Thoughtless awareness explained 2000-06-05
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
5 June 2000
Thoughtless Awareness Explained
Public Program
Berkeley (United States)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
Public Program, Berkeley (USA). 5 June 2000.
I bow to all the seekers of truth.
I do not know how to thank the mayor of Oakland and mayor of Berkeley for being so kind to give this certificate to Me. I must say this is a wonderful country where people recognize something that is doing good work. Really remarkable it is. I had been here before, to Berkeley, because everybody tells Me that there are lots of seekers of truth in Berkeley. This is the thing that attracted Me very much. But first of all we should know what are we seeking all these days. Once you start seeking it goes on like a rat-race of seeking. Or have you been able to find something? So what do you have to find in your seeking? As you know, in all the scriptures it is been told that you have to know yourself. You don't know yourself, you don't know what problems you have within. People get into diseases without knowing until it develops into a very serious trouble. Also they go on hurting others, being jealous with others, being in tension and stress. All kind of problems come to them, and they don't know why it happens, why, what is the reason?
So today I'm going to tell you how you have to know yourself. First of all you must decide that you have been seeking, seeking, seeking and this is the place known for its seeking. It's high time you better come to the end of it and seek what you have been seeking and you get it, that's the promise. First and foremost thing, when we are seeking we should know what are we within ourselves. What do we know about ourselves is only through doctors, or through psychologists or some people, which is very superficial knowledge about ourselves. In our depth, in our within, what do we have which doctors don't know, is the para-sympathetic nervous system. They don't know. Sympathetic system is the system by which when we work very hard, we run and do all kinds of things, the sympathetic goes into action, heart will start beating fast. But what brings it to normal is the para-sympathetic and this is what we have to know within ourselves, that it exists and it operates automatically How it exists and how works out that's why we have to know. Moreover what are we? When you see the whole world, it is so full violence, full of all kinds of nonsense that's going on, and you can't imagine why people do it. What is the need to do all these horrible things in the name of God, in the name of religion, in the name of some political party, or some sort of a name they must have to fight with each other, torture others, kill each other. All this works out through human beings, through people who are supposed to be at the top of evolution. Human awareness is at the highest point. So now what's happening to our awareness? Why do we get into jealousies, into angers, into all kinds of funny type of behavior, which animals also don't do? Because we have freedom, we can do what we like, we can do what we like with ourselves and with others. But still we must know our vehicle better, we should know what is within us.
Now for that, there is placed within us a beautiful thing called Kundalini which lies in the triangular bone, which is called as "sacrum". That means Greeks knew about it, that's why they called it a sacred bone. In the triangular bone it lies at the base of your spine and this is the one which is going to give you a real ascent. This is the one which is going to connect you to the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. They have all talked about God, Power of God, Divine love, all kinds of things, but we don't know where it is, where does it exist, how it works. If really it is there or not, also we are not very sure. So this power lies within your triangular bone, can you show them? All of you have this power within you. It is not anyone who belongs to any nationality, or to any culture but everyone has this power within himself. But you'll be surprised, how people have made such a horrible picture of Kundalini and they say that when the Kundalini rises you may go mad, you may shout, you must do all kinds of things. Because they have no authority to do it, because they don't know how to do it - that's why they make up a story like that and tell you, because they don't want you to ascend, I think. Or they don't know, they are incapable of awakening the Kundalini. But I must tell you that She is your Mother, She is your individual Mother, She knows everything about you. It is all recorded, whatever was your past, whatever mistakes you committed, whatever aspirations you have, everything She knows about it, it's all recorded there in the 3-1/2 coils. But She is your Mother, your own Mother and when you were born, your Mother took all the trouble upon Herself. She didn't give you trouble. In the same way when this Kundalini rises, She doesn't give you any trouble. Now people are afraid even to talk about Kundalini because those who talked about Kundalini were I don't know what sort of people they were, and it was such a misleading thing that they thought, it's better not to talk about it. But talk is talk, talk is not everything.
What has to happen is the awakening of this Kundalini. It's an actualization, it is not just talking, giving lectures, you do this, you stand like this, put your hand this way, your legs that way, it's not that. It is very simple, that this Kundalini, which is responsible for your last ascent, your, I should say, the last step in your evolution, this Kundalini is your own Mother and She cannot harm you. She can never do that. This is the fact I would like to tell you first of all. Because I know in America all kinds of people have come from India, those people also they were released from jail, wore some sort of a dress and came here. They are all minting money, that's what they are doing, they are good at it. So if you have any understanding about Divinity you must understand that you cannot sell it and you cannot purchase it. If you can purchase some person then such a person cannot be your master, he can be your servant but not your master. So once you understand this point, it is very important for you people to know that it is not saleable because you know this is a consumer society, and everything has to be sold. But not spirituality, you cannot sell spirituality. And those who sell spirituality are spurious people, they are not real, they are absolutely bogus people as they call them, and you don't waste your energy and money on them.
