A danger of awakening the Kundalini

A danger of awakening the Kundalini 1988-08-02

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Public Program
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Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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2 August 1988

A Danger Of Awakening The Kundalini

Public Program

Milan (Italy)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Baba Mama: ...first part and unclear(fine/final) instrument music the second part will be vocal music. In the vocal music we are going to have all bhajans and qawwalis which are of very fast tempo and very strong rhythm. So that you can with the permission of Shri Mataji, you can dance, clap abundance abundant and in abandonment. I am now requesting Prabakar Rao Dhakre to perform on the harmonium he yesterday performed on the violin and also sang unclear() may be harmonium. He plays the harmonium in the accordance unclear().

Shri Mataji: Any questions? Any questions?

I bow to all the seekers of Truth. Yesterday I had said that I would like to have some questions from you and so far, only one question has arrived which is answerable sensible thing about Kundalini awakening. She has asked that she has read in many books that Kundalini awakening can be very dangerous for people if they are not ready. It is said by people who have no authority to raise the Kundalini. First of all, the person who has to raise the Kundalini has to be a realized soul, a pure personality. And has to be knowledgeable. If somebody push the fingers in plug and says you get electricity shock, naturally you will. But actually, Kundalini is your individual Mother. When your mother gave you birth, she took all the trouble by herself. She did not trouble you. In the same way Kundalini takes of all the trouble of Herself and She doesn’t give you any trouble at all. But She gets only awaken when She sees that when somebody who is an authority from the Divine. But when people try to raise the Kundalini without any authority, they actually excites the seventh chakra sometimes and which is below the triangular bone. And if you try to excite the deity of innocence on that seventh chakra, He gets annoyed and you start getting all kinds of problems. These are the talks of the people to just want to make out of you and want you to put you in illusions. They themselves may not be pure people, that’s why they get these horrible things unclear(heating/tickling) sensations. But as you have seen yesterday and so many sahaja yogis have seen thousands of people got realization without having any trouble. For this, the one who has to awaken the Kundalini, has to be a perfect personality. And not the sadhaka-the seeker, who is seeking his realization. If he has to correct himself and perfect himself, why should he worry about Kundalini awakening then? Unless and until you put this to the mains how will you know what is defect in the instrument? So, it has to be awakened by a Sadguru. But a realized soul who is a Sadguru. Who is the personification of Truth. Who doesn’t take any money from you, whom you cannot purchase. He is only interested in your benevolence. And he doesn’t make you starve and make you work hard or anything. But he has to work hard. These are the signs of the Sadguru. In India people know them very well. Those who have come to the western countries have opened the shop – a market. Every year they come out with new theories, new courses you cannot have a course. You cannot have an organization. It is the becoming which is important. As the seed has to become a tree, an egg has to become a bird, a human being has to become a realized soul. Without that happening, it has no meaning. Human life has no meaning at all. All right. Thank you very much.

Yogi: There are many questions Shri Mataji, one is: Is Sahaja Yoga is a religion? What is, who are You Shri Mataji? And what is for you unclear() in the memory of Christ.

Shri Mataji: I see, now one thing I don’t want to talk about Myself. Christ said that he was the Son of God and that he was the gate, it was true nothing but the Truth. But people crucified him. No one wants to listen or to hear anything Truth without unclear (realizing/realization). So, I don’t want to get crucified. I must be something that I am giving realization to thousands. If you have pure intelligence you can see for yourself. But I am not going to tell you anything because I don’t want to get crucified. You better get realization and try to understand what I am. Now all the religions that we see are man made. All these great incarnations and these prophets came as the flowers of the tree of life. But people plucked saying this is mine, this is mine, this is mine. So, these dead flowers have become religions. In sahaja yoga you awaken your Kundalini to the living process and you awaken that in yourself, the religion in yourself which gives you balance and which is innate. It is the combination of all the religions. Because all these great prophets and the incarnations came on this earth to create this tree of life as you see here. Christ has said, those who are not against me are with me who are those. So, we put blinkers on both the sides on our heads on our brains and we don’t want to see anything around like horses. For example: who was Christ? What was his innate nature? What was his principle? How he was created? And why he incarnated? All these will describe in one of the great books in India called as ‘Devi Mahatmya’. So, he described as ‘Maha Vishnu’. But nobody wants to read anything about his life before his advent. So, after realization through your vibrations you know who are real incarnations, who are real prophets, who have unclear(windup) our chakras one by one like mile stones. It is a mystery for other people that Holy Ghost is some sort of a unclear(). You have got the Father, got the Son and what about the Mother? Can you have a son without the mother. So that Primordial Mother is the Holy Ghost. And she is the one reflected in us as Kundalini. And in the heart, there is a reflection of God Almighty this we call as Spirit, but the seat of God Almighty is on top of the fontanelle bone area. In Sahaja Yoga, there is no secrecy, no mystery, no priests, no hierarchy. All of you have to know each and everything clearly and openly. But first you must get your realization.

