What happens when the chakras get enlightened?

What happens when the chakras get enlightened? 1988-06-09

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Public Program
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Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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9 June 1988

What Happens When The Chakras Get Enlightened?

Public Program

Austria Center Vienna (Kongresshaus), Vienna (Austria)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Public Program Day 2, 09-06-1988

I bow to all the seekers of Truth. Yesterday, I was [UNCLEAR] that so many of you have felt the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. This is the All-Pervading Power of God's love about which all the Scriptures have written.But in modern times because we never felt this breeze, we have even denied the existence of God But once you get connected to this Divine force, then it starts working through you in such a wonderful way that you are amazed. As you see this instrument that I have here, has to be connected to the mains in the same way, every human-being is to be connected to the mains and that is this Power, which I'm talking about. This is what Christ has said that you have to be born again. Now in India, we call a person who is a Brahmin, the one who has known this Brahma - the All-Pervading Power - as Dwijah meaning, twice born. And even a bird is called as 'Dwijah', in Sanskrit language, meaning, twice born. It is an egg first and then it becomes a bird. But we have many people in India who just brand themselves as Brahmins though they are not twice born.

In the same way, you find it everywhere that they just take a brand, "I'm this, I'm that," but they're not If you are a twice born person then, you have to feel this All-Pervading Power. You have to feel the centres, your own centres, on your finger-tips - one, two, three, four, five, six and seven. Precisely, there is no doubt, when you feel them, you know what is wrong with you or wrong with others. Now supposing, you are feeling the pain here Now these are the centres of your father and this is the finger that shows the Vishuddhi chakra, here. If you can telephone to your father and ask him how is he, he will tell you that he's down with very bad bronchitis. This is the Science of the roots. As I told you that we have the Science of the tree but not the Science of the roots. This Science does not change, is absolutely precise and it's so effective and efficient that it works faster than even light because the whole cosmos is connected, is all being vibrated with this Power. You see this Power as small commas, after realization, in the sky. You see various things after realization and you have to know what those things are.

My job only is to decode it and then you have to verify that what I have decoded is there or not. Anybody can get this knowledge. It has no limitation of any caste, creed or race, religion or nation. Everyone has this residual power of Kundalini within themselves and you can see in some people this Kundalini, pulsating like a heart in the triangular bone. And this triangular bone is called as Sacrum, meaning sacred. That means, the Greek have given this name to this bone, knowing that it contains the Kundalini. Even the word 'Athena' - 'Ath' in Sanskrit means Primordial. So, thus the Primordial Mother is Athena. I can give you thousands and thousands of examples of quotations but best thing is to face the Truth yourself and see for yourself. People are advertising saying, "There's a New Age that has come."

The people of New Age are just the same like all others. What is so special about them? If you have to go to their programs, you have to pay and they say, "We can clear your chakras." But how can you clear the chakras unless and until the Kundalini is awakened? When I went to America, they said, I must make a copyright of all My lectures because they will use My knowledge and make some organizations. I said, "Let them do it, very good." Also if they can raise the Kundalini, nothing like it but they cannot. They cannot. Unless and until they become realized souls and know all about Kundalini, you cannot raise the Kundalini. All those people, who are singing so joyfully here, can do it.

All those who will get realization among you, also can do it. William Blake, who was a great poet from England, has said that, "All God's men, men of God, will get their realization and they'll make others realized." This he said hundred years back. Now we have to see one thing, that those who say, "We are this and we are that," what is the speciality. Supposing, you are a Jew, you are a Christian, you are a Hindu, you are all just the same. What is the speciality? Somebody says, "I go this guru, that guru, this one," but what is the speciality? You are all suffering, you are all having diseases, you don't know anything about your inner being, so, the person who is a twice-born, has to be something very different. As I told you yesterday, I'll tell you today about what happens when the chakras get enlightened. The first chakra is the chakra of purity, of holiness, of auspiciousness.

We are born with auspiciousness, we are holy. There is no original sin which is attached to us. The original sin was done by Adam and Eve that they disobeyed God Almighty. If they had not disobeyed, we would have only shortened this event of New Age. There would have been no necessity to have all this evolutionary process to take this long route - come to the point. So, we come to conclusion in this manner, that if the prophets and Incarnations have proclaimed that there is an All-Pervading Power of Divine love, let us find it out first of all. It is very unscientific to deny something without finding it out and is very dishonest. Unless and until you have found it out, how can you say that it does not exist? But atheists are alright because they have not found anything, so they are saying, "We don't believe in it," it's correct, alright. So, whether you believe in it or not, makes no difference.

Blind faith is not needed. You have to get it yourself. It's clearly said by all the saints. I mean, the real saints. Like Gurunanaka has said that, "Unless and until you find it within yourself, it's all confusion." Kabira has talked about Kundalini, about Sahaj Samadhi - he's talked all about Sahaja yoga. Gyaneshwara, in India, has written a complete chapter on it. Even in Koran there is such a lot about the resurrection, the Qiyamah. But like politics, religion also has become a theory and Adi Shankaracharya calls it, 'Shabd Jalam' meaning the net of words. Interpreter - Sorry?

  • Shabd Jalam, means, net of words. So, he says, "Mother, take me out of this net of words." Now let us see the principle of politics also, very interesting to see. Now in politics, we believe, in the democratic countries, that we all must have individual freedom. They think that individual freedom is above everything else. But what about the collective freedom? If you go to America, you can't wear any ornaments, you can't take your purse in your hand Everybody is standing with a gun around the corner, all kinds of funny women at every corner - you find even here. Very aggressive sight, I tell you, horrible, you feel like vomiting but they have individual freedom to ruin as many as they want, to kill as many as they like. So this is all self-indulgence. accumulating money as much as you like - if the rest are dying, doesn't matter. So democracy goes hand in hand or capitalism goes hand in hand with money.

Also corruption follows. It has to be corrupt, you can't help it. As long as you are not caught in the lock you are alright. Now take the communism because I've been to all Communist countries also. There the collective freedom is more important than the individual. Now the individual becomes free. When those people come to free countries, they drink likes fishes. In Arab countries they are not supposed to touch drinks. Even Sikhs, that was the highest because Nanaka was the last. They said that, "No drinking, no smoking," but if you see in England, they drink much more than Scotchmen.