So now, we have before you this triangular bone and this Kundalini and She rises through six centers. The seventh center is below the Kundalini, it is below the Kundalini and it protects the chastity of the Mother. Now those people who talk about sex as one of the instruments for ascent are absolutely befooling you. Nobody has said that in any scripture, but suddenly they started a kind of a myth or fashion I should say or fad, and people get drawn into it. So I have come to warn you about it, that it has nothing to do with sex, but as Christ has said you have to be like children when you enter into the Kingdom of God. So your innocence gets awakened. Many people feel they have lost their innocence, you can never lose it. It comes back to you. It is dormant, it might be bruised, it might be a little bit hurt, but it's all there intact, and you will be amazed to see what you are.
Because you don't know what you are. So I would say you are not this body, this mind, but you are the Spirit and that's what you have to become. Once you become the Spirit, you will know what you are, you'll know everything about yourself. But for that to happen you don't have to do any acrobatic thing, it's just very simple. Wherever you are sitting it will work out. But first tell your mind to stop little bit thinking, because this mind has been reacting all the time, reacting to this, reacting to that, reacting with the result that Kundalini doesn't rise, but when She rises, She's wonderful. The thoughts rise like that and fall down, again thoughts come up and fall down. They come from the future or from the past. Present you cannot be, you cannot be in the present. But when Kundalini rises, She elongates these thoughts and there is a space created. It's called as pause, you can call it. In Sanskrit, it is called as vilamba. So your mind stands at that place where you have thoughtless awareness. Is told by, also Jung has talked about it, that you get into thoughtless awareness. Pantanjali has talked about it. But talking about it is not sufficient as I told you, it has to happen.
So first thing that happens to you, you become thoughtlessly aware. There is no thought, no reaction. For example, I see this beautiful carpet here, and if I react I would say oh, what a beautiful carpet. If it is Mine, I would be worried I should insure it. If it is not mine, I would say that how much they must have paid for it and, to whom does it belong? And all kinds of things. But supposing I'm in thoughtless awareness, then I just see it. While seeing it also I'm just witnessing, and what I'm getting is the complete joy of the creator who has done this job, complete get filled with that joy. There is no reaction, it is just thoughtless awareness in which Divine works. You don't have to then think about it, it all works out. Now this Kundalini rising through six centers - now you don't know you have any centers within yourself, and you don't know how they are placed. After this rising, this Kundalini rises, passes through the fontanel bone area and becomes one with the All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which is very subtle and you also start becoming your subtler personality. When the Kundalini rises through these six centers which are responsible for your physical, mental and emotional being, She nourishes them. She nourishes them with light, and then She integrates them. And when She reaches this spot, She opens up this fontanel bone area and becomes one with this All Pervading Power. This is the actualization of baptism, this is the baptism. It is not just some priest comes, puts his hand on your head, it's not the way. It has to be the actualization of this happening, which is for your ascent. This is the last break-through of your evolution.
Whatever I'm saying we can prove it also, it's not just talking. But this Kundalini, Kundalini's awakening which takes places, it actually makes your hands speak. You start feeling the cool breeze coming out of your fingers and through your hands and here also. You feel the cool breeze, actually and then if you know what do these mean 5, 6, and 7 center, in the same way, 5, 6 and 7 center, these seven centers are on the sympathetic nervous system. But when the sympathetic centers, two of them they mix, the central system is formed of para-sympathetic. So when you get enlightenment your Spirit gets awakened in your heart, and in the Spirit is the reflection of the complete Divine force. Then you become a, really, a spiritual personality. It is a reality I'm talking about, and in the light of the Spirit your attention becomes purified. Not only that, but you know what is good for you and what is destructive for you. You give up all nonsense in no time. Of course Sahaja Yoga has cured many people with all kinds of addictions, all kinds of problems, it's a fact. But that is this Kundalini has done it, which is your own, which has enlightened your own chakras, your own centers and has brought forth this result.
