Public Program

Public Program 1993-07-19

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Transcript (English) – Draft
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19 July 1993

Public Program

Frankfurt (Germany)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

1993-0719 Public Program, Frankfurt, Germany

I bow to all the seekers of truth. We have to know at the very outset that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it and we cannot conceptualise it at this human awareness. That's why it is said that you are to be born again. In sanskrit language a realised soul is call as a [bija]? Means a person who is twice born. Even a bird is called as [bija]. Bird is first born as an egg and then it becomes a bird, second birth. Whatever I am going to tell you, you are not to accept it blindfolded, but please try to keep your mind open like scientist.

First of all we should know what is the truth. First of all we should know that we are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but we are pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is an all pervading power of Divine love which does all the living work. You see these beautiful flowers which is a miracle. You don't even think how they have come out of one seed so beautifully. Look at our heart. It runs by itself. Who does that? Doctors say that it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? Why are we on this earth? What are we supposed to do? What is the meaning of our life? What is our identity? All these questions cannot be answered by science. So we go to religion and the situation of religion is absurd. Those who preach do not practice and such a disparity into what is supposed to be done and what is done in the name of God.

We don't know if there is God or not. All these questions have to be answered. Without that all kinds of insecurities develop. But you see the world how things have deteriorated, you are shocked. If children take to drugs I'm not surprised because they are so insecure. Families are destroyed. There is no compassion and love. A man has become enemy of oneself. In the name of God how many cruel things are done, I need not tell you. So one has to know that there's something missing point and the missing point is that our evolution is not yet complete. We reached the human stage but we have to go little higher than this. The journey is only about three to four feet.

Within us is built in a system, a subtle system during our evolution. In the Quran there's a good description of it. Also in the Bible it is called as a Tree of Life. But as you know all the religions have become either power-oriented or money-oriented. They are supposed to be Spirit oriented, but that is not so. So this subtle system within us has got the power in the sacrum bone which we call it as kundalini. That power connects you to this all-pervading power after your self-realisation. It's like this instrument which has to be connected to the mains otherwise it has no meaning. We have no meaning. This connection is real yoga, not standing on your heads. Some people believe that by standing on your head this kundalini will rise and get you connection. It is not so.

All world problems if you see seriously are from human beings. Most of them. And all human problems come from their disturbed centres. These are subtle centres within us. They look after our physical, mental and emotional as well as spiritual being. If somehow or other we could correct them all our problems will be solved. When this kundalini rises within us She integrates all of them, nourishes them and ultimately comes out of the fontanel bone area and becomes one with the all-pervading power. I have seen people being cured of very incurable diseases with kundalini awakening. Mental problems being solved. Stress and strain is finished.

This happening is spontaneous Sahaj. Means born with you. So is born with you is the right to be united to this all-pervading power, that's the yoga. It's just a living process. As you take a seed and plant it in the Mother Earth it sprouts by itself. The seed has the quality to sprout, or the built-in quality to sprout and the Mother Earth has built-in quality to sprout it. So this power is built in within you. It's your own power. All of you have got this and for this you don't have to pay. How much do we pay to Mother Earth for sprouting these seeds and making these flowers? And the result of what happens that for the first time you feel this all-pervading power as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. You feel it on your fingertips. So you have to know the truth on your central nervous system. For this in Sanskrit the word it [bord?] Also this word gnostics were used after Christ, 'gn' meaning in Sanskrit knowledge, the divine knowledge. But not mental. It is on your central nervous system you have to know. You cannot get it by arguments, discussions. You have to have the awakening of the kundalini.

There are many misleading people, especially in German some – one Freudian had written that Kundalini when she is awakened gives you lot of problems and heat and all that. This is untrue, and nonsensical itself as Freud himself was. Now if there are books coming out about Freud as their fraudulent Freud. There's a book 'Fraudulent Freud'. Also there's a book saying 'Fall of the Freud empire'. He's done all the harm necessary to destroy people, achieving nothing.

