It Is the Blossom Time: Reaching for Thoughtless and Doubtless Awareness

It Is the Blossom Time: Reaching for Thoughtless and Doubtless Awareness 1989-08-20

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi
Text Status
Transcript English – Draft
Live Translation

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

20 August 1989

It Is The Blossom Time: Reaching For Thoughtless And Doubtless Awareness

Public Program

Moscow (Russia)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

I bow to all the seekers of Truth. One has to understand that Truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualize it. we cannot order it, we cannot organize it, it is what it is. I have seen in Leningrad that people have read lots of concepts about Truth. And many theories about it because they were seekers I believe. But if you are the seeker of Truth, one has to realize that at human awareness we cannot know the Truth. Whatever I am going to tell you now is to be understood or to be taken like a scientist with a very open mind. And if this knowledge I put before you as a hypothesis proves to be true then as honest people you have to accept it. So, this is the knowledge of the beautiful arrangement we have within ourselves to achieve our self-realization. As human beings we are at the epitome of evolution. But still, we live in a relative world. All through our mental projections, we have reached nowhere. We developed sciences to create atom bombs, hydrogen bombs to kill ourselves. We developed machineries and we created acid rains for destroying all the trees. We have created so many problems for ourselves because we were not in balance. Machines are for us; we are not for machines. But they are dominating us now. So, to develop this balance and then to ascend to new awareness, there is a beautiful arrangement within us. In the west you have the knowledge of the tree. But this is the knowledge of our roots. And if the tree is not connected with the roots, it cannot sustain itself. As it is he has already told you about the centers that are within us, these are subtle centers which look after our emotional, our mental, physical and also intellectual side. Also, our spiritual being is within us which we have to achieve through these centers. There is a power of pure desire within us in the triangular bone called as sacrum. That means Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone. This power has been known to many saints in India thousands of years back. And this is the one that connects you to the mains. And the mains are the all-pervading power of love and knowledge, which does all the living work. We see the flowers and we take them for granted. See the human beings and also all his parts like his eyes: is a wonderful camera. And human brain is already acting like a computer. Who has programmed it? So, within us all these arrangements are made for this power to raise through the six centers and come out of your fontanelle bone area to get connected with this all-pervading power of love and knowledge. All living work is done by this power which exists in every molecule, in every plant, in the whole cosmos and also acts in us through the parasympathetic nervous system. So, when this kundalini raises, you get connected to this all-pervading power like this instrument has to be connected with the mains otherwise it has no meaning. We too have no meaning till we are connected to this all-pervading power. But our evolutionary process has been spontaneous. Because it was done by living process. And all processes are living as they are absolutely spontaneous. For example, if you sow a seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts spontaneously. How does it sprout? It sprouts because it has a built-in quality with in us(it). And the Mother Earth has a built-in quality to sprout. In the same way we too have got a built-in quality within us to ascend and to become the Spirit. Today is the first day and any amount of talking is not do as good I know but today let us have some questions from you, so that I would like to know what are your problems. And after that we’ll have the session of self-realization. But ask relevant question. One person should ask only one question.

Queston: Mataji, the question is that its only you, how can explain my situation now? I am sure and what is going on inside me?

Shri Mataji: Ya, is it a personal thing?

But please make it short because others may ....

Translator: Mataji, this is always extrasensory business ah.

Shri Mataji: It’s a bigger lecture.

Translator: If someone or Sahaja Yogi could help me just to have the, if someone who sit here to take the all the notes alright?

Shri Mataji: Alright. Sit down.

Translator: Mother, this is all of extrasensory business. Because of that Jew na who makes them see, it’s always nonsense.

Shri Mataji: I know, I know. Sit-down, sit-down madam, I will answer your question. Please will you be sitting down now? I will answer your question. Alright Unclear ()?

I will tell you Sahaja Yoga is not meant for people who are superficial first and foremost Unclear (say the first one). Now, if you can see the light, that means you are not the light. You have to become the light. Alright? Secondly by seeing the light you don’t have power, you don’t have powers to give realizations to others, you cannot cure others. Just a minute, just a minute madam. By that you are not going to do any good to anyone neither to yourself. Take it from me, after sometime you will have problems. So, you have to become something yourself and you have to be for the benevolence of others, you have to give them realization. This is it. If you don’t want it, you can leave the place. And as it is if you are seeing light, is going to be difficult for us to give realization to you. I am sorry to say. I am sorry to say. It’s a serious thing you see.