Same in India. You'll see, it's said that, "God resides in everyone," in Hindu philosophy and they have such horrid caste system. So the collective cannot be strong unless and until the individuals are strong. But when you want to make the individuals strong, they go astray, they go mad. In America, you feel every third person is off his head. They don't know - their eyes are twitching, noses are twitching, the whole body is [UNCLEAR] So nervous! If they have individual freedom, why should be that nervous? Now in this individual freedom they have inherited AIDS, drugs, every sort of nonsense. So, they realize sometimes, of course, that, "We should come to the centre," but still they miss the point. We can say, this is the right side movement which is disciplining and collective and the left side movement is individual.

So I met a very important politician in London, she said that, "Now we have fed up of left and right, we have to be in the center." But I said, "You will be standing in the center." So she said, "What should we do?" I said, "You should ascend." That's what it is. They all these theories are now standing before us. We see in the fundamentalists, we see all these religions, we see all these hypocrites and on the other side we see the politics. All is a confusion for any sensible man. We have created Science - alright, Science, Science, Science, so what? There's an atom bomb like a devil sitting there.

What is the epitome of Science? All kinds of destructive weapons. So what has happened is that, when you put your mental projection, it just goes linear and attacks you back. So, the human awareness has to take a new dimension - the dimension of Spiritual awareness. This is the breakthrough which has to take place, where we have to become the Spirit. We have to become the Spirit and when we become the Spirit then, what do we see that we are absolutely integrated. I will say that "I'm a capitalist or I'm a democrat," and because I have powers. but I'm a real communist because I can't enjoy My powers unless and until I give it to you. I have to share with you otherwise I'm not happy with Myself. So, these both things meet when you become the Spirit.

You do not move in a linear way but you are like rays going from the Sun from all sides. No more you take, you just give. Interpreter: Sorry? - No more you take, you just give and enjoy your generosity, enjoy all the righteousness, enjoy the bliss and the peace within you. Now the diseases fall on to us is this way that we have within us centres which are made like this. This is the left side and this is the right side. The left side is the one that looks after the emotional side, the desires and the right side looks after your physical side and your mental side. When you go to the left or to the right too much, then you break your relations with the whole or you get constricted, your power gets less because all the power is flown out. So the imbalance is created in us creating problem on our chakras and that's how we suffer. Now the dharma or the religion that is established by great prophets starting right from Socrates, you can say, even Adinatha up to Gurunanaka - you can say, that that was just to establish the balance within us.

Moses, Abraham, all of them did that. They all tried to give us the idea of balancing, of temperance within us for our ultimate purification. Now, all this balance we have lost on the physical level, on mental level, emotional level and also on Spiritual level. Going to fake gurus, having false ideas. We have lost in those wildernesses. Now the only thing we have to do, is to raise your Kundalini. When the Kundalini rises, She passes through these centers and puts them right, energizes them, gives them energy and pierces through the fontanel bone so that She gives you the connection with the All-Pervading Power. So most of the diseases get cured in no time and all the habits drop out. You are not slave of any temptations and the innate morality is born within you, innate. One does not have to say, "Don't do it," we just don't do it.

So, this is just at your doorsteps but there is one small thing that in Sahaja yoga you cannot pay, you cannot, you don't have to put in any effort but there is one thing, that you have to become. You have have your vibrations pure, 'khalis' as they call it, pure and you have to know all about Kundalini and vibrations and that is how you are called as Sahaja yogis. It is a state, state of personality, which is collectively conscious The consciousness is on your finger-tips so that you can feel everybody's chakras and a tremendous compassion and concern starts flowing outward and inside but this compassion acts. We don't have adulterous eyes anymore Interpreter: Sorry? We don't have adulterous eyes anymore, adulterous eyes. What [UNCLEAR]? SY: Adulterous eyes Interpreter: Haan, yes. and you get pure eyes, light in your eyes. Such a person, even with a glance, can do miracles but such a person is very humble, unassuming and loving. It's such a joy to give realizations to others and when you get realization, you can give to others.

Happiness and unhappiness are two phases of one coin but joy is Absolute, so you fall into the ocean of joy and then you become the witness of the whole drama. Your attention becomes active. You pay attention to something and that works, that acts. Above all, you know the Absolute Truth. No relative understanding. You lead a very healthy life. Somebody asked Me today, "Mother, how can it be so easy?" It is easy because it is so vital Interpreter: Sorry? It is so vital, vital SY: [GERMAN] Like breathing is so vital. We don't have to go to a guru to ask, "How to breathe?"

Otherwise we'll all die. In the same way today, it is so vital, so important to get realization. Now forget about the past, forget about your past lives - karma yoga and this yoga and that yoga - forget it. When the Kundalini rises and passes through the Agnya chakra, then, your all your problems are sucked by Christ and you don't have to suffer at all. All your sufferings are over. There's a question about how the saints have suffered? Most of the saints have been certified people. Like a temple can certify some body and say it or some, some organization can call it a saint or something like that. They are not real saints Real saints are the ones which are sent by God and certified by God. They don't suffer, they don't have to suffer and you won't have to suffer either anymore.

The world has to be saved, is a big responsibility. Your children are to be saved and we have to make them a new generation of a new race. Thank you very much! [ASIDE - Who all are standing there [UNCLEAR] can help Me in the realization.] [ASIDE - People can raise their kundalini. If you can go on the back side, you can help Me more.] I'm sorry, you all have to take out your shoes before we go in for meditation. There's a one question some person has asked about a severe type of Bronchitis. Who's the gentleman who has said he's got very bad bronchitis? Should come and see us here, later on.

What other questions are there? You are? Alright, please be seated. We'll see you after the session, alright? Is there any question left now? What? Yeah. Somebody says that when he moves his these two fingers, he gets a cool breeze. So, that means these two fingers are not alright. There is no need to close any fingers in Sahaja yoga.

So, you have to keep all these mudras, all these touching of fingers as a meaning. We also use them when there are problems. We also use Hatha yoga exercises whenever it is needed, whatever is needed. There is a science behind it but, normally, they are not so much needed. Now, somebody asked Me the question, if I was the Holy Ghost that Christ has promised to send. I've told you already, I'm not going to tell about Myself because Christ was the only Son of God and He's the gate and He's the path but when He said that, you crucified Him. Human-beings are very funny. Forest people say, I'm God, they start wishing Me. When Rajnish said, "He's God," everybody worshiped him. But a real person says something, they'll murder that person.

