About Jesus Christ 1977-10-31
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
31 October 1977
About Jesus Christ
Public Program
Caxton Hall, London (England)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
[Audio file starts from midway through Shri Mataj’s talk. However, the beginning of Her talk appears to be midway through the audio file as transcription below repeats at approximately 1:14:00 mins. Unfortunately, the sound quality of the beginning of the talk is extremely distorted so it is not possible to transcribe the missing part accurately at this point. Hopefully another recording of better quality will come to light which will make transcription easier. ]
...Without realisation, if you say that, then it might create a problem there, and that’s why I have seen, to My great horror, that so many pastors and people have got this chakra caught up. It’s the saddest thing I’ve seen. They believe in Christ, they really believe Him – they call Him all the time – but there’s something fundamentally wrong with them that catches this chakra [unclear] It’s a very sad part, and I don’t know if they would believe, to listen to Me but, as I told you, in the younger generation which are come up now, the whole thing is going to break down. All this fanaticism is going to get out – Muslims, Hindus, Christians – the younger generation, which is thinking now, is going to be tomorrow’s Prime Ministers and ministers. They are going to finish it. Of course, if they are not captured by the satanic forces, by the drugs, by the horrible things and these guru [unclear] who are making money out of you. You will be the people who will be completely transforming the whole world into a new arena where there will be no fanaticism and a complete [unclear] You can see this.
So, this is the chakra of Christ. In this chakra, He has shown a very great [unclear]. Krishna has propounded in His Gita, [Sanskrit quote] Means, this Divine Power cannot be killed by an instrument, neither can be burnt out by anything, neither can be thrown away by any priest or anyone. His son, who was Christ, has proved it by His Resurrection and Resurrection is the message of Christianity. The way you make Him miserable, hanging like that... I mean, it’s surprising, how can you conceive of Christ like that? He was dynamic: beautiful, healthy man. I think you put your miseries onto Him and make Him like that – lanky panky. Oh, you people could not look at Him; [unclear/what glows in His face; and what a Son.]
The idea that we have about all the bhaktas and about all these religious people is that of slaves, you see. That’s not the way it is. They’re above all those things; they are kings and queens and they do not bother about the smaller things of life. They’re dynamic, full of power and energy. They have the greatest energy that is of Love: is beyond all the powers of hatred and destruction. Is the highest Power and nobody can get out of it. And when they know they have these powers, do you think they are going to behave like these slaves that you have seen in some picture or somewhere? Sometimes I am amazed the way He is painted somewhere; that’s why like Rubens, at least he’s better. Rubens was not that horrid, you know. Some of them are so horrid that He – they have made Him a TB patient [Tuberculosis], absolutely a miserable creature. Oh my God.
This is not the way it was. And that [unclear] they started the self destruction, of leading a very austere life. Christians means serious, they were taught: very austere, proud, tensed-up people. Oh, He was moving like a flower all the time, fragrant all over. Like a king He ruled and with love [unclear].
It’s the greatest insult to Him, when you picture Him that bad. That shows your own mind which is so small, which wants to curse Him with all these horrible things. Unbearable to see. You think the only Son of God would be that horribly miserable? Then who would like to be like Him? You create a model that is detestable and then you want people to follow Christianity? Nobody would.
Now you have the last: Sahasrara. A minute, there’s no time, you see, you must be on time. Sahasrara is the last, the seventh one, is the centre of the limbic area. All the nerves become like this, and inside is the limbic area, surrounding like that. This is the Ego and the Superego – they meet like this, in that area. I haven’t told you how it is formed, how the attention goes out, because it’s quite a lot, but you just understand that this is how it is the brain, inside of the limbic area. When the Kundalini enters into this, this is the Kingdom of God. [unclear/Thoughts may be passing through the Agnya] but you become thoughtlessly aware, like you all have become now. There is no thought in your mind, you see. Already there is no thought; you have become silent inside. But very few people have been able to open this out. This Sahasrara opens out like this because this is the seat of Shiva, which is in the heart – the seat is here. Like the seat of queen is here: though she has gone above, her seat is here. In the same way, His seat is here. So when Kundalini touches it, it opens out.