Translator: Mataji there is a question: He has taken some way; I understand in his life and the question is whether he is correct or not. Haven’t chosen that way of life. Just for you to guess I think or something.

Shri Mataji: We will see now while your Kundalini will be raising, She will decide for you. She will judge. She is your Mother. She is going to give you realization and let Her the judge what you are like.

Translator: Mataji, what is the meaning of suffering and the joy on your way of evolution or on the way of life.

Shri Mataji: Suffering comes out of ignorance. And joy comes out of enlightenment. Sensible question.

Translator: There is a question, how real is the problem of creating, the question of creating the co-ordination center of Sahaja Yoga in Moscow in Leningrad. How soon can we do that? How feasible it is.

Shri Mataji: Great, whenever you desire my child. Whenever you desire. Ya, so great.

Translator: Mataji, there is a bit funny question: if you please tell us what are the dangers on this way,

Shri Mataji: What are the?

Translator: What are the dangers, dangers of this way, what can Unclear (inferior/in fear) us on this way? What should we afraid of on this way?

Shri Mataji: No dangers at all. I told you that Kundalini is your own Mother. Your individual Mother and She knows all about you and She loves you. When you were born, your mother took all the trouble, you never took any trouble. There is no danger.

Translator: Mataji, there is a question: can one cure oneself with the methods of Sahaja Yoga.

Shri Mataji: Ya, you can. Automatically sometimes you get cured when your Kundalini raises. Then you can feel on your finger tips your problems and then you know how to cure it also.

Translator: The question is: if there are Sahaja Yoga schools, where though they give the teaching of Sahaja Yoga in India on which level?

Shri Mataji: On which level?

Translator: On which level, the grade I don’t know. Maybe he must, different states of Unclear ()

Shri Mataji: There is nothing like you see levels are there, you start growing. Actually, within yourself. Everybody grows. Somebody grows faster, somebody grows slowly. There is nothing like a level or anything but like a tree grows you also grow naturally.

Translator: May be if we just name them the Sahaja Yoga groups in Maharashtra, Delhi or Bombay

Shri Mataji: and also, in Moscow we can do it, but there is no need to go India, also you can do it here.

One question. He is trying to ask too many questions.

Translator: Mataji, there is a question: if there are certain rules or methods of Sahaja Yoga used for the education of children’s schools and colleges.

Shri Mataji: Ya, we are starting now a very good school in India, but we already have schools in different places like Australia then we have one in Dharmsala, we have in Pathankot, we have one in Switzerland, one in Rome like that. But this for very small children just now but we will be having another school for children in India. It would be an ethanoic style of schooling and the children will be from all over the world.

Translator: Mataji, there is a question that: according to certain tradition in yoga, one should concentrate oneself on this third eye of Shiva and we are speaking about the heart. Doesn’t it mean necessarily that it would influence the harmony of the evolution.

Shri Mataji: It is an introduction for, you see because they did not know what was about, so they talked like that. But it is wrong. Absolutely wrong. You don’t have to concentrate. It just works spontaneously. It was all done thousands of years back. But now you are at a stage where you don’t have to do any more.

Translator: I like this question. Mataji, there is a question: as long as the most crucial moment or the most benefit you have one of your personal energy of Kundalini raise this up and gets into connection with all-pervading power. Thus, this all-pervading power has the Divine origin and has it any connection with the religion? Does it have certain religion sense in it?

Shri Mataji: No religion is Divine. They are all gone mad. They have nothing to do with reality. If reality, if you want it to call it Divine, alright. Otherwise, I am talking of reality. Call it by any name.

Translator: So, the question is as normally the preliminary stage of any yoga is Yama, Niyama phase.

Shri Mataji: Ha, that’s in the Patanjali alright. But now we are in a stage where you don’t need all that.

Translator: Mataji, there is a question, whom can you call your teacher?

Shri Mataji: My teacher?

Translator: Yes, who is your teacher? Can you give a name of your teacher. Some, if you have one.

Shri Mataji: No, I don’t have.

Translator: There is a question, if there ..., I said no by the way already. If there is any difference between Sahaja Yoga and Kundalini Yoga?

Shri Mataji: No, not at all. But you see, people are misusing this word Kundalini very much. There are many false people and they are using all this for making money, they want to make money you see. And you cannot make money, you cannot pay for it. It is spontaneous. Anybody who asks for money is a false person.

Translator: Mataji, there is a question: where you can get the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga in Moscow?