So, I want you to find out about Me but first of all, find out about yourself because I still want to work and don't want to get crucified. So, most of the questions I've answered, I think, in My lectures. If there are any other questions left, you can come to our follow-up program and ask there. But any amount of questioning and answering, is again the same thing, net of words. You have to get your realization, which I cannot guarantee, which you should get. That's My desire, that's what I want. It should work out. Those who don't want to have their Self-realization should please go away because as it is, I cannot force it. But if you stay here, you will disturb other people, so to be civil, you should go, if you don't want to have your realization. I requested you to take out your shoes, if you don't mind and put your feet on the Mother Earth.

[ASIDE - You can just push this back. Thank you, thank you.] Now, put both the feet apart from each other as these represent two channels within us. Left Sympathetic and Right Sympathetic.So the problems of these two Sympathetic Nervous System will pass on to the Mother Earth because She's very kind and She sucks in all our problems. So, please put your left hand towards Me, like this because this represents your desire to get realization and the right hand represents the action. Of course, you don't have to do anything but I'm just doing this for you to know how, later on, you can always raise your Kundalini. Because in the beginning it's a very thin, just like your hair, the energy flows on to the top of your head and then, when it opens it a little bit, the Grace falls on to to your Sympathetic Nervous System, relaxes your chakras and then more energy starts flowing but you can help later on to raise your Kundalini more. Like the sprouting of the seed, is spontaneous, effortless but later on, you have to look after it till it becomes a proper tree. Alright, now please put your left hand, like this.

Sit very comfortably, don't push your head backwards or forwards but be in the centre - no pressure on the neck. And first and foremost thing is that, you must forgive yourself. Your body is a temple of God and you should not get angry with yourself. You should feel very pleasantly towards yourself. Now, I'll show you which chakras to be touched, one by one. We are working only on the left hand side with the right hand. Now, put the right hand on your heart, where resides the Spirit. Now, put this right hand on the upper part of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it. Now here, is the centre of your mastery. When this centre opens, you become the master.

So, now you take it down in the lower part of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the centre through which we work out the Pure Knowledge of Kundalini and that of Divine laws. Then again we go back, put our hand on the left hand side upper part of your abdomen and press it hard. Then we go back again on the heart. Then we put our right hand in the corner of the shoulder and our head from the front side, like that and turn our head to the right.Hold it tight. This is the centre which is always caught very badly. This is the centre which makes us feel guilty. Please forgive yourself. You are not guilty at all - you are at the epitome of evolution.

Don't judge yourself. God will judge you in His compassion. Now, put your hand on top of your forehead and press it on both the sides, like this. This is the centre of Christ, of forgiveness. Now, you take this hand on the back side of your head and allow your head to rest on it with all the pressure. Now, stretch your hand fully. Put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone, which was a soft bone in your childhood, like this and put the left hand towards Me, bend your head and press it, seven times, your scalp slowly, slowly, without [UNCLEAR] Seven times. That's all now. So, we'll start. We start it now by closing our eyes and putting our left hand towards Myself.

Please put both the feet apart and also you can take out your spectacles or anything that weighs heavy anywhere. Now, close your eyes and don't open them, till I tell you. Close your eyes. Put your right hand on your heart. Ask the question, a very fundamental question to Me. You may call Me Shri Mataji or Mother, whatever suits you. So here you ask the question, a very fundamental question, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" It's like asking the computer. Ask this question three times, please. Now, if you are the Spirit, you are the master of yourself, so now please, take down your hand, right hand, on the left hand side of your stomach and press it hard.

Here, ask another question which follows. "Mother, am I my own master? Mother, am I my own guru? Mother, am I my own guide?" whichever you like, you ask this question three times. Now, take down this right hand on the lower part of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it hard. Here, you have to say, because I cannot force, is your freedom which is to be respected You have to say, "Mother, please may I have the Pure Knowledge?" "Mother, please give me Pure Knowledge," you say it six times because this center has six petals. Please put your right hand on the lower part of your abdomen on the left hand side - some people are not keeping it there and saying, "Please Mother, give me Pure Knowledge of the Divine." Say it six times.

Now, raise your hand, in the upper part of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it. This is the centre of your mastery. Because you have asked for the Pure Knowledge, Kundalini has started moving. We have to open, help to open this chakra, this centre. With full confidence in yourself, please say it ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." Ten times please. Now, raise your right hand on your heart and say, twelve times, with full confidence, the fundamental truth about yourself, "Mother, I am the Spirit." Please say it twelve times. You have to know that Divine is the ocean of love and ocean of bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness, so, whatever mistakes you commit, are not greater than this ocean. So, forgive yourself, forget the past.

Please now, put your hand, right hand on the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to the right. This centre is caught when you feel guilty. So, please say sixteen times, with full confidence in yourself, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." If you still think you are guilty, you better have the punishment of saying it 108 times.I've already told you that you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now, stretch your hand on your forehead across and press it on both the sides. Now here, you have to say, "Mother, I forgive everyone." Not how many times but from your heart. Many people think it is difficult but it is a myth. If you don't forgive or forgive, you do not do anything but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So please say it from your heart.

Yesterday everybody could not say it from their hearts, that's why they couldn't get their realization. You say it sincerely that, "Mother, I forgive everyone." Just say that. It's the greatest weapon we have got. Now, please take your right hand on the back side of your head and place your head upwards holding it with your hand. In this centre, you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your own satisfaction, "O Divine, if we have done any wrong, please forgive us or forgive me." But don't count your mistakes. From your heart. So now, you stretch your hand and put the centre of your palm on top of your head and stretch your fingers, press it hard as much as you can easily and turn it seven times, clockwise and put your head bent forward. Now, please take down your hand. Please open your eyes.

Now, put your right hand towards Me, like this. Bend your head and see if you are getting cool breeze out of your head. Above, little above. Now, put the left hand towards Me. Bend your head and see with your right hand, if there's a cool breeze coming out of your head. Hmm. Now, put your right hand towards Me and see again bending your head with the left hand, if there's a cool breeze coming out. Now, raise both your hands in the air and put your neck back and ask a question, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" "Is this the All-Pervading Power of God's love?" "Is it Brahma Chaitanya?" "Is it Ruh?"