Sahaja Yoga is result-oriented. It is tangible. Scientifically tangible. It's not a blindfold. But you have to be intelligent enough. It's not meant for stupid people, and not meant for people who are arrogant I think. It is meant for seekers of truth, who are truthful and honest who are really seeking the truth all these days. And it is their right to get it. Your innocence I must say is never destroyed whatever you might have tried. Have faith in yourself. There have been some clouds. All these vanish away like a lotus that comes out of the pond, absolutely clean and gives fragrance. So the first thing that happens to you, that you feel the cool breeze on your fingertips and also out of your fontanel bone area. You find the cool breeze is coming out. Second thing that happens is that you develop a new dimension of your awareness. This we call as thoughtless awareness. The thoughts rise and fall, again rise and fall and they come from the past and the future. But if I say that come in the present you cannot. In between these thoughts there's a little space which is the present and when this kundalini rises she separates those thoughts and you come in your silence. If you want to think you can think. If you don't want to think you are in complete silence in your present. In that you grow spiritually. That's where you feel your peace within yourself.

Many people talk of peace. They have got awards and all kinds of recognitions but I have met them somehow, I found they have no peace within themselves. They are mostly very hot-tempered and also very agitated. So the peace is within ourselves. We have to feel that peace. When you reach that state then you see the whole world as a drama. You witness everything. Supposing you are standing in the water, you are afraid of the waves. But if you can get out of those waves on a boat you can watch them. And if you are a swimmer you can jump in and save many others. This exactly what happens to you when your kundalini rises and makes you one with this all-pervading power. On your fingertips you can feel the seven centres that are there, five, six and seven on the left hand, five, six and seven on the right hand. These are sympathetic nervous endings. They get enlightened. Your nerves get enlightened. And you can feel your own centres, what's wrong with them. You can feel the centres of others – of anyone, dead or alive or far away. Thus you become collectively conscious. This is the new awareness – new dimension in your awareness.

Now if you know how to correct these centres you can correct yourself and you can correct others also. You yourself can give realisations to others. Which is a resurrection promise to you and thus the whole world gets changed. If you are really interested in seeing a harmonious world and a peaceful world then try to become the self, the spirit. Now spirit in the heart is the collective being within us. Also it is a source of absolute knowledge. If you stretch your hands towards anyone you will find that all of you – those who have got realisation will feel the same centres. When you know the absolute truth there is no fight, no quarrel, no discussion, no argument. You have to know the reality about yourself and about others on the central nervous system again.

For now Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations and I have seen that when they meet there is never a quarrel, no fight, no argument. All pure innocent love. They all are as if are swimming the in ocean of joy. It is surprising that compared to West I found the Russians and the other eastern bloc people much more alert. Maybe the stupid freedom we had that we lost the seriousness of life, that we have no value for ourselves, that we don't want to even preserve ourselves. Of your countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Scandinavian countries are competing in committing suicide. All our ideas of liberty are self-destructive. Also I find that in the West that women are very insecure. They are developed but very insecure. I came to East Germany long time back and I was amazed how the women were insecure. They said, “We don't want to have children. Why, because our figure will be spoilt. Then our husbands will marry younger girls. Then we're left high and dry. So we have to dress up like this. We have to be very attractive all the time like prostitutes. Otherwise we are left alone.” I was amazed. In India the society is very strong. Politically and economically we are hopeless I must say. But society is very strong and very wise. A woman doesn't care if her husband is running after another woman. She thinks he is committing sins let him commit. Why should I bother? And the whole society supports the wife. A man of that character is not allowed to come to any party, to any festival, to any marriage. He's just outcast automatically. Women have the power of chastity. And they live with it. There's no fight with the men, no fight. But men understand the value of women when they are chaste.

There is this – what's created by Paul in the Bible that he really tried to look all the women something very low. He did not show any respect even to the Mother of Christ. One has to understand that Christ respected women very much. On the cross he said, “Behold the mother”. Mohammed Sahib has praised the Mother of Christ and said that you should never try criticise as chastity. He said the whole world lies at the lotus feet of the mother. So it's a big pride that you become the mother. It's a big pride that you become the mother, is the fulfilment of woman's life, and men also must respect.

Well whatever has happened, has happened. Please remember that in Sahaja Yoga you feel absolutely secure. Nobody will challenge you. Nobody will say that I am running with somebody else's wife, or somebody's daughter. Nothing of the kind. Because you become innocent. As Christ has said that to enter into the kingdom of God you have to be like children. The eyes become innocent as Christ has said that, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes”. And these eyes become so powerful that even a glance of these eyes can do so much good to others. You become dynamic but extremely compassionate. You become collective like the macrocosm becoming the macrocosm. A drop becomes the ocean, You'll find your brothers and sisters all over the world. They will recognise you by your vibrations. This is happening everywhere and should happen in Germany.

