

Shri Mataji: within us is placed the power, which we call as Kundalini. It’s the power which is placed in the triangular bone call as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew that sacrum is a sacred bone. That’s why they called it sacrum. So, all of you have got this power. And all of you have the full right to become on this with the Divine Power. Now this Divine Power, is the ocean of knowledge. Whatever we know is just a tip of an ice burg as they say. But after getting this connection through the light of our Spirit, we can find out about everything. At that time, we feel our fingers get enlightened. And they start informing us about everything we want to find out. As whatever information comes to these people whose fingers are enlightened, they don’t have to dispute it. It is just the same. So, there cannot be any argument. Then one has to understand that the Spirit is the source of enlightenment. It enlightens our attention. By that our attention becomes absolutely innocent. Our innocence is never lost. It is all there. Some clouds might have come over. But they just get removed and our eyes and our mind become innocent. Our attention becomes the void of all lust and green. More over when this power of Kundalini passes through your six centers, it nourishes it. It integrates. By that you feel integrated. By the nourishment you solve your health problems and your mental problems and your emotional problems. When the Kundalini raises, It passes through the sixth center above here, this is actually the seventh center through which She comes out and gives the, the actualization of Baptism. It is not just sermon or lecture but it is a happening. It’s an actualization. And when it happens, you yourself can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother. Unfortunately, in the Bible there is no mention about Her. Even the Mother of Christ is not mentioned with respect. The reason may be because Paul, who edited the Bible din’t like women. By showing no respect for women, women in the west have become extremely insecure. And they take to all kinds of things make themselves so cheap sometimes its surprising. They are all the time trying to compete with men and want to get out of their houses. All the time they have to please their men. But it is not so. Women it the potential like this Mother Earth. She is the power. But if you do not respect the women, they do not become respectable. So, this is the Primordial Mother. You have Father, the God Almighty and you have got the Son. But who is the mother? There has to be a mother. And this mother is the Primordial Mother. Just by showing a dove, you cannot say she is the Holy Ghost. Of course, dove is a pure thing, and it ascends. Which does not explain that it is the Primordial Mother. So, reflection of the Primordial Mother is the Kundalini. And reflection of the God Almighty is the Spirit. So, when they meet you become a evolved person. Then you become a person who is an enlightened person. This is the very easy thing to happen. You don’t have to do anything about it. It is absolutely the living process of evolution. For which you cannot pay. You cannot pay for God, He doesn’t understand money. He doesn’t understand banks. Is the headache of the human beings. And God has no interest in money at all. So those people who are telling you that you must pay because the world is ending and or all that, be careful. It is as I told you is your right to have this realization. This is your own power. This is your own Spirit. And then you will be amazed that the same Spirit is the source of joy. You don’t have to suffer, is a wrong idea that you must suffer. Christ has already suffered for us. Are we going to suffer more than Him? Why should we suffer? God Almighty is your father. He is the ocean of compassion. Which father would like his children to suffer. You should not suffer in the name of God. But just enter into the Kingdom of God. There you become so joyous and so happy. You got your brothers and sisters all over the world. Sahaja Yoga is spreading in fifty-five countries. Anywhere you go, they will recognize you, they will immediately know you are a Sahaja Yogi. Sahaja Yogi means a person who has got enlightenment and the one who knows how to give enlightenment to other and to raise Kundalini. But if he is a grownup person then he should have all the knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. There is no mystery in Sahaja Yoga. There is no compulsion in Sahaja Yoga. So, its complete freedom. But freedom with wisdom. When freedom is there and no wisdom, people will go Amak, they go mad. This is what is happening in the west. I don’t know how they are going to get out of their shocks unless and until they come to Sahaja Yoga. I am very happy that I am in Togliatti. Because there are so many Sahaja Yogis here. This must be some special place that people are so sensitive to spirituality, that the people are so sensitive to Sahaja Yoga. That they have taken to Spirituality so fast. I wondered how Togliatti himself and he came from Italy, came to this place to this factory here. He must have felt the vibrations perhaps. Now you have to grow in the Sahja Yoga in collective. I know you all will get your realization those who have not got. But you must grow. And growth is only possible if you come to collective. Like one nail which is cut out cannot grow. Sahja Yoga is a living organism. And that’s how you grow in collective. But those who have grown and who are realized souls now very well know about Sahja Yoga must go all out, out of Togliatti and spread Sahaja Yoga. One person is capable of giving realization to thousands. You have the power. You have got it now. So, as you are enjoying it, you should make others also enjoy it. As you have gained in your health, you must also [gain] help others to [get] gain in their health. And it is very simple. So, I leave it to you now to spread Sahaja Yoga all over places nearer Togliatti as far as you could go. And there is nothing to argue about it. Just give them realization. And even the mafia people will come around. You try.

So, now we will have the session for realization again. I would like to know how many have not yet got their realization? Very few. Alright. You just put your hands like this or like this. Now put your right hand towards me and with the left-hand see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now, put your left-hand towards me put down your head and see if there is a (cool breeze coming out)., alright. Cool or hot breeze may be. Now, again with the right-hand, see. Have faith in yourself. Now, yes all of them have got. Now, please put both your hands towards the sky like this. And push back your head. Now ask the question ‘is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ ask three times. Is this the all-pervading power of Divine love? Take down your hands. They all have got it; I was feeling cool from them. Now all those who are felt the cool breeze raise your hands. Turn your camera towards it. Hello. Can I see? May God bless you all. Sit down, sit down. May God bless you all. May God bless you. Unclear (What am I you say now with that). May God bless you.

Shri Mataji addressing to Sahja Yogi – I will show him tomorrow morning if he wants.

So now what do you want to have a little music again? Alright. They have some dance here na also? Ask him to put his left-hand towards me and right-hand towards Mother Earth and both the feet on the ground.

Tolyatti (Russia)

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