Just ask this question in your heart. Put down your hands, please. Now, those who have felt cool breeze out of their heads or out of their hands, please raise both your hands. All of you have felt it. May God bless you! But now, you have to attend our follow-on, where you don't have to pay any money, nothing nothing, but you mature your realization. You have to respect your realization and you will understand about it. Supposing, somebody gives Me shilling and I do not spend it, how will I know it's value? In the same way, we have to use this Power for yourself and for others. First thing that will happen to you is that you feel very relaxed and sometimes they feel on top of the world but still come to the follow-on and establish yourself otherwise Kundalini may fall down, if it is not established.

May God bless you all! If you want to meet Me, you can come to the stage. Just stay here, alright. Come here. Just remove this please. Yes, come here. So, how are you? [SHRI MATAJI MEETING NEW SEEKERS] Just forgive. Really? Just forgive, just forgive that's all.

Say, "Mother, I forgive." [SHRI MATAJI TREATING NEW SEEKERS] Don't feel guilty. Why do you feel guilty? What have you done? Don't feel guilty. Just don't feel guilty. You have, you're so cold, just see. Alright? Feel now? Are you feeling the cool breeze already?

That's all. Now you will know what it is. You have to use it, then you will know what it is. Alright? You felt it, the cool breeze? No. What's the matter? What work do you do? SY: He's done his architecture, Shri Mataji. - Architecture?

Now you ask a question, "Mother, is God the architect of all the architects?" SY: Is God the architect of all the architects? - Again You've been to some guru before? Nobody? Now, feeling it now? So now remember that God is the architect of all the architects. SY: [GERMAN] Did you feel? Good, good, nice, nice! May God bless you! Felt the cool breeze in the hand?

What's the matter? How is it? SY: He worked too much in the garden, he wasn't used to it, maybe. You should use gloves. Garden is good work but you must use, alright? They hurt you? But don't use your gloves now. Your hands are important because now the cool breeze is coming in, alright? SY: [GERMAN] SY: He feels cool but he feels tingling and he feels a block on this part. That's because you feel guilty again.

This is the centre for feeling guilty. SY: He smokes - Unnh... and then you feel guilty after smoking SY: He wants to stop smoking - You will. Whenever you feel like, just think of Me, you'll stop smoking, alright? Good, you are a seeker. You'll stop it no time. SY: [GERMAN] SY: She meet You Shri Mataji but she couldn't feel it Now? What work you do? Now you ask a question, "Mother, are You the teacher of all the teachers?" just ask the question three times. SY: Shri Mataji, You are the teacher of all the teachers.

Are You? SY: "Are You the teachers of all the teachers?" You got it. You got the cool breeze now? Got it? Got it, sure? SY: She is a reporter, a Sahaja yogi. She has arthritis, she cannot stand on her knees. What's the matter? SY: and she doesn't see very well and work with the eyes SY: because there's a chronic inflammation in the eyes.

Arthritis in the knees and the chronic inflammation in the eyes. Let her sit here and put light behind her SY: Just try to sit down She can sit down [UNCLEAR - GREGOIRE?] SY: Yeah, yeah, she can, she can sit. This way or just [UNCLEAR] this. Kathmandu? She went to Kathmandu, there she got it? SY: No, no, no - She didn't go? Surprised. No. Better now?

Pain? Less? Less, not yet gone. Now get some [UNCLEAR] Oh, you are alright. Both of you have following her. Alright, who else is there? That's how you work [UNCLEAR]. You'll be alright. SY: [GERMAN] Sahaja yogis are never satisfied [UNCLEAR] [UNCLEAR] SY: [GERMAN] Put your hand here. You ask a question.

Slowly. I don't want them to hear. I don't want the TV people to hear. Holy Ghost. SY: [GERMAN] Alright? Now try to recognize. Nice, it's working [UNCLEAR] SY: It's coming? Okay? - Just ask. May God bless you!

What is it? SY: And she's the lady which has crunchy eyeface. But aren't you not better now? SY: [GERMAN] Not yet On the left hand side or the right? SY: [GERMAN] SY: In the centre, Shri Mataji. - Sit down. [HINDI - Let her breathe. Take her at the back] I'm doing such a great work. You all have to help Me. Haan, now, better?

Put it here. Say, "Mother, I'm the Spirit." Haan, now. Better? No, nothing? SY: No, it's there but not much, not much. Started. Vishuddhi. You sit down, say 'Allah, ho Akhbar' just Bart, Vishuddhi - 'Allah, ho Akhbar'. Not work?

[HINDI - Not at all?] Just go. SY: [GERMAN] He's a Sahaja Yogi Yes. Yeah You felt the cool breeze? So now, you must come to our follow-on and you have to become an expert. You felt it or not? So much. What work do you do? Haan. Let him ask The electrical work, you see [UNCLEAR] Again.

Now, feeling it? Connection is established with electricity SY: [GERMAN] So, how are you? SY: [GERMAN] SY: She felt it Shri Mataji but she's not very health sick - What's the matter? SY: She has to finish the chores and she feels very bad. Left is giving her a problem. Haan, better now? Alright, now you sit down before him. Now, you put a light for her. Just sit down, here. So, you felt the cool breeze SY: [GERMAN]Yeah, yeah, yes she felt.

Of course she felt. And She? She's great. What 's your name? SY: Stephen, Stephen She's got it, she's got it - enjoy! SY: They are Sahaja yogis but afraid Haww! SY: Feel a little bit [UNCLEAR] she says she will overcome That's why she catches on the heart. SY: There were problems with her so, her previous husband Forget it. You have to become great Sahaja yogis, alright? Not ordinary.

Better now? Put your...here.. Right and left - both Swadhisthana? Put here lower, step 1 So, how are you? You got it? Good! What's your name? SY: [UNCLEAR - Fritz?] - Now you're going to come to us and join My hands Fritz, I'm very happy to meet you. May God bless you!

Namastey. You're from where? Seeker: Afghanistan Achcha, Afghanistan! Great. [HINDI - See] You felt the cool breeze? Take out your shoes. SY: Yesterday he felt stronger than today - You started thinking about it. [HINDI - You do it. Okay. Now see, this Ruh, Mohammad Sahab has talked about it] [HINDI - He has talked about Ruh.

It's alright, isn't it? Now you should lead a Ruhani life.] [HINDI - For that come to our centre. People from Iran and India are there, whom you may meet] [HINDI - You'll be happy to meet them, alright? May God bless you!] He's from Afghanistan. [SHRI MATAJI TALKING TO NEW SEEKERS] Today? Now? Feel now? But still you come.. For that you have to come to our .... he found it!

