La Grande Madre Che Conforta TV interview 1985-05-19
19 May 1985
Rome (Italy)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – VERIFIED
La Grande Madre Che Conforta TV interview, Rome, Italy, 19-05-1985
Yogi: (In Italian) Good evening. Here with us is Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who is travelling through Rome. After the successes achieved in Milan, She will be here for two conferences at the “Teatro Giulio Cesare” this evening and tomorrow evening, and after which she will move to Venice for one conference. Shri Mataji is the Founder of a type of yoga called Sahaja Yoga, and we would like to ask Her what Sahaja Yoga is. Yogini Translator: Shri Mataji, what is Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji: Sahaja means born with you. Saha is with and ja is born. It also means spontaneous. It is a spontaneous happening of a living energy within you which gets awakened and unites you to the Divine. Now Sahaja Yoga is a happening as the epitome of the evolutionary process. We have become human beings, but still we are not yet complete and absolute. We live in a relative world. This energy pierces through six centers, subtle centers, ultimately through the fontanelle bone area, and you receive your self-knowledge, your self-realisation, what we call the baptism is actualised. It is not an artificial baptism but actually you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head. Kundalini is the Mother, this power is the Holy Ghost within you which rises and gives you this final experience of the Spirit, which is very important, that everyone has to receive, every human being has to receive (it). Yogi: (in Italian) Thank you. I would like to know, is this type of Yoga accessible to everyone? Yogini Translator: Is this kind of Yoga attainable by everybody, Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Of course, it is available to all the human beings, it has to be, because it is meant for human beings to rise to that level. Yogi: (in Italian) So there are no differences of age, social class, particular things, particular exercises to observe, diets, etc.? Yogini Translator: So, are there not in this kind of Yoga some special exercises, practices, or is it meant for young people, old people, or both of them? Shri Mataji: No, it is meant for everyone, for old, young, small, big, meant for all races, all people coming from all religions, because it combines all the essence of all the religions, because all these religions are like flowers on the same Tree of Life. Only when human beings pluck them and start saying this is mine, this is mine, all the fights start. But actually, the essence of all the religions is the same. Same is about the whole world, it’s created as one by God, only the human beings are fighting about it. So, in the eyes of the Divine everybody is just the same and everyone should get this. Yogi: (in Italian) Okay, thank you. I heard the word Spirit mentioned earlier. Could I ask Shri Mataji what does She mean, or what is the nature of Spirit? Yogini Translator: Shri Mataji, what is the nature of the Spirit? Shri Mataji: Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty within us. So the nature of (the) Spirit is that it is absolute, it is eternal, it resides in our heart and is the witness of all our activities. When you get your Self-realisation, when you become the Spirit, when you get your second birth, actually, spontaneously by this living force, then it starts manifesting in your attention. Then your attention becomes - again I say it becomes - collectively conscious, that is your central nervous system can feel the existence of your Spirit, because cool vibrations start flowing from your hands. This is one nature. That is with the collective consciousness you can feel the another person on your fingertips, these different centers, you can feel it clearly, the subtle centers, and if you know how to cure these centers you can cure the person of its physical troubles, mental maladies and emotional problems. Apart from that the spiritual problems are solved completely that you become a person who is full of joy, full of peace and full of bliss. (Shri Mataji repeats to the yogini translator) The bliss. Yogi: (in Italian) Yes. In this regard I wanted to ask: we have heard that it is also possible to cure cancer, we have heard that cases of AIDS have been cured, there was the sister of the President of the High Court in India who said that her brother was cured of an incurable disease etc. I wanted to know: is all this true? Yogini Translator: Shri Mataji, he is asking – he heard that Sahaja Yoga cures even incurable diseases and he heard that even some important persons in India have been cured, and is it – this possible, how it happens? Shri Mataji: Yes, of course, that’s what I told you, that the Kundalini when it rises through these subtle centers it nourishes, the chakras are like this and when you get sick they actually get separated like that, because either you have overactivity or you have some sort of a malady on the left hand side, so your connection with the Whole is lost, the energy is less. But when the Kundalini rises She pierces through your centre and nourishes it, by that nourishment you feel perfectly all right, because it’s a vital energy. Yogi: (in Italian to the yogini translator) Shri Mataji has spoken earlier about chakras, centers, plexuses. Could you maybe point us on this chart, exactly... Shri Mataji: The power Kundalini, if I show? Yogini Translator: Yes. Shri Mataji: This is the power Kundalini, in the triangular bone. And there are six centers on top and one centre below. This is the knowledge of the roots, that you have within yourself. Yogi: (in Italian) Very good. It is well known that Shri Mataji does not take any compensation for Her mission. Now, I would like to ask a perhaps slightly indiscreet question: how do You finance Your trips, and how are the various initiatives, advertising about Sahaja Yoga etc. financed? Is there an organization behind all this, or is it simply something spontaneous? Yogini Translator: Shri Mataji, how do You finance Your own conferences, the advertising about Your coming and all that needs money in Your organisation, is there a special organisation or is it just - how it happens? Shri Mataji: Actually I don’t take any money at all, on the contrary, most of my travels, I pay for it. Now we have Sahaja Yogis in all the countries and they collect little money to have the conference and they collect money to have a hall, it doesn’t cost much. But I don’t know about their money, they organise among themselves but as a result of Self-realisation people become very righteous, extremely honest and very religious. I don’t have to tell them, but just they become. Moreover, it is irrelevant. It is a living process that takes place, like the sprouting of the seed. Now, how much money do we pay to this Mother Earth who does this job? So how can you pay money for God’s work? On