Shri Mataji: unclear() is quite a lot, have I covered any unclear()

Yogi: How was it possible for the western people who are so involved in unclear() religion to find again every day the desire to awaken the Kundalini.

Shri Mataji: Oh, they are very much seekers. They are a special category of people in the west who are born, I am surprised, and are so many who are seeking the Truth in the west. So that’s why this all these fake gurus came to the west. Because they knew there are so many people who are seeking even if they take drugs they are seeking, even if they become hippies they are seeking, in all their things that they are doing they are seeking their God. Actually, materialism has reached such the stage that they think that to enjoy even the matter, you have to seek God-they have reached such a state that to enjoy the matter also you have to seek God. For example: this carpet is here and I am seeing it but If I am not a realized soul I have been thinking if it is my carpet, oh God which is getting spoiled or I must unclear() or how much it has cost all these things will come into my head. But if I am a realized soul, I just watch it without thinking. So, all the joy that was put in creating this starts flowing within me completely. It’s like a lake without any ripple on it the mind becomes. And all that is surroundings it is reflected completely into that lake. unclear()

Yogi: It’s just a relationship between the evolution and the story of Adam and Eve.

Shri Mataji: Ha, interesting, if Adam and Eve had listened to unclear() the God Almighty and had thought gone into the foolishness of committing a sin of disobeying God Almighty. There would have no evolution necessary. They would have already realized souls. They wanted to know the knowledge and that’s how they went into the wrong knowledge, and they went into all kinds of different systems of knowledge and now they are here to get their realization.

Such a long question.

Yogi: It is saying, we may have good ideas for instance, we want these if we are against violence we like to have good relations with the other people. But often other people want only their own interest. So, they don’t allow us act as we would like. How to find...

Shri Mataji: Alright now, this is a very good question he said, even if you become good, other will not become good to you. First of all, Sahaja Yoga is a mass happening. Many people get realization by which a pure brotherhood is established, and a collective is established all over the world. Now individually also when you are dealing with somebody as a realized soul, you know exactly how to manage. And all the Divine unclear(prosperous) within you and it manages your relationship everything very well. You are amazed how you are helped by the Divine whom do not see the forces that workout your wellbeing. I started Sahaja Yoga with one person who was very unclear() and brave and today thousands and thousands of them all over the world. Have confidence in yourself.

Yogi: Which was your experience with Gandhi from which is unclear() truth that was coming from Gandhi.

Shri Mataji: Shri Mahatma Gandhi was born at the time when we were slave country. So the greatest unclear(truth) at that time was somehow other to make the country free. Thank God Columbus got into illusion and went into America otherwise there would have been no sahaja yoga, you all could have been finished in India. So now, if Gandhiji had lived we could have supported sahaja yoga after now, absolutely no doubt about it. But there was no time at that time to talk about God or also about Sahaja Yoga because people were slaves. But a great poet we had Rabindranath Tagore has described the meetings of sahaja yogis on the shores of Bharat, on the shores of India very beautifully, very collectively absolutely precise. In the twelfth century we had one great poet called Gnaneswara, who has described how sahaja yoga will come into being. And about fourteen thousand years back they described like by the origination of your astrology called as Bhrugu, that sahaja yoga is going to come and will be starting in 1970 and it has started. In England there was a poet called Luis who has described sahaja yoga processions beautifully precisely. Unclear()

I can now finish with the questions...