Shri Mataji: that’s just now.

Translator: There is a question that in September in the USSR certain conference is to be established whether Unclear () all over the union yoga association. Do you have an intention to join to be one of the participants or.,

Shri Mataji: No, no not at all. It’s going to be an independent thing.

Translator: There is a question that after, well with regard to the meeting to the conference to the program in Leningrad, did you foresee the results, the successful results of those programs in Leningrad and did you need a sort of restoration re-compensation of your own energy for the beautiful which you achieved?

Shri Mataji: I knew about Russians long time back. They are very wise people. Thanks to communism, they are not mad and stupid and idiotic like Americans. You are not conditioned; you don’t have ego. Also, now its time for you to see the ultimate freedom. Because without realization its difficult to bear the freedom. People go amok. Without realization you can’t bear money, and without realization you cannot bear power either. So, this is the right time for you to get your realization. I was really so much full of joy to see so many Leningrad people getting realization. This was the dream of Lenin who was a realized soul himself that he wanted to have stateless state. And realized people don’t need any state. You are just there.

Translator: Mataji, the question is: if the child has this brahmarandra open, is it possible to keep it open for the whole?

Shri Mataji: No no no no no no no no. It must be closed first. And then with the Kundalini it should be open. If it is left open then the child might become mad you see Unclear ().

Translator: Mataji, there is a question: if I cannot wait till the Sahaja Yoga center is established here, can I go to India and find you somewhere Unclear (there),

I will explain my reasoning

We have too many yogis who are just practicing yoga and they finish their life in the mad houses. In asylums.

Shri Mataji: No, ya I know I know, no no no don’t you worry, will start it very soon and then you are welcome in India

Translator: Mataji, there is a question that: you have been to the Unclear (USS, USSR) already several times and you have seen lots of Unclear (shola Tans) perhaps there are they as well,

Shri Mataji: What?

Translator: have you seen any real yogis here in the Soviet Union? An you name one of them?

Shri Mataji: One is here in just standing, we have so many, we have already so many, they know a lot about Sahaja Yoga, you all are going to be. It takes hardly any time. It just takes a ten-minutes at the most to reach there. Then to establish it at the most one month.

Translator: Mataji, they all are asking for practices. They are asking to stop questions and go to practice.

Shri Mataji: [Shri Mataji laughs] Alright, now, this lady has some special question?

Alright alright I will stop it after this. Alright?

Translator: There is a question: can you use the method of Sahaja Yoga, to show evil, for something evil? Unclear (can I be use it for evil?)

Shri Mataji: Of course, of course. When there is light, the darkness has to go away. Ya, automatically. Alright, alright. So anxious.

Translator: Shall we proceed? ok?

Shri Mataji: he is so anxious. Alright. Please please.

Translator: Do you need to become vegetarian first to help the raising of Kundalini?

Shri Mataji: Nothing, nothing of that kind. It’s only question of ten, fifteen minutes.

Alright, will have now. No no no, he doesn’t want it the gentle man there. Tomorrow will have questions. So anxious. Alright, sit down, sit down. Now let us have.

Translator: There is a funny question: in which dimensions you live now?

Shri Mataji: I

Translator: Yes

Shri Mataji: In every

What he is saying? He is so anxious

Translator: One question: perhaps its just to me because you may be not aware of something I do know about what he is going to ask.

Mataji, there was a very famous writer who used to write notes on science fiction

Shri Mataji: On?

Translator: On science fiction by name of Unclear () and he, he practiced some yoga, some Kundalini yoga but he died in a strange circumstance. I can tell him that I never heard of Unclear () as a writer practicing Kundalini ...

Shri Mataji: Forget them, forget them. You better get your realization my child.

They all mean all kinds of things, all mushrooms

Translator: Mataji, a personal question to you, can it be asked?

Shri Mataji: What is it? What did he say?

Translator: Could you express your attitude towards the ideas of swamy Sivananda and his ideas about Kundalini.

I said that you have to express yourself Unclear()

Shri Mataji: Forget it, forget it, forget it, forget it, forget it.

Now, you become Shivanand. In Moscow there are more questions than in Leningrad. Mental.

Translator: Mataji, there is a sort of philosophical question, you say that these generation of people is ready to, is ripen up to receive realization, what are the signs that they are ready. How can you judge that it is high time for them to receive it.

Shri Mataji: You see, like in the tree of life they were first one or two flowers, but today there are many. I can see them. It’s a blossom time. Already predicted thousands of years back. This is a blossom time. Also, I have a devised method by which so many can get realizations.