Germany – the word comes from germ. If they take it up I am sure they can do better than anybody else. They know the mechanism of the matter but they have to know the mechanism of the Divine. But first you must have respect for yourself and know that you are fantastic. Only thing is you are not yet connected that's why you do not know what you are. The attention of such a person which is enlightened by Spirit also becomes over-active. You can with your attention help so many people and it works out. The greatest thing is that the spirit is the source of joy. Joy which is absolute, which is not happiness and unhappiness but pure joy. Actually enter into the kingdom of God which is very efficient government. Really alert. Very effective. Very protective. Full of blessings.

People have been writing to Me about their blessings so I asked somebody that please collect these letters and try to make a book. Within one month he had up to this letters, so he said, “Mother now tell me which one to be selected. I feel the Germans have a special responsibility because they are serious, intelligent and intensive, and they are seekers of truth. But they have been misled by many I know that. Doesn't matter. All of you will get your realisation tonight. Only thing is you must have pure desire in your heart. I cannot force self-realisation on you because I respect very much your freedom. So please try to understand that it is your own power. It's your own blessings that you will get your realisation and it will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes. Now those who don't want to have realisation should please leave the hall is better. There are some people who believe in something - blind. I was Myself was born in a Christian religion and all those who were born in a Christian religion believe in Christ and have never seen him. Then I talked to some Muslims. They said Christians are the worst. They are never chosen by God. Then the Christians said the Jews are the worst. According to all of them they were the best. It's not so. Unless and until you have got realisation you are neither a Christian nor a Jew and not a Muslim, because you are just blindly following it. Now the time has come to prove the existence of divinity, the divinity within you.


Again I would request those who don't want to have self-realisation should please leave the hall. [Aside – Too much of light on my eyes, I can't get it. I don't see them at all.] I never had glasses but they used to put such strong lights on my eyes only four, five years back I had to use glasses. All these modern things. All right. So the first thing is – first condition that you should not feel guilty at all. It's a fashion to be guilty. You are human beings. If you have made mistakes it's all right you are not God. If you have committed mistakes then just face it but don't feel guilty. Now people feel guilty for what their forefathers did, what their great grandparents did. That's finished now. One gentleman told me that he feels guilty because whatever is happening in Afghanistan. I said, “What have you got to do with it. I mean just you can't help it. What's the use of feeling guilt. I think it's a fashion. So please forget your past. At this present moment it doesn't exist – finished. It doesn't exist at all now and the future also doesn't exist. So forget the past and forgive yourself for ever. There is no need to condemn yourself. In short you should be pleasantly placed yourself that you are a human being, the epitome of evolution. The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone in general. That means logically that whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But when you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Now when you feel guilty this centre is caught up here and you get diseases like angina spondylitis and lethargic organs. So why feel guilty? Secondly when you don't forgive the centre in your brain on the optic chiasma is like this, absolutely like this, like cross and if you forgive it opens out. But if you don't forgive then how will the kundalini rise? I think it's very important today I have a feeling that this centre is very much catching, so please forgive everyone. Even don't think about them because even thinking about them is a headache. This is the second condition.

The third condition is that you have to be absolutely self-confident that you all will get your realisation. Be self-confident. Don't doubt yourself please because you are seekers of truth. And why not? It's your right to get this yoga.

I know you have some questions but just now forget them. For the last twenty three years I have been answering all questions so I know all of them and I know the answers also. I'm too clever. But it's just a mental acrobat. You have to go beyond. So best is not to argue or think about it, but just open your hearts. For example in this hall there are many lights and you can switch them on with one button because it's all built in. So there is no need to tell you the whole history about this electricity – how it came to this place and then how it came to specially to this hall. It's very boring isn't it? Best thing is to put the lights on. It's all built in. So first you have your enlightenment and then you can know everything about it. It is a collective happening. It is not individual that you say I am doing Sahaja Yoga at home. You don't have to pay for anything. You'll get all the knowledge. But you have to give some time to yourself. You have to come to the collective and grow in it. If a nail is cut from your body it doesn't grow. We are very humble centres because we don't take money – very humble. But it is for the inner temple that we have to meet each other. So as I said it will take ten minutes and those who don't want should please leave the hall. Can I request you to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth also helps us a lot. You have to sit comfortably. You have to be comfortable. You don't have to go to Himalayas and stand on your heads. Just here on your chairs you get your realisation. All right.