It is made of a thousand petals. Now, doctors will say that: ‘There are only nine hundred and eighty-two nerves,’ or something like that. Not to bother on that point. This is made of a thousand petals, because it looks like flames: flames. Silent flames of many colours. All these seven colours that are in these chakras can be seen in that: flames. And it is said that: ‘I will appear before you as tongues of flames.’ Now, where are all these people who are teaching Christianity: ‘What does this mean?’ In the Sahasrara is the answer.
When it opens out – like this, like a lotus – the Kundalini rises up, touches this point and becomes one with that subtle force, which is everywhere. In the atom, it is acting on the mesons. In the Mother Earth, it is acting on its axis, as the gravitational or the magneticism. In the human being, it is acting [unclear] Kundalini. Acting [unclear] Kundalini, but what is acting is the Spirit, and as soon as it touches, then the light of the Spirit comes within you and you are enlightened. But as soon as it happens, what happens to you? You immediately get connected with the collective consciousness. Because it is in the subtle form – like as I told you, it [unclear] on to you and to you and to you – you are separated because your attention is outside. Once your attention goes in, the thread [unclear] and you start feeling others’ Kundalini.
Now these three have been with Me; some of you have been and you have seen how you can feel it – train and you can feel it. You can feel the chakras on your fingers, you can feel the Kundalini rising, you can say that the Kundalini has dropped, how to control it, how to take it out and how to make it move. So first you get the thoughtless awareness when it crosses, then the Kundalini rises, comes out and you get this realisation, which is, you should call as the collective consciousness. With this you get the Power immediately like Ganesha has got it, is to raise Kundalini. You move your hand, and you move Kundalini. It’s dynamic. It’s fantastic; nobody can believe what is there. When the Power starts working through you, it’s [unclear]. You start curing people, you start doing everything – because it is has come to you as the truth. You say, ‘This is the truth.’ This is what has to happen. Not becoming naked, not dancing somewhere, standing on your heads, but this is what has to happen, that our awareness must become collectively conscious. But we say, “See, we are all brothers and sisters. No racism allowed...” It’s all talking. But once you realise that, his Kundalini and my Kundalini is working together and we can feel his Kundalini. You start feeling your own Kundalini – you’ll go inside and you’ll start feeling it in yourself. With some of you who came last time, have started feeling it, because you pursue it as a serious thing.
You see, it is not a fashion or a joke that is going on; you have to take it up very seriously. You must give some due and some respect to yourself. The thing is we come to a lecture and say, or we go to anyone: “Have a nice time,” you say, “It’s a good thing.” It’s not that. You don’t understand your own values. To be born at this time, to come to this hall, it means that God has chosen you already; to be the messenger, to be the fruit, to be His instrument. And you don’t fritter away yourself. That means you do not know your values, you don’t understand, you do not respect yourself. But there were some who followed it up; they have got realisation, they have understood it, they have understood the Kundalini, they have started giving realisation, they have started [unclear/coming]. So it’s not just a concept, but the truth is a little bit dry in the beginning.
It’s a loving happening that has happened; it’s a loving happening. It is not ‘living’ but living plus loving. Because, if emotionally you are dry, then it doesn’t work out. Then gradually, you start feeling the love. The joy [unclear/of the universe] you start feeling [unclear] When you put your hands towards a person, how nice. And you will see these people doing that; if somebody comes, a good one, they will call, “Come, come, come, come, all of you,” and then you will feel it, the joy, coming as joy inside. The whole being filled with that joy. It’s pouring from their love. Then you feel the love and then you’ll get the love, the joy. And all kinds of joys; there are joys and joys, which is not one thing – again a different aspect of it, it’s a different aspect of a joy – comes in; it’s beautiful, it’s tranquil. You become then the instrument of God. From collective consciousness, you jump into the thoughtless awareness to collective consciousness. Thoughtless awareness, you jump into the doubtless awareness, which I call as the Nirvikalpa, and beyond that, you become the complete Self: complete Self starts. Then, absolutely then the feeling, the state of: ‘I am’ comes in. Just: ‘I am.’ When that state comes in, you start sitting down here, you can do whatever it is. What do you do, sitting down here? Just love. Send some waves of love to a person, the person gets cured. You think of him, he gets cured. He feels better, he feels happy. Let us start a new method: to anti-God, this hatred that is there. When we hated our nations, when we hated all these problems and all that, we based it on hatred. Let us base now our lives to this new form, which is already existing there and which is acting all the time. This is all a myth. Only He acts, only He works. It’s only His force that is working. The rest is all a myth in which we are now. Once you realise that, [unclear]. Let’s see how many people in this country can do that. It’s very important, where is the Heart of Mother Earth. Do you know why? It’s the Heart. All the rishis and munis know this, in India, that it is the Heart. Though the Kundalini lives in India, the Kundalini lives in India, the Kundalini has to come to U.K.