Translator: Mataji, they are asking for the practice. So, do stop the questions.

Shri Mataji: So, let us stop the questions. Whether I answer or not, the main thing is the actualization of Kundalini awakening by playing with words, its not going to work out. So, it’s no guarantee also. But it works out. I wanted you to ask me questions because sometimes this mind is like a monkey while we will be doing raising of the Kundalini, suddenly it will come out and say, why didn’t you ask the question. And it may stop your ascent. So, just to give you the vent, just to clear it out. It has no meaning at all and it has no relationship to your ascent. Because first state you achieve is thoughtless awareness. When you cross this center and then ultimately when you establish yourself, you are in doubtless awareness. Patanjali is described as Nirvichar Samadhi and then Nirvikalpa Samadhi. That’s what we have to achieve. That’s beyond thinking. Alright.

Now, very simple things we have to do which I will tell you before and then you have to close your eyes. Can you get some Sahaja Yogi to come in.

Translator: If any foreign Sahaja Yogi, please come here on the stage to help, just to show. David, could you please.

Shri Mataji: This is Doctor Spiro from UK. Now, we have to take out our shoes to have help from the Mother Earth. Keep quiet, keep quiet. Quiet.

Translator: No necessary for socks. Let it be there.

Shri Mataji: Because they are nylon socks, better to take them off. Alright? as you please. Now. Those who do not want to have their self-realization have to go out. Because it cannot be forced on you. We have to respect your freedom. And those who want definitely to have their self-realization should stay back. All of you have to follow the method and not to watch others. We have always watched others. Now it’s the time for us to watch ourselves. Now, there are two conditions. Very simple.

The first one is that you have to forget the past. Completely, entirely. That means you first of all forgive yourself and not to feel guilty at all. Because after all you are a human being and if you have made mistakes is alright. And this all-pervading power of love is the ocean of forgiveness. And you cannot commit any mistake which cannot be dissolved by that. So, you have to be self-confident. I mean to say you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. And remember that you are at the epitome of evolution.

Now, the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone. If you don’t forgive, then it’s a mental activity. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then mentally you torture yourselves and play into wrong hands. So, forgive everyone. Forgive everyone. Its very important otherwise this center is narrow, it doesn’t open. And you are not going to miss your self-realization for that.

Now, you have to put your left-hand towards me because it represents your desire. Because this is the power of desire, and also represents your desire to have self-realization. The right-hand is represents the power of action. So, you have to just put your left-hand like this, don’t do close your eyes just now.

Now, first put your right-hand on your heart because the Spirit resides in your heart. Then you have to put your right-hand on the upper part of your abdomen, on the left-hand side., will be working only on the left-hand side. This is the center of your mastery. Guru is not a very good word these days. All the horrible gurus are there. So, now, you have to put your right-hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge, which manifests on your central nervous system, which means in Sanskrit language we call it as ‘Bodha’ or ‘Prateeti’. Prateeti – something like precious. Prateeti. And also, is called as Vidha from the where the word Veda has come. Now, then take your back again your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and then in the (Shri Mataji asking to the person in the audience: you are not doing? Put left hand like this. Ya. Properly. This gentleman doesn’t want to do? Then he should leave. Yeah. He is obstinate.)

Translator: He said that when he brought, when bought his ticket, he was not asked for that. He was not asked for that.

Shri Mataji: then please don’t disturb others and please go away. You shouldn’t disturb others. They all wanted you don’t want. Please.

Translator: He says that he would Unclear () directly in his technique, in his own technique.

Shri Mataji: then he should go na, he should go, he should not disturb others. Please. Please. Please. Please. Thank you. Thank you very much. Please. Please.

Alright, now, don’t get disturbed. Its alright. Is meant only for seekers. Alright. So now you raise again your hand on your heart, and then you have to take your right-hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and push it back as much as you can and then you have to turn your head to your right. Now this is the center which is blocked when you feel guilty. It is very dangerous to feel guilty because if it blocking, you get horrible diseases like Anjana, like spondylitis. Now, you have to take your hand across on your forehead. You need not write; nobody need write anything. Tell them not to write. Some people are writing. Its very simple. Its very simple. Now, just put down your head, on it let it rest and press it hard on both the sides. This is the center of forgiveness. Now the other side of this center is you have to put your right-hand on back side of your head and push back your head on it. This is the center where you have to ask for forgiveness. But without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes. Now, you have to stretch your head(hand). And please bend your head and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area. Put down your head and push back your fingers and move it seven times. That’s all we have to do. But you have to really push back your fingers to get pulsation.

