Our Religion is to know ourselves and enjoy ourselves

Our Religion is to know ourselves and enjoy ourselves 1989-07-20

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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20 July 1989

Our Religion Is To Know Ourselves And Enjoy Ourselves

Public Program

Munich (Germany)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Public Program Day 2


[HINDI - Sit down] [MARATHI - Sit down, sit down] [HINDI - Sit down, please] I'll speak, I'll speak later on.

They will sing 'Jogwa' Just I'll explain. Jogwa you're going to sing, na - I'll explain to them.

SY: Yes, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: [MARATHI - STOP?] I'm happy you're enjoying this music and they want to give you, render some more because I think, Philip has already explained,

Interpreter: [GERMAN] Shri Mataji: so I don't have to talk too much then.

Interpreter: [GERMAN]

Shri Mataji: This Jogwa they are singing, is a song written about 16th century by a poet called Namadeva

Interpreter: [GERMAN]

Shri Mataji: and he was a tailor and he went to see another saint, who was a potter Interpreter: [GERMAN]

Shri Mataji: So when he saw the potter, he just stood silent and he said, in Marathi language it is, 'That I came to see the Formless,' that is the vibrations, 'I came to see the vibrations but here, I find vibrations in Form." [INTERPRETER - GERMAN]

Shri Mataji: So, what an appreciation of another saint; Only a saint can do that, real saint.


Shri Mataji: So the saintliness is a state - you cannot certify it. It's a state.


Shri Mataji: So you have to be, you'll be listening to this song, which was written by Namadeva and later on he went to Punjab and also, at that time, Gurunanaka saw another saint coming in.


Shri Mataji: So he said that, "Now you're such a great saint and such a great poet, so why don't you write in Punjabi language?" So he studied Punjabi language and wrote a big book, in Punjabi language, of lots of poetry in it.


Shri Mataji: So the scriptures of Gurunanaka, which He has all the, He's compiled all the poems of the poets, of who were saints at that time, is called as 'Guru Granth Sahab' [INTERPRETER] What is the name?

Shri Mataji: Guru Granth Sahab. Granth Sahab is the one, which is, which is the Holy Scripture for Sikhs.


Shri Mataji: Hmm, and in that He has put Namadeva's poems also and that of His maid servant, who was another saint, Janabai.


Shri Mataji: In this song he's saying that, "O Mother, I'm asking for yoga, for the union with the Divine." Jogwa means, "O Mother give me the yoga of the Divine." with the Divine means, the union with the Divine.


Shri Mataji: I mean, Jogwa means yoga


Shri Mataji: Yoga and then he says that, "I've given up all that is a temper, which was my father-in-law," - like a lady he sings so.

"He was my father-in-law who was a temper, I had uh.. attachments, who were my husband," like that, "I've given up all my relations to all these things."


Shri Mataji: Then in the thing he says, "Now," - Amba is the Kundalini, so he says, "Now rise the Kundalini - Uday, uday Ambe - Rise, the Kundalini, rise - Uday, uday Ambe ho," like that. So it's sung in the villages.


should take off, take off Kundalini


Shri Mataji: And for so many centuries, they have been singing in Indian villages, this song.


Shri Mataji: So because of the climate in India, we were not so much bothered about the outside projection but inside projection. Climate is very good. You can live in a village, you can live in a forest.


Shri Mataji: So they were meditative and were trying to find out what is within us


Shri Mataji: So the knowledge of Sahaja yoga was available long time back, since the time of, we can say, since the time of Shri Rama, even earlier than that people knew about Kundalini


Shri Mataji: Even recently we had a big film Ramayana. In that also they told how Rama was told about Kundalini by his guru


Shri Mataji: But these gurus were realized souls. They never took money, they didn't enslave people


Shri Mataji: So like that, our country was blessed by many real saints, very great saints.


Shri Mataji: And they are not good at Science, you can say, for the outward side of it but the inward search was very deep.


Shri Mataji: So you can imagine that background is there already.