Yogi: How You think it’s possible to finish the rational philosophy culture, for the culture that could be more of full peace.

Shri Mataji: Ya you see, the culture that we have has come out of our ignorance. God has made human beings just the same. We laugh the same way, cry the same way, feel the same way. We are born in the same way. And though now due to modern artificiality, you might have been rather unkind to your mother but everybody knows how much a mother love all over the world. So, God Almighty has created this world, created all of us in His Love. And only one world he has created. He has created varieties for you. But only human beings have divided it. Which is all artificial. But when reality is manifested within you as light, you jump into a culture which is genuine, which is innate, which is righteous. It works out spontaneously, you don’t have to tell anybody that this is not good or this is not good. It just works out. You enjoy your virtue, you enjoy your righteousness, you enjoy your honesty, you enjoy everything that is beautiful. You enjoy your chastity, you enjoy your generosity, you enjoy your unclear(), you enjoy your love and compassion. Unclear(You have got Christ. What was His culture?) we don’t have to tell him don’t do this, don’t do this he just what he was. So automatically it works out. I am sorry, now let us little bit talk about chakras because the musicians are so trying to prepare themselves for entertaining you, and I am glad to tell you about chakras in short and then you should have the experience of realization that is the main thing you have to achieve. You have to just remember that after realization you have to be respectful to your state and like a little sapling that has come out of the seed, you have to look after it. About the month is sufficient and you can be a great tree which can support others. We have seen in the exhibition, what a beautiful thing we are inside. How there are beautiful centers within us, and what an efficient instrument we have. But if you are not a tempering person, if you are an extremist, then you go to the left or the right, and that is how you can spoil your chakras. As a result of that you get physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. Now I will tell you how cancer can be cured by sahaja yoga. Now the chakras are like this. You can say like this. Now these are the charkas inside this is the spinal cord. One goes to the left-side and another to the right-side. So, we have left and right two sides to our sympathetic nervous system. one in the left-side and one on the right-side is yellow one. And the left one comes into action when we get very emotional and live with our past. Now when we become over acting when action takes place when the right-side of sympathetic nervous system goes into action. So, whichever way you move, your chakras starts moving that side. So, the connection with the whole is lost. When the attacks comes from the left-side from the collective sub conscious. Doctors call it the area that is built within us since our creation. They call the attackers as protein 53 and protein 58, unclear(they give the names). But when this attack comes in it hits the cells and because there is no control from the whole, then it starts going right-side it becomes unclear(marginally). So, say there is a cancer at the nose. The nose starts big covering everything. But in sahaja yoga, the Kundalini rises, and she puts back the chakras into its right position and nourishes it. Most of the diseases and emotional imbalances are caused by the spoiling of the chakras. So when the Kundalini rises, She passes through these chakras and integrates them plus She nourishes them that’s how you get rid of your diseases. Now even if you follow a wrong man made religion too much you are phonetic or if you are going to a wrong guru or a fake master and point to the wrong things, that also spoils the green thing that you see is we call as void. As a result, people suffer. Many people come and tell me that Mother we worship God, we go to temple, we do everything still we are so sick, or we go to the church we do everything still we are not alright. So, the reason is you are not yet connected with God. You are praying to God without any connection just like telephoning without the connection. So, the telephone gets spoiled. So, the best thing is to get yourself connected. Get your chakras nourished and properly placed. First understand about yourself and then you will also understand about others. When you become a master then you can give realizations to others. You can comfort them by giving them cures to their diseases. You can also council them become you have become so wide and unclear (deep, steep, steek), and you have all the knowledge so you can council them very well. May God bless you all.

Now we will have a program of realization about it will take ten minutes and after that we will have a little time for refreshments and then the musicians are going to be with you here and they want to play to you because they taught you enjoy their music very much. So first you get your realization, you reach the state of joy and enjoy the music.