No it's no imagination. You see, there's no imagination. Yeah, yes, yes there. Raise his... What does she have a problem? Seeker: Stomach cancer SY: Stomach cancer, Shri Mataji - Still has? SY: She had before she met you Shri Mataji. - Now are you better? How are you feeling now? SY: She cannot say Her eyes are dilated. Just see how black they are.

See her pupils. Alright, you come and see them. You are alright. Come. What is it? Now she's alright? She's alright now? Right heart. [HINDI - Has he been to any guru, ask him. He's holding his stomach.

What?] SY: [HINDI - Catches on the left side] - [HINDI - Has he been to any guru?] What's it? SY: Shri Mataji, first she warmer, just now she raised the hand, now she feel cool and she had [UNCLEAR] What did you have? SY: Irritation of the nerves, Shri Mataji, and it's quite painful I know, I know that. I know, I know, I know. SY: Her doctor, he's a wise man. He said, he's very happy that she's going to You, Shri Mataji. Alright, she's alright. It's only obstruction of the Kundalini.

You are a liver patient, that's why the Kundalini is acting like this. Now please, on your liver. SY: But it's cool, Shri Mataji, no doubt. Better now? Burning. Forgive, forgive everyone, forgive, forgive everyone. Forgive everyone, forgive everyone, forgive. SY: It's beautiful, Mother. Now, is it better that side? Is it burning now around you?

SY: She said she was also yesterday here and before she was coming she had quite pain. SY: and during the program the pains disappeared. Now you are alright, there's no pain, isn't it? It's cured because, you see, she, your Nabhi chakra was caught up, so Kundalini went on the sides, that's how you got this but now it's coming up straight. It's the sympathetic activity. Trying to slim, alright. May God bless! Alright, she's alright. What's it? SY: All the Sahaja yogis are coming Now, what do I do with the Sahaja yogis?

SY: Are you going just to see Her? SY: She wants just to see You, Shri Mataji May God bless you! Alright, come along. No more Sahaja yogis, unnh? What about you? You started thinking about it. You can't think about it. It's beyond thinking. Alright, now. Take out your spectacles.

Close your eyes, come forward, come forward. Now don't think, now don't think. Don't think, just don't think, let it go. Beyond thinking. Now, better? Alright, come here. Don't think, don't think, don't think. Don't think. There's nothing. You cannot think about it.

It just works spontaneously. Now, better now? What do you say, annh, it's flowing? Now don't think about it. Just enjoy, just enjoy! [ASIDE - HINDI - Didn't bring the fan?] SY: [HINDI - Maybe it's in the purse, I'll see] - [HINDI - It isn't] SY: Yesterday, in the program he felt slightly burning. Today in the afternoon maybe he saw SY: the program, he felt it very strong and during the program, again not strong enough. He wants to feel now. He's quite temperamental.

His Kundalini is temperamental. SY: He's saying, to forgive himself, is the most difficult for him. To keep? SY: To forgive himself it's very difficult for him What crime have you committed? SY: [GERMAN] He doesn't know. It's a blockage, Shri Mataji Then just say, "I forgive," that's all, finished. Say it. Again. Just come forward You just say, "Mother, I'm the part and parcel of the Whole." SY: [GERMAN] Now you're feeling it.

Yeah, so, sad or happy, unnh? SY: Shri Mataji, she got the realization already once from You but then she again went back SY: to the Catholic Church and now she's afraid to oppose her friends and go there. Which friends? SY: In the Catholic Church, friends who are in the Catholic Church It's nothing to deny them, it's alright, let them be there. You see, but Christ once they said, "Your brothers and sisters have come." He said, "Who are My brothers and who are My sisters?" SY: [GERMAN] Non realized souls are your brothers and sisters, you are but realized souls are, because you have one Mother. SY: They can become your real ones but not now [UNCLEAR] Because you have one Mother, you see. All realized souls have one Mother. Then thinking you don't get it, you don't get it.

They have achieved nothing so far, what have they achieved? SY: [GERMAN] Yeah, yeah, it's okay, it's no problem SY: She knows young people in pre school then they are very nice and she understands SY: where we stand and she's afraid when she goes she will lose them. SY: So bring her to Sahaja yoga then you can't lose them So try to bring them, bring them to Sahaja yoga. Don't wear a black, don't wear black [UNCLEAR] is not good, makes you feel guilty. Take it out SY: [GERMAN] They have to come to Sahaja yoga otherwise after some time they'll take to drugs. SY: [GERMAN] Alright, you be wise. This is the greatest obligation you'll do on them. SY: [GERMAN] To bring them to reality SY: [GERMAN] to bring them to reality SY: [GERMAN] Understand? Annh? SY: She said she cannot bring her friend, so we said we'll make a program there.

When you know Sahaja yoga is the reality, then you should not bother about anything else, isn't it? May God bless you! She's so sweet! Nice! Have you felt the cool breeze? SY: [GERMAN] SY: She's also a Sahaja yogini, Shri Mataji - not a real one though. SY: She felt the cool breeze but she cannot be yet thoughtless She has a Left Agnya SY: Left Agnya You must take the treatment of Sahaja yoga, that's all. SY: Okay, then we will work on you. Left Agnya is not such a problem. You just say, "Mother, You are Nirvichar," say like that.

SY: "Shri Mataji, You are Nirvichara." - Or you say, thoughtless awareness. SY: [GERMAN] Now, see? Can you think? SYogini: No - Now you have got it! Now, next. Felt it, I can see that. Very happy? No? SY: She couldn't feel it, she said.

But she said, she couldn't. See eyes are sparkling! SY: Yeah, she's okay. This will be your Vishuddhi. You smoke? SY: [GERMAN] No, she doesn't. Now? Are you feeling now? Don't doubt, if you're feeling you're feeling it. SY: She's thinking Come forward, don't think about it.

If it is there, it is there, if it is not there, it is not there. Forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive. Hunh, you're feeling now? You see, for this, you come and they'll tell you what is to be done. This is dried out. This portion, is the Hamsa chakra, must be cleared out - alright? But better now, better. May God bless you! My handkerchief, it's fallen off somewhere. Alright SY: So, you can ask.