Both the feet are to be put away from each other because there are two powers of sympathetic, the left and the right. The left is the power of desire and the right is the power of action. So now we have to put our left hand on our left lap like this, which is suggestive that you want to have your self-realisation, desire for it. Now we have to use the right hand for nourishing our own centres. So first of all we have to put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. We are working on the left hand side. If you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So please take down your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre of your mastery, was created by all the prophets. We have to just enlighten it. Then please take down your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre surprisingly is of pure divine knowledge. Whatever I am saying is absolutely tangible. Now please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Now take it to your heart. Now take your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you about this centre. Now take your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone. Now please take your hand on the back-side of your head and push back your head. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine Power. All right now stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone on your childhood. Now press back your fingers so that there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp slowly, clockwise, seven times. Not the hand but more the scalp. Please put down your head, put down your head. Press it hard. Push back your fingers - push back. Push back seven times. That's how we have to do.

Now remember to put both the feet apart from each other. Left hand on your left lap and right hand on your heart, and now please close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you. Here at this centre you have to ask Me a very fundamental question. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. It's a fundamental question about yourself. Ask three times, Mother am I the Spirit? Three times. I have told you that if you are the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now take down your right hand in the upper portion of hour abdomen on the left hand side and here ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. Here you ask a question, Mother am I my own master? Three times.

I have already told you that I cannot force the pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say six times because this centre has got six petals. Mother please give me self-realisation. As soon as you ask for your self-realisation or for the divine knowledge the kundalini starts rising. So we have to open our centres, upper centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say with full self confidence ten times, Mother I am my own master. I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but the truth is you are the pure spirit. So raise your right hand on your heart and here you say with full confidence, Mother I am the pure spirit. Please say it twelve times.

This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion and love. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness, so whatever mistakes you might have committed they all get dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So raise your hand on to your neck, in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now here you have to say with full confidence sixteen times. With full confidence sixteen times, Mother I am not guilty at all. I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. You have tortured yourself all these years but at this moment don't miss your self-realisation by not forgiving. So raise your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head and here you have to say with full confidence, from your heart not how many times – Mother I forgive everyone in general. Now take back your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say for your own satisfaction, without feeling your guilt and without counting your mistakes. You have to say, oh Divine Power please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly. Say it from your heart, not to count but just say it from your heart. Now please take your right hand, open it out fully and stretch it, your palm. Now put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Here again I cannot force self-realisation on you. I respect your freedom. So you have to ask for it. So now please put down your head and stretch back your fingers. It's very important. Here you have to say seven times, moving your scalp seven times clockwise, Mother please give me self-realisation. Don't move your head. Put it down.

Now please take down your hands and open your eyes slowly. Please put both the hands towards Me like this and don't think. You can do it. Now put the right hand towards Me like this and put down your head and see for yourself from the fontanel bone area if there's a cool or hot breeze is coming. Feel it with your left hand. Still put the hand on top of your head but away from it and see for yourself. Some people get it very far away. Again put your left hand towards Me and put down your head and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please put down your head.

Now please put your right hand towards Me and again with the left hand please see if there's a cool or a hot breeze from your fontanel bone area. If you have not forgiven or you are feeling guilty then it will be hot. So forgive now. Now please put both your hands like this and push back your head and ask any one of these three questions three times. First, Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Second Mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love? Third, Mother is this the Paramachaitanya? Ask three times any one of these questions.

Now please put down your hands. You'll feel very relaxed. All those who have felt hot or cool breeze out of the fontanel bone area or on fingertips, or on your hands, please raise both your hands. Most of you have got it. May God bless you. Most of you. This is the first time you have felt the cool breeze.

Actually My visit to Frankfurt was just arranged last minute. I was to come here somehow to meet you all because you are such seekers of truth. So may God bless you. Look after your realisation. Please come to the collective please, otherwise you cannot go very far. You don't have to pay anything. All the Divine laws and all the subtle centres, subtle system will be explained to you and you'll have the power to give realisation to others, to cure others, absolutely angelic powers . So what should we do now? Just enjoy. Should we have some music. Would you like to? Some fold music from India which was. This folk music is from India which sings the praise of the kundalini since long we knew about it.

In the sixteenth century a poet wrote about the kundalini describing everything and in the villages they sing about it.[unclear] In that he says that, O Mother give me my yoga and he calls the kundalini an ambi, amba and he says that rise now, rise. Is very beautifully described.

Frankfurt (Germany)

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