the contrary, to take money for this work would be sinful. Yogi: (in Italian) I wanted to ask another question. After this, let's say, realization that you talked about, that is, after this Kundalini has risen above one’s head, what happens? That is, what are the manifestations? And how does one get established? Yogini Translator: He would like to know what happens when Kundalini has been awakened and it has pierced this last chakra, what happens to a person, what is the – and how it can be maintained? Yogi: (in Italian) Is there a need to do special practices etc., or is it something that happens and then it is finished like this? Yogini Translator: If there is the need of making some special exercises or practices, or if it’s more simply something that can stay as it is? Shri Mataji: We have to know that you get completely transformed, completely transformed. In the sense that you become so powerful that no habit can dominate you. I have seen people after Self-realisation, next day they give up their drugs, give up alcoholism, give up bad habits. Secondly, you become compassionate. This compassion is not the one that speaks, it just acts on others. Such a person just standing anywhere can emit that compassion, the power, and can completely neutralise all the negativity and all the troublesome things that are going on. Such a person is so blissful and so joyous that he makes the entire Universe happy by its presence. But the greatest of all is that, for the first time, such a person can give back what we have got from Nature. There has been an experiment in India, as well as in Austria, and a very great expert in Austria has found out that when you give this cool breeze, the vibrations, to the plants they grow three times, four times more, and you can even use ordinary seeds instead of hybrid seeds and create beautiful agriculture. The seeds that are coming out of [that] agriculture are very nice to taste, look like pearls and they are very nourishing. And to establish it we have got centers practically in every country where we have got Sahaja Yogis whom I have counselled so well that they are all experts and they can teach all about it to you, so that you also become masters of that. Yogi: (in Italian) So there are centers also in Italy, in Rome, Milan etc., I heard. Yogini Translator: Shri Mataji, there are centers in Italy, too. Shri Mataji: Very many. And not only, but we have a very nice ashram here and very great Sahaja Yogis too, and you are not to pay anything at all for anything, even for curing. Yogi: (in Italian) All free of charge. Yogini Translator: (in Italian) All free of charge, yes. Yogi: (in Italian) I heard that a live experience was done on other television channels. Is it possible to have, repeat the same experience here, now? Yogini Translator: Shri Mataji, he said that he knows that in other televisions you already made in front of the public the experience of giving Self-realisation. Shri Mataji: Yes! Yogini Translator: Is it possible to have it here? Shri Mataji: Yes, yes, why not? It is the best way, a television is for that only, it’s for giving realisation to them. They can, it is very simple, they have to just put their hands towards me like this, and now see, you all can feel it. Put your hands like this, and put your left [right] hand on your heart, and say that in your heart, “Mother, I am the Spirit”. Just say that and it will comfort you completely, because it will start cooling you down and you will start feeling the cool breeze on your left hand. Just say that three times from your heart. “Mother, I am the Spirit”. Just say that. It will work out very well. It will really make you very blissful, relaxed, comfortable and joyous. Now see. Three times. Now you can also feel it on top of your head, a cool breeze coming out, if you see it here on the fontanelle bone area, you can bend your head and see for yourself, all of you can feel it, a cool breeze coming out. Are you feeling? Yogi: (in Italian) Yes. Shri Mataji: That’s what it is. Now ask a question, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Ask the question seven times in your heart and you will see it. But even if you are feeling it, you must come to the program and then later on you must establish it because once you start thinking about it, it will be lost again. It is beyond thinking. So don’t think about it, just watch carefully, keep your eyes open and see there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head. Many of you might feel even cured, and comforted. Yogi: (in Italian) I must say that you can really feel the wind, here in the studio. A somewhat particular question: all televisions and newspapers have defined You as "The Great Mother", "The Great Mother who comforts". Are You the Comforter the Bible speaks about? Yogini Translator: All the newspapers have spoken about You as the Great Mother, as the Comforter. Is it – can we say that it is You who come as the Comforter that is mentioned in the Bible? Shri Mataji: You’d better find out, I won’t tell you that, because it’s not proper to tell anything these days. Christ said “I am the light, I am the path”, and they crucified them. I don’t want to get crucified so I don’t want to commit anything, you better find out what I am, it is better that you come and find it out yourself. Yogi: (in Italian) Well, I would like to thank Shri Mataji and [to the yogini] I would like to ask again perhaps to clarify Her future plans here in Italy. Would you also mind giving us the addresses of the centers that are there? Yogini Translator: He would like to thank You and say hello, to have for the last time the address of the centers here in Rome and the appointments that You have here. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Better inform them when We have the program, I hope they will make it convenient to come to the program tonight and tomorrow. Yogini Translator: (In Italian) She says that it is important that viewers are informed about these programs, about these conferences which will be held tonight at the “Teatro Giulio Cesare” at 6 and tomorrow evening, and on Wednesday in Venice in a hall called the “Sala degli Specchi” (Hall of Mirrors) in San Marco. Shri Mataji: And if you have any questions you must bring them written down and give it to me so that I’ll answer them tomorrow. (The Yogini Translator translates) Shri Mataji: I hope nobody aggressive will come there and try to trouble us because some people unnecessarily trouble us when we have come to do nothing but good. To everyone. Benevolence. This is for the emancipation of all the humanity, will solve all your political, your economical, your ecological, all kinds of problems if you all get transformed. Yogi: (in Italian) Well. I think that with these beautiful premises we can conclude the service and thank Shri Mataji once again. Yogini Translator: We can now put an end to this and thank You very much again. Shri Mataji: Thank you, thank you very much, thank you.