I must confess that the time has been short. I must have given three thousand lectures in the west, for at least four thousand in India. So, you can get my tapes later on once you are a realized soul and establish as a realized soul. For whatever I may say or whatever we may discuss or ask questions has nothing to do with Kundalini awakening. There is no guarantee and also there is one guarantee that even if you don’t get it tomorrow (Shri Mataji may meant today), you will get it tomorrow, day after tomorrow., today.

Alright. I would request you to sit comfortably those who are sitting on the ground but take off your shoes. And those who are sitting on the chairs please take out your shoes to take the help of the Mother Earth. And the sky is there to help us also. You have to be very comfortable, and you have to sit straight not bending too much, not slouching, not stretching yourself. Now, put your left-hand towards me. And I will tell you what is to be done with the right-hand to raise your own Kundalini. First you will have to touch your heart where resides the Spirit. The you will have to touch your upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Then you have to put your right-hand on the left-hand side in the lower portion of your abdomen. Now this is the center, the upper one is the center of your Mastery and the lower one is the center of pure knowledge of the Divine’s work. Now again you have to go back on to the center of your mastery. We are only one unclear() on the left-hand side. Now you have to raise your hand against our heart. Now you have to raise your hand in the corner of your neck and head on your shoulder and put our head to your right. This is the center you catch when you feel guilty. Now you have to put your right-hand on top of your forehead and press it hard. This is the center of forgiveness. Now put your right-hand on back side of your head and push back your head. Now you have to stretch your hand and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area bend your head and move your scalp seven times pushing your fingers back, seven times clockwise. Press it hard, hard. This all you have to do. Those who do not want to have their realization, please leave us because we cannot, I cannot force on you. It is your freedom.

Now please put your left-hand towards me, close your eyes, put both the legs, those who are sitting are alright and both the legs parallel and put right-hand on your heart. Close your eyes till I tell you to open. Your attention has to be inside. Alright, now put your hand on your heart and ask me a very fundamental question three times. You can call me Shri Mataji or Mother. ‘Mother am I the Spirit?’ ask this question three times. Put it on your heart and left-hand towards me. On the heart please. Those who just want to see can go away or they can sit down. Please unclear(), alright. If they want to have realization, please be seated. Now, you say here ask the question: ‘Mother am I the Spirit?’. Now put on your right-hand on the lower part of your abdomen in the left-hand side and ask a question which follows the first one three times: ‘Mother am I my own Master?’. Now take your hand in the lower part of your abdomen on your left-hand side. This is the center from where the Divine technique works through your central nervous system. Now, here you have to say, you have to ask because I cannot force you again I respect your freedom. You have to ask six times: ‘Mother May I have the pure knowledge of the Divine’ or ‘Mother please give me the pure knowledge of the Divine on my central nervous system?’. Now raise your hand and ask this question six times first. Now raise your hand and put it in the upper part of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to know that it’s the center of your mastery and ask for the pure knowledge. The Kundalini has started moving. So please at the center with full confidence you have to say ten times: ‘Mother, I am my own Master’. With full confidence. Now raise your right-hand on to your heart and please say twelve times with full confidence the greatest fundamental Truth: ‘Mother, I am the Spirit’. Now raise your right-hand in the corner of your shoulder and your neck and turn it to the right. Here you say: ‘Mother, I am not guilty’ sixteen times. You have to know that the Divine is the ocean of unclear (place, peace) joy and compassion but above all which is the ocean of forgiveness. So, there is nothing that cannot be forgiven by the power of this ocean. So please say sixteen times: ‘Mother, I am not guilty’ but if you still feel guilty then you can punish yourself by saying it hundred and eight times. You have to be pleasantly placed towards yourself. You have to forgive yourself. Now stretch your hand fully and put the center of your palm on your forehead, the forehead put it across your forehead. Now here you have to say: ‘Mother, I forgive everyone’. It is said that by many that it is difficult to forgive everyone but it is a myth even if you forgive or don’t forgive. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Say it form your heart, how many times is not the point. Now push back, ah, put you hand on the back side of your head and push back your head on top of your hand. Here is a center of asking for forgiveness but do not feel guilty, do not count your mistakes just for your satisfaction say: ‘Mother, I forgive everyone’. Now stretch your hand and bend your head and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area and press it hard pressing your fingers outwards and moving seven times clockwise. Now here again I cannot take your freedom. So, you have to say: ‘Mother, please give me my realization’ seven times.