Now, we close our eyes. Put it off this. No need to have lights. No no need what is there? later on when they raise their hands can be, you see because the light disturbs the attention. No, extinguish. Extinguish the light. Keep quiet. Keep quite will put it off. Ya ya its alright, its alright. Now, take it easy. Now, please close your eyes. Put both feet apart from each other. Put your left-hand towards me, right-hand on your heart. And be comfortable. Don’t bend or don’t be too straight. Just simple. Ya. Now close your eyes. Here now on your heart you ask me a question three times. Please say in your heart, you call me Shri Mataji or you can call me Mother, ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ ask this question three times. Now if you are the Spirit, you are your master. (Shri Mataji addressing to the translator: Loud, loud. You must speak loudly, but they don’t listen...) Alright. So, you put your hand now on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. This is the center of your mastery. So, now here you again ask me a question in your heart: ‘Mother am I my own master?’ Now, again I would say that I cannot cross over your freedom. I respect it. So, I cannot force pure knowledge on you. Now, put your hand on your abdomen on the left-hand side in the lower portion and press it hard. Here, you have to ask for pure knowledge, so please say six times as this center has got six petals. ‘Mother, please give me pure knowledge’. When you say this the Kundalini starts raising. Now, to help Her move, we have to nourish the higher centers with our self-confidence. So, now you have to raise your right-hand on to the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard and here you have to say with full confidence ten times ‘Mother, I am my own master’ say it with full confidence. Now we have to know we are not this body, we are not this mind, we are not these emotions. We are not this intellect. We are not these conditionings and this ego. Because you always say my emotions, my ego. We don’t say I ego or I emotions. So, we are the pure Spirit. So, please put your right-hand on your heart. With full confidence here you have to say twelve times: ‘Mother, I am the Spirit’. As I have already told you that the Divine power is the ocean of love and compassion – the all-pervading power. It is the ocean of bliss and joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you have committed, it can dissolve it. So, now please put your hand in the corner of your neck and your (and shoulder and turn) your head as far back as possible and turn your head to your right. And turn back your head to your right. Here now with full confidence please say sixteen times: ‘Mother I am not guilty at all’. Whatever you have done, forget it. I have already told you that you have to forgive everyone. I have already told you that you have to forgive everyone. And it’s a mental activity which tortures you. It is a self-inflicting and is of no existence. So please forgive everyone. Now, put your right-hand on your forehead across and press it hard. Bend your head press it on both the sides. Now, here you have to say: ‘Mother I forgive everyone’. Please do not count whom you have to forgive. Also don’t think about them. Its not how many times, but from your heart just say. Take back your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here now, without counting your mistakes, without thinking you are guilty, you just have to say for your own satisfaction that ‘O all-pervading power, if I have done anything wrong, please forgive me’. This too from your heart. Now, stretch your hand and put the center of your palm on top of your head. Be careful put it properly on the soft bone you had in childhood. Please push back your fingers. Put down your head. Again here, I cannot cross over your freedom. So, you have to ask for self-realization in the glory of your freedom. So, now, so please ask seven times: ‘Mother, please give me self-realization’ and move your scalp with force, with pressure seven times clock-wise.

Now, please take down your hands, open your eyes. Put both the hands like this. Now put down your head. Put the right-hand like this, and with the left-hand please see if there is a cool breeze is coming out of your head. Now, please put your left-hand towards me, don’t doubt. Don’t doubt it’s coming from your head only. Bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming, may be some heat might come out. Might be some heat coming out. Doesn’t matter. It can be near or away. Now, you can put again once this right-hand and see. Now, push back your hands like this and bend back your head and ask a question three times: ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the all-pervading living power of love?’ ask three times. Now, bring down your hands please. All those, please watch me without thinking. You can do. Now, all those who are felt cool breeze on their finger-tips or out of their head or even hot please raise both your hands. The whole of Moscow. May God bless you all. May God bless you all. Now all this has happened without thinking about it. So, enjoy the peace. Don’t discuss it. Don’t argue it out. Be in the silence now. Alright? but if you want to meet me, I could meet you till eleven O clock I could be here, come and shake hands with me. And tomorrow again I would like you to come here.

Translator: Please keep them, keep them one by one. Unclear () could you help me with translation please.

Moscow (Russia)

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