After Kundalini awakening you will never feel tired

After Kundalini awakening you will never feel tired 1989-08-05

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi
Text Status
Transcript English – Draft
Live Translation

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

5 August 1989

After Kundalini Awakening You Will Never Feel Tired

Public Program

Milan (Italy)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Baba Mama: Ladies and gentlemen on behalf of the Nirmal Sangeet Sarita which is the musical wing of Sahaja Yoga baba mama sending his Namaskars to all of you. The hall, the acoustics, the audience and the public UNCLEAR[] is here is so beautiful that one would be inspired to sing, to organize. But here I am not concerned with this hall, I am concerned with another hall which has limitless capacity which has still more beautiful acoustics, and a very public system that is your heart. Like the Divinity even has nexus with the heart basically. The receptivity of the artist thought will very much depend on the openness of the heart therefore. The devotional songs that we are going to sing are a concept of the artist which are meant for into your heart directly without there have been any loss of thought. Therefore, there will be no barrier of the type of music, or the language used or the tune set. I commence this evening program by reciting three mantras invoking the blessings of the deity.

Three Maha Mantras

After the mantras we will have a short recite to our shehnai because in India Shehnai always all the auspiciousness. UNCLEAR[].

Shehnai Music

UNCLEAR[] if you calp along the rhythm of the songs also.

This song is had been sung by Miss Chaya Vani Devi and accompanying here in the Harmonium was Prabhakar Rao ji Dhakre.


The tempo of the song was matching the tempo of the vibrations. And therefore, matching the tempo of the heart. We are not presenting you Sanjay Talwar with another devotional song. But the information of the sahaja yogi, this song was composed in the bus between Frankfurt and Paris. And was set turned yesterday in Milan.

Shri Mataji: You have been listening to this music is, all music for spiritual awakening. To reduce conditionings and also the ego that is within us to make you lighter, to make you feel lighter and to forgive ourselves. Now this song last they want to sing is written by a very famous poet and a saint from India whose name was ‘Nama Deva’ and he has written a beautiful poem about asking Mother that give me the Yoga. Yoga is the connection or union with the all-pervading Divine power. He is asking the Mother ‘Oh Mother, {I means Mother} give me the Yoga’ and he says I have left all my relations like my father who was Mr. Anger, all other like the lust who was my another relation then jealousies, hatred all these things now left behind. So, you please give me the yoga. This was sung in the twelfth century. Also, it says for the Kundalini is called ‘Amba/Ambe’ says ‘Oh Kundalini raise’ – udo udo. Raise. So this song has been sung in our country in the villages, it’s a folk song from the twelfth century. I hope you will enjoy this and by that your Kundalini will raise and my work will be much less.

I bow to all the seekers of Truth. I have told you in the same hall before also that Truth cannot be conceptualized. It is what it is and we cannot change it, we cannot organize it. You have to know it on your central nervous system. So far, we do not know the absolute Truth. At the human awareness we know relatively. We live in a relative world. That is why there is so much difference of opinion. Moreover, whatever you believe into, whatever religion, philosophy, theories, ideologies everybody can do whatever sin they want to do, mistakes they want to commit. There is no restriction. There is not inner light to see whether we are doing right or wrong. Also, we have so many other problems of our imbalances. Because when human awareness project itself, it goes in a linear way and it coils back. But when the spiritual awareness spreads, it spreads all over. There’s a complete balance. All of us, all human beings have a right to achieve spiritual awareness. Sahaja yoga, saha means with, ja means born with you is the right to get this union with the Divine power. It means a spontaneous happening of this yoga is your right. Because it is the living process which works it out. The all-pervading power about which I am talking to you, you need not accept it, blind fold it. But keep yourself open minded like scientist and treat it as a hypothesis and if it is felt, if you can feel that all-pervading power, in on all honesty, you have to accept it. So I say this all-pervading power is there, it’s a very subtle power and which does all living work. We see the flowers and we see the tree, we see the sprouting of the seed and we take it for granted. Even our eye is a wonderful camera. We ourselves are like a computer, like a programmed computer. So, we have to understand that many things we take it for granted because these are living processes. Now the time has come. It’s a blossom time that many of us have to feel this power and to get connected to this. And for this connection we have got a triangular bone there in which you see the power called Kundalini. And this is the one that connects you to the mains. Just like this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. In the same way, if we are not connected to the mains, we have no meaning, we have no understanding of absoluteness. As a result of this happening, first thing that happens to us that physically we get cured, we feel very fit. The second thing that happens that we emotionally we feel very enriched, we become very compassionate and at the same time we feel very secured. You become very dynamic, but you never get tired. Because all the time the energy is flowing in you. And a new awareness comes into your central nervous system that you can feel others means is collective consciousness. Not only that you can feel your own centers which are here, but you can feel the centers of others. You feel so peaceful and see the whole thing like a drama. And a new personality, a beautiful personality which is very righteous, dynamic as well as compassionate just starts expressing itself. Whatever we are saying sometimes looks to be rather too fantastic. But human beings are fantastic. Only thing is there has to be the enlightenment. To know how fantastic we are. I would say tomorrow I will be coming and explaining it much more to you. And you can also find our from the books all the knowledge about yourself and about others. Now, you have all these lights here, and when you come here I have to just tell you just switch on one switch and the whole thing comes. Because is all built in. This is how all this is built in within you. So, there is no need to tell you about how the electricity was invented, what is the source of this electricity, how the connections are. You just have to say just switch on. So, if it is built in within you, let us first have our enlightenment. And feel the all-pervading power for the first time. So, I have to say that those people who want to have their self-realization can sit here in the hall, but I cannot force on you. Because ultimately you become completely free from all kinds of dominations of addictions or any sort. So, before that, you must have your free will. I know, in this short lecture, I cannot explain everything, but I would like you if you have any questions to write them down, and tomorrow if you give them, I will answer all of them before starting the lecture. So, those who would like to be for sahaja yoga sit down, and those who do not want it should go. Also, those people have been sitting for two hours now here, if you want, you can just go out for a while and you can come back, I will wait for you for five minutes. But it is only going to take about ten minutes more. If you could sit for ten minutes more, will work it out.

