Dharm Va Adharm

Dharm Va Adharm 1970-01-01

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
Hindi, Marathi

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1 January 1970

Dharm Va Adharm

Public Program


Talk Language: Hindi, Marathi | Translation (Hindi to English) - Draft, Translation (Marathi to English) - NEEDED

There are seven layers within us that we need to awaken in this way. Now, when we talk about machinery, people often think of machinery that is not alive; but for a living machinery, it needs to be awakened, it needs to be awakened. However, many people do not even understand what can be accomplished with these vibrations. I have told you that when vibrations are flowing completely from within you and there is no obstruction at all, you are in a state of complete bliss; No matter if you have a physical, mental, or intellectual problem, you can be completely healthy if vibrations are flowing strongly and completely from your body. You are in the state of witness consciousness, thoughtless awareness; this is a sign, an indication, that you have entirely become that power. Now, for those in whom the vibrations are not flowing, who remain incomplete, who have deficiencies, the fault lies with them, not with the vibrations or with Sahaja Yoga.

I have said that physical, mental, and intellectual problems—your six enemies—will flee, and there will be no enemies in your body, but they will still be useful to you. You can act as if you are angry whenever you want, you can perform any act you wish. Your intellect becomes far-reaching. If you read the Gita after realization, you can understand what the Gita means, what it is saying. You attain the essence of knowledge. This is not just an indication; you should also think about it. This is an indication for you, a sign that is flowing within you. Just like a car is running, how is it moving forward? Smoke is coming out from the back; this is just an indication. But why is the car running, and for what purpose? This also needs to be thought about.

When you were not in bliss, when vibrations were not flowing from within you, your contribution to life was nothing, no contribution at all; you were only taking. You were taking from nature; you were taking from the environment. You were eating food, you were using the precious things of this earth, everything that nature has created, and you were using them. You were utilizing them. You were not giving anything back, only taking; you were eating food, wearing clothes, living in houses. In all those things, whatever bricks you might have used, in all that, you took something from nature, from the environment, but gave nothing back. But when vibrations start flowing from within you, you begin to give. You should understand how you contribute to nature.

Today, a husband and wife from Andaman came and told me that in their garden, the sapodilla tree barely produced a hundred sapodillas, and they had no taste, nothing. And then, Mother, you came to our house once, and we washed your feet and poured that water, and then we gave vibrations to that place. Now, in two or three days, we get around a thousand sapodillas. And they brought some today to show. Such a beautiful and pleasant fragrance was coming from them. They also had banana trees, which started bearing bananas. This means that our place has become so lush and green, it's quite astonishing. On the same land, in the same season, without adding any fertilizer—nothing—just vibrated water was poured, and they gave their vibrations, and see how nature responded. Now, when vibrations have started flowing within you, you have to give; you are giving vibrations, meaning you are channelling the energy within you and infusing nature with this energy.

You are unaware of it; you do not know this fact. Just as the sages and seers used to go into the forests and meditate there. They did this to become one with the peace, balance, and harmony of nature, to experience it within them, to let it impact their chakras. By sitting in such a beautiful place, their hearts would be filled with joy, and by being there, it was possible that the Kundalini energy within them would awaken, and they would attain the supreme element.

But after realization, you become so adorned with these vibrations that you yourself become a giver, knowledge comes to you naturally, and you contribute to nature. Wherever you go, you may not be aware of it, but as soon as they see you, flowers, leaves, trees, birds, animals, and so on, feel your vibrations, sense that energy, and experience joy.

You might have noticed a white dog here, which you might remember belonged to a very small breed and didn’t have a stable source of food. Yet, it was very healthy. When we took it to the doctor, he used to ask what breed it was because it was a street dog that had grown so well and was so intelligent with excellent health. The doctor said if it were entered into a show, it would always win the first prize. It's something strange, and along with it, you can see its vibrations. Due to those vibrations, the dog is also so robust and healthy. You might know that horses understand everything. If they see a ghost at night, they start neighing loudly. Similarly, if dogs sometimes cry, you can understand that they have seen something unusual, that's why they cry; they see it. They feel it. They might not see it with their eyes, but they feel it inside. They will cry, and you won't know why, but they will cry. In the same way, the person from whom vibrations emanate is recognized by dogs, cats, snakes, and all creatures. Even children recognize them. Your giving is complete.