So this is the Heart, and if there is no spiritual yearnings among the people who live in this country, God save this world. Of the real, serious nature. Not just a frivolous thing, as a fashion going about. It’s a very important thing. It will not appeal to people who are already busy with ‘very important things of God,’ or with other nonsensical things, but it should appeal to people who are wiser, and who all know that there has to be a solution.
So I invite you all to this – I wish you could all come to our ashram which we have started. You see, ashram is some place where four or five people together are staying in a place, which you call as ashram. Tomorrow, at Gavin’s place – you see, he will give you the address – tomorrow, I’ll be there from three; three o’clock onwards till the night, I will spend with him there, with all the press will be there also. All his friends will be there. You all come along, then you will feel that and we are going to have a proper understanding about Sahaja Yoga, because it’s a very, also an individual working; one has to work on your separate chakras and see – everybody has a different problem which is to be sorted out and it works out, you see. We have seen now – Bogdan, in one day, went from here to here. Christian, you can ask him, in one day, he was [unclear]. So, it can happen. And all of you should work it out, put your chakras in proper way, and I’m going to be there definitely tomorrow, and also on Thursday, we’ll do – I’ll be in Finchley. But take it up seriously: pursue it. I am here only for next month, you see, we are having another program on the 14 th , and then again on the 21 st , same time. But lecturing and all this – listening to lecture is very interesting, no doubt: “Wow, it’s very interesting...” It’s not that; you should get it. That’s the thing you should enjoy. And then after that, on the – I will be going to India on the 8 th December, but then I’ll be back again and we are going to spread it. And this is a very central position, where people from all over the world come. And people are still very wise and steady here and they have understood certain things. They have come to certain conclusions and we can work it out together.
Of course, no money, nothing; I never suggest such a thing. It’s wrong. This is something very different; it’s the happening, to become. There is no money; it is not economics, nor politics, but economics of God and [unclear]. His blessings are anxious to cure you: just have it.
I think already it’s 8 o’clock. If you want, we can have a session for a while but when the gentleman at the outside, he says we have to go at 9, so we manage, somehow. Let’s see what can happen with you people, so we’ll take a little account of that. In any case, you’ll get the address from these people and also you can take these things with you and – you see, we haven’t done much publication, but these papers, this paper was done by Me this afternoon, Myself has done it. I hope you like; it has got the vibrations in it and you can see for yourself. This can be used also for curing other people. There’s a little protocol about it, [unclear/don’t] point here and there. Keep it carefully. [18:14]
[unclear passage for several minutes as sound quality very poor, but Shri Mataji is preparing everyone for the Self-realisation process. ] You all have to know about the instrument, and how to [unclear]. Before doing that, I would request [unclear] because we don’t have much time [unclear sentences]. [24.00]
At the very outset, I have to tell you, it is not the knowledge of anything that you read in the books, or even if I tell you [unclear/the way Kundalini passes.] It has no meaning to you unless and until you experience that. ??
The rest of the things are useless
[ From 1:14:00 or so, repeat of beginning of file. Tape was turned over and talk repeats... So the beginning of this talk is actually in middle of file, but sound quality very very poor! ]