Now please take down your hands. Open your eyes and watch me carefully without thinking. Now put your right-hand towards me and bend your head and see from your fontanelle bone area, are you getting the cool breeze coming out. Bend head, bend your head. Now, put your left-hand towards me, and put right-hand on top of your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out from your head. Again, put your right-hand and bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now raise both of your hands and ask the question three times looking upwards: ‘Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Mother is this the Brahma Chaitanya? Mother is this the all-pervading power of God’s love?’ ask anyone of these questions three times. Now put down your hands please, please put down your hands.

All those who have felt cool breeze on top of their heads or in their hands, please raise both your hands. Please raise your hands those who have felt the cool breeze in both your hands or out of your head please raise your hands. Practically so many of you have felt. Those who have not felt have not forgiven, I think. They have to forgive. If they can forgive, then unclear(there is/ they get) a cool breeze.

Alright, now we have decided to have a little refreshment for you and you can then comeback for the music program and ultimately then I meet anyone of you wants to meet me. Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Baba Mama: The song is with the energy unclear() in you what it requires extreme minute happening to get that energy working within you. And the taal of the rhythm is seven beats known as the ‘Rupak’. Thank you.


Baba Mama: Now we will have the traditional Maharashtrian unclear(Pavoda) sung by the sung by the swiss sahaja yogis.

Describing the life style of Shri Mataji that is the sahaj life style.

Our parents were very understanding and coming from the noble family and there is praise for the parents also who gave birth to such a Divine personality. Then the pavodah goes on to praise the various work-Divine work done Shri Mataji through sahja yog and how She has built up the sahaja yogis under Her leadership. Then it concludes by saying that sahaj is the only progress and through sahaj you can achieve tremendous progress spontaneously and without any delay. I must say one thing in praise of the western sahaja yogis the way they render the poadah, the various actions, the various gesticulations, various nodes that they bring out put we Indians shame as we see them doing this. So, with the povadah now.


Baba Mama: Shri Mataji chalotamasafir or should I sing the Qawwali? Chalotamasafir? Okey. Now

This morning I was trying to figure out us to how I put this song with the sahaj concept and in boxed Rajesh to help me out my predicament obviously it was a very pure desire and Rajesh came and composed the sahaj concept out of this song. One big applause for him please.

One minute, one minute, one minute please, this is the folk song from Uttar Pradesh-the place where Shri Mataji’s husband come from. He is not here, otherwise he would have been thoroughly enjoying it also. So first I will sing the Uttar Pradesh concept, or the concept first put it in the song and I will come I not sahaj concept. In the sahaj concept we are going from chakra to chakra and invoking the blessings of each deity located on the chakra and saying that, as soon as Shri Mataji sits on the door of that chakra the soul which is caged in the heart fixe up the essence from that chakra and gets blessed. To illustrate then I sing about the Mooladhara I invoke the blessings of Ganesha or Ohmkar and then I take that blessing in my soul because Shri Mataji is sitting on the door of Mooladhara.


Baba Mama: I am not sure that I am going to get this cough dry unclear (in the upcoming event) with the blessings of Shri Mataji. I am going up unclear() and one more thing, now the clapping of the Qawwali those like this. Perfect. Okey. Now first thing initiation and then we come on to clapping. First when the rhythm is slow the single clapping. When it comes to the double then double clapping. Okey? Set.


Baba Mama: Please watch out the wire below, you may disturb the connection.

(Bhajan continues ...)

Baba Mama: The organizers of this castle have to close the castle that’s why I had to stop. I am very sorry if I have disappointed you. Thank you. Thank you very much, we are very grateful to you.

Yogi: For the sahaja yogis, dinner will be served at the ashram. So when we go away from this place, you will go to the ashram we have dinner and then we have go to the center-to the campus.

Shri Mataji: Now, all of you should enjoy yourself and enjoy yourself and enjoy yourself.

Yogis: Bolo Shri Mataji ki..Jai...ki..Jai...ki Jai

Shri Mataji: May God bless you all.

Milan (Italy)

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