The second thing that happens to you apart from your attention being enlightened, that you become a collective personality. People have talked about it, said about it but this is in the books. Like a drop falls into the ocean, becomes the ocean. It doesn't mean that you are lost, you are nowhere. But your ego is lost, your so called pretensions are lost and what you become is part and parcel of the whole. Whole global race belongs to you, then how will you fight each other? If you are part and parcel of the whole, nothing but love, nothing but compassion. We have now people in 86 countries, and when I see them, I see the dream fulfilled because I've never seen them fighting or saying anything harsh to each other. They come from all kinds of religions, they come from all kinds of countries, every type of knowledge they have. Because you get the absolute knowledge, absolute knowledge. Now we don't know what absolute knowledge is. For example there is a person comes say from India or from any other country, and says "I'm a real great saint, I'll give you a great experience". How will you know that person is not telling you lies, and that he is not coming from the prison? How will you find out? You just put your hands when you are realized, when you are enlightened, towards that person. Immediately what you will get? Will be a hot breeze, that's the minimum. You might get tingling very bad, perhaps maybe you might even get a blister, one or two.
So you will be amazed how you judge people on your finger-tips - absolute knowledge about people, absolute knowledge about Spirit, absolute knowledge about the whole global problem you get. You become collectively conscious, you can connect yourself to the whole world in a way that is spiritual. Whatever you want, whatever you think becomes very pure, compassionate and beautiful. That is what you are, that whatever you are that you become. There's nothing to be said. Like this now, this instrument is before Me, I'm speaking to you, but supposing it is not connected how can it, what is the use of this instrument? In the same way you do not have that spirituality within you. Sometimes people must think that we are very spiritual. Don't believe in that. You must have absolute knowledge about yourself and about everything else.
Also we can say lots of things have happened in Sahaja Yoga. Like I know of somebody who was just a Chartered Accountant, knew only about finances. He's become a great poet. All kind of balances work out, and it is so surprising the amount of aptitudes that you develop. You are amazed, you never knew you had these aptitudes within you. I have an Academy of Music in India, and the people even from America and other countries came and three months, only in three months they started singing a very difficult raga called as [unclear word, Malcos]. I was amazed. For which people have to work at least 5 to 7 years, and here they are. So your capacity to absorb knowledge, to render it, is so much increased because you don't know your potential. You don't know what you are, that's what the point is. That's why they said that know yourself, know thyself because after knowing yourself, you'll have absolute knowledge, absolute reality and you won't live in the mental world "oh this is this, this is that". I know many books have written like that, about a person who was seeking and they ended up into nothing. Your seeking should not end up like that. You should get what you are seeking.
You have been seeking, and seeking and seeking and it is My greatest desire that you the well known seekers all over the world, because they say Berkeley University has the maximum number of seekers. So I mean I don't know, you should come to the end of it. There are many I know who came to Berkeley because they thought they were a group of people who are seeking. They went to meetings after meetings. When they got their realization they wrote to them that we have found, we have found the reality. So they wrote back all their friends and groups "oh I see, that we see that you have found it your own way, we'll find our it own way". So he was so, this gentleman who came, he was so disappointed, that still they are seeking. Seeking has become like a fashion. It cannot. It must come to an end. Your journey must come to an end, otherwise it will go on, one after another. So many will come and tell you "this is it, this is it, this is it", but the experience of the spirit, experience of realization is the thing you should ask for. If somebody doesn't give you the experience, don't be satisfied with what they say. Even with Me.
I'm sure tonight all of you all of you will have that experience, if you are truly seeking, and there are a few things which I would like to tell you. Would you like to ask Me some questions? One by one. Yes Madam?
[Audience]: How does it play into politics?
Shri Mataji: Oh very great. Politics is, see why the trouble with politics is, because it is not pure politics. If the politicians become, think of that, if they all become realized souls, we'll have benevolent people. They will be very different. We have some politicians in India who got their realization, also we have in Benin and Ivory Coast, we have people who are realized souls and also politicians. Without realization if you are a politician, God save the people. But you will understand the politics of the collective. You will see what's wrong where, what you have to correct, what you have to do, how you have to behave. You won't run after [unclear - bootie?], no, your life itself will work it out. I'll tell you, My father himself, he was a realized soul and he was a member of the Central Assembly Constituent Assembly and Parliament. But he was a realized soul. So he came out of jail and there was the [unclear name of person] who was there one of the great politicians, and a great man, who was with [unclear name of person]. He wrote a letter to my father that I want you to stand for election, so My father told him I am just not come from jail and I'm not very well but if you want, I don't mind contesting the election. So at that time he sent 3,000 rupees to My father, saying that this you can use for your propagation and all. So My father sent it back saying, Sir if I'm to spend money for my election I better not contest it. And without spending a single pi he contested the election and the person who was opposing him lost, forfeited his deposit. But his daughter, she was My friend, she helped My father. She told her father you are nowhere compared to Her father and I'm not going to support you in any way. That's how it comes. See everything works out so well, but we must have many people in this to understand. If there is only one or two people, they will torture them, they'll trouble them, do all kinds of, all saints have suffered. But now we have to be, all of us we can be saints, and we have to be saints and we'll have saints who will be politicians. The whole world will change. Any other question?