Now you can enjoy nature. You can also inspire nature because this energy is flowing within you. Then you might say that this is all-pervading, that everything in the distance is affected. Then why does each tree, thing, and leaf experience this?

This same understanding should be applied to humans: why is man so important? Why is he so distinct? Why does man hold such significance? Why does nature constantly bow at your feet? Why is it putting so much effort into you? Although you are very slow to progress, why? The reason is that when vibrations pass through a human, they become such that the entire earth can absorb and embrace them. For example, consider a cow. You've seen that it eats grass, drinks water, and then produces milk, which the calf can drink and grow from. If the cow were given grass alone, the calf would not be able to grow; it cannot thrive on water alone. But when the cow consumes grass and water, the milk produced from it is what nourishes the calf. Similarly, in a realized person, these vibrations enter and form a special sphere, an extremely subtle sphere within, which works even in the most refined and subtle levels. These vibrations become very subtle, like what is referred to as "propane" in its most refined form.

Similarly, in a realized person, these vibrations enter and form a special sphere, an extremely subtle sphere within, which operates even in the most refined and subtle levels. These vibrations become incredibly subtle, similar to what is referred to as "propane" in its most refined form. When they enter the human being and the capillaries, these vibrations become capable of being absorbed. Such is the extraordinary subtlety of this process.

Another point is that nature has created specific places where such vibrations are concentrated. This means that while these are not human beings, certain stones, for example, have vibrations infused into them by nature, and they are given form and shape, like the sacred places in nature you are familiar with, such as Ganesh temples, Mahalaxmi temples, and the temples of Mahadev. These places have been filled with vibrations by nature, so they are vibrated. However, the awareness, handling, and absorption of these vibrations are not as effective as they are through you. Understand that there is an absorption that is extremely subtle. It is an absorption that is extremely subtle. It is the subtlest of the subtle. You first absorb this within yourself and then you amplify it. The all-pervading thing is flowing from within you, but it is absorbed within you in a specific way, and there is some contribution from you to it, which makes it so subtle that people can recognize and appreciate it. Now understand your own significance. Until it passes through humans, molecular changes do not occur.

But what exactly happens, you should think about, how does it happen, mother? What is that special thing that the all-pervading power does when it enters a person? What does it achieve? You need to observe this. When you direct your vision towards the vastness, what is the vastness? I will explain it to you through an example: if you place a light or illumination on one side and put a picture on the right side of it, and then place a screen in front of it, you will see that a large screen is formed and on that screen, a large image of the same is also formed. When these two things happen, then this is the Supreme Being and this is its power, and this is the vastness. Within this vastness, all the creations of this power, from minute to minute, from the smallest to the most subtle, will be visible. Because they become large, they enlarge, they become big.

Now, I have explained this in a very modern way, but this is not exactly how it happens because the dimensions are very vast. However, I have explained it this way so that you can understand it.

Now, the vastness, which is also primordial, contains all the powers, and while these powers might seem small, their protection can show you how big they actually are; what seems microscopic is actually a vast evidence. Within this vastness, you are also present, and you need to observe what contribution you are making and how you are functioning there.