Okay. She just wanted to see You, Shri Mataji. I'll work it out. So, how are you? Did you feel the cool breeze? No! What do you do? You are a student? Then what do you do? Unnh?

SY: He's assistant on the University, Shri Mataji SY: Assistant on the University - That means like a teacher? SY: No, he has to do all the work and the Professor is facing the [UNCLEAR] Agnya is too much. Put your hand down, like this [UNCLEAR] SY: "Shri Mataji, are You the teacher of all the teachers?" Ask the question, just ask them the question that's [UNCLEAR] It's started. SY: "Shri Mataji or Mother, are You the teacher of all the teachers?" Again. Alright? Feeling it? You say, "Mother, You are...." SY: Then say, "Shri Mataji, You are the teacher of all the teachers." - [UNCLEAR] Horrible Agnya!

Now say SY: Say, "Shri Mataji, You are the teacher of all the teachers." SY: Once again, "Shri Mataji, You are the teacher of all the teachers." And let him not say that. Simply ask the question but with him the problem is, a very bad Agnya he has got. You think too much? What do you think about? SY: [GERMAN] - Which subject are you teaching? SY: He wants to know because he's Medical student and this thought You might help. He's in the Medical? SY: "Shri Mataji [GERMAN]" Ask again.

SY: "Shri Mataji [GERMAN] Again Seeker: [UNCLEAR] Started? Started now, little? Better? Have you seen Me without thinking? SY: [GERMAN] Concentrate. So now, better? That fellow got it when I did this. SY: Yeah, yeah, the other one got it. - [UNCLEAR] [HINDI - See, just settle his Vishuddhi] Let him try. Come along So now?

She's cured now, that girl. What's it? Better? [HINDI - He does the work of electricity] [HINDI - Didn't come? Didn't rise?] SY: [HINDI - (UNCLEAR) Vishuddhi opened] [HINDI - What? Did It rise from the bottom or not?] SY: What do you feel? You feel heat, you feel anywhere [UNCLEAR]? [HINDI - Is not rising?

See whether it is rising from below or now? Heart is catching?] SY: [HINDI - too much heaviness. Heart and Left Vishuddhi together.] SY: He just comes to lose his spectacle issue, Shri Mataji It's very easy. You put the light behind your ... with the photograph, yes you can. SY: He didn't feel much, he was quite sure and thought [UNCLEAR] but it's really cool On your right? Alright, raise his Kundalini. Do you smoke? SY: [GERMAN] Yeah - Burning SY: [HINDI - Left Vishuddhi is too much] - Left Vishuddhi?

[HINDI - Say it (UNCLEAR)] Hunh, what is it? SY: Agnya Heart. Heart, Left Vishuddhi. That means, put him left to the right. Too much right side. SY: He's also Left Nabhi also. Left Vishuddhi, left Nabhi Shri Mataji You're married? SY: [GERMAN] Not anymore You're married before. You left your wife? SY: [GERMAN] [UNCLEAR] Doesn't matter, don't matter but just saying.

He doesn't have problem.. Come along now. Once more. Haan, now better. Feeling it now? See now, so better say it, "Alright, I'll manage." Say now, it's better. Left Nabhi. Sahaja yoga is something, you just have to be happy and joyous and just say something that will please you, so it works out. To please the Deity, that's only SY: [GERMAN] Better now. It's better now, you see.

Alright, it's good! May God bless you! Yes, so now, did you feel anything? SY: [GERMAN] SY[ASIDE]: Do you feel any difference now? Are you getting any thoughts when you ...? SY: Shri Mataji [UNCLEAR] he doesn't think him much [UNCLEAR] Have you been to some guru or someone [UNCLEAR]? SY: [GERMAN] No one, no one. You never read about these trans these people? SY: [GERMAN] Read, who? Alright, now you put it down there and just say, "Mother, I'm my own master," just say that.

Seeker: [GERMAN] Difficult, hunh? SY: But he's thoughtless Thoughtless, haan. Now? Now have confidence. Now put your hand here and say, "Mother, I'm the Spirit." Seeker: [GERMAN] - See? It's true. So, have confidence in yourself. Alright? Not to be worried about.

It's alright. Little bit you catch there because you have read these books but it will be alright. You'll get it permanently. [APPLAUSE] SY: He has no patience, he just wants to be with You, Shri Mataji. Oh.. Catching on the heart SY: The Kundalini? It's alright, just see over there. You'll be fine. Work very hard, do you? What's your job? SY: He's cleaning the windows, Shri Mataji.

  • That's why, works very hard Take some other job - not so hard. Better now. SY: Yeah, it's there. Yes, good! May God bless you! He's got it very well. Felt it? No but, what are you wearing? That's the problem You better take it out.Tibetan [UNCLEAR] horrible! Take it out.

No, no, no - not near the heart Feel it? Not yet. That's what, Buddha's thing you were doing? Put [UNCLEAR] properly You say, "Mother, I am my own master." Again, "Mother, I am my own master." Better now? Slightly, feel it there. Alright, now. You go on saying. Alright now, put it here.

Now say, "Mother, I'm the Spirit." Please put a bandhan on his back on the Left Swadhishthana, left, all this, haan. You are the Spirit. Yes, of course but what I'm saying, just now you are the body Yes, that's what. You just say that. Now. See, he's got it now. Alright. It's gone up here on your head. Is it on your head, just see?

Put your hand on top and say, "Mother, come in my head." "Mother, please come in my head," say that. Again say that. It's coming already. You can feel it, the cool breeze? [UNCLEAR] Now don't wear this, throw it away. Don't wear, it's not good. Throw it away. SY: You cannot discriminate if it is a ...If you are good in vibrations, take the vibrations Even holding in your hands is not good, because that's all false. It's not true, that's false.

See, whatever good or bad, now the point is, throw it. Seeker: It's a direct line of the Shakti Arre, all that they tell, the direct line and indirect line. Forget it. You got the realization na, you forget it, that's no good, throw it away. Alright, give it to Me. SY: Shri Mataji, she felt the cool breeze but when she was taking a picture, she SY: she just got somehow afraid, she thought, she thought she get a glimpse maybe, SY: they get picture of a special person. I don't want to say what she saw but it was Divine. SY: She said that she saw there's a picture of a very Divine person, then she got the Grace Afraid of what? Seeker: [GERMAN] [UNCLEAR] I don't look frightful to you - why? Imaginary, alright, now it's alright.