[Audience]: My dear Shri Mataji, I was very recently became aware of You and actually through Your web site, and when I first saw Your face before reading anything about You I said "I'm seeing the Divine Mother", and I was so amazed by Your aura, by Your energy that it inspired me to write something for You and if it will please You I would be very honored to sing it to You.
Moderator confirms: Recently she became aware of You and saw You on the Internet web site and when she saw Your face.....
Audience: I have a special presentation I want to .....
Moderator: .....she has a poetry she has written for You.
Shri Mataji: You are a very sensitive person, I must say.
Audience: Actually I would like to sing it to you.
Shri Mataji: Thank you, thank you very much. May God Bless you. Beautiful. Beautiful. It is very touching. So lastly, ha, yes Sir?
Audience: unclear question about Anahata
Shri Mataji: that is what I am going to tell you, alright? I'm happy you people have been reading quite a lot. We have three nadis here, you can see it clearly. One is Ida, another Pingala & Sushumna is the center. Ida and Pingala are responsible for the sympathetic nervous system, and the centre one, Sushumna is for your ascent, for the para-sympathetic nervous system. Now the center one is the one is the Anahata nadi. This goes up to the fontanel bone area, and when the Kundalini reaches there, She makes the same sound as in the heart we have, we call it Anahata. Anahata means without percussion. That is Kabira has said, that at the Anahata sound, when it reaches the Sahasrara, in this part this limbic area, then you know that you are about to enter into the Kingdom of God. You see Indian poets, some of them were such great saints, but they wrote mostly in this poetry and it was not so much understood by people.
Like Kabira wrote, he has used Anahata very much word that [Sanskrit word, unclear] he means the, it can mean in the normal way is my lover went away and I did not fight with him. Now how can Kabira have these ideas? But some people did feel that it is that. But I told him, told them that see Sayiam means the life, he's talking about his death, that my life went away, I never fought with it. And now you follow it that way, and they were amazed, when I told them this meaning. They said we never knew this was the meaning, we studied Hindi language, we studied him. I said, you see the trouble is, these poets were sitting there and writing something of that level, how can it enter the minds of human beings? That was the fact and in the same way anything you see you read now, it will be very, very clear for you to understand, if it is the right reading of course. And then you will know what everything means. All these words have great meaning and they are indicating. Despite that, we can see that people have always misunderstood. They have misunderstood everything, in every scripture, every saint. Everything they have misunderstood, maybe because I shouldn't say they didn't have brains, that they were brainless. But that they had an angle to their brains and they saw everything with that angle and that's why it was not a proper understanding. Anything else?
[Moderator]: confirms audience statement: I just wanted to thank you for the gift you have given to the world and he came to Your program in Vancouver 10 years ago and has not been in touch since then.
Shri Mataji: Oh I'm again going to Vancouver. See I've been traveling too much, I'm now 77 will be 78 years of age, and somehow my family people think that I shouldn't travel so much, but this time I sneaked through. You should come, you should come, to our programs in New York. We have a very nice program now, very nice program. What's the date? 16th of June. We are having a very, very nice program. You are all welcome there in New York. We have a big land there, and you'll enjoy it very much. It is for your enjoyment, that you get joy. Joy is not double like happiness/unhappiness. It's pure, it's singular and you get the joy from the spirit, and you get the peace, complete peace. Just image human beings getting transformed like that, what will happen to this world? Maybe from Berkeley we might get a great force of this world to be changing it, because so many students come here from all over the world and if it works out, you can change the whole world. That is the importance of Berkeley message.
Alright, we'll have the session for realization. But I would definitely request people who don't want to have their realization to leave the hall, because they create a little problem. So it would be very kind of you to leave the hall if you don't want to have realization. Of course nothing goes wrong with you, nothing will happen to you I assure you, you won't be jumping, nothing of the kind. It is a very soothing effect. First of all, you'll get your realization and then I hope they have here a follow-up for which you have to go, not to pay anything, again I tell you. And you can learn everything there about yourself, about others, for which you don't have to spend more than a month. Within 1 month you will be the masters, I know you will be. But whatever seeking you have had so far, forget about it, forget completely about it and just try to know your own value. Know that you are very precious, very precious persons, and these precious people should not get disturbed or destroyed by wrong type of people.