Public Program (incomplete)

Public Program (incomplete) 1990-07-01

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

1 July 1990

Public Program

Moscow (Russia)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

I bow to all the seekers of truth.

I have been telling you that the truth is that you are the Spirit and there is an all-pervading power which looks after you, looks after every living being, does all living work. All the problems, human problems come from ignorance that they do not know that they have to become the Spirit. We try to seek joy in various things like material wants or money. Or we try to seek joy in pursuit of powers, worldly powers. Or we try to form our own attachments in different places like our children, our family, our house, our home. These are all our, but what is I? That's what we have to find out. And that I is the one which is lost because of our ignorance.

Now, as I have told you before also that you must listen to Me with an open heart and open mind and if it is true then you have to accept it as honestly. You have been already told about the centers we have within ourselves and the three channels which make the center. Fourth is the power of Kundalini. This Kundalini is your Mother, your individual Mother and she has to rise through these six centers, nourishing them, integrating them and come out of your fontanelle bone area. This is the only thing which is yoga, means union with the all-pervading power. After getting realisation only, you are blessed because the connection is established. If you want to be healthy, wealthy and wise, then we have to see what we have missed in life. We always go to extremes and we cannot keep to the center. So like this if you see My hands are the centers and this is the left side and this is the right side. So when you go to the left side means you become very emotional and attached, very emotional, then the left side starts moving too much on one side and when you become too futuristic and planning and active, then it starts moving on the right side. Thus we exhaust the energy of our centers and we feel exhausted and get diseases, physical, mental and emotional. I have seen a very common diseases in Moscow. One of them is what we call as diabetes, another is liver. Third is high blood pressure and blood cancer. All these are caused by the imbalance of one center within us. That is the second center that we have here, the yellow coloured one. The main work of this center is to give energy to the brain, which thinks too much, to replace the grey cells. So those who think too much all the time, worry too much about future, plan too much about future or physically work very hard, use this center more...

Moscow (Russia)

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