There are two conditions before we go for this process. The one condition is that you have to forget your past at this moment. You have to forgive yourself. That means you are not to feel guilty anything for whatsoever. After all we are human beings and if we commit mistakes is alright. After all we are not Gods. So, first we have to have compassion for ourselves. Then the second condition is, that you have to forgive everyone. If you do not forgive, then it is impossible to give realization. Some of you may say that it is very difficult Mother to forgive. But it is a myth whether you forgive or don’t forgive. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands and unnecessarily miss the chance of your self-realization. The last break through of your evolution you don’t want to miss because you are not forgiving. With this music you are already ready for realization. It will not take much time. But please try to forgive everyone. And be pleasantly placed towards yourself.

Now we have to just remove our shoes first of all to take the help of the Mother Earth. And also if there is anything tight in our neck or stomach then please remove it. During the process of sahaja yoga, please do not get up and disturb others. I am sorry this hall is not sufficient to accommodate you. But those people who are sitting behind can come here to accommodate themselves. You all those who want can come because they are all standing there. Just please. There are some vacant seats. Some people have gone. Yes please, yes yes come, come in sit down. Please be seated. Please remove these. Take the harmonium also. Please come forward. What is this supposed to be? Its better that you be seated all of you. You better. They are sahaja yogis? They are all sahaja yogis there? You come from the back side. Remove the flowers also.

Now both the feet are to be put on little away from each other. As this is the left power and this it the right power. And you have to sit in a relaxed manner not with a UNCLEAR[] with any kind of a bending or not too much stretching but in a simple relaxed manner. Now, you have to put your left-hand on your lap like this, or like this towards me suggesting your desire to get your realization. This is the power of desire, and this is the power of action. With this hand we nourish our centers on the left-hand side. First, I will show you how we do it and later on we will have to close your eyes. First put your left-hand towards me like this and put right-hand on your heart please. In the heart resides the Spirit. And Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost which is this all-pervading power. Now, if you are the Spirit you become your guru also. Your master, your guide. So, now you put your right-hand in the upper part of your abdomen which is the center of mastery. Why doesn’t this lady do it? {Shri Mataji addressing to a lady} Please do it. Otherwise, you can go. Tell her. You must do it. Alright? No, the other way round. Other way round. Be careful. It’s very important. The other way round. The left hand. Yes please. In the lower part of the abdomen. Now, now you have to take your hand in the lower part of your abdomen and press it hard. Now this is the center of pure knowledge. And this pure knowledge manifests on your central nervous system by which you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost and also you know how to use it. All the Divine laws work through this center. Now, those who are sitting down can sit like that. Its alright. They need not put their feet in the ground like that like the way they are sitting. Can you sit like that? No no this way squatting yes comfortably. Alright. Those who are sitting on the ground they need not put their feet on the ground in the way those who are sitting on the seats. Now, you have to raise your right-hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Then you have to take it again to your heart. Now you have to take this hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and put your head to your right side. This center blocks when you are guilty. Now, you have to put your hand on your forehead and slowly put your head on it and then press it on both the sides. Now this is the center where you have to forgive, if you don’t forgive this center gets blocked. You have to now take back your hand on the back side of your head and slowly raise your head upwards like this. This center is for asking forgiveness from the Divine without feeling guilty and without counting your mistakes. Now you have to stretch your hand and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now bend your head, push back your fingers and put a pressure on your scalp and you have to move it seven times clockwise. That’s all you have to do.

