Public Program (incomplete)

Public Program (incomplete) 1992-04-20

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi
Text Status
Transcript English - Reviewed
Live Translation

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20 April 1992

Public Program

Rome (Italy)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed

Public Program, Rome, Italy, 20-04-1992

I bow to all the seekers of truth.

At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualise it. Nor can we understand at this human awareness. You have to be born again. You have to become the Spirit. In your evolutionary process this is the last stage we have to achieve that you become the Spirit.

Many people have been talking about it. But nobody has paid attention to it. Once you become the Spirit you'll be amazed how you are transformed. Automatically. You may follow any religion but it is outside. Because whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian you can commit any sin. That's why you have to be the Spirit.

Today I'm going to describe you the quality of the Spirit. First of all you must have been surprised to see how joyously she was singing. Because Spirit is the source of joy. We have already been told that we have to suffer. Why should we suffer? When Christ has suffered for us already. Can we suffer more than He has suffered? There is no need to suffer at all. Only thing is that we are in ignorance. In darkness. And that is why we accept whatever people tell us. Which father would like you to suffer? No sufferings are needed. This power is within you, is your own. So the truth is that you are the Spirit. You are not this body, this mind. These emotions, this ego, these conditionings. But you are pure Spirit. Which is the source of joy. That is, the two sides of the coin could be happiness and unhappiness of ego. But joy doesn't have double things, it's absolute joy.

And the Spirit is also the source of absolute truth. Because we have not known the absolute truth, we are quarrelling. Everybody has a different view of the truth. Now I am sitting before you, all of you can see Me. There is no quarrel about it. In the same way, when you know the truth, then everybody knows the same. All these theories which are nothing but your mental constructions, die out. And you see the oneness, the integration. You find all these religions are born on the tree of life, of spiritual life.There is nothing wrong with the religions and with the incarnations. And also nothing wrong with the prophets. All religions are beautiful. But these are fundamentalists, who always say, our religion is the best. Because they are not Spirit-oriented. But they are money-oriented, or power-oriented. They have deviated from the path of religion. So this power resides within you, which connects you to this all-pervading power of God's love.

So the Spirit is the source of pure love. Pure love is like the sap in the tree. It goes from every branch, to every leaf, to every flower, to every fruit. Then it gets evaporated or goes back. But it does not get stuck on one flower, it [UNCLEAR here lies]. If it happens, the whole tree will die and that flower will also die. So the Spirit is the source of that love. Now this all-pervading power of God's love is around us. We see beautiful flowers, beautiful greenery, we take it for granted. We do not even think how this miracle has happened. Look at your eyes, what a miracle, what a camera. Look at your brain, what a miracle, what a computer. Who runs your heart? The doctors would call it autonomous. But who is this auto? When we ask these questions, we realise that we have to know something more than what we know as human beings. And when such questions are asked, then we feel that we have to seek, we have to find out the truth. So the truth is that you...

Rome (Italy)

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