Shri Mataji: So for ages, they know about Kundalini, they know that Mother has to do that job.


Shri Mataji: But as we have learnt so much about machinery and Science from you, which is the knowledge of the tree, you have to also know the knowledge of the roots


Shri Mataji: otherwise this tree will be lost


Shri Mataji: and it is so simple and so spontaneous, as you saw it yesterday.


Shri Mataji: You have worked with your brains, now you have to work with your heart.


Shri Mataji: Now your brain has to love


Shri Mataji: That's what Sahaja yoga is.


Shri Mataji: So, you can hear this song and with this song, I'm sure, you all will get realization.


Shri Mataji: Just take out your shoes, so that's all.


Shri Mataji: And you have to clap with that. You have to clap.


Shri Mataji: And when they say 'Ho', you too do the same way. That's all.

Shri Mataji: When they say 'Ho', you have to also do the same. It will all work out. I won't have to give a lecture.


Shri Mataji: Annh?(What?)

Baba Mama: The audience can't see us. We will stand up and sing. The audience can't see us.

Shri Mataji: No [MARATHI] Some of you can stand.

Some of you at the back. No, not the musicians who are not singing - some Sahaja yogis, who are not singing can stand at the back.

Shri Mataji: Village song of Kohlapur, Kohlapur style Kohlapur style, that one you sing [UNCLEAR] you say 'Ho' SY,

Musician: It is coming Shri Mataji: Annh? SY Musician: It comes after, it becomes

Shri Mataji: Later?

SY Musician: [Bhakta Laguni Jogwa Maange na Aaicha Jogwa, Aai ude de Ambe ude, Aai ude de Ambe ude]

Shri Mataji: Village style you must sing, village style

Baba Mama: Little faster [SAHAJA YOGA MARATHI SONG - Jogwa]

Now, you just have to feel the vibrations. Now let's see, how many of you can feel it. Just put your hands like this.


Shri Mataji: See the power of a saint


Shri Mataji: See.


Shri Mataji: You are all very serious, some of you. It's, it's fun.


Shri Mataji: Wrong ideas they have given you about God. God wants you to enjoy everything.


Shri Mataji: Our religion is to know ourselves and then to enjoy ourselves.


Shri Mataji: You've seen little children smile. They smile because their Spirit smiles and laughs - very small children, in their sleep.


Shri Mataji: Now just feel, if it is come up on your head. Just see yourself. Left hand towards Me and right hand - it's so easy. Open your hearts, first of all, open your heart.


Shri Mataji: Now put the right hand towards Me and see the left hand.


Shri Mataji: Now, again with the left hand and the right hand.


Shri Mataji: You must smile otherwise won't come up.

Shri Mataji: Alright, those who have felt the cool breeze out of their head or in their hands, raise both your hands. Let Me see.


Shri Mataji: See, just imagine, all of you have felt it. So, I think, now we'll spend the time. Let them sing. You all can come and meet Me here, so we'll have a nice family gathering together. [APPLAUSE]


Shri Mataji: [ASIDE - You put the thing in front, just push the thing] [MARATHI] you can sing songs. Mahalaxmi Strotram.

SY: So we put it back anyway. We put it more there.

Shri Mataji: I showed you Ai Giri Nandini is good - also Mahalaxmi Strotram is very good. [MARATHI] And Ganesha's Stuti is also very good. Ganesha Stuti. You have got people from Switzerland or not? Just bring it

SY: Can we start with Ganesh stuti, Shri Mataji?

Shri Mataji: Haan Ganesh stuti then Mahalaxmi Little fast, it should be fast. And now, these children have to get up because they have to pass through this way.

Seeker: [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: Ah, you come and sit on top, here.You can sit here.


SYogi: Some Sahaja yogis and some Sahaja yoginis should come on the stage to work on the people. So please come up. Sit down on the stage. Not all of you but some otherwise getting too crowded.

[Shri Mataji working on seekers]

Munich (Germany)

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