She has nervous. Feeling it? Is she feeling the cool breeze? SY: [GERMAN] - Sweating Seeker: No, I feel hot SY: She feels hot, hot, hot. Sit. SY: Now it's coming? In this one? SY: [GERMAN] SY: Feeling this more hot than the right one. The left one is more hot Now it's alright. Center heart she has.

Just turn around, now center heart. Now, hold your breath for a while. Just hold, now leave it. Then hold your.. now leave it. Now hold your breath, now leave it. Now see? Alright? No fear? Come along. Sit.

So? She's alright, hunh? SY: It's her neck. She has problems with her neck. What problem? SY: Pain How long? Can you take out your necklace please? Is it heavy? Come back. She has spondylitis.

Put your fingers in your ears and put your head up. Better now? Better? SY: [GERMAN] SY: Yes, she said. - She has to come once again SY: So, she can go the local center or? Annh? Follow-on, she can come. She'll be alright. She's much better now. Much better now?

Alright. Don't wear such a heavy thing. Let Me see the weight. [UNCLEAR] It's rather heavy. Yes, so, how did you feel? SY: She's said, she's not sure. She doesn't feel it very much. She has a heart. What work do you do? SY: Programming and as a computer specialist Put your hand here.

Ask the question... computer? SY: [GERMAN] - "Are you the computer?" SY: [GERMAN] [HINDI - Play the music if there's any tape recorder] SY: [GERMAN] Alright? SY: It's cool. Yes, she says it's cool, Mother Now you say, "You are" SY: [GERMAN] SY: [GERMAN] Better. SY: Give it to Her, give it to Her SY: Shri Mataji, this is lighter. The heat coming from... annh, now better, is it? I'm giving you cool and I'm feeling hot. Alright, so now is alright? Feeling the cool now, alright.

Put your hands here. Is it alright? On your head. Very good, excellent! SY: Very good So now, you've become a real computer, so ask the question, you'll get the answer on your hands, alright, because you are the biggest computer God has created, you see, it's all programmed, you'll understand, everything programmed. You ask a question and answer is there. Alright? May God bless you! Come along, come along, come along. You can't stand.

Yes, so what happened with you Madam? SY: [GERMAN] SY: Yes she felt Shri Mataji. Not at the beginning but at the end Good, it's alright if you felt it. SY: Shri Mataji, she's asking one question. SY: She has a job which goes too much energy. She's working with children who are not - SY: social handicapped or mental handicapped? SY: Okay, that's different - social handicapped not mental handicapped. What is social? SY: Social handicapped children - poor children, assistance in the society. SY: [GERMAN] SY:She works with children, who are still disturbed in the mind because of their upbringing SY: get not good parents or no parents, something like this and she works with them SY: and it costs her a lot of energy For sometime, you can visit them, alright?.

They'll tell you what is to be done - alright? Come and see these people SY: [GERMAN] They'll tell you how to protect yourself, alright? [ASIDE - HINDI - No song nothing?] SY: [HINDI - They'll put, gone to take from outside] SY: He felt the breeze, Shri Mataji - You're alright, you're perfectly alright What's [UNCLEAR]? To enjoy others, alright? So, how are you? You felt what? SY: She pains, she felt a lot of pains SY: Here, you felt pain? Liver - Here and here. Put your hand.

Now forgive Feeling the cool breeze. You have a little liver problem, alright? Come and see them but [UNCLEAR] come. She's alright now. Good! Poor thing! SY: 20 days. How old he is? - We will see him, we have to see him, it's important SY: [GERMAN] Her son, he's 11 and he went out, he's not stay SY: Let him eat some [UNCLEAR] ice cream, I would like to [UNCLEAR] So what, we'll manage. It's alright, must be something wrong.

What about your husband, where is he? SY: [GERMAN] SY: The husband was here yesterday but he didn't speak of anything [UNCLEAR] Alright. Unnh? This is it? Are you married? You want to marry? Maybe, you are a little boy now, so you must marry. You went to some guru or someone? This is it. Just put hand down here.

Just say, "Mother, I am my own master." Just say that Seeker: "Mother, I am my own master." - Again, Seeker: "Mother, I am my own master." Again Seeker: "Mother, I am my own master." Again Seeker: "Mother, I am my own master." Better? Go on saying ten times. Seeker: "Mother, I am my own master. "(repeats) Done! Now put it up here.

"Mother I am the Spirit." Seeker: "Mother, I'm the Spirit. (repeats a number of times) Better now. Cooled down. Very good! SY: She's saying, she has psychological problems of thoughts SY: and she thinks that the purpose of seeking [UNCLEAR] is working. What? SY: Is not working very well. What, what, what are you thinking? SY: The Pineal gland is not working too well Annh?

Pineal gland is not working? SY: Not so well Who told you? But what made you think like that? Seeker: What made me think? SY: [GERMAN] SY: She gets a feeling like she wouldn't be on the ground SY: like she would float in the air and she doesn't like it at all. You have you been to some guru or someone, who some? SY: What therapy? - What? SY: She meditated from William Wright - My God! Very bad!

Alright, now come. See, put you hand here. Just say, "Mother, I'm my own master." Seeker: "Mother, I'm my own master." - Again Seeker: "Mother, I'm my own master." - again Seeker: "Mother, I'm my own master." - again Seeker: Mother, I'm my own master. (Repeats a number of times.) Better. Seeker: Mother, I'm my own master.

Put your hand here. Now say, "Mother, I am the Spirit." Seeker: Mother, I'm the Spirit. (Repeats a number of times.) Better now? Now turn around. Hold your breath, hold your breath. Leave it. Again hold your breath. Now leave it.

Again hold your breath. Now leave it. How are you feeling? Seeker: Yes, better Relieved? In breathing are you better? Cleared out? Don't be afraid. Now don't go to all these people - alright? May God bless you! I had to see her.

May God bless you! You show different from all other people. See the thing, the Sahaja yogis should show different. See him. See your eyes - sparkling. SY: There's still many people in places, Shri Mataji. - Unnh? SY: There's still many people in places, problems, I did not know each other anymore SY: [UNCLEAR] - Really? SY: Very receptive - Beautiful! May God bless you!