Now please close your eyes, keep your feet apart and put the left-hand towards me. Now please put your right-hand on your heart. And here ask me a question, very important one as if you are asking a computer ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ or you can call me Shri Mataji. If you are the Spirit, you are your master. Ask this question three times first of all ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’. Now, please take down your right-hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the guru chakra or the mastery chakra center. Here you ask me a question three times ‘Mother, am I my own master?’. Now, ask this question three times. I have to tell you that I cannot force pure knowledge on you. I respect your freedom. So in your own freedom, you have to ask me for pure knowledge. So, now please put your right-hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. And here, you have to ask ‘Mother, please give me pure knowledge’. Please say this six times because this center has got six petals. Now as soon as you say that you want pure knowledge, this power of Kundalini is raising within you. So now you have to clear the upper chakras with your self-confidence. So now raise your right-hand and put it in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Please don’t open your eyes in between. Here you have to say with full confidence ten times ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ Please say it ten times. Now you have to know that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not these emotions. You are not this intellect and you are not your conditioning or your ego. Because you always say my intellect, my emotions. You don’t say ‘I’ emotions. So now, you raise your right-hand on your heart. With your full confidence, please say twelve times ‘Mother I am the Spirit’. The all-pervading Divine power of love is the ocean of compassion and love. It is the ocean of bliss and joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So now, please know that whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So, forgive yourself. And put your right-hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. And here, you have to say with full confidence ‘Mother I am not guilty at all’. Say it sixteen times with full confidence. Now, please raise your right-hand on to your forehead and put down your head resting on the hand slowly and press your forehead on both the sides. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone. So please forgive everyone. Please from your heart please forgive everyone. This is the very narrow passage and please co-operate by really forgiving from your heart. Now, take back your hand to the back side of your head on it and put upward. Now, here without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty for your own satisfaction only you have to say ‘O Divine, if I have done any mistakes, please forgive me’. Please say in your heart, from the heart not how many times. Now the last center. Stretch your hand and put the center of your palm on the top of the fontanelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now, put down your head and press it hard pushing back your fingers. Here again I cannot force self-knowledge and self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So, please say it seven times ‘Mother, please give me self-realization’ seven times and move your hand, your scalp with a strong hand seven times slowly clock-wise.

Now slowly take down your hand and open your eyes. Put both the hands like this towards me and watch me without thinking. You can do this. Now, put your right-hand like this and bend your head and see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Some people might feel little hot. Doesn’t matter. You can put it forward a little bit. I will see some people feel it little close, some people feel it far. Now, put your left-hand towards me, bend your head, and see with your right-hand. Now last, you again put the right-hand towards me and left-hand on top of your head and see for your self if there is a cool breeze coming. Now raise both your hands towards the sky, push back your head and ask question, any one of these questions three times ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? / Mother, is this the all-pervading power of God’s love? / Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya?’ ask this question three times from your heart. Now take down your hands please. Put them like this.

All those who have felt the cool breeze out of their heads or on their hands, please raise both your hands. This is real Milano. Really. May God bless you. In Sanskrit language Milan means meeting. It’s the meeting, meeting, Milan means union. Now you have become silent, don’t discuss it. It is beyond thought. Don’t think about it otherwise you will lose it. Now, please tomorrow come again and I will explain to you what is this state. And this experience has to be fixed now. Also, tomorrow I will meet all of you individually. All those who will be coming with questions, please handover the questions there so that I can answer them.

May God bless you all.

Also call your friends and those who have not felt it today will feel tomorrow. But in any case, I am sure you all are feeling relaxed. Thank you very much. Alright? you felt it? Good, very good. Tomorrow again will have music but not so much.

Milan (Italy)

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