From the top to the bottom of this ‘Virat’, there are different places and spaces in the upper body, areas of emergence, places in the upper part of emergence, love, and everything that exists in us, but on a much larger scale. And within this, there is also religion, everything green, and even waste, and even the pressure you refer to as obstacles or negativity is also waste. And within it, there are also different groups like the Rakshasa (demon) groups and the Bhoot (ghost) groups. As their states progress, they rise from below and come to occupy the higher realms. As soon as you transcend today, you enter the realm of the Devas (gods); you become Devas. You are not saints; you are Devas. The meaning of change is that those who are going to the realm of the Devas are transformed. And thoe who have reached the state of Nirvikalpa (a state of no mental fluctuation) are completely Devas. The power of a Deva is such that it is akin to the all-pervading power of the Supreme Being, which can be understood as their blood; it flows within them and they infuse their divinity into it. Infusing divinity means adding antibodies. In other words, adding antibodies. If we talk about it on a human level, we would say that the antibodies in the blood are weak. The divinity makes the blood such that it becomes so subtle that it can penetrate deeply, into every cell. You are in a state where you should ask the divinity to grant you Lakshmi (prosperity). Now, you should reflect on how significant a role you are playing in this ‘Virat’ power. Many people, including those within themselves, still do not understand how immense this is. The reason is, as you people say, that it is your illusion, Mother! But even more than my illusion, it is your own madness that you do not understand the existence of this thing, and you are not solving it. Perhaps it is for your own salvation that I have taken this form. To help you accept this, not with the intellect, but with the heart, and to understand where you are positioned. What is your form, and what is your current state? As soon as you understand that this is your current state, what happens? As soon as you realize that you have become a king, your way of thinking changes. The smallness, incompleteness, and madness of it all become insignificant. Now, he is sitting in the place of a king. The vibrated cradle, which you people might think is simple, is not; it involves a lot of hard work. You have put in a lot of effort in past lives. Some of you have worked very hard, and those whose efforts were incomplete for some reason will need to complete them in this life. However, there are also those among you who, having worked so hard, have succeeded this time. Some are still experiencing incompleteness for various reasons, but these are also due to physical factors.

We have explained the entire method and know-how to you. And we will continue to explain; I have come to tell you everything. We are going to reveal everything, but even now, there is a lot of illusion involved.

Now, a letter has arrived from a gentleman who is very upset with us. He had come here from America and was upset, and then he went somewhere to Pondicherry, where there is a guru named Vashistha who knows everything about us. The guru told him that he did not understand, and advised him to go and touch our feet, as he did not comprehend where we are coming from. Just as Maharaj Ghagargar says, he has spoken about everything concerning us. However, you people are not accepting it as much as others would accept and understand; there is no deceit in that acceptance, but your own acceptance is what you are internalizing. There are those among you who, having worked so hard, have succeeded this time. Some are still experiencing incompleteness for various reasons, including physical factors.

This means that you are facing the end of civilization. The extent to which your eyes are opened is the extent to which your acceptance has come. Your acceptance has nothing to do with what is happening; the more your eyes are opened, the more you can accept. If your eyes are not open, how will you believe? Those whose eyes are open understand wherever they are. But because your eyes are only partially open your understanding remains incomplete. The guru in Pondicherry, who was sitting there and sent us a message, did not understand even after sitting in front of us, knowing us, and listening to us. He sent a tape from there to tell us, and to inform everyone that this is the reality and that this is the divine presence. This is what Maharaj Ghagargar refers to. Because they set rules for eating and drinking, they say. Therefore, understand the significance of these vibrations. These were the things we are explaining now; they say this because their eyes are fully open. This is a direct manifestation of their eyes being fully open. Whether you see or do not see us, we do not change. Whether you understand or do not understand, we do not change. Therefore, how much direct experience do you have? How much have you understood? This is also an indication, a sign. This is also a sign. It is a sign of your disconnection.

Now you will understand that creation itself was awakened by these vibrations. All creation can receive vibrations, and your antibodies are affected by them. Divine power can be understood as antibodies, and demonic power can be understood as demons; demons are the demonic power, and divine power is called antibodies. There is also an ongoing battle between these two. You can impart this divine power flowing through your body; normally, people cannot. Only those who have attained these vibrations can give them, and others cannot. Therefore, understand the importance of these vibrations. Because of these vibrations, you can now give in this world. Previously, you could only receive; you received from nature, from creation, from your home, from the sky. You received from all the five great elements, and you were living. And now you are giving, and what are you giving—divinity! It is your own essence. Even where there are ten Sahaja Yogis, you have to give. That’s why I am telling you that now you have gained a new perspective and new priorities. You are in a place where the Devas are, where Hanuman resides. If you cannot see them, what can I do? But those who are able to see will see. All the divine beings are sitting here. They are all present here. They have come with me, indeed with you. They are all stationed over you. They have all come; Ganeshji is seated here. Everyone is in a seated position, and they are blessing you. I used to think about how it is possible that you are sitting here with your hands raised, and your Kundalini has opened the Brahmarandra. It’s an impossible thing; no one can say it’s possible, but it has happened to you. The reason is that you have divinity within you. Tell all these divine beings to pay attention to this.