So, My child? SY: She's sorry, she didn't feel anything, Shri Mataji Alright. Alright? She's a unhappy person. She's very unhappy. Tomorrow I'll see you. It's better now. Say, "Mother, I'm the Spirit." "Mother, I'm the Spirit." I'm just saying, "Mother, I'm the Spirit," that's all - right?

It'll be alright. And no more wear black now. Forget it forget it. Tell your husband to take your birth now, we're alright. Don't worry. "No more worry, I'm alright, you take your birth." You must give him now, just free him SY: [GERMAN] Center heart. You must give him his freedom. SY: She knows that his Spirit stays around her - That's it, that's why the problem, alright. That's it, you should give him his freedom.

Just say that, just say it. Just make him forget SY: [GERMAN] Torturing him, you people are. SY: [GERMAN] Good! May God bless you! Now you be a happy person. He would not like to see you are unhappy How are you? [SHRI MATAJI TREATING NEW SEEKERS] Let's see now. [UNCLEAR] Good! May God bless you! Yes, so, how are you?

SY: She couldn't feel. She lift the hand, put the hand over her head [UNCLEAR] Just now? Feeling now? Alright. Don't think about it, don't think. There's no need. Alright? She starts thinking So now? Hands are what? Both the hands?

Put it here. You have a liver. Forgive. Forgive everyone. What work do you do? SY: [GERMAN] - Art? Ask the question. Heart, heart. Again, again, again, again It's like a computer. It answers.

[HINDI - Is he a Sahaja yogi?] Not a Sahaja yogi. Poor fellow, a bit tired, think over it. Give it to somebody else [HINDI - It's better for Me] Too much [SHRI MATAJI TREATING NEW SEEKERS] What did he say Swaminath? [SEEKER TALKING TO SHRI MATAJI] - Agnya? What's the name? But they did. But where did You meet Me? When did you meet Me? Where?

[UNCLEAR] Put a light on her. Just say, "Mother, I'm my own master." You're alright now? [UNCLEAR] Feeling better now? Horrible people these gurus are! They're all cheats. He's a cheater and a cheat. They're all cheats. They're cheats and they mesmerize. That's how they ruin you completely - they're cheats.

No, no, no, he never read. Look like that, camouflage. What is the sense of being [UNCLEAR]? You're now better. Don't bother about Me. Alright. What's your age? At this young age you have suffered so much. Horrible! Anybody who's an Indian is not a saint.

They're horrid! Rakshasas they are, devils. Better now? Much better now. Feeling better now? Annh? Why did you worry? All nonsense, yes, horrible! One better than another - horrible! Swami Shivanand went to them, to Himalayas [UNCLEAR] he went there to learn about realization but he was so bad that he was sent back.

He came down, so he started a certain yoga that again [UNCLEAR] [HINDI - What's the name?] Yogalaxmi Maha... and all that nonsensical woman she is. She drinks her urine, this Yogalaxmi Maha... this one. This is Satyanand, you see. Once she's disciple of this What's his name? Annh? One guru disciple of this first guru, what's his name? [ HINDI - What's his name? The one who ran away to Nepal] What was the guru you said just now? Nai, nai, before that.

Nai. First one? The one before that? All horrible rakshasanandas. But which one is the first one you said? Haan, but who is this one who said? They're all just the same. Seeker: No No, he is.That's why, because of your thinking [UNCLEAR] Horrible! What is he going to give you? All.

They are no other than the Rakshsanandas. Why do you have to take names? If you're true, if you're real, you shouldn't take any names. Forget all of them. Hunh.. Maria is better than Meera. Maria was the Mother of Christ, what was Meera? She was just running after God, she was not a realized soul. That's what I'm saying but now, forget about these horrible people, to begin with. You get alright because you have problems here still, alright? First you get yourself cleared out.

They'll tell you. Whatever they say listen to them and work it out, alright and don't listen to these horrible anandas, you see. These are the anandas and you will be one of them. May God bless you! You are a seeker. Now don't go after these nonsensical people. Horrible, all of them. Don't get identified with them. You have to become your own guru, alright? Nothing my child, nothing.

Take it from Me. I'll show you later, alright? Nothing from them, they're all rakshsanandas. Alright? Now you become an expert in Sahaja yoga Terrible! Poor thing, she's suffered a lot. May God bless you, My child, May God bless you! But I met one in train. You're so very happy and joyous and tomorrow I'm going to [UNCLEAR - PRAGUE?] and we're going to work it out there.

It has been such a nice time, between such nice people. They all got their realization and they're very much with us. Now we have so many people in Austria. It's a great thing, so now we leave Austria SYogis: Wow! [APPLAUSE] Children must be fast asleep now, just [UNCLEAR] are sitting here. Wonderful! It's real Ekadasha Rudra, I tell you. The way it has worked out. Everybody looked so clear, so nice, so happy. We'll meditate everyday.

In the evening time, if you can meditate just before sleep, everything will be fine and very enjoyable. Alright? Enjoy it, that's the main part. Enjoy each other. We have to show the world that all Sahaja yogis can live very happily with each other. Cleanse yourself, do meditation, cleanse yourself and you'll be alright. So what is this you've brought for Me? Hunh? SY: You should look at it, Shri Mataji. Wow!

SYogini: I made it myself. SYogi: She made it herself. Really? Beautiful! Ah, you must have one like that! It's very nice.Thank you very much! That is very special! [UNCLEAR] Thank you very much, it's beautiful! Now that's not important. Your realization is important.

Forget all of them. What is important is yourself and your realization and you have to grow out of all of that, alright? You have to clear it out yourself. SYogini: I know [UNCLEAR] [CONVERSATION BETWEEN YOGI AND YOGINI] What you have to do is to look after yourself, annh? Best thing is to get your realization, get to your vibrations and enjoy. First you be equipped. What you know is to fulfill. You have to understand the theme - see the point? Alright, so should I say good-bye to everybody? Om Twameva Saakshat Shri Kalki Saakshat, Shri Sahastrar Swamini, Moksh Pradiyini Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi namo namah Shri Nirmala Devi namo namah, Shri Nirmala Devi namo namah, Shri Nirmala Devi namo namah Bolo Shri Jagadamba, Shri Dakshinmurti, Shri Adishakti Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai!

May God bless you all! May God bless you all! May God bless you all! These are Sahaja yogis. Are you alright? Looking fine! How are you, alright?

Austria Center Vienna (Kongresshaus), Wien (Austria)

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