In every meditation and every program, I am explaining this to you. If you sit separately and meditate at home, saying that you are performing your own worship or meditation, it will not make any difference. I am telling you this because it is necessary to be awakened, and this awakening will only happen with collective effort; everything will only happen in the collective. In the Kali Yuga, power will be in the collective. This is a demonstration campaign; it is born from past lifetimes, but today it is not your collective. Therefore, everyone should sit together and meditate, light lamps, and perform worship collectively. If you get a result from doing something alone, sitting together for these things will yield a thousand times more results, and you will experience it. I have personally seen that those who attended the programs regularly reached very high levels, while those who came occasionally or not at all did not experience the same. Those who never come still have their vibrations running as they are. Now you might say, 'Mother, we do a lot of worship and keep your photo, but we don't see any benefit.' Another thing you need to do is give; until you give your vibrations to others, you won’t realize the benefit. Because until a person experiences it themselves, they may not understand. I often endure this; if I make them place their hand on someone else’s, and if they feel the warmth, they begin to understand. I told you that the more times your hand is raised for donation, the more times your Kundalini will rise, the more awakened you will become, and the more you will be uplifted. Your situation might not change immediately, but those who know, see, and understand are the ones you have not yet reached. Although I challenge you, even though you know everything about Kundalini and understand everything, you still haven’t reached those who know and see.

No one knows as much as you do; no one at all. Even though Shankaracharya was a great figure, he did not know as much as you do, despite being so significant. You are not even equivalent to the dust of his feet, but you have gained more knowledge. The reason you have this knowledge is that you have learned it mentally, but you have not experienced it internally. You have learned it mentally because I explained that this is what comes on this finger, and that is what comes on that finger, and so on. All of this has been taught and memorized, but internally? Nothing has been experienced inside. You need to reach inside, and you need to have a direct experience internally. Some people have incorrect ideas, some have incompleteness, and some have other issues; all of this has gone away because they had no knowledge. What they have achieved is the result of their dedicated effort and complete surrender. Your surrender is very, very, very minimal. It is very lacking. And for this reason, you do not understand even the smallest aspect of these vibrations and their greatness. Shankaracharya mentioned that among millions, only one or two might experience it, and among many, only a few might experience it, he had said. And those who remain will see that, no, no, no, it’s all just an illusion, but they will recognize me and understand me. Then they will say, ‘This is the truth; it wasn’t like this in our time, but now there is the Mother.’ They will say, ‘You people didn’t say this.’ Because your eyes are still not open from within. The direct evidence is within you, and you need to understand this today. You have mentally understood me because I explain many profound things to you, and I provide you with direct evidence of these things. I tell you things you haven’t heard before, and you see them and say, ‘Yes, yes.’ Mentally, you have accepted me, but the internal understanding is lacking.

When you know me from within, you will speak of it as being exactly like that. It is a simultaneous thing; as you understand yourself, you will also understand me. That is the indication that is the sign. If someone is blind, you can see that they are stumbling along. If someone is walking a bit behind, you might think they are somewhat blind, but if someone is walking straight, it is a sign that they are not blind. This indication is what reveals whether a person is blind or not. It is the sign that indicates the person is not blind.

This is a sign that is a sign; whatever behaviour, methods, or ways you have, they are signs of how truthful you are. There is no need to speak it out loud or tell anyone else. This is an internal sign, and you deceive yourself, engage in trickery with yourself, argue with yourself, and are caught up with yourself. If you let this go, if you do not mentally accept it, if you keep flowing, keep expanding your heart, you will be amazed. Much can happen while we are alive; you need to think about it, and much can be achieved. But in this matter, never be content with thinking that you have achieved a lot. You may be content with everything else, which is very important. But when it comes to this, you must say no; we have not yet recognized it, the inner realization has not happened yet, and we have not yet truly known ourselves. There is a need for a profound inner awakening, a need to truly feel it. And you people have been chosen by God for that great transformation of the universe, which is called the transformation of the cosmos.

To transition from one era to another, God has placed you people in this role. You are on that wheel, and you too are turning with its movement. Therefore, ordinary, seemingly simple people must have such profound inner awakening. It must